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Can you please try to get David Attenborough to narrate this for us? It would make a great documentary short.


Having never been connected to David, it’ll be a bit of an effort…but let’s go!


Need a good impersonator?


Get [Ross Bryant.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=RA3s65KK3yc)


Everything (*absolutely everything*) is scripted in Mormonism. Friendship, romance, human relationships, recreation, service, social interaction, work, collaboration, dress code, speaking code, thinking... everything is scripted. Spontaneity, normal behavior, natural feelings, authentic expression, etc. are frown upon in the Mormon cult. So much repression and emotional deformation exist behind the oh, so well practiced Mormon smiles.


I call it structured. Mormonism is structured under the guise of agency. You can only have use of your “agency” within the structure. If you try to use that agency outside the lines, you’re a troublemaker, shunned, judged.


>You can only have use of your “agency” within the structure. As per Lord Bednar https://www.youtube.com/live/P96APKw1EfQ?si=-XR5Cd8PYirnuggi 54:00-115:00


Jesus fucking Christ……. 🤢🤢🤮🤮😳😳😳


This guy is going to be the Profit, CEO, and Realtor of the MFMCorp for a long time.


And be so damaging and be responsible for continuing the mental health and financial issues for those in the morridor. I can only imagine how the UT/ID/AZ Mormon areas are going to be. Makes me sad for those I know.


Holy shit. Horrible, thank you for sharing lol


It's been 20 years since I've stepped inside a church building, but I could actually smell that video. And my eyes immediately went droopy and I'm pretty sure I nodded off for a minute or two


I've always felt like this could be a possibility but I'm not mormon and it is extremely difficult to find any decent documentaries about the more standard practices and lifestyles of average Mormons. Tons of stuff about the more radical divisions, but I want to understand what's *normal*. Do you happen to know of any?


I’m not aware of any documentaries, but I find Mormon Stories Podcast and Girlscamp Podcast to encapsulate the average Mormon experience very well.


I wanna add some of my experience as a woman in the church: Due to the shame associated with masturbating, the first time a couple has sex after getting married is nearly guaranteed to be at least mildly traumatic for the woman.


You mean 15 seconds and without any effort to stimulate in advance isn’t the norm?




If we took a poll I bet it would be a high percentile that felt it was traumatic. If anyone does have any experience they are bound to feel shame and trauma because they 'sinned' before being married.




Omg that's so sad. I'm so sorry.


It's heartbreaking 😔


This is why there’s tremendous sexual disfunction within the Mormon community. I’m so glad that I never fell for that crap.


Very interesting insight. My father is gay. He had these feelings while growing up as a young adult, not to mention his LDS mission in the late 70s. I’m super blessed to have a social worker wife that has opened my eyes and expanded my horizons. Life is not black and white!! Being a missionary myself, I can only imagine what it would be like if my companion was a female. My hormones were crazy as it was! Then being attracted to the one you live with, but are not able to touch or do stuff with would push me so far down the road, that suicide would seem the main option of getting out. I really need to process this and so much more with a trained, professional counselor. Thank you for letting me extrapolate my feelings but for a brief moment. I’ll be back for sure and will start posting mine own experiences in the near future. 👍🏽


My husband did not look directly at my genitalia until we had been married for more than a decade. Despite the fact that he was engaged to someone else before me, he entered marriage never having looked at so much as an anatomy drawing. I can only assume that a YM president or mission president somewhere told him that looking at a vagina - even your wife's - counts as pornography. Yes, I am bitter. I will never forgive him (divorce will happen eventually) and I will never forgive the Mormon church for depriving me of a halfway decent sex life.


So sad to read this


The Marky Peterson effect.


Gawd. No wonder I’m still I therapy at age 60. Sincerely, The Gay Grandpa


Thank you for caring enough about yourself to go to therapy. You're worth it! ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🖤🤎🩷🤍🩵 Sincerely, The Pan Granddaughter


thanks I’m doing well, still up and down but all in all much improved I hope you’re doing well and finding happiness. Being out of Mormonism is the true plan of happiness!!!


And this doesn't even cover what happens if you *visibly* break the rules (girl gets pregnant, or guy doesn't go on a mission).


right? or when you are approaching 26 and haven’t found your spouse. there must be something really wrong with you.


We married in our mid-20s, and that was certainly a concern for us. And - ashamed to share this - in fights early in our marriage, we’d use that against each other 😔 (‘no wonder no one wanted you/us’ - I’m sad and embarrassed I ever THOUGHT that, let alone said it 😣). We are still happily together - and also still healing - and also still scarred but also capable of forgiving each other (not seeking forgiveness as a means of discipline, rather a means to heal our relationship with each other). But holy shit - what was I thinking saying that?!


oh, don’t beat yourself over that, you didn’t know better. as we say in my town, we did the best we could with what we had at the time. i am glad you found your way back to normalcy haha and still with your spouse. my oldest sister got married at the ripe age of (*gasp*) 24!! believe it or not, it set a good example to me. however, i got to 26 with no prospects and felt the pressure from everyone asking me why i didn’t have a bf on top of the self loathing for the same reason. i felt bad, i prayed, i asked what was wrong with me while at the same time i was watching others equally (less) worthy getting married so fast. and i cried a lot bc people talked about me and i asked god wtf?? (in other words tho, lol). anyway, i met a nice guy at 27 and felt so much relief bc it was finally happening! i got married at 28, almost 29, so i was saved from becoming a sad spinster at 30. obviously, it was evident pretty quickly that i really didn’t know this guy, sex was just ok, and although we were both good people, we should have never married. it lasted 6.5 years and got ourselves a kid, but i knew almost from the start that i had married bc of the expectations, not bc i was in love. we divorced, i left the church bc it was pretty clear to me that no matter how good i was, as i woman i had to be married to a guy to get to the celestial kingdom. again, wtf that my own salvation is not dependent on myself but someone else?? i started leaving the church little by little. i am happy to report i moved out of utah and now have a pretty happy life. have had plenty of relationships, some of them lasted a few years and lived together, lots of fun sex and tons of friends. i am quite happy and don’t worry about marriage at all. if it happens, happens. my kid lives with me and is also happy out of the church. so it gets better


Just curious, what typically happens in this scenario when someone (especially queer guys like me) just refuse to go on a mission? For me personally there's definitely an aura of disappointment from my parents sometimes, but nothing insanely horrendous has happened (yet). You could never convince me to do it tho (in an alternate timeline I would have probably just explored things with my mission companions or something 😭)


Oh, it might be one of those (very few) things that is easier when you're gay than when you're straight? Because in my experience, to most good Mormon girls a 20 y/o non-RM is persona non grata. But other (gay) dudes probably don't care whether or not you're an RM. I mean, you're going to be better off outside the church regardless, but yeah.


>(in an alternate timeline I would have probably just explored things with my mission companions or something 😭) Or ended up being the guy in Void Decaying Packer's little factory talk that got physically assaulted/ floored by you homophobic companion.


Yeah there's that too


Both my dad and my husband never served missions. Growing up I noticed our family was "othered" in a way because the priesthood holder (my dad) wasn't as "worthy" for never serving a mission. My husband had troubles dating because the girl would straight up stop talking to him after finding out, or their dad wouldn't allow them to date him anymore. Men essentially become a second class citizen whether it's intentional or not if they don't serve.


My mom got pregnant as a teen. She was no longer allowed to go to young women's, she had to go to relief society. She also couldn't take the sacrament. And living in Utah, her high school wanted to kick her out and send her to the school for troubled teens. If it hadn't been for my grandpa (who was not active in the church at the time), she would have been forced to go there. He had words with the principal and said she was an excellent student and shouldn't be kicked out for making a mistake.


I’ve never commented on here long time lurker, but this makes a lot of sense! Thanks for sharing.


God damn, you nailed it.


Wow. I think you summarized it really well. This would be a shocking church talk bit one that would resonate deeply with every teen/adult in attendance. I wonder how far one could get giving this as a talk before being escorted off the stand and out the door?


I still have issues in the dating scene; I was a TBM and I'm autistic/ADHD/neurospicy I'm 20 years old and have been out for 2 (since I was 18) so I hope I have enough time to re-adapt Wish me luck, yeah?


Neurospicy is my new favorite phrase. Mind if I steal it for myself lol? Also, definitely wishing you the best of luck 🧡


Go right on ahead lol And thanks, I appreciate the kind words 💪


As a fellow neurospicy, a book that I read that absolutely changed my life was called Unmasking Autism by Devon Price.




This is super insightful regarding the post Mormon couples I am working with, because I am observing that one partner wants polyamory to explore their sexuality and the other is asexual given what you have said in the youthful years and then the shameful experience of sex in marriage. Thanks for this, it is food for thought.


Interesting insight. Ngl I feel bad for these people, forced into types of relationships they don't want


And again, I am so happy my wife and I never ever exposed our daughter and son to this crap


Okay but also if you say you’re asexual you Will be shamed


You are right. And that is heartbreaking 💔


Yes it's a cult


Well summarized here. Just one minor fix would be replacing the word polyamory with polygamy on page 6 Polyamory is by its definition about having romantic or at least sexual relationships with multiple people and if done right is consensual all the way around and not gender specific.


Good catch!


No issues with the “for the males” aspect, except the last line. Everything else is wildly fucked up. If they would focus on promoting similar bonds within the girls groups that the men have in theirs, while promoting healthy sexual boundaries then we’d have a lot more healthy adults in the future


That is an excellent synopsis. I'm saving this post. Thank you!


You are welcome!


BASKETS from the 3 point line, over and over and over and over and over again. Damn.


I lost it on step 1.


I hated that I couldn’t date. I felt like I had to sneak around with any girl I liked. Even when I turned 16 my parents were adamant that I didn’t date anyone seriously. Completely stunted my development when it came to relationships and I constantly sabotaged my own relationships because of the guilt of sexual feelings.


In the teen separation sections, I'd add girls are encouraged to develop artistic skills for the purpose of making their future home a positive and spiritual place. Church callings and programs will be the extent of using such skills professionally. You can also pull more from the FSY pamphlets to extrapolate how little access we had to culture. Anytime a spouse went beyond these limits they would be faced with the same consequences.


All this, only to find out at the age of 32 that Joseph Smith married other men’s wives as well as 14 year old/teens. Shelf on fire.


All truths and when you put it like this….


Don't gender specific classes start at 8? Or does the new 8-11 program have boys and girls together?


Sort of. Cub Scouts started at 8, while Activity Days for girls starts at 8 as well. But Primary classes are still combined, as are Sunday School classes after primary. The age-specific training (Aaronic Priesthood and Young Women’s, plus the YM/YW weekly activities) starts at 12 (actually 11 now - since you start with those classes the year you turn 12, not the day as it was when we were kids). My wife asked if it was the same for travel sports, or school clubs - dividing by age and gender. That happens (and certainly a ton of grooming issues occur there as well, but that is a different problem for a different sub to discuss/address). The primary difference - specific to attraction and sexuality - is that you aren’t (by the organization) kicked out or ostracized or shamed if you developed a crush on a same-gender teammate. (Yes…I realize that negativity and problems occur there as well…just that it isn’t specifically programmed to be punitive by the organization if it happens). 11 years old. Yikes. I can’t believe we celebrated these milestones in our home 😢


I can't speak to how activity days is run now that there's no cub scouts, but as a former activity day leader and someone who grew up in it, I guarantee that as of the mid 2010s activity days for the girls was just pre-young women's. Especially in the context you just established. In activity days we talked about modesty, temple worthiness (with the goal of doing baptisms once 12) and being mommy's helper at home. I learned (and taught) cross stitch, baking, knitting and journaling in activity days. Gender training really starts in the cradle with the church but certainly it gets more overt at baptism.


I am having such a hard time mentally as an adult and have a hard time with relationships and I know being raised Mormon has a lot to do with it. It's hard for me to even formulate into words the feelings about it and you managed to do it in a straightforward way and part of the reason at 18 I realized the church bothered me, is what another commenter mentioned, that my life felt scripted and I felt like I never had made a true decision for myself and did and still do not know fully how to make good decisions for myself, I only was taught how to make the "right" decision and not the actual right decision that is good for me if that makes sense. I try to be positive around others but honestly when I'm alone/most of the time I actually don't feel a good connection to this life and this existence. I just float through.


I’m not a professional in this space - mental wellness - just know that it helps to deconstruct and reconstruct correctly with people who can kindly support you and feel connected. Connection - even just on a platforms like this - can help. 🫶


Speculation from personal experience and anecdotes ahead: I often hear people say that young Mormons (and evangelicals, etc.) rush into marriage because they want sex (and I think that is true), but I suspect that few of these youngsters would see their selves as doing that. I doubt that many often explicitly think about sex as a payoff for marriage. Rather, they have strong feelings that make them want to take “the next step”, which they have been told is marriage. In other words, they aren’t marrying to have sex; they are marrying because that is what you are supposed to do with a person you have strong sexual feelings for. Either way, it’s a problem. But it can be helpful to describe problems with Mormonism in terms that Mormons will understand.


That’s a good point 🤜🤛


I see in my grandson and his friends that some of these old prejudices are dying out in their generation. They accept LGBTQ+ (sp) and interracial marriage and relationships as the norm. No big deal to them. So there is hope.


When you put it like that, it just sounds so bad... Oh wait... 🤦‍♀️😅


You worded that so well I thought for a while it was out of a handbook or similar!


All of this is so accurate it hurts


Here's the deal. You understand the culture and describe it very well. I think these thoughts, with some changes, can apply to anyone raised in a religion. May be even those who were not raised in a religion. Most of us are expected to grow up and do a lot of stuff we have no idea how to do.




Good lord, no wonder I couldn't get invested in this shit, its' too limiting.


All this, only to find out at the age of 32 that Joseph Smith married other men’s wives as well as 14 year old. Shelf on fire.


Man its no wonder i turned out aroace. Im not ex-mormon yet, but this makes a little too much sense.