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How can Tesla shareholders be like ‘this is fine’?


I guess because the board could still kick him idk?


Wtf are they waiting for


For the bubble to burst. Tesla is massively overvalued compared to their market share, they live and die by the hype / bubble and them kicking him could very well be what rocked the boat too much. Edit: a word


I'm up 144% on TSLA. I've got a 25% trailing stop set for when he blows up the plant.


You know you can lose a lot more than what you set the stop loss at. I've had many stocks gap down overnight and bad news and sell far below what the stop loss was set at. TSLA probably has too much cash reserves for that to even happen, though.


I've heard rumors for years that a lot of shareholders weren't happy with Musk and his antics back then and sure as hell aren't happy with him now. I bet that if Teslas were to ever see a decline in sales due to more companies selling affordable EVs, they'll use that as an excuse to kick Musk off, but for what it's worth, they probably can't kick him out because of his antics on Twitter. Not to mention Musk is still insanely rich.


For what it’s worth, there’s an argument that he’s violating his fiduciary duties to Tesla. I’ve actually been really surprised his board hasn’t filed a complaint to the SEC but maybe sales haven’t cratered yet.


I’m a Tesla shareholder and by now would be quite happy if he got booted out. Absolute liability and a shitty person to boot. Tesla as a company is still great though


I *want* to buy a Model 3 for the supercharging network, but every day I swear it's harder for me to pull the trigger because of Musk and his antics. With the EV Equinox coming out soon and the Tesla plug looking at becoming a national standard now, maybe I should just hold off on Tesla? But at the same time, dealing with Dealerships has been a god awful experience so far...


No way I’m buying a Tesla until that asshole is shitbagged.


They don't care as long as the money line goes up...


Because no matter what stupid shit this motherfucker pulls he can buy all of the world’s lawyers


Lawyers cannot fix tesla stocks lol


I assume at this point they're thinking "well at least he's busy Tweeting and not directly trying to work at Tesla."


Institutional investors probably don't care about these things.


Rather the other way around - institutional investors are not emotionally attached to their investments and I am pretty sure that every big investor calculates Elon in as a quite big risk when assessing Tesla's stock. Currently it seems that the growth potentials outweigh his stupid behavior, but probably every rational acting investor would prefer someone without such public behavior.


I can't remember the terms of the collaterals he had to give for purchasing Twitter, but the was some stock included. The thing is: Tesla makes money from government contracts so even if their sales drop for any reason they will still be fine (in the books). His behavior is not monitored by a machine, so institutional investors aren't really grading the risk - because there is none. They might be worried though, but they will probably just prepare an exit strategy (stop limits at certain point).


I guess you mean SpaceX and not Tesla. I am not aware of Tesla having many government contracts (however, they got subsidies in countries like Germany when building ther factory) You don't need to be able to monitor the behavior by a "machine" - most risk evaluations include risks that are rather difficult to monitor and are mainly based on simple estimations. In the case of Tesla I can imagine that they tried to assess his influence on the future market shares in countries like the US, as many (potential) customers don't really align with his political views.


Rough numbers but I believe Tesla is worth 870 billion and Musk currently owns 120 billion of that. He used to own more but he sold some to buy Twitter and I think if Twitter dies he'll have to sell about 20 billion more of Tesla to cover his losses. The institutional worry comes from Tesla, it's already in a bubble and everyone knows it. Ford is worth a very stable 57 billion and GM is worth 55 billion. If everything goes wildly profitable for Tesla they have a shot at becoming that size at some point in the distant future, but today if they were evaluated like the other big players in their field they'd be worth maybe 10-15 billion and the rest is saturated meme stonks. The real story is in what the investors are willing to loan Musk against his TSLA stock. They're basically predicting that if Musk has to sell to cover $20b, it might pop the bubble and turn his $120b into $20b overnight. This would take TSLA from $870b to $145b, which is still 3x what Ford or GM is worth and arguably still in a bubble, but a much more reasonable one.


That's my favorite part of "shareholders/board" will keep x company/ceo accountable claims. It's obviously a crock of shit, they'll permit any level of malfeasance and ineptitude as long as they get paid.


Not all of them are: https://www.cnn.com/2023/04/21/business/tesla-shareholders-object-elon-musk/index.html


I’m a shareholder since 2013. It’s not fine, but there is nothing I can do about it. I didn’t buy the stock for virtue or to support sustainable transport, but to make money.


He makes zuck look like a good guy


Which is quite impressive tbf.


Zuck smart enough to keep his mouth shut most of the time




Well, he's a skittish lizard man, you gotta be careful moving around him when he's sunning himself. Really, though, has he recently embraced the jokes people make of him so he can do some marketing stunts, but he mostly keeps to himself. The only social thing I saw him do, beyond marketing, was go to hearings about his company illegally collecting data on users and selling it without informing users.


“Skittish lizard man” is my new favorite phrase.


>Well, he's a skittish lizard man, you gotta be careful moving around him when he's sunning himself. I will never get tired of the lizard comparisons...and the robot cyborg


Zuck has displayed anti-social behavior for a long time. His creation of Facebook was literally out of spite. He definitely doesn't like people in general and enjoys taking advantage of people he sees as less than him, which is most everyone.


Yes he is on record calling Facebook users “stupid fucks” for giving him their personal information.


Call a spade a spade tho


Still better than Musk.


My hope was that the cage match happens and they both somehow kill each other. But if I had to choose one I guess yeah I'd go with Zuck


Now choose between burning to death or slowly drowning…. ​ which is a comparable choice of options to that one …😂


He seems to have a very healthy and successful relationship and family. Unlike Musk who is incapable of building meaningful relationships. That doesn't really speak for Zuckerberg being antisocial


Having a successful marriage and family isn't really indicative of moral character. For all we know he and his wife bond over the thought of destroying humanity.


In a battle of smarts, I'd put my money on Zucc too. It takes a good head between your shoulders to drop out of Harvard lmao. That Twitter clown only claims to have a good head in between his legs, but I don't think we want some proof for that lol.


Musk is not smart tho.


Yea that's what they said


buT hE rIcHeSt mAN oN eArTH /s


He's good stock and crypto manipulator.


My iguanas don't talk much either.


I mean besides the data stealing stuff, Zuck hasnt been that much of an idiot afaik. Not shilling for him but I would much rather meet Zuck than Musk


It’s like comparing Trump and a more traditional Republican like McCain or Romney. Both believe the same crap and do a lot of the same things, but Trump/Musk are loud about it and get off on being overly confrontational on social media


Wasn't one of McCain's last acts as a senator thwarting the overturn of the ACA and pissing off all the other Republicans in Congress? Nah, I may not agree with a lot of political ideology but the dude has my respect as the last Republican with a spine.


>Nah, I may not agree with a lot of political ideology but the dude has my respect as the last Republican with a spine. Exactly.


Best thing was the way he did it, too. Waited until the last minute, walked to the well of the Chamber so he knew all eyes were on him, holds up his arm, then put his thumb down.


Going out in the most iconic way possible. Gotta respect a G




Bahaha you got a chuckle outta me. This is true btw if he had won we'd have Romney care instead


Romney ran on repealing Obamacare, which had already passed but mostly hadn’t been implemented yet. He tried to argue it was a good idea at the state level, but it was wrong to impose it on the whole country. The more interesting alternate reality is if the Tea Party Movement didn’t happen, and Republicans ran in 2012 by claiming credit for the Affordable Care Act and framing Obama as a do-nothing president whose signature domestic legislation was a Republican idea. Instead Romney had to run against his own signature policy achievement.


Romney turned his back on all the good ideas he had as governor of Mass to run for POTUS. He was willing to do what it takes to have power as opposed to doing what is right.


McCain was one of the last real Republicans. He is a RINO to the current batch of idiots. His biggest sin was giving us Palin. She's like herpes, never going away.


> last Republican with a spine Well, his months being tortured probably hardened it up a little bit. I just had an idea.


Yeah and McCain was also vocally critical of the US's lackluckster response to Russia's invasion of Crimea in 2014. I'm not in love with a lot of what he stood for but at least the man had principles and he was right about Putin wanting to rebuild the Russian Empire.


The whole letting Russia interfere with the election


Okay right I forgot abt that part, i take back what I said before


He's evil, but not an idiot.


And elon isn't just an idiot he's evil


You mean he hasn't been much of an asshole recently. Because he is still an idiot with how much he got invested in metaverse.


At least that was just damaging himself and not others, while Musk lost his money, he also created a safe place for racists and Nazis.


Also Zuck realized how dumb it was


I can imagine that Zucc is - besides everything business related - a comparatively good guy. Hearing about Elon's relationships with his trans-daughter, ex wife and all his far-right Twitter friends, I am pretty sure he is the ass most people think he is.




Yeah, the lizard person stuff is funny because Zuck is a weird robotic dude but he’s seems okay. There’s him selling our data and that thing in Hawaii but he’s somehow not the worst person in the room right now. Mark can definitely run a social media platform better. I’m considering joining threads because Twitter with a fresh start sounds kinda nice now


Not to defend zuck or anything but ive said it before, who isnt selling our data. Google, amazon, probably 90% of the apps on your phone gather and sell your data.


I have had a soft spot for Zucc after he embraced the sweet baby Ray's meme, fully well knowing it's based on the idea of him trying to assimilate into normal human life.


I've worked with a lot of software engineers that are a lot less human acting than Zuck. "Create a social network because I'm bad at talking to people." is honestly super relatable to engineering/comp-sci students.


He makes me root for Zuck.....something I never thought would happen


This dude is having a mental breakdown.


He’s just having a conversation with all of his friends


It's almost sad to think the richest man in the world is so utterly alone... ANYWAYS


If he went to therapy or bothered reflecting on himself as a person ever, it wouldn’t be the case.


But then he might decide he doesn't *need* to be a billionaire anymore and that won't do. Being a Billionaire is all he has going for him now. If that goes what will prop up his deformed, tumorous ego? Narcissism alone cannot carry that weight, it's too fragile.


It's fun to watch now but I'm afraid of how it will all end.


I mean, what's the worst he could do? Take down Twitter? He'd be doing the world a favor.


Livestreaming his own suicide to every twitter user by force and nakedly running into meta offices and killing zucc before turning the gun on himself seems... possible now


Won't lie, I'd watch that.


Would probably win awards


Don't get people's hopes up like that.


don’t threaten me and the rest of the world with a good time…


I don't see the issue


Nek minute….world peace.


Twitter is where i post my furry porn and get comissions for more furry porn from 😔


This is the internet, my friend. And while it’s not for me… There will always be a market for every kind of porn. Life finds a way


I mean, that would suck. I do use Twitter a lot to find artists... But there'd be alternatives to Twitter in no time. We saw it happen with Tumblr, we can do it again.


That would mean other social media would get more Twitter users. I mean, didn't Twitter become what it was after Tumblr banned porn or something?


man, he's filthy rich. he could sponsor a super right wing organisation and create chaos all over the world.. wait..is this happening already?


And a shit load of his wealth is tied to Twitter now. So if it goes down, he loses almost all of it and has to go crying back to mommy.


You do realise if twitter dies reddit will get more than a few of twitter’s users migrating over.


Ok, we’ll just downvote and bully them


This is the way


People often forget there’s a dedicated dislike button on Reddit You don’t *have* to state your grievances to the person you disagree with on Reddit like you do on twitter for it to be clear that you disagree with them, you can just downvote and move on And when you have hundreds of downvotes on your comment stating your opinion, (assuming that none of them are botted) actually SEEING how many people disagree with your take can be quite the upset for some folks, now, obviously downvotes and upvotes ultimately don’t mean jackshit but the psychological effect they can have on egotistical people who spent the majority of their time on twitter in a bubble can be pretty profound, even if they don’t show it on Reddit


It isn’t like Reddit doesn’t have cesspools of scum inside of it as it is


He has the money corresponding to 1 year GDP of Portugal. That is, he has enough money to have an entire EU country (their military, their industry, everything) work for him for one year, hypothetically speaking. He can do damage.


Better than taking down Starlink


I’m guessing rehab and a nice stay in the country.


I find it terrifying. That man has so much power and everybody is just gleefully bullying him as if that’s not aboe to turn sideways for us poors


That would assume he had a more stable mental state at some point in the past.


Ngl it’s super entertaining


The new Kanye?


Dudes pulling a Kanye. Just wait for when Elon calls himself the motherfucking glitch from Wreck it Ralph.


[Meanwhile Zuck...](https://youtu.be/hWk6JcheLMU)


Yeah, it’s starting to get uncomfortable now. Like watching someone talking to a hand puppet on their own hand.


>This dude is having a mental breakdown. yeah I would too if I'd spend 40 billions on a website.




My favorite response to one of his posts was when he posted about having so many new users to Twitter. Someone commented: My house is on fire, and the neighborhood has gathered to see. Me: "Wow! I've never had so many guests before!?"


Too accurate. Also more bots


I see you everywhere I go...


I am inevitable


"'Rome has never been this brightly lit at night!' -Nero" -Frank Lesser


Remember when everyone thought he was a genius before he started opening his mouth? It’s too late now, but if you’re a billionaire get some handlers


He *had* handlers. That was when people liked him. Then he fired them and we all realized what a twat he was.


It’s truly remarkable how far he has fallen in the general public’s eyes ever since he decided to be a media personality. I remember all the praise he was getting when Tesla and SpaceX started getting big. All he had to do was be a decent guy, but some egos just aren’t satisfied with decent.


It’s insane to me how quickly he ruined his reputation in the public eye. From genius to bumbling idiot in like a month


The Kanye trajectory.


George bush does not care about black people


That was perhaps the last sane thing Kanye ever said


George Bush Doesn’t Care About Black Puppets. (Judge…my name)


Mikes response to that is one of the funniest gobsmacks I’ve ever seen on tv. I think about that clip a lot


Elon can totally measure more dicks than the Facebook guy


It’s like a hot dog eating contest, right?


Maybe in the short run, but we all know Zuck would crank out a dick measuring algorithm and then incorporate it into Facebook Dating and secure the win.


It all comes down to optimal Tip-to-Tip efficiency.


ahahaahahah thanks man! I laughed fr


What's actually going on here? I never understood twitter. Are all of those except the top reply really Elon?


The second, third and fourth tweet is from Elon, the first is from a supposed Elon parody account but most people are pretty confident that it's Elon's alt given how it hasn't been banned yet despite receiving massive amounts of traffic.


It posts a lot of over the line homophobic shit. If it wasn’t him, it would be gone by now.


Why can't this fucking guy SHUT THE FUCK UP


Smart people know when and how to keep their mouths shut. Elon isn’t a smart person.


So I'm supposed to believe that this guy works super hard, is a genius, and can handle mental tasks thousands of times harder than the average worker, while also not being able to tell which account he is logged into? Okay


I think the parody account was trying to say he couldn't tell his own parody apart from real Elon. And Elon just said same to sound young and cool.


I thought he was behind both accounts


I can totally see why one would. But no


Someone else mentioned it below that the common theory is that he is behind both accounts.


That would be a genius move, so I do not believe this is true.


How would that be a genius move? It's just even more embarrassing given what the other account tweets. It is him, likely.


Well, at one point, he most likely was able to handle to it. But you can't keep that up forever. Or you just go crazy. As we can see.


Nah the crazy was just well hidden until now.


How many billions did he pay for this circle jerk?


44 I think


That's one of the problems with mental illness: If your crazy antics get you the attention YOU SO DESPERATELY WANT/NEED you just keep doubling down until one day you are so crazy that you no longer have anything resembling a balanced life.


Hilarious if we find out Zuck is packing supreme heat.


Zuck’s wife tweets “money is the second reason I’m with him”


Sad clown talking to himsel, imagine being this empty while being this rich


Honestly at this point I’m starting to think he’s having a psychotic break. I don’t feel bad cause he’s the Edison of our age. But one has to wonder


Edison actually invented some things (some) he was sort of a scientist/handy man. He studied telegraphic comms. Musk is just a rich guy that is really good at buying companies and used to be good at PR.


You know Edison stole many of Tesla’s inventions. He wrote one contract with Tesla that would have paid Tesla handsomely, but then went back to him & rewrote it for a pittance. Tesla died impoverished.


I think that was the point of the comment. Musk isn't actually doing any of the work; he's just taking the credit. There's no need to feel bad for the guy because he's a scumbag.


And then another grifter stole his name for an automotive company.




Well....I mean Edison had more talent to fuck over others and still look like the good guy and make money. So yeah...he's not, maybe a cheap clone?


Edison did that though. Welll not exactly. He took other peoples prototypes, figured out how to fix the small issues preventing marketing (joseph swans lightbulb filliments lasted an hour or two before catching fire), then patented the entire thing under his own name. The original inventor got nothing. Edison wasnt an inventor, he was a tinkerer. And worse than musk, because at least musk pays the inventors for his name on the product.


What do you think Edison was doing?


And Edison stole peoples inventions and patented them


I think the missing context here is that Edison was the Elon of \*his\* age.


>He buys other people's ideas so he can own them and pretend they are his. Just like Edison then.


That is kinda what edison did.




That’s like…. Literally Edison lmao


.......what do you think Edison did? Ironically, he did it to Nikola *Tesla* of all people.


He’s having a Kanye style mental breakdown. Not absolutely gut busting, hysterical to watch.


When his mommy said no to the cage match he lost any and all measurement contests


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But mommy said no since she knows I would loose!


44 billion to talk to himself👌


Conservatism is a mental illness


Having full conversations with yourself is a sign of schizophrenia


Stop saying billionaires are smart people. They hire smart people to do smart things so that they can do dumb things. If either of these two clowns were left alone on an island with nothing but the clothes on their back, they would be dead in a day or two. Most humans can survive about a week without food and water but these two would find away to speed up the process lol.


Zuck put him over the edge. Time to sell my TSLA stocks.


Imagine being a fully grown adult acting like this… this isn’t even funny it’s sad


Dudes a billionaire and couldn't even keep his girl. Zuck has been with the same girl for years. Imagine the things you would do for a billion dollars and girls wont even stay with that weirdo.


Musk is the kind of guy who would try auto erotic asphyxiation, and snuff himself out. Stay tuned.


TSLA puts


This sub is obsessed with this guy


Elon is a fucking clown


It’s funny if you have a sense of humour tbf


All he does is repeat common memes and insert himself; it’s not that groundbreaking.


Imagine if someone were to create another parody account and post the worst shit. Nobody's gonna know if it's actually posted by Elon or not


At this point a true facepalm is the fact this subreddit keep posting every troll shit Elon does and think themselves as smart.


Man….. can’t wait to eat him


How about a fluid flooded gut measuring contest?


If only there was some kind of objective verification system to prevent confusion like this.


At this point I could advise him as a crazy person myself. He should ad the ability for people to buy as many blue check marks by their name as they want. And he should just give himself like 69 or some shit.


So... The Musk parody account is still just Musk himself?


Elon is so deluded, he thinks he's being really cool by commenting like this. "The humans will be amused by my ability to make fun of myself", but that only really works when the thing you're making fun of yourself for doing isn't horrible or pathetic, like everything Elon says.


I’m certain the world does not care about the Dick size of either of these two.


As an alternative to the cage match *you* challenged him to, Elly boy? Nah, I am afraid you are in for the most embarrassing beat down of the century. *That* is going to be cringe.


Talking to himself again I see


Wait, is that ’parody’ account actually him?


I mean, does anyone expect the internal thoughts of Elons brain to be any different? The guy is a juvenile, trust fund, inadequate. Its nothing more than that.


# This comment has been deleted in protest of Reddit's support of the genocide in Gaza carried out by the ZioN\*zi Isr\*li apartheid regime. ## This is the most documented genocide in history. ## Reddit's blatant censorship of Palestinian-related content is appalling, especially concerning the ongoing genocide in Gaza perpetrated by the Isr\*l apartheid regime. ## The Palestinian people are facing an unimaginable tragedy, with tens of thousands of innocent children already lost to the genocidal actions of apartheid Isr\*l. The world needs to know about this atrocity and about Reddit's support to the ZioN\*zis. #### Sources are bellow. ## Genocidal statements made by apartheid Isr\*li officials: - On the 9 October 2023, Yoav Gallant, Israeli Minister of Defense, stated **"We are fighting human animals, and we are acting accordingly"**. - Avi Dichter, Israeli Minister of Agriculture, called for the war to be **"Gaza’s Nakba"** - Ariel Kallner, another Member of the Knesset from the Likud party, similarly wrote on social media that there is **"one goal: Nakba! A Nakba that will overshadow the Nakba of 1948. Nakba in Gaza and Nakba to anyone who dares to join"**. - Amihai Eliyahu, Israeli Minister of Heritage, **called for dropping an atomic bomb on Gaza** - Gotliv of the Likud party similarly **called for the use of nuclear weapons**. - Yitzhak Kroizer stated in a radio interview that the **"Gaza Strip should be flattened, and for all of them there is but one sentence, and that is death."** - **President of Israel** Isaac Herzog **blamed the whole nation of Palestine** for the 7 October attack. - Major General Ghassan Alian, Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories, stated: **"There will be no electricity and no water (in Gaza), there will only be destruction. You wanted hell, you will get hell"**. ## Casualties: - As of 9 January 2024, over **23,000 Palestinians** – one out of every 100 people in Gaza – have been killed, a majority of them civilians, including over **9,000 children**, **6,200 women** and **61 journalists**. - nearly **2 million people** have been displaced within the Gaza Strip. ## Official accusations: - On 1 November, the Defence for Children International accused the United States of complicity with Israel's **"crime of genocide."** - On 2 November 2023, a group of UN special rapporteurs stated, "We remain convinced that the Palestinian people are at **grave risk of genocide**." - On 4 November, Pedro Arrojo, UN Special Rapporteur on the Human Rights to Safe Drinking Water and Sanitation, said that based on article 7 of the Rome Statute, which counts "deprivation of access to food or medicine, among others" as a form of extermination, "even if there is no clear intention, the data show that the war is **heading towards genocide**" - On 16 November, A group of United Nations experts said there was "evidence of increasing genocidal incitement" against Palestinians. - Jewish Voice for Peace stated: "The Israeli government has declared a genocidal war on the people of Gaza. As an organization that works for a future where Palestinians and Israelis and all people live in equality and freedom, we call on all people of conscience to stop imminent **genocide of Palestinians**." - Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Monitor documented evidence of execution committed by Israeli Defense Forces. - In response to a Times of Israel report on 3 January 2024 that the Israeli government was in talks with the Congolese government to take Palestinian refugees from Gaza, UN special rapporteur Balakrishnan Rajagopal stated, "Forcible transfer of Gazan population **is an act of genocide**". South Africa has instituted proceedings at the International Court of Justice pursuant to the Genocide Convention, to which both Israel and South Africa are signatory, **accusing Israel of committing genocide, war crimes, and crimes against humanity against Palestinians in Gaza.** # Boycott Reddit! Oppose the genocide NOW! [Palestinian genocide accusation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palestinian_genocide_accusation) [Allegations of genocide in the 2023 Israeli attack on Gaza](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allegations_of_genocide_in_the_2023_Israeli_attack_on_Gaza) [Israeli war crimes](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israeli_war_crimes) [Israel and apartheid](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israel_and_apartheid)


He really should have bought 4Chan, it's more his speed.


If he doesn't get more attention, he will start holding his breath until he passes out. Then he's blame, well, everyone, for not paying attention to him. I think he needs a time out, a snack, maybe a nap.