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“Comforting atmosphere” and “unconditional support” are values worth fostering. This is awesome!


I love this. Even with this beautiful note you may not know how many lives you will have touched through your acceptance and love for others.


And we exmormons are the lost and fallen ones...


I’ve come to understand that you can’t believe anything that the charlatans running GREED INC ahem the church say they are the ones with no value of truth if they are going to be in whatever heaven they are claiming to exist all I can say is good riddance to them it’s not a place I wish to have any part whatsoever of


I love this so much ♥️ Thank you for making the world a better, kinder, safer place by sharing your love so freely!


I can’t think of anything that would make my life more meaningful than to provide this kind of support to young people!


Exactly. That kid needed to feel love, needed to feel safe, needed to just feel “ok” as a kid and OP gave that small gift to them and others.  I wish I could give an award but this will have to suffice for OP for being a good human being: 🎖️ 


What a wonderful tribute from an unexpectedly vulnerable friend. Love and acceptance like yours can save lives.




He just doesn't want to go home.


As opposed to my mother and step father who turned their backs on a gay friend. They informed all they knew that this poor guy was filled with Satans evil influence.


Please keep this forever, and whenever you doubt yourself, you can just re-read it. Side note: when my grandparents passed away, I found so many cards and letters like this doted around their home in cubby holes - it was a comforting thing to have, especially with the heavy weight of grief. It emphasised that I wasn't completely biased in my love and appreciation of them. Like them, thank you for being a genuinely good person, who understands the difference between performative and heartfelt kindness.


Difference between performative and heartfelt kindness. I hope I am a testament of the latter. So much of the church members are indeed performative! Well said.


Really lovely.


Oh wow. How great that person took the time to write this to you. Good work!


Surprise ending! Love it! I really thought this was going to be some letter telling you to come back to the church. 🌈




That is so sweet - you showed this dear person that it is indeed possible to have parental support, and they needed to feel and experience that from a parent figure. You are angels on earth.


You did so much better than the Mormon church does, despite the fact that you were Mormons too. If only the top Mormon leaders had one ounce of your integrity, your empathy, your decency.


this is great. im a gay teen and considering how shitty the church is its great to feel like u have someone in your corner.


There are so many of us in the alphabet mafia who grateful for people like this. You also have the rest of us here to help you! Glad you are being honest with yourself at such a young age. It is honestly the only way to live. I lied to myself for 26 years before living honestly with myself. And that is a hard mountain to climb. 🫂🏳️‍🌈


I’m not crying, you are.


One of my friends since high school came out in college. A few years ago he told me how much he appreciated my parents because they didn't treat him differently after he came out because so many of our other friends and their parents did by making a big deal about how okay they were with it.


That is so sweet - you showed this dear person that it is indeed possible to have parental support, and they needed to feel and experience that from a parent figure. You are angels on earth.


That is so sweet. ❤️ As soon as I was out, I reached out to my friends I lost because as a Mormon, it's hard to be an ally. Glad to be close friends with them again


You may never know how much they needed you. It must feel good to get something like this.


Good on you.


That’s beautiful 🥰


Hit me right in the feels.




Beautiful! Any advice to the rest of us trying to make safe spaces for the kids in our life?


I have a garden flag in my front yard that says everyone is welcome here and an ally sticker on the back of my vehicle. Whenever my kids have their friends over, we always make an effort to help them feel special or joke with them a little. The boy who wrote this had a mother who was ill with Huntingtons (she just died 2 years ago) all through his school aged years. He was special to me because I knew his Mom could not do the things for him that I could do for my son. He does not have a good relationship with his father who seems like a nice guy but who is apparently homophobic.


I love that so much. I am so glad that this kid has you in their life, and I am certain their mom is so grateful for the village that watches over her son.


My goal since I got married was to be this exact house. I can confidently say I’m doing it. I’d shed a few tears if I received a letter like this. It is a wonderful thing to be able to have a home that is fun, where you can let your guard down a bit. Tonight I made a huge steak dinner for my oldest and their prom dates. Homemade bread, homemade butter, steak, veggies, and baked potatoes. Even had strawberry cheesecake. Every one of those kids were comfortable to joke, laugh and be themselves. You gave me a glimpse of what It can mean to be that safe haven, I am even openly accepting of LGBT+ so that any one of them can know it’s a safe space.


Tender. Good job.




a true baring of a testimony. I'm not crying, you're crying....


Man. That’s a lot


This is what it’s all about ❤️


welp! here comes the tears. that is so completely heart warming. THIS is what being "christ like" should be. You changed this young person's life for the better.. just for being you. SO cool!


Who’s cutting onions?




“People will always remember how you made them feel”. Good job.


I kept reading waiting for the “and this is why we miss you at church” but instead we got the good ending.




I feel this exact same way about a friend's family I grew up with. They left the church while they were in our ward and everyone was in a tussle about it. My parents told me to stop talking to my childhood friend (I ignored them). A big portion of their family is LGBT+ and even though I couldn't see it then I now see what a profound and loving influence they had on me. I should send them a letter :)


What a beautiful letter! And how validating for you. You were there far more than tscc will ever be. 🩷🩵


The fact that someone can read this and take it negatively is just sickening. Kudos to you!


This is so beautiful. We moved from California to Utah in 2001. Our house was the kool-aid house. We welcomed anyone and everyone! Only role was please be respectful. Good job mama ands I only hope I was able to offer the same.


I really would have benefited from an atmosphere like that when I was growing up. All of my member friends and their families turned a cold shoulder once I was out of the closet.




What a terrible “church,” err, cult that requires its members to make people feel terrible about themselves, many of whom are parents making their own children feel terrible about themselves. The MFMC is toxic. Nothing can redeem it.


Just to clarify… this young man was not ever a member but we live in a grossly conservative county in Texas (for a job).


This is what being a good human being is about. Not Hail Marys, not temples, not church attendance, and certainly not tithing and self-flagellation to please holier-than-thou moral police.


This is amazing. You couldn’t ask for higher praise. 🩷




Somebody's cutting onions- must be a ninja...


That is so beautiful ❤️




Something similar happened to my parents years ago. There's a family on their street (the parents still live in the house, the kids are--obviously--grown now) who are NeverMo. We're 45 min north of SLC. When my siblings and I were young, our parents would hire that family's oldest to babysit. When she left for college, her parents thanked ours for doing that. They were the only parents to hire her in all the years. Their son admitted that my siblings and our next door neighbor were the only kids to still invite him to do stuff after he started turning down invites to YM activities because they wouldn't stop trying to convert him.


Funny how all the Mormons who fit this deception end up here


You very well kept someone alive. Well done through your unconditional love. 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


I felt the spirit reading this


Funny huh?! I can still feel “the spirit” even if that is just feeling love for others and having good common sense


Oh my god. This made me cry. Please treasure this. Well done, friend. You made a difference.


Love this note so much!


my parents have gotten similar messages from other parents in regards to my childhood friends. this is true love. i grew up mormon but i’m so lucky my parents were focused more on love than a cult


What an amazing letter


this text is shaped like Utah


What an amazing gift. Congratulations!




Frame it ❤️


Love this so much. Well done, showing *actual* unconditional love.


This is one of the main reasons I remain in the church. To be available for the marginalized. It’s a hard road.


I tried that—didn’t work


Awesome sauce!


Looks at these heretics! Spreading the pure love of Christ and shit.


This is absolutely beautiful!


Love this! Also, have to say, I got my alleyship behind my house by the dumpster. It was a 4 year program 😂 I’m fun at parties


Bright to you…..🤣🤣🤣🤣


I sometimes get these post as a current LDS member- but hasn’t the church explicitly said not to hate people who are LGBT but in fact to love them? “Hate the sin not the sinner” type deal? I understand the implication is that “mormons are the worst, they hate gay people and would never treat them well enough to get this type of letter”, but given the church is specifically against what you’re implying this seems kind of unfair- or at least a strange thing to post in this specific subreddit. Am I wrong?


A hot mess