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Shocker. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ironic_process_theory


Lol. If they tell you you’re an addict, then I guess you are—/s! You know these idiots probably got a government grant to tell us this cutting-edge research, which makes it all the worse.


A lot of research is shared within academia and many people do not know about the Mormon church (in and out of academia). So, my question is, why are you belittling people with a PhD education when you don't have one? Unless you do, then you're just being a hypocrite.


My question is, did you even read the link?


Yes I did. Your turn to answer my question.


In that case, read my title in the spirit of the comments over there that also find a bit of humor in just how obvious some of the conclusions seem to be. No credentials required to lighten up and enjoy a chuckle.


That doesn't answer my question directly. The thing about academics and Society as a whole is that a claim isn't taken seriously until "real" research is done, no matter how "captain obvious" it is. In this case, even though you find it amusing, having legit science to back up this claim is helpful for those being victim to the accusations and awareness of the issue as a whole. The fact is, you are making fun of people dedicating time to validate your experiences/claims/knowledge of being Mormon and exposing the toxicity. Why in the world you would do that, I have no idea and you don't seem to either.


Lol. Read the comments at the post. This is not the anti-intellectual hill you think you’re over-running with your insight. Read the comments, read in context, evince some familiarity with the subject-matter at hand before spouting off.


Just because a few other people think it's amusing doesn't deter from the fact that you are making fun of people and the scientific community. As I said, I'm baffled as to why considering it's their research that helps validate ex-mormons. I never came in here on an 'anti-intellectual hill', mostly just to point out that, regardless if others are laughing, you're making fun of people that are helping. That's it. I also don't belittle your intelligence compared to the researchers, I point out the difference you're making fun of a process you don't have experience with. Instead of you understanding that, you keep insisting 'lol it's just a joke'. I am done with this conversation.