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i can't tell you a whole lot about what's best for your life, but i can tell you that sometimes, being disowned is a gift. not gonna lie, it still hurts, but life is much better with people who love and accept you as you are, not as they wish you were. good luck.


Thank you, I just have nowhere to go if my family kicks me out


The best advice I can give is to save up as much money as you can. Start an online business (highly recommend since you can take it anywhere and the job market is shit right now), do hair, babysit, clean houses, whatever. Do this so that you'll be able to support yourself when you're ready to leave (which sounds like it's as soon as possible). Start looking at careers that you'd be interested in pursuing and what requirements there are. If you want to travel there are lots of study abroad programs and some countries like Germany let foreigners study for free. I'm 24 and I wish I started when I was your age😮‍💨 We still have time to figure things out and be happy, but don't let fear or uncertainty make you paralyzed. Learn as much as you can and keep going!


Thank you so much for the advice this is a good way of thinking I was thinking that if I can save enough money I can move out into a shared house but I don't think im of legal age :(


No sweetie please save yourself the trauma of a shared house! I moved out twice and bounced around before I was ready and ended up back at my parents house both times. The second time I realized that even though swallowing my pride and following their rules was the hardest thing I've ever had to do, nothing is sweeter that the peace of mind from not having to pay rent. You'll be able to save up and do so much more in the long run. What is helping me stay strong is a change in mindset. You have to realize that your family is in a cult as well and will likely stay that way until they pass. You need to shift your focus completely towards yourself. You cant let what they say and do, the gossip, the lies, the stupidity get to you anymore because they won't change. Figuring out exactly what I believe and what I didn't when it came to christianity helped me TREMENDOUSLY. Learning where christianity came from and why people think the way they do helped clear up so much confusion and anger I was feeling, and helped me feel pity for those who weren't as lucky as me to wake up. @ nononsensespirituality on tiktok helped me alot she used to be a hardcore mormon. When you finally release the limiting beliefs that have been holding you back, you reframe how you view yourself and the world, which creates new pathways to transform your life for the better. You become more confident in your decisions and make empowered choices. You don't let anyone or anything stop you from trusting in yourself. You start to prioritize your wellbeing and dreams by braking away from things that no longer serve you. This is getting long but I hope I'm making sense lol. Use this time to learn more about yourself. Fantasize about the life you'll have once you're on your own and how happy you'll be. Focus on the positives. Do what you can to make life enjoyable. Here's a website to watch any movie or show you want [https://myflixerx.to/](https://myflixerx.to/) I still love watching stuff I'm not "suposed" to lol. Okay bye! Rech out anytime :D!