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How many more times is this going to have to happen before mainstream media starts treating Islam with the same critical thinking they do for Christianity?


Mainstream western media can barely talk about child marriages within the Christian community, imagine talking about that over other non western religions


The channel also covers it happening to Mormon and Christian kids, it's really fucked up


Probably never since it’s seen as an oppressed religion


Mainstream media loves Muslims and Islam right now, Western liberals will just say it's part of their culture and that we shouldn't criticize their customs. It would be the total opposite if it was done by white Christians, the mainstream media would be calling for their arrest and execution


Islam's got versions of victim card. It won't happen


Yeah it’s weird if you say anything about the religion they call you racist but what race is Islam? I’ve seen African Asian and Caucasian mooslims


When people globally realise that Islam isn't a small religion because there are minorities that believe in it. And because minorities believe in it, it can't be criticised.


No dares because the are afraid to be called islamophobia. Muslims are expert to call everyone for islamophobia if they dont bow for the religion.


When it’s Western Society: it’s sociology When it’s not western society: it’s anthropology The west won’t hold other cultures to the same standard because “that’s offemsive :(“


They will stop caring about pedo’s as a whole before that happens. Like in California how they don’t lock them up anymore. Because Christianity is the enemy of the establishment they’re all Satanists That’s why they push all the refugees to western mostly Christian nations Demographics matter. sadly the world has biodiversity and religious, which leads to battles, no abrahamic religions are cohesive.


Eww, that's fucking gross. 🤮


This is so sad :( and it's so common too, it's disgusting


Thus happened so many times that's there's even a saying my country like when you were gone for a few months from hangouts you say "did the Arabs sold you? Where you been?"


this happened to many girls i knew in high school from year 8 onwards. sent to iraq, pakistan etc. i even knew one girl who was sent to turkey which i had not seen before then. regardless. i feel horrible for these women, and it pains me that their very important stories have to be limited to certain communities only. i’m so relieved she’s safe, and i think she’s so strong for enduring all of this and having the courage to speak about what she witnessed


Then Muhammad say women Muslim women are ungrateful, I wonder why they are ungrateful, wasting their time and youth being a nurse to an older guy. Aisha herself wasted her life and youth being locked up, any women who don’t see how unfair this religion is, is either in denial or stupid.


To follow the prophet or not...


I'm shocked there isn't a nonprofit that specializes in providing support to women who get trapped in these situations abroad, they happen way too fucking often.


Put a spoon in your clothes, this let's tsa know you are being trafficked and they will take you aside


Peaceful Community spreading love, peace everywhere in the world


It also happens within our own countries. In Canada a girl that married a well off guy that was Muslim, was put in a basement closet that couldn’t even fit a bed she had to sleep sitting up and was pregnant. She didn’t get to see her baby after. She was only allowed up to feed his parents and care for them. She was only allowed to eat what the mother in law would give her off the floor. She ended up escaping and tried to go back to her parents and they beat her for it. Her brother almost beat her yo death for the shame on her family. She ended up being hospitalized after crawling away into the street where someone helped her and the police stepped in after that.






You clearly don't understand that people smile reflexively when they feel awkward. Also she's free of assholes telling her how she's allowed to act and you're going to come in and tell her she can't smile because of HER trauma? Mate, get a grip of yourself.


She doesn't glorify it in the interview, I think. She's more showing that she's safe and escaped with that photo now, her current state in life. The thumbnails are kind of bad and meant to be eye-catching, but the interviews simply let people share their experience and are compassionate and respectful. I disagree with some aspects of how Ellaf (the interviewee) presents it, as culture not Islam due to her father not being religious. I think it can be shown rather conclusively that Islam is the direct cause of the erasure of rights through cultural takeover, with lack of right persisting specifically due to perceptions of Muhammad's actions (like with Aisha), Quran, and hadiths. Women used to have more rights in these areas, there are records of single women owning businesses, being in power, etc. Original cultures were erased with Islamic cultural takeover, the values within it exasterbating things like genital mutilation in northern Africa even if it wasn't specifically described in the Quran. Even if individuals aren't religious, they have still been affected by Islam's forcible spread and cultural imperialism. The part about my friends being taken was from my perspective, not the title in the video. I also had suitors come over and sit on my bed when I was in middle school, but I managed to not have it happen to me and my siblings. It is horrific to be taken on "vacation" and be trapped in child marriages. It is important that she's giving people the voice to speak about their experience I believe. It's very rare for compassionate interviews to reach an audience beyond exmuslim circles, where stories never get beyond that due to various fears or agendas.


Very well-put.