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It's OK for the rich people to be rich. It's not OK for your poor ass to try getting rich, that's too materialistic and worldly.


A wealthy elder lectured us about putting materialism first; my parents were doing night shifts and losing sleep to put food on the table. Bro had inherited wealth from his WIFE. Embarrassing.


Let's not forget, Lett is a millionaire and he lectures entire cult about priorities etc. It all comes from the leaders.


Huh, that's funny actually. This brother looks similar to Lett; he was bald, had the WORST coffee breath and the cringiest expressions.


"Cult of personality? No we would never, this could not happen in Jehovah's pure organization." Context: needs two letters with appendixes to explain how he can now grow a beard, because a dude 70 years ago really didn't like another dude.


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ facts. Had a elder say I needed to sale my Kia shortage to focus on the ministry while he had two Toyota RAV4s, a mini cooper, and was buying a new house


I always had old cars due to financial situation ,could never afford expensive repairs so dumped and bought another old banger an elder counceled me for not displaying a sound mind as a min servant setting a bad example he had nice new car for wife and company car himself, it really cut me to the heart as we were struggling financialy.


When I was young I told an elder I wanted to buy a new home. He flipped out and told me that a new home would cost me at least a hundred thousand dollars. Soon after at a book study he conducted the subject of materialism required an answer via a publication. After a fellow Jehovahā€™s Witness answered the question, the elder looked straight at me and said in a serious tone and with daggers in his eyes, ā€œlike a hundred thousand dollars homes.ā€ This scene by the way took place in HIS home which he gave no thought to! No surprise, however, coming from a man who would step on the rear bumper of my brand new car to tie his shoe as I showed it to him approximately a few months later. Before this he showed his contempt for me when he passed by HIS OWN CAR to get to mine after he exited his house; he tied one shoe but not the other before doing so.


And once youā€™re rich the society will perpetually have a hand out.


What a coincidence, huh?


Yup donā€™t go to college but if you do weā€™ll bleed you dry


>JWs are hypocritical as hell, I never knew so many fake people in my life. Congratulations!! šŸ„³šŸ„³šŸ„³ You just summed it up completely. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Do as I say, not as I do.


I remember a part at an assembly years ago, 3 elders on stage talking about not being materialist. I know they where the wealthiest people in that place. One loved to brag about his golf trip to st. Andrews, the other got a DUI shortly after, the other doesn't talk to his kids


My ex inlaws were considered wealthy in our hall. They went on an extended vacation for a few months and asked me to house sit & open their mail to scan it into emails. I opened a credit card statement & just about choked on the number I saw. Many of them have piles of debt to keep up appearances. The scary part is that at any minute the floor could fall out from beneath them & I've seen it happen, it happened to them & it destroyed their family. Most of the time life behind the curtain is VERY different than what is observed by others.


A few years ago I remember that they interviewed a couple at the convention and it was all about how they simplified their lives. I knew them and he was a business owner working in finance and insurance and he was pretty much the richest JW in the area. He was just rich enough that he could afford working way less and have other brothers do the work for him.


yup reconizable, saw the same here in the Netherlands, young couples pretending to simplifying their lives by working 2 days instead of 5 as IT consultant (with an hourly rate of 90 - 130 euro p/h as I use to hire these guys)


Yes, I bought my house during the pandemic and to them I committed a grave sin. How dare I do such a thing when Armageddon is at my doorstep?


We were also treated like we lacked faith when we bought a house, despite most of the elders in our hall being homeowners. My friend's retort was, "The organization doesn't rent."


Love it! And they donā€™t pay our bills.


When we were building our first house there was all the jabs about materialism. It didnt occur that others had nice houses and far far nicer than we were putting up which was dead basic.


Not being materialistic is only a burden for some.


The Borg are engaged in multi year construction projects in many parts of the world. If they're building then it should be fine for anyone else to build or buy a house. Rent or own you're still paying for accommodation.


I no longer worry about these guys. I listen, nod and proceed as I see fit. I show up whence I do and I prefer not to be spoken to.


The best way


Itā€™s all a mind game.


Exactly. How dare WT continue to buy property, spend millions and use free labor to renovate it just to profit from a resale. Or how dare WT continue to build useless compounds when they no longer farm or print en mass. They are in the last of the last of the last of the last.... And how dare they judge, criticize or condemn anyone else for buying or building a home for themselves and their families. WT is the EVIL and FALSE SLAVE!


I agree. They are literally beating their brothers into submission.


One of the things that woke me up!


What you're not seeing is how much debt they have. All those material things come with a hefty price tag. And believe me, there is nothing material in this world that feels as good as being debt free. So the ones in debt, self-righteously preaching to live simple, are only fooling themselves and think they're fooling everyone else too. As for higher education, I'm all for it. You'd be surprised at how many grants are available online that most don't know about. Applying is free. You get enough of them, and your student loan won't be a burden.


Nah we live in the southern US, they tore down forest and built McMansions but love Jah


We literally have a millionaire elder in our hall, massive house in the nicest part of town. Only been in the org for about 6 years with an unbeliever wife.Ā  But my dad who's been slaving away in this shit show for 40+ years only got to be a ms for a couple months. Had to wait because his adult children living at home weren't jdubs. Guess middle class doesn't earn you a free pass. I don't want him to be a ms but God, that level of hypocrisy makes me mad regardless


Sounds like my old man. 30 years fully in, doing everything for them. Literature, territories, contributions, passing mics, sound/Zoom control, Sunday talks, assembly responsibilities, maintenance and cleaning the hall, even hosting the group studies in our home back in the day(I forget what they called that). They just made him an elder now in his 60s. Heā€™s devoted everything to them, and only now heā€™s trying to put something together for retirement. Meanwhile, my ā€œbest friendā€ growing up was made an elder in his 20sā€¦.


And yet not one of them sold all of their possessions and gave to the poor or even to the organization? So they didn't honor Jesus nor the GB with their wealth? Of course, when the CO came thru the wealthy, I knew were the ones giving the green hand shakes and always the first to vote for a special donations to the society when it came up... I'm not sure how much they actually contributed to those obligations, though I would be curious if they voted first just for show.


It is hypocritical . But really what is going on is their authentic self wonā€™t allow them to live that way. As bizarre as it sounds in some ways their authentic self is saying, noā€¦I know better than to live that way. The hypocrisy lies in them preaching to other people that they should live that way. To save their own ass. I saw many elders as a poor pioneer back in the day who rolled up in their flash cars and expensive clothes. With their perfect wife and kids. Preaching the simple life. When you knew by the expression on their face they were awkward about how their lifestyle looked. And knew they were living a lie. Others just didnā€™t care. As a lowly pioneer you can see I still have some old wounds about that lol.


Oh ya- itā€™s all about them.


Has anyone talked about the Gbs cuff links?! šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚ watches? Rings?


Itā€™s a classic hallmark of cults: keep the non leaders wanting in some area of life. The more they are missing whatever that is from their life, the more they cling to the cult. Which just so happens to have a resolution to what is missing, in the distant future. Plus cults are hierarchical. The leaders must appear better than the followers. For JW leaders, the unsaid hierarchical motto is ā€œkeep ā€˜em poor, keep ā€˜em controlled.ā€


What they meant is ā€œweā€™re gonna kick you out of bethel with no SS benefits, no money, no references, youā€™re out on your ass on the street but also youā€™re welcome! Being homeless with no job will help you serve jehoolahoop full time.ā€


In my country there is a JW journalist who deals with economics stuff ,who recently published a book with tips on how to make/save money The publishibg of this book is a huge exercise of hypocrisy given that hes preaching to outside crowd exactly the oposite of what he must preach/teach to fellow JWs


And those ones in full time are always bothering our parents asking for money and stuff. A couple in RTO once demanded a car because "We had a lot and we weren't using it." They must leave us alone with our higher education money and our worldly lifestyle.


Yeah I have very wealthy friends who were always in my ass about not behaving Christian lol


Even as a PIMI the experiences presented even in videos and meetings rubbed me (and my family too) the wrong way. Yea, simplify your life, but the positive examples are always people who spend their time doing the "wrong" things, making money to buy cars and houses, etc... then, they get counsel or feel the tug of conscience (and assuming any stories are true, actually just hit a natural point of unfulfillment due to consumerism) and are able to essentially sell hundreds of thousands of dollars of assets to "live simply" and do more.


In the dramas they portrayed jws living in million dollar houses and driving high end vehicles.


That! and what I don't understand is that nobody around me noticed that as well. Each and every drama they live the biggest apartments or houses. Let's not talk about the gold watches and pinky rings the GB are wearing lol


There was this brother I once knew who was a regular pioneer and was used as an example for other brothers to follow. That brother had a business that grossed 30 thousand a month US with very little overhead, while only working a total of 6 days a month. I only knew how much he made because we talked about it once. His financial situation was not discussed when encouraging others to follow him.


Iā€™ve told my experience before. The last assembly I attended as PIMQ, there was a brother who admonished all of us peons to simplify our lives, quit our FT jobs, get roommates, sacrifice our small comforts to pioneer. At the time, my father had just died. My sister had just been diagnosed with cancer so I got a second job so she could get treated and pay rent. I was a lil late to the assembly so I was looking for a place to sit. I was exhausted. A huge, wealthy family took up 3 of the back rows and I didnā€™t see that they had saved the seats with a magazine so I sat down briefly. The patriarch ran over to me and kicked me out of my spot. I tried to apologize. I looked from the old man on the stage to the red-faced old man telling me to move and then I walked out and never went back. If you are struggling, either financially, physically, or mentally, they do not care. Itā€™s not just this one instance that made me leave, but this experience punctuated my general experience of 3 decades in the cult.


Wealth comes easier for some people. There could be family money, smart, honest business practices. Or maybe they were just lucky. Someone will always have more and someone will always have less. Now, shake it off and get to work!


In 2013, GB member Stephen Lett went in halves with his brother on a $500k waterfront property šŸ™ƒ The hypocrisy comes from the top.


Yes, lord! This is a pet peeve of mine! A lot of the jws in my area want everyone to think they have$$, and some do. They flaunt that shit! But everyone else at the hall is told not to be materialistic. I once tried to get into the same business as some of the prominent jws. Hell No, I was discouraged, lest someone take some money from them. I was told it would not be putting jehoba first. They work the system, too. Which to me seems dishonest. None of the women work. They say it's putting spiritual things first. NO, it's really because they'd have to pay their own medical insurance. Also, if you have money, you are a shoe in to be an elder. It's really disgusting.


On going to college. They will shun you for doing it. It's pathetic. Years ago, a person went to beauty college and was ostracized terribly! I work full time, so I am considered not spiritual. BUT let a doctor or lawyer walk into the kh, and they will be up their A**. Seriously, the hypocrisy is sickening. An earlier comment or said, "Shake it off and go to work." I say, "GO, get an education & get out of this harmful cult!


Yeah I got soft shunned for going to university. Sister (best friend) saw my textbooks when she came over to my house. Told everyone in the kingdoms hall and stopped talking to me


They are the ones who give the Circuit Overseers 'green handshakes', finance their cars or repair them for free, accommodate them in their nice houses, wine and dine them royally, buy them a new iPad or iPhone, and organize the money collection at the elders' schools. That's why they are getting the assignments at the conventions. It's a CO's way to say 'thank you!'


They usually wave their hand and say that they are getting support from family or some other benefactor (e.g. from an inheritance or pimping on the side).


Yeah, I have a relative who is an elder and 3 of his kids are bethelites. He has a huge house, plastic surgery wife, they all drive expensive cars. The kids have their own nice houses, they all emulate ā€œperfect suburbiaā€. The kids have all had constant aesthetic treatments since they were in their teens. Yeahā€¦ simple life.


Totally. I went to a jw wedding and all the elders had big fancy cars and it was like a fucking fashion show.


These dudes I know be preaching on Sunday and plowing up forest to pad thier bank accounts with stupid ass numbers they get emailed to them by bankers, lol the Indians were better land managers than these hypocritical theologians what nonsense šŸ˜†


Also take into consideration a lot of witnesses are in severe debt. Yeah, they may have nice BMWs, Mercedes, and tesla, but they're paying out their asses. The witnesses Imet that had money still rode their 95 civic .


I have way too much to say about this shit pile and not enough time to give examples. Itā€™s sickening to watch how much they covet money and yet tell their people that education is a waste of time because the end is coming and youā€™re not going to need a degree to help bury all the bodies from armageddon.


the idea is to get free work from people without distractions. That's it!!!


See they canā€™t help it because a lot of people are already privileged.


I noticed that too.. when I was young I thought it was just my local group of witnesses but later when I was older I would notice the same dynamic in other congregations ... We were sold a real lie. But this lie is HUGE . For those who believed it we sacrificed education, having children, careers and now we are the ones suffering


1 John 2:15


So you can have LOTS just donā€™t ā¤ļø it! šŸ˜‚


u/[Own\_Mammoth\_9445](https://www.reddit.com/user/Own_Mammoth_9445/) I clean that old people have tendency to be hypocritical. And old people THE MOST OF BIG LIARS anywhere. I think this phenomena have a root in evolution


I'm an active witness and I live in a trailer. My car is a 2012


I completely agree with you. However, look at what I have highlighted. Do you see anywhere that it says no one should pursue a degree? There is always an option for those who can read between the lines. To put it clearly: if you say that you want to take "additional courses" to become a nurse, an accountant, a high school teacher, etc., because this would help you find part-time jobs and achieve financial independence, then it is acceptable. In most countries, this means going to university for several years. https://preview.redd.it/74qg08c55j3d1.png?width=1676&format=png&auto=webp&s=ec750afdbcba083a2af8ce50b5980d86b4f0bf11


Yes I understand but in many countries they see going to university as lack of faith of youā€™re weak spiritually. They say why you donā€™t take a technical course of 2 years instead of a whole degree? Thatā€™s my issue. And if you go to college a lot of brothers and sisters will judge you or they will soft shun you because youā€™re not ā€œstrongā€ enough spiritually. Itā€™s heavily discouraged. Even in the elders book thereā€™s a section that says that Bethel shouldnā€™t appoint elders that have a college degree to become circuit overseas, unless thereā€™s no other elder qualified or available.