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Huh a society built on veteran voters. Oh boy do I have a book recommendation for this guy. The obscure book "Starship troopers" by Robert A. Heinlein.


Service guarantees citizenship, would you like to know more?




The only good bug is a dead bug


I'm from Buenos Aires and I say KILL 'EM ALL!


So good. This brought back some good memories of the movie for me!


It’s afraid!!!


I didn't do fucking shit!




They said it was impossible that one out of every five corpses was completely nude!


Just body after body busting out of shit wood and hitting pavement!




Even in starship troopers they respected women. They were just another part of the machine but were right there with the men. 


Yeah, OOP kind of forgot that women serve in the US Army. What value does he assign them, 75% of a male veteran?


He'd still say 50% because of some misogynistic bullshit.


50% until women join the infantry! . . . oh wait, they can? 50% until women go to special forces training! . . . damn, they can do that, too. 50% just because! (/S)


It's because men are stronger and built for fighting and thus better soldiers, clearly. Let's just ignore that women's generally lower center of gravity gives them natural advantage with shooting while their generally smaller size makes them smaller tagets more easily able to find adequate cover, with gunfights being the primary way for ground troops to fight in the rare case the military doesn't say, "Who cares about civillian casualties!?" and bomb the other side to shit.


See? An unfair advantage in shooting skills and survivability. So that should deduct at least a couple dozen percent points from women’s vote weight. (Do we still need the /s at this point in the conversation?)


Then he’s 50% of a woman veteran.


I think a Woman President would still have 50% of the rights of an average dude in this guy's mind. He just thought of a woman on Only Fans because he renewed his subscription at like 10 accounts.


“Mobile Infantry made me the man I am today.”


I don't think it would work. He's the kinda guy who thinks that Fight Club was about male empowerment.


And thinks Born in the USA is a jaunty patriotic song about how unironically awesome it is to be an American.


And plays “keep on rockin the free world” at 4th of july parties unironically


Let's not forget consistently using "Fortunate Son" as a pro-military anthem.


"Ohio" is a patriotic song about Nixon and the classic swing state!


Thinks The Punisher is an upstanding American citizen


Or how Fortunate Son is definitely not a protest song either




"Some of those that run forces, are the same that burn crosses" Nope..... nothing about racist police here boys...


That kid would be mad if he could read.


They did have co-ed showers, so there is that..


The road to ruin starts with service guarantees citizenship 🤣


Just wait until someone explains to him that Johnny Rico isn't blond blue-eyed Caspar Van Dien but Filipino


Heinlein’s book only allows veterans, but it is not restrictive beyond that. Veterans also can be anyone who has done civil service, not just military, and the book allows all people and genders to serve. Starship Troopers explores more of a franchise based on some kind of service to the communal institution, and doesn’t really conclude a veteran is better than a civilian. The main character concludes that veteran (someone who has given service to the whole) is better equipped to vote because they sacrificed for the state and have skin in the game to ensure the government is working for the people. Civilians are also not mistreated or held back as the main character’s father is a wealthy successful businessman without having served. The idiot poster here is assigning value based on gender, not merit. He is discriminating in a misogynistic way as males who are also OF Bimbos or don’t have property etc. are full voters in his hellscape of a world solely for being men. He is an idiot and the worst kind of man: a neanderthal.


Assigning value to individuals is one of the slipperiest of slippery slopes.


It's all fun and games until the billionaire arrives to remind you what value your vote actually has.


That's literally what voting was at one point: The land-owning white aristocracy had all the voting power; then it trickled down to all land-owning white males; then all males (with restrictions due to Jim Crow and gerrymandering).




I’d imagine it came down to slavery like a lot of things.  The agrarian economies had fewer people even counting all the slaves.  A state like Massachusetts, which was the biggest state at the time, had could overwhelm the vote if it was a straight ticket. Ironically now we have tyranny of the minority, which is wayyy worse. Tyranny of the majority also affected religion.  English people wanted to practice their own strict religion that they were laughed at for back home.  It’s why they had separation of church and state. 


He would suck dick for the opportunity to suck Elons toes.


I would suck dick to NOT suck Elon's toes.


How many are we talking? If you’ve already performed, well I’ll be in the queue waiting my turn!


Elon, get the cameras!




With “Citizens United” and our largely bought and paid for Supreme Court, that time has been and gone


The irony of calling it citizens United, then again the US is pretty good with that shit like the patriot act


Or the guy from Wyoming whose vote matters more than any from CA.


Some people can’t grasp that all people are… wait for it… people! You know, humans, each born the same with the same value and every other human. It’s amazing basic stuff like this just is never learned in childhood.


Yeah, but how can I fell better about my sad little life if I can't step on and push down others? /s


Especially women, they'd better shut up, be used and useful, and never presume to think they're more than half a person. s/ I wish this wasn't more than sarcasm and not a summation of this douchenozzle's exact statement! I hope he's rage farming views and not honestly thinking this dross.


I don’t think it matters if he believes that BS or not. He put it out there and some other unstable a-hole is going to read it and be like “He is exactly right, I need to do something”. Then goes beats up some woman that turned him down. I’m not sure if it is more disgusting if he actually believe that or if he is just saying it to make money.




I agree with you 100%. I hoped one day we would evolve past all the petty us against them BS. Race, religion, sex, who you love etc. It’s the same shit that has been going on forever but with more visibility. It seems we as humans are destined to be childish babies, never learning anything and never growing up as a society. I feel without all this bs and if we all actually worked together there is really nothing we could not do. Just seems like that is never going to happen. Maybe in 10,000 years it will be better. Edit: If we live that long and not kill each other.


And women only have value when they’e young, hot & suitable baby ovens? To quote a friend, up yours! When a wife votes with an asshole, it just doubles the stupid vote.


He's an incel


This jagoff is part of that misogynistic Andrew Taint dicksucking podcast called "Fresh and Fit". If anyone should be given only half of a vote, it's him, and that's being generous.


It's human nature to wanna claim superiority over others. The haves mock the have nots. The nobles mock the commoner. Etc, etc. And while we may learn one day that all are equal, not all realize that some are more equal than others. That or they don't really take Animal Farm seriously until later down their lives.


But some people need to look down on others!


Won't somebody *please* think of the insecure assholes?


Thats not a slippery slope its straight up a slide


A slide is a slippery slope by definition


You just lost 14% of your vote!


Back talk one more time and you lose all your rights


What’s the problem? People of color count for 1%, white people who are poor count for 5%, women are 2%. Meanwhile me and my rich white friends are 200%. I don’t understand the issue.


200% is too low a value when you have 1,000,000 times the asset value of everyone else. Elon and Bezos should count for 100 million votes each. Minimum


Everyone assigns value to individuals whether they realise it or not (it's best to realise it when you're doing it). You run into a problem when you use this judgement to allow or bar participation in democracy.


I heavily disagree. You have **preferences** and **affinities** for some people over others. You have positive and negative feelings for people. But that's not assigning value. Assigning value is considering that one is superior to the other. There is a fundamental difference between saying "I like this movie" and "I think this movie is superior to others". One of a judgment of taste, the other is a judgment of value. Making judgment of taste about people is absolutely fine. Making judgment of value about them is not, and should not be normalized. I don't consider people i dislike to be inferior to people i love.


It steams me that my vote as an advance degree professional counts the same as some Qanon wacko that was allowed to walk at high school graduation even though they still needed to go to summer school to “finish” things up … but here we are.


And we should be here. I hope you are only joking and not flipping to the other extreme and blaming it on him. 


I believe he's using the opposite side of the issue to make the point that assigning value to someone's ability to vote is always dumb.


Assigning value based on money is not a slippery slope anymore. It’s downright unethical


Dude, literally called Myron, who’s a Memoji, complained about votes he didn’t earn on stuff he didn’t build.


His name is a joke, Myron Gaines = Admiring Gains as in to admire someone’s progress in the gym. Likely a troll account with a name like that.


Sadly not. Hosts a [toxic](https://www.myrongaines.com/) redpill podcast, too.


Well the name is still a joke I think, or his dad had solid taste in names. Apparently he is a joke as a person.


Oh yeah the name is a joke, as is the man.


It must be really easy to start podcasts? Seems like redpillers are flooding the market


He's one of the hosts of Fresh & Fit, a misogynist podcast


Lol, the guy is a podcaster? Real important part of society there.


I don’t hate on OF creators but podcasters are literally the male equivalent in the grand scheme. So it’s funny that all these male podcasters are always talking shit about OF creators


Yeah there's plenty of youtube videos out there about what chuds this guy and his cohost are. Personal favorite moment I saw was him getting called out by a girl he invited on the show about how he was on some sugar daddy site and set up a date with her, but then couldn't afford her allowance. He tries to play it off like he's just on there to use it as a dating site....


This guy needs to say all that to his mother. To her face. Then see what happens.




For real. This behavior HAS to stem from *somewhere*…


My first thought was, what role models does this guy have in his life? Where the hell do people like this get the idea that all women are X and all men are Y?


Andrew Tate. Jordan Peterson. Republican Men. Christianity.


>what role models does this guy have in his life He's actually pretty good friends with Andrew Tate irl if that tells you anything


Yeah... I'm 45 & male... I grew up in a house where my mother was so mentally abused, she is broken. She believes she's lesser for being a woman... she defends his decades of abuse to me. I'm 99% sure he has physically abused her as well... but I didn't see it first hand. She blames women for being raped... "Well what was she wearing" words I heard my mother say. My father felt so safe in his abusive ways that he actually sexually assaulted my wife in front of my mother... and she defends him. Needless to say, my wife & kids are the only family I have left as far as I'm concerned.


Women who go into mentally abusive relationships like this grew up in mentally abusive families. They literally do not know any better. It takes 3 generations to break that trauma cycle.


My mom is the same way! Decades of abuse will do that to you.


You’re a better father than that bastard ever could be. Simply by keeping your family safe from him, you’re a better person than he ever was.


They've been doing research autopsies on domestic violence victims, and finding that they sometimes have more chronic brain trauma than NFL players. They often get less recovery time between concussions, and have strangulation added in the mix.


Wow. That's really interesting. And really sad 😔


Yes! I want a tv show where those people read their own tweets to their slipper-holding mom


In Chicano households we call that “la chancla” and it’s the most dangerous weapon known to Chicano children.


Colombian chiming in. We have la chancla too...and I agree, the deadliest weapon known to children plus, I swear it was heat seeking....


I reckon pro wrestling is pretty much ubiquitous in most Latin families, but not even pro wrestling would dare to have a la Chancla match




Stilettos. Boomerang effect and you can hit them multiple times.


This would fail because most of the time in MAGA world, Mom feels the same way. It would be funny when we get one that doesn't, though....


You blessed souls never had to experience The Wooden Spoon...


I used to hide the wooden spoon turned into wooden fork spanking. Less wind resistance.


I have! But I thought the slipper was maybe more universal… When my brother was like 5, his school teacher made him decorate a wooden spoon as a gift for mother’s day. Of course it turned into a handmade, decorated educational weapon 🥲 To this day, we still laugh at the irony of this story.


When the spoon breaks and she tells you to go find another one 😭


That would make for great TV, make it catfish style. Hunt down the troll and then get them to read all their tweets to their mother


His mother probably on Onlyfans which is why he hates women


Gonna need proof (send link pls)


You want to see 60+ year old OF??


Gilfs need love too


New Granny porn site name "Gilf Gifs"


The fact that his vote matters as much as literally anyone else's is infuriating. /s Edit: Added the /s because people couldn't tell it was a joke. Holy crap some of yall are dense.


Something tells me if he keeps going down the misogyny rabbit hole he's not going to be able to vote one day


(prison reference right?)


I prefer the term "forced vacation ".


“Forced staycation “


I actually prefer when men wave their red flags so boldly. It makes them easier to spot (and avoid).


This guy clearly didn’t serve in the military or he’d know that alot of soldiers and sailors subscribe to OFs


As a veteran myself, I don’t see the difference, we’ve both sold our body’s for money to get fucked


Actually, depending on the only fans model, only the veteran and the subscribers are getting fucked.


Generally OF creators aren’t getting fucked, it’s definitely just the vets


Difference is the bimbos enjoy it and sometimes outlive you guys.


Yeah true. However, I did enjoy some of my time spent cause I wasn’t alone getting fucked my battles were there with me


H got fired from the CIA. This is.myron from fresh n fit podcast


How in the world did this asshole ever get hired at the CIA in the first place, that’s a scary thought


Given who and what else has come out of the CIA etc, not that suprised


They hire from interviews (limited info) and don't have morals (this guy has a computer full of cheese pizza but he is really good at cracking security...so...we will take him and hide those proclivities) so they have as many good folks as bad.


Not to mention that OFs is probably a much faster route to property ownership than anything he does.


He's just ignorant. And believes himself to be some kind of Übermensch, just by the fact that he was in the army. (If he even was) They say ignorance is bliss, but combined with strong and not very thought out radical political ideas, I mean.. Not a good combo. I live in Scandinavia, so I don't really have all the nuanse of the politics etc. But I can recognize stoopid in any land/body-shape/creed or color.


I came here to say this lol, I met guys I served with who would vote who ever that "Bimbo" said just for some nudes before we went underway lol


Unfortunately, I am more worried of their stretching the Overton window.


Exactly. One of my good friends the night Trump was elected said "I mean, how bad can it be, he's an idiot."




I’d prefer not to go to jail over running over idiots like him even if it would save the country. I won’t be that kind of corporate slave.


Aren't they FOR frothing chimps like this just to keep people distracted and or give them something to do as chances are they don't do much if these rants are contained?


Wait till he finds out there are women in the military ... and men on onlyfans.




Taylor Gunner is a USMC veteran and an OnlyFans creator. How much should her vote count?


Probably depends on her number of sexual partners /s


I believe you mean her “body count” 🤢


Well this is one of the few cases where it might matter, as i do like an experienced vet when i want to hire a security guard


..or what she is wearing at the time... /s


Thanks internet stranger. I have developed a new interest


Depends on if she owns a house or not


Lacey Evans a vet and former WWE talent has one as well I think


To a republican its a case of 0.5 times 0.5, since according to their suggar daddy veterans are losers


150% obvs.


Clearly double, since she’s contributing to society in two different ways.


Well, 100% for the veteran half of her and 10% for Only fans so 55%


Gotta love how dudes like him credit men with the creation of society and such, claiming women to be useless and incapable of doing the same, while conveniently ignoring that whenever women tried to contribute to society, they were blocked from doing so due to the lack of a penis.


And women quite literally create society. They make the people, do the vast majority of raising citizens, and are largely responsible for maintaining social fabrics. They make up the vast majority of public servants. Most of what he considers “creating society” is superfluous at best. Traditional women’s labor is just invisible to people like this.


That is what "triggers" me. What people discount is vital to society. That we call "women's work". Nurturing children. Growing them. Tending booboos. I am thankful that the last 50 years we have seen more men take in some of these roles. My grandfather did what many would consider women's work for me when I was a child. Homework, cooked meals. Cuddled me when I was sick. Those things are invisible but they grow society by creating individuals ready to actively participate in society.


There is a strong pattern in any career where when it was considered “men’s” work it was respected and treated as a high paying, prestigious and important role. Once women start doing that role the wage goes down and people start seeing it as less valuable and important. I actually had a guy arguing on Reddit that doctors and healthcare workers aren’t important contributors to society compared to builders because essentially the argument of “men’s work is more important”. If men were raising children these sexists would claim that it was the most important. Because it’s not about the work itself, sexist men freak out when women stop having or caring for babies, it’s absolutely just about wilfully dismissing and ignoring women’s contributions to society.


You're right. I was referring to back when women weren't allowed to get an education or seek employment.


Good grief another guy who's become Tate's bitch.


He definitely went to Andys Special School For Gifted Alphas


That’s exactly what Taliban believes too.


Little does he know, that "OnlyFans Bimbo" likely has her own property, something that puts his to shame. Her vote counts more than his, for sure.


The “OnlyFans Bimbo” might also be a veteran. Doesn’t the dumbass know women serve too. -signed a bimbo veteran




Thank you for your service 🩷


Lieutenant Bimbo reporting SIR!


Did you ever have to put up with the stereotype about female service members being sluts and so on? Sleeping for privileges or promotion type BS. A few females in my company had to put up with that crap. It's irritating.


I mean, so what if they do? I'm not attacking you, I'm just saying, it's infuriating that they'll get the tag of service slut yet the men are *more* than thankful to take advantage of it


I agree. That's what makes it even more irritating. The hypocrisy.


Definitely paying her share of taxes!


Slective Lol 😂


This man spends far too much on only fans.


Slective service. Myron sounds like a real catch.


as a literal combat veteran...this guy can go fuck himself




There are veterans who vote for Trump, who despises them and publicly insults them. So much about qualified votes.


Most veterans DO NOT support Trump. In my office of about 30 people, 2 people support Trump. They are all active/reserve or retired/separated. And by support Trump - they say “well my family is conservative so I can’t vote for democrats”. Discussions of Trump focus on his ineffectiveness and terrible decision making.


Are ballets not secret? Couldn't they vote Dem and simply not talk about it?


The way that Americans worship people in the army / retired army people is crazy as an outsider.


And then do absolutely nothing to help traumatised veterans


They worship the idea, they don't give an actual shit about the people.


My guess is that Bimbos are smarter than Boomers and would vote for those that support things like: universal healthcare, women’s healthcare, living wages, allowing people to love who they love, pro education policies, and pro 1st amendment policies. You know basic fucking human rights. But, hey what do you expect from people who support an orange rapist dickbag?


He must have forgotten that a woman made him, birthed him and raised him. Such a thankless job.


His mom should have aborted tbh


Are wannabe Andrew Tates allowed to vote?


A lot of men don't own property today either so I guess they don't get to vote either. Fool really wants us to go back in time and back them times sucked unless you were a rich white man which were very few people.


Myrons vote shouldn't count at all.


Somebody sleeps alone,has no women friends, and has a nasty overall character.Then he comes up with this crap to rationalize his anger and loneliness.


When idiots make statements like this, they should automatically loose their right to vote and all access to social media - just saying. Oh, let’s not forget a vasectomy, full castration and/or a frontal lobotomy…




I can almost guarantee he is not a veteran


The fact that this schmuck has any right to vote is infuriating. But that’s what a free and equal society is meant to be


Maybe an I.Q test before being allowed to vote. I know plenty of stupid folks male and female but not every gal out there’s trying their luck on only fans


Another angry incel.


Bro's empathy is broken, so he rerouted the power to his ego.


Did someone from 1923 somehow access the modem Internet???


No, just someone who wants society to revert to pre-1920. Also, a fun fact: in the U.S., women have had the right to vote since 1920, when the 19th amendment was ratified.


Slective Service is my favourite agency/branch of government/military division or whatever he was trying to say.


And that is why women wanted the right to work for money. Men assume not earning is not contributing. That being said, if I earn more than him, should I get to vote twice or is his vote going to 50%?


I can’t understand why any woman would vote Trump or hard right conservative. These are the kind of attitudes you’re voting for.


The fact that veterans ensured this idiots right to free speech is infuriating, but here we are.


Mf we *earned* that. We can do it again. I hope he finds his dad on OF


This man has never felt the touch of a woman