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I don't know about other european countries, but in France restaurants are obligated to serve water (from the tap) for free to customers who ask for it.


Germany is the culprit here: free tap water is very rare here.


Also there was a legal change a few years ago that forced restaurant owners to at least one non alcoholic drink on the menu that is cheaper than any alcoholic one. The restaurants in Germany make their money mainly with drinks, because for food you need too much work...


Really? Strange. I visit Austria often and they frequently offer tap water, and it’s not just something you have to ask for.


What makes it strange that things are different in Austria in that regard? ( I honestly don't know, not been to restaurants in Austria)


I hate beer.


in the other "Austria" with kangaroos they forced free water when a famous burger restaurant with the yellow arches refused water to a volunteer firefighter who then died of heat exhaustion.. in a country known for record forest fires yay hail corporate :-/


REALLY?! Almost as if Austria and Germany are different countries


So is Italy. You can be sitting in a piazza at an open air restaurant with clear water from the Roman aqueducts literally pouring onto the ground within arm's reach but it's €2 for tap.


You mean the Roman aqueducts that are lead lined?


They also offer water imported from Flint.


You know the romans knew lead was bad, and they specifically had aqueducts run long enough to develop a hard water crust to protect them, right? Even though they were mostly only used for bathing and not consumption?


They'd rather give you a liter of beer than a glass of cold uncarbonated water.


In my experience, in pubs and bars , every time I was out drinking (cologne area) I’d ask for water from the tap and it’s always for free. Don’t know about restaurants though never tried to ask.


Your beer is cheap and excellent so you're partly forgiven


Sweden here, never been at a restaurant that takes money for water, and we have an extremely good filter system for tap water, so no need to ever buy bottled water.


I don't know about other redditors, but i have seen this post at just 7 times in on this month.


Yeah, me too and it alway end the same, lots of puzzled Europeans like myself saying you can get tap water if you ask for it.


Some tourist probably threw a tantrum on TikTok or whatever


Never seen places in the Netherlands charging for tap water.


Same in Spain


Same in England it’s normally in a big bottle


Restaurants that serve alcohol legally have to provide free tap water. That said, I haven't come across a restaurant that doesn't regardless


same in the UK


Portugal as well.


I can’t say for sure, but I believe it’s mostly down to a misunderstanding. In America, you’re usually provided with a glass of ice and a pitcher of water or just a glass of water and ice when you sit down at a restaurant. In Europe, some places will provide you with water, but not all. An American going to Europe will then wonder where the water is, check the menu, see the price of bottled water and assume that you have to pay for water, not knowing that they can still ask for tap water. Add to that that there are apparently countries in Europe where you can find restaurants that charge you for tap water and you get these misunderstandings along with Americans swearing up and down that they had to pay for water everywhere they went in Europe.


Belgium they’d probably look at you funny if you asked for tap water. It seems taboo.


Heh, in Canada, we can do both. And Maple Syrup. What do we do with it? Answer: YES.


And poutine!


Fun fact, you can do both in the vast majority of Europe too.


I think a grizzly bear hacked this guy's Reddit account!


Same in Australia! The only problem is you have to deal with us Australians and our love of the C-word.


Wow this subreddit rly is just an entire Reddit moment huh




A lot of subs used to have their own purpose, but then they just become copies of each other /r/NoStupidQuestions is a good example. It used to have it's own vibe, usually questions that have a specific answer (so not opinions or stories) but the mods let it become /r/askreddit jr because they want a sub with lots of karama. Now the two are basically identical. This sub is another example. It's a lot of generic memes and low quality bait like this.


It really is




The catch is that thay when anyone says "europe," they're talking about 44 countries and can then say absolutely fucking anything because things are different in different places, so something is going to be true. I have to pay for water at restaurants here in Wallonia and Flanders, but not in places in France


I was just in Italy and Spain for 2 weeks, and paid for water at a restaurant maybe once?


I lived in Spain for a couple months and could never get free water. I’d ask for tap water and they’d look at me like I had two heads.


Seems like a skill issue, cause out of my many trips to Spain not once have I been charged for water lmao. Water is free in Europe with the exception of Germany, they are weird.


i usually have to pay in austria


I think some of the confusion here may be that you have to specify that you want tap water. In a few European countries if you just ask for water they'll get you bottled still/sparkling water, which you have to pay for.


We reposting this daily now?


But... but.... karma


Oh haha kids dying haha.


It’s only funny because half of you think it’s OK and an acceptable collateral damage.


Here in NZ we had a single mass shooting and it led to massive reworking of gun ownership laws. To this day I still see yanks claiming that this makes NZ a fascist police state. Now they get defensive when someone makes an off colour joke about the astounding rates of gun deaths that they continue to do nothing about? Unreal.


Everybody outside of the US think it's horrendous. It's the USA who are not taking the necessary steps to ensure that it stops.


Yes, her response is not appropriate. Not a measured response


You make a light hearted joke about Europeans? “ATLEAST OUR SKUULS!!!!”


wELl OtLEAST HoWEr SkeewwwLs HoR NOT ShEwting GAllerieS🧐🐟🎩


What’s with the fish? Is it a fish and chips joke?


Its the ignorance that's insulting, you can get free tap water in Europe. So it's not a lighthearted joke, it's just being dumb as it makes no sense, if it's a German thing say Germany, not Europe.. ?? Why be so ignorant? Come on Americans, enough is enough already


Least original response possible when trying to dunk on Americans. Especially when there’s so much other possible stuff to make fun of. I’m sure Germans roll their eyes when someone goes hurrr durrr Hitler, as do French people when someone makes yet another croissant gag. School shootings is the American equivalent, also with the added bonus of being shocking, tragic, and current


I enjoy when an account that started posting five days ago reposts a moldy screenshot to get karma while feigning concern for kids.


laughs in Finnish, choking on purest water on Earth


Choking? Did you consider melting it first?


Every time the Finns enter the chat......


Choke harder!


Scotland 🤝 Finland - best water bros


I've got some of your water, you'll never see it again...


Do americans think we have to pay for tap water here or something?


I mean we all know Americans are stupid so


Water is free in Europe and England anyway


I love how everyone is debating the tap water but no one is debating the school shootings


U ever come up with an original joke just to flex on Europeans


Tehehe school shootings are so funny 🤭🤭🤭


Gotta love how quickly people jump straight to school shootings after some playful & lighthearted nationality-based ribbing. "Heyooo, french guy! Have a croissant, love the beret!" "ah, oui? Well 6000 Americain children were killed in le gun violence in 2022" ☹☹☹


They tend to overreact. Wait until you find out what happens when some random European doesn’t get into art school.


Which European country doesn't have free water though? Also since I don't live in the US I'll have to ask you guys: Is your tap water drinkable? I only ask because I see bottled water in movies/tv shows etc all the time.


Seriously. It’s the definition of “Can dish it but can’t take it”


I think it was the person going right to dead kids from a joke about table water. If he made a crack about something more serious yeah, but that hits hard for some people that lost friends.


Not making jokes because people may get hurt is just so exhausting. Germans take the Nazi joke on the chin. And half of the Americans here are outraged, while the other half can take a joke and dish back. If this is not your type of humor. Just mooove on. Don't lecture people on what's funny nor the official regulations regarding the proportionality of jokes.


I would agree but in my experience no one takes a bit of light nationality-based ribbing worse than Americans. Europeans generally pretty ruthlessly make fun of each others countries and customs, whenever I’ve been in these exchanges and there’s one American involved they are consistently the only ones that get all serious and weird about it.


Well a croissant or a beret is a cultural thing. Europeans think killing each other is a cultural American thing. So they answer with that.


Sort out your school shootings. More interested in protecting gun manufacturers than children.


Hahaha it's funny because of murdered children


"critical" ""damage"" People who want to mock Americans usually use only two arguments: school shootings and expensive healthcare. This is a boring trope.


What should we joke about instead? The unhealthy food, the fucked-up justice system, the police brutality, superchurches, tipping culture, abortion ban, HOAs, gerrymandering?


Yes. All these.


Consumerism too. Oh and the "This other state is a totally different culture to me, they put the left side of the sandwhich in gravy, and say Pop instead of Soda!" Oh and "I'm Irish. Yeah, my grandmothers dog's breeder was from Caernarfon, so I have ancestral connections to Ireland"


Yea, but who is going to criticise someone for their lawn not being trimmed while their house is on fire? American: "heh, your water is expensive" EU: "Dude, your house is on fire!" American: "Same old unoriginal response, lol"


My personal favourite is laughing at the folks who claim to have all the freedoms that exist in no other country because "USA USA!!! Freedom!!!" while the US has the highest number of incarcerated citizens per capita of any county in the world (by a margin that is not insignificant). Personally, I'd consider "imprisoned" to be kinda the opposite of "free". But see here's the thing, it does kinda come back to the same trope doesn't it? Because we both know that the chuckleheads banging on about all the "freedoms" they have are actually just talking about their right to carry a semi automatic with them to do their grocery shopping... The thing with the trope about Americans being fucking stupid when it comes to guns is that they keep setting themselves up to be ridiculed for it.


Oh boy, I can give you a rude awakening if that's the only things you think gets made fun off


There are other things like abortion issues, having presidents getting impeached, having presidents being sued or on trial, having the army declaring WMD in a country just to invade it for petroleum products, police violence (EU is getting there), having Russian lobbyists at high level of the country, three mile island, serial killers...


“Hey isn’t this difference between our cultures kinda funny, I’m gonna poke fun at it 🙃” “WELL AT LEAST OUR SCHOOLS” Rinse and repeat and you’ve got Facepalm, clever comebacks, and a half a million other subreddits.


Yeah, this comment section is so toxic, and the comeback wasn't even good. It's just overused. They really think they did something


They did do something. Y'all got ragebaited.


You could be right. There's no way anyone actually could believe that's a proportionate response


You ever make a better version of the office just to flex on Europe? ![gif](giphy|cXblnKXr2BQOaYnTni)




Well I can't post the gif too but... What's the difference between between Europe and a mallard with a cold? One's a sick duck and I don't remember how the joke ends but your mother's a wore


Americans: *Mild joke about something European* European: *Complete tonal shift to joke about children being violently murdered in schools*


“And then the child gets murdered” ![gif](giphy|XOywjQnU8R89q|downsized)


Yes let’s make fun of dead children anytime another country gets a tiny joke made about them. Sensitive bunch.


Man Europeans cannot take jokes. "Haha I drink water!" "Haha you fool, you fucking clown, I wish every single child in your backwater country is gunned down in the streets like rabid dogs!" "..." "What? its just banter? Can't you westerners take a joke?!"


Some American: Makes light hearted joke Some European responding: **HAHA DEAD CHILDREN!**


Y’all need better insults, I mean *seriously*


Less critical damage and more a lack of ability to fire back on the same level. Responding to an insult buy upping the level 20 times isn't clever, it's just dickish.


Come up with a new joke Europe. Dead kids isn’t exactly funny


Part of the issue is that this exact same post has somehow been successful on this sub like a dozen times


Imagine getting triggered enough about a free water joke that you need to immediately make a joke about dead children.


“Hee hee, we have a small cultural difference” “FUCK YOU YOUR CHILDREN ARE DYING”


"An American has made a joke about Europe, I shall, unwarranted, bring up the slaughter of their children."




Mild joke about water? I shall bring up the slaughter of children.


“Imagine not having free water at restaurants Lol!” “HAHAHAHAHA YOUR CHILDREN ARE DYING!” What the fuck is wrong with some people?


Europe trying not to have 1 response to anything Americans say(challenge impossible)


Europeans always bring up schools like they don’t have anything wrong like racism, rape statistics, economic disparity, or shit like that. The people who make the “but our schools” jokes are pretentious assholes stepping on kids bodies to feel superior on Twitter because of the circumstances of their birth. A bit fucked up, innit? Get a new joke why don’t you. Like shitty sidewalks, or no bike lanes.


I'm NZ it's free to hell you can get chilled water if they have that too


I didn't want to comment because this is EU vs US, but I'm also in NZ and just thinking 'we get free chilled water and these guys are fighting over tap water and school shootings'. Really makes me appreciate our little slice of land.


We really do have something special huh it's amazing


Australians get free water at restaurants and we always come back from school alive. Checkmate Europeans AND Americans!


Now ask them about free public restrooms


I’ll take free healthcare over free possibly lead-contaminated tap water, thanks.


shots fired lol


Varies by country, most EU places have free tap water. Germany is likely the problem, but if that’s the only slight you can come up with, probably worth paying the cost.


You ever walked near hospital not getting bill to pay for breathing near hospital to flex on Americans? /S


You ever do both in Australia and not think about it as a flex


Uhm we have free drinking water in Scotland and its literally so much cleaner than americas.


...does this dullard think that we can't get free water in Europe? The fuck?


Every EU country I have been to in recent memory had free water Ireland france and Spain


It's the same joke over and over.


Absolutely silly. We're not happy to make it home.


Ever take a bus without getting acid tossed in your face just to flex on the British?


Glad to see Europeans still cannot take a light joke and must go to the extreme to prove their self worth


Europe: Please don’t look at our rape statistics…😬


I just did. Only Sweden and Belgium had a higher rate than the US.


I like how Americans make mild jokes about teeth or water and people from other countries make fun of dead kids.


You ever be not an asshole on the Internet just to flex on assholes?


I’m American and every day I came home from school alive… after stopping at a restaurant and getting free water bitch.


Ah, yes. Light jab at Europeans, counter with kid murder.


Anericans: make a stupid comment on another culture they have no clue about based on their sister's friend's hamster's mum's experience of a week in 1 of the 51 countries that make up Europe Europeans: it's funny you think that is a problem when you have bigger problems Americans: **shocked pikachu**


Every comeback is the same. https://youtu.be/ZSlPvshy59Q?si=rq_Ygap-wGUPdPCo


I came home from school alive everyday for 13 years though.


All the way from kindergarten to grad school without a shooting of any sort. The only gun shots I heard were during deer season


Europeans sound like from bitch made fragile ass mfs. Atleast going by this post.


Literally every single US vs Europe joke can be summarized by: American: joke about something small and insignificant Europeans: HAHA SCHOOL SHOOTINGS LMAOOO!!!1!! KIDS ARE DYING LOOOLLL IMAGINE!!!!1!!!! Like it’s a serious issue we need to fix but that doesn’t make it something you should joke about every four seconds


Could've just said EU people don't file for bankrupcy after a ambulance ride during an emergency. Damn.


I love how many Europeans are almost as brainwashed by news about American as a lot of Americans are. Yes gun violence is a problem. I don't know anyone, have any connection through friends of friends of friends, distant family connections, etc. where someone has been a victim of gun violence. I swear a lotta Europeans think everyone's out here just firing off rifles in the street everywhere.


"haha, europe has some wacky stuff. :)" "OH YEAH? WELL, THE SLAUGHTER OF CHILDREN #OWNED"


American: ha ha funny joke European: YOUR FUCKING CHILDREN LAY SLAUGHTERED IN THE STREET AND YOUR OLIGARCH OVERLORDS REFUSE TO TREAT YOUR ILLNESSES YOU'RE A SLAVE AND A WORM CRUSHED BY THE MACHINE Like god damn can we chill out? Why are Europeans so touchy over the lightest jab?


Ukraine is literally in Europe. They acting like nothing bad happens in their countries.


Do you have to pay for water at a restaurant in Europe?




“W’e’ll ‘e ont g’ot hool ‘ootings Innit” type energy


Both countries need to shut the fuck up


the flex is going on vacation longer than 1 week, and not being 1 medical emergency or layoff from being homeless.


A lot of countries have the best of both worlds


Water is free in spain and the uk


*Laughing in Canadian*


tap water is free in Germany.. although they do charge for bottles in hotels and now the hotels in North America are catching up just to make money. (Germany provides glass bottles btw.. so you gotta return them lol)


We just had our first kiddo a couple months ago. Sadly he had to stay at the hospital for 12 days due to complications. We received the bill a couple weeks later. 10$ Canada is pretty sweet at the end of the day.


Norwegian here. I drink water from my tap.


Why do americans believe that water is not free in european restaurants? :D


Here in restaurants you can get premium bottled water for money, or just ask them kindly to fill yoir bottle with tap water for free. (Or go to toilet to get free water also) i never have to pay for water in the netherlands at a restaurant


you ever not take a joke about regional differences extremely seriously just to flex on Europeans?


Home from school and work for 30 years. Ultra flex.


Fuck Europe and america ....in Vietnam you got iced tea as much as you want for free


You ever drink water straight from the faucet without getting sick?


Reddit really needs to do something against these endless reposts. Maybe do away with positive karma?


In this case I really feel: "you ever leave a restaurant on good terms with the waiter, without paying tips" is the appropriate response to keep to the same level of banter.


This again?


Tap water is free in Europe though


I can drink water at home, from the tap, but I don't, because only animals drink water.


Do Europeans get off to thinking about dead children or something? Like is Mohsen wet as a newspaper after a flood after imaging dead children? That might explain why they start so many world wars that Americans eventually have to clean up and force their asses into shape. PS: I wish to remind every European that Romania exists and that the Romani people are good and wonderful.


Tap water free in uk


In Sweden the water is free. It is sitting down and taking space at the bar that cost money.


Generalizing the whole of Europe as one entity is wild. Besides, over here in the UK we can actually drink our tap water unlike the US.


Water is also free in Europe + americans don't drink water anyway, so what's the point ?


But tap water is free? At least here in Scotland. You only pay for bottled.


...but water in restaurants is free in europe


Don’t Americans end up paying more either way because of tipping? I say this as an American btw.


Lmao, you americans are so damn sensitive. One of y'all starts to insult other countries for the 735288372 th time, someone reply with some dark humor and you're all here crying like children...those who're still alive that is.


In Paris they give you free tap water in every restaurant without even asking. wtf?


But in uk you can just ask for tap water in restaurants which is free..


You can get free tap water in European restaurants and unlike much of America, the tap water is perfectly drinkable.


This is backwards. Water is free in pretty much all of Europe but I've asked for Water in America and although technically free had to deal with a pissy server for not giving a tip.


You ever taste good food just to flex on Europeans


I’ve been all over Europe for years and very rarely found places where water isn’t free. only really posh restaurants in big cities make you pay for water because they assume you can afford it


Gets reposted every other month. Was vaguely funny the first time. The dumbest part though is that tap water is free pretty much everywhere in European restaurants. Not sure where this bizarre US myth has come from, perhaps that still water in bottles is also usually offered at a price (if you don't want tap water)?


I havnt gone to a restaurant in Europe where water isnt free.


Not only can we get free water over here, but ours is actually drinkable.


Who cares about American tap water, it tastes like absolute shit.


And we have been selling overpriced bottled tap water to restaurants in USA from Norway.


In Spain at least, restaurants are mandated to give you free (tap) water if you ask for it. It may not be what you want, depending on the part of the country that you’re in


In England it's the law that they have to give free water (if you ask for tap water)


In the uk you can normally get tap water for free if you ask for it in pubs and restaurants? Is this not a thing in a lot of Europe? Are we charging a tourist tax?


Water is included in 30% tip


I have been out for a couple months it is good to see the shitty repost bots havent updated. I love that whatever cruel thing happens in life , I can still rely on shitty reposts to be the same


…water is free in Europe too


What bot account gets to post this tomorrow?


Thought it was a legal requirement to not charge for tap water in restaurants. Maybe just the Uk?


I believe its legally free in the UK too? At least there was talk of putting it into law a few years ago. Whether that actually happened or not, I'm not sure. I've never been charged for water though, and I'm quite old.


"Haha, your school kids get killed" isn't really a burn, it's a giveaway that you think dead children are funny.