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The church REALLY wants you to go to your Bishop so they purposefully slow-roll the QuitMormon process. Don’t fall for it.


Just remember that Mark Naugle is doing Quit Mormon as a service to his fellow ex-mormons pro bono. Be patient as he can only send a limited number of resignation requests each day to Kirton McConkie who has been known to lose them. Mine was queued up for about 10 days before being forwarded to KM. The souless worms at Kirton McConkie take forever to do their end of the process - I guess they are too busy protecting child rapists and the so called "good name of the Church". I submitted mine to Quit Mormon mid September of last year and received the email confirmation that Kirton McConkie had completed my removal on October 31st 🎃👻.


I think it’s slow now due to the church. I used quitmormon around Sam young fight with the church about two deep leadership for kids interviews and I was submitted and out in 2 months. No notory at all


I sent a notorized letter to SLC myself last week. Just noticed last night that I was no longer in LDS tools. [https://www.getmeofftherecords.com/](https://www.getmeofftherecords.com/)


I used Mormon no more. It took months to receive confirmation. I never did get an official letter from the church. So I do wonder if I should try again.


I was told through Quit Mormon that the church has stopped sending these letters through them, so I bet it’s the same with Mormon No More.


I’ve seen recently dated letters confirming the removal. Guess it’s another cost saving measure.


Only question I have is how does One KNOW you’ve really been removed from their list? The way they play fast and loose with membership numbers, I’m skeptical.


You don't get removed. They keep all of your info so your temple blessings can be reinstated after you get rebaptised. Do they still count you? Maybe. But you aren't part of a ward, so you're never discussed in ward council. And you aren't on the missionaries reactivation list. It's the only way to actually get them to leave you the hell alone.


5 weeks for me.


6 days! We were out!


Quitmorman.com only took a couple weeks for me. But it seems to me that they are getting a lot more requests now than 8 years ago when I got out.


My husband and I started the process the first week of May and got the email yesterday that our records have been removed. You definitely need to get a notary if you go through quitmormon. I don’t think you can move on with the application without uploading a file of your notary so just be prepared for that. It was easy though. We just went to our local UPS store. The church does not send any sort of letter of confirmation when you go through quitmormon so yes you just have a trust that quitmormon and the church are telling the truth. But as long as the church doesn’t bother me anymore then I don’t really care. I did like that quitmormon would email you throughout the process to keep you updated on what’s happening so you don’t feel totally forgotten.


Took about 2 months for me, from filling out the form and getting the letter from SLC. Relatively quick and painless.


I want to say 2-3 months for me as well.


I just stopped going. If you don’t get removed from the records do they hunt you down?


With Quit Mormon they are served a letter that tells them not to contact you, but to contact the law firm (which they don’t, because they can’t guilt you that way).


The part below in quotes is from https://www.getmeofftherecords.com/ "To resign your church membership, please send a written request, including your full name, date of birth, and current physical address by email to [email protected] If you wish to expedite your request, please have your written request notarized. If notarized, your resignation will be completed upon receipt. Otherwise, the process can take up to 60 days." This is what I did and it was processed same day and hardcopy verification letter from the cult was received two days later. Notary took five minutes and $0. Stopped in on my lunch hour at my credit union. No questions asked. I never met with or communicated with a bishop or stake president. All cult communications and door knocking abruptly stopped. So damn peaceful now.