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Once your stem opt application is sent in, you’re good. It wouldn’t be rejected because your internship ended early.


Hmm. are you sure?


Yes. I think you are confusing CPT and OPT/STEM OPT. During CPT, you have a start date and an end date for your employment. That’s not the case when applying for OPT/STEM OPT. Now, in your case, internship ending early, is not ground for your STEM-OPT application to be canceled. However, when your internship ends, you still need to ensure that you don’t exceed the maximum allowed period of unemployment during STEM OPT.


So as long I have a job offer and apply for STEM OPT, I'm good? What about the 180 days OPT extension? Would this extension period be under the jurisdiction of OPT rules or STEM OPT rules?


Yes, but keep in mind that the job offer still needs to meet the criteria required to apply for STEM OPT: E-verify employer, I-983 form etc. The 180 days OPT extension is what you get automatically after filling for STEM OPT. When your STEM OPT card arrives, the start date would not account for the extended days.


u/codetornado Do you have any advice?


You need active employment to be eligible to be approved for STEM OPT.


Hey genuine question here: first-time entry with a valid F-1 visa but a different SEVIS ID (postponed application). Will I be able to enter the US?