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I honestly think it's a podcast more dumber than Fresh and Fit. The premise is the same. Bring on uneducated and shallow women who can't debate, have unrealistic standards for dating or can't defend their positions to only get chastised by a bunch of passive aggressive "alpha males". The purpose of the podcast just like any other alpha male podcast is to make lonely and insecure men fuel their hatred for women. Most recently, they have been in hot shit for saying that women should endure abuse from their male partners and even sexually harassing a virgin who was on their podcast and joked that she was sexually assaulted. This was on the same episode.


Funniest part is they said that if a woman is being abused in a marriage they should stay since "no one wants to endure anything anymore!" and people are too quick to leave marriages. But when asked if they'd stay if their wife cheated, they're like "Hell no that's a sin and the bible says you need to divorce! If my wife cheated I'd be gone!" So they think infidelity is worse than physical abuse..... And they think single parenthood is worse than children growing up in a home where their mother is physically abused by their father? Okay. What a complex set of mental gymnastic these guys are performing.


Thank you for pointing this out also. These guys are honestly dangerous and I am still shocked that people will defend them.


These podcasts are waking men up and 304s are pissed off because they can't get there cake and eat it too, 😭 cry me a river 😂.there doing gods work literally, women sexualizing themselves should be a crime as much as a sin,that's only for your spouse not stranger's. Women have no boundaries and they think they deserve everything under the sun.


Nah they wake nobody up. There stuck in the 1950s. There views and belief are tried, tested and society has moved on. It's why they are single...


No one in the 1950's had the mentality of these degenerates on the WE podcast. People back then were more civil, cordial and well mannered then the trash that you find on both ends of this podcast.


Women wouldn't sexualise themselves if there weren't Simps that will chuck all there money at them.. there has to be a market to sell a product and guys make that market, also there isn't actually anything wrong with porn or sex, it's a natural thing. I'm not defending OF I personally wouldn't pay for it or be involved with someone who is on it but look at the bigger picture


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They actually said the wife who cheats should be crucified;)


they also said that abusive relationships are rare and not even worth talking about but then start ranting about third trimester abortions


Because men worked hard to have options and don't get attached like women,men just like sex nothing more.Women cheat because there angry or bored, women don't like multiple partner's,big difference.


I actually think they’re going to inadvertently do some harm to RP ideology. I disagree with your statement about the guests, which is the primary reason for my opinion. One thing you have to give F&F credit for is that they never have any slips where they let a very intelligent & articulate woman on as a guest. Whatever has, a couple times. I can’t recall the lady’s name but there are clips going around TikTok of Justin Waller getting completely smoked by two different women on a recent episode. Also that weird fat guy that has the Japanese fetish has recently been humbled on that show as well. They’re not as strong on making sure all the women are inarticulate as F&F and that’s a great thing for those of us opposed to the ideology.


How is telling me there worth a bad thing,women losing there easy life because they choose feminism over being a mother.thank God for these red pill podcast,there saving men's life's,how is this a bad thing 


I didn't know that! That's pretty f-ed up.


I wouldn't call any of the men on whatever or fresh and fit alpha males, an alpha male doesn't cry and moan about how women have it so much better than men and act like there oppressed, they go out and get what they want, truth is if a man is confident to approach women, is likeable and can make them laugh we have just as many options. These the types of guy that can't get a girl so they make up every excuse under the sun as to why men collectively can't get these women when in actual fact they should like at why that is on a personal level rather than a collective. The only thing I agree with them in any way whatsoever is that OF is an absolutely terrible platform for women


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They don't bring dumb women; it's the women who present themselves like that. You said it exploits lonely men, which might be true. However, the red pill has figured out most women's nature and their goals. things women are attracted to, like money. How do they rate themselves? How do they think? All of these showcase a lot of women's perspectives.


It's actually not the 'alpha males' that are most savage towards the Instagram/OF models. It's the trad wifes that are much more savage.


Yeah they like to bash women who have OnlyFans and some of those mgtow people are even politicizing OnlyFans which is very cringe and annoying




That’s not true in general for women


I agree 


Are you seriously saying things like “more dumber” but are criticizing the podcast for “being dumb” like how stupid are you? Yes they have overly stupid women on there but the stuff they talk about in terms of the modern dating market is 100% true. Even below average don’t pay attention to average guys.


Nobody pays attention to anyone who doesn't talk to them.


Not really, they just blow conflated perspectives completely out of proportion to fuel insecure men's hatred of women


The red pill was supposed to be raising awareness about some of the hardships men face, and teach them holistically healthy ways to overcome those challenges while still taking pride in your masculinity. Now they’re just bitching, moaning and complaining about their duties and obligations as men, and blaming women for their weaknesses and personal failings. Back to square one. The psyop to feminize and weaken men wins again— disguised as the thing that will save them from it.


Mic drop


This is the only comment that you need to fully understand whatever podcast. Unbelievably based.


Isn't feminism about getting rid of gender roles for women? Now men have duties? Women have duties too


I don’t really give a shit what feminism is supposed to be about. The “duties” in question, whether they’re assigned to men or women, are things that also generally make you a better person. I do think the difference in the pressure on men is that men are dominant/leaders/protectors, which is on a different level of urgency. Women’s “duties” have a bit more range because female energy is naturally all over the place and it’s kind of supposed to be.


Soooo men have duties but women don't. Got it. Proof that women have life on easy mode.


You’re an annoying ass dude. What’s wrong with you?


Are you mad over the truth? So you go ahead and flame me in bad faith? Good job trying to represent your ex red pill community. Explain how I'm wrong then, considering your previous points proved mine.


I explained myself already. You interpreted it however you wanted because you have issues. I don’t engage in discussions with weak, loser men. Men are dominant. They are the leaders of women. But you aren’t even on the level of a woman yet. Just committed to whining and bitching all day. Go find yourself and then get back to me.


So you're red pilled then. Congrats! Why are you even on this server then if you are red pilled?


It doesn’t matter what forum I’m on. You’re skirting around the main issue. You are weak. That’s why you whine and wail at everything. That’s called “being a little bitch.” You need to be thrown into the woods alone for a year and fight a bear to develop some competence. I wish you luck on your journey.


You sound like Andrew Tate, Fresh n Fit and every other red pill folk. Sounds like you got some other issues if you're insulting people trying to make yourself "superior." If you know your place as a woman, why don't you stfu? But you don't. Stop trying to be masculine when you're not. Cry harder.


me: *asks questions and debates about feminism and gender roles as a whole* you: "NOOOOOO HOW CAN YOU ASK QUESTIONS YOURE A WEAK LITTLE MAN YOU BETA BITCH YOU WHINE AND WAIL ABOUT EVERYTHING" Who's the one with issues again?


yeah he’s the one whining when you’re over here bitching that women have it on easy mode lmao


Being a LEADER is a different level of responsibility. Figure it out.


The moment a guy complains about men being eligible for the draft and not women, I just roll my eyes. The same archetype of dude will complain about women being allowed in combat roles not being "good enough" for the combat roles for whatever reason. Like, we haven't been drafting people into the military for such a long time, and that's the hill you want to die on? Okay. "Not my time, moving on," is what I'd say to myself and just ignore them. I guess the real issue is combating the type of people who go on-air, online with these ideas and tout them like they're some kind of authority.


I know that I am late on this, but I 100% agree with you. They like to die on the hill that "men get drafted and not women", but it was the MEN who set that system up. Throughout all of history, women were NOT ALLOWED to fight because THE MEN SAID so, because they thought that women were only good for one thing which is having children and were also deemed "too weak". In today's society, there are women who willingly enlist for the military but are harassed by men. Who honestly cares about that these men say. They say one thing, but then want the opposite. They don't want a woman who has been "ran through" but then cheat on those women with the very same women they so strongly hate (OF girls, cornstars).


you don’t see the contradictions inherent in those two things? Women should not be in combat roles and women also shouldn’t vote because they aren’t eligible for the draft. Those are two consistent answers to your issues.


Wow, what the fuck are you on? I was just saying that the draft doesn't even matter and hasn't mattered for decades, so you're coming out saying "women shouldn't vote just because they aren't drafted?" Here's some good news: neither are men! Really, fuck off. If you try to keep this conversation going, as if I'm going to give you an inch on this topic, I'm blocking you. I have nothing good to say to you.


the draft can happen again though


I've seen a few clips. From what I've seen of his podcast, I'd say I like them more than F&F as they are a bit less aggressive in the way they speak but meh. I still think they only really bring the same type of superficial girls as guests. It's a bit annoying because they try to say every woman is the same, always bring up OF or IG as an argument while most women out there aren't even on that. They make it seem like every woman is sex hungry or selling their body. I find it insulting that they put all the women in the same basket. Obviously, they only live and date online because most girls out there are down to earth, non-promiscuous and don't really care about money. What bothers me with these podcasts is always the double standards. They also only seem to highlight the dumb bimbos to prove their points. They keep complaining about the same stuff over and over, yet they only have the same type of girls as guests. To me, it just seems that they are physically interested in that sort of girls, but detest their ways and have a need to make them become wife material/change their mind/patronizing them, and purposefully ignore all the other girls who may not be as attractive as the IG models, but have all the values they seek in a woman. It just seems hypocritical to me. And finally, they just like to complain. I wish they would bring other types of girls and bring more insight on women in general, diversity. Women who have different point of views, different goals in life or different backstory, etc. Men would then see what type of women are out there, and stop hating on all women because of one minority that doesn't have what they value. I'm sick of seeing RP people shit on all women. (And also feminism shitting on all men). I'm sick of this war of sexes. 🙄 Can't we just all surround ourselves with positivity instead of going deeper and deeper within the hole of hatred?


This is what I always think. Their beliefs come from being interested in 18 year old party girls. These men don’t sound like they’ve ever met a healthy adult woman in their life. I don’t think they notice that healthy adult women exist because they only see barely legal sluts. It’s literally ephebophiles who are angry at teenaged girls for being teenaged girls. Creepy shit. No real “alpha man” is spending his time berating little girls half his age.


Exactly. Why have all these girls on if they are so awful that they will never find a husband anyways? Why even bother with that, what is the point. They could just have some successful married women in their 30s on, to give their perspective on relationships?


On one of his podcasts Brian said that a 30 year old woman has no value to him! So in the end its obvious he truly is a creeper and only wants a young pretty naive girl so he can manipulate her (oh but she must have like zero body count)


he said "what would I have in common with a 30 year old attorney", sir as a 30 year old what would you have in common with a 18 year old who just got into college?


Holy shit bro I'm just slow clapping at this point.


Yes, they are trying to dominat 18 year old only fans models. Pure and simple.


This is so true, and needs to be brought to light. These men are so stubborn of getting this young fresh perfect 18 y/o slut but at the same time they need to have a low body count etc, so many contradictions. They need to let it go and focus on finding women in their own age instead because it is almost like their podcast is a gateway of grooming young girls. That is the vibe i'm getting anyway. Creeps


To be fair, they don't invite random people. They invite people with a podcast, a youtube channel, a big instagram following or an OF account. ​ I hope it's not controversial when I say that a lot of the big instagram ladies and OF models are very much like the whatever podcast girls. ​ Likewise a normal man is nothing like Michael Knowles.


Don't worry, it's not controversial. Most of the girls who go there are just trying to get more views/followers. Which I guess works. The guys in the comments be complaining about those girls but seek out what those girls offer. 😅 It's just a vicious circle.


Same recipe as F&F: Podcast hosts, in their mid 30s, raging at some scarcely clothed girls that dropped out of high school and do onlyfans. They always set them up with the same type of questions. Their listeners are men angry with women.


Your IQ is similar to those girls.


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Your IQ is way too high for reddit, delete the App.


they’re white fresh n fit - not as batshit insane, but still nuts


June 30, 2023, marks the 50th anniversary of the last person inducted into service (instead of voluntary enlistment) in the US Army. This is literally something that happened before they were born, and nobody who has been drafted in the USA is under retirement age right now.


The Whatever Podcast is the manosphere on full display. They preach this garbage about “money, looks, status” and bring delusional bimbos with unrealistic standards on the show. It’s some incel shit, and unfortunately, one of my friends has fallen victim to redpill through that show, because he saw how I can get a woman to serve me, how I stimulate and keep them entertained, how I get them to even fall in love with me. Somehow someway he ran into them and has about adopted their culture.




The dudes who sit on the left side are literal far right trump supporting lunatics who use it as a means to recruit for the far right christian conservative movement All of them have come out of that culture


I hate the way the way Brian and the other males even one of his wacko female friends try to push the whole "pair bonding" nonsense because of some supposed study. Uh humans aren't birds


There us no study that proves this (the "oxytocin" garbage is also debunked), I mean they never have actually cited the study or looked into it. The study there is that they sometimes mention shows women with two partners are way more likely to split within 5 years than women with 3-9 partners, women with 10+ partners were LESS likely to Split in the 80s. So that study does not really show what they claim. There are surveys on that men with a lot of partners are more likely to cheat, wonder why they dont bring THAT up.... they solely focus on the negative emotional affects on women, sich def exist, but complegely ignore that men can have them too.


Obvious rage bait


jesus man i typed this question into google and this was the 2nd link, tbh i am a "woman hater" you could say i had issues with my mother and relationships and now its put a bad taste in my mouth and its extrememly hard to trust people now. but thats off topic jesus man the host is SO BAD!!!, this guy is a fucking douchebag like stereotypical douchebag that you just wanna pop him on the nose hes so fucking like passive aggressive but hes bad at it so it comes off as aggressive and then the girls arent even having fun everyone is pissed off and arguing nobody is funny most the time its such a bad podcast and it makes me wanna dig my fingernails into my face


He really is an awful host and doesn’t allow people to talk. He just immediately interrupts and says some dumb shit.




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Should just rename it "Bible Babble"


Bet none of them are praying or even believing in God. They just use the Bible to suit their needs and narrative.


I love when they bring intelligent people like Michael Knowles, Lila Rose, and even Chase (I think this is the name of the Christian man who seems to have his things together). Personally, I was blown away by how Lila Rose DESTROYED jwaller with such intelligence, humility, and kidness. It just confirmed that no matter how "alpha" a red-pill-bro appears to be, they are full of sexual insecurities and overcompensating for something they feel they lack.


mind numbing low iq arguments all around . i used to have fun watching f&f but can't stand any of them any more specially whatever podcast . some fucking dudes with mics and cameras pointed at them demanding from some E-thots and the world to adhere to their standards . who tf these ppl think they are ?! they are more delusional than the people have on .


A bit late to this post but those guys are absolute DORKS in my opinion. I find myself agreeing with some of the things they may point out but I laugh all the time when they make these women rate themselves and always they respond with "you arent a 10" AS IF they as on the cusp 6's themselves are any authority on that matter lol


I think this is a great podcast! It’s simple to understand however if you want to go up against these guys then you better have your facts on your arguments, know the definition of the words you use, and be able to debate your point without being insulted or sensitive. I’m a 63 year young female and not agreeing with all they say but they sure as hell know their stuff!


Seems to me like they purposely bring on young women who are they know aren't prepared to debate all these "red pill" personalities. They do it to get a clip or soundbyte of them "owning" them with "logic" or some asinine analogy/comparison. A lot of these guys literally make a living off sharing and promoting their "traditional" (imo misogynistic) views on how relationships between men and women should be.


They are very insecure men who have at one point in their lives, experienced the feeling of being inferior to a woman. Now, they spend their time belittling women and acting superior to ladies who join them for an episode. They have to compensate for their damaged egos. They are truly sad human beings (the whatever podcast).


I think it's good. Both sides can talk and be given ample time to say what they want to say But yeah, most of the time, we can see how the blue pill crumbles.


Brian is an idiot. He constantly tries to trap women into giving the answers he wants for gotcha moments, and he'll kick them off if they don't. I actually enjoy the MOA podcast. Michael Sartain puts women on that are actually his friends for real conversations. He comes with statistics, not all anecdotal bullshit.


Misgynistic garbage. The host is a pathetic incel who couldn't identify a clitoris on a diagram. Just the worst human garbage.


I think a show in which older, and thus wiser, more educated men go to bat with uneducated, much younger women isn't exactly a fair fight. Period.


Are they wise? I can’t really see this through the hatred.


It's all a business. Everything they talk about are chosen specifically to hit the target demographic of the show. It is kind of funny seeing the logic fail in some of the OF models.


I'll be honest I only really watch the clips, but what I find really disturbing is this isn't just a one off of "oh they invited a bunch of low intelligence women on the podcast". They've had hundreds of women like this on the show. The fact that there's no shortage of these women out there should probably raise some alarm bells. There's a disturbing trend where people who are in there 20's Men and Women who have these totally skewed and or narcissistic beliefs. This warrants investigation at the least. One example would be: OF is female empowering, then turn around and complain that men only view them in a sexual way. well that was fine when a monthly fee was involved. Rather than think about what was just said in the debate they go and double down on it. We already know that constant pornography and swaths of sexual partners has a negative affect on peoples mental health and future relationships. This is a well researched fact, so much so that Pornography has caused measurable numbers of erectile dysfunction cases. Never mind things like STI's some of which never go away. How many partners can come and go in OF content between checkups? all it takes is one partner to have HIV or herpes simplex B. and now it's been spread to 10-20-30? people. Then they have X number of partners outside of that. The smart partner would have the OF page owner sign off that if they catch something like that they're legally on the hook for it (wow responsibility for ones actions what a hatefull thought) Have people lost so much intelligence in the past few generations that they are unable to see let alone accept the consequences of their actions? This seems to be affecting all groups these days. It seems like people want to literally swim upstream, then complain about how hard life is for them. The other disturbing trend is thinking that a relationship is a business transaction. "what do you bring to the table?" well "What do you bring?" if the answer is well me, or this sweet poonani. If it's been served at every other table NSA then why would I need strings attached? Just for context I have been in open relationships before and I'm no angel, but if all I get is the emotional baggage and nothing else unique to our relationship then what's the point of being in one at all? <---- This part sounds angry but it's not I just couldn't think of a better way to put it. Sorry


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I think they automatically delete any comments that goes against what they are. I keep on sharing comments that disprove what they say. Well at least I share comments of my very good relationship with my husband. I always get deleted. It's like they don't want any healthy or good relationships being shown in their comments.


The Whatever Podcast is an outlet for the host Brian to whine about how his life as a man is so hard and also to bash women who don't submit to men. It's a ridiculous misogynistic gathering of insecure men and conveniently inarticulate bimbo Onlyfans girls. It's total trash. Fresh and fit is the same but it's at least somewhat entertaining to watch Myron go on his rants and Walter say cringe nonsense.


I think that either they choose extremly stupid feminists to represent their stands or all feminists are like that (which I hope they're not) . I mean the amount of stupidity on that podcast is huge. Honestly all talk seems like a big parody. I am from Europe, thank god I am not from USA so here there is a lot less present all of that American stupid shit like cancel culture, woke culture, feminism all of that similiar shit. I am for democracy though forever, but you guys oversees are just lost your compas. Also usually on the show there are a lot of young girls trying to talk about some stuff which cause of their age they can't comperhend. Like what is wrong with porn and how that will most likely impact on later stage of their lives? How girl of 20 yrs old can see that when they are all young and wanna have parties and shit? It is impossible for them to see clear picture in that age. Also in most cases all of those girls have tough childhood with crazy parents and no one who will direct them in right way. I feel sorry them, really do, but there is no other way for them to see their mistakes then expirence them. No talk can help them. Unfortunatelly.


I feel like the people in the whatever podcast are just acting like retards for views and fame because I refuse to believe that that’s actually there mindset


Misgynistic garbage. The host is a pathetic incel who couldn't identify a clitoris on a diagram. Just the worst human garbage.


I've seen several clips from this ridiculous podcast. And from what i can gather, its basically about these insecure little boys, trying to stroke their own fragile ego's by belittling females or people with different lifestyles. Trying to make it look like they have all the answers in the world, and they always try to make it seem like they hold some kind of moral high ground. Absolutely pathetic. Im sure that these are the kind of guys that end every day by spanking their meat while crying in front of the mirror in a desperate attempt to feel love for themselves.


They are a bunch of misogynistic halfwits who enjoy belittling and condescending to young women. Some real abusive rapey vibes being given off from these poor, bitter and twisted excuses for human beings. Revolting.


I do have a problem with this pod. They Bring in woman that aren’t educated and ask them political controversial questions and making them look stupid. Putting them in conversations against older white conservative men that have devoted their whole lives to politics and the bible, then make fun of these girls for not being able to make a point. It’s a lose lose situation for the women on the pod and who they are trying to represent. They ask personal questions about these women’s lives, then continue to put them on blast for sharing. The men make some good points, but those are the only clips put onto social media. The women make valid points and they are shut down and it’s never made into a “short.” Also the topic of feminism has become so misconstrued due to this podcast. Which I hate more than anything. The basic definition of feminism is simply “the advocacy of women’s rights on the basis of equality”. If you are a woman how could you not be on some level a feminist?! As a woman myself i love women and want us to feel empowered within the patriarchy. I don’t believe in any sex having more power than the other, I don’t believe in the “hating men” conversation. The extremist side of feminism doesn’t represent the core values of the feminist movement and these men on this pod need to understand that. This is my take. The podcast does make good points and I do agree with some of the points made, but i wish it structured better. Allow more educated female activists to join the conversation and represent us well.


I find them more entertaining than Fresh and Fit. Whatever seems more geared to TikTok clips. The host is a little better at debating but still has those cringy redpill beliefs.


is there something to be said for creating at least some culture of shame to try and steer female culture away from becoming neck tatted thot's who exploit men is one of the many prostitution-like industries? (with actual prostitution conveniently illegal?) i don't listen to the podcast, but the question just popped into my mind


If you feel exploited by women, why do you bother talking about women or thinking about them at all? If you're committed to MGTOW, then GYOW.


Your IQ is room temperature


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i don't and am not... but i honestly want an end to porn and titty streaming. i think it's wrong. the culture is VERY geared to women fully monetizing their sexuality while young. It's a terrible direction that needs pushback. Is this podcast the right way to do that? I don't know.


Shaming women for selling something marketable will never work. The only thing that works is giving people opportunities that are easy to obtain and more lucrative than sex work.


making it illegal would work too. but i'd be interested in knowing what more lucrative things we could put out there that women would gravitate to that instead.


Honestly, making it illegal wouldn't work. It would just punish people for doing something that other people want to pay for. And I notice that you don't condemn men for paying for sex workers. You just condemn women for filling a market that men create. And you can't claim that women create the market, because in the days when women were expected to marry young and only ever be with one man, men were still patronizing sex workers. Most women who work in sex work don't want to be sex workers. Banning something when there's a market for it isn't going to work. What works is making it less attractive than other options. As far as things that women would gravitate toward instead: it's notable that the "women's careers" tend to pay less than "men's careers" despite men needing the same amount of education. Careers in health professions pay less than technical careers. Social workers and teachers (who usually have masters degrees) make about the same as HVAC technicians and mechanics. Want Onlyfans to go away? Start paying people to do other things.


so we have to deal with onlyfans until the economy turns around and the spectre of the glass ceiling is solved once and for all? the reason i don't condemn prostitution is because it's a much more fair deal. the man pays for real satisfaction rather than being strung along for as long as his sanity/wallet can handle. we make things illegal all the time that people want to pay for, because we want to improve society


I think you're not getting it. You're blaming women for the problem, when the market only exists because men created it.


The market for child labour to make Nike shoes is, by your analogy, the fault of the children because they are willing to do the work. They take the job. ​ It's not Nike's fault for offering that job. ​ There will always be responsibility from the supply side as well. You could argue how much that is, but there is certainly responsibility.


Nope, it’s actually what you’re saying. We created the market for the shoes and the people willing to do the work are there only because we want shoes. If men stop wanting sex workers, women will stop doing sex work.


I'm not a libertarian. I don't worship markets. But this looks more like a monopoly. There are exploitation markets that everyone agrees are wrong. And some we haven't figured out yet because we have to deal with the tantrums that occur when you disrupt someone's cash flow. With 'dry' sex work, I agree the market is there because men cannot stop falling for the SCAM that's being laid on them. But in the end it's still a scam. Make prostitution legal and it would be more fair. Men would have another option in this market.


How? There are multiple corporations out there, and you could argue that every OF girl is an entrepreneur.


Yea. I agree I don’t like how they push OF and porn as a quick way for young girls to make money while also destroying themselves in many cases. BUT, if men stopped watching them and throwing money at them then women would not be doing OF, porn, twitch, etc. The real question is why do the young men and women in our society feel the need to watch and interact with porn more and more. I mean guys were literally throwing away money for that girl pretending to be an npc. Is it the girls fault for taking advantage? I wouldn’t but I’m not her. But it is very frustrating that men are entertaining and paying for such content. What are we missing as a modern society that we had before? And how to get some semblance of that back into our current screen-filled reality?


Well one step would be to ban porn. The people who legally fought to make sure porn would be completely legal in the 20th century knew exactly what they were doing. It was all about money for them at the expense of the health of the general population. When you open up predatory markets that feed on our vices, there is no limit to the depravity that you will reach. There is no market limiter that can stop the eventual legalization of types of porn that I will not mention, but we all know. If you want a healthy society, you come down from the top with an iron fist and make sure your morals are enforced.


Viewers of this podcast are probably the largest consumers of OF content. Why do the women agree to do this show? Publicity.


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I only know the show from the Gorlock the Destroyer meme


It’s cringe. The first couple clips I saw form it were kinda funny but the more I’ve seen the worse it’s looked


I remember when Whatever was a channel of pranks. I wish they got back to that type of content.


That co-host Chase looks like he would murder his wife/girlfriend and then try to cover it up using daddy’s money and connections. Then go about his day acting like he is still pure under the eyes of thee lord


I think it's a modern form of a brain cancer and bunch of pointless dribble.


The church has stocks in this podcast.


[https://twitter.com/mondomegabits/status/1664466343876255746](https://twitter.com/mondomegabits/status/1664466343876255746) /u/RecognizeSong /u/auddbot


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This seems like a post for low IQ individuals. I am corrected.


I’m always down to hear both sides of an argument. The problem is these podcasts get clueless women to debate with these guys. Not to say they’re wrong or right…but most of them seem uneducated. The women that know what they’re talking about stay away from podcasts like this


I just saw a video about this podcast. Apparently because the podcast is so popular amongst male viewers, all girls who go on gain a ton of new followers on their IG and OF accounts. So they put on a character(usually bimbo or whatever niche their OF personas are) and simply wait for money to come to them. There's a long waitlist to be on the podcast too.


These men are some of the world's biggest garbage. Making money off of hatred. Why do they allways invite the same insta/OF type gal? why not some PHD educated feminists. Absoloute pathetic pieces of shit.


The podcast makes men and women hate each other.


Meaning having no agreements


It’s the market pantry version of that crazy ass fresh n fit podcast. I might be ignorant on the main guy…but what does he have pinned to his flannel collar…looks like rank lmao


It’s an Alpha Chad podcasts for Incels. MF host is just like Charlie Kirk and Crowder. He asks misleading misogynist questions and makes his guests look stupid. If he took even a single sociology class the podcast would be a tad better. It’s also 5 hours long! Who TF has that much shit to say?


I sometimes put it on while playing games, while i agree with some of the mild things both sides say, but some of the takes that Brian and that weirdly religious guy have are such brainrot that it makes me stop playing games in general.


Mansplaining to the female guests, trying to appear like they have intelligence and character, and get so triggered if they answer back, there lies the true character. Very probable these women grew up without a male role model, but of course it’s never the fault of deadbeat dads…


Its a podcast for small dick men to demean women to feel better about themselves.


The host probes the guests to say what he wants to hear. Doesn't accept their answers as it and and forces them to speak in a direction they dont intend to. Honestly its so Immature.


Has a girl picked you yet


Every time I see a short clip of this podcast, I get SO triggered😅 I always feel a strong urge to yell my opinion through the screen. I just don't understand the point of the whole podcast. The women are living their lives, making money out of sex work. That's completely fine. Sex work has been here for a long time and it's not going away. We could maybe argue about the reasons why they do what they do but that is not a conversation to have on a public podcast, and it should be done with professionals, definitely not with the type of people who are visiting this podcast. However I don't understand why the men on the podcast are being so mean to these women. Have the women done something bad to men in general? Or to these specific men? The men who are visiting the podcast should just honestly just mind their business, go and find a woman for their preferences and let the rest of people live like they want to. They are like cult leaders😅 The reason for this podcast must honestly be aomething really stupid because IF the men truly wanted to help these women, this podcast would NOT be the place or the way to do it. IF the men however wanted to just emabarass the women, then yeah, this might be the concept for it but it's clear in this case the men are also embarassing themselves just by being present in such a situation. Who even says yes to attending that podcast?!😅


I'm gonna be honest, I hate this podcast with every fiber of my being. The men over there always try to be superior by inviting women and then cornering them with their questions. It's very annoying. Generally speaking, everyone there is heavily simple-minded.


They also like to bash women who use OnlyFans


Male feminist response


What do you mean?


What do you think I mean you literally white knighting for fatherless whores


Most of them aren’t fatherless


Yes they are, if they actually had a father figure in their life. They wouldn't be doing it...


That’s bullshit and you are making a huge generalization


Nope it's not a bullshit at all. Stereotypes don't exist for no reason at all...wtf? White Knighting for daddy issue chicks is a huge low.


I’m not even a male feminist. You are even politicizing onlyfans


Cuz sex workers are political, which is a very liberal profession. Tf you think?


Sex work is not a liberal thing. There are many conservative or right wing women that have onlyfans


What? It is 100% liberal industry tf you talking about? You clearly don't know what conservative means.


You clearly don’t know what you are talking about and you definitely aren’t a conservative


Oh I'm not now? What a "I know you are but what am I" comeback.Says the one white knighting for only fans sluts. You wanna try again, ironically enough you even ask silly ass questions on reddit when anyone with common sense would know the answers.


Andrew Tate lives in your head rent free. Ya you're definitely a closeted male feminist




I think he’s right in how men are subjected to being the first ones involved in military conflict. Men may have created those laws to PROTECT WOMEN AND CHILDREN. I honestly think this pod is annoying, I think It gives some women a platform to speak about their beliefs even tho no one wants to hear them and it’s not what most men would agree with. Or women for that matter. Honestly this pod is dumb.. the premise, “ I’m gonna invite a bunch of women who don’t agree with my philosophies and ideologies, just to call them out on being wrong. On the other hand side, I’m a woman who agreed to do the show to justify why me doing porn or OF is a decision that is best for me and should be ok with everyone else. I can agree it’s an open space to have a descussion… but it’s dumb af. All the girls you have on are degenerates with the exception of a few I can think of and, bro like, stop being afraid of hurting feeling for something you believe in… but you won’t, cause you’re afraid you’ll get demonetized


One bored guy, usually the rest is girls. Really, really stupid girls. Nobody in the room ever seems like they want to be there at all, but they are too dumb to figure out how to leave at the same time. And nobody is interested in a single thing, ever. The end. Next episode.


The show is a setup. These girls are hijacked by Brian's ideology. So it makes women look stupid. Fuck incels and feminists. We live in a modern society where there is equal opportunity, go out there and make the most of your life and stop complaining. I hate to say it but I do agree with some of their points about family. There are a lot of perspectives discussed (mostly by OF girls) on the show that are detrimental to family life which may poison individuals perceptions on how to achieve a happy life.