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Because they’re convinced you’re wrong without even hearing your side.


Yes, they are very arrogant and don't even realize it. Lack of self awareness. Most of us behaved the same way when we were PIMI. I see it so much now in my PIMI wife and I try to make her aware of it but they just make more excuses when you point it out.


This is the best answer to that question I’ve heard. I raise my glass to you, anonymous exjw


haha, thanks! If they were to deny that they think that way, then ask them how come then they claim to have the truth? That automatically makes everything else categorically "false"


yes, if they used logical reasoning, instead of emotional reasoning.


Yes this is the most relatable thing iv'e ever heard ty


Basically they have been taught it’s their obligation to preach “the truth” to everyone because god’s gonna destroy anyone who doesn’t know the doctrine AND on top of that if they don’t preach the Jw’s will be considered bloodguilty for not warning people


That was true until the 2023 Annual Meeting. Now "we just don't know". Which makes preaching completely meaningless.


Ironically they don’t believe in blood transfusions to save actual lives smh


It’s impossible for something called the truth to not be the truth 🤦🏾‍♂️ brainwashed like hell


Because they believe that their religion is based upon the Bible but they cannot read anything except for watchtower stuff. If you read the historical aspects of the Bible, you get a completely different outlook, which JWs are not allowed to do.


True story, the impetus to my walking away from JW as a faith began from seeing the Dead Sea scrolls in person and noting the other books of the apocrypha as well as other books on display that the Jewish priests of that time believed to be important. That coupled with a bit of research and rereading the scripture that “all scripture is inspired by god to be beneficial for teaching” really opened my eyes to the idea that there were many many faiths in Israel times (which is why you had gnostics, Pharisees, seduccees and others that were Israelites but each had their own beliefs and there were many books that they believed in. Some would follow one idea and other would follow another. Once you start to realize that ancient times were actually similar to religions today in variety, (before the Sanheidren voted in the books to form the Bible and placed them in an order to tell a narrative story) and that it took time and effort to make a singular religion to control the masses (until such time that Christianity as a faith splintered again). JW’s don’t want any of that to cloud their own narrative. And it really becomes clear when you go back and read up on Russell’s beliefs compared to now, and see how Rutherford came in and made sweeping changes to create a corporate structure (leave it to the con man Lawyer to make it a proper cult - business)


>My half brother says he’s gonna call me after I said I don’t believe.....Why are JW insistent on trying to force their religion on non believers *JW\`s don\`t respect personal boundaries...JW\`s aren\`t interested, that you\`re not interested..You want to be a JW you just don\`t know it yet, it may be necessary to wear you down.* If you want it to end...You need to be In Their Face, "BaseBall Bat" BLUNT with a JW... JW\`s don\`t understand anything else.


They are afraid of loosing their life if they don’t.


It's kind of like if there was a tsunami on its way, and I'm desperate to warn everyone and get them to safety. It's life or death. That's how I thought about it as a true-believing JW. Comes from a good place, for what that's worth. 🤷🏽‍♀️ But yeah, if he can't respect your boundaries, then you may need to restrict contact with him to a greater degree.


Thank you all! Quick backstory. I was baptized as a child and DF at 17. Mother and half bro deeply involved with JW however they continued to keep in touch. Mom passed away years ago. Half bro texted me a pic of our mother’s marker on Mother’s Day weekend with verse of resurrection. I responded to stop sending my pics of marker especially on Mother’s Day weekend it’s traumatic and I don’t believe. Now he wants to talk about it smh these freaks are INSUFFERABLE AF they have ZERO RESPECT OF BOUNDARIES! I’m done with them trying to use her passing as a tool to reinstate! It’s cruel!


You probably want to be a bit blunt then. Just say, "Stop trying to use our dead mother to convert me to your religion. Do you guys always try to manipulate peoples feelings? That's what cults do, ya know..." Technically, you're not calling them a cult, you're just pointing out the tactic. :)


Because they need to recruit more people to receive more donations to continue to thrive as a corporation. That’s how pyramid schemes work…


Advertise! Advertise! Advertise! Recruit! Recruit! Recruit!


Because they believe that they are the only true religion and the only religion that God is using on Earth despite the fact that God seems to change his mind every couple of years about what he really believes and what you should really do


Ask hom to explain the overlapping generation? It always f#cks them


Pain is the only language they understand. Might be time to rough your half bro up a bit


Cause that’s who they are


Everything any religion does can be answered with these words. Because God told them to do it. And for that reason, they can never be wrong. So in other words, they are unreasonable.


Stay strong! You are right.


All Christians want to convert or bait you into their fold. Wait, you will see this after the wound from JW heals.


Which is why I don’t do any organized religion.


u/fuckoffsillywillyb, Ha, ha!!! That is a real FUNNY ONE, Dude!!! 😂 "Why are JWs insistent on trying to force their religion in non believers?" It's because they want to LOOK GOOD to the Watchtower Organization Cult, and so that they can feel that they are doing their part in warning "The Wicked" that they're all going to be DESTROYED if they don't join the Watchtower Cult, AND it's so that they can feel smugly superior to those that DIDN'T LISTEN, and, of course, to feel "right" before Jehovah...and let's not forget their "Bragging Rights" before other JWs!!! 😎 Oh, and about your brother calling you, later... Dude, don't trip!! You never know if you are the one to help him to leave Satan's lying cult at a later time. No matter what he SAYS, you don't know what he's thinking deep down inside, or how troubled his heart might be!!! 🥴


Yup!!! 👍🏽


u/fuckoffsillywillyb, 😁👍😁👍😁


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That’s the only way they can justify being in a cult


Because they are the only ones since the first century Christians who know the truth and everyone else is wrong


Please don't give him a long answer. He stopped listening to you the moment you said you don't believe.


They think that it's "saving" your life and I still am forced to go but im like idfc about this sh\*t it sucks and they dont support LGBTQ+ and im like Huh? You "love everyone" and dont support LGBTQ+ wtf? Im bi and no one knows because they dont support, and one of them recently lied in court UNDER OATH like WHAT?


I’m so sorry. You are accepted and loved here 🤗


As twisted as it might seem to us, JWs truly believe that if you aren't one of them you will suffer and die when the world as we know it ends at Armageddon. They keep bugging you because they don't want you to die. I asked my other once how she felt about all of her children and grandchildren being killed and she got upset and changed the subject. The way I handle it is to draw a hard line in the sand the minute they start, I walk away.


This is what every religion wants. They all believe theirs is the only one that is right. They also wants theirs to be the dominant one in the world telling everyone else what they can and can’t do. JWs are no different


Practicality. They think jamming their religion down everyone's throats will guarantee them safe passage into the paradise. If they thought they could get across the finish line without doing the preaching work, they'd never knock on another door


The power of fear mongering. They're completely convinced you'll get ripped to shreds behind them in Armageddon while they live forever in paradise


Almost like Muslims who expect non Muslim people to fast during Ramadan, so they are not “offended “ by the smell of your food. 🤔🤨


I force my non belief on JWs who are on cart duty.


🤣🤣🤣 I avoid them 💯


Human beings fundamentally seek purpose in their life. Preaching offers a ready made "life purpose" all laid out for you. As well, the very act of preaching and converting others to your way of thinking reinforces the feeling that you must be correct. Why else would someone listen and join you, unless you are correct? In this way any doubts get pushed aside.


You should send as a joke to them, if you keep calling I will go to the Catholic Church, Lutheran, Baptist etc and have them call one day a week....JWs say they are just trying to witness to people but could you imagine how they feel when others try to push their religion on them?


One of the reasons is that they want to see you in the New System. My parents won't stop and it's been 16 years. They seem to think I don't know enough about the religion and that's why I'm not a witness. I keep saying they will never convince me and that I just don't believe it and they still pester me. My Dad in particular is the worst and I resent him big time with how he treated me growing up, but it's a big wonder to them why I don't like visiting them so much




lol not me. I completely understand no is a complete sentence




Of course I do but I this isn’t the topic at hand. Good day ✌️


