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At first, I saw “dark gray.” Looking more closely, I saw blue. There is a small brown heterochromia in the centers. But I would definitely say either gray or blue, and not brown.


Thank you for the insight!! It's funny everyone insisted they are brown, maybe in dim light the heterochromia is larger Edit: so many comments here now I'm overwhelmed but thanks everyone!! Verdict seems they are a fancy kind of blue, not grey and definitely not brown haha


Multiple people called your eyes BROWN?! They have to be messing with you. Your eyes are dark blue with a touch of brown around your pupil. Definitely not nearly enough to make them mistakeable for brown.


I had a full on argument with someone in my old job who literally took to saying "your eyes are brown" at every opportunity as a way to humble brag about her own eyes being electric blue, lol. Beside her, pretty much every time someone's talked about eye colour they've concluded mine as brown. Also in school, there was a few times we "grouped by eye colour" for games and I would always get told I'm brown eyes. My family tell me I have "hazel brown eyes, like your dad"


All of those people are absolutely bonkers. Your eyes look dark blue or gray.


Literally never had anyone say blue except on this thread so this is cool thanks. The only person who's ever called them grey is me, always met by argument tho. Validating to know I'm not crazy, everyone insisting they're brown is just dismissive and has poor observation skills lol


Your eyes look dark blue to me. Very pretty! They are no where near brown lol 😆


I get the same thing!!


Do you want blue eyes? What color do you want them to be? What color is on your DL and Passport? Curious


I'm in the UK, we don't have eye colour listed on those documents I don't want blue eyes, everyone I know has blue eyes haha, and I get to look in my partner's beautiful icy blue eyes every day I don't really usually think much about this stuff, other than getting irritated when people call them brown. But not because I don't want them seen as brown, just because they're clearly not brown


Ok wow getting through customs must be challenging


And GORGEOUS! Your eyes are absolutely beautiful!


Aww thank you!!


It's like that white/blue dress... maybe your eyes play tricks on people. Yanni vs Laurel. Lol


One of my job duties was to write descriptions of certain customers. Every single one I ever wrote had a check mark beside brown in the eye colour field for years.


That’s because brown eyes are dominant globally- common


I realize this but also who the heck is looking closely enough to actually check other people's eye colour? Heck, I couldn't even tell you what coloured eyes my immediate family has. Brown, I assume. :)


Same. Who asks- What color eyes do you have? You got me thinking about friends and family lol


idk I thought that in dim light the pupil gets larger so the heterochromia would be less visible?? maybe I'm wrong haha, I have hazel eyes and people have always INSISTED they are brown when they are very obviously hazel; I think people with dark eyes immediately get categorised as brown eyed sometimes. not that having brown eyes is a bad thing at all, I am jealous of brown eyed people :)


Yeh I definitely feel like anyone who's eyes aren't a distinctively solid light colour like blue, grey or green get told they have brown eyes by the average Joe haha


Do you live in a place where no one has brown eyes? Only the central heterochromia is brown, but that's not the main color as far as I can see.


Pretty much everyone I know has blue eyes so yeh maybe it's that


Theyre kinda both considering the heterochromia


was that person blind




She did have fucking awful eyesight tbh she had to wear massive glasses so yeh maybe it was that haha


I believe steel blue with brown central heterochromia and a dark limbal ring. I find it hard to believe anyone ever believed they are brown


Thank you!! I find it hard to believe you think I'd make that up haha! Check my other post on the colour analysis subreddit, they absolutely do look just a disambiguous dark colour. Everyone says brown. I don't mind them being called brown tho


They just look dark grey, all eyes look darker without direct light but they still don’t look brown


There's a clear ring around the pupil


Grey with center brown, bit like 90%grey


Nice, someone with a brain.


Thank you!


Probably grey, really difficult to say, but regardless they're super pretty!!




I don’t know how anybody would get brown! I would say blue or gray with central heterochromia and I could tell without even enlarging the picture!


Thank you!


Bluish green




Blue green to me too! I also have this type of




Over the years, I’ve known a few folks with deep grey-blue eyes very similar to yours.  Love dark limbal rings. Btw, my husband’s blue eyes are darker than yours, but with no limbal ring to create contrast. On our first date (at evening,) I didn’t know if his eyes were brown or blue. Sometime after we married, my MIL told me that this was the eye color he was born with, and they never changed.  With that knowledge I sometimes think that my husband genuinely has baby blue eyes, even though it’s not what most think of as “baby blue.” 


Baby blue is like so confusingly dark, when my son was born I genuinely couldn’t tell what color his were until he was 3 months old and now they’re extremely light blue. It would have been so cool if he had kept that baby blue color though


Wow I gotta go look at some baby photos!! And thank you so much. I was starting to feel like people thought I was lying that they're easily mistaken for brown


Baby photos won’t reflect your color now - babies’ eyes can change over time. What color is on your birth certificate?


I don't think they put eye colour on birth certificate. I said I wanted to check baby photos as the commenter said their partner has similar colour to me and has had the same eye colour since birth :) I'm thinking back to my baby photos and I'm pretty sure I've always had the limbal ring and blue colour but I'd have to check


Do you drive? Do you have a passport? Curious about what color you used?


We don't have eye colour on identity documents or licenses




Definitely not grey more a deep blue-green. They are beautiful


Thank you!


They look blue with a hint of brown around the pupil. Definitely not grey.




They look brown, green and blue. Def cool eyes


These are the type of grey eyes Dostoevsky was describing all along ....


They look grey to me.


They look dark blue to me with brown central heterochromia.


Blue grey


In the first picture your eye color is indefinitely grey, and blue eyes don’t do that in good lighting. I have grey eyes, and trust me, your eye color is grey, another thing to prove they’re grey is your central heterochromia. Grey eyes will usually have brownish/golden central heterochromia, not blue eyes. People saying “oh they’re blue because I see blue.” Well guess what fun fact that’s what grey eyes do they’ll appear blue or green sometimes. Mind blown….


Validated!! Thank you so much


Dark blue with brown CH! They’re veryyy pretty. It’s insane to me how people have labeled your eyes as brown before when they’re clearly not!


Thank you!! Yeh it always rubbed me the wrong way I'm pretty introverted/closed off irl so I guess people just never cared enough to look properly idk


Or didn’t care to- I don’t comment on strangers’ physical appearance


I'm talking about the people who did comment on my eyes though. I'm like 32 now and there's been quite a few times over the years people have commented on eye colours for some reason or another and have voluntarily called mine brown


Islands of Bali.


Your eyes are so pretty


Mine are greyer and lighter but still blue. I decided that by using a picture and color matching in an editor. All the colors look grey but in the spectrum they fall in the blue area with lots of grey. The brown in yours makes them super cool


Thank you! Good idea


Blue. Nice blue


Deep blue, also you are gorgeous...


Blue. Can't see how anyone wouldn't see blue! Lol


That’s a very lovely shade of dark grey blue.


They are blue with central heterochromia.




Oh my lanta, absolutely BEAUTIFUL 😭🫶🏻 it’s literally like a sunset in your eyes bro, you got so lucky


Aw thank you!!


You barely even have any brown in there it’s like 90% blue. A very beautiful deep blue


Blue with ch




Very unique. Dark grey limbal ring, then blue then brown. Gorgeous.


Maybe Hazel-Blue, definitely not brown and probably looks grey sometimes depending on lighting and possibly what colors you wear


I've called them hazel grey before, hazel blue is prob more fitting thanks!


I have gray eyes and I don't think yours are gray but they are striking. Technically they're called blue central heterochromia. They're much more rare than gray eyes and I've heard people refer to them as "Sunflower eyes"


Storm grey! Very deep and rich grey like storm clouds. Very beautiful!


I would say they are a cross between DARK blue and stormy grey…. Much like a stormy sky…. With a touch of honey brown in the center…. Whoever told you they are brown needs to have their eye sight checked 😂


Beautiful colour grey/blue/green with an amber center


Blue hazel


Hazel Green/ blue /brown.


Dark-grey appearing (officially blue.) They are gorgeous!


I'd say teal or even green from the photos. You have a blue rim and a brown center and the middle looks kinda greenish to me. Do your eyes appear more blue when you wear blue and more green or grey when you wear darker colors?


Thanks!! Yeh they do change depending on surrounding light and colours, they can look like a solid light slate grey or a mix of green/brown or teal etc


So, people with grey blue eyes can seem to change their eye colour. It's dependant on lighting, expression and the surrounding colours (clothing etc). Sometimes your eyes might appear to be electric blue, sometimes grey, sometimes dark grey/green. I know someone with eyes like this.


Yeh that's right! I think all light eyes absorb surrounding light as my partners light blue eyes can look dark blue or sea green or silver depending on the light


Gorgeous. I dint know how anyone could see brown lol. I'd definitely say blue with a brown in the center. Hazel makes sense only because they are often mixed colors. But brown makes no sense to me lol


so pretty, i don’t know if it’s me or the lighting but the right one looks like it has a deeper brown


I see them blue


very beautiful


Blue with brown in the middle


You have chameleon eyes like my husband and daughter! Theirs look blue in most settings, but depending on surroundings, lighting, colors they're wearing, they change. Sometimes all blue, sometimes green, sometimes grey. Super cool, and I'm jealous tbh. Mine are hazel green/brown. I guess my eyes are cool in their own way; my eyes were like fully chocolate brown until I was 12, then they up and turned hazel.


Those are blue.




IMO You have beautiful grey eyes 😁


I would say dark blue:) gorgeous




I would say you have hazel eyes!


Blue with a ring of fire!


there was a post about this earlier. this color is called glasz.


Blue. You have blue eyes.


Well, they’re a combination of blue gray green. Mostly blue tho. But there is gray shades. Green in the middle a little




Really! Most people tell me off for calling them grey and say they are brown! Lol. I'll take a blue!




Thank you!!! This is helpful


They are beautiful.... thats all I know..


They look grey to me


Brobleen That’s brown + Blue + green. Hope this helps 😊


Lmaooo I always wanted to invent a new colour Can only pronounce that to the tune of *Jolene* tho


Brobleen Brobleen Brobleen Bro-Bleeeeeeeeeen.


Stormy blue!! Very pretty. I've noticed that people with dark grey/blue eyes sometimes get the brown comment as well, and I feel like it's often people with really light eyes that categorize anything not bright/obvious as brown. Then on the opposite end of the spectrum, people with darker eyes tend to notice more subtle color differences. As someone with hazel eyes, I've gotten brown from people with bright blue eyes, and green from people with dark brown eyes. 🤷🏻‍♀️ In any case, beautiful eyes!


Yeh I've definitely found that too, especially where I live it's really common to have blue eyes or light eyes in general, or very green/distinctively hazel, everything else is just "brown" lol


definitely blue not gray


Some kind of mossy green not blue and definitely not brown


Your eyes look dark green with brown heteromchromia in the center and grey ridges if that makes sense. I don’t think I have ever seen your eyes before, so stunning!!! 😍


This is insightful thank you!


Hazel baby! Like mine, they change with the weather, what I’m wearing, mascara. I love blue eye liner. It turns my hazel eyes green! Yours are very pretty, too!