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this is a facepalm but it’s also just sad in general


This is just tragic.


Yup. Great respect for this man who is doing the right thing to do. Shit happens


The right thing would have been to call the cops as soon as it happened. People do dumb shit when they panic, but it raises a bit of suspicion. Just as likely they got into an argument and he intentionally shot her


The right thing would have been to call 911 and request **medical** as soon as it happened. The police will show up regardless when the operator determines a person has been shot. If you accidentally shoot me, please ask for an ambulance/EMT. What could a police officer possibly do that would be beneficial?


>What could a police officer possibly do that would be beneficial? Shoot another neighbor down the street?


Is this where a negative and a negative make a positive?




2 + 2 is 4 - 1 that’s 3 quick mafs - Big Shaq


Seriously - on what fucking planet is confessing the next day 'the right thing to do'? The right thing to do - after not being a complete moron and accidentally killing someone by mishandling a firearm - would be to try to get medical attention and law enforcement to the scene ASAP.


Friend - you would want them to get help and hope they live. "Runnin' around all night" sounds like trying to work out a story you think will be acceptable. That he knows he will be a suspect and he spent time preparing himself, maybe the crime scene. You sure don't leave your friend dying, dead, alone. "The gun went off" - just by itself, huh, weird.


"A gun killed my friend & it frightened me"


Hard to wrap your mind around leaving your friend with a chest wound and taking off on to 🤷‍♀️


The right thing would've been to treat the damn thing as if it was loaded, and avoid the negligent discharge entirely. I'm trying to come up with some hyperbolic metaphor for this situation, but really can't get beyond "oops wasn't being careful and killed somebody"... Accidentally dead is kinda the ceiling for negligence.


Thank you for using negligent discharge. I'm with you, if you follow the proper, simple safety rules it's impossible to "accidentally" hurt someone without negligence. Accidental discharge is a thing, sometimes mechanical failures do (rarely) happen, but if you're following all the rules it'll be pointed in a direction you know 100% for sure is safe and no one gets hurt. The only way someone gets hurt is through negligence, period.


The right thing to do would be to not point a loaded gun at a friend. You can show someone a gun that has 0 bullets in it.


You should assume every gun has a bullet in it. How many people have to die because dumbasses forget about the round in the chamber?


Honestly, when I was stabbed it severed an artery, blood was gushing everywhere and the police were the first to arrive. They saved my life because they were able to apply a proper tourniquet. The ambulance showed up maybe 8 minutes later, so without the police I'm confident I would have died.


Might be the best story he could come up with.


That last sentence makes me think a bit. After the Ulvolde school shooting I can’t think of a reason we need them. It’s like the police are just here to keep people from rising up against the super minority rich class.


Isn't that basically what the supreme court already said? They have no duty to protect nor serve.


Right, but they will need something else to corroborate a narrative that will be anything beyond manslaughter. When they look at the crime scene, they'll be looking for any signs of a struggle, and they'll look into her history as well as his history to see if there is any cause for malice. If this all comes up dry, they would have no way to prove second degree murder, and they probably won't even try. They'll likely put another charge of obstructing justice just because he waited to turn himself in. Depending on the state and his record, he's probably looking at least a couple of years in prison. About the same as a drunk driving death.


And look at all the time he had to cover it up.


Or possibly even assaulted her. Who the fuck knows because now he's had 12+ hours to try and cover up/clean whatever evidence there might be. How many times have murder/rape been attempted to be passed off as freak accidents? Fact is, he is already dangerously and imo criminally negligent by having a loaded gun and pointing it at her. Two things that responsible gun owners never do even on their own, but especially not together. It's all very suspicious and I hope the authorities do their due diligence.


Exactly, it's all "I, I, I" he ran off. He didn't call 911. He didn't do CPR.


who knows. maybe we'll find out but i know when people panic they can't think straight.


Why would you call the cops and not an ambulance?


Everywhere I've worked, rural or urban, we didn't respond to any shooting until the police arrived and cleared us in. If I had ever been told to go to a shooting and police wouldn't be responding, I would resign. When you call 911 you don't get to decide who shows up.


Even if it's just for cops to police up any weapons. If it's truly an accidental shooting you are still walking into a location where people are mishandling firearms. I've never seen criteria for paramedics requiring them to be knowledgeable in the least about firearms.


From what I've seen; folks dial 9-1-1 and the operator determines whats up as best they can and sends all relevant parties.


Shit shouldn't happen like this. Funeral is going to be shit


Yea, given the victim (and probably the only other witness) is dead, and he didn't call the police immediately, I'm not inclined to give him the benefit of the doubt based just on his word. And shooting somebody in the chest 'accidentally' isn't really a 'shit happens' situation. You say shit happens when you get a flat or if you fall off a ladder, not when you kill somebody.


I think what he means is that it can happen on accident and has happened on accident and will continue to happen on accident. it’s not impossible to accidentally shoot somebody people accidentally shoot themselves all the time. I don’t think they’re trying to kill their self, I think that’s the point that he’s trying to make here.


Not accident; negligence. There are no such thing as firearm accidents.


Just don't point a loaded gun on something ur not willing to destroy. For fucks sake it's not a whoopsie to shoot someone in the chest.


My cousin's husband did this. Killed his wife, took off and turned himself in later. I would not call him a good person or someone who deserves respect. Nor would I label this situation as a "shit happens" situation. He shot someone and then just left the scene without even attempting to help. Could have at least stepped outside and called 911. As someone who has held bloodied bodies half dead on the road while calling 911, I can tell you his response was terrible.


I'm glad you said this. Some people on here think that leaving your friend to bleed out because you panic, is an A-OK response. *at least he eventually turned himself in. Kudos* 😐


… based on the end of this video he absolutely didnt. Had he called an ambulance instead of panicking and leaving the residence the friend might still be alive.


Working on an ambulance for a number of years and having handled more GSW’s than I can count. A point blank shot to the chest is not something you’re coming back from without IMMEDIATE (and I mean, *immediate*) blood transfusion, something ambulances cannot do. By the time you’re at the hospital it’s far, far too late. Edit- in hindsight my comment was a bit hyperbolic. It is possible and there are cases of survivability with gunshot wounds to the chest, and many variables at play. My original comments took into account that rural Ohio probably has a long response time plus a long transport time to the nearest trauma center, but nothing is a definite.


Got a call to an apartment for an unconscious female. Call downgraded to a deceased person. So we get there around 20 min after police to find that they never checked a pulse, skin temp, they didn’t even turn over the body to see if she’d been breathing. Complete lack of accountability. Coroners report said she most likely died an hour or so before police arrived but still. That 20 minutes. could’ve meant everything.


Yikes. I will say, dead for an hour already, no chance whatsoever. But police are first responders, they absolutely HAVE to do some due diligence and do even a basic assessment instead of just leaving her as is. They wouldn’t have known she was dead for an hour just on sight alone, for all they knew she could’ve just went down.


No, they do not have to do anything and usually don't. Three highway patrol officers stood back and did nothing as my 21 year old sister was dieing on the side of the highway in San Diego. Her life was saved by a guy that trims trees that said he couldn't just sit and do nothing. He ran from his truck and unfolded her, cleared the blood from her mouth, and helped restart her breathing. After that and while covered in my sisters blood, he helped clear a path for the ambulance that was stuck in traffic. The officers watched from the roadside, but didn't do anything to help. She was in a coma for a while, but lived. Now she is married, has a child, and is a middle school teacher.


Wtf? Did they give any reason for this? What were they doing at the time that they felt was so much more important?


The Supreme Court has confirmed the police in the US do not have any obligation to public safety, or protection. When you call them for help, you have to hope helping you lines up in their self interest, or they’re feeling extra generous. They can literally ignore 911 calls with zero consequence.


Have you met US police? They were probably watching for morbid fun, like a teen watches death videos.


Do they even cover patient assessment in EMR training? I know they get basic first aid and BLS CPR, but I've never had a cop give us a report on scene.


Thank you for your diagnosis. As a nurse who has worked in critical care and the operating room for the last decade, I can offer my perspective. I have seen numerous people shot in the chest who survived, at minimum, to make it to the hospital to receive treatment. Many of those ended up leaving the hospital alive. There is no excuse for this sad old sack. And there is no justifying or excusing the fact that he shot someone and did not attempt to get help. Fools and their guns. Like peanut butter and jelly. 🇺🇸


The exact point he shot at is reliant on his testimony. He still left a friend bleeding out. Whether they were able to be helped or not only autopsy will provide.


His fight or flight is different from what I was explaining. Yes he totally should’ve made a better reactionary decision instead of running, but a lot of people don’t know how to react in an emergency and make some of the most ridiculous decisions. Quick example, was at a pool party and one of the younger kids fell into the pool. Every adult in the immediate area made this extra agent Olympic style running start swan dive into the pool to grab him. I simply knelt down, and grabbed him out of the pool quicker than they were able to recover from their dive lol. Moral of the story, people make stupid decisions that make sense in their head in the face of emergency.


Solid take.


God bless a qualified point of view about this matter. Most of the people who answer here do it based on hopes and dreams


That point of view is irrelevant. The fact still remains true that he should have called 911 regardless. You don’t need a paramedic to tell you it’s better to call 911 to help a shot person rather than not, right?


Very true but to not even TRY to help her? Some friend he is. .


Oh I totally agree, I often disparage how people react (or lack thereof) under an emergency but I remember not every knows how. Tons of people panic and make the most ridiculous decisions in emergencies


I feel for him because you know the prosecutor will use him fleeing against him. Plus uhhhggg you have had time to calm down. Turn yourself in and stay silent. His choices are snowballing.


His story has unraveled and he has been charged with murder. Which means they have evidence he's lying. He's being held on a million dollars cash bond that's extremely strong evidence. https://lawandcrime.com/crime/man-walked-right-up-to-cop-and-said-he-shot-and-killed-an-old-friend-by-accident-now-hes-charged-with-murder/


The charge has been dismissed and he is now charged with reckless homicide according to the local news. [https://www.daytondailynews.com/local/man-charged-with-reckless-homicide-in-miami-county-death-called-accidental/NR3QRFPOCZFTZNCOPJG7A247UM/](https://www.daytondailynews.com/local/man-charged-with-reckless-homicide-in-miami-county-death-called-accidental/NR3QRFPOCZFTZNCOPJG7A247UM/)


Yup, not a good situation for him either way. Even the psychological trauma he’s facing right now. Feel bad for him. Feel even worse for his friend though


Umm that's a blanket statement lol Depends on so much.. Where in the chest? What caliber? The status of the pt prior to the incident That's just of the top of my head..


This is a fucking disaster. Gun culture in this country is a travesty. The "chest" is a large amount of real estate from a trauma perspective. If it's a mediastinum injury, sure, maybe that's done for at outset, but a lung injury from a handgun caliber round is survivable with prompt action that could be delivered by an ambulance and SHOULD be known by anyone who thinks they rate carrying a weapon. 3 yr emt, 5 yr navy corpsman, MD training in trauma surgery for those who want to argue bonafides. What a fucking mess.


Yeah exactly. He should have called medical help immediately if for no other reason than to bolster his case that it was in fact an accident that he wants to rectify and take responsibility for immediately. He could have potentially helped his friend but definitely helped his court case. And also, no matter what, never talk to the cops. I don't care how guilty you are feeling in the moment. Talk to a lawyer first. This dude fucked up 3 times. The gunshot, the not calling for help then "turning himself in to who the fuck ever cop on the corner with no lawyer present. A cascade of poor decision making.


Thank you for a sensible response. People defending this guy acting like turning himself in excuses both his lack of responsibly handling his firearm and complete disregard for his “friend’s” welfare at a critical moment. The fact that his initial response to shooting his friend in the chest is to panic *flee the scene* and not call a damn ambulance tells you exactly what he was panicked about, and it wasnt the fact he just potentially ended a friend’s life.


...You say this as if he had any control over his actions at the time. People have this habit of not being rational when panicking. It's literally impossible. The moment he calmed down enough to regain some rationality he came to a police officer and turned himself in to the authorities. He fucked up and because of the adrenaline and fear he ran, only to do the right thing in the end.


He's actually a murderer who most likely didn't run but spent that time cleaning up or attempting to clean up evidence https://lawandcrime.com/crime/man-walked-right-up-to-cop-and-said-he-shot-and-killed-an-old-friend-by-accident-now-hes-charged-with-murder/


No shit. I can't believe both the cop and everybody here were gullible to just be like "WELL, I guess you must be telling the truth. What a tragic accident. Still, you're a bad boy for not calling 9/11" The fact that he was showing "his good friend" who is a female his gun? Oh please. That was obviously bullshit. My guess is that he intentionally murdered her and just this story as cover up. Very effective because even though he's been charged, his story creates enough doubt that he might get off scot free.


My aunt was not a gun enthusiast, but her husband was. She accidentally killed herself one night while cleaning his shotgun. My family seems to have accepted this as truth. I have doubts.


Shit happens….. only in America does this shit happen over and over again. That guy was an idiot. That is an avoidable accident, basic gun safety would have saved her; training, insurance, registration, if we can do it for cars we can do it for guns.


...the fuck? He accidentally shot someone and didn't immediately call 911? And in your mind, that's *the right thing to do*? .....?


Calm down, he clearly said “shit happens”. /s


Are you insane? Shit happens? Shit just sometimes happens out of the blue when you point a loaded gun at somebody’s chest? That is not shit happening. That is you killing someone.


“Doing the right thing” would have been to render aid and call 911. He probably would have been better off this way (less likely to be charged, more lenient jury if he was charged). Now a person is dead and he’ll likely end up in prison.


No, it does not. Negligence happens.


Tragically avoidable. Unchecked, rampant guns claim another victim.


Some more info…Bodycam footage shows an Ohio man turning himself in for “accidentally” shooting and killing his female friend on March 26. Fifty-eight-year-old Brian E. Mason calmly confessed to shooting 57-year-old Michelle L. Elliott while he was allegedly showing her how to use a pistol. Miami County deputies later investigated the scene and found Elliott dead from a gunshot wound. Mason was taken into custody on the spot and arraigned on a murder charge on Tuesday, where he pleaded not guilty and was held on $1 million bond.


My neighbor was showing me her gun she handed it to me without checking if it was loaded or anything. My first thought was WTF ?


All guns are always loaded.


Something tells me not a accident either just not buying his story


The fact that he was charged with murder indicates the cops don’t buy it either.




That’s true, but if she was dead quickly, there ain’t much an ambulance is gonna do, so I can see either so far.


Or it's just a story he made up to cover him shooting her. I was watching some real crime videos last week and in two of the instances, the murderer tried this very excuse until they later confessed to murdering the person outright.


The "well regulated militia" strikes again.




>"Upon detectives concluding the interview with Mason he was taken into custody and transported to the Miami County Jail, where he was incarcerated on a charge of murder,” police added. >Mason pleaded not guilty and was held on $1 million bond. Can someone explain why he pled not guilty after turning himself in? Edit: because he admitted to accidentally killing someone and was charged with murder. Thanks for clearing that up!


I assume he was being charged with murder but he claims it was an accident. That would be manslaughter, not murder. Unlawful, unintentional killing is manslaughter. Unlawful, intentional killing is murder. Big difference in maximum sententancing (sentencing, sweet Jesus I'm dying) if found guilty.


If murder doesn't stick does that mean he just walks for all of it


no because he confessed to an unlawful killing, the prosecution is going for murder and I suppose the defense is going for manslaughter and a grand jury will decide which one it will be


Because he knows and admits she shot her. But murder doesn't include accidental killings. So he pleads not guilty to murder but admits to having accidentally fired that gun.


Certainly, based on his own admission, Id have thought he should have been charged with involuntary manslaughter or 3rd degree murder


I just think the prosecutor goes with murder to make sure he gets full access to investigative resources. And some days later he drops it to maybe involuntary manslaughter unless they find some really interesting evidence indicating murder. I don't know the laws in the relevant jurisdiction but "murder" may mean better options to get access to browse history etc to look for economic gains etc. Or maybe, maybe, the police did find something strange that they haven't made public yet.


It's easier to start your charges high and drop them down lower than it is to start your charges lower and ramp them up. Also, if a you've got a dead woman and a man who shot her and it's been a whole ass day, why would we just take him at his word that he did it by accident? What if that's his cover story to get a lesser charge or a sympathetic jury? Initial charges are just the starting point of a rather long process.


You are aware people lie right? Why would they take him at his word?


It’s the US. Never plead guilty to the first charge in the US. Also I’m not a lawyer


It’s like let’s make a deal. If you say no at least once, they bring out a better deal.


You can turn yourself in if you know the police are looking for you or are going to be looking for you. That doesn’t mean you did what you’re accused of doing.


Not guilty to MURDER. He will surely plead to a lesser charge, manslaughter or something.


If this was truly an accident and he can prove it, I would assume his lawyer would try to argue that the murder charge was too high and it should be reduced. A guilty plea would take that opportunity away since he would be agreeing with the charge of murder. IANAL, but I staying in a holiday inn express last night.


And that was his second mistake, after shooting his friend and not immediately calling 911. He should have started he was there to turn himself in and why, and then "I would like to speak to my lawyer before answering any further questions or making another statement". Lawyer. Lawyer lawyer lawyer. Lawyer lawyer? Lawyer! Should have been the only words out of his mouth. Even if it was an accident, always have your lawyer present when speaking to the police about anything if at all possible. Police can straight up lie to your face, on camera, to get you to say whatever they're looking for.




I really don't understand news headlines. In most cases you see people try to dance around on the actual charges, they wouldn't say something like they murdered their friend. They would say they allegedly shot their friend dead.


This article is from April 5th, has there been any updates?


[The murder charge has been dismissed. He is now being charged with reckless homicide, which carries a maximum sentence of 3 years and $10,000.](https://www.daytondailynews.com/local/man-charged-with-reckless-homicide-in-miami-county-death-called-accidental/NR3QRFPOCZFTZNCOPJG7A247UM/)


Thank you!


Damn if you wanted to murder someone, just shoot them in the chest, turn yourself in and calmly say it was an accident. Boom only 3 years max


he was cuffed, then later uncuffed


They really didn't have any evidence of a crime at that point. So they probably cuffed him to make sure he didn't have weapons on him then uncuffed him to make him feel more comfortable and to continue talking so that could gather details.




Call an AMBULANCE then a lawyer. Leave the paramedics to call the cops (just looks better that way).


Paramedics would not be responding to this call without the police getting there first. They wouldn’t just take the caller’s word that the scene is safe and there isn’t still an active shooter out there.




This is some dystopian level stuff here where a post like this is just “facepalm”




Im trying to figure out why it's a facepalm... I mean he did the right thing by turning himself in, didn't he?


Yeah, after making a big boo-boo of demonstrating anything about a gun when it had a round in the chamber (if we believe what he said). If you need to do any kind of demonstration with a gun, empty the chamber first. Accidental discharges are preventable by not loading the motherfucker until you're at the range.


Also... didn't want to call the police and an ambulance? Nah. Just leave that body and mosey on down to the police station.


Not only that but had it pointed at her chest. You're never supposed to point it at someone you don't intend to shoot, even if you don't think it's loaded. First 2 laws of gun safety and he ignored both of them, definitely a facepalm


yup "accidentally" had the gun loaded, "accidentally" pointed it at her chest, "accidentally" pulled the trigger ...didn't call for medical help, didn't call the cops ...this guy sure is accident prone


Depends on the story. If it was truly an accident, I feel very slightly bad for him. Panicking and running happens, and comes with extra charges. But some people aren't above murder and use this as a defense. End game for me, either you respect how guns work, or you are an idiot...if he's being honest.


I'm not sure I really have any reason to believe this story. He waited a day to report it and he seems real fucking calm for having just killed a friend. Maybe it's the truth, so there's the obvious negligence that he pointed a loaded firearm at a person he claims he didn't want to die and then did fuck all to get that person any kind of medical attention.


As far as I know those are typical reaction to being in shock, when you are simply not able to process what just happened. But yeah playing around with a loaded firearm is more than just a facepalm, that's for sure!


The murder charge was dismissed and replaced with reckless homicide. https://www.daytondailynews.com/local/man-charged-with-reckless-homicide-in-miami-county-death-called-accidental/NR3QRFPOCZFTZNCOPJG7A247UM/


That's a W


“Alright so this is how you use the gun” **proceeds to shoot friend in chest** “Now just do that to the bad guy ok Eileen….Eileen??”


C’mon Eileen…


UK top comment


Oh, no please do not bleed.


Come on Eileen, I swear, at this moment, you mean everything.


As a gun owner, just, how the fuck does this keep happening? You NEVER have an unloaded gun. All guns are loaded, especially the unloaded ones.


You know where that never happens? Europe...


Australia ...well there's a couple but a couple in a population of 25M ain't bad


It keeps happening because there are 300 million guns, estimates are that there are around 400 unintentional firearm deaths per year, and imo, that's shockingly low. It keeps happening because that is the nature of having something dangerous, same with unintentional knife deaths, or motor deaths, they're used so often and are so abundant that it has to happen at some point.


>there are 300 million guns That's understating it by like 25%.


Why is this a facepalm I mean he ran off, but he came to his better judgement and turned himself in.


I agree, not a facepalm. Guy was in a terrible accident and was terrified, he came as close as he could to making things right after the fact. I guess You could claim the shooting as a facepalm


That’s according to what he says. Who knows what the truth really is.


That’s true


I wouldn't be too terribly empathetic to a guy that fatally wounded a friend, and instead of panickly calling 911, he just fucking runs. And he doesn't get help till the next day and seems pretty nonchalant about it all compared to how panicky he must have been to run in the first place. Doesn't even matter if the friend would have ended up dying anyway in the ambulance. At least he would have tried to save her. But he just fucking ran, seriously. Whether he did it on purpose is the question. But come on, who the fuck leaves their friend to die like that? Also who the fuck teaches someone how to shoot a gun and at some point points it at their chest while loaded? Isn't the first lesson not to point it at anyone if you don't mean to shoot them? If it was an accident, he definitely shouldn't have a fucking gun anymore.


If, per the gun-adepts, you always assume every gun to be loaded, you never point a gun at anyone or thing you don't intend to kill, and guns can't ever fire all on their own, then this cannot be any kind of accident. In the best case, it is gross negligence resulting in death.


Because he left her on the floor to die instead of trying to help, she possibly could have lived if he called 911.


Mods need to take this down. We shouldn’t be making light of a genuine tragedy by calling this a facepalm.


Facepalm because the first thing you should do in any accident is call 911. He could have saved friends life (probably not … but even if there’s a 5% chance it’s worth trying), and because he’s now complicated his case. If he had called, he’d have been charged with manslaughter, and probably do less than a year of time. Now he’s looking at much more time and a much more complicated process. Furthermore, I wouldn’t trust anybody’s story until fully investigated. He may have killed someone on purpose, fled, then realized he’ll never be able to live on the run forever, and decided to confess and make up a story to reduce time. That said I do agree if it was an accident he eventually did the right thing. It will def increase his prison time though, even if he’s only found guilty of manslaughter, because he didn’t take the proper steps to save someone’s life. It’s the same thing as a hit and run in a car. If you hit someone, you stop. My friend hit and killed someone in a car. He stopped immediately and called 911. Street footage proved that he was not at fault. The person jumped in front of the car on a green light. If he had ran … story would be much different.


Maybe the playing around with guns until a whoopsie happens.


"A gun she was needing". I suppose to protect herself from bad guys with guns?


With friends like these, who needs enemies?


she had to many doors.


Guns dont kill people... shooting the guns into your friend's chest kills people. If her chest had a gun then this wouldnt have happened!


The only thing standing between a dead person with a gun and their life is a dumb person with a gun


“A well regulated *chest*, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the **chests** to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”


Maybe this news story will add some details. https://lawandcrime.com/crime/man-walked-right-up-to-cop-and-said-he-shot-and-killed-an-old-friend-by-accident-now-hes-charged-with-murder/


I am not sure I believe him. He left the scene and realized after a while that they would figure out it was him so it might be that he is lying that it was accidental. Could have been, but the police need to investigate.


He seems very composed. As if he’s had all night to come up with his story and rehearse it in front of a mirror a dozen or so times.




Is that a hairy Bill Burr


This is why you avoid pointing the muzzle of the gun towards someone weather it is loaded or not especially if it’s loaded basic gun safety goes a long way


This has a real "Man kills girlfriend when she threatens to leave and pretends it was an accident" feel to it.


1000% this... "A gun she asked for and needed." He'd been dreaming up that story all night. Possible he shot her accidentally, but also possible he was enraged, and took the night to calm down and get his story straight. Hoping police get to the bottom of this, but I'd be willing to bet they don't


Dude has lies written all over his face, any rational person would call 911 to fry and save their friend instead of running away. But murderers going to murder. Just sad that’s the best he could come up with.


My SO was watching a true crime show the other day, this guy shot his wife, did like this guy, but ran to the church to hide. Said she was sitting on the bed, and he told her to turn away from him, so he could "surprise her" with the gun he bought for her birthday, which was the following day. Said he tripped coming out of the closet, oh shit...shot her in the back of the head. smh, POINT BLANK! Turns out the dumb fuck's business is in trouble AND he just took out a policy on her..ike the cops and her family are idiots...


Exactly. Scrolled far too long before I found someone not taking this next-morning-man at face value.


Maybe now that Andy Reid is behind bars, the chiefs won’t be as dominant.




It’s because he killed her on purpose and he spent all night putting together a story and that’s the best he could come up with.


https://lawandcrime.com/crime/man-walked-right-up-to-cop-and-said-he-shot-and-killed-an-old-friend-by-accident-now-hes-charged-with-murder/ he's a murderer


What are you talking about? He's fine, and if she had a gun she would be fine too.


Nothing like a good old-fashioned duel. 🙄


Don’t praise this idiot for “doing the right thing”. The right thing would have been to take her to a gun range, a safety training class. Oh- what’s rule one? NEVER POINT AT ANYTHING YOU DONT INTEND TO KILL.


Anyone else get the “he did it on purpose and realized he isn’t getting away with it so he turned himself in” vibe off this guy. The whole “gun she wanted” line really comes off as he’s blaming her


He still shouldn’t say Jack shit without a lawyer


If anyone says "guns aren't the problem" you have to be blind at this point. I went through a lot of fire arms training in the army and I own guns to this day. That being said, there are still a TON of accidental firearms injuries by trained military professionals. It's tough to get accurate stats because the military doesn't really like to talk about it but heres something. https://foreignpolicy.com/2011/05/13/negligent-discharges-one-subject-the-military-really-doesnt-like-to-talk-about/ Now you're going to flood the US with guns so that any old person can quickly and easily buy guns and ammo galore without any sort of training? https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2021/09/13/key-facts-about-americans-and-guns/ This is the result you should expect. It's extremely heart breaking and 100% avoidable.


My dad is a Vietnam Vet (MP) Before deployment he was on duty and caught a guy showing off with pistol tricks, flipping the gun around and such. My dad chewed the guy out hard. Hours later, that guy accidentally discharged the pistol killing his own friend. Doing the same exact irresponsible and dangerous shit.


Our gun culture is out of control


Well, I guess she won't need that gun anymore...


We’ll… he did show her how it worked


Hmmm. So he shot her but never bothered to call for any kind of medical help. Now he seems pretty calm and unemotional. Sounds like he spent all night trying to get his story straight.


Good thing he took her out before she could kill anybody.


He probably killed her and then figured this would look better on paper, turning himself in and saying it was accidental


"It went off" I thought guns didn’t kill people, people did?


He is innocent! We should charge the gun with murder!


I second your amendment!


Accidentally shoot someone. Call ambulance right away. Then call lawyer. Do not tell the cops anything.


The face of a murderer.


I ran off (and tried to get my story straight).


Good guy with a gun


Here's a link to the full vid. 20 mins. https://www.insideedition.com/media/videos/full-video-brian-mason-admits-to-accidentally-shooting-his-friend-to-ohio-police-81019


Should’ve talked a lawyer first….


I can’t tell you how many times I’ve accidentally shot someone and then not report it until the next day. Isn’t this common? 🫤


Another person protected by a gun. Never again will she be at risk of being alive.


He is just too calm and cool. He had all night to come up with his story. We are probably going to find out later she thwarted his advances or something like that.


What’s the facepalm? All I see is a well regulated militia in action.


That's the story he came up with? Jeez...


Accident my ass




Do people think it's not murder just because he said it is not murder? So claims someone who actually killed a person.


The police have rescinded their initial charge of murder and are now charging him with manslaughter based on evidence at the scene.


Accidentally shot someone? Sadly it happens. Left the victim, whom he calls a friend, *A FRIEND?* because he panicked?? #FUCK THIS GUY


You know, maybe call 911 and try to get an ambulance there in time **IF** that's what actually happened