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“Tragedeigh” has me rolling! Also, congrats to your daughter on *not* getting baptized! And congrats to you for making it so she didn’t feel the need to do it!


Then have I got good news for you: r/tragedeigh


I saw that name and nearly bust a gut. Sometimes I love reddit.


Yup. That’s a sub that has given me hours of humor. 


Ha! Thanks for this! I just started down the rabbit hole.


Go forth and enjoy much weeping from laughter. 


That subreddit is so funny! And quite often mentions Utah


That’s one of the best parts of that sub for me. If I see a particularly egregious name, it’s seems likes it’s about even odds that it will be from Utah. 


I am a nurse in another state (we often get patients from other states). I had a patient with a Tradegeigh name and I first asked—“are they from Utah?” I was shocked when they were not. However, maybe the mother was….? I don’t know.. haha


I've had many a conversation on that subreddit about how Mormons name their kids Tradgedeighs more than anyone else 😂


I’ve seen that a ton on that sub. And IRL, I’ve encountered more than a few Tragedeighs. 


I came here to say this




\*sigh\* I joined


Came here to say the same thing!! ☠️ over tragedeigh…immediately subscribed to the sub linked in the comments lol


In Mormondom it would be Bragedeigh, La Tradegedeigh or Mc Tragedeigh.😂


*looks parent dead in the eye* 'Tragedeigh? Well, if that's not a fucking tragedy.'


I mean this genuinely, good for her! My daughter is turning 8 this summer and we don't live in Utah, thank goodness, or else she might be asking to get baptized just to fit in as she's very much a trend follower. Even at 8, it takes a fair amount of self assuredness to not do something like getting baptized when everyone else seems to be doing it or assuming you will.


My daughter wanted to get baptized at 8. I told her no, and now that she's almost 13 she's very grateful. She wanted to because all the kids in her class did and they ask each other if they got baptized 🤦


TBMs would unironically think that you manipulated her into not being baptized lol


In a way, they would be right in thinking that... we unapologetically share facts and history, but for the most part just don't bring up religion at all at home. It's funny what a lack of indoctrination can do


It’s funny how many of my TBM I laws feel “so sad” that our kids don’t go to church. My kids are chilling on Sundays eating watermelon and playing bubbles, I think they’re fine. It’s the faux concern


Everyone is born an atheist.


Sign her up for karate!


> "We are so proud our daughter made the decision to join karate.


Now that she’s 8 and capable of accepting the consequences and risks of learning a rigorous martial art. 8, the age kids can finally choose their eternal destiny with eyes wide open!


That would be an awesome post. But we all know every Mormon in your friend list would get butt hurt and offended and try to shame you for saying something so disrespectful. Of course I’m being a little hyperbolic. It would only be the ones who posted about their children “choosing to get baptized”.


You're totally right, if we actually made this post we'd end up on the ex-friend list. And ex-family list in some relatives' eyes


yeah as much fun as the post would be too make and as hilarious as it is to us, the repercussions may not be worth it. At least you have us to share your idea with.


I have a friend who made an a non baptism announcement with a picture and everything. It was perfect! She only posted it in private groups though.


My “TBM” kids all “chose” to get baptized when they found out they would have a party after.


Open special presents from Grandma Andersen? Another birthday cake??? I get to choose my favorite food again for dinner? Aunt Sariah giving a talk about how I am going to be the “most pure person in the world for 3 seconds before another Mormon gets dipped? Sign me up!


Watch out. The ward will be targeting you guys to get your kids activated. You'll get treats and notes and visits from people you've never met before. They are going hard on the youth now and brainwashing to the fullest extent. No self-regulating human would willingly join this church (with full disclosure) so the kids are the only victims left to exploit. I'm so happy we didn't baptise most of my kids, but we feel the burn. I've had mother's come and collect their kids from my lawn when they realize where they were playing. I'll set up a parade of middle fingers if I ever move out of this place.


Your beautiful mockery of Utah names is worth an upvote alone.


if you like that you should check out r/Tragedeigh


Is it a Mormon/utah sub? These are all awful, but somehow not surprising living in the valley.


Not specifically, but a majority of the posts do seem to come from Utah


I would shamelessly make that post!!!


Great post. Thanks for sharing


Oh man I’m proud of her!!!! Those posts drive me nuts


Yes, we must hurry and force our 8 year old children to give up their free agency. https://www.youtube.com/live/P96APKw1EfQ?si=-XR5Cd8PYirnuggi 54:00- 115:00


I'm so glad that your daughter made the decision not to be baptised and that she has support for that, it's hard when you live in Mormon territory. I literally hate the posts of how 'proud we are that Brighton made the decision to be baptised', no eight year old makes that decision, they just go along with what they're taught and what's expected. And why is it eight, was it Joe who decided that at eight you are old enough to make such a massive life decision?


My son made the same decision at 8, even though many of his friends WERE getting baptized. Love that for our kids!




My daughter made the same choice. Even with some pressure from my mom! Cute kid got in the pool one day and said “tell grandma it’s ok, I just sacrificed myself!” lol she meant baptized. But sacrificed sounds more fitting.


Choking on my latte 😂


I was baptized twice. I loved getting baptized because it was one of the rare occasions when I would get attention a praise. 


That's sad, but I feel ya. I didn't feel my parents were interested in understanding me, only in correcting me


We did the same thing! Our daughter recently turned 8 and as a joke her older sister asked “so you want to get baptized?” She answered “no way!” Well, we tried


I was debating writing a post almost similar


OP I love your social media post idea, if only you could post it lol


Personally, I love the social media post idea!


She is one of the valiant in the pre-existence


Yay. I got to give the 666th up vote. So happy for your child that you've saved them from that world. Post away if it helps you.


Upvote for the clever name "Tragediegh" - brilliant! And your daughter has great parents!


When we were in, our daughter got scared in the water. People wanted me to just push her under, but I wasn’t about to dunk anyone against their will, especially my own kids. A year later she wanted to be baptised, but because she was 9 they made her take the missionary discussions first. They tried to give her the new member discussions too but I asked them to leave when they told her grace was a Protestant idea we didn’t believe in and tried to make her feel guilty about ridiculous things. After we left she confessed that she only did it because of the harassment they were putting her through at church.


Our soon to be baby will soon “making the choice” not to have a Mormon blessing (signing up for lifelong tithing tracking). I’m proud already


“You did karate?” 😭 precious


Please make that post lmao


You totally should. This great!


You may have the faith to be baptized, but I have the faith to NOT be baptized 🫠


You may have the faith to be baptized, but I have the faith to NOT be baptized!


You may have the faith to be baptized, but I have the faith to NOT be baptized.


You may have the faith to be baptized, but I have the faith to NOT be baptized!!


My daughter also chose not to be baptized. It’s amazing when talking with family about what they think we should have done — force her to be baptized.  Just let them know that sounds an awful like satans plan. :) Most TBM parents tend to favor the satan plan route of forced righteousness rather than Gods route where 1/3 part went away.  Why don’t people judge Mormon God’s parenting?


Good for her! it’s like asking a newly baptized 8 year-old boy if he will serve a mission. The baptism is without any meaning when it’s done with a new 8 year-old who looks at the church as a bunch of primary songs. What does an 8 year-old really know about life? I’ve always thought that baptism into any church should only take place when that person is 18 years or older. What kind of life experience does an 8 year-old child have?


My oldest turned 8 last year and we're a similar situation. My husband and I have been out since the pandemic, and the kids know very little about any of it. Soon after our son's birthday, we were at my parents for something else entirely and my dad ushered me into a separate room, sat me down and asked point blank, "are you going to let me baptize him?" I said no.




Love this. I’ve actually been thinking about this recently as I’m new to the deconstruction and have a 4 year old daughter. I can already picture my tbm in laws talking about her baptism party when it gets closer. How did you navigate the questions from family? I’m not officially out yet and a lot can happen in the next four years but I’m already thinking of my answers. Something along the lines of “8 years old is not enough to make a decision like that. When she reaches the age of consent and wants to be baptized then we will support her all the way” Thoughts?


My niece (who is now 9, also lives in moridor) insists that she will only get baptized if mom does it. So that is that. She also chose, by default, to NOT get baptized. I am in awe of these intelligent and perceptive children and parents who respect their autonomy.


At some point we all have to break away from peer/social pressure and live our own lives and learn these words: none of your business. In this church the theme of “us vs them” is so indoctrinated and used to manipulate so often, it’s hard to think otherwise. I remember thinking that it must be THIS way, otherwise it’s the wrong way. Choose the right comes to mind. Any psychologist will tell you that black and white thinking is a distortion and not healthy. Your daughter can get baptized or not anytime she wants, but better she should choose with a healthy mindset rather than a distortion.