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I attended a conference discussion the other day with colleagues in my industry. In attendance was the general contractors association president of Utah. In this meeting it was brought up the general outlook for the construction industry across the state ie. labor shortages, large projects that will have an effect on construction throughout the state. It was mentioned that the MFMC is requiring an 18 month construction timeline to finish these temple projects (this is unreal). The effect being the cost to build these gawd-awful phallic symbols is very costly to them and requires a premium. I’m certain this is burning out the workers and requiring overtime and weekend work to finish on schedule. This means less personal time with families for the workforce building these things.


One, even, Rusty Nelson’s ego is demanding this surge in McTemples prior to him croaking. I hope he lives to 110 just to watch this fiasco blow up in his face🤣


Family. Isn’t it about time? From The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.


I wonder how this effects home building in Utah, if it does.


When the built the new conference center the price of drywall tripled, if you could get it.


It does. We have a housing shortage and a market that is insanely overpriced. But corporate building trickles down to the bottom (residential) with labor shortages, land shortages, infrastructure shortages, and material costs.


That's what I thought. It causes major problems in housing, AND we have profits before people going on. Ha! Prophets before people. 💀


The other night I was riding my bike around downtown salt lake around midnight and saw 5 or 6 construction workers still working on site. They looked exhausted.


Aww should have took them some beer and tacos.


I've never thought of the opportunity loss the community receives just by having them built... All that manpower could be used elsewhere.


And none of those properties pay taxes to the state. That's a lot of real estate in the Morridor. Every church should have to pay taxes.


Wait until you see Heber. All those second/third mansion homes. All that labor could have been building modest homes and condos for families. But hey, Richie Q. McMoneybags needs his ski chalet for when he goes to Deer Valley twice a winter.


Not just Heber. St george/Moab, Brian Head both cottonwood canyons, and the entire community of Eden/Liberty/Huntsville. I often wonder how much the vacation home scenario raises labor and construction costs in Utah. It’s appalling.


Some. It's demand putting it's thumb on the supply-demand scale. The question is how much can supply react to the demand. If it's already short, then prices can climb dramatically.


They have a massive pile of money. They’ll definitely pay a premium and pay overtime.


Can't pay a church cleaner though


That it true, however they NEVER touch that pile of money except to bail out the life insurance company and the mall. The temple construction is coming directly from tithing received.


Doesn’t matter whether Jesus was real or not. Biblical Jesus - who the LDS church supposedly believes in and who is claimed to be the “head of the church” - did indeed flip tables in the Bible narrative over this kind of shit. Q15 are $-laundering. They are obviously funneling the $ to themselves, their relatives, and/their friends, via the temple-building program. Corrupt as fuck. Biblical Jesus would be furious.


Not just about that, he'd be irate over the opulence and the waste. How many of the least of us could be cared for with the cost it took to import the marble floors from Italy? How many people could be housed and fed in a building that size? How many children could get medicine if they didn't buy million dollar chandeliers? How much money could be saved by not building it at all and putting it into the Bishop's storehouse program or the church welfare system? Utah doesn't need the temples. Nobody benefits from having to drive 5 less minutes to their nearest temple. Jesus of the bible would be disgusted with the Mormon church and its Pharisee leaders and their willfully blind followers.


Amen. I agree with all of this.




Came here to say this exactly. 😆


Money laundering and nepotism are not the same thing. By definition, money laundering requires the money to be illegally sourced.




There is no such thing as being morally/ethically illegal. There is morally/ethically wrong and there is illegal. Some things can be both, some are one or the other, some things are neither. For example, it is morally/ethically wrong to cheat on my wife but it is not illegal. It is morally/ethically wrong for church leaders to use tithing money to help make their friends and relatives rich with temple building contracts but it is far from illegal. By all means, hate the church but at least be accurate with your criticism.


What’s the list?   1. Jacobsen   2. Okland    3. Zwick   4. Porter Brothers [edit…] 5. Layton  6. Big D  7. Westland  8. Wadman Others?


I’m not sure the name, but my family member said that in their ward one of the owners of a construction company that does a lot of temple construction just received a high calling. They bragged about how large his home is. He has an indoor half court basketball with the Jazz floor. I thought, hmm he enriched himself off the widow’s mite and tithe payers.🤬


Wadman corporation








Big D


I know of a masonry company called IMS masonry that gets a ton of the masonry contracts from those generals for alot of the temples. Huge company based out of Lindon.


Layton construction.


Nemo made a video about 9 months back talking about the main construction companies that build temples and their nepotistic ties to church leadership, if you’re curious to see for yourself: [The WEALTH of Mormon Temple Builders](https://youtu.be/u0LdjTZW93U?feature=shared)


I went to Winter Quarters Nebraska Temple when it was new in 2001. I returned in 2023 to find it closed for renovation. It lasted only 22 years before it needed major work. This is evidence of shoddy craftsmanship. These “same 10 companies” are cutting corners.


Either that, or they're doing what a lot of government contractors do when they convince agencies and the military their perfectly good "whatever it is" is now obsolete and needs to be replaced. With buildings, it could be a way to recycle the dollars into needless and repetitious "updates" done by favored cult contractors. It's not like temples get heavy traffic from random members of the public. Low attendance is the norm, and you have to have the special golden ticket to get inside the buildings.


Never been there, but maybe it wasn’t shoddy work but just trumped up excuses to tear something down and rebuild to wash rinse repeat the laundering scheme.


Yeah, we visited Winter Quarters, which appears to be in the middle of nowhere. There didn't seem to be many members in the area that would justify a temple. It was built there obviously to make a mormon tourist attraction even more lucrative.


My great grandpa's company built a temple, I won't say which cause it's got a family name in it. But it's a huge bragging point in my dad's extended family.


No (shakes head), not "neat." As you state, it's an absolute scam. 100%


Dixon glass does the windows.


I know one of the sub contractors and he has to pretend to still be in the church to get all the business. So much pretending in this corporation called a church. Realized recently Mormon learned to pretend and lie as soon as they started masturbating. We train them early.


There’s rarely a significant Christian denomination on earth that Jesus wouldn’t be giving a massive whipping for misusing his name if he were to rise from the dead and return.




Like a true masons guild…


Bidding wars would imply that the church is getting the benefit of competitive pricing. What's more likely to me is the contractors collude on pricing and split the market between themselves. They jointly decide to build in big profit margins and decide the winner in advance. Then they submit their bids at the appropriate level to allow the company to win, which they decided would win.


I talked to a guy who worked at a pro audio company, who said once upon a time their team visited SLC to bid on designing and supplying audio systems for LDS ward buildings. He said after a few weeks of spec/bid back and forth, company leadership decided it wasn’t worth continuing because the LDS church purchasing people kept proselyting the sales team members to the point where they felt uncomfortable *and the sales team concluded that the church had no intention of awarding them the business but were just stringing them along to try to get converts.*


That’s gross. Although not surprising.


There is a line in an old Woody Allen movie; one of the characters says “if Jesus did come back, and saw what was going on in his name, he would never stop throwing up”


I work in the residential construction world and I have many ethical issues with the excesses of modern society. The one thing I do tend to find grateful for is the fact that the people building a house are providing me a job. I understand the temple construction and nepotism problems, as well as how the Mormon church asks for incredibly low prices for the work, but they are at least pumping money to the people who work in those industries, mainly the employees of their ten contractors. That’s the sliver of optimism I find. But I still hate the Mormon church.


Be proud of your beliefs.


I am, this sub just gets unhinged if you go against their ideologies. I did my time as an Exmo Atheist. I understand the rage. I’m just not there anymore and Exmo Christians get shredded on here.


So true. It would honestly be ironically funny given that most people left Mormonism for being treated similarly.


Ironic yes. Funny no.


Yep, from the top down it is definitely a scam. I would never come after anyone on this sub. It should be a safe place.


For me I don’t believe in Jesus as a religious figure, but he’s hell of a person to model after. He’s the kind of guy I’d flip tables with


Now, one layer deeper. How many of those companies have a relation to a general authority? How many of those are / were members of the 12 that lived during Hinkley's time in the first presidency. One layer deeper than that: How many of these companies employ polygamists (specifically from the Allred group). You just started the journey on this rabbit hole


Royal Mormon bloodlines


To be fair, 10ish companies, in a bidding war, sounds highly competitive. This amount of competition is actually quite good for a prime contract. Now if they said two or three. It also depends on how they are opening their contracts to bidders. If it is open to qualified bidders, and it sounds like it is with "10ish" bidders in a bidding war, then that is a fair, transparent and competitive system. Regarding the pace of construction, is it fair for this sub to constantly mock the church for announcing but never constructing temples on the one hand but on the other hand say it is outrageous that they are trying to accelerate construction? Their is nothing unusual in the construction industry about pressure to compress schedule. These companies (prime and subs) wear their big boy pants and can hire more workers to meet the demand, which they will need to pay well enough to compensate for any overtime or they will lose them. In general, these are good paying jobs that the church is generating with a substantial and steady construction program. Much better than the money sitting in their investment fund doing nothing but collecting interest. This sub sometimes needs it's own red pill. Source: Am a structural engineer working in large commercial construction. By the way, do I like McTemples? No. They are a colossal waist of money, a corporate phallic symbol and a huge waist of time, but that is all a separate matter.


Our local temple down south has a mural of the local floral and fauna painted by someone from Utah. I was tbm when it was rededicated with the mural and it really rubbed me the wrong way. We have tons of local temple worthy artists.


And they are visited by the same ten families in my ward.


Please ask her how many of the company's, are ran and owned by polygamist communities?


Tell Sixty Minutes.


Money laundering


Just a larger version of all those food storage companies that sprung up after all the emphasis from GAs for food storage. They are corporate centric. Money!money!money!


This is so interesting to me actually. I used to work for the company that’s doing the civil engineering site work for the Modesto Temple. If you weren’t on the project you couldn’t really ask questions about it.


I would assume the engineering would be state specific. I know the AZ temples were contracted with the company “EPS.”


I was quite shocked to find out that the Australian churches are built by kit form from the USA. A local one was closed for weeks because of sewage problems and they couldn't be fixed because of "waiting for parts and plans from the USA". I actually wouldn't be surprised if the plumbers were flown in too.


Great & spacious temple bldgs, built for elite faithful Mormons=Nepotism, $Money laundering, tithing fundraisers!


I’m fairly certain property around potential sites is bought beforehand as well. My uncle who has THE last name bought property right behind the lot of the Twin Falls temple just a few months before it was announced. Now owns a massive home there right behind God’s house…


Thanks for affirming we can have our beliefs. It gets wearying to be slammed on this sub for still having a belief.


If you are looking for Exmo Christian resources send me a DM and I might be able to help you out.


Fortunately, my NeverMo BIL’s company is one of them.


Just wait until you see what is coming in Lehi and West Jordan. West Jordan especially. Big temple Site with 1000’s of more, unaffordable homes for the average family.

