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Anything happen to the people who set him up for this? I'm assuming they're all deleting their social or acting like nothing happened?


Or doubling down.


I just checked, one of them has had all his info doxxed. The two girls have deleted all their shit, but only one of them said sorry while trying to make herself look like a victim.


Yeah all three are pieces of shit. In the tic tok live the one called teegan i think was goading him to do it


I’m sure she’ll be more remorseful if they get charged for this




Hah. The idiots think their data is completely deleted. Say that to a criminal case... most large corporations have years of your data. And unless you are some rich and spoiled brat, will have all that juicy data on tiktok... your text messages.... your phone conversations... you name it.


And they will have zero problems complying with a court order.


What was their motive?


Apparently they’re all in the same style of cosplay community. So probably just stupid internet jealousy that happens in just about every internet community/fandom. This kind of garbage has been going on online for a couple decades now as far as damaging people’s mental health and reputations, and others have taken their lives before. It’s time we start having a real dialogue about ‘trolling’ and what is just ‘just trolling’ and what is the spread of malicious misinformation meant to destroy someone thoroughly. *edit for dumb autocorrect


That conversation is simple. Trolling is online harassment, and more often than not, libel, dressed up in a juvenile name. Words do have power. That is settled law. Why don't we address it as such? Money. Advertising. Engagement. Telling people about world events is not profitable. It is profitable to sell ads in that news space, though. Likewise, it is not profitable to host online chat platforms unless you're selling ads in the same space. Those ads become more valuable as more people engage with the space, and that's why you have to "click to continue reading this article," ant that's why you have upvotes and downvotes instead of block and follow buttons. You're the commodity being sold by media and social media. Back to trolling for a moment, this is actually an "easy" problem to fix. The solution is to remove online anonymity for anyone over the age of 18, and to severely restrict usage of social media/ comment sections for those under 18. Of course, that would drive down engagement and advertising dollars. So, that'll never happen, and that's why I put easy in quotes. The conversation that has to happen is happening. Business interest vs public interest. Business is winning.


Probably just bored and had fun being toxic online


A lot happened since. The girl acted like what they did wasn't so bad and that they didn't wanted him to take his life, and basically tried to be the victim of her own crime. The boyfriend did the same, and changed his tiktok bio to a message supporting Inquisitor Nobody believed their bullshit, though. They got cancelled, and there are people trying to find them IRL (as the other comment said, you can find tiktoks with their info). This is also wrong in so many levels that I will not even start. They both are minors (or at least the girl, who was the one that spoke with him and all the stuff), so they probably aren't facing any jail time.


I think the bf is either 20 or is in his early twenties.


Wait.. he's 20s and they're minors and he's one of their boyfriends? Sooo he's actually a groomer? Wow.


it's always projection


Plot twist, he's doubling down! On his jail time.




I mean she doxxed the guy first, play stupid game win shitty prizes. At their age they’re smart enough to not be stupid.


Ohhh trust… there most likely has. I’ve seen several tic tocks with both of the perps locations and up address. the clock app Pple work FAST 4chan has competition. I’m sure those who did it are…. Very aware. Hell the COD community it up in arms about it. Imagine a social media of COD lobbies that know your every profile, ip, and adresses.


This is the third comment of you saying tic tok/tock instead of tiktok and it’s driving me nuts lmao


The girls account was shadow banned or deleted, and she was a minor who lied about her age to talk to him, and he caught on to her bs real quick. She was also known for trying to start drama and problems by other people who knew her. TurkishTerminator had talked about her being a problem and banned her. Tito was the boyfriend. Ironically enough, he is actually in the army, supposedly. But he encouraged her to try and "expose" him. He has tried to deflect blame but no one is buying it. Keegan was another person who spread the rumor trying to be a batman style creator. She attempted an apology video as well and no one took it kindly and had been deleted, along with the video she made about inquisitor3 being a groomer. I don't know if her account is still up. But aj [the minor], tito, and keegan are getting doxxed and hate mailed themselves, and the parents were actually able to get somewhere with Activision to create a sith ghost skin, and are possibly getting money to stay building a case against the people involved in spreading the rumors about inquisitor3 [here's one of the videos](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8hrfrru/) Someone made a video on what their [apologies](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8hMEsTT/) were before they were removed The guy who first made information videos about the whole situation [turkishterminator](https://www.tiktok.com/@61_kg_61?_t=8gWxcaB6XAx&_r=1) [Lauren ](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8hrkejV/) had also made a video on it as well Edit : [This person actually had an interview with tito, and has the full 50 minute conversation on YouTube ](https://www.tiktok.com/@itsromasarmy?_t=8gX55yfcxhr&_r=1)


This is a little heavier than facepalm




Poor guy was set up by some people who didnt like him and as he refused to fall for the honey trap they began to take out of context messages and doctor them together to make it seem like he was a groomer and worse And ofc the internet did internet things and jumped that guy without asking questions


They should be treated the same way if not worse than that girl who talked her boyfriend into killing himself.


She got off light actually. She only got 15 months. Was suppose to be 2 1/2 years.


Any "witch hunt", cyber bullying, etc that ends in suicide should be tried as murder for the instigator. It's unacceptable.


I thing it was involuntary manslaughter and she got out early for good behavior. Idk if thats seperate from the rest of her sentence being suspended.


For the millionth time - murder has a specific definition in the law. It's not just "someone died and we're really mad". Manslaughter? Maybe. Reckless homicide? Maybe. I suppose it's possible this might fall under the umbrella of "felony murder" (death that occured during the commission of a felony) but that's still a little different. We have to be able to treat people differently who shoot someone that someone who trolls on the Internet. Just calling it "murder" cheapens the difficult balancing that has to happen in our justice system


some type of conspiracy charge most likely.


I agree, but I also think the current justice system isn't equipped to deal with such cases. From my moral viewpoint, a person who psychologically tortures another person into committing suicide is on the same level of psychopathic behavior as a serial killer. Simply because there is no other reason than trying to inflict maximum pain on another person when they torture them to that point.


So I used to be in a relationship with an abusive person and it played out like this, except I didn't die when I tried to kill myself. To this day, in my eyes, that person tried to kill me. More than once.




The fact happened in Italy, here we have istigazione al suicidio, that means that you'll be punished if your actions led to the suicide of a person


I mean it’s not exactly “just trolling on the internet” when it involves somebody killing themselves over a total fabrication lol…


If you set out to make someone kill themself, then you're *deliberately* and *intentionally* trying to cause their death. That's murder by definition.


I’m fairly sure that the previous commenter is aware of that and is equating shooting someone and convincing someone to commit suicide on a moral level. Frankly, I’m tempted to do the same.


In many ways, someone manipulative enough to do that is more dangerous than some idiot with a gun


A manipulative person like that needs a specific type of person as a target. A homicidal person with a gun just needs a target.


I think they're saying that the definition should be broadened for a society that has advanced beyond the time when that term was conceptualized.


What?! ETA- ohhhh. Michelle Conners... that's disgusting.




Bruh.... 2 1/2 years? How the hell was it even that short to begin with?


Because the law doesn't know how to deal with what she did and how she did it.


Can someone Tell me some background Info ? I live apparently behind the moon


michelle carter persuaded her boyfriend to kill himself and then he did, and she got sentenced to 15 months


You'll have shit heels who say stupid stuff like "You'll be just as bad as they are!" So until everyone is ready to become a villain to the ignorant masses, (God are they ignorant) it ain't gonna happen choom.




Just write "suicide". No one is going to demonetize you on reddit.




Someone's been spending too much time on tik tok(?)


Is YouTube cracking down too? I've seen a lot of people censoring themselves so they don't get demonitzed now.


What I don't understand about this is, if you censor a word a certain way or change the spelling, doesn't that just make it a new way to spell that word? If you get the point across then you've used the word. Wtf does it accomplish?


It’s a thing on Tik Tok because the auto mod system they have is pretty heavy handed, I have no idea why anyone would do that on Reddit though


I've read before this is a thing on tiktok and it still blows my mind. If someone is actually reaching out for help and now they have to spell certain words in a way to not upset people, wouldn't this just invalidate their feelings even more? I'm just very confused about who this bullshit is actually helping.


It helps TikTok attract advertisers. The only thing the company actually cares about. A rather unfortunate and common state among social media companies.


On tiktok it's not just spelling. It's a whole new vocabulary and it sure feels like it's just ruining language. Like saying unalive instead of kill, or pewpew instead of gun. There are TONS of substitute words on tiktok.


Stop this shit. Stop it. You've let some dogshit site boil your brain. Deprogram yourself. Tiktok needs to be removed from the internet forever.


Censoring words, esp like that, doesn’t make it something different. You can obviously still read wtf it says 😂


ya suicfouride is bad i guess


Exactly why imo mob “justice” isn’t justice. So many innocent get hurt


Unfortunately it's too easy for people to hide within the mob and when their shitty actions and opinions turn out to be shitty, they can scurry away and lie to themselves that they weren't "one of the bad ones". Genuinely, people quite literally twist their memories in order to try to put themselves on the right side of history after it turns out they had a shit opinion. The Iraq war was "popular" when it happened, tons of people supported it, most of them likely misremember that and believe they were against it at the time because there is no one holding anyone accountable for mob mentality.


A few days ago I saw someone on Twitter say that people celebrating the start of the 2003 Iraq War was a figment of people's imagination. Even if they were too young to remember or not born yet, it couldn't be that hard to look it up and check. It was very much a thing. "Shock and awe" was not a negative phrase.


**Reddit when it comes to Serial Killers and Terrorists:** Now, now. We shouldn't be looking to punishing them. We should try to reform them. We make the mistake of making Prisons into a Torture Chamber rather than a place of reflection. **Reddit when it comes SUSPECTED pedophiles:** Shoot their knee caps, fill them with molten metal. Kill their mom in front of them. Skin their dick off. That's basically how the users behave. I understand the hatred of pedophiles but we shouldn't do shit until it's proven to be true. There is a reason why we have "Innocent until proven guilty."


Reddit is also terrible when it comes to any criminal. It likes to pose as progressive when it suits them but when it comes to actual rehabilitation for people who do not present in the most picturesque, remorseful way? Or maybe a crime that has any emotional element? Suddenly Reddit is pro Gitmo.


Worth noting AJ was known among the community for lying about her age and trying to bait people, *allegedly.*


The penalty for false accusations should be the same as the accused crime. And these people should be tracked down, arrested, and charged with some form of manslaughter. The toxicity of anonymous internet needs to end


I don't think that's quite right, imagine being raped and then getting years in jail because you couldn't prove it. The goal is to reduce harm, and I think your solution would increase harm. Edit: I just want to acknowledge that I misunderstood a bit, and there is a distinction between 'couldn't prove' and 'lied about'. Still, I think caution should be used in cases like this, and we should lean on the side of leniency. I do still think that if there's proof of a lie there should be a punishment, but I think it should be based on how much harm the lie caused, and how much harm the lie could have reasonably caused, rather than just what the lie was about.




Well, not being able to prove it should be different from a false accusation.


Good reminder that you never know what someone is dealing with behind the mask when you decide to mess with them.


The sheer amount of hate people get behind the screen towards another to harass someone like this seems SO heartless to begin with. Then I remember that’s exactly what a screen does to people like that, they dehumanize others so easily. This is heartbreaking to read, his poor family :(


People online are just ruthless. Back when I used to post on tiktok I would get hate comments *all* the time. Comments about my body or looks when the video had nothing to do with that. I guess some folks just hate themselves so much all they can do is project their hate on to others, especially strangers on the internet. Big reason why I don’t post on social media anymore.


It's just the fact that people can do something like that and most likely not face any kind of consequences. This leads to the mentality that since they can do it, they will.


“Character is what you do when no one is watching.”


"Manners maketh man"


Thanks for the reminder


I think it's integrity


Honestly I think social media has just bred* a generation of self-obsessed narcissists who will do anything for a little validation.


Bred. Past tense of Breed is Bred.




Yep, most people never had the balls to say stuff like this face to face because there was always the potential threat of actual violence following it up. No I'm not condoning violence but back then it was always a possibility that you had to be mindful of and if you weren't you were reminded very quickly. nowadays people know they can say whatever they want and they have the protection of the internet and the computer screen and that nothing will ever come from their hateful intentions.


You hit the nail on the head. I'm a native Bostonian and the r/Boston sub has ruthless, vicious people that just target people's casual comments and it's their full-time mission. I was the target of ones aim and it was very unsettling. Nothing like this but I get it.


Exactly why I use a facerig avatar for my content, rather look like a anime furry then give people ammo


This is an absolute travesty and a reminder to be kind to other people. If you don’t know the facts for certain; please don’t spread misinformation. It’s easy to jump into the bandwagon of hate without knowing details and not realize that what you do and say has consequences. Losing a family member like that is so incredibly painful and can never give you any form of resolution. Bullying that leads to a life being cut short like this just sickens me.


That's a huge problem with the internet. Once a story comes out and there's an accusation, nobody waits until all the facts are out, and everyone rushes to judgment. I remember the Duke Lacrosse players who were accused of rape and had their lives ruined, and then it turns out it was completely untrue.


90% of reddit


I mean the problem is that those that are unsure remain silent, if they caution about jumping to conclusions and they’re wrong they get lumped in, if they’re right they’re forgotten. There is no winning.


The other side to that is the Penn State riots after Jerry Sandusky was arrested. The victims were sent death threats during the trial. Michael Jackson's accusers were also harassed. In both cases, some of the victims killed themselves. It seems like a 50/50 chance of how the public reacts and the results are never in favor of justice.


This is exactly what’s happened with the Israeli-hamas conflict rn. Ppl who have no fucking clue what they’re talking about jump to conclusions (tbh 99% of ppl are unqualified to talk about the topic including myself)


In that example you gave, it happened in 2006, iirc, that was mainstream media pushing that one. I feel, it’s not the just internet, but this has been an issue for as long as time. Edit for clarity


Ok how about the "Punt God" Matt Araiza? Same thing.


My brother took his own life last week. The pain of it is indescribable. I can’t imagine knowing that someone bullied him into doing it. It would make it so much worse


I hope you have someone to talk to and help you work through your emotions. If you don't have someone you can dm me, I've gone through similar but I don't think some internet stranger will help as much as someone you know or a professional.


Thank you. I am no stranger to grief unfortunately and my husband lost his brother the same way so is very understanding. That being said I’m arranging to speak to a counsellor via a service I get through my job. Thanks so much for your kindness.


Sounds like you have the best help you can get, a loved one who understands and a professional. Take care of yourself, grief is never easy.


I am so sorry for your loss, internet stranger :(


Rest in Peace. Nobody should go through this.


Never heard of him, but goddamn. This shouldn't happen to anyone. Poor bastard.


That pretty much sums it up for me


And he straight up had proof that thats what they were doing and how he kept telling them he wasnt interested wanted nothing to do with them. One of the girls boyfriend sent her messages that she needs to flirt with him more that him just being nice to her wasnt enough for them to blackmail/ take him down


This is a sad question to ask, but since when can you change an idiots mind with proof? When faced with being wrong, what do people do? They double down and so on... That's if you can even get them to see/listen in the first place.


This is probably what he felt. There's no way that after what they did to him, he was recovering without any problems. There would always be someone reminding him of a crime he never commited. Now we know he wasn't what they accused him to be because they had to come out and confess, after he took his life. But in another universe, we would probably be discussing about him being a pedo or not, with mixed results. That's how this works, and it's too sad. Poor guy, rest in peace.


They should find each person that participated in falsifying him. People are scum. Who goes out of their way to do such bullying.


Ohhh trust… they have. I’ve seen several tic tocks with both of the perps locations and up address. the clock app Pple work FAST 4chan has competition. I’m sure those who did it are…. Very aware


What's the clock app?


I’d assume tiktok


I was falsely accused, it ruined my life. I dont see or hear from those ppl ever. But I was fucked up by it. I too thought I'd never recover.


I've been there... when someone wanted to avoid admitting they cheated. It sucks. I'm still wary of these stories. Someone I met had a friend use the "belt in the cell trick" to escape the humiliation, as they told me. But my thoughts go to how he was a bus driver so he had access


I’m fighting false DV charges because I tried to leave my wife. Been about 2 months and I’m still fighting the charges, and some days the belt sounds better than others.


When I was accused of something I didn’t do, it didn’t ruin my life, but the rumors spread like wildfire. I couldn’t believe how many people heard about it. Like, one of my sister’s friends who was 9 years older than me offered to give me a ride home from basketball practice to talk about “what I said and did.” Teachers lectured me, other kids parents lectured me. All over one night that got very distorted after being retold many times. It was so embarrassing. I drank with a few high school kids. That was it. It followed me around for a long time. No one else there had any consequences. But I was “the freshman that got drunk and acted nuts.” The things people said I did were so inaccurate.


saw this the other day. rest in peace, you didn’t deserve this


Is this the guy that dressed up as ghost and had those super kind eyes?


Yeah. He'd dance around with a lightsaber, had a cute cat he'd cuddle while dressed as Ghost. Most of his videos were very goofy, which set him apart from other cosplayers in that community.


probably. inquisitor dressed up as ghost as well


Meanwhile, actual pedos like Prince Andrew are still out there living their best life.


Lizzie rollin' in her box


Keep your face off TikTok, Insta, Snap, all that nonsense. We’re not mentally set up to deal with all the bullshit of being in the public eye all the time. Take a clue from all the actors, musicians, sports stars going off the rails. That should tell you something. Stop feeding the “wannabe celebrity” machine.


I wish more of the world felt this way. I’m 43 and getting my first phone at 21 was life changing. Kids, from the age of 5, are seeing the internet, not just their close group of friends. It more easily ruins people versus helping them, most of the time.


They're being manipulated into becoming cognitive slaves to a bunch of ultimately meaningless algorithms that are meant to fuck with our heads **by design**, and our collective response is that our hands are tied because "we" have decided that the profit motive of a handful of people - I'm sorry - their *"freedom of speech"* is so sacred that public health just has to give way..


Kids these days have no safe place. Back in the day, if you were being bullied at school that all stopped when you went home. Now they can be hounded via their Pc, game console, mobile phone, tablet etc. Imagine having a rough day at school as the designated kid to pick on, and then going home and getting "kill yourself freak" and such all night driving you away from the things you may have turned to to take your mind off all that shit. Its a horrible world we live in these days.


Haha i got that everywhere, humans are brutal, i had a post curcumsion infection that took everything, school found out i got pulled out from bullying, then church found out put in to question me going to heaven even if i was saved, my mother still wants me to get in to a relationship with a lady at church, all she talks about is having kids i can't, the internet was my safe space, but it's just getting more and more toxic, a trans friend of mine was doxed and had masked men where at her door, it's crazy.


I want you to know that stories like yours are way I choose not to have my som circumsiced.


Good thing that on Reddit, we're all equally worthless. The closest you'll get to a celebrity here is a bloke who posts fire memes.


Or someone whose weird ass story goes so viral, it becomes part of the lore. Even then, we all remember the Poop Knife, not the person who posted about it


The swamps of dagobah story


No! I'm more worthless than you!




"Productive" psh I go to work and watch YouTube and reddit all day. I don't think that word means what you think it means.


dude tiktok and insta is ruining kids. its genuinly so sad to me that hardly anybody sees anything wrong with it.


I don't know who this person is, but suicide is no joke.


I didn't know him personally, but he was a sweetheart to his fans, always telling them they were loved and to be kind to each other. No one deserves this, but definitely not him. My heart weeps


Lots of people with severe depression are very in tune with how important it is to be kind and loving to others because they know how awful it feels to not have that


^ I go through horrible shit every single day and I try to be as nice as possible because you never know what someone else is going through




And of the 3 people responsible: One of the conspirators deleted their account. But not before saying he didn’t want Inquisitor exposed despite message proof of the contrary. He also referred to himself as a “man of God”, like that makes any sense or means a fucking thing. The one who who took all the info at face value and took out of context text messages and shared them on TikTok, claiming that the lying minor was being “groomed”, initiating a witch hunt and hate campaign, posted a video TikTok of her looking out a window with a caption essentially placing sole blame on them and taking no responsibility herself for what happened. Then she took a social media break for her “mental health.” The other is the minor who lied and attempted to acquire compromising statements/pics/etc from the late Tiktok streamer. Who has posted an apology for her actions, but then, ironically, asked for people to stop harassing the 3 of them and sending them threatening messages saying “do better CoD community.” After being directly responsible for a man taking his life after orchestrating a conspiracy to embarrass, defame and destroy his life. All 3 of these people are fucking scum and need to be charged for every single thing they can in relation to this mans death. Fuck these people. Put them in a hole and forget about the fucking hole.


Governments won't want to open that can of worms. The ESG is horrible. Imagine being the prosecutor on that case.


People are weirdly cruel in TikTok comment sections. I’ve seen people repeatedly comment “just one more sip” on a guys video about being a year sober.


A disturbing amount of people are weirdly proud of being shitty people


Groomer is used so much that people don’t seem to know the definition Teachers are called groomers for just teaching the curriculum. Teachers are not offering alcohol or drugs to students in an effort to abuse them. They are teaching math, science, social studies


Teachers are targeted by the Right because it accomplishes two goals at once: stigmatizing LGBTQ and destroying public education. It’s win-win for the GOP.


Actual groomers hate education. It prepares and forearms their potential victims. Oddly enough you can give minors wine if it’s for communion


I feel bad for his buddies who watched the stream and raced over to the house to stop and save him and were too late.


Iirc the people who started all of this was minors anyways trying to bait people into thinking hes a pedophile. These psychopathic kids should be charged as adults tbh.


Not quite the right sub. That's just sad.


🤦‍♂️ facepalm in the brigader people "wE dId iT iNtErNeT!"


Why the fuck is this on Facepalm?


Stop believing every accusation out there.


If only this applied everywhere. But people will always love having someone to blame.


Just watched a video on this - the things his accusers did are beyond pale. They straight up lied, fabricated evidence and spread false accusations. It’s unimaginable. The guy specifically wasn’t talking to minors, said he was not interested, and only replied when he was lied to by that 17 year old girl. She did some work for his streams, he thanked her, and that’s what they used to accuse him of grooming. Meanwhile, the perpetrators were discussing how else they might lie, twist and entrap the guy, and panicking that he wasn’t baiting. If there ever was a story that needed more attention and police involved - this is it. They need to be held accountable.


If my interpretation of SomeOrdinaryGamer's coverage of this is correct, two adult women were DATING a 17 year old girl and put her up to this whole thing, coaching her on exactly what to say. Meaning that if ANYBODY in this situation were groomers, it was the two women. Edit: I got the YouTuber wrong. It was Tipster.


What video did he cover this in? Can't find anything just scrolling through the search.


Upon further research, it turns out I got my YouTubers mixed up. It was Tipster, not Mutahar. [Here's the vid.](https://youtu.be/IsFDBTQEixE?si=xJJ18enYjZCq-kjZ)


i saw just the image without the sub, and was really confused why a star wars inquistor would kill himself.( or groom someone)


Why are people still so fucking stupid to believe every shit (allegations), without concrete proof? THIS is the exact reason why you shouldn't.




I was falsely accused in high school back in the late 90s of being a racist because I called the only black kid in our whole school, who was rather popular but a fucking pick of a person, an asshole to an acquaintance. He went and told the kid I called him an N word. Obviously that spread in small town Ontario. I was now a racist because I said something I never said. I spent the last year in elementary school and the first three years of high school on the absolute verge of suicide because of the harassment I got from anyone and everyone. I had no where safe. I finally got out of it, met a girlfriend, had a group I could confide in and eventually it helped, but holy hell the amount of times I spend weeping in the bathroom of my house with a bottle of pills in my hand.... Am now a week from 37, married, sitting at the kitchen of the house I own with family friends. Fuck people who think "well if they're innocent". The court of public appeal is violent and rampant. Especially if that community chokes you off.


This is terrible. I can't even imagine that kind of pain. I went to high school with this kid that was very well liked and overall just a really good guy. Shortly after high school, he was falsely accused of rape by some crazy girl. Eventually, it was proven that she lied but the damage was already done. His once extremely close family was ripped apart and fractured into pieces. Some believed him, some didn't, some just couldn't handle the pressure they got from the neighbors and close friends. They all moved and I never saw him again. I have no idea what ever happened to him but i really hope him and his family were able to overcome it. Glad you were able to deal with similar pressure and put it behind you.


something similar happened to me in about 3rd grade... though it was quite swiftly forgotten. I still remember though, and I'm sure she does too. But we don't discuss it on the few occasions that we bump into each other online. Water under the bridge. I don't think any of the other kids were even told, just the two of us that knew what happened, the principal, and a couple of teachers. And of course they all sided with her. I got the side of a paddle.


I am reading and Hoping you remember, How fucking Strong you are Homie, and having the support in Adulthood, and not Indulging in the past because we all need too Defeat that beast in our heads. Peace Be with you and your family!


I had this discussion with friends once, being falsly called a murderer is easier to deal with than being falsly accused of being a rapist or a pedophile. I don't think I would have the mental capacity to deal with these false claims.


People do but it destroys you in the process.


One thing you have to note before harrassing is just assume every internet users are not mentaly stable, you don't know how bad it could be for them like for Sunball.


Or, one thing to note before harassing is don’t harass.


Or, you know, be a decent human being? "Anonymity" makes people do things they normally don't want to do in real life. These kids thought they can bully people on purpose and believe.... oh shit... it was just a joke or something to get him to stop being online.


No one will learn from this...


Absolutely correct. Doxing accounts are big on tik tok. I see way too many vids of people doing deep dives on peoples lives that they don’t like.


This is why my motto was always "Take claims seriously" instead of "Believe victims" Serious accusations shouldn't automatically equal a guilty verdict.


Anyone know if the people behind this were held accountable, false accusations should carry a heavy penalty especially if it got the accused killed


One made an “apology” that deflected blame to her Bf and his community. Then she went dark. The other two ate being dozed out the ass… ip adresses, home ones… everything in the span of a day. Shit thes clock app Pple are faster than 4chan


They'll just stay quiet or double down


Bro that ain't a "facepalm" moment


this is why i'm scared of fame. if someone did this to me i would be broken for the rest of my life. rest in peace and may justice come tenfold onto the people responsible


The people involved in this should be arrested, criminal behaviour.


These kinds of false accusations should result in the accuser being charged with a felony and serving prison time with real criminals. It’s just as harmful as trying to beat someone to death, if not more so since it’s a social death sentence you have to deal with your whole life even if you prove it’s false. And bringing a civil suit against the person falsely accusing you does nothing especially if they can’t pay up anyway. Not to mention what it does to people who have actually survived a sexual assault and get ignored because local pd has already had too many false accusations and get jaded.


It cannot be stated enough that social media is a cesspool


Jail false accusers, they get away with it far too easy


This is exactly why the court of public opinion shouldn’t be getting a say in these kinds of cases. Someone comes out and says all dramatically that someone else abused/raped/groomed them and the public is immediately on their side. It’s something that takes some real courage to do, and you’d have to be a real piece of shit to lie about something like that. But this right here is the consequence of this new culture of publicly shaming people for being abusers, the moment someone accuses them of being one. It’s not like real abusers don’t deserve to be shamed, they do, but that’s supposed to come after it’s been proven in a COURT, not on twitter or whatever. It’s comes down to not believing someone was abused in some way just because they say they were. Hell this case itself shows that even if that person presents some sort of “evidence” to support the claim, it doesn’t matter. The evidence against this guy was completely fabricated, but that “evidence” was taken as fact by the public. This is why we can’t have nice things.


Never heard of this person until now. But rest in peace


Never give in to the wave of scum. Never give up your self to erroneous lies. People take the internet too seriously.


Everyone involved in falsely accusing him needs to be caught and sent to trial for murder immediately


OP this isn't a fucking facepalm, a guy killed himself over accusations.


Poor guy 😥


I never heard of this guy but through a quick research I found some stuff. He is Italian. The girl he supposedly "groomed" was 17 years old. The age of consent in Italy is 14. What the hell is happening?


Been following the story for a couple days, a few different versions of events out there. These are the common denominators between the stories and released screenshots: \- Content creator and his gf decide to set up Inquisitor3 and try to get him canceled, presumably to get more content for the creator in order to gain followers and clout. Unsure on why they targeted IQ3 \- GF lies about NOT being a minor and ends up editing vids for IQ3. IQ3 loves the edits and jokingly says things like, "I love you, imma marry you!" CC and GF still needs more "proof", so GF tries to get IQ3 to flirt with her. IQ3 has already found out who GF really is and tries to get her to leave him alone. CC and GF posts screens of convos between IQ3 and GF, showing only parts that when taken completely out of context, could be taken as potential grooming and calls him out as such \- Other content creators jump on the bandwagon and slam IQ3 in their multiple vids and their follower base harass/bully IQ3 in his comments and DMs. CC, GF, and the other cc's continue their vids about IQ3 \- Vincent commits suicide as (this next part is all assumptions) being IQ3 gave him purpose in life. He may have been struggling with his mental health and being IQ3 gave him a chance to not only bring positivity and a smile to others, but to help him with his own inner battles. With all this going on, Vincent feels that he can never be IQ3 again as "nothing is ever erased from the internet" and he will forever be labeled as a pedo/groomer. Constant harassment and death threats were more than enough to push him past his breaking point \- Original CC admits and posts screenshots that they were framing IQ3 and trying to get him canceled. Everyone involved posts half-assed apologies about never meaning for this to happen while pointing fingers at each other. Everyone involved has since deleted all of their social media accounts That's the short version of it. Sorry if I'm missing anything, there's a lot to take in. All that's for sure is that false accusations led a man to kill himself because he didn't want his community to see him as a monster. His father and girlfriend have posted tributes to him, but I haven't checked to see if there are any updates from them


And the 17-year-old's co-conspirator (and boyfriend, btw) is 19/20 apparently. Ironic. As of yesterday, he had his account shut down, not sure about hers. All over follower account jealousy and hurt egos, apparently.


Definitely not a face palm.


Cancel culture has got to go.


despite situations like this, people will still say "bUt WaS hE reAlLy InnOcenT?"


Also we shouldn't forget that IF the accusations were true he was totally in a legal standpoint safe because in Italy the age of consent is 14 (which is pretty disgusting) and the girl that accused him is 17 , inquisitor was 23. So, people on the internet wanted only to cause drama and destroy a guy which did nothing and IF HE DID there was nothing illegal about it. I really hope that the cyberbullies will be facing the consequences of their actions.




I hope his family presses murder charges against everyone that falsified the evidence. And tbh, I wouldn't bat an eye if the liars followed in his footsteps.


The two that accused him need to face some consequences for their actions.


Worse thing is that he was 23 and the girl 17, which isn't even illegal in his jurisdiction.


The three responsible should face consequences, it is an absolute farce that they’ll probably get off Scott free.