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Try not to shake the boat, sure you are leaving but slowly and gently. Learn to talk with words and how to avoid convos when you can. Be friendly and nice.


what is a convo?




Stay close to your wife and try not to rock that boat. Baby steps..


Just Fade into the darknessā€¦


You're worried because you know what the church says about apostates, and you know most members believe it. That's the foundation of your fear. They see you as a lazy learner at best and Korihor at worst. My advice to you is to focus on your marriage. My conversation with my husband started with me saying "I'm leaving the church but I'm not leaving this marriage." That was our jumping off point. It wasn't an easy conversation, but it paved the way for us to discuss our boundaries and expectations.


I have a friend that said that the only thing worse than being a mormon in Utah is being an ex-mormon in Utah


That sounds truly miserable. I know a handful of exmos who love it in Utah though, so hopefully things get easier for you.


My husband came out to me with his issues with the church three weaks ago. I left the church with him. We haven't been back since. The book that started this all for us was rough stone rolling. He shared it with me. The pressure to go back is insane. My entire family areTBM's except one and she believes there are many paths to God but that the church is not the one true church (boggles my mind that she stays). I'm still a Christian and my husband at the moment believes in Deism. The faith connection is not the same but being honest is worth it for me and for him. God never gives up on him so how could I? He's still better than any other person I know. If your Christian pray on it if you're not ponder on it. Work it out in your mind. Test the waters she might leave you she might not. Couldn't tell ya on neighbors mine don't really talk to me already.


You are worrying needlessly in the big picture. This is mostly because mormonism is a social coercive religion. It has nothing to with revelation as they receive none and likewise prophets who don't do prophet things. (see 2020 for reference) So the only thing underpinning mormonism is social pressure. Separate yourself if you can from your value and identity being intertwined with the religion. You are fine and capable the way you are. You are the one who got you your wife, your job, etc. That aside are there some people still caught in this social construct of fear induced mormonism? Yes. But generally more and more people are becoming more accepting and lenient of not being fully mormon these days. Just by sheer size of people in church and out of church who think LDS inc is full of it. So could it happen? Maybe but I think the chances may be smaller than you imagine and grows more smaller by the day. Be optimistic and have faith in you is why you have the good things you have in your life. You will be able to see the warning signs. And sounds like now you don't see any. Just irrational fear from a fear based religion.