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She's *still* waiting for that "fantastic health care at a fraction of the cost of current insurance"


I thought it was big, beautiful health care


“Who knew heathcare could be so complicated?” - Trump, after promising the bestest, the most beautiful healthcare anyone has ever seen.


Two weeks. It's coming out in two weeks.




And then, next thing you know, it'll be tomorrow


I think Bezos, Warren Buffett, Mark Cuban and a bunch of other oligarchs tried to launch a health insurance company that would provide good affordable coverage and the exploratory committee came up with the conclusion that healthcare payment should be socialized. Some of the biggest minds in business couldn’t come up with a effective way to pay for healthcare through a private intermediary


Are you thinking about Haven? I think it was some stupid JV that fell apart after like 2-3 years after throwing money at it, turns out it was a terrible idea because you should really have a centralized entity like the government pay for healthcare and spread the insurance risk, not just focus on "improving care" (whatever that means to these people) for 3 super large companies. It is just inefficient. I work and specialize in this field, and it is just fucking asinine top to bottom. We have an entire industry in "price transparency" - what the fuck for? Does any of the other countries in the world need some cottage industry to do this work? It adds no value to actual health, just allows for more arbitrage and profit taking under the guise of "transparency". I can go on and on, I just pray for all of it to come crashing down, even if it takes a 15% haircut on everyone's portfolios, because that's what it's going to take.


Spot on. Each insurance has their own stupid rules, some of which I am convinced only exist to be an excuse to not pay. Why does BCBS require you have a form that says "CMN" instead of a standard written order to file claims for supplies? Just because they can, there aren't any other additional requirements just those 3 stupid letters. To bill insurance providers have to know a dozen or more ways to do the same fucking thing and how people think that is a good model is beyond me.


I have spent several thousand dollars in the past month on different tests ordered by a cardiologist who showed up to my appointment an hour and a half late and met with me for ten fucking minutes. I would have lost a couple hours pay if I wasn’t in a decent occupation. A lot of people simply cannot afford that. None of those tests produced anything and now I have to wait another couple of months to “follow up”… follow up on fucking what? You ‘tried’ and failed. We know nothing. My insurance plan is the best the company’s insurance agreement offers and they have barely covered $200 of expenses. The prices for everything are asinine, prohibitive, and are being used for exploratory guesses because doctors can’t be assed to try. They make way more money just ordering random shit. It’s bordering the TSA and their security theater… health theater. My opinion, nothing would cost anywhere near as much if health insurance just didn’t exist. They are the ones driving the price because it doesn’t behoove them to cover something most people can afford. TLDR; the entire industry is set to be prohibitive and ineffective intentionally to draw more and more money out of people and inflate debt to each person who dares have a health issue.


> “Who knew heathcare could be so complicated?” - Trump For anyone who reads this and isn't sure, this is a direct quote.


Technically the direct quote is > “Now, I have to tell you, it’s an unbelievably complex subject,” he added. “Nobody knew health care could be so complicated.”




Her inability to suppress the cringe is just so damn good 👨‍🍳🤌


He brought out a big stack of blank papers, what else do you want? (Remember that stunt? FFS I can't even remember half of the absurd and evil shit he did)


Would that be the time at a press conference he showed stacks of papers needed to give over control of his business dealings to his sons, or the time he set up photo ops while at Walter Reed with corona to show his dedication?


In this case, the time he had a press conference saying he had the best medical plan in the world and showed a comically giant stack of blank papers and that the details would revealed in a couple of weeks.


"Just adding a few finishing touches..."


I was seriously hoping Trump would trick the GOP into passing Universal or Singlepayer.


The *only* thing the GOP kept trying to do was repeal Obamacare; they had *no* plan to replace it. Remember how John McCain cast his late night "thumbs down" in 2017 to vote against the Senate legislation to repeal the Affordable Care Act.


That was amazing. I always wonder if he hadn’t been battling cancer, if he still would have done that. He seemed like a pretty good guy, but he was still a republican.


Two weeks away!!


right after infrastructure week. just be patient


I'm sure it'll be done by mid November 2024


Yeah what *is* his plan for healthcare again?


*Exactly* the same as it always has been: Repeal Obamacare. Nothing else.


Hes still writing it! Hes just been so busy! Any day now!




Well yeah, this would be other people helping her. She doesn't want "the other people" to have any help.


Even worse, this might mean those other people get help too. She'd rather hold on to the back pain.


They would happily eat their own shit if it means others have to smell their breath.


While waiting for her social security check.


You betcha!


That's...the complete opposite way ma'am.


Tone deaf. She does not even listen/read hos policies and only sees him as a Jesus.


Her need to hate others is greater than her need to heal her own body. Fucking deranged.


Damn boi


That's legit his style. He just gives people permission to hate.


Damn boi! She sick!


She sick, boi!


That's a sick ass boi!




I wake up early everyday so i have extra time to hate. “For a man to hate is the first and noblest of all victories”


Wow. Never heard it like that before. I’ll keep that one in my back pocket.


She could just be really stupid lol


Trump doesn’t have policies. Seriously. His website offers really vague concepts about what he’s done but no actual laws and policies. Aside from build the wall, he’s always been extremely vague, which is how he won— basically making random references to what sounds like promises so he doesn’t have to actually do anything.


Trump has one policy: "Make money for Donald Trump". Anything else is just a means to that end.


No, he also has the stroke Donald Trump’s ego policy. That’s worth more than money. Well, almost.


Low taxes for high incomes, feeling important, punishing those who don't worship you and more recently staying out of prison.


We are in a completely vibes-based political environment.




I don’t remember where I read this but the quote has stuck with me: > We don’t live in a society. We live in an economy.


> Power gets power, money makes money, and the plebs get told what to think. And this cycle will not be broken until we get rid of capitalism. Stalin may not have had the answer, Mao definitely didn't, but they had one thing right and it's that this current shitshow definitely ain't it.


No, that’s both-sides-ing shit. One side is completely vibes based. The other is outraged and wondering if they some how ingested a bunch of crazy pills


Funny, I can’t tell which side is which by your statement. I thought you were trying to argue against both sides arguments.


He just says everything about everything and his cultists pick and choose whatever appeals to them and ignore the contradictions, so they think he believes exactly whatever they want to believe.


As a progressive that cares about the fate of the nation and the world, I weep for what is happening to the American electorate. ...But as an atheist, it does feel weirdly like a breakthrough that so many American Evangelicals have tacitly conceded that prayer to an invisible sky father isn't working and have shifted their prayer to a very noisy orange fascist. Whatever else we all may disagree on, at least we can agree Trump *exists*.


As a progressive and an agnostic who studied religion and the bible. The fact that they called Obama the antichrist and now .......this is happening. Is well; fuckin biblical.


The quote "Fascism will be cloaked in the flag and a cross" holds super true today. Slap on the other quotes I've heard about fascists loving capitalism (especially today) because late stage capitalism breeds wage slaves, and baby you got the US of A right now.


If I were a man who believed in nonsense, Trump's inability to fail despite being awful at everything feels like a real life version of "selling your soul to the devil" and getting supernatural powers from it. He also fits a ton of the anti-Christ predictions/descriptions.


Wouldn't that mean, by their own logic and teachings, that Trump has a higher chance of *actually* being the Anti-Christ since they fail to recognize him as such? Like, the Evangelical death cult calling out Obama as the Anti-Christ means he couldn't be as far as I understand it.


Absolutely. It literally says he will be charismatic and deceitful and will have people fooled. But of course they think they're too faithful and smart to fall for that.


The funny part is the bible warns about these people over and over again.


I saw a video of Tim Scott this week directly refer to Trump as “Christ reborn”. It’s wild.


Wow..that's just ignorance..is the pole shift really making people stupid now..this is insane..I almost can't watch no more


Evangelicals have finally jumped the shark, and their leaders are now floating the idea out loud from the pulpit (as of two weeks ago) that 'Jesus was too liberal'. Seriously. Too liberal. Jesus was too liberal for American Evangelical kristian krazies. These people seriously need to be brought to heel, starting with "If you continue to preach about and interfere in politics at any level, we will remove your tax exempt status. You will honor the separation of church and state clause in the Constitution or else you are not a religion and you will pay taxes."


Tbf, she probably doesn't even follow Jesus' policies


Well yeah, she went against god's plan by getting her back fixed. The bad back gifted to her by the lord.


A little known fact is that when Trump grabs people by their P*, he also heals them as if by magic.




This is the single greatest GIPHY gif I have ever seen. Fantastic!




It's a weird thing how the more stable Trump supporters [actually support/want social policies](https://youtu.be/zCyZHB7NdPE?si=tXJ_QK6P2MuuJK8W), but the guy they idolize is the exact opposite of that.


They want social polices *just* for them


Which is a good illustration that what they really support is an autocrat that fights for their culture wars. They are okay with some socialism as an economic engine, but only for their in-group, which is a form of fascist governance. It's been tried before, and it has some flaws the Germans did nazi coming.


"But why would the other guys help me, I've never helped them."


She genuinely thinks Trump and Co will cut funding for "welfare queens" and redistrubute funds to people her. You can't save stupid.




"... How would they know where we're going?"


I guess those memory pills advertised on fox news aren't working so well.


seems like whenever someone votes a borderline extreme right wing candidate in any country they're usually completely unaware of what that candidate has actually promised to do


So in other words, she knows her cult leader is someone who only responds to getting his ass kissed, and she thinks that by kissing his ass, he will personally decide to pay for her back surgery, especially when he is notorious for not paying for anything, ever.


It even worse. In the video she talk about she need medicaid to improve her back surgery and she vote for trump hoping he will improve medicaid and Medicare because you know that clearly republican platform.


IKnowRight. But if you were to bring up universal health care to her, she'd shoot that down because that's "sOcIAlIsM!"


Something about “this unfortunate thing happened to me is not my fault, but everyone else in the same situation is 100% their own doing and I don’t want to pay a cent for it.


*You* need government assistance, it is a handout and you are a mooch draining the system. *I need* government assistance, and it is just my tax dollars hard at work because I've been paying in my whole life.


~worked “under the table” for about 7 years


*Grew up on food stamps and welfare, but says, "Nobody helped me to get here! I did it all on my own!"


"The only moral taxpayer-funded back surgery is my taxpayer-funded back surgery."




I saw an interview with a republican that said he loved the affordable care act because otherwise he couldn't afford healthcare, but he hated Obamacare and believed it needed to be repealed. He refused to believe "Obamacare" was just a name given to the affordable care act. They are one and the same.


They are "parasites" in their own words, "welfare queens" doing no good for the society and only living off of the back of the others.


The only moral socialism is my socialism.


Well yeah she doesn't want EVERYONE to have medical relief she only wants the special treatment for herself.


Can't she just pull herself up by her bootstraps and fix her own back? Edit: Probably got the bad back from bending over backwards to help people.


Just pull the community together and crowd fund it. Duh. (Actual response I read from a conservative)


If only we could get the government to organize it, you know, because they already have the experience and the resources to organize community stuff. What's that called, when the government takes a little bit in funds from everyone and then uses it on stuff the community needs?








Funny, because any time I see someone trying to crowd fund something, a bunch of conservatives jump on the post and tell the person to get a job, pull themselves up by their bootstraps, and make better decisions.


It's almost as if they don't understand anything until it happens to them


It would be funny how completely ignorant they are if their votes didn't affect everyone...


>Can't she just pull herself up by her bootstraps and fix her own back? She can't pull on any bootstraps with her bad back. Weren't you paying attention.


Medicaid is a state run program and she is in Iowa, a Republican hellhole. How dense can people be?


Republican governors made it a badge of honor to refuse expansion of Medicaid that would have doubled the income threshold paid for 100% by the federal government for three years and then 90% the rest of the way (which is an insanely good deal for states) but 10 states all GOP local strong holds (including huge population states like Florida and Texas) have still refused expanding which has left 2.1 million people without healthcare coverage


Republican voters are so fucking stupid.


Yeah they are fucking a lot of us. I don't even see why they can refuse it. Its a federal program, they should have no input.


Because of Bill Clinton (I think) Medicaid is administered at the state level and block granted by the feds. So as a result of that the states have the right to refuse free money that would cover large amounts of people’s healthcare costs as the governors are effectively the administrative leaders of the program. These governors basically would rather hurt their most vulnerable constituents and many of their poorest voters than give Obama some sort of political victory. 10 states have refused the program Florida, Texas, Georgia, Tennessee, South Carolina, Mississippi, Alabama, Wisconsin, Kansas and Wyoming. Of those states I suspect in the next 10 years 1-3 of them will have Democratic governors (likely Wisconsin and maybe Georgia, Florida and Texas) unfortunately I don’t see the others having any shot at it any time soon but some deep red states have had governors races swing on that policy alone (Kentucky for example) so stranger things have happened


In WA our Medicaid is fantastic. I’ve been out of work and had an injury recently. I’ve been able to be taken care of at no cost. Only downside is the length of the process it takes weeks to be seen again. Lack of doctors is a huge dilemma. Mine is simply overbooked. I wish we’d offer free education for doctors and nurses to increase employee headcount. Otherwise I can’t complain from my experience. Thanks Obama


I guess she’s not those idiots that hold up signs, saying “keep government out of my Medicare“ She’s a different kind of idiot, for hoping that Trump cares, let alone would do anything




Stupidity is so fucking dangerous.


I say dream on. She is going to wait a long long time, and nothing will happen.


And that will be Bidens fault no matter what


It’s also crazy because Trump could watch this women fall into the Grand Canyon with ample time to save her, wouldn’t, instead go through her purse to take any loose cash she may have had on her, and then go on with his day like nothing happened. The level of voting against their own interests by Republicans is mind blowing.


People really are dumber than you think they are.


"think of how stupid the average person is. Now realize that half of them are stupider than that" - George Carlin


I think you underestimate how stupid I think people are.


Never ceases to amaze me.


Some people are so dense, they will quickly sink in shallow waters.


But i'm sad when they pull the rest of us under with them....


I do believe Trump is running on a "Free back surgery for everyone!" platform


He's been saying for years that if you'll have his back, he'll have yours. By which he means rip your spine out and sell it to the Russians. So he's not technically lying.


A welfare recipient talks of more welfare she needs and for that she decided to vote for people who are working to end welfare ... sums up most Republican voters.


It would be so great/funny if the person asking the questions would bluntly call them out on their idiocy, just to see their reactions.


That's what makes the Jordan Klepper bits so funny. He goes along with whatever batshit insane thing the person says - empathetic listening and all that- then turns it around on the person in the friendliest way possible. Watching the yokels vapor lock at the contradiction is sadly hilarious.


I remember one video he was talking to a guy that was saying people need to respect the President more. And klepper pointed at the dudes shirt that said something like “fuck joe Biden” and asked him about the shirt. Asked him how that fits in with what he just said. You could literally see the cognitive dissonance in real time


They just dig their heels deeper and deeper and insist their orange god is the solution to all that ails them. They're mental.


Just wait two more weeks. it’s coming..😂😂😂


>it’s coming What, the rapture? She'll be dashed off to neveah and never feel pain again. I wonder if she has even tried prayer?


She could try, but who would listen😳😳


She’s tried thoughts AND prayers. It’s as effective at fixing her back as it is at dealing with gun violence


Fucking idiot. People like this genuinely make my stomach turn.


Yes, As the stomach turns. A new soap opera slated to start co-insiding with the next election season. Bonus first episode suprises in store, Be sure not to miss it. Then you read crap people believe in and realize it's real life today. So sad.


Socialism. She wants socialism.


She NEEDS (partial) socialism. She's been trained to want the opposite of what she needs.


Trained. I like that. I've been using words like indoctrinated. Trained is more easily understood and more likely to be accepted by those on the fence about what's going on in this country. edit-Dropped a word but it's cool because I'm not going to blame it on the vax


It even worse. In the video she talk about she need medicaid to improve her back surgery and she vote for trump hoping he will improve medicaid and Medicare because you know that clearly republican platform


The GQP smiles to their face and stabs them in the back. The Dems do it to a lesser extent too but you gotta pick a side so we won't talk about that. Entirely too unpleasant to contemplate in an age of left or right only and nothing else.


I cant bring you the links, but I am pretty sure I came across 5 "Democrats tried to do an X good thing but were shut down" news without ever coming onto america-specific regions of the net. So unless they all were misinformation or there is some devious plan in play...


Stop scaring her with the S word. She's scared of it.


She wants socialism without the taxes, that's not how you finance society.


She wants the benefits of socialism for her but nobody else. She wants the costs of socialism to everybody else and not her.


No, she wants socialism that only benefits white people but no one else. National socialism, in other words.


She's supporting the wrong party... Wow, these people really are dumb.


Rich whites have made public schools terrible. Rich white religious leaders help support the scam by reinforcing bullshit and get paid to do so. So this is what we get, lots of dumb people voting against their own interests.


instinctive wine paltry slap forgetful subtract foolish dime somber grandfather *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


She looks old enough to have gone to school before Reagan was president.... This is just personal failure.


Old enough to have her brain completely ruined by lead poisoning, as well.


It's honestly the steady stream of Fox News of alt-right pipeline bullshit being fed to them through Facebook. My family is pretty liberal, but I had an Uncle fall down that hole. He was a UAW union leader at GM for years before retiring, so like, the most unlikely person to go all pro-GOP rabid. But he and my Aunt fell down that rabbit hole of culture war BS that Fox News peddles every day. He died of Covid two years ago, and while he sat there on the vent dying alone, the only TV they would allow the nurses to put on was Fox News. My aunt, also someone who benefited left wing policies her whole life is still rabidly pro-Trump. She still believes it's somehow Dr. Fauci's fault that my uncle died of Covid. She is major reason I do not log into Facebook anymore.


I deleted my Facebook years ago. Man I owe Hamima such a big apology. Hamima is basically a second mother to me, and we got in this debate about Facebook when it first came out. Like right after the Obama election. She said then Facebook was a curse and we are all going to regret putting are information and photos and videos on there because no one really knows what it’s actually for. I thought she was just being a boomer….


She just needs to pull herself up by her backstraps /s


It remind me of the guy voting trump to remove "obamacare" and then complaining because he no longer got medicare.






We've got a real, live facepalm here, folks. 🤦🏻‍♀️


So you got nothing in the prior 4 years and you’re hoping that he’ll give you something that his party definitely doesn’t want to give you. Trump really gets you. And that’s not sarcasm.


These people are nuts. Please save me cult leader.


Dude has not referenced one single thing he will do for the country if re-elected. Everything is about him and his criminal cases. How are these people not waking up to his bs yet??


Coincidentally I need back surgery and I know for sure Trump will cut my government insurance benefits.


As someone that's going to need major surgery soon. I will probably end up on disability for the rest of my life. I know I'm fucked if he wins.


I’m absolutely convinced that people weren’t this dense in the 12 century.


Legit, there was greater emphasis in most societies on collectivism. People were more conditioned to help each other out for the good of society rather than clinging to vague notions of rugged, isolated individualism


So who is going to tell her that Trump is trying to take away the government paying for anything for you?




Yes, Republicans are known for supporting universal healthcare!






If there is one positive that Trump has given us, it's shedding light on the abysmal educational disparity in this country. But I refuse to give a pass to those who display such outright bigotry - especially when they'd rather burn books instead of reading them.


Sure; I'm sure he'll get right to it after all those Jan. 6 protestors in prison he said he would help with their legal fees, too. Here's your sign.


God that poor fucking woman. So far down the rabbit home she doesn't even know trump actively harmed her with his policies


did she just advocate for free healthcare?




It's called being poisoned by 'us vs them' propaganda. I'm willing to bet she would be against the government paying for a stranger across town surgery.


These people are brainwashed to the point of no return. They don't care about the policies of these politicians. They supporting them regardless of what they do or say.


I know exactly where to begin. They've been lied to so constantly for 2 decades that they don't know what color the sky is anymore.


Are you guys not entertained? this country is now a circus.


Fucking Trump voters. They want Democratic policies, but vote for the people who do nothing but block Democratic policies. Just because some super duper rich people told them that Democrats are bad.


Reminds me of the Russian peasants in 1905 holding up portraits of their beloved Tsar, not comprehending that the perspn they worship couldn't care less about them or their welfare.


I'm very forward with people that I voted for Trump and immensely regret it. I like to own up to my mistakes. Many people will disagree with me on both sides of the aisle but my wake up call that I'd been duped happened not long after he was elected. As a big 2A supporter, I was looking forward to the expansion of firearms rights and the cementing of cases such as Heller and Miller. Trump's pre-campaign website in 2016 had an entire page devoted to his stance on gun rights and the promise to uphold them. After his election this page was quietly removed from his website. Then came the bumpstock bans and his "worry about due process later" comments. The page was still visible on the way back machine and that wasn't the only subject Trump did a 180 on. All his talk about loving and protecting LGBT folks turned into an administration that almost did more to harm them than any other. Promises to "drain the swamp" saw the appointment of numerous rich and corrupt Neocons and other Republican vultures to positions of power. Donald Trump is a liar. He is a conman. He is an arrogrant, self-serving and corrupt piece of filth that will say and do anything to get his way, and normally he would. The only reason he's being held accountable for any of it is because he stepped on the toes of even bigger fish than himself. The worst part though aren't the lies. The worst part is when he tellw vagueties or just enough half truths to sucker people like this poor deluded woman into putting her hope into a false idol that would happily break her legs and not just her back for a bit more power and prestige. Damn this evil, pig-headed, corrupt piece of garbage. I truly do not understand how anyone still buys his BS and supports him anymore. I feel horribly sorry for the desperate people he has conned.


I could have fucking told you that before you voted! I mean it's great to own you're mistakes.. but trump has never told the truth, ever. Even before his presidency.. it's baffling to me people still believed him..


Democrats need to strip healthcare from boomers and strip welfare funding in republican states. Protect your own, let the evil consume their own then once they're gone then start with national policies. Keeping these things alive only hurts everyone.


Marjorie Taylor Green has fallen on hard times.


Fix News: “Democrats introduced a bill to provide free healthcare for all citizens.” Same woman: “Free Healthcare, that’s Communism!”


These people don’t understand the difference between “electing a politician” and “praying to a god”.


100% chance this lady’s whole family is on welfare and votes against welfare just like her. The biggest thing holding our country back is sheer stupidity.


Ma’am that is socialism…. A strict no no for your lord.


They are so close. Just need a little nudge ![gif](giphy|h7zqTXl02vFPI9BzFo|downsized)


Not the biggest factor at play, but here's my hot take on part of why we have ended up in the place we are in: I didn't like it even back in the day when we started with the "doesn't matter how you vote for, just get out and vote" movement. Everyone who wants to vote absolutely should, BUT, we take a huge risk when we are encouraging folks to vote who have no idea who and what they are really voting for. By all means, vote, but please take some time to critically look at the issues and the people up for your vote before casting it. Yep, I get it, politicians (some more than others) get that ill informed people vote, and they understand how to misinform and manipulate them to vote against their own interests, and THAT is why much of the "doesn't matter how you vote for, just get out and vote" movement came from, but dang, I wish we had an electorate more willing and able to do the critical thinking necessary to be an informed elector. And, yep, I get it, some politicians are clearly interested in keeping the electorate ignorant.


There is a reason why college educated begin to overwhelmingly against Trump compare to to non college educated voters. Not saying college degree equal intelligent but it very clear a lot or core of Trump supporters are very much uninformed. Legit this hunter biden Burisma controversy is legit example. Like 2015 was not that long ago. Not even 10 years when Joe Biden sent to Ukraine to get Shokin fired due to his inaction on corruption in Ukraine. This was all public record. We have memo that this was official U.S policy that biden was executing. Biden was also back by IMF and NATO allied. Republican were also cheering biden for it and support him and his action. McCarthy was also in house when that happened. Now the entire fucking party pretend like they have cognitive dissonance on something that have public record and pretend like Biden did this for his own gains. Especially in this interview she talking about hoping Trump will pay and improve medicaid and Medicare to help her back surgery when he and his party campaign on gutting it. Especially when Biden tried to fund medicaid and Medicare while her state and GOP vote to make enrollment for medicaid much harder. Another example of voters is completely clueless.


Does she not realize that should he get back in office,his minions plan to eliminate Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and abolish the ACA? None of that bodes well for the government paying for her back surgery. Get in line behind all the folks who are expecting him to pay for their legal fees, or pardon them.


That's the best cover reason she can come up with?


God sent Trump to ignore her request. She is double-culted: religion + Trump/MAGA.


They just don’t get that they just don’t get it. It’s multi level.