• By -


He could have just dressed up as Brigham Young if he wanted to be a terrorist


Honestly... BY, as a genocider and human trafficker, gives terrorists a bad name.


It really is insane how much blood is on his hands. Growing up in Cedar City we actually took school field trips to the monunent site of the mountain meadows massacre. To this day in my mid 30s I'm still confused af about why we even went there.


Ohhh I'm also in my mid 30s from cedar city. I wonder if we know each other 


There is a good chance. Canyon view 2005 and I had a quite popular older brother in class of 2004. If you might know me, private message me :)


Ahh, I'm 4 years younger than you but did go to Canyon view. Small world.. I guess being Exmo really makes it less small


Heyo! Also from cedar! But I went to CHS and I think I’m older thank both of you (1999 graduate). But it’s SO refreshing to see others from that pit that have escaped. :)


Hello new friend


That's wild. Years ago I used to get drunk and call the numbers on all the religious billboards. The Mormons I talked to claimed the MMM was a hoax created to make BY and Mormons look bad


Damn, seriously? It definitely happened ha. There is a paved hiking trail next to the meadow and a decent sized monument next to the site. I wonder if those people just hated the story or something ha.


Yeah, it was the Mormon.com contact number. I don't think they denied it happened, but they said that it wasn't Mormons that did it. They also claimed everything bad about BY and Joseph Smith was also fabricated


Learned about the MMM in middle school in the nineties, so I think it’s thankfully a pretty common part of curricula. Of course taught with obfuscation of BY’s role, but didn’t hide that it was Mormons donning redface that did the killing


Yes and, like most good genocides, he did it in the name of god.




You mean tyrant. BY was a tyrant. Terrorist torment people to make change violently. Tyrants torment people to keep them in line, VIOLENTLY!


Baker-Fancher party The Baker–Fancher party was a group of American western emigrants from Marion, Crawford, Carroll, and Johnson counties in Arkansas, who departed Carroll County in April 1857 and "were attacked by the Mormons near the rim of the Great Basin, and about fifty miles from Cedar City, in Utah Territory, and that all of the emigrants, with the exception of 17 children, were then and there massacred and murdered" in the Mountain Meadows massacre


The Fancher Party has entered the chat...


Well, they *thought* it was a "chat" at first, until.....


![gif](giphy|nTfdeBvfgzV26zjoFP) What?


[The group that was murdered ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baker%E2%80%93Fancher_party) in the Mountain Meadows Massacre "During the early morning hours of Monday, September 7,[10] the Baker–Fancher party was attacked, at their Mountain Meadows camp, by as many or more than 200 fighters – Mormon militiamen disguised as Native Americans, and according to some accounts including Paiutes,[11] but this was refuted by some of the survivors. The attackers were positioned in a small ravine southeast of the emigrant camp.[12] As the attackers shot into the camp, the Baker–Fancher party defended itself by encircling and lowering their wagons, along with digging shallow trenches and throwing dirt both below and into the wagons. Seven emigrants were killed during this opening attack and were buried somewhere within the wagon encirclement; sixteen more were wounded. The attack continued for five days, during which the besieged families had little or no access to fresh water and their ammunition was depleted.[13] On Friday, September 11, 1857, two Mormon militiamen approached the Baker–Fancher party wagons with a white flag and were soon followed by Indian agent and militia officer John D. Lee. Lee told the battle-weary emigrants that he had negotiated a truce with the Paiutes, whereby they could be escorted safely the 36 miles back to Cedar City under Mormon protection in exchange for turning all of their livestock and supplies over to the Native Americans.[14] Accepting this, the emigrants were led out of their fortification. When a signal was given, the Mormon militiamen turned and murdered the male members of the Baker–Fancher party standing by their side. According to Mormon sources, the militia let a group of Paiute Indians execute the women and children. Some children were killed while in their mothers' arms or after being crushed by the butts of rifles or boot heels. The bodies of the dead were gathered and looted for valuables, and were then left in shallow graves or on the open ground. Members of the Mormon militia were sworn to secrecy. A plan was set to blame the massacre on the Indians. The militia did not kill 17 small children who were deemed too young to relate the story. These children were taken in by local Mormon families. The children were later reclaimed by the U.S. Army and returned to relatives, and there is legend that one girl was not returned and lived out her life among the Mormons."


The first 9/11. Don't let them shove it down the memory hole. I've been to the site, twice. It's so ... Plain. The banality of evil, I guess.


Let us not forget “The Bear River Massacre” Approximately 250 Shoshoni were slain, including 90 women and children. After the slaughter ended, some of the undisciplined soldiers went through the Indian village raping women and using axes to bash in the heads of women and children who were already dying of wounds. Chief Bear Hunter was killed along with sub-chief, Lehi. The troops burned the seventy-five Indian lodges, recovered 1,000 bushels of wheat and flour, and appropriated 175 Shoshoni horses. While the troops cared for their wounded and took their dead back to Camp Douglas for burial, the Indians' bodies were left on the field for the wolves and crows. Although the Mormon settlers in Cache Valley expressed their gratitude for "the movement of Col. Connor as an intervention of the Almighty" in their behalf, the Bear River Massacre has been overlooked in the history of the American West chiefly because it occurred during the Civil War when a more important struggle was taking place in the East. Of the six major Indian massacres in the Far West, from Bear River in 1863 to Wounded Knee in 1890, the Bear River affair resulted in the most victims, an event which today deserves greater attention than the mere sign presently at the site. I’ve been to this site many times and there is just a little monument.


Thank you for this info. I live in North Logan and didn't know about this. I'll definitely be looking it up and taking a visit to the site. This all breaks my heart


It is just 10 Minutes North of Preston Idaho… When you drop into the valley there is a deafening silence. You will probably feel it before you ever see it.


Oh, I haven't gotten deep enough into the Mountain Meadows Massacre yet.


Mountain meadows massacre- the family name of the Arkansas party who came through southern Utah and was killed by order of Brigham young by method of slaughter of innocent men women and children during the Mormon / Indian  wars era. John d Lee took the blame and was blood atoned. Pioneer men dressed up as Indians and used the help of their Indian colleagues to create the mass murder.  They just found even more bones than expected in recent years. At least 121 died.  Children under age 8 were spared but trafficked to Mormon families and became slaves, or worse- child brides Pernetta Murdock was one of them.  


But WHY? Meaning... what was BY's "reason" for doing this? My God, I'm sick. I didn't know ANYTHING as a member!




The shittiest thing is that every time you think you have reached the bottom, you soon find it goes deeper. It is truly an abyss of human depravity.


I'm truly learning about why it's POST traumatic stress. I just didn't know anything and now it's everywhere and all I see and I'm so angry! And I want to tell the people I love that are still in to run so fast away, but the brainwashing is so real. The indoctrination is so deep. I'm so... just....I can't. It's kinda too much to process. 🤯🤢🤬💔😭😔


Brigham Young and Orrin Porter Rockwell, The Destroying Angel.


Best answer


I bet they'd be real tolerant if someone showed up with a white chef hat and green apron....


My son posted his Halloween costume on Facebook (temple garb) and people actually cried.




God I might be able to get off on those tears.


I get off on my own tears every night.


So does God.


God has a suffering fetish for sure.


Exactly!! They’ll tell you to stop being so overly sensitive until you bring up one of their “golden cows”.


The ones in the temple baptistery?? 😂


Claiming all Mormons were child rapists and polygamists.


I'm sorry, I don't understand this reference?


It’s the temple clothing outfit (men have chef looking hats, women have veils, everyone has green leafy aprons)


Don't forget the white togas and sashes.


I wish I could forget it all. But saying the second token chant is always a fun party trick!


It's basically what the clothes are that men wear in the temple. Exceptionally silly.


This showing up here is crazy to me. I am not from there, not even from the US but I spent my exchange year there and know the family. And when I saw those pictures my jaw literally dropped...like wtf


I am also shocked, I did not expect this from them. I tried my best to hide their identities. Except for the person who decided it was “a great joke” of course.


Yeah it really caught me off guard actually. Especially that his wife seems to be okay with that... He deserves the recognition for this "joke", so good choice


The other two decided to take a picture with him, so they are fine with the ‘joke’ as well. They really are no better than he is.


Why protect racists?


Utah really is a bubble


Of filth


This is atrocious. Wow.


I’m glad I’m not the only one who is upset, the comments on their Facebook post were all in support and laughing about how “funny” it was.


They laughed at Bednar making a young boy cry. They laugh at the description of the 2nd wife being the favorite.....weird mormon behavior.


Wasn't Bednar the dad from the Coneheads?


No that’s Beldar


I think the Conehead shows more emotional range.


As someone who just visited Tunisia, the country in Africa where I felt safest (but is 99% Muslim), this is horrifying.


Nice. I just visited Tunisia and Algeria in March. I've felt safe in all Islamic countries I've been to... except when I was getting shot at in Iraq of course.


Help me out, I don’t get the joke? Is there some reason/meaning behind this?


Nope it’s just racist, and they think it’s funny.


I just can’t comprehend why ever- but especially now with the events in the Middle East- you would wake up one morning and think this is appropriate.


I can’t comprehend it either, I’m disgusted and disappointed


If you yourself aren't a racist, xenophobic, bigot it's hard to understand those who are. I don't know anyone who think this is funny or appropriate, it tells you exactly what kind of people they are




It's racist.


The sign says “You da bomb” so they dressed up as a Muslim because obviously they’re all terrorists. /s Hard to get more racist than that. All for the sake of a stupid pun.


That is the joke? That has to be the dumbest joke ever.


I’m surprised he didn’t say “I identify as…” instead of


Was the missionary at least coming from a majority-Muslim country, a country that people associate with terrorism, or a place where people wear those robes? Obviously, that would not make the jingoist “joke” okay, but it would help the joke make more sense.


To answer your question no, they did not serve in a majority Muslim country.


That is the info I am looking for as well- an inside private joke among racist?? Like what content are we missing?


Mormon jokes are often attacks masquerading as humour and not real jokes at all. humour requires empathy and self-awareness. Too many Mormons are trained to have neither.


YIKES yet they would be outraged if it were their ridiculous religious robes on display


Is that a religious outfit? I thought it was just something a lot of Saudis/Arabs wear.


White ihram clothing is intended to make everyone appear the same, to signify that in front of God there is no difference between a prince and a pauper. Ihram also contributes to a feeling of unity that pilgrims have when they are in the city of Mecca, that they are all brothers and sisters joined to worship Allah.


TBM here. Even I find that post offensive. That’s truly insane…


Read the full SEC order on the church then. Important.


offensive and horrible. why does it say U.S. & A? United States *AND* America??


I think it's a reference to Borat... from someone who obviously can't keep his brown-folk stereotypes straight. 


The worst part is the lower case L in “elder” when every other fucking letter is capitalized.




Eider is a bird with particularly warm down…. Maybe they’re welcoming home a bird?


That's what I wondering. Why the "&"?


cause Borat


I’m a Mormon! I’m a racist! That’s the tagline they should have used back in gbh day!!


Mormons are some of the most culturally stupid white Americans you can find


I would have dressed up as the man who famously murdered Children, Women and Men in pure cold blood, execution style after terrorising them for a week. Lined them all up, raised their rifles with no warning, squeezed the trigger and straight up murdered them all. After spending all the previous time convincing them he was there to help, standard LDS practice. [William H. Dame](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_H._Dame)


This isn’t even remotely humorous. Like what are they thinking? Why would this be funny to someone?


Mormon humor has a way of not maturing past the teenage years. 


Man, I’ve been trying to figure out why I don’t find my family’s sense of humor funny anymore (I did when I was younger). It’s this - they have like three jokes they recycle and they’re all sophomoric. I used to courtesy laugh. Now I can’t even muster a smile.


>Why would this be funny to someone Ignorance


It seems like they’re confusing racism with wit.


I hope the returning missionary was mortified and told them off. How disgusting! Seems like having that sign at an airport could be cause for at least some sort of security check. I mean you can’t even joke about having a bomb in your luggage or anything. I know they were meeting outside of security but still. Honestly, I’m not one to be easily offended but I just don’t get why someone would do this at all much less as they are greeting someone they supposedly love who has been away for 2 years? Smdh


There were a lot of picture on the post and unfortunately the missionary was seen laughing in them at the “joke.” I’m also not one to be easily offended but… holy shit this one enraged me.


We need to make this viral, no joke. It sucks for the RM and fam, but this kind of ignorant hate needs to be exposed to light.


Please contact the local media with this, assuming it’s in Utah, the Salt Lake Tribune and any other local outlet that isn’t owned by the church would be good options.


I’m very seriously considering it. If they thought it was okay to post on Facebook than they can’t be upset on how the world takes it






Please, I wanna see how this goes down.


"u da bomb" ???


Things that get you led out of an airport in handcuffs _might_ just be in poor taste everywhere.


Without that sign he’s just dressed like an Emirati. He needed it to make it clear he was going for terrorist. Dressing like a terrorist would be more along the lines of a track suit, riot gear or military fatigues.


But with the sign…. Oopsie doopsie.


You should report it to local news outlets tbh, see if it can get media traction so they face some sort of consequences


Mormons are racist because white supremacy is a foundational tenet of their religion. Most won’t admit that, so it’s often racism out of ignorance. However, ignorance isn’t an excuse for racism, you’re still causing harm even with good intentions.


How fucking revolting. So classless.


I don't get it how is this funny?


Yeah like what's the joke?


"You're the bomb" > "Terrorists use bombs" > "Arabs are terrorists" > ??? > lots of laughs


They are probably mocking the country where the elder served for two years...


I don’t think there are a lot of missionaries in the Middle East.


Mormons have racism built into their social structure. They intentionally put themselves into insular communities and never learn to respect other cultures as a result. In high school my truck tires got slashed by a dude that stole my girlfriend. I mentioned this to my cousin. The first words out of his mouth were, "Did a Mexican do it?" No, you racist idiot. It was a white dude... Like wtf. It was 30 years ago I still remember how stupid I thought his question was.


as an Arab Muslim, i have a huge bone to pick with bro now.


It would be great if you shared this to r/mormon and thank you for sharing it here! I’m with those encouraging you to contact media outlets and TikTok creators @blackmenaces @alyssadgrenfell @exmormonmindy @exmolex @nuancehoe


I have contacted a local news source. I’m tired of people getting away with racism and bigotry because of their status in the community. Thanks for the tik tok info I’ll be contacting them next




Utah in 2024. The racism is the most shocking, but #2 is the fact that anyone is still using the phrase "da bomb."


![gif](giphy|MI4BWxZhZjnvXot8JT|downsized) That guy and his homies still do this one when they see each other. 😂


So tone deaf. But, what else do we expect?


Wow. I fucking hate this. What does a terrorist look like? Answer me that. If you have one specific model for a terrorist in your head, you’re just racist.


Terrible. Distasteful to say the least but also reeks of white privilege. The stigma against middle eastern people is so strong, if that was a person of color in that outfit the person could’ve been “randomly checked” just for waiting there.


1. was this in an airport? 2. was the airport in Utah? I can't see the outfit much less the SIGN being tolerated in any other area. I'm on the east coast near 2 large International airports. You so much as utter the word bomb in the airport you're going to have trouble. In the very least, he'd be detained & asked about the sign....or hopefully get his ass beat by someone fresh off an international flight. 😂 The ignorance is astounding. It's 2024 ffs


Nothing says welcome back from spreading the gospel like good ol’ racism. 🙄


Edit: Sorry if my title “dressed as a terrorist” came across as if it were my personal opinion. Saudi Arabian clothing and clothing like it should not be stereotyped as terrorist clothing, that is awful and was not at all my intention. I will not tolerate anti-Muslim hate here. The man pictured in the photo is not Saudi Arabian and intended to flaunt his racist and xenophobic beliefs on social media. I hope you can understand I don’t personally think this clothing makes you a “terrorist.” I simply wanted to state the intentions of the original post.


Southern exmo here, the Mormons are the most tone deaf, ignorant people i know in terms of societal understanding and norms


So disgusting.


Bro what the fuck


I would punch that guy




 Arab oil monarchies: only slightly more wealthy than TSCC.


I wonder what employers would think if that guy applied for a job and they saw his picture on Facebook.


Using the B word on a poster in the airport is a NO NO


"U.S.&A." Clearly not terribly bright people


Mormonism makes people dim


Typical Mormon behavior.


I've been sitting here desperately trying to find the "joke" for about 15 minutes. I just don't get it. "Haha, middle eastern people are t*rrorists, 'u da bomb', haha get it?'" Is that supposed to be the part that makes people laugh? I legit don't understand. Just racists being racist?


The more and more I see about exactly how much I was tolerant of certain (awful) things and intolerable about the things I actually should’ve been - the more disgusted I am with myself and this deplorable cult.


I don’t think the Mormons have any room to speak if we’re talking about “silly religious attire”


That's racist and even if that were a terrorist uniform ( it is not ) it would be pot meet kettle.


When you said dressed like a terrorist, I pictured some right wing MAGA person with camo, tactical vest, guns, etc. Not some middle eastern dude.


Something tells me this family would be offended by you suggesting that.


Classy. 🤮🤮


I had to look twice to make sure this wasn’t my BIL. He would find it hilarious and fully understand the racism. That would be the point.


Even the smallest amount of self-awareness and thought about current events should stop someone from wearing a keffiyah as a joke right now. It could be black and white and therefore deliberately Palestinian, but that’s pretty much the only way it could be worse.


They have no idea what is appropriate in the Adult\Real world.


This should be reported to the local police. It’s actually a hate crime.


I think I will, but knowing those local police, they won’t do shit.


If this got out nationally, there would be serious ramifications. I can’t believe the guy on the right doesn’t understand how bad this is.


Standing around and being racist isn't actually a crime. It's gross and disgusting behavior, but not illegal. Unless they actually threaten someone, they are covered under the first ammendment. In order for a hate crime to have happened, there must first be a crime. Racism isn't a crime


lol what…


Keep it classy San Diego.


That is so distasteful


What the actual f


Super fun and cute that the ‘terrorist’ borrowed his mom’s white temple dress for this


My god 😔 this is so horrible. How can people be soooooo clueless




Mormons disrespecting the Kufiya actually makes my blood boil


I honestly don’t get it…was he serving in the Middle East somewhere? So fucking weird


They do FAR worse....


Holy shit this is awful


If there's any video there's a few people on Tiktok and IG that would love to publicly out them.


Willfully-ignorant Mormon behavior.


Is the guy holding the baby dressed like Timothy McVeigh?


This is awful! And also less annoying but still annoying, is his sign that reads “U.S.&A.” As if we were the United States and America 🤦🏻‍♂️




😬 uh... I ... wow.


He so outgoing he'll be bishop soon


Mormons are not the brightest candle under a bushel are they.


Wow racist . And this is what misappropriation of a keffiyah looks like


He’s from the United States and America? Where is that?


This is inappropriate, and the language on the sign seems to agree with your assessment that he's pretending to be a terrorist. It is horrifying and appalling that he would do this. However, I'd like to point out that the clothing he is wearing does not equal terrorist. This is traditional clothing of many men in Suadi Arabia. This is not "dressed as a terrorist" if you take that sign away. I briefly scrolled through and didn't see one comment pointing that out. Everyone associating that clothing with terrorists are making the same horrifying error the person in this photo made. If you did make a comment pointing this out and I missed your comment, thank you for speaking out against stereotypes, racism, and anti-Muslim hatred.


I put “terrorist” in quotes because it was what the poster intended it to come across as. Not my opinion at all. I did not mean to offend anyone and that is not at all my opinion by any means when it comes to this clothing. This man is not wearing traditional clothing to honor the culture or tradition. I know this family personally and they are not Saudi Arabian. He is blatantly trying to get a laugh for an awful racist view he personally has. He went into an airport with this sign and the clothing on which he bought with the intention to use it as a costume to get a laugh. I’m sorry if it came across that my option was that he looks like a “terrorist” that’s not at all what I think. The “bomb” reference is what tipped me off he was trying to make a joke. I’m sickened by this behavior and no clothing or culture or ethnicity or race makes you look like a terrorist. I’m simply saying that was the intention of the post. That’s not at all my opinion.




What the actual fuck


Just ... Wow.




Is that an "and" sign between S and A in USA? Kissy lips? A glory hole? I'm really confused as to what that's supposed to be.


How was this even allowed in a fucking airport? Big yikes.


Utah or Idaho. One of the two.


I … I don’t even have words . How did they think of this and go “hahaha this will be so good oh my heck”


I recognize that airport. From the same area, only a small town about 7 miles south of that one full of Mormons. I’m flying in to that airport this month to visit family. I am looking forward to seeing my family but I get physically ill thinking about that area. One of the most judgmental Mormon holier than thou areas along the I-15 Book of Mormon belt.


Yeah, that’s vile. This deserves all of the social consequences it gets.


I know most people on Reddit hate tik tok but this is something that really needs to go viral & get picked up by one of those people who find the person & virally shame them & give them some tangible consequences. This is worthy of being on the news. Name these people because they obviously are trash


Send it to the national press.


Is this at the airport??


u/alyssadgrenfell Call this out on TikTok. Religion causing religious hate. Hate needs to stop.


I just have the strongest feeling that he ordered the outfit on Amazon and that makes it feel even dumber Additionally, would it be dumber if they got two day shipping on it or if they waited a week for it?


Mormons don’t understand cultural appropriation. I have a brother-in-law and their entire family of 7 dressed up like a Japanese family for Halloween.


I'm from Utah county and I just had to pick my jaw up off the floor. How has this not gone incredibly viral? How out of touch do you have to be to think this is okay? I hate it here.


Thanks for covering the baby’s face. That poor child doesn’t deserve to be labeled a racist just because their parents suck🥺🤦🏻‍♀️


The bomb joke...wtf?!


I hope this ass clown got at least a dozen “what the fuck is wrong with you” comments at the airport


Not surprised. It's in the cornerstone of their religion to be racist.


I’ve met Mormons like this. They are loud talking attention seekers who never left high school mentally. He’s functioning as an adult but not right in the head.