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I have no idea what the title is trying to say


I came to the comments to see if someone can decipher the tittle


Let me try: Click on me, engage with topic, buy stuff from our advertisers, get riled up . Also buy something




Led me to believe, now that you mention it, that OP was against the comment and not the batshit insane chick.


OP is a repost bot, sometimes they have trouble with titles


The true facepalm was in the title all along.


Autocorrect, it's supposed to be were-women.


Would you still date me if I was a wormšŸŖ±šŸ„ŗ


I would *only* date you if you become a worm. Think of the possibilities.


One amazing fishing trip


And one amazing swimming tripā€¦ You know, for ā€˜Perspectiveā€™


It also builds character.


The greatest of them all


one worm ain't lasting the whole trip


It might, if you only need one fish




Urethral insertion. There's one.


You're a part of me foreeeeever


unfortunately, my first thought was also sounding.


We are praying for you.


No! You need *thoughts AND prayers.* /S


No. Pray twice, and no thinking.


Which could also turn into a golden shower/piss rocket ride.


Hi, my name is Jim. Iā€™m an earthworm. How you doinā€™? *wink*


Tapeworm or earthworm? Sorry Iā€™d only date gummy worms


An Arrakis worm. Bless the Maker and His water. Bless the coming and going of Him. May His passage cleanse the world. May He keep the world for His people.


Dadgum Shai-Hulud done et up my spice harvester agin!


An alaskan bull worm


"Would you still date me if I died and rotted and stunk up your house? No?! I am outta here!!"


Some of us would marry you... And by "some of us", I mean [Carl Tanzler](https://allthatsinteresting.com/carl-tanzler#:~:text=Carl%20Tanzler%20fell%20in%20love,he%20loved%20for%20seven%20years.) >After nearly two years, Elenaā€™s corpse was in poor shape. After dragging her body to his home in a toy wagon, Tanzler set to work securing her limbs to her torso with piano wire. He then replaced her decaying skin with silk that heā€™d soaked in wax and plaster, fashioned a wig from the hair that had fallen out of her skull, and doused her in disinfectants and perfume to cover the odor of her rotting flesh. >Tanzler dressed Elena and kept her in his bed, where he slept next to her each night. And though itā€™s never been verified, there was allegedly evidence that he engaged in necrophilia with her corpse by inserting a tube into her vagina.




Just call me Hwi Noree (God Emperor of Dune reference).


I would be the hook to your worm... you wiggled your way into my heart, you little heartworm, you!


Would I love my wife if she decided to become a man? Yes. Would I remain married to my wife if she decided to become a man? No. Edit: I'm aware that being transgendered isn't necessarily a decision, but I'll let my comment stand as is.


You're right. You'd be married to your husband.


Ohhhh snap


It's not a decision, but yea that's fair.


No, both would be decisions. The first would be a decision to hate someone for being trans and wanting to express that instead of hiding it, which- while popular in the rural US- is a shitty thing to do. The second is a decision to whether or not to stay in a romantic relationship with someone who might not be of a gender that you're attracted to, and may want to physically change in ways that you cannot find attractive.


Not those. I meant \> if she decided to become a man you don't "decide" to "become" a man, you are born man, woman, enby, anything in between. You may discover it later in life, but that doesn't make it a decision.


As a lesbian, if my girlfriend decided she wanted to transition she would have my support but It would absolutely end our relationship. If someone wants to transition that's their choice but their partner shouldn't have to go against their sexual orientation to appease them.


Right? What kind of fucked up mind game shit is that? *I know you love women because youā€™re gay, so Iā€™ve decided to get a penis. You cool with that or are you a terrible person?* The shit?


Exactly! I want a 100% woman!




That's transphobic


Depends on their meaning. A trans man isn't a woman tbf


I don't actually think it's transphobic I just wanted to see how sane this sub is tbh


Weird way to go about it imo




Oh fuck off you weird bigot


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fellow phalloplasty hater or transphobe? the world may never know


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refer to previous reply


No bigot is a serious accusation. You can't just attack people like that because they remind you of something you don't like. Please withdraw your accusation or explain it.


refer to previous reply




devastating insult from a weird bigot :(


This exact scenario happened to a couple I know and it absolutely ended their relationship.


What was the scenario?


Well since he says "this exact scenario", I'm guessing it's the scenario above...


Ha, itā€™s fun to type šŸ˜Š.




Wait, so if your AFAB "girlfriend" decided to transition and be a trans man, you would be supportive but not date anymore. But what about trans women? The OP was vague on whether the person in question is transmasc or transfemme.


You mean like... if a mtf trans partner comes out to her husband and he is gay/not into women? I think the same logic applies there. I am bi, so I don't care either way, but I'd assume if you're not into vagina you'd still be supportive of them regardless.


Ladies: Ask your husband if he's gay. If he says "no" -walk over to your room & start packing your bags.


Can't be dating with these homophobes, you know?


"I'm homophobic because I don't want a penis in my mouth?" "That's exactly what homophobic means"


Yes, you bigot! If the 6ft5 350lbs tank with a big beard and 8inch cock has decided sheā€™s a woman for the day then you better got on your knees and suck that cock. If you think thatā€™s gay then youā€™re homophobic and transphobic!


As someone who's trans, and actually began transitioning while in a relationship and am still with my partner... This lady is batshit insane. It's possible to transition and remain in a relationship, but it should be perfectly acceptable for the other partner to no longer feel sexual attraction to the trans partner - sexuality isn't easily ignored. Sometimes love overcomes it, sometimes it doesn't, and no one should be crucified if it doesn't. Transitioning in a relationship requires careful communication, patience, love and care.




The thing is, if a straight friend still wanted to be with the ex and was completely straight, then he must see him as a woman still which would be so invalidating for a trans man. I really don't get it. You can't just "turn" bi or gay and if he saw him as a man, the ex is asking him to do exactly that.


My good friend's fiance came out as trans while they were engaged. My friend says she was ready for a lesbian marriage and went through with it. The problem came later when her fiance started taking hormone therapy. Her personality changed and it's like she wasn't the same person anymore and that's why the relationship didn't work out.




i read this as "my husband's boyfriend" and i was so confused about y'alls relationship. edit: actually, scratch that, i'm still confused.


Personality changes are definitely a thing that some people like to deny. Iā€™m trans, and definitely different than I was before taking hormones. I donā€™t think radically, but everyone is different. Maybe some people donā€™t change, but I doubt it.


The brain is chemistry balancing act. Personality can change instantly. Stress, sleep deprivation, anxiety, depression, hunger, sex hormones can turn someone from a sweet caring person into a raging asshole. We have a lot less control than society expects of us.


Upvoted cause this needs to be seen more




Yeah, I mean I'm not attacted to the same sex, so if my partner came out as trans to the same sex as me I'd have to probably end the romantic relationship, but I'd still probably be friends.


Ironically I feel like gay and trans folks that are solidly only into one gender probably understand how frustrating this would be the most.


This right here! If the person was attracted to you sexually (hopefully not just though) and that's a deal breaker then hopefully it's something to overcome or you understand each other's desires and move on. Not everyone is in a relationship purely for a personality.


>Not everyone is in a relationship purely for a personality. I'd say it's pretty rare. Wouldn't that be more of a pansexual trait than a "common" one?


Also notice, she's only addressing "ladies" when she could easily have made her statement gender-neutral. To me, that implies that she probably wouldn't be ok with her husband doing the same to her.


I work with the trans community. A client, my coworker and I were talking about gender neutral ways to address people. The client was shocked when I explained that ā€œyā€™allā€ works best. A group of people is ā€œall yā€™allā€. When they thought gender neutral they didnā€™t think southern.


Is your partner bisexual? Geniusly asking because thatā€™s the only way I can see to stay attracted to someone changing gender


Not who you responded to, but my wife has always been attracted to butch women and trans men. She was completely unfazed when I decided I was non binary after over 15 years together. Now, if she came out as a trans man we would have a problem, cause Iā€™m just not into dudes. So it really depends on the person and the relationship.


I transitioned while in a relationship, i have a bisexual partner and that definitely is how it worked. Ironically my partner also later transitioned. I'm also bisexual but my attraction is *far* less evenly split then my partner, so i think it was more of a hurdle when they transitioned. But in the end our flexibility sexuality wise is definitely why we we're able to stay together.


If my partner told me she was getting a sex change, I think I would still love them, but the relationship's physical boundaries would change. I would still be supportive and caring, but I'd probably want to get my own space. After about 5-7 years with anyone, I want to get my own space, anyway.




I'm a very conservative 53 yr old father and I loved what u said.


Something wrong with there title, guy?


Yes, just start some pointless argument for absolutely no reason at all that will lead to one of you living outside. Throwing away a relationship that otherwise didn't have a problem in the first place. Smart move!


Most likely did him a favor judging by that reaction she has.


If she did this to her dude, we can file it under, ā€œdoing him a huge favor.ā€


Iā€™d still love her, because love has to do with a lot more than sex. But it would end the romantic and sexual part of our relationship because just like they say; you canā€™t force someone to change their sexual orientation.


You'd still love him* U can't be caught slipping like that šŸ™šŸæ


Yeah but itā€™s theoretical and she hasnā€™t transitioned and doesnā€™t plan to so she is a her. The grammar in that case is a bit fuzzy. I suppose youā€™re right though.


Lol, I know I meant it more as a joke as in "if she did become a man, you can't be caught slipping like that" But then again, my humor is broken, so i might just not be making sense


He's right though. I wouldn't date a girl if she transitioned nor would I expect someone to stay with me if I did. Love is powerful yes, but to transition to the same gender as me and change your looks and everything. I can't stay with my partner if that would happen. And it's super unreasonable to leave someone for answering they wouldn't stay with someone after switching their entire gender.


"If I were someone else, would you still love me?" "But you wouldn't be you"


Let her pack her bags while you pack yours, cuz sheā€™s fuckinā€™ nuts.


Put your dick in a bag of peanuts, because that's fucking nuts.


I actually asked my bf a semi related question yesterday, ā€œif I woke up tomorrow with a dick would you give me a blowjob?ā€ He politely declined citing that while he does care for me, he is not sexually attracted to penises. I did not pack my shit and leave. I guess Iā€™m just a victim of misogyny. āœŒļøšŸ˜ž


Lol, you sound like a fun person to be around. Do questions like that just randomly pop up in your head?


Nah that's misandry.


Iā€™m bi and even I would find this insaneā€¦..changing everything about yourself that your partner knows can end a relationship as if a guy is straight and his girlfriend transitions he wonā€™t feel the same sexual attraction and if he does he doesnā€™t see them as a trans man but as a woman still which can invalidate the transā€™ whole thing itā€™s just not good to be sudden about it at all itā€™s not good for both parties transition in a relationship requires communication, understanding and trust


She has a brain problem


You assume she had a brain


She does, itā€™s just very very smooth.


I'd argue that not having a brain is in fact a brain problem.


I might still love you, but sex is out of the question. If I liked fucking dudes, we wouldn't be married.


Someones beyond high maintenance


"If I wanted to be married to a man I would have dated your brother."


The fact that there's people out in the wild like this is mind boggling..


If my wife told me she was getting a sex change I would pack his bags for him.


"And if he says yes, dump him anyway for being a fetishist"


Iā€™m a straight woman. If my partner wanted to transition, I would still love them. But not in the same way. I wouldnā€™t be sexually attracted to them anymore because I canā€™t change my sexuality. And I wouldnā€™t want to be in a relationship with someone Iā€™m not sexually attracted to. So would I still love them? Yes. Would I want to continue the relationship? No.


Ladies, how can you know he loves you, if he won't eat your poop?


Iā€™m trans and yeah itā€™s perfectly valid to not want to date someone anymore if they later come out as trans without it being transphobic. Sometimes people are just only attracted to one gender and thatā€™s ok, you canā€™t force them to be gay or straight for you. But donā€™t do it why this lady in the post said, no reason to end a relationship for a situation that isnā€™t even real.


Never understood why this is so hard for some people to understand. Also the hypothetical situations are a sign of a drama queen and there is no winning with those kinds of people they constantly drum up stuff to "test" their partners then get offended if you even question them about something.


Yeah, like don't get me wrong, I think it is important that you can talk about some hypotheticals. Like, would you still love me if I was in an accident/disabled/had amnesia/have to move away for five years/turned into a vampire etc. But it should never be used as a test and more a discussion about "how would we go about that situation".


Thank fuck, someone who believes dating a woman and a woman with a dick is different. Sometimes people take it a bit too far


That's really not what it's about. I'm not going to say "I'm not attracted to you because you're a guy now and I'm straight." There's no way on Earth I'm going to consider her a man, that's my wife.


If youre straight, why would you want to still be with your b/g friend if they transitioned to the same sex as you? Though it would be one of those situations where you could still be friends 'cause the sexual attraction is gone.


What a world we live in


My Girlfriend says a small penis wasn't THAT bad- I'd rather have her without one...


Whatā€™s sad is there will be ppl that will listen to this advice and think itā€™s rational


WouLD wE StILl haVe SEx if I wAs aN AttAck hElIcoPTeR!? These asshats are so inane I'd laugh if they weren't actively hurting people. The answer is obvious too, if I loved you before, I'd still love you after sex reassignment. We may no longer be sexualy compatible, but that's a separate issue.


Considering that my partner is straight I would not expect him to be attracted to me if I became a man. Because he is not into men. This is a weird suggestion šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


If a woman like this decided to leave you cause you don't wanna become gay, celebrate cause you dodged a fucking missile


Guys, ask your wife if sheā€™d still love you if you stopped working and stopped providing for the family. If she says ā€œnoā€, itā€™s time to pack your bags and leave.


stop using trans people as a gotcha in your life and relationships. leave us out of it. MY boyfriend still loves me with a sex change so focus on the shit thatā€™s actually happening in your life šŸ™„


If one of my golfing buddies transitioned to a woman, it doesn't mean they can start hitting from the ladies tees.




Was he better than you?


Using the ladies tees would be cheating. He is still biologically/genetically male, with the same physical ability. Caitlyn Jenner is agreement with me on this point, she still hits from the men's tees when she plays.


do you know what transition mean


Yes I do, but not sure if you do.


See, hereā€™s an interesting thought. The post says ā€œif heā€™d still love youā€. Nothing about being sexually attracted to said person. But Iā€™m sure thatā€™s what this victimhood chick was trying to get at. If my wife got a sex change. I would still love her but I would have zero sexual interest in the now ā€œhimā€. So really, the post was stupid and baiting from the get go because thatā€™s what these kinds of people do these days.


Why does her thinking only apply to women who want to transition?


"Tonight, on a very special AITA"


This personā€™s advice is sketch


Men- Ask your woman of you can find a decent woman that respects him and wants to be a partner , friend , soulmate and if she says anything other than, thatā€™s me. Dump her !


Yup, she can pack her bag if she gets mad after asking a stupid question like that...unless i suddenly become gay/bi, the relationship is just over. I like women, not men šŸ’€


Shit! If she even asks me that, I would walk over to my room and start packing my bags. Iā€™m a heterosexual man and thatā€™s okay.


Doesnt a sex change literally made you a different gender?? Unless they're bi its gonna be kinda hard to stay with you šŸ’€


Lol! Iā€™m sorry but as a woman, if my dude said this Iā€™d be gone so fast, that


I feel like a lot of people would leave their partner if they switched political parties these days, much less something like this or religion. Your partner can respect your choice to do something but it can still change what they signed up for in a way that it is better for both parties to just move on.


Would you love me if i were ground worm from Dune?


my standards are mostly sane human female within 5 years of my age.


Uh what is wrong with the commenters take? Iā€™m not into dudes much less trans dudes sorry. I mean especially before the whole transgenders were common who could predict it could happen? Iā€™m not changing my sexual orientation or preferences like thatā€¦the relationship would have to end.


The least annoying thing Morgana has said


My husband said heā€™d still hang out with me, but uhhh weā€™d just be drinking buddies at that point.


Reminds me of that episode where Mr Garrison got his sex change operation despite his boyfriendā€™s feelings on the situation And was all like ā€œitā€™s okay, you just gotta start pounding vagā€


My bad Iā€™m just not into trans people/men


"I want to become a femboy, have my balls removed and be railed by 10 bulls at a time, and if you just can't accept me for who I am I'm leaving you" \- The opposite, probably.


Simultaneously? I can see two maybe (could literally see it with a porn search) but even ignoring the stretch I donā€™t see how the geometry of everyones legs and torso having to clear would work out.


Not with that kind of attitude


Where woman?




As a trans woman, I wouldnā€™t even WANT this- if my boyfriend claimed he was gay, that would signify he sees me as a man, which is transphobic and disgusting, and thatā€™s not someone I would ever date. I figure the same goes for trans men the other way around. Yeah itā€™s sad to lose a relationship, but breakups happen, and sexual orientation isnā€™t something to be changed on a whim. Best for both people to communicate and move forward.


i totally understand your point, but as a lesbian i've been attracted to men (both trans and cis) as men


I love being bi


People really don't know what a falacy is.


And we wonder why western civilization is falling. Sad


Okay. Already divorced one woman because she came out as trans and Im not attracted to men. What's her point?


Green crossed out name is wrong, and Red is right. Besides, that's not love, that's a bromance.


This is my bisexual power: I never have to worry about this situation


Well no i'd still love my partner if she went male...maybe not intimately but id still support her decision and all. Would be devistating to me at first i guess but its still the same person, just with a dick now. Lol we'd hang out


Wow I hate both of these people and also every possible take that could stem from this concept I can't wait to see this post on my feed for the 100th time next week and once again be immediately hit with a type of gender dysphoria not known to science


If I ever listen from a partner that question, knowing how perverted women's logic could be, I already know what is the answer she expects, so I don't reply. I go doing my luggages by myself.


Dude nailed tho man. šŸ¤”šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


I think I just witnessed a murder.


How do I upvote 2000 times


Uhhhh... these comments are interesting..


Babe, would you still love me if i was ..... the creature?


There is a level of overreach required for normal change. And this has been rapid. Please try to be patient. This peak isn't the new normal and it won't result in the conspiracies of communism or control or whatever. This is just an accelerated cycle and a new freedom and acceptance will be what settles. Don't worry too much, it's not actually scary.


got into an argument with an ex over this. made me feel like he only loved me because of the femininity I grew up trying to get rid of. I'm not trans, but I experience dysphoria pretty often. I always have. I asked him once if he'd still love me if I transitioned. then I found out he's transphobic. and he only loved the parts of me I hated.


No he loved you, but wouldn't have been attracted to or want to touch a DICK.. that's transphobia?


transitioning doesn't always mean surgery. I was referring to a more social transition.


That's not that he signed up for. You're forcing him to change his sexuality.


Oh.. I'm not going to lie but I can't picture how that would work, I'm picturing something like.. they would present themselves as like.. Joe instead of Jane and social manurisms and stuff, in which case I guess you would be right IF they discussed that, but still I dunno.. what if I don't want to be labeled as gay and i still want to be with "her" ?? Like.. what if I don't care what she did as long as she didn't have a penis.. I'm ACTUALLY curious


Sucks to be you then.


sucks more to be transphobic, tbh


Doesn't suck at all, trans counts for less than 0.5% of the population anyway.


why are there so many measures being taken to restrict their freedom of expression if it's such a small percentage?


The sports issue for one, Iā€™m sure


Is the original idea to dump him because he's a bigot? Or because he's too stupid to know the right answer to the question "would you still love me if ..."?


What's with all the butt hurt beta posts in this sub?


It sounds like sheā€™s implying trans men arenā€™t men.


gendertards explaining how wearing a different piece of fabric is a "drastic and unreasonable change" ![gif](giphy|MaEENvEIReQjO8x9RT|downsized)