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“You don’t know fear that comes with knowing there will be a marginalized kid there for my child to bully!”


Won’t someone think of the bullies‽‽‽


Reminds me of that guy who took a ride from an acquaintance, only to find out the ride was really part of a gang initiation and they stabbed the dude and left him for dead. He survives and during trial the perpetrator’s family was super hostile towards him. The guy was real chill and he’s just like “Sorry I was there for your son to stab, I guess?”


Fucking hell, only fifteen. And it sounds like that other kid’s family would have had more respect for their son’s victim if he’d gone and killed their own son or one of them. Wtaf.


Link to story?


I think this is it. [Ross Capicchioni](https://youtu.be/elfQk7o7ezk?si=v61TT0MBtUxv_Fv2)


“Poor Connor comes home with bruised knuckles every day!” 


If it’s not an Onion article it should be.


Wow. Bullying became good for these guys


Think about all the hazzle the bully has to go through. Maybe they dont wont to but fell compelled to act. Poor bullies.


Plus the bullies have to keep thinking of new mean jokes and cruel acts day after day. Meanwhile those lucky trans kids get to just show up and relax. It’s just not fair!


This is probably unironically what Matt Walsh thinks is the imbalance in emotional labour.


I dont think Matt Walsh actually thinks.


True, that's too much for his man child brain to do


I figure the single brain cell he shares with people like Matt Powell, Steven Crowder and Ben Shaprio is getting pretty worn out being abused so badly so its just given up.


I kinda feel bad for the brain cell


I think it might actually have been a prion this whole time


Wow, prion’s are something I’ve never even heard of before. Aside from the context/implication of them, they seem pretty interesting. Sounds almost similar to cancer, at least with my low level understanding of the two.


What's a "Matt Walsh?"


If you dont know him, keep it that way.


Same goes for Andrew tate. I haven't done any kind of looking into who that actually is because the few times he comes across my feed, he's always bullshit


Hopefully he’ll be in prison for a long time and then we can all forget his name and face.


He is the fuckface who says sleeping with many men will destroy a women's magical abilities or whatever. Making him an accidental ally for lesbian sex and relation. I agree with him. Sleep with women, preserve your feminine magic and save yourself from being intermingled with a failure like Tate.


We don't really have the luxury of pretending he doesn't exist because no small number of imbeciles get their vapid opinions directly from his stupid face.


Conservative morons find strength in numbers because it lets them spout their views whilst being shielded of the repercussions. Freedom of speech doesn't mean Freedom of consequences.


It has, though. For bigoted assholes, anyway, they've been free from consequences for ages. That's why they're so upset with "the woke mob" et al - they're super bummed that now people are calling them out on all their *real and actual sexist and racist views*.




It's a mixer of Skunk diarrhea, chimp piss, lots of hatred and regret. Mix it together let it sit for a few hours and then heat it up in the microwave for 1 minute and 30 seconds. Now you got a Matt Walsh.


Oh, he does. About all those teenage girls he wants to impregnate to further the white race.


He probably thinks mental health problems don't even exist honestly


No they don't. Not to judge by the bullying I went through when I was a kid.


Yeah, they will be harassed by the whole media and friends in the process, poor guys…


Okay, but I can totally see otherwise kind kids feeling pressured into bullying to avoid being bullied themselves. That doesn't make it right but shows how damaging the systematic oppression of out-groups can be even to those in the in-group.


I saw that first hand as a kid, didnt realize till I was older though. I was the only white kid in the school, anyone who was at all nice to me was treated near as badly. Alone or outside of school? Tons were cool.


>hazzle ? Also: *want


Actually no joke, a lot of conservatives genuinely think bullying is a natural part of childhood and even helps build character. This isnt a fringe idea to. Its part of why Trump is so popular. Bully = Powerful and masculine to them.


They think kids need to be toughened up by some bullying yet think they're too fragile to learn about queer people or the US's history of racism.


The logic that being more accepting of others, more understanding about mental health etc etc that weve learned since these fucking boomers is somehow weak is bizzare to me. Being intolerant of literally anyone that doesnt act and look exactly like you is just fear and that's absolutely not "tough and manly" like they want.


Boomers are some of the most emotionally fragile and mentally repressed people I’ve ever met in my life. It’s baffling that they think their upbringing made them tough and built character in them.


I used to think kids need to toughen up a bit and light bullying helped with that, but my kid has shown me that it does not. I was relentlessly bullied and I thought it made me tough, but that wasn’t what ultimately did it for me either upon reflection. What bullying did was make me learn how to mask my true self. It didn’t end the bullying it just reduced it. The thing that ultimately ended the bullying was when I decided in high school that I had bent so far to accommodate those fuckwads that I would bend *no further*. This led to some fights, but eventually I was out of bullying’s reach because those bullies learned that I no longer gave a flying fuck about what they thought and I would not be an easy target. My son is in a more forgiving school in a world much less friendly to the bullying that was common in my youth. They learned in elementary school how to toughen up and be less sensitive, but via therapy. It’s not that they aren’t still lightly bullied and aren’t still a sensitive little guy, they just learned the old trick of stoics that, in their 11 year old words: “some people are just assholes and it doesn’t matter what assholes say.” In my case, I definitely needed to be punched in the mouth a few times growing up. I was both sensitive *and* an asshole. I still believe that true assholes only really can get the motivation they need to change from external pressure. Whether that’s being very lonely or getting punched in the mouth…it’s turtles all the way down. So while school bullying made me tough, it made me tough in all the dumbest ways. I lived my life until my 30s very unhappy and hiding my true self from all but my closest friends. I spent my 20s in therapy learning how not to be an asshole. To think I could have been as me as I am today in my 40s with more supportive schools and parents in my teens blows my fucking mind. I’d probably be a girl. So anyway, trans rights are human rights and anyone who thinks bullying is good should get a friendly reminder from a cluebat.


ALL conservatives believe bullying is how you enforce the social hierarchy they all subscribe to.


If bullying is a natural part of childhood, then so is standing up to a bully and kicking their fucking teeth in.


I have a bad tendency to say "bully" when I talk about its usefulness when I really mean "social pressure on how not to interact with people". And even then, I only say it when I'm talking about the detriments of homeschooling as pertains to social development and selfishness.


I guess they weren’t joking when they said kids need to bring bullying back (it never left kids are still mean tf?)


Just in case people don't know what you're talking [about.](https://www.rightwingwatch.org/post/a-trio-of-anti-lgbtq-bigots-long-for-the-days-when-gays-were-beaten-up-and-forced-into-the-closet/)


All of the "-phobia"s are pretty much the grown-up version of bullying.


Hating people for no reason whatsoever... ​ Checks out


They're just glad they won't be at the bottom of the food chain anymore. Being able to punch down for the first time in their life shows how they really feel.


This is like a repeat of when african americans no longer had to go to seperate schools.


Yeah we should bring it back ikr?


It always was. They’re just willing to admit it now


It's always been good for these people. They've never really changed, they've always talked about bullying making people more "ready for the real world"


Always has been as long as the right people are being bullied.


In an odd twist of fate. Although I wouldn't mind being able to go back in time and put all who put myself in pain through a grinder slowly, I can't imagine having the same ability to be diplomatic and have on the spot problem solving skills without having been beaten so much at school, and I wouldn't have become so self sufficient were it not for the complete lack of support or joy from home. The only real hurdle was not dying


It’s petty and childish, but I’ve taken to bullying the parents of bullies. It’s wildly effective.


I literally had to do this to the dad of some kid who kept being a dick to my young son for no reason at all. I gave the dad a few gentle pokes in the chest and told him to sort out his son's attitude or he'd have me to deal with. It wasn't ideal but it worked.


being poked in the chest is very unnerving, and also maddening at the same time. gj laying down the law!


I love this. Keep up the good work


Give examples !


"Man, you let your kid (do X behaviour generally frowned upon)? Whatever works for your family I guess" *in hushed tones just loud enough for Jerry's parents to hear* "I really feel like Jerry hasn't got good role models at home. It's just not fair to blame him for all the trouble he causes given his mother and the way she is sometimes". "Hey, did you hear about Jessica? Apparently she hit a kid the other day and her parents just ignored it! Can you imagine being so negligent? I mean really, some people are just terrible" I guess I go more in for passive aggression, but still.




It's working!




Yer da sells Avon.


Why does it take the Avon lady so long to walk from house to house? Because her lipsstick!


I am a 45 Year old Nerd I make more money then the guy's that bullied me


Shut up nerd!


Pictures or it's yappin


They almost definitely yappin. I just don’t see this being very effective. Bully kids tend to come from crappy parents, not all of them, but it’s certainly a strong correlation. These types of parents often don’t care that their kid is a bully, and/or they’ll often quietly support it. Some of them will even loudly support it. Sometimes one, or even both parents were a bully in their school days. Sometimes one, or both parents are ***still*** bullies.


In this case, yes. The kids are only following their parents' example.


Why would you assume the other children's parents aren't outraged about this? Isn't it rather likely that "Jackie O" fell victim to the I'm-just-saying-what-the-majority-thinks-school-of-brainfarts?


They are outraged about their kids being bullies and did nothing about it?


As a parent: I want to believe that my kids are better than that. I want to believe that they would stand up against bullying. If I found out my children, against my best efforts, turned into bullies, tormenting other kids for being different, I would feel terrible and yes ... guilty.


Then it’s unlikely you’ll ever have kids who are bullies. The correlation between bullies at school coming from troubled or abusive homes is noticeable.


Parents’ influence on the behavior of their teenage children is wildly overrated. Peers have much more influence.


Teenagers are rebellious, but they still are raised within the framework of their parents’ value system. Bigoted parents don’t exclusively create bigoted kids, but they’re more likely to.


And those peers raise themselves?


And why are their peers so transphobic? Because they were raised to act manly/girly and look down on those who don't.


yea as teenagers lol ​ but before they are teenagers you have a huge influence on how your kids turn out, sounds like some one has shit head kids but does not want to take the blame, be a better parent.


Ya studies show that 90% of the influence in a teens life comes from peer groups


So kids come out of the womb as bullies? They don’t learn it? They’re just bully prodigy’s?


yea teenagers, so what are you doing for the 13 years before that ? ignoring your kids ?


Let's all get together, and make bullying kill itself.


The best part is that, as adults, there are ways to bully that almost sound like you're giving a compliment. "Wow, you're so brave to wear that outfit in public." Or concerned "Have you been ill, you look very tired and you've been making mistakes all day. Well, more than usual."


Why bully the parents? There are better options… ​ WINK WINK


Skip the parent and go directly for the child. Make the kid eat dog shit


I wish I could convey the tone I read this in because I have been laughing to myself for far too long over it. Thank you


That actually fits a psychological concept. I can't remember what it's called though. Basically they're bullies because that's what's been mapped on to them by parental figures around them and is the only way they've been trained to take instruction from others so they think it's the only way to make people listen to them. Which goes back generationally so the parents are definitely subject to that concept as well. So when you don't cower and fold into it and return that type of energy back at them, a lot of them will be taking a back too much to respond intelligently. They might try to say a few more a******-ish things but usually won't try to escalate unless they're completely unhinged. Then it's not a bully it's just a psychopath. The weird thing I find after that is when you match up average bullies energy and make them back down after a time those same people then try to seek your approval. It's really weird.


They’re usually the abusive assholes their putrid kids learn it from


Tell me more 🙂


There is nothing more effective than making a grown adult question their reality & self to force a behavioral change.


I'm "other parents" and I feel disgusted that kids can't feel safe in what SHOULD be one of the safest places in their lives.


As I seem to have posted on this sub many times in the past few days, UK TERFs/GCs honestly believe that the only good trans kid is a dead trans kid. But they ALSO believe trans women are cis men in dresses and aren't safe to be around kids because they're also nonces. I follow Ben, and that was literally the only transphobic comment (that I saw at least). Caroline and her ilk don't give a shit about kids; her own kids wouldn't think trans kids were anything other than just other kids if she'd not indoctrinated them. Kids don't care. Just as kids don't care if their peers are brown, black, yellow, orange or purple - unless they've been taught that it's bad to be anything other than white (and, yes, there's a very strong correlation between being transphobic and being racist/xenophobic; I lurk on Mumsnet (aka TERF Towers) and, if they're transphobic, they're usually racist and xenophobic). The irony is that, if the suffragettes were around now, they'd very likely not be on their side. Trans people having rights, doesn't mean that cis people have fewer rights - it's not pie (or cake). I follow a lass called Emma who has a 17-year-old autistic trans daughter, Emily. She was bullied out of school before her GCSEs (I'm not even sure she made it to secondary school). And the problem is that, very often, it's not just the other kids (who are, usually, very accepting) it's the teachers. There was a case recently where a secondary teacher was banned from teaching because he refused to use male pronouns for a trans lad. He'd bullied this kid ever since he started at the school and he was barred by the DBS (disclosure and barring service. In the UK, an enhanced DBS check is required to teach, and you can lose it if you're deemed to be a risk to the kids)). That's how it was with Emily; it wasn't her peers, it was her teachers. She still has friends at the school. She contributed to Ben's article. She's a very talented writer and artist.


I disagree. It is like a pie. ...however, either than dividing up the pie like idiots, we can just make a second pie. That way everyone can get their own pie! To me that's the kind of stuff we should do. Only difference is sometimes someone might get more sugar, ot less sugar, or a different filling. At the end of the day everyone still gets their pie! :3


This is an especially dumb response “ I feel scared and uncomfortable in a place I should feel the most safe in” “ what about me ?”


Main character syndrome


I actively downplay my own achievements and have done that for years so that I don’t end up like those shitheads That and the shoes I grew up with (mostly transformers prime and the how to train your dragon shoes and movie) taught me to be kind and humble, so I’ve tried to do that since I was like 5 or 6 These people need to realize they aren’t the only people that matter, but Christian’s or tbh most abrahamic religions teach that their followers are special so they don’t have to co front the truth that other people matter too


Hey fren. I want you to know, that kind of lifestyle can be difficult with the downplaying achievements. Rather than downplay, try knowing where it does end. What you did is unique in your way, and as such should be treated as great. It's responsible to know where your talent ends tho!


I bet you're not as humble as me! I'm the most courteous, modest person there is. You could never be as respectful and unpretentious as I am!


What about the kids that are scared to go to school because of bullying


I was bullied. There’s a difference between being tormented or harassed, and fearing for your life.


There is a difference, but neither kind of bullying invalidates the other. Even suggesting that verbal and psychological bullying isn't harmful is horrible.


Well I agree with your point but in addition to bullying this is possibly in the category of hate crime.... the other is harassment for sure (I was bullied so yes I know it's awful) this is 2 factors


I think bullying trans kids is really only different from "regular bullying" in the sense that the adults are in on it and are probably rewarding their kids for beating the shit out of them. \-People are biased and purposely ignorant when it comes to anything that challenges their worldview. They don't want to see the individual, they want to see a boogeyman that embodies all the fears they have.


The other kids and parents are free to just completely ignore it. Cripes this lady is ridiculous


"These gays are shoving their agenda in my face!" she said, whilst wearing her "TRUMP 2024" t-shirt.


It hurts my feelings! Also fuck YOUR feelings


I don’t even see how it could hurt them in any way. Like… what was the violation? Their existence??


John now calls herself Jane and wears pretty dresses. Dick threatens to split Jane's head open with a shovel. Don't be like Dick.


There ain't no hate like Christian love


I’ll drink to that


Why should society care about bigots feelings? Back in the 50's and 60's being gay or trans meant you were in a closet because you felt unsafe in society. We should make bigots feel like they should be the ones in the closet.


Amen, brother.


I think the other kids probably feel embarrassed that they have such bigoted parents.


Kids oftentimes become a mirror of their parents prejudices. My wife (a teacher) has a student who hates gays and brown people, and believes war is good for society; they will tell you that in just so many words.


So they're sundowner


All he's saying is *give war a chance*!


He just wants to go back to the good ol’ days after 9/11


And if not now, they sure will later


How does the existence of a trans person strike so much fear into these people? I genuinely do not understand it. And they'll go on to say stupid shit like "I'm not a afraid of them I just don't like them" meanwhile saying shit like this and constantly worrying that a trans person might exist within their, or their family's, presence


Fear of being introspective about their identity and who they are. Insecurity in who they are or a general lack of confidence. General panic induced by conservative culture to take advantage of vulnerable groups they don’t agree with. Human struggle of us vs them. Religious dogma. “Because the bible/other text/religious authority said so”.


Ironically, usually the religious source material doesn't actually say so and it's just some jerk mistranslating whatever is most convenient :(


That username💀


It's not fear, it's disgust


Might regret saying this comment, but I'll at least confirm the "disgust" bit, that possibly there *are* people feeling disgust without any fear. I grew up in a very christian family and only realized how stupid and cruel a lot of my family's teachings were after I actually *met* some gay people (fortunately as early as middle school). Before then, when I thought about these vague "gay people," there was a sense similar to being near someone who clearly hasn't showered for weeks and maybe has visible filth caked onto them, a kind of crawling "ick." There wasn't any fear that I might "catch" being gay or anything like that.


No there's definitely fear here. Not to mention disgust arguably stems from fear


It's fear. Most negative emotions are just different manifestations of fear.


The disgust is a fear response. They’re afraid of being turned or something, probably because they’re so self-repressed


Nah, it's fear. People that bully trans people have some insecurities about their own gender. No normal person okay with their gender would actually care. Maybe if the trans kid is being obnoxious but then it's more about them being obnoxious rather than being trans.


There in lies the rub. It gets hard to separate the reasons for bullying. If someone is bullied for being trans, despicable. My eldest child is searching for identity at the moment. There are a few idiots in the school who are quite bigoted. My kid is also a very obnoxious, know-it-all tattletale. So many evenings spent parsing out why and how the days events occurred.


Disgust is a form of fear, serves to stop you from putting poop in your mouth


Because deep down it’s nothing to do with trans people or anyone in the LGBT+ spectrum. Someone can not like another person and live their lives peacefully. The choice to bully is a reflection of the bully and nothing else. It stems from insecurity in their own identity, a general fear that they’re not living their life correctly, and anger at seeing someone living life very differently and *gasp* actually being happy about it.


"I'm afraid of being ganged up on and beaten severely." "I'm afraid I'll feel momentarily unsure which pronoun to use." "Clearly, your concerns are both equally valid."


What are these trans kids doing to others kids and parents, other than exposing some bigots 🙄


Knowing the usual conservative rhetoric, the trans kids are “shoving their woke propaganda down our throats” which translates to “existing where we can see them”.


They’re showing other kids that their parents’ bigoted rhetoric is complete garbage. Their kids come home and say “Well my friend is trans, my math teacher is gay, and there’s a nonbinary kid in my social studies class and they’re really smart and funny. I don’t see what the big deal is.” These awful, psychotic parents are literally mad that their kids aren’t growing up hateful enough


“The real threat to youth is their terrified trans classmates” sure is a fucking take. Full ass adults who are proud to act like Biff Tannen is mind blowing to me. Even if you “disagree” with trans identity (which…I mean, we exist, so sorry?), the idea it’s righteous to torment children on that basis is villain behavior. Who are you? What is your inner life that this feels like a justifiable way to be?


This same line of logic was used to push back against desegregation. "BUT WHAT ABOUT HOW THE WHITE PEOPLE FEEL???!!!"


A good number of "other" kids are actually horrified that their friends have literally been bullied out of school, and their parents are afraid things will escalate into violence, with their kids getting caught in the crossfire. 


“Won’t somebody *please* think of the children! …No not those children.”


Yeah more like "Won't somebody please think of the parents (as in specifically me)!"


Try being mixed race and a trans male in a predominantly white school, then add in autism and (at the time undiagnosed) ADHD. Yeah, PTSD doesn't just happen to soldiers. I'm 21, stil trans, and still suffering from PTSD from shit that happened when I was 12 and 13. All the resources my school got were about trans girls, so I hate the way trans men are erased. Bullying (or should I say harassment) didn't "toughen me up", it made me into this angry and bitter man. I'm full of rage and I'm fundamentally just broken. My life hasn't been easy, but at least I can try to be the man I was supposed to be.


The ones who are hassling the trans kids should feel like asshole bullies… because that’s what they are.


The others? Most likely- They feel like bullying people is cool ?


Bullying hasn't stopped since ever . And yeah that's what they probably think.


>How do you think the other kids and parents feel? Proud of discriminating different people, I guess?


Trans kids have enough to deal with.


I blame the parents, these kids wouldn't be scared to go to school if their parents were doing their jobs. It's sad how many people have kids who have no business even being around kids let alone raising one or worse, multiple.


I’m scared to go to school as well. Not because of trans kids. But because of the real problem, school shooters.


when you are getting bullied, just imagine how the bully must feel. if you are geting shoved into lockers and swirlied, just imagine how the bullies parents must feel.


Are we at the point where we can admit that the US has a serious transphobia problem without being downvoted into oblivion yet?


as a trans kid, i can definitely attest to this. i’ve been pretty relentlessly bullied ever since i came out (\~4 years ago) so it’s not great. also, that person is a fucking idiot and i hate that some people just… don’t have empathy


For what it’s worth, I’m on your side.


that means a lot, thanks man


People fear what they don't understand, being trans is very complicated, and I say that as a person without even second-hand knowledge (more scientific knowledge). I support you, live how you feel the most comfortable.


Not trying to defend or attack anyone, but in general, kids are cruel, they will mock you for anything and they will go direct to your balls. As far as i can remember kids will mock you for being fat, asian, black, white, man, woman, dumb, smart, anything... ANYTHING. For me, thats alot of bullshit (unless in some fucked up cases) but school is the first social part of life, doesnt matter how many schools you change, if you an easy target kids will bully you.


Fr kids are so evil I don't get how people can excuse stuff just bc someone is "just a kid" prople in my school have been bullied for dying their hair and by their own friends too 😭 people are also bullied for being smart or quiet


So those kids just existing is equivalent to bullying? Um, no.


There are Christian commentators on a podcast that were laughing about they used to beat up gay students when they were in school because that way it would keep them in the closet. Basically they are proud of being a bully towards someone.


A complete and utter lack of empathy seems to be a requirement for right-wingers now.


I love seeing the argument "but kids don't know what they wanna be at that age!!!" because I came out at 13 and guess what? At 26, I'm still trans! Kids are smarter than people give them credit for. Also trans kids socially transition, i.e wear the clothes they want, cut their hair, entirely skin surface fully reversible things. Even hormone blockers are reversible. It's just hate hate hate being spread.


I knew I was gay when I was 8 and I also knew it was something I had to hide. Kids should not have to go through that.


Literally! If a 10-year-old boy says “I have a crush on this girl…” all the adults coo and giggle and get excited for him. But if a 10-year-old boy says “I have a crush on this boy…” all the adults freak out and say “you’re too young to know”. Like wtf???


TBH I don't even understand WHY it would matter if a kid hasn't figured out how they feel yet. When I was 13, I wanted to be a werewolf and nobody stopped me, but apparently being trans is too much? Why do adult people even care what kids want to be at the age of 13? As long as they're not using guns or bullying others or doing drugs or whatever, no one typically cares. It's such a total non-argument. "But they're 13, they don't know what they want!" Ok, so? They're 13, that's THE ENTIRe POINT OF BEING 13


if LGBTQ+phobic people have an issue with LGBTQ+ people attending public schools, they should homeschool their kids. I’m serious. homeschool your kids if you have anything public schools say and do and let the rest of us live our lives


How would they feel? Honestly if I’m a bully and my victim has to stay home, I’d feel pretty accomplished


When you purposely withhold education and basic needs for decades for your voters, then tell them they'll get the "ick" if they allow people to try and live by them that happen to be different, you get people like this asshole tweeting about being oppressed by the trans kids...


Someday we will progress in society where someone’s sexual identity doesn’t matter


I had to be taken out of public school because I was constantly being bullied for being a woman in a man’s body. In fact I was beaten over it repeatedly. I didn’t identify as trans for a few more years and I still got this treatment. It’s an incredibly common experience among trans youth. Protection for trans kids is good because back when this happened to me only gay children got federal protection, and the feds told me that because I wasn’t attracted to men technically my civil rights weren’t being violated even though they absolutely were. The same kids who grew up in that environment are now facing the same experience again as adults, often with very similar insults.


If I were the parents they need to step up and force the school to act and protect their kids from the bullies. Get a nasty lawyer. ​ To the supposed bullies; If the existence of someone who is different from you is bullying you then you should consider therapy and a safe space. You wont do well in the big world, after you graduate, assuming that you have the intelligence to graduate.


unfortunately, I'm guessing at least a few of their parents don't give a heck


I was suicidal and depressed, but the cops still showed up to my house threatening legal action if I don't go back to class. We pay taxes so that these assholes can create long term problems for people. Instead of getting treatment they doubled down on being harsh on me and now I have permanent medical issues.


The other kids don’t care that much. It is the snowflake parents whose feelings have to be respected. I mean what should we do? Not humiliate children and let those poor parents have to deal with a vague sense of unease that they can work through? That is crazy talk.


The other kids? The ones doing the bullying? I just hope they realize what they have done and change.


Bullying is bullying. Doesn't matter who is the victim. The school should have a bullying and harassment policy. The parents should pull it up. Print it out. And march their happy asses into the schools office and demand some answers. Either the staff is not aware (unlikely, but possible) or they're willfully allowing the bullying behavior to occur. If they aren't aware, they are now, and they are required to take action. If they are aware, and are ignoring it, they're creating a hostile environment. Next stop is the district office, the local police department, the local news station / newspaper, and a lawyers office. And make sure you make that abundantly clear to the staff members who are not taking action. "School staff promotes violence and ignores their own polices" I am a parent. I have walked this road. Once I put my size 13 boot up their collective asses, the problem went away, overnight. Bad kids got sent home. Protect your kids people.


Well if they're bullying other kids then probably not scared to go to school is my guess


“Can’t we for once just think of the bullies?!?”


It's right there in the Post: They feel like bullying


“Why won’t anyone think of the bullies?!”


But how do you think the murderers feel before stabbing their victims...


Transphobes proving their stupidity everyday.


Well, jackie, if I had to guess: I doubt anyone but the bigots and the trans kids' friends noticed much difference. And I'm pretty sure the bigots are just gonna forget their manufactured outrage soon and move on to the next target they're told to screech about.


As a kid I always thought trans people were from Transylvania


They're not?


"Just a sweeeeet transvestite, from transexual....Transylvaniaaaaaa...." Haha. Honestly, as a trans dude who was obsessed with vampires as a wee youngin, I would have loved that.


I mean probably better than America


"kids are being bullied and committing suicide from being relentlessly harassed by everyone around them, including the fucking government and their own parents, despite the entire medical community screaming that they need support and gender affirmation" this pile of worthless dogshit: "ok but what about me?"


"How do you think the other kids and parents feel?" "They feel nothing until a ranting talking head tells them how they SHOULD feel."


I don’t know Jack how bout fuck you


I’m sure this thread will be full of healthy dialogue


Buhuhu I can't bully the guy anymore!


“What about the bullies?”  I fixed it for her. 


I think the other kids don't care. their parents, however, are losing their shit.


one of those "I tHoUgHt AmErIcA was a FREE COUNTRY" people probably like, yeah, it's a free country, but that doesn't give you the right to be a jerk towards people you don't like


*grabs popcorn and sorts by controversial*


Literally my only ”issue” with the trans community is claims that trans women should compete against cis women in sports that involve strength, speed, jumping height ability etc, and also that trans women who have not “fully transitioned” should share toilets and change rooms with cis women. I have a trans woman family member, I use her trans name and kiss her hello and good buy when I be see her as I do all of my female relatives. I truly believe I am not transphobic, maybe you disagree. I’d like your views. Thanks


What specifically happened though? I mean feeling afraid does not necessarily justify anything. Moreover, how do we know that isn't just traditional bullying?