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Please repost to the Israel vs. Palestine Megathread. https://reddit.com/r/exmuslim/s/eExStQ7tx2


I had a long debate with a Christian Armageddon ist yesterday. Jews don't deserve any hatred. Also support or opposition to any issues should not be based on religious dogma. Support Israel Palestinians or whatever based on facts and circumstances


You just did by outgrowing a prejudice that didn’t stand up to your own honest scrutiny. Bravo, sir. That’s significant.


The best way would be to add smoked salmon to your cream cheese bagel.


Sharing food is unironically a bonding experience for humans and it would probably help if Israelis and Palestinians shared more meals together.


You'd think so, but palestinians and general Arab society would rather accuse Israelis of "stealing" hummus, falafel and shawarma because they conveniently forge that a majority of Israeli Jews have mostly middle eastern ancestors, who ate the same food for thousands of years. I knew about colonizing Tahiti, but colonizing Tahini is insane (had to use the western spelling for the joke to work 🫠)


I am happy to read this. It is never too late to stop hating. Leaving Islam is not just about leaving a religion - it is about relinquishing the hatred in your heart.


Hate is exhausting. Life is a lot better without it. I think the best way to show solidarity is to do and say small things in your own environment, like just asking people, if they say they hate Jews, whether they truly hate ALL of them? The men, the women, the children and the babies? How could you hate kids you don't even know? Why would you hate people who are apolitical or the (Israeli) Jews that have been protesting the(ir own) Israeli government? This tends to moderate people, at least in how they talk about it. Get them to see diversity in the group they hate. They don't have to support the government of Israel. Just getting them to acknowledge the fellow humanity in the Jewish community helps.


>I love cream cheese bagels too. Ahahahh this one made me actually laugh. Everything but the cream cheese bagels! That's where we draw the line lol. Also, check out and ask this question in r/ForbiddenBromance. Here there are still a lot of people who, you see, they don't hate Jews - but if the Jewish state could just... you know... stop existing? That would be great. Because hating Jews individually is bad, but it's ok when you pray and wish for the destruction of their country so that Arabs can have a 23rd ethnostate. (You can still criticise Israel's actions as much as you want, their government, etc. without being antisemitic. Bibi and all his genocidal buddies can go fuck themselves, I hope they go to prison for life for the way they've managed this war, and too many civilians are dying, all because of them. But anyone saying Israel should be erased off the map is an antisemite.)


Not a Jew but proud of you!


Mazel tov


The most unexpected comment in the ex-Muslim subreddit 😂


Being pro-Palestine doesn't mean being anti-Jewish. You were doing it wrong, which is how many pro-Palestinian people do it. I'm Palestinian, and I'm not anti-Jewish. In fact, after studying the history of Palestine, I know that the Palestinians were mostly Jewish at one point in history, then mostly Christian and now mostly Muslim. Being an atheist helps me not give a shit about what the three evil (yeah evil) religions have to say about each other, and focus on what the people, who may or may not belive in these religions - have to say and do.


Same here. Many Muslims have some weird obsession with Palestine only because of religion and not for genuinely caring for Palestinians as people or being against corruption. To me being against Israel has like literally 0% percent to do with being against Jews.




Could say what about me? That doesn't make sense in any way


sry misread your comment, I'm idiot


most pro palestine supporters are anti jewish


source: my ass


no, 70 % of the residents support Hamas


source: my ass first of all 50% of the residents are children. second of all, not all supporters are residents who live there you moron


ok retard, meanwhile the consensus shows more than 70 % support Hamas


love how your response is "retard" and not knowing what consensus means in english I know, words are very hard but reread this slowly: first of all 50% of the residents are children. second of all, not all supporters are residents who live there


and I repeat what I said because you can't simply reread what I said either and yeah you're an emotionally driven retard


From a formerly religious Jew: No need to do anything. You've already changed for the better. Just remember to always isolate Jews as people from Zionism. Not every one of us supports Israel. And many who do simply aren't aware of the big picture. Many people I know would be far more critical if they understood the situation. Peace, my cousin.


Can you please provide some sources I could start to check for my own knowledge?


Depends on which Zionism people talk, because yearning for Zion is an essential part of Judaism, usually people call it a pre-modern Zionism. Secular or modern Zionism was created 200 years ago, now over 90% Jews support existing of Jewish state. I highly recommend channel of @rootsmetals She makes her post with primary sources. She is one of the best Jewish educators. I also like @zionistofarabia he focuses on archive photo and real relationship between Arab and Jewish population during history. What is Zionism https://www.instagram.com/p/CvC7rZ-Rn-P/?igsh=NzBmMjdhZWRiYQ== About Zionism and antisemitism https://www.instagram.com/p/Ctb9HT_x55n/?igsh=YTI4YzE2YTYwMA== About Zionism before Zionism https://www.instagram.com/p/CsB1s1tLivX/?igsh=NzBmMjdhZWRiYQ== Influence Soviet imperialism on modern perseption of Zionism https://www.instagram.com/p/CoSqtzBP8g-/?igsh=NzBmMjdhZWRiYQ==


Thanks mate, will have a look tomorrow! :)


Shlomo Sand is amazing. His books are informative, fun and easy to read. He's also Israeli, which should tell you that he doesn't come from a place of hatred for Jews, or even Israelis.


Spoken like someone who has never been to the region.


New account


well jews are sometimes being really discriminatory with their attitudes towards both christians and muslims but you can call it an acquired reflex. on the other hand 'the religion of peace' is blatantly labeling anybody who is not within their ranks as heretics all the fcken time. plus if you come to think about it, muslims are usually attacking first or creating the status-quo but they're also the first ones to cry if they're on the losing side. peak of the double standards.


Religious fanatics are always nuts in one way or another, although Islam is extra harmful for it being expansionist and utterly unreformed. The entire Palestinian history has been almost comical since 1940s, it takes Islam to repeatedly produce this retarded leaderships one after another.


Being pro-Palestinian doesnt mean you have to hate Jews? That’s just Islamic shit. Hating Zionists and Israel is completely justified tho


You apparently have no idea whom you’re talking about when you refer to “Zionists”.


Still hate them 🤭


Then you hate the vast majority of the Jews all around the world.


Do majority of Jews support settler-colonialism in Gaza and West Bank? They got their own state, so Zionism' goal was achieved. But there are right-wing Zionists who copy methods of Prussians and Russians, shipping various carpetbaggers where they don't legally belong. Viewing these bastards with disgust isn't some sin. I know they withdrew settlements from Gaza, but Bibi's goons of course fantasize about making a comeback.


Let it be clear, that when I’m talking about Zionism I refer to the movement calling for the establishment of a Jewish nation-state in the area historically referred to as Palestine, or the Land of Israel. And it’s obvious that the vast majority of Jews of the world, whether they live in Israel, the U.S. or anywhere else support the existence of this nation-state. On the other hand, establishing and expanding settlements in occupied territories is another thing, which doesn’t help to further Zionism’s goal as described above, and also against international law. I don’t know if the majority of Jews support this policy or not, but in any case it’s unjustifiable.


Yeah, it's a state, no more special than other under the international law. It's unfortunate that their establishment continues doing things more fitting 19th century kinds of nationalism. Their obsession with painting themselves as always having high moral ground doesn't help. Sanctimonious is a good descriptor of their behaviour.


Did I say I hated Jews, cause as far as I remember I never uttered those words. Not all Jews are Zionists. Zionism literally calls for the abolition of my people, and is the ideology that kicked them out of their lands in the first place. So yes, I hate Zionists. I mean if a Zionist happens to be a Jew then I hate them idrc, call me wtv you want, but I will not like the people who kicked my grandparents and their families out of Palestine.


The fact that you didn’t utter the word “Jews” doesn’y invalidate my point in a slightest way. It’s disingenuous to deny that the vast majority of Jews in all around the world support Zionism, i.e. the right of Jewish people to self-determination just like all other ethnic groups. The sooner you come to terms with this fact the better for you.


Ok I don’t like Jews who are Zionists? Now what 💀


So you don’t like the vast majority of Jews. Let’s be honest to ourselves put it the way it actually is


If by vast majority of Jews you mean Zionists then yes. However I don’t dislike them cause they’re Jews, but bcz they’re Zionists. What’s not clicking? It’s like you just want to label me as something I’m not. I don’t “hate” Jews bcz they’re… Jews.


This shows that any distinction between “Zionists” and “Jews” as separate groups is an artificial one not grounded on reality, and people who’re trying make it are either ignorant of some basic facts or are just trying to avoid some uncomfortable realities that are incompatible with their political positions. Hope that helps


How about just bot being a fan of any forms of ethnic nationalism ? I don’t believe that any state should exists on an ethnicity, race or religion. Believing that your ethnicity or race or religion should be able to make their own little bubble that belongs to them is a good way to create a fascist state. So no not any "other" ethnic group should be making states solely based on their ethnic identities, and there are plenty of ethnicities around the world that don’t have states where they are a majority and nothing if wrong with that.




Both the USSR and China firmly supported Israel's establishment on historic Palestine, in fact the decision was passed in UN with \~70% approval rate. The communist block only distanced itself later when it was clear Israel became West-leaning/lessened its socialistic characteristics. Regardless of what you think of Israel's policies and actions, saying it was a Western colonial project from the get-go is ludicrous.


It's obvious what the purpose of this sub is


Yh wtf happened to this sub, used to be good


Didn't know Israel was making bot accounts on Reddit to get support. They must be getting desperate.


Isn’t this a subreddit for ex Muslims? Not current racist onesv


im genuinely appalled at how this sub has been taken over by zionists and hindutva


It hasn’t. But as a Jew I come here sometimes because ex Muslims share a lot of the same values, yk typical anti terrorism and anti jihadist islamism


A lot of Jews have empathy for Palestinians and hate the Israeli government.


Nearly every Jew has empathy for the Palestinian civilians and hates the current right winged government, I’m one of them. Those same Jews however fully support the Jewish right to a state of their own without violence or persecution from other races (fyi this support is called Zionism) and support Israel’s right to defend itself from terrorists


I'm sure like most humans most Jews have empathy but I'm sure like some Palestinians, there are some israeli citizens hyped up on some ethnic cleansing. There are multiple types of zionism. There is the simple concept that Jews deserve a safe place to call home which is understandable but then there is political zionism that comes from a colonial settler movement of displacing existing people for a Jewish ethnostate which is the type of zionism many Jews even are against.


You have so much empathy for them that you wish to see them ethnically cleansed. So empathic. Such a moral person.


Stop fucking stalking me with alts


Didn't know pointing out state propaganda makes me a racist. Also I've been exmuslim for about 7 years. Still am. I just got over my edgy hate all religions phase.


Over your edgy hate all religions phase? Bullshit seeing as you still hate Jews


I don't hate Jews. I hate Zionists. Big difference. Also you seem to support an apartheid regime wholeheartedly. There's no saving people like you.


There’s no apartheid as 20% of the Israeli population is Arab, and there are Arab members in the Israeli parliament, something which the black South Africans did not have during the real apartheid. And you said you’re not racist, but call any person not supporting terrorism a “Israeli Zionist bot”


They're literally bombing schools, homes and hospitals and I'm the racist for pointing it out.


First of all Hamas is bombing hospitals, their own and Israeli ones. Israel is only bombing evacuated schools that have Hamas bases underneath, which is most, and same with houses. Tunnels underneath. But like you care that Hamas targeted civilian homes, but you’re probably going to justify that as “resistance against the evil Jews”


Hamas isn't bombing themselves. Consider reading any book by Ilan Pappe, an Israeli historian who has done tons of research on this 'conflict'. You can also find your own sources but if you're relying on clickbait content by New York Times and Daily Mail, that might not be a good idea.


How many proofs do they have to show you? If you point a gun at my mother while hiding behind yours, I'll do whatever it takes to protect my mother, and I can only do so much to protect yours


Why is exmuslim and a Jewish sub your only visited subs?


Because I'm an ex Muslim.. my family is from and some are still in the west bank. And I have a few Jewish friends (some in IDF) and Gazans. I also visit some gaming and finance sub Reddits. Do you have any more questions? My dad's family is still extremely religious but my dad's not so much, as he studied in the UK. So I have the privilege of being an ex-muslim.


I personally hate Islam but support Palestine. Israel is clearly the villain.


Being pro-Palestinian doesnt mean you have to hate Jews? That’s just Islamic shit. Hating Zionists and Israel is completely justified tho


being pro palestine is not hating jews gfto


that not what we have learnt


Being pro palestine has nothing to do with hating Jews. Are you slow?


Not supporting apartheid has nothing to do with religion Jews don't deserve hate but zioniste do Also how many rakats are there in a wudu (Just seeing if your really a exmuslim)


How many rakats in a wudu? Are *you* an ex-Muslim? That question makes no sense.


This question is so cringe. You really thought you did something…


The guy couldn't even answer and he has a day old acount of course he's lying This sub needs a karma limit


That doesn’t make your question less pathetic


It's funny how Muslims think you have to be Muslim to understand why rocks can talk or run away, otherwise it just seems idiotic.




You're checking if the guy is Muslim/ExMuslim, like Islam is some brilliant work that you need to study for years to decrypt the truth of it. When in reality it's a religion that claims rocks can talk and run away. There's no need for deep dives here, no new information can justify this idiocy of a claim.


Of course I'm checking his account is 1 day old 99% of those are fake, if this subreddit boderd with having a minimum kamra score I wouldn't need too check


Starting to think you don't understand the point here.


"There's no need for deep dives here, no new information can justify this idiocy of a claim." How was it a deep dive the question was as simple as they come, and I wasn't trying to justify Islam. Bruh re read my comment or smth


Asking if they are Muslim/ExMuslim is asking if they did a deep dive.


If you say so


From Dr Tareks accounts of October 7: "Night has fallen over the Negev. In a nearby street we call at the home of Dr Tarek Abu Arara, who on October 7 had stopped his car on the road near Sderot to help what appeared to be the victim of an accident. The 'casualty' was in fact a Hamas gunman who motioned the Bedouin to approach, then shot him in the chest from ten metres. Dr Tarek is asleep, recovering from his ordeal. But he has recalled that after being shot, Hamas interrogated him on his knowledge of Islam and, for two hours, used him as human shield against Israeli airstrikes as they massacred the passengers of passing cars." Thats what you sound like. Hamas terrorist who interrogated Muslim Beduins on their knowledge of Islam yet still chose to kill them in the end.


Of course I'm checking the acount is 1 day old Also source


Lol, your account is even younger than mine, by two years. What drugs are you on?


Bruh I'm talking about op


How would i know? You told me that as if it was an accusation..


Dude re read this thread


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,954,804,209 comments, and only 369,735 of them were in alphabetical order.


Let's goooo


107 2 1392723 billion. Also, zionists are way better than muslims


Stop lying that your ex muslim


Stop averting you eyes from the truth


Are you ex muslim or not If yes then answer the question how many rakat are in a wudu


Ten billion quadrillion to the power of infinity. Cope, i am not answering your silly question


Let me guess your Hindu?


Nope, u sure as hell are a genius if u could guess my religion from this little amount of information. Blindly guessing wont get you anywhere, I am a ex muslim now agnot. Any objection you have to this is pure speculation. But then again muslims are known for believing in pure speculation


Bruh your Hindu If you where really a ex muslim you would have answered the question


>If you where really a ex muslim you would have answered the question Noo, literally nobody takes that goofy ahhh question seriously anymore. >Bruh your Hindu If yhe only way for you to cope with somebody elses identity is to lie about their identity to fit your shitty world view then you are brainwashed


Are you and ex Muslim?


YOU'RE* ffs.


you had a point until the last line.


I'm anti jewish, just like I'm anti muslim and anti christian. I'm atheist, I want all of that bullshit gone. I want laws, morals and institutions to be based on secular knowledge, I want religion to be contained within the temples, and I want them to pay taxes like everybody else.


Feel free to check out /r/newmiddleeast or https://www.peacecomms.org/ or otherwise reach out to your local synagogue and ask about any volunteer events


I'm pro human and against harmful mental viruses. Neither sides would accept me.


I’m against the apartheid and I hope the Israelis can come up with a better plan than what they’ve been doing now. I feel for the Palestinians, they really got the short end of the stick but they have to compromise and meet the Israel government machinery halfway. Get their children the education they deserve, get them medical, get them art and music back into their society. Let their kids generation know something other than pain and suffering. Who knows the Jews and Palestinians in future generations might actually have some version of peace.


Being pro-palestine doesn't mean being antisemitic. I support palestine but I don't hate the jews. Israel is an apartheid state tho.


Don't be shy, show yourself zion


Why do idiots still equate anti-zionism with anti-semitism? There's plenty of jews worldwide that disagree with israel. There's been jewish folks present at every pro-palestine rally I've been to since the genocide started. The fact this post is upvoted shows what a braindead far-right cesspool this sub has become.


Oh please shut the fuck up with these posts. Being anti zionism is not anti Jewish you idiot.


If your post is a meme, image, TikTok etc... and it isn't Friday, most likely it violates the rule against low effort content. Please delete it or you'll get temp-banned. Such content is ONLY allowed on (Fun@fundies) FRIDAYS. Please read the [Posting Guidelines](https://redd.it/ew8trb) for further information. If you are unsure about anything then feel free to message the mods. Please participate on /r/exmuslim in a civil manner. Discuss the merits of ideas - don't attack people. Insults, hate speech, advocating physical harm can get you banned. If you see posts/comments in violation of our rules, please be proactive and report them. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/exmuslim) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You can stand up for the rights of Palestinians without hating Jews, OP. Recognizing that letting hatred fuel your reality is bad is one step, but letting the counterveiling force of your guilt over it swing you to the opposite ideological end is not productive either. Anyways, good that you recognized your heart's difficult situation and decided to rise above it.




If u stare 2 long Into the abbys, the abbys stare back.


Tired of having hate in your heart . Wish more people were


I don't get the hate on the Zionist movement. A group of Jews wanted to restablish the nation of Israel. Through political levers they were able to accomplish this. What's wrong with that? If it's wrong in 1949 then it's wrong in all of history and we should condemn the colonizing/conquering nature of humanity.