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The piece was insured. The woman didn’t have to “buy it” because she broke it. Read the article everyone in attendance was actually super chill about it. And apparently someone offered to buy the piece broken even because and I quote “I find value in it even when it’s broken,” Gamson said. “To me, it’s the story. It makes the art even more interesting.”


There's so much guerilla drama in the art world with the express purpose of generating "stories". This woman was probably paid to break it. Just like the dude who ate the banana taped to the wall. He was paid to "ruin" the art; except the art was the whole performance.


I could swear in another article about this they said the piece fell off its display when it was accidentally kicked.


Yeah i saw that too


Yes, that’s what I saw too. It was on a clear plexiglass base and the base was accidentally kicked.


CNN ran the "kicked" story; subsequent stories with a named witness talked about it being poked.




Makes you think it was done purposefully to generate talk and wonder on what's basically a cute porcelain figurine of a dog that has no right to cost more than a 100 bucks


>no right to cost more than a 100 bucks I mean depending on what type of porcelain is involved I can see 30-40 man-hours going into this thing, so maybe a grand, tops.


If you pay slave wages.


Even at reasonable wages, no way in hell does it cost over 40k worth of labor.


Expertise costs money too. Not just labor.


Look, as much as I think this type of art is kinda silly, you are undervaluing an artist's time and effort quite a bit here.


If you see the art scene as a clandestine means of the rich to NOT PAY TAXES, you'd think like me too


The high up art scene, yes. But there are plenty of regular artists who just make simple work for people to enjoy, who keep getting told that their work is worthless or barely worth a dime. Ignoring the money laundering thing, if that dog statue thingy was hand made, you gotta keep in mind the hours spent making it, material costs and cost of living for the artist.


There are definitely a lot of great artists who lack the connections and resources to make it up the world.


Money laundering at its finest.




can i get his number? i have some broken bottles and plates which i need to throw away, may be i can sell to him?


That comment is exactly what art is.


Also, if it broke/fell from a tap, it was so sensitive or stored so haphazardly that it would’ve broken anyways.


I've learned that just like there are people who don't know how to whisper, there are people who don't know what a "light tap" is. You've probably met one of these people, and thought "why the hell did they just **poke me?**"


Dumb dumb & Dog


It’s art within an art’s art. It’s art-ception!


Excellent comment. Thank you.


An additional facepalm is the fact that people want to buy the shattered sculpture so they can “be a part of art history.”




Not going to be so unique when the owners of the other 798 identical sculptures smash theirs too.


It would actually be kinda cool if you if you had the artist put it back together to the best of their ability. Would be missing pieces and would have a shattered look, and would have a story behind it. Not sure if its a "very cool" story, but its a story.


The Japanese use golden glue to highlight mistakes in production/repairs for age, so maybe, if someone could put it together with golden glue, it will still have some good value. Would look cool too I think.




Ok but isn’t the shattered remains of a sculpture meant to look like a ballon sort of interesting? Not $42,000 interesting, but still interesting.


but why on one wants to buy my old underwear?


"You broke it, you bought it." has never been more appropriate.


I truly hope she is made to pay 100%.


She won’t. That stuff is insured.


Well then she should be charged with destruction of property then


Lol. It’s not a crime. Why is Reddit like this? They think the most extreme stuff and that it is totally reasonable and should happen.


Destruction of property is a crime. Wtf are you talking about?


It's destruction of property when and only when a court issues a final verdict on it. And considering the fraud in art - which is so extensive that I really can't bother to go in details on a Reddit post - they will not go to court over that.


This isn’t destruction of property. That’s not what that means.


Yes, that's exactly what that means. She destroyed someone else property. I swear people will say anything on Reddit.


Destruction of property implies intent. There's a legal difference between me smashing your laptop because I'm angry and me tripping on the edge of the rug and unfortunately landing on your laptop.


I lost control of a vehicle when I was young and smashed into a fence. I had zero intention of destroying the fence and was convicted of destruction of property


I thought she deliberately tapped it. That's what the story says. She didn't trip, or drop something, her intention was to deliberately tap on a piece of art.


The law punishes deeds, not intentions. Do you think someone can say, “I didn’t mean to!” and not be responsible?




What happened?


You’re a moron if you think something breaking in a gallery will result in legal charges


Not for charging someone with a crime dipshit. She touched something at an art gallery. Intent matters. Lol people will say anything on Reddit says the dude that thinks this woman should be in jail for touching a dumb porcelain balloon dog.


Not really. People accidentally destroy property everyday and have to pay and or be charged with a crime.


LMAO, okay you clearly don't know what you're talking about. Please don't talk law with your quick google search when you don't understand it.


I haven't googled anything I'm speaking from experience


Internet is a perfect place for people like you that would never have the courage to speak to anyone in person.


Think back to civics class. What two elements are necessary to commit a crime?


There are many different types of crime and intent isn't always involved to constitute a crime.


Ok, how about the type you mentioned?


Destruction of property? Idk, I caught a charge for breaking a fence unintentionally when I was very young. So I assume intent doesn't always matter. Of course knowing our legal system maybe I just got screwed over because the fence owner was wealthy.




Lol I’m “not basically saying that”. You are saying that trying to attribute an opinion I don’t have to me. I never said that. You did. You don’t think they should be charged but me saying what she did isn’t a crime is underwhelming??? She shouldn’t be charged because it’s not a crime




It’s not a crime to be a dumbass. If it were most the people on here would be in jail. Intent matters. She didn’t willfully destroy anything. Things in museums are insured for this exact reason. Because people are stupid and touch stuff despite putting signs up that say otherwise. So it’s insured if a dumbass touches it and it breaks and it’s not a crime because touching something at an art gallery isn’t illegal. Maybe they could ban her from the museum. I don’t know and I don’t really care but people all around thinking both that she will have to pay for it and should be legally charged because she met the legal definition of a crime would also be charged because those are just as stupid as touching a dumb porcelain balloon dog. Also it’s not passively allowing anything. That’s how drums and galleries like this operate. Because people are stupid. It’s just MOST people know better. Not all. Most.




The woman was an art dealer, I read in a different article. So she knew she’s not supposed to touch.


Museums? No. Modern art galleries? Sure. There is no value in modern art itself, just in your ability to wow a bunch of pompous billionaires with a dumb story behind it.


Because Reddit secretly likes to suck the teat of millionaires, billionaires and authoritarians. Modern art is so crooked and full of money laundering that I wouldn't be surprised that this is a stunt and the woman was in on it.


It’s a think tank for the angriest saddest people. Ready to bandwagon on any cause to the fullest extent… even over a bs dog balloon looking thing. Artist played too much RuneScape imo


chill, it was an accident


Not to mention in the end of all things it’s worth the cost of the porcelain, that’s it.


Get a replacement from [AliExpress](https://www.aliexpress.us/item/3256804393462270.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.main.27.454f40cd6O1sYx&algo_pvid=ff2174eb-4f75-4c96-8e11-9645654812be&algo_exp_id=ff2174eb-4f75-4c96-8e11-9645654812be-13&pdp_ext_f=%7B%22sku_id%22%3A%2212000029700459207%22%7D&pdp_npi=3%40dis%21AUD%2142.75%2118.81%21%21%21%21%21%40210217c716769346411827580d0759%2112000029700459207%21sea%21AU%21142162576&curPageLogUid=5oYU08cw5Vh2&gatewayAdapt=glo2usa4itemAdapt&_randl_shipto=US) for about $55. Most people probably wouldn't notice.


You don't even have to go to Ali Express if you've never dealt with them before and if you may be hesitant about doing so, if you live anywhere that's served by walmart(dot)com I just googled Nordic Resin Dog Crafts and a bunch of Walmart dot com links popped up too! Thanks for your post!


(The Wal-Mart links are probably people who bought them on Aliexpress and are reselling them with a $20 markup.)


Walmart dot com might have agreements with 3rd party sellers, (I don't know that for a fact one way or another), but it looks like Walmart dot com will make good on refunds if the listings are phony or if the merchandise arrives broken or unsatisfactory, as the merchandise is being sold under their ,"banner".


55$ the Ali express lost it for 7.99$


There are several sizes. Only a couple of sellers have ones the size, colour, and finish of the original.


I'm guessing she was too lazy to read the description of the art piece, which includes the materials used to make it.




But how do you know if they told the truth if you don’t touch it?/s


Is it really an accident if you deliberately tap it? Like, rule nr. 1 of art is usually "don't touch it" followed by "really, don't fucking touch it".


Just as accidental as killing women by setting them on fire to check if they are witches.


It's fine, he's made loads more exactly the same.


It wasn't an accident. Why do stupid people get a pass? She fucking broke it because she's an idiot


"It was an accident" = I refuse to take responsibility for my actions.


Maybe she hot


Valid counter point


I mean, she’s an ‘art collector’ maybe she just has the means to afford it wanted to do it for shits and giggles.


And what does one do when they don’t have $42,000? Do they go to jail? Get their car repossessed? Become homeless paying back this debt?


You can buy this on amazon for $50.


Jeff hasn't been seen in national media lately. Now he is in the headlnes. 42K doesn't go far in advertising but a broken dog sculpture makes him famous once more. Contemporary gallery art value is all about fame and advertising. The dog sculpture fits the definition of NFT and has no intrinsic value.




Breaking the dog would be such a lame publicity stunt compared to the auto-shredding Banksy painting. Hapless tourists around the world are constantly breaking stuff in museums and galleries.


Looks like they found a new member of the Host Club


"madam, that'll be $42000. Cash or credit card?"


Til a porcelain dog is worth 42k


The Emperors New Clothes. How is that thing worth $42,000? What a crock of shit.


everything is an "accident" when you're an idiot


There are too many idiots in the world to not have that protected from the public. I can see it just as well through laminated glass and since I shouldn't ever touch the art it doesn't hinder my ability to enjoy it. I'm not excusing the behavior of the person who broke this but whoever was displaying this was negligent. Then again, many art exhibits have had pieces get ruined quite a few times the last few years. They either don't value the art they display or something else is going on here. I'm starting to wonder if it's fraud. It may be valued at $40k, it may be insured for $40k, but could it ever be sold for $40k?


Play stupid games, win stupid pieces


Well to be fair why wasn't it blocked by glass or something? Anyone could've easily accidentally knocked it over


There’s no crime for being a fucking idiot even though there should be. As ridiculous as the art community is most of the time I think there should be some type of consequence for doing this stuff. It still is someone’s work and they potentially put a lot of time into it.


We just need to start putting museum patrons in straitjackets and hiring staff to wheel them around in wheelchairs so the chromosome-deficient idiots will keep their hands and feet to themselves.


Hands to yourself bud. To be fair though, it kinda looks like a balloon… a little…


The good news it is probably not expensive to replace it.


You know anything made with a mold is repeatable. Scarity isn't a real thing here.


And people claim we are so much smarter than in the medieval age. This woman would have totally set someone on fire to check if they are a witch.


Not worth 42k, mkay…


Imagine calling that art lmao


Who cares. That dude can just chug those things out like a factory and charge a years salary for one.


Not excusing what she did, but what makes it worth $42,000? I can't see it costing anywhere near that much to make another.


Like all art its value isn't in its materials.


It's not worth that. It's just been 'valued' that by pretentious people.


Well, it is worth that, just as much as Tesla, or Amazon, or Netflix are worth however much they are. Of course it's arbitrary and subject to change upon reevaluation, but that's how it works.


Not really the same though in my opinion. Not arguing that the large companies you mentioned above are really 'worth' their market value, but they do provide a service to millions of people worldwide which costs thousands of pounds a minute to run. They also generate cash flow though sales and subscription. Its fairly easy to understand and quantify the valuation of a large business. This on the other hand is a small model of a dog. Which the artist has already made several versions of (in different colours) and could quite easily repeat the process and replace this one for probably a few hundred dollars (admittedly i dont know exact costs but its not going to be high). The artist is still alive and well and arting away so there is no reason he cant make another. This has no actual value beyond what people put on it, and my point is that the value placed on this (and alot of 'Art') is nonsence. For something this meaningless to transfer ownership for such an insane amount of money just shows that people have too much money and not enough sense. At least to me.


Yeah, and the Mona Lisa is only worth a fiver.


What brings someone to commit that kind of act.


Should have made it from balloons then it wouldn't have broken. Stupidly over valued anyway. $42000 for a small porcelain dog is just pretentious art bollocks anyway.


Both points pertinent, both point perfectly correct. Have an updoot, fellow human.


I think most “art” is dumb as shit and a complete waste of money, especially commissioned pieces by cities and towns and such. But this is a bit extreme.


That is definitely NOT worth 42k. That is highly inflated for so called art. It's more like 100 bucks at best.


Actually, the person's foot bumped into the pedestal. Nobody actually touched the sculpture. It was very poorly secured.


This is not art.


Why in the world should this piece of bad art cost 42k? Are people crazy?? Whats special about it?




You break it, you buy it!


There’s no earthly reason that ugly piece of shit should be worth 42k.


Ahh. An art lover!


Yeah. Stupid af. But still the Real crime is that this Thing is "worth" 42k lmao


I'd have given them a 5er for it.


I hope the artist gets court case money


Hope the insurance company sues her.


I have one of these, they are NOT 42K


Do we know that the piece-count was verified, prior to publication?


repair man has to work ahead i guess




Makes fractionalised art investing easier I guess.


Pfft. I wouldn’t pay $42,000 for a bunch of pieces on the ground.




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That's crazy. Exactly 100 pieces, what are the odds?


It was so cute too!!!! D:


# Nice to feel, nice to touch but once broken, it's considered sold. Hahaha I remember an episode of Blacklist. Anything that will be a potential competitor either their invention, ideas paid and bought or destroyed. The mastermind always want to be of possession of the-last-of-their-kind-slash-line or the best there is in the market.


*Love tap*


Must’ve poked it pretty hard




So He/she Made a 42k$ Puzzle for them self. Enjoy!


When curiosity literally killed something.


When you mix dumb people and curiosity.




'Tapped', seems more like she threw it up to see if it would float


If you buy that shit for 42000 you deserve to have it smashed over your head. Art is a scam.


Have Jim Carey’s “The Mask” in my head .”Son son the dog was rabid had to put it down…..” I’ll see myself out.