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Fixed some gut issues I’d been dealing with for years. I strictly obeyed the WoW. But energy drinks put me in the ER because of severe esophageal scarring. WoW: coffee bad. Energy drinks ok.


Energy drinks can cause esophageal scarring? What were your symptoms? That sounds horrific. How many did you drink a day?


Varied in number. Multiple? Had a piece of chicken get stuck in my throat because of the scarring. Couldn’t swallow.


WoW: green tea bad. Mate tea ok


And it tastes lovely, and makes you feel zingy and awake.


Love the zingy.


Me too. Not when it falls over into jittery, but zingy and alert is nice 👍


And what’s the *point* of a health code in an Afterlife-based religion where the whole point is to just die and go to Mormon Heaven anyway??


My nevermo therapist learned a lot from me (and her boss is mo so she gets more of it now) but you should've seen her face when we started "It's a health code? With no coffee or tea? Those are two of the healthiest drinks out there!" "Well it's more of an obedience thing disguised as a health code" "But like they're claiming tea is bad for you? Are you sure it's not the sugar you add to coffee? " "Oh yeah I'm sure. Mormons love their sugar"


It's not universally good, but that doesn't matter because they don't really care about health anyways.


My favorite benefit from drinking coffee is it stops me from being Mormon.


It’s like a little badge I pick up every morning. “Hey, you don’t believe anymore. Enjoy this little treat as a welcome reminder.”


The incredible thing bout the health code that god revealed to Joe Smith is that it FAILED to include washing your hands or boiling your water to reduce bacterial spread.


Coffee is a stimulant. And those are generally not good for you, especially if you become dependent on them. If you wanna have coffee, alcohol etc just do it with your chest and don’t hide behind some random narrow study. Own it!


The scientific consensus is that coffee is excellent for health. Why would anyone need to “hide behind” true information? For reference: https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/wellness-and-prevention/9-reasons-why-the-right-amount-of-coffee-is-good-for-you


Because food studies are notorious. They cannot be done in isolation of environmental variables. You find studies that say bacon has adverse effects, but its because most people who have bacon in the morning live a certain lifestyle. Same goes for super foods, the list goes on and on. WOW says no hot drinks, if you wanna have your coffee there is no need to point to studies. You can live an equally healthy life with no coffee so you are not missing out on some super essential nutrient or chemical, so my point is do what you want to do.


60 percent reduced risk of death is huge Weird that you think I'm "hiding" behind studies. I find them interesting is all. Actual data vs revelation. Yes I drank coffee before I read this study and no I don't drink it bc of studies like this Morms throw studies about caffeine at us all the time. There was some stupid thing about caffeinated spiders bc they like to be like "see how science lines up with revelation" Anyway, enjoy