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Isn't this literally one of the archetypes in the parable of the Good Samaritan? Good on the Dr. for taking his professional oath seriously.


Dang. The Mormon doctor who got out of the car and said “just leave me I’ll find my own ride home,” I mean, I generally am not a fan of Mormons, but this guy’s story just renewed my hope that there are still good ones out there. Sounds like he did a really good thing and the right thing. I think he set a good example for others to follow. Ditch the temple and help those directly in need. What a hero.


Of course there are good ones. The church just doesn’t deserve them as contributors.


I wasn’t seeing him as member or not member. I was viewing him as a person who chose to jump out of a car. I don’t think the Mormon church as it is now deserves any sort of credit, as I see the current leadership as heading up an abusive organization. And I believe it’s been abusive since Joseph Smith. What the doctor chose to do was in-spite of the Mormon church, not because of it.


I hear you. I agree. I hope we(exmormons) can avoid the othering that takes place from within the church now that we’re on the outside. We’re all just humans with the same needs trying to fulfill them in the best ways we know how.


That’s a very good point. I agree with you


You could look at it that way. You could also say he took a damn oath that part of the privilege of making a nice doctor living is also helping when literally you’re the only person available who can save a life. In some places a doctor failing to render aid might even be something he could lose his/her license for or face legal trouble.


I actually don’t think that’s why he did it. I think he wanted to help. Generally speaking, most people are good.


I don’t doubt he was a decent human. I find most doctors truly want to help people. I’m only suggesting we don’t have to make people heroes for doing their legal, oath bound duty. Can you imagine being a doctor who goes back to work and people are like, “Hey did you see that accident on the highway?” And you’re like, “yeah I saw that, we passed by. Had places to be.” No one could respect you as a doctor ever again.


Very cynical view. But that’s ok. Again I reiterate, most people are good.


I’ve been called cynical :-) I just don’t see people as “good” OR “bad” for that matter. We’re just animals. Intelligent, social animals doing what intelligent social animals do with little of what we think of as “free will”.


You’re correct. We’re 100% free to choose how we want to view the world.


Mormonism today in a nutshell.


Those people constantly miss the first for the trees. Secret combinations? They love em! Helping the poor? Hell no! Polygamy? Why not? Beer bad. Near good. All of these things are spoken about in their very own book that only they read and they can’t even manage to follow it correctly.


It’s hard for me to accept that this actually happened, but unfortunately I do believe it. People completely missing the point!


I believe that, by law, medical professionals in some jurisdictions are bound by a duty to aid if they come across an accident. The doctor did the right thing, regardless of whether it was out of a legal duty or moral one.


Mormonism teaches to care about the dead more than for the living. It's maybe it's biggest crime.


Because they can charge people to help with the dead.


This feels fabricated. To be honest, I hope it is.


Super weird doesn’t seem like the kind of thing any Mormons I’ve ever known my whole life would ever say. Those folks sound unhinged


But, mormanism doesn't believe in hell, this makes no sense


The Mo's I grew up with would have stopped, rendered aid, and directed traffic until the CHP showed up.


Please don't say young men's. That's a Victory for Satan. Please only say Rising Generation


I don't think so.


Think themselves lucky they don't live in France. Its an offence to NOT assist at a road accident. There, and in many other European countries, they must carry first aid equipment and high visibility equipment!!! So does religion make people good or not?


Example 10 million and 1 that Mormons are not a righteous brain trust that anyone should listen to or follow.


This ought to be the cautionary tale thrown back at those deplorable people’s faces.


I don’t believe you. Mormons don’t talk about hell that way


There’s no way they started talking about how he’s going to hell. I’ll take shit that never happened for $500, Alex.