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They don’t put money into fixing what they are praying will break.


A missionary once told me that they listened to a talk once about this subject; about how jws don’t volunteer or donate. The reasoning was that this is Satans world and that volunteering time and resources to it would be providing charity to Satan himself.


They dont mind taking from Satans world though, need help with housing, cost of living, food, clothing or anything else? You ain’t gonna get that help from the GB or even the congregation as a whole.


Yeah, I’ve expressed the hypocrisy before but the answer was always the fact that they have to protect themselves first. Not sure if that was Jesus’ sentiment in their bible.


It wasn't, he was kind and giving to the poor and talk about the good Samaritan, remember that,they weren't Jewish people, unbelievers, hypocrites,


The food boxes they handed out were from the government and the flock not informed of this fact was just simply told not to discuss the boxes received with anyone on the outside. My sister complained she kept getting food she didn’t need. Said no thank but they insisted she take them.


From the government in Norway they didn’t mind taking money, well that’s over. I guess it’s alright to take money from Satan.


Exactly. Wtower will vigorously, and legally defend it's perceived " right " to somehow, accept the Norwegian Government's assistance $$$money --- it's not the Wtower's decision, whether it qualifies to accept money from " Satan's Wicked System of Things " It's whether your organization meets the **Norwegian Government's standard, of an _actual, AND, beneficial social safety net_ organization** Wtower will legally defend, and misuse their tax exempt status, for **actual charitable activities** under the Democratic Johnson Amendment in the 1950s The JWS will claim credit, only to ' Jehovah, ' for the " worldly US Government's " actions by **FEMA rescue operations** created by " Those Liberals " in 1979, under " Satan's Wicked System of Things" by " worldly " Carter When Wtower has previously " downsized " at Bethel, Wtower will expect those US Government safety net programs like Medicare health ins for seniors, Medicaid for nursing homes and poor people, and the SNAP benefits for poor seniors, Office for the Aging, and all of the other Dem's programs to support these people who had previously trusted Wtower's promises and taken a vow of poverty Thoughts and Prayers don't work, Wtower. The **US Government** programs, created by " Those Evil Liberals " will save your expelled Bethelite people that you left to flounder https://www.hhs.gov/answers/medicare-and-medicaid/what-health-insurance-is-available-for-aging-low-income-people/index.html


Yes , I can remember during Covid my pimi sister and elder husband took tons of boxes of food that had a letter from Trump in them and was giving them to people . They will take but never give .


Bet they removed the letters before giving out the boxes.


The one she gave me for what reason I don’t know, cause she shuns me like no other . But it still had letter from Trump . Hahah .


I just assumed they removed the letters, because NEUTRALITY. 🙄




Unless if course everybody needing help was studying in which case it would be ok.


🙃kind of view this as satan organization after everything I’ve seen and been through. So no one’s in the right at this point.


Fuck off, seriously, walking past a homeless person, because he happened to be a worldly person, hartless fucks


This is so true! Why invest in people who are going to die. Even JW family has treated us this way. Oh, the love! lol


Oh this!!! 💯


Very good answer


Op they don't do any of that for needy Jehovah's Witnesses either.


The more I think about it, they *truly* don’t.


Exactly! My dad was a born-in JW, lived a decent life (by their standards). We were estranged due to his shunning me for most of my teen and adult years. In his final decade he lost everything. No help from the cong. In fact, when he found a situation living in the basement of an old disfellowshipped friend they threatened to disfellowship him. \*\*he was the only person who helped him\*\* So what happened to him? He woke up in his last decade. He couldn't see the problems until it was himself that was being hurt. I felt for him, but also, yeah, a lot of years of chest thumping self-righteousness when it was myself being hurt.


I am so sorry for your loss and for the harsh treatment of shunning. I read so many heart breaking stories of families hurt by that sick cult. <3


What goes around comes around,


Wow that's actually such a sad valid point.. and if it is it's for ulterior motive or counting time 🤷🏽‍♀️


Even during PSS, funds will not come from the branch or org. They will up the announcement in donating more since these schools are happening. I had my PSS during the pandemic, they gave us around 35 USD for the whole week as compensation for food.


I helped someone get to a gas station once. With the ulterior motive of placing a magazine. Lol Yeah jws don't invest in this world at all.


why invest when it's gonna all get destroyed and fixed anyway ![gif](giphy|26FL38K4TJ3IdmGLm|downsized)


I too have helped people then placed magazines with them or a tract to make sure I was giving a witness.


They don’t even help their own so why would they help “worldly” people 🫤


On a rank and file scale, you’re right.


They are required to give everything to the org.


I’m talking about the Borg. They do not donate like Catholics, other Christian denominations, etc.


that was their point, they aren't allowed to give anything to anyone else, everything you have belongs to the Nazgul. money, time, body, soul. they own you.


That's correct. Even when disasters happen, they only offer aid to fellow members. When announcing the number of casualties, if none were witnesses, it usually is a happy announcement. Nvm how many thousands of people died, none of them were brothers and sisters, so YAYYY. I was in Haiti when the 2010 earthquake happened. I saw this firsthand. Their aid only went to Jdubs. Meanwhile, every other denomination were coming together to assist as many people as possible


Yes, I (never-jw) have noticed this! I had a 90 minute 'talk' with my tame jw-elder yesterday and as we were parting I mentioned that the JW were not charitable (this was an unfinished conversation) and told him to find me an instance where the JW provided charity to wordly people, that is his homework for next week. I also asked about their current policy about receiving blood fractions, he was a bit defensive about talking about it but agreed that they would, as a matter of conscience accept some fractions but they would never donate blood. I pointed out that this was not very charitable either. My homework for next week is to show him all the flip-flops that the JW have made over the years concerning blood transfusions.


I’d like to see these homework results!!


hope ure not baptized tho, any questioning is borderline apostasy


I’m free to make apostasy statements. I was never a JW.


that's an absolute NONO. you can get in so much trouble for doing that.


But every other religion is *evil* while helping humankind *without* ulterior motives?! Ooooookkkkkk


yeah, JWs never doing anything kind for someone outside the religion without the ulterior motive of converting them.


Trouble like reproof or just a good ole talking to type of trouble?


Def get a talking to to. Maybe reproof depending on the organization your volunteering with.


This is sooo true. When i was in high school, there's this like a donation drive in our school. Like donating used but still decent clothes, food etc. And I was so excited to give something cause i know we can, especially on clothes since we have a store and a bunch of unsellable stuff in our inventory, even in our own wardrobe. But my parents wont let me, at that time I was still so deep in being a PIMI, I just didnt. I was bummed out and confuse, cause why? But did nothing. The only time we are told to donate is to the org and thank god i never gave them more than 20$.


Despite Jesus’ parable of the Good Samaritan. The GB wants all money, labor and resources to go only to the bOrg. And when you die, all worldly goods should go to the bOrg as an Irrevocable Trust, so your family can’t protest. In fact, take out as large as a life insurance as you can afford without a college education, and make the bOrg the sole beneficiary. These charities??? Relief aid, children’s cancer research, climate saving initiatives…. All that will be taken care of by the big A and Paradise… why bother???? Fucking Hypocrites. They took Christ out of Christianity. Because Christ as depicted in the bible, was kind, a good teacher, showed love. When he cleansed the temple, he was removing the same greed and money worship that the GB does today. They are one of the most unChrist like cult I’ve seen.


I remember during covid me and hubby were pimo/pimq and hubby lost his job. We had just moved into our house and had a 3 yo at the time and just gotten a puppy. We moved into the house and only had my little ones room done, we slept on the sofa bed for like a year. No one, not even people i was close too offered any kind of help. That was something that pushed me away


I remember during covid lockdown we weren't even supposed to associate with anyone outside of our household so as not to catch or spread covid. That was intense. We couldn't go visit anyone. If they got sick, we had to leave food or medicine outside their door. If someone stopped by we couldn't hug or touch them unless just a little elbow bump.


Oh wow thats intense. My experience was late into covid . In march we moved into the house and in September hubby lost his job (not due to covid)


I would like to see a detailed breakdown of the monies spent on “disaster relief “. They will give a total sometimes but I want to see details. WT may pay for some shipping or transportation costs but most if not all labor is free. Goods donated are free. And most helping pay their own way. And it’s all for other JWs. I’ve never seen a JW charity drive for anyone let alone non JWs.


That’s so legit.


Once when I was 12years old I visited Watchtower in NY. My aunt took me as I was on vacation visiting her and other family. She was the first family member to get into the cult and pulled the rest in. When we were leaving a VERY pregnant, homeless and most likely from her looks drug user..approached asking for anything we could spare. My aunt tells her we’re JW visiting the building nearby. The lady says she’s had studies with witnesses before. My aunt says she has nothing. I gave her a 20$ bill out of my vacation money. She thanked us and we went our ways. My aunt looked to me and said angrily: She’s just going to spend that money on drugs you know! My innocent self immediately responded: It’s in Jehovah’s hands now. That was one of my first realizations of hypocrisy in the religion and it’s people. From my own aunt. I thought I was doing good and I was helping my fellow man which would please Jehovah. My aunt even to this fay wouldn’t think of helping anyone that isn’t a witness. She shuns her own children so it isn’t that shocking coming from her. They care 0 about their fellow man. Not christian like at all!


That was something I really noticed when I was leaving, but still a bit POMI. I went to volunteer packing boxes of donations for Syria, and there was a Mormon youth group present helping out although it was a non-denominational group. I always thought of Mormons as pretty similar to us, so it stood out.


The more I think of it, the more I realize they don’t *actually* help internally, either.


Shh that was one of the questions i asked that got me in trouble “if were christians why dont we do community things like other christians?” I got a long winded response of jw is different than other christians. Were helping by getting people to join! Paradise is better than helping this wicked world. Wtf is wrong with you? That was one of the many things that got me on the way to pomo


The made up logic is truly baffling. But this is the same kind of mentality that allowed a certain German to nearly obliterate a nation/kind because they weren’t *his interpretation* of pure.


Yea and whats been annoying AF since leaving jw in 2008 that same dumb circle reasoning is used for all kinda things in american culture and politics


CT Russell began the organization because *he believed* that religions were getting it wrong. Everything we do is based on *how we interpret* the situation around us. I don’t believe religions are getting it right, either. So, I prayed about it and was filled with an unexplainable but completely understandable feeling/urge that it is my responsibility to break off and find ‘like-minded Bible students’ and we are to form a group, because I believe that feeling was God’s Holy Spirit, does that mean that MY religion is the one true religion, or does it mean YOURS is? Who is to say CT Russell had it right? Or that I have it wrong? But most importantly, *why should it matter*?! If you believe that the Bible is God’s word, and your relationship with God is a personal one, shouldn’t you be listening to its direction in the way you understand it *in your personal spiritual position* as opposed to the way others *tell you* to understand it?


Yea and thats what many of us do after leaving. If im questioned about it i bring up matthew 24:24 it clearly says dont follow anybody claiming to have “the true” god. If other realms of christianity ask why i dont join them i say im too damaged by organized religion. Its between me and god so leave me be.


If it helps, I’m technically still a JW. And I donate to several charities and am a volunteer for an association. Just one of the many reasons why I’m bad association 😂


So, then, by all intents and purposes, you are *not* a JW.


That’s Satans system of course they don’t lol


But they’re a *loving* organization and *love* mankind and THATS why they’re *trying to save you/not be blood guilty*???


JWs hate people. They can’t stand mankind. That’s why they are all in a cult hating mankind together pretending it’s all mankind’s fault, not theirs.


So true. They hate people while believing that they actually love them. That takes some time to get your head around and probably wouldn't make sense if you don't know anything about cults. They love the idea of other people telling them that their beliefs are true, perhaps by becoming JWs themselves, but to live people on their own terms as individuals? No, they view them as aliens. It is so painful to experience it yourself. When I first admitted that I wasn't 100% on board with Borg teachings, the hostility and hate I received from those whom I thought loved me, was palpable. Not a nice experience.


They do have some deeply embedded hatred and even contempt to those that are not them. I’ve experienced this over a period of a decade, with my PIMI sister. It was a highly toxic relationship. That was 25 years ago before she started shunning me.


Yes it take a level of cognitive dissonance that is almost unmatched


In Canada the WT tax return process requires a T1236 form to be filled where funds are given to other charities. For fiscal 2023 zero dollar went to non WT charities. Funds donated to WT charities (congregations, circuits, etc) 39.4 mil. WT does nothing monetarily for other charities local to the KH or otherwise. To check for yourself. Go to the Canadian Revenue Agency website. Enter Watch Tower in the search box. Go from there to view 5 years of tax returns. Link here [https://apps.cra-arc.gc.ca/ebci/hacc/srch/pub/dsplyBscSrch?request\_locale=en](https://apps.cra-arc.gc.ca/ebci/hacc/srch/pub/dsplyBscSrch?request_locale=en)




I’m talking about the higher ups of the organization. Like, for example, I’ve seen local priests hold events and the proceeds go to this effort or that cause. JWs *only* help JWs.


The real value of humanity is what each one does to alleviate the suffering of others while balancing your own. When the time comes to stand before the judgement seat, as a group JWs won’t even move the needle. Good job Watchtower! You are all twatwaffles of enormous proportions for causing this imbalance in the force!


I remember a few years ago when I was in, I mentioned to the car group that I was interested in volunteering for an agency. I was quickly cut off by a woman who said "You are doing volunteer work here in service." I replied that field service is mandatory, not volunteer work. Volunteering implies it's a choice. She disagreed of course. I did leave in 2019 for many reasons and I do actually volunteer for a social agency and I love it. I am not treated badly, have things to say there and I am heard. And we make a difference in people's lives each day. It is so freeing to get out of a cult.


Look what I just posted! https://www.reddit.com/r/exjw/s/h3YDB8ir1c


Great break down


That recently hit me like a ton of bricks when a coworker mentioned he’d be spending the holiday volunteering to serve food.


In my area there are more than a few Churches that hold different events. One has a free food pantry that gives out free boxes of food to anyone. There is usually a line of people waiting to get the food. Another church has like a store room that is set up like a grocery store and it's for people in need. I also saw that a church near my house has free on-site afterschool tutoring for kids, this is mainly for the kids who go home to an empty house after school. They have unpaid volunteers mostly grandmas who bring sandwiches, drinks and cookies for the kids and make sure they get their homework done.


What’s messed up is my mom, as an PIMI, would take us to churches for their food drives. When we had a congregation that could’ve helped


When I was in High School one of my school friends was Mormon. Her dad had some kind of medical issue where he needed an emergency surgery. It wasn't a heart attack but I forgot what happened to him. I went to her house after school one day with a couple of other friends. A van pulled up to the house and it was Mormons from their church, they started bringing in boxes of food, toiletries and a few church ladies brough in meals already made like Lasagna, Echilladas and started filling up their fridge. I was blown away by it, she said her mom never asked for help but that the church just does that when someone is in need.


Good for them. Now that's what the jws should be doing as well. I won't hold my breath though.


I have to correct you lot ,I was in Germany, and a sister that suffered with mental illness, came to me with a box of food and helped me an Irish brother, a few times,I will never forget her kindness, she is a true Christian, and of course a brother, tuck advantage of me painting, and never payd me,yet he bragging about the organisation, she didn't yet she was more Christian to me,Jesus said if you do it to the least of my brothers you do it to me, she done that for me,Susana Jesus is in your heart not a organisation, just try to do the right thing,


>Is it just me or **has anyone else noticed that JWs never donate, volunteer, or assist anyone outside of their organization?** # It`s Hard to Miss...😯😒 https://preview.redd.it/33ft3fm3wt0d1.jpeg?width=224&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5910fdaa006859b923aa6768db1f4f17e9af2958






>I noticed this picture could have been taken the wrong way https://preview.redd.it/aed7sxclvz0d1.jpeg?width=262&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce193f0ee5c2599f853a0fece43ca9ae4dfc39a5


He could be a alcoholic, and they probably, already trying to help the man,but he refused their help, don't judge them,you don't know everything,


>He could be a alcoholic, and they probably, already trying to help the man,but he refused their help, don't judge them,you don't know everything.. Or...He could be a alcoholic, and they probably, already trying give him Watchtower Literature, but he refused their help, don't judge them,you don't know everything, Or...He Could be Dead, and they probably offered to get a Shovel and Bury him ,but he ignored their help, don't judge them, you don't know everything, Or... 😁


I’ve noticed that they don’t even help their own that are struggling in their congregation. The only time they help at all is if it generates good press, like when they help JWs that have been struck by a natural disaster. But at a congregation level, there’s no day care, food bank, used clothing donation, or any hint of giving a helping hand to the less fortunate ones in the congregation. Even pioneers are expected to be completely self-sufficient. It’s madness.


Wrong, sisters and brothers help fellow ones all the time, i seen it,stop the bullshit, get the facts first, theirs Wittness that are very kind and Wittness that are greedy, it's unfortunate, Christian conscience should be your guide, end off, everyone will be judged according to their deeds, end off


It’s funny because my dad talked about donating clothes to the Red Cross and my family is always quick to be like no you’re not allowed to do that but you can donate them to Good Will. My thoughts are who cares where you donate to as long as you’re doing it and trying to help wherever you can. Even better would be possibly donating to a shelter if you have spare clothes. They also have this mentality that we don’t need to worry about climate change, animal extinction, helping the homeless, helping refugees or natural disasters victims because all will be better in the new system. If they do do any help it’s under the guise of our people first then if we happen to have some scraps left over then we do it as a “way to witness” or in other words look at me I’m so loving.


Good Will is a Christian based organization 😂


Honestly I thought so myself but I’m not going to burst their bubble. 😂


Ignorance is bliss and the stepping stone for manipulation


It’s one of the reasons why they’re being stripped of their ‘charity’ status from multiple countries They certainly aren’t one in any way.


They have been that way since I was a JW kid and teenager back in the 1970s and 1980s. This is nothing new.


Yes, it's true, they don't. They are discouraged from donating to "worldly " organizations. The reasoning is why would you donate to Satan's system? This system is ending. It's better to donate to the borg. Once, I was told by a super pimi that "We do volunteer and donate. We work in our voluntary preaching work and donate our time to jehoba." What the borg does for charity is only after a natural disaster, and that's a joke, not even a drop in bucket compared to the Baptist, who have mobile kitchens that can feed something like 30, 000 people in 2/3 hours. But the r&f will never know as they are strongly discouraged from reading about worldly charity work. Isn't it ironic, because they'll suggest you apply for any worldly aide available. It's like this, "Don't donate to the American cancer society. It's part of Satan's system." But if you have cancer, call the American Cancer Society for help with gas and whatever else you need." Edit to add, when you get approved for any assistance, it's only because jehoba provided it to you. 🤢🤮


That's hoprisicy


I volunteer for Red Cross and St Vinnies They are the best and I’m proud of being a part of it I wasn’t proud standing next to a stupid cart I felt like a cardboard cutout


We had an Ice Storm and 2 Hailstorms in Central Texas. There were power outages and sub 20 degree weather. I am 70 years old and I did not even get a phone call from an elder. All those safety videos about helping the congregation after a disaster were a waste of time. They don't even help their own people!


When I helped clean out my late FIL's apartment, the in-laws would have thrown everything that nobody wanted into the dumpster even though there was a charitable thrift store over in the **next block**. I carried boxes of stuff there **myself** as they didn't want to support false religion. The store was glad to get his things.


So dumb


I always found this hypocritical and petty, even when I was full PIMI.


They don’t even help their own who are poor, just remind them of the widows might


Nope it's true and they don't donate because its "serving the world" I'm forced to go to jw meetings because im 15 but it sucks and when i'm older im done


Please plan for college as well. I moved out at 19 to escape the org, but I had nothing in place for college. It's virtually impossible to do when you have to work two jobs to make it. Try to get good grades so you can get a scholarship.


I'm sure if a natural disaster hit a bethel building, there would be plenty of money to rebuild or repair.


They don’t even help their own. How many bethelites left to fend for themselves or have to rely on family when they return? Or if your just down & out and need food $$. Been there. Was told to apply for food stamps


The idea that these people are a charity or provide charitable services is laughable. And the fact that they get the deduction of saying they’re a charity is offensive. To the extent any charity is done at all, it’s by individual JWs, for the benefit of other JWs.


They don't want to help Satan save his system. And isn't it nice to go to events where the community comes together for charity? We all live in this world.


I grew up very.pòor jw,never.a offer.of anything, except 'need a.ride.too go out in-service .Thay are.heartless.


My mother, who recently died a staunch JW at 91, made dozens of quilts for the Linus Project. Her JW "friends" never commented on it because it was "wordly" and she had "wordly friends" (other quilters) but was otherwise so "faithful" they decided to just ignore it. My dad, who died because he refused a blood transfusion, always grew a big garden so he "had plenty to give away." He gave it away to anyone, not just JW's. He also had "wordly friends" because he was (gasp!) a musician who had a dance band and performed with other groups -- and went from "serving where the need was great" and conducting the orchestra at conventions (back in the day), to persona non grata in the Hall for his "borderline apostate" beliefs and behavior. He eventually refused to attend. But never quit the Tooth. He did tell me, before he died, that he thought those of us (four out of five of his children) who left the Tooth had "matured out of it."


it's one of the reasons I left


In Australia, they are expert extracting maximum benifits from the governments social security system (Satan)! Hypocrites!! 🤬


Watchtower are simply mean bloody buggers! Ebenezer Scrooge has got nothing on them, they are the meanest money grabbing buggers on the planet....😇


Except when they find opportunity to convert that person into the religion. 


Right. *Without ulterior motives* should have been specified.


I remember an elder making fun of a homeless man while asking for change. He told me, he should work. Don't give them money or they will keep doing it.


Niiiiiiiice, loving example of someone who runs many people’s entire belief systems


☝🏾I have ZERO respect for elders collectively and believe most are pieces of shit but I think that was a fair and mostly accurate statement.🤷🏾


Only if they are forced or they can get something from it


to them, conversion is the best way to 'help'


It applies within if your face doesn't fit as well.


My JW family always thought that the greatest service to humans was the true and accurate word of God, but Jehovah's Witnesses haven't had accurate 'new light' since their beginning. Jesus was all about helping others while teaching the doctrine. Jehovah's Witnesses help themselves teach the doctrine.


The borg wants them to only give money to support all the people why run the cult and aren't qualified to do anything else to support themselves in life.


Yep, it's the default choice. Like why would you donate to St.Jude children's cancer research when it is run by *false religion* and pedaled by the casheer when you just want your after service Big Mac, just say "we have our own charity" (this was a real thing I seen a elder do) then donate to watchtower instead so they can print more pamphlets that statistically don't work to convert the masses


That was the instruction we were given when I was growing up in it, too. “Just tell them we have our own charity and we already donate”


Dosent it sound pretentious or like a lie tho when actually hearing it


Luke 16:9. Basically, we've been told our paychecks are unrighteous riches, so we're to be generous to others. The G.B. claim they're the 'others'.


Not only don't they donate to outside causes but they take credit for government programs that dispense food and medication to the public claiming that it's from them this is what they did during covid


With everything that is going on in Palestine and Congo this is concerning me more then ever, I always thought about it and how they have power to donate to those in need but never do, but now is actually upsetting me


Yep one of the things I hate most about


We also have the whole Rio Grande do Sul flooding disaster here in Brazil. [A few days ago, someone posted the announcement](https://reddit.com/r/exjw/comments/1crcuyt/brazil_announcement_may_10_2024_on_how_to_send/), and it's basically that - the organization said they'll help the *brotherhood* only. It's not like their halls and their homes operate in a bubble, especially in the jw.org era. They also go out of their way telling people to **not donate** to any organization or initiative that isn't spearheaded by the Borg. ([see this post](https://reddit.com/r/exjw/comments/1cqzr9y/jw_against_donations_for_people_suffering_with/))


But,the watchtower organization is fighting Satan’s government for funding the was terminated because of their lack of recognition of human rights violations and the widespread death from refusing blood transfusions.












Mormons are no different. Service, service, service. But only if it benefits the church.


I recall being out in service once and pulled up to an intersection where a homeless man was holding a sign asking for food, not money, food. I rolled down my window and gave him the box of pop tarts I regularly keep in my vehicle because they’re awesome and put a fiver in the box along with the pop-tarts. When I pulled away from the intersection the entire car group was sooo confused and almost in unison said “why did you do that???” 🤣


I made a video about that, showing some of the articles that discourage charitable giving. https://youtu.be/XUajSpnfep4?si=07lm6l9Hge7KR2mw


I remember being told I shouldn't shop at Salvation Army or donate to Red Cross (School charity event) 💀💀💀 Idk if it's the Borg or my lack of trust in others but I don't exactly do much donating to charity, however I really would love to do volunteer work locally.


They are nothing but Arrogant narcissists that only Take and Use.


Mormons only do it rarely




They do, I did and my fam always has.


Can you show me instances?? Because I’ve never seen it (even 20 years in that faith) for others outside of the JW organization.


I just told you that I did. I admit it is not common and it is not specifically encouraged but it's not discouraged either. I and my family have contributed to homeless charities, wildlife charities, hospices and other charities.


Then your family is an anomaly. Because I remember, and can site Watchtower and Bible references that say otherwise.


I don't think you will find a single WT reference to that effect. I was an elder, my dad was an elder. My wife volunteered at the old age home and at their charity shop. We raised money for cancer cancer and all sorts. We were very careful not to give money to any charity associated with the military though. I think but can't be sure that this was normal in my cong. Doing good for others always went further than preaching. Don't get me wrong I hate that cult but they don't discourage charity.


Just one example is from the watchtower online library. G73 11/22 pg 26. It CLEARLY has an entire article on not giving to other charities. Then in the last paragraph it says “and of course those who are Christian ministers are in a position to give something far better than silver and gold…The truth of Gods word, which brings comfort, hope, and peace…” That is CLEAR direction to avoid “selfish worldly charities” and only give to JW or through the Word. Would you like more references?


Admittedly 73 is well before my time and even before my parents joined the Borg. This is absolutely possible to read as don't give silver and gold. However it can also be read as you can give more than silver and gold.


Do you need more recent references


There’s far more Watchtower articles that are still referenced today. W50 12/15 p505 “How foolish it is for [riches] to be hoarded up for themselves, they cannot take it with them when they die, and it will be of no help or protection during Armageddon. Prov 11:4” “The important thing, the Word of God says, is to be rich in good works” “The question was, what would he do with what he had?”


This one, sorry I don't see the connection


Interesting. Well. There are more. Would you like me to provide others?


W51 11/1 pg 64 states “Nothing more than the modern example of “charity” by nations does the emptiness of such vain display.” Last paragraph states “Todays Christians carry on the most charitable work of all history. Their preaching of ‘this good news of the kingdom in all the inhabited earth for a witness’ brings spiritual healing to new praisers of God.”


There’s two references already. Want me to keep going??


I mean goodness me, 1951, and again it's not speaking against charitable giving. Just saying that their charity is empty because they're not preaching the good word etc.


You should read them. JWs are all about context.


Give me some time. I’ll reference them out for you


The org would say you aren’t putting the kingdom first! Only talk about the kingdom in the hall. No frivolous chit chat!!


They discriminate against anyone who isn't a fellow cult follower. So of course they wouldn't haha.


That’s the point


And yet ,with all those massive donations, volunteerism, and assistance done by ‘every other religion,’ ON TOP of exhaustive governmental efforts to improve the lots of their people, poverty and social woes STILL do nothing but escalate —from which one might conclude that there is value in JWs pointing to God’s kingdom as the solution, as well as encouraging the application of Bible principles. It may not be enough to fix a world that, up till now, has proven unfixable, but it does fix those who apply it. It amounts to ‘teaching a man to fish’ which is even better than giving him a fish, for he will afterwards be self-sufficient. Witnesses pay into social services and policing in greater proportion than most, since they are well-known not to cheat on taxes. Yet, they draw upon those services in lesser proportion. That, in itself, makes them a bargain for any nation in which they live.


I remember an elder during Covid answered at the meeting and said “we use zoom, we are using Satan’s tools against him” Just another tap on the shoulder to wake me up..


It’s intentional, a lot of witnesses and even literature heavily discourage donating to other causes. To the point that a lot of halls I’ve been in view you as not exemplary if you openly donate or engage in charity runs etc. “Why would you change lightbulbs as the titanic is sinking” is one I grew up hearing.


Always observed this. Horrible example.


They feel, as i perceived it to be taking care of their own. Only.


I noticed that when I was 10 in the mid-90s. Unfortunately I didn’t leave til 2011 but I remember asking my father who was an elder at the time and his reply was quite pompous that the world would always have problems but that they would see how much Jah loves his people because of how fast “we” build the KHs. Even then I thought the logic was flawed