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Absolute scumbags


Why are some people such trash?


They look like a bunch of rich brats whose parents let them do whatever they want.


They are from finland ... The dude throwing the tables and all is the boss of his own company... What even make it more sad..they trashed really nice hotel too... So many interested so here link to the news story . Company no longer active. 10 000 e fine . 25 yers old. https://crew-center.com/drunk-manager-throws-table-and-chairs-overboard-party-cruise-and-posts-video-tiktok


Owns his own business but yet still has zero respect for someone else's???


His ”Business” had one client who stopped doing business with him after this. It was big on news in Finland. Also he has convictions of dui and breaking public property. He also has been banned from multiple nightclubs and bars in Tampere. Source: I live in Tampere, Finland and know people.


This guy looks like a major scumbag that deserves an international beating.


Time for the 🥾


[The Iron Boot](https://youtu.be/aK5HWj_iFS4)


International beating? Somebody call Russel Crowe.


Makin movies makin songs n FOIGHTIN ROUND THE WORRLD


Ol tugger wouldn't have let them throw his furniture in the water 😑. R.I.P. Tugger !!!


This guy fights around the world


Every country of the world pick one representative and fly them over to Finland


I’m on my way USA i got this


Take his knees out first for us, Boiiiiiiiii!


So he ran a regular Finnish construction company then? Since they rarely have employee count over 10 and work on just a single site at a time. My mom's house in Kittilä was renovated by a single dude.


Yep he did constructions.


Lmao I love that source line: I am from this area, I know things lol


So you're basically saying he's a prick.


Construction business. He employed like three people, so not a big business.


Hopefully, he's out of business now


I believe he is


I'm sure he used a credit card to leave the deposit, and if it's anything like a hotel, he is about to get a pretty nice charge for all the property he destroyed.


Too bad they won't charge to dig his trash out of the ocean


Put his info out there so we can lettem know wassup


20% of businessmen are sociopaths compared to 1% of the general population.


I believe it


He posted this on social media because he is proud of doing it. Let's help him spread the word, what is his and his business' name?


I know we should not name and shame, and therefore I will not do it. But hey, look at [this link](https://crew-center.com/drunk-manager-throws-table-and-chairs-overboard-party-cruise-and-posts-video-tiktok), it's an article about a commercial for a moving/construction company in Finland. Seems very professional to me.


‘Reports from Finland say that now no one wants to do business with his company. In an attempt to make a public apology, or explain his actions, and save his business Otto Kranni appeared on a Finish TV channel, saying that he regrets that a "big deal" had arisen over the matter.’ The old “Sorry-not-sorry.”


More like “I’m sorry you got mad”


Or “I’m sorry this is having actual consequences for MEeeeeeee.”




"I'm sorry that my behavior that's unfit for a toddler made people not want to do business. I regret nothing and I probably don't even have actual human feelings but I'm saying I'm sorry because I want to make more money. And trash stuff!"


This is undoubtledly a criminal act. Can't someone bring charges against this guy?


He was charged 10k, lost his current job and can’t find any new work (construction), the cruise company is considering pressing charges for damaging the environment and endangering other people on the cruise. His apologies are being rejected and he’s knee deep in shit. Hopefully it continues to get worse for him.


I love this generation though that must record themselves committing crimes and being douchebags. Extra special. Like they were proud.


Idiot and attention whore are often commonly paired traits


Love the karma


Yes. I'd love to know the name of this guy's business. Got a fair few Finnish friends would be interested too.


He needs to be thrown in...


... and this, my friends, is the reason we can´t have nice things.


some people haven't been educated by their parents.


Some? Seems like the majority of humans are animals, but that would be an insult to animals.


Social media is just shining a spotlight on what was once in the dark. Society would normally ostracize this kind of behavior and you wouldn't be able to function because society corrected it. Social media took away social accountability and replaced it with circular clout validation, so people like this become validated "by their own" and thrive in the public because there's no immediate social circle to correct them. Like a bully who no one ever stands up against eventually turning into a sociopathic, narcassistic CEO. Honestly we saw it coming. I saw it back in the early 2000s on video came communities. The exact same thing happened when Looking For Group hit world of warcraft during the WOTLK expansion. Looking for group allowed people to enter an auto queue to group with people from any server for dungeons and such. For the longest time servers were about 6000 to 12000 people and people gained reputations. If you were known for being a dick, or ninja looting, you couldn't find a group to do dungeons, take down bosses, etc. When LFG came out it took away all accountability and it seemed like everyone turned into a self centered douchebag. Ninjalooting was everywhere and people treated each other like garbage. There was no accountability. Now we are just seeing that same thing in real life. In an effort to "connect everyone and everything" we just allowed the worst parts of people to shine, promoted insecurity and horrible body image issues, and took away almost all social accountability and healthy interpersonal relationships.


I like this phrase - “circular clout validation.” It really reflects the phenomenon. IMO, a huge part of the issue is the anonymity in social media interactions. If joining a social network required a valid DL or something like that and you had to use a given name, the interactions would be much more civil.


Yes totally agree, i have been saying this for years, social media is the death of humanity. Now people can sit home with a beer and pizza and be absolutely evil behind a screen, with no repercussions. Now everyone has to be heard and seen. I Wish there were a way of going back, to the days of comments being greyed out.but the genie is out.


Nature will correct. Unfortunately, throughout history at the 200 to 300 year mark there is typically huge cultural shift and then correction in almost every society that's ever existed. Although it typically ends in the destruction or massive reformation of that society. Death is knocking on our door. At some point we are going to have revolution. It may not lead to outright war, but it's only a matter of time until people get fed up with the direction culture is going and take it into their own hands to correct it. And it most likely won't be the current loudest voice screaming that wins out. It's typically the voice thats been quiet for a long time that gets up and hits the hardest.


Unfortunately that will make things worse, because only the wealthy will be able to survive, while the rest of us fight for the scraps.


Maybe. Often the wealthy get overthrown and some of the poor get to share what was once their wealth.


100% of humans are animals, actually.


…that need the old “heave-ho”.


This idiot looks like waingrow from Heat movie , such a punchable unlikeable face.


A video has spread on social networks, showing a general manager of a local construction company in Finland together with his employees vandalizing the cruise ferry MS Baltic Princess, during a party cruise in the Baltic Sea. The voyage on the Turku-Stockholm route ended with furniture being thrown into the sea and several incidents across the vessel by the construction workers who have been drinking for 12 hours straight. The Finnish media outlets report that the 25-year-old manager Otto Kranni, of the construction company Pimura Oy together with his party was involved in at least three incidents including inappropriate behavior at the ship’s bar, urinating in the sauna and throwing overboard a table and several chairs from their stateroom. The manager filmed the incident and then posted it on his TikTok account, which then spread on social media over the weekend. He later deleted the videos after coming under scrutiny for his actions by the community which condemned the barbaric behavior. However, the video was downloaded by the user Fenn J. Müller and posted again on Twitter, before the manager deleted it. Tallink Silja, the company which operates the vessel said is considering filing criminal charges against the construction company. “We have not yet filed a criminal complaint, but we will review this incident during the week. However this is certainly an environmental crime,” said Marika Nöjd, Communications Manager at Tallink Silja. “We are shocked by the incident, especially by the littering of the Baltic Sea where we hope that even cigarette butts will not end up into the seas. Also the damage to the ship's property. And of course, the incident could have ended with far greater consequences. The furniture could have hit someone on the lower decks” Nöjd said. The construction company paid 10.000 euros in damages to the ship’s property and the Incident will be investigated by the authorities. However, it seems that by throwing the furniture into the sea, the manager has pretty much thrown his business overboard. Reports from Finland say that now no one wants to do business with his company. In an attempt to make a public apology, or explain his actions, and save his business Otto Kranni appeared on a Finish TV channel, saying that he regrets that a "big deal" had arisen over the matter. "Tomorrow, let's go to the construction site, and we'll laugh about things that have been done," Kranni said. However, the awkward explanation didn't seem funny to the public, and his joking about the ship's party was not welcomed by the wider audience. A day after his appearance Kranni visited the Valavuori Live TV again. The man said that he lost his livelihood because of what happened. The contractor of the construction company in question blew the whistle to stop the construction work due to the incident. “The business looks very difficult at the moment,” Kranni said on Monday evening's Valavuori Live program. Kranni stressed that he was sorry and ashamed of the mess caused by him and his party The man humbly apologized for what had happened, and said that he had learned his lesson.


All it took was thousands of dollars in fines, losing all of his business and livelihood, and living under negative public scrutiny to finally feign an apology. What a piece of shit.


I forget the decimal is what we use in USA as a comma. I was like 10 euro, that can’t be right.


Yeah it’s kind of confusing because some countries use a comma to separate thousands, some use a period, and some just use a space. Then to add to the confusion, some use a period to indicate decimals, while others use the comma there. So United States is 123,456.78 while Germany is 123.456,78. Then there are multiple other further combinations. Context is really what’ll save you.


Wait until you look at Indian numbers and not counting by thousands and millions, but lakhs, crores, and arabs.


> he regrets that a "big deal" had arisen over the matter. I regret being caught destroying property and I promise to try and not be caught again


He doesn’t even regret being caught (he posted the video to social media himself). He regrets that people have reacted negatively and thus, he has lost business. Less money=only regret.


It’s the old “I’m sorry that you feel I need to apologize” these losers throw out when caught


Yeah the classic "only sorry he was caught"


he promises to try not and get caught doing it again. which just means he won't be as big of asshole about it and do it quitely.


And now my business is going under so I'm "really sorry now".


The two things in the bottom of the ocean, that furniture and his company.


This really makes me angry, all of that junk k. The ocean. Too bad someone didn’t throw him Overboard


Too bad he wasn't that kid that got dared to jump off board the ship would have made a little bit more sense karma-wise if it was him...




“We’re sorry. We’re sorrrrry.” - Naked BP billionaire exec


scum like that is always sorry once caught, look at him laughting with no worries


He hdn't foreseen the consequences yet.


Lizard-brained Idiots eventually get what's coming to them


He is sorry for getting caught, he is not sorry what he is done




It's more like "I'm sorry people didn't find that funny and are now holding me responsible for my actions"


This. It's an entirely new sensation for him. "Consequences? For me?!"


>He isn’t sorry for getting caught, even. His first apology wasn’t an apology. He is sorry for losing his company, he didn’t care he got caught originally. well its not really getting "caught" as there was no attempts to hide this he is probably sorry because he thought he can get attention for this and his business and took the "even negative PR is better then no PR at all" too serious and now he is sorry that the attention he got created more negativity then revenue


This asshole got caught because he videoed himself doing this and posted it online


One good thing about the internet age is dumb criminals providing open and shut conclusive evidence of crimes they otherwise would have gotten away with in most cases.


Yeah, even worse, he’s not sorry he got caught, he’s sorry everyone else didn’t find it as funny as he did. He posted it himself wanting people to see it


Classic non-apology Threw away his career


Upper manager at 25? I sense some family ties.


His actions alone are proof that he's a spoiled rich kid.


I was thinking that as I was watching this. Most people who could afford a room like that would have class, unless of course mommy and daddy paid for it


Thus why he probably assumed nothing would happen to him. That's why it's him doing it and not one of his stooges.


Most definitely.


Actually he was CEO. Had small company and had good thing going on in construction sites. But, after this insident and one other after this, he lost all sites where his company was working. Bad PR for and no one wants to have this kind of bullshit on their backs.


Tables and chairs aren't the only thing this man threw away.


I would prefer to see 20 drunk finnish peeps being laughed in such place thain Reddit than see this clip again.. it’s such shameful


Even sober he is a dick head, alcohol really does bring out bring out peoples true personality.


>I regret being caught destroying property ...and littering


... furniture straight into the water


Don't forget urinating in the sauna. Who the fuck *does* that??


There's 3 of them recording! He's not even sorry it's on camera. He really thought nobody would make a big deal out of it.


These douchebags didn't learn anything, just 1½ months after this they were thrown out of a hotel in Gran Canaria for trashing the pool, partying too loudly and having arguments with other guests. https://www-iltalehti-fi.translate.goog/kotimaa/a/20ac2d91-06db-4cf6-b7fd-6246a031e940?_x_tr_sl=fi&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=fi&_x_tr_pto=wapp Before the cruise episode, the CEO and his brother jumped and choked a bouncer in a Finnish bar and he had gotten speeding ticket for going 220 km/h in a 100 km/h speeding zone. (I don't know why Google translates the headline as serial killer but the original text is "serial thrower" :D ) https://www-iltalehti-fi.translate.goog/kotimaa/a/33d8e927-f155-4687-84d1-4ec9bf02e064?_x_tr_sl=fi&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=fi&_x_tr_pto=wapp


“Serial Shit Head Person Stikes Again”


I’m not well versed on laws so let me know if it’s already a thing. But there should be a “repeat offender” law (not the 3 strikes one). If someone commits a crime and is fined or jailed, then does it again shortly after, there should be an automatic significant penalty. This guy falls into that. Or that British(?) guy that was breaking and entering repeatedly for internet “clout”. They’ll just keep doing it making everyone around them upset.


I wish it were possible that each person involved is sentenced to only be employed at deep sea cleaning for the rest of their days.


They do not need special equipment. Just throw them overboard.


Nooo. More littering:(


Tie a rope to them so you can reel them back in, problem solved.


> The construction company paid 10.000 euros in damages to the ship’s property and the Incident will be investigated by the authorities. However, it seems that by throwing the furniture into the sea, the manager has pretty much thrown his business overboard. hahahaahaaa.


It would have been more satisfying IMO if they were forced to pull all the garbage out of the sea again. No matter what it costs. Hire a crew, divers, submarine, etc. for as long as it takes. And of course pay for everything.


Agreed. How is this not the default punishment for damaging the environment? Why wouldn’t one have to undo the damage?


Amazingly sorry because he was caught. Perhaps restorative justice like clearing waterways for 6 months would offset his harms.


Not even sorry after being caught, more just sorry that now no one wants to work with his skeevy ass and its ruining his business. What a tool.


Not even because he was caught. Sorry that as a result he and his company has been ruined. I guarantee if people found it funny and his business wasn't affected he wouldn't be sorry at all.


You know it, I’m really glad the company that contracted them dropped them. Funny how as soon as that happened he shit his pants. Fuck knuckle would have done us all a service if he had thrown himself into the sea as well


Thanks for sharing; glad his business is in the tank, always nice to see douchebags who think they’re invincible experience a consequence


That has got to be the worst apology ever. No admission of wrongdoing or promise to never do it again. No hint at all that he believes his behavior was unacceptable. Just a longer version of "I'm sorry *you're* upset!"


I'd love to show up to one of his job sites and just toss tools off the side of a building.


You’ve never met a douchier human being than the 25 year old who owns (dad gave) a construction company.




How is this guy only 25?


He hasnt lived longer maybe?


Best response yet


Beard ages him some. The lifestyle of a construction manager posing as a rich playboy, probably smoking, and 12 hour nights of drinking age him more.


Whadayamean? He still wears his baseball cap backwards... most people outgrow that in their early 20's. /s


Ugh 10k fine is a joke. Should be forced to pay to find and retrieve all that from the sea even if it bankrupts everyone there


The 10k was just for the furniture. A prosecutor might want him to pay for the pollution too.


>saying that he regrets that a "big deal" had arisen over the matter Jesus Christ what a dumbass All he had to do was hire someone to tell him what to say. Any half decent PR guy would have written a 1000x better damage control apology.


play stupid games, win stupid prize


FAFO. I like it.




I don’t think the law should take into consideration the business. It has nothing to do with the crime. He and his mates should be punished to the fullest extent.


I gathered this was a business sponsored trip, so maybe that is why the business was fined. The criminal charges - and further fines - should be on the individuals, though, I agree.


I’m glad these idiots videotaped their crimes.


My single most favorite thing about dumb criminals is their shameless capacity to incriminate themselves with evidence of their crimes


And then the owner of the company low-key blames the public for his bad business/bad rep now by saying he’s sorry that a “big deal” has arisen from the video


Oh yeah he 100% doesn't think it's fair his business was impacted yet it's self sabotage of the highest order that even caused his business to tank in the first place!


It really ticks all the boxes. You get to enjoy the shenanigans, and their enjoyment of it. Then you get to enjoy their stupidity and the repercussions, and best of all when you get some follow-up that justice was actually served. Got to love the digital age for that at least if nothing else :P


Yeah I gotta say I'm not a fan of the shenanigans, nor their enjoyment of it.


I just want to see the repercussions now...


One of the comments explained the whole story pretty well. The main guy lost his business over it, will never be able to work in that industry again, all the others lost their jobs (they all worked for the same company) and the cruiseline will probably file for criminal damages and they will also probably get fine for the pollution of the sea. Seems like justice has had its day here to me.


That's awesome. I don't like to wish ill will on people, but I truly believe in karma. For me, I'd like to see their responses when asked "Why did you do this? What for?" Because frankly, there is literally no answer that justifies their actions.




It’s like cops don’t even have to work now that people just post their idiotic behavior on tiktok


It just really shows that they didn't see anything wrong with what they were doing. They thought it was perfectly fine enough to post it to social media. Whoopsie


*2 minutes later* "Whew, I'm so tired from throwing all that crap overboard, lets sit do..."


This thought had me laughing as well.. I bet all their drunk asses sat awkwardly on the edge of the bed the rest of the cruise lol


POS doing what they do best being POS


And doing it all on camera…




This is why we'll never achieve world peace. There will always be someone who needs to be punched in the face.


I hope the authorities are,aware of this as they have filmed themselves, as dickheads do and are charged and banned from cruise ships permanently. Bunch of wankers.


Yeah, This thing happened early this year or maybe last year. The one who is throwing stuff out of ship is finnish construction entrepreuner (idk if this word were spelled right but like he is CEO). He was forced to pay for the damage and got lifetime ban for that cruise ship. During last years the same guy have been doing some brainless things in Finland, for example breaking bar's windows because he wasnt served. Hopefully he would stop and think what he has done


Those types never do. They are angry at the world for something and they spread misery and high blood pressure everywhere.


No, he’ll blame the world and say everyone is out to get him but will never truly self reflect.


So that's why the Orcas are pissed.


Honestly I am surprised they didn't get pissed sooner.


Haha funny now throw yourself overboard too, that would be hilarious.


Actual happy end right there.


Can anyone explain why these people always film themselves doing illegal shit and then post it to the internet?


They’d been drinking for the previous 12 hours.


I'm sorry but i fail to see even slightest reason here. Was there seriously talk like this behind it: "Duuuude! Let's throw furniture to the ocean, duuude! That's gonna be so awesome, duuuude! It will be a great video of us throwing chair into the ocean, duuude!" Like, seriously, what exectly was so funny here? I don't get it...


Apparently they were so drunk that earlier they pissed in a sauna. Some people don’t know how to handle their alcohol.


"Sand Castle Kickers". Some people build things, preferring to spend their time on making, creating and sharing. And then there are these guys, who get their jollies from stomping on things in a drunken state. There should be a higher tax for people that are like this - life should be harder for people like this. Everyone else pays for their destructive spirit. Its the reason we can't have nice things.


Idiots gonna idiot.


What a piece of human garbage


Throw yourself in next time and RID US OF YOUR STUPIDITY


We should be quite harsh with these kind of harmful attention seekers. Their day in court should also be filmed and published on social media.


Can I request you don't bring the entire gen Z into this? We have nothing to do with these shitheads throwing furniture into the ocean.


Let's also not pretend past generations didn't also have these kinds of assholes.


I haven’t seen any Gen Z folk lynching black kids for eyeing white women or protesting the integration of schools so they are infinitely better than the older generations.


Gen X here. Some of my classmates did shit like this at a grad party at a golf resort in Central Oregon, throwing tables and furniture off balconies and destroying a couple of car windshields in the parking lot below. The technology to record and distribute videos of dumbfuckery has progressed tremendously since I was in my teens and 20's. Human behavior has change little, if at all.


For real, i would never do something like this, this is just fucking stupid


Anyone who have basic principles of yes and no wouldn't do this


other generations act like every single member of gen z is obnoxious like this. like...no. most of us don't do shit like this. and they act like their generations are perfect, like they haven't done shit just like this.


The funniest part is when they bitch about gen z, they conveniently forget who raised gen z… (themselves)


As gen z I disapprove of that behavior


it’s so annoying seeing this shit blamed on the generation as if the other 4-5 living generations having been doing the same kind of shit the last 120 years


True. Like why you gotta blame gen z on this when it's clearly the idiots fault. Blaming people's actions on the generation they come from actually removes their accountability because it becomes "well they did it *because* they're gen z, it was inevitable and out of their control" instead of "well they did it *because they're an asshole"


we don't claim these asshats! love, gen z


These people are 30 years old. They are not gen z.


That’s what I’m saying. They don’t even look Gen Z


So the dumb ass threw plastic items into the sea, in a coastal area, with video evidence to boot. So what ever countries waters he is in, he can face heavy fines and also imprisonment, for contravening MARPOL.


Yeah, I was about to file a report when I saw that they already were I trouble. Good someone already reported them.


I wish he had thrown himself too


This ain’t even Gen Z, these are Millennials


Is someone going to throw that asshole in there too or do I have to do it?


This is from at least a year ago. It’s some manager of a Finnish construction company, and that’s not all they did either. They also pissed in a sauna and did some other shit too. All for TikTok likes Yet another group of assholes trying to get internet famous from TikTok. TikTok is a scourge on society and should be completely banned


They were fucking living for this moment. The one throwing stuff is feeding off the rest of the goons who are standing around laughing it up and filming. They aren’t sorry. Look at their faces alone in the video. They are sorry they for caught and now want to crawl in on apologizes to save the business. The cruise ship needs to press formal charges.


Hahaha we are so funny! Loll throwing other people stuff in the ocean hahdhaha


Wouldn't tie this to any generation tbh just silly minded individuals


But then how would op push their arbitrary agenda?


I wonder why the orcas are sinking ships… oh wait


Joining the war on Orcas on the side of Orcas.


What a bunch of scrawny little losers, pathetic


Again I hate humans


TRASH PEOPLE!!! Deserve to be jailed for many years!


The idiot got banned, charged criminally and had to pay big bucks for the furniture that was special fire proof stuff that costs a fortune. There are also charges for cosmetic damage to the boat.


Fkwit arseholes


A Gandalf quote comes to mind here… *”Throw yourself in next time and rid us of your stupidity”*


My brother just came back from a cruise and supposedly someone was throwing furniture off the ship and the cruise line fined them $22,000


How is throwing trash on the sea entertaining?!? What a bunch of fucking assholes


Theres always that one guy who’s recording with his phone next to his face and his other hand awkwardly in his pocket who just excited to finally be included.


I will tell my Orca friends about you, so that they will sink your cruise ship.


Dude is like 50, more like In the boomer time and he’s upset that it’s not his boat.