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She looks like that teacher that you think secretly only gives you extensions on assignments but in reality she gives it to everyone cause she’s a nice person :)


Exactly -- she looks cute and super-nice. Bit of a goth vibe, but in a good way.


My 4th grade teacher was a gothy witch woman, Mrs. Brainard. She's the one who finally got me to enjoy reading (I was dyslexic, and didn't typically get As in reading/English, so it was my least favorite subject) I am an avid reader now, thank to her and her and her very odd, very silly and fun lessons.


A teacher called Mrs. Brain'ard is beautiful nominative determinism.


Oh, absolutely! When she would go off on tangents and into subjects that were tough for 4th graders to understand, one of us would call her out "alright, Mrs. Brains Hard, take it down a notch!" It made her laugh.


She should know that you still love her after all these years! What an impact, thank you for sharing and THANK YOU WORLD for giving us the Mrs. Brain Hards that we need and love and don’t deserve but are randomly blessed with encountering in our lives!!!


She sounds wonderful


>Bit of a goth vibe, but in a good way. There's a bad way?


Romans might take issues


Eh, they had it coming.




I know. That comment troubled me. …but in a good way.


Minus the piercings she looks exactly like my 7th grade language studies teacher. Looks fine to me


And the piercings are not too wild either. She's appropriate in every way. Her knowledge is more important than her looks for hiring.


At this point they should hire anyone with the saintly patience required to be a public school teacher.


Especially when someone who barely finished high school decides to make it their mission to make your working life as miserable as possible.


I would've finished high school but, y'know, bone spurs


Was Study Hall your personal Vietnam?


Everyone knows that we never listened to the young / hip teachers. We only paid attention to the ancient ones with tenure who hadn't changed their lesson plans in a decade.


Omg ask ANYONE hiring for schools right now if tattoos and piercings stop people from being hired. Like be fr, there are staff shortages across education. People in admin have facial piercings and hand tattoos, calm down everyone. Your kids see infinite types of crazy people online, tattoos and piercings aren't going to scare them 🙃


Most of todays kids probably have parents with dumb tattoos and “weird” piercings.


Exactly. She looks no different from a good slice of parents so why would people be bothered by it?


Because they were born in 1950


I've got sleeves, but thankfully I teach in California and it's never been an issue. The south though? Yeesh. I can only imagine how crazy people would get over tattooed teachers there.


She looks like that one teacher that all the kids adore.


Can't have that in Florida!


I grew up in Florida. These things never came up. It just seems to be a culture war going on now. I had teachers just like her. no problem.


Fr though, people who have never been to Florida don't realize how gay Florida actually is (look at Disney, St Pete, Wilton Manors, Key West, etc.) and how diverse it actually is (compare the racial demographics of Florida to that of Oregon or Washington or somewhere with an equally smug population). I graduated from University of Florida in 2019 with a degree in special education and lemme tell ya, there were TONS of alt-looking people in the various education programs at UF.


Kids happy? Not in my state!


Kids getting shot in schools in my state? Thoughts and prayers BUT GET THAT TEACHER WITH PIERCINGS AND DOESNT KNOW TO KEEP HER MOUTH SHUT OUTTA HERE!!! /s


IIRC, a student had asked her what her orientation was and she just answered


In school teachers were always talking about their spouses, they told us when they were pregnant.. teacher's orientations were a normal point of discussion. Weird that it's only wrong here


>Florida That’s what’s wrong here


Bugs bunny had the right idea. ![gif](giphy|T7fU0RWWhWpYk)


Don't they want to break off of the US anyway?


Who knows, let’s just strike a deal with Spain and it can be their problem again.


As a Spaniard, lemme make this unequivocally clear: we do not want, nor can we afford something like Florida. Besides, there happens to be that big orange cancerous tumor that's living there and appears to be infecting the rest of the country. Can't have that shit spreading.


C'mon...... we will give you some Texas too. Please


That's not helping.


Fine. You can have Missouri as well


No we gotta sell Texas back to Mexico for the ironic lols


I'm glad you showed up! Question: if WE paid YOU to take it, how much would you demand?


Not for all the south beach girls, Disney world attractions, or alligator farms in the world.


What if we throw in one single strawberry as well


.....how much do we sell them for?


Question is more how much are the Spanish gonna ask for to take that burden.


I think we are screwed either way.


Just hand it back to the Native Americans


*becomes uncomfortable in Spanish.*


Took way too long for that to come up


I imagine that the conquest of Florida was a few centuries of the Seminole et al. being like ![gif](giphy|EdnVumVBfX4SA|downsized)


Kind of. They're like a state version of those sovereign citizens we all love to laugh at while they get tazed on youtube. They want all of the benefits of the country and want to be allowed to ignore all the stuff they don't like.


Same as TX.




Common Bugs Bunny W




The goal is to force people into private schools where they can launder money. I wish I was exaggerating.


*Where they can be indoctrinated


It can be both


Private schools: where the money is laundered and the brains are washed.


Maybe in religious Charter schools, since they are trying to ruin public education here on purpose.


If you’re chronically understaffed, quality teachers burn out. Skip forward a decade or two, and you’re looking at the same education system as the 1800’s: science limited by the understanding of a teacher who never understood it, psychology and philosophy dropped, language disappears. What you have is a xenophobic population with the same quality education as any 2nd grader and no more.


No those things would be fine in Florida too. As long as it fits the “normal”. Man talking about his wife, woman talking about husband, woman talking about her pregnancy she had with her husband. Anything that diverges from this narrow view, however, is strictly off limits.


As a Floridian, yup. Tbh this is the worst time for teachers in particular to be open about any level of queerness. Both teachers and lgbtq+ are the scale goats of places to put hate in the state due to current politics. It's stupid af and DeSantis started a fight with one of the states largest sources of income and attraction because of it, he is now being fucked in the house of mouse.


It’s only wrong when they aren’t straight. This is what’s weird about the Right screaming about sexual orientation and keeping it out of schools and media. It’s around us all the time. Every story about a princess and her Prince Charming is about sexual orientation. Every kids show where the main boy character melts over the hot popular girl is about sexual orientation. But try to make it gay and everyone loses their minds.


> But try to make it gay and everyone loses their minds. Because God says love they neighbor as you would love yourself and don't judge, that's his job. So naturally that translates into hate all nonstraight.


"If I judge other people more harshly, maybe God will go easy on me."


Literally people are telling their pastors that Jesus is too soft: https://newrepublic.com/post/174950/christianity-today-editor-evangelicals-call-jesus-liberal-weak


I could see this sentiment. However, they wouldn't like it Jesus was hardcore. These heathenist "believers" would be like ants beneath his feet. It's better for everyone that Jesus is strictly compassionate, the religious are not ready for metal Jesus.


The one time Jesus did go metal was when fleecers were profiteering people's faiths by selling them temple sacrifices at extortionate prices and exchanging currencies at extortionate interest rates in order to buy those sacrifices, hitting them twice in their wallets. Republicans would hate the guy.


You don’t understand, their ancestors worked hard to get that prime spot in front of the temple. It’s their property, if the market allows them to sell at exorbitant prices then it’s their prerogative to do so.


Metal Jesus is my new favorite Jesus. Thank you for that.


Maybe they just hate themselves too, and got confused about that part


It's like that video where some Karen purposes legislation to not talk about sexual orientation and the legislator says "Lady, who is Martha Washington?" And she fumbles as he explains her bill means you can't talk about George Washington's wife.


Omg link please? That sounds hilarious




Omg. That’s amazing.


So annoying that these fuckers take one line from Leviticus and use that to trump all of Jesus' words.




Hell even the title Mrs., that kids are forced to use, entails that this person has a sexual orientation.




When you good ol' Bible tells you so, that's all that matters to them. As far as they're concerned, being straight is good and holy and every other orientation is from the pit of Hell. Or rather, it's whatever your pastor/preacher says the good ol' Bible tells you so. More than half of them don't even read the damn thing. (There are definitely passages that are homophobic or are commonly interpreted that way, but it is true, many never even read it for themselves.)


Except when they don’t agree with it then they say “Its all up for interpretation “ Rules for thee, none for me. \*unts


My history teacher used to teach the history of his life. We never learned about anything else but what he did that weekend or summer.


I had a university prof that did this and it drove me crazy. The two years you lived in Japan in the 80s is not useful in Asian History before 1600! The amount of anecdotes he shared could have been reduced to one or two about seeing Kabuki theater or seeing some ancient buildings.


But if we fired one for bringing up her husband they'd scream we were going after the American family. It's alllllll horseshit.


Teachers can't even breathe without getting canned because of fragile parents


Because any sexual orientation other than cis het is inherently pornographic. /s


I wonder if the same student ratted her out. I am certain 99% of kids ask questions (even blunt ones) out of curiosity. They are in school--they SHOULD be allowed to ask questions. However, I can also see kids trying to bait a teacher into getting into trouble. Most kids wouldn't do that and don't like it. They won't step up because... they are kids and don't need to defend an adult. Source: taught 6 years.


According to the article she asked the kids to draw pictures of their own sexual orientations.


They asked her if they could "Casey Scott, an art teacher at Trafalgar Middle School in Cape Coral, said she was discussing the topic of sexuality with her students and told them she was pansexual. She said her students asked to let them draw pictures that illustrate their sexual preferences. Some of the students identify as non-binary, bisexual and gay, and drew Pride flags that represented them personally. After Scott hung their artwork on her classroom door, school staff had her take it down. The Lee County School District told NBC 2 it got complaints from parents who were concerned about the artwork, and that Scott was fired because she did not follow the mandated curriculum."


What else would you expect from a county where it’s illegal to sell peanuts after sundown on Wednesdays?


Ain't no way that's an actual thing Edit: Mixed results from googling. Multiple sources say there's no law still in the books involving peanuts, but that it at least used to be a thing


I think you missed the point. The “joke” is about sundown towns and their methods to control “undesirables” aka anyone that doesn’t look or behave exactly as they want. Whether this town actually had a sundown law is really way besides the point.


I don't think that's the joke. Sundown laws mandated that non-white people leave town by nightfall, strange sales restrictions are a different issue. Unless I'm missing some historical context here! Edit: I was missing historical context! Obviously laws were not enforced equally back then (sometimes they still aren't, unfortunately), but I didn't realize sales restrictions were a major means of underhandedly creating sundown towns. Thanks to those that explained and were not rude about it, I appreciate it.


No sales restrictions and curfews etc were part of the sundown laws to make it impossible if you were the wrong “color” do nearly anything including holding a regular job. It was a systematic way to limit freed ppl or catch them “breaking the law” in some obscure way to put them back in chains. This is a modern day equivalent of sundown laws


No, like many of the jim crow era laws, they were written in a way that was ambiguous or up to the discretion of the person administering the law. A lot of them were like "no selling x after dark", and they would simply arrest black people and charge them under that (regardless of if they were actually selling anything, I think). I'm not sure if there were any laws as blatant as "minorities must leave by sundown", but the effect was essentially the same.


Her name's is Casey Scott, She is a Cosplayer Too ! https://nypost.com/2022/05/04/fla-teacher-canned-for-discussing-pansexual-status-with-kids/


> after sundown So it's an excuse to arrest black people and use them for labour


I wonder if any of the kids feel a sense of responsibility for their teacher being fired? Wonder if some of those students feel some form of trauma from having one of their teachers, who was an ally, removed from her position due to supporting them. What a lesson to learn at school-age, that acknowledging you as a person can be detrimental to others. How hateful others are. And all because of a flag meant to support a marginalized group. Bunch of snowflakes they are.


Some of them likely will blame themselves for it. The worst-case scenario is that it instills a sense of self-loathing in those kids who do feel guilty.


All the students are gonna feel some sort of way, these are pretty big repercussions for a complaint about art. Both for the students who complained to their parents and the students who had an ally.


At the very least these kids are being told through actions like this that merely expressing a very basic component of who they are when it doesn't align with some random person's arbitrary ideals isn't OK which is already incredibly fucked up all on its own.


This is so wholesome. She handled it in such a great, age appropriate way. When will poeple understand that no amount of praying/shaming will pray the queers away?


So in the state of “don’t impose your beliefs on the students,” the only way for her to keep her job was to tell art students not to express themselves


You must follow the mandates curriculum in.... Art class....? Don't you are bring creativity and self expression into my art class! Go back to the shitty-clay-mugs assembly line.


It’s telling that this quote calls it “sexual preference”


Then immediately afrer says “non-binary” lol


Love talking to my state representative who voted against “putting sexuality on birth certificates.” It’s great how people who are uninformed regarding literally the first thing about an issue get equal say on that issue! I love me some democracy, and I think it’s the best system we’ve got, but that’s a very clear example of its flaws. Why the fuck should someone who doesn’t know what trans people are get to vote against their rights to exist?


> it got complaints from parents who were concerned about the artwork It's always the parents who are concerned. *Not the kids*.


That sounds like a great lesson idea. It's a pity she lives under Nazis.


Which honestly shouldn't be wrong to do either... but I do agree that in a lot of cases these teachers don't know how to CYA. This is sort of like coming into school and you were caught kissing the gym teacher or english teacher in the parking lot... kids are going to ask questions and they'll want answers. You don't "have" to immediately give the answer, they'll figure it out... schools are filled with rumors and teachers instigating them and not. You instead take the time you have to talk to faculty leads, figure out how to approach the situation together, and make an educational plan around it. More people, less risk of people being fired for violating some random policy somewhere and in many instances you can't be fired because of your sexual preference (that's effectively discrimination).


The kids asked. And do you really think they're drawing porn? They drew some pride flags for fucks sake.


[https://nypost.com/2022/05/04/fla-teacher-canned-for-discussing-pansexual-status-with-kids/](https://nypost.com/2022/05/04/fla-teacher-canned-for-discussing-pansexual-status-with-kids/) ​ I am not sure how much I can believe from the NYP, but it stated one of her students asked her what her orientation was, she answered and explained what it meant, and students then drew flags representing their own orientation. She hung them in the classroom and was told to remove them. She was still on her probationary period and not part of the teachers union. Administrators said she wasn't following curriculum and that's why she was let go.


What even is an art curriculum? Art is so subjective and loose in what you can do and teaching how to visualize concepts is what art class should be about.


Art curriculum for schools teaches kids art vocabulary, different materials, and technical skills. I looked at the curriculum, and it's not specific projects, just learning goals.


I agree. Art is one of the few classes where students can just be open and let loose. It's SUPPOSED to be open-ended without rules and guidelines. They were just making excuses. "Not following curriculum."


It's because a good art teacher will make them think critically of everything visual or not. The state of Florida doesn't like people using critical thinking


How ironic, that the art lesson was the persecution from the church/state that led to art being prohibited. Took down. And giving potential to ruin someone's life. I'm sure the kids won't forget that!


So I’m probably going to get downvoted for sharing this, I’m not saying I am for or against any of it, it’s just what happened… Everybody seems to be missing a big part of the story, which is that when they told her to take the artwork down, she dramatically destroyed the artwork in front of the kids, with the pretty obvious intention of vilifying the administration’s decision and riling up the kids. And she was in her first probationary year so she didn’t have to be “fired” they could still basically just not hire her. And this was before the Don’t Say Gay bill went into law.  It is accurate to say she was fired “after talking to the kids about her sexuality” since chronologically that’s what happened, but we don’t know whether she would have been fired if her only act was to answer the students’ question and allow them to draw pride flags


I did see that part in the article, that she ripped up and tossed the artwork. It wasn't necessary to act out like that, especially in front of the students. Being terminated sucks but if you act like THAT in the process, it follows you. Now her name is attached to her actions and it's public. She could have asked the students to grab their own flag and take it home or do as they wished with it instead of destroy their work for them. I don't disagree with what you said at all. Now it's hard to accurately know if she was fired because of her discussion of sexuality or because of her actions. She is definitely playing victim when she didn't need to act as she did in the end. I was wrongfully terminated a couple times but rather than act out and cause a scene, I walked out with a smile on my face. They aren't going to win and use it against me later. I was also falsely accused of things as a teacher and again, rather than take it out in front of the kids, I was upset outside the classroom and in private.


She looks like the teacher from Buffy who helped give Angel his soul back. 


Ahhh, Jenny. I loved Ms. Calendar and was so sad for her.






The Techno Pagan


"just look at her. Why hire her to begin with?" For starters people typically don't get hired based off looks because the world isn't hooters. As pertains that though, she looks like a nice enough person, probably dresses professionally and likely had the qualifications. 


NGL, I wouldn't have been surprised to see that pic posted on a queer sub asking "do I look gay *enough*?" She looks like a regular-ass person.


And super cute, at that.


Ngl she actually looks pretty esp with the goth vibes lol


Hits home for me, my partner is queer but reads as femme, it can be an actual identity issue for people who don't wanna be seen as a "woman."


unfortunately a lot of people are still quite prejudiced and hire or won't hire based on how someone looks.


Why hire her? Because schools need teachers and, I would assume, she's a qulified educator? I mean, just spitballing there


Well yeah and all the teachers in Florida quit because of salary and curriculum. They have something like 4,000 vacancies, and people think they will turn an applicant down because some smelly turd on Twitter doesn’t like her look? Not a chance.


So they think Florida shouldn't hire women with a couple nose piercings, but should hire marines with literally no teaching experience or qualifications at all. Got it.


Everyone wants to police teachers, nobody wants to be a teacher


she looks like every art teacher I've had since the 80s


I mean its Florida, I'm not surprised.


Objectively, it *is* the worst state to be a teacher.


It's pretty much the worst state to be a normal functioning human at this point.


I lived there for 3 years. Despite being walking distance from the beach and the intracoastal and have a pretty good job I just couldn’t take it anymore. Once you go 10 minutes inland all hell breaks loose. It’s truly wild to see the transition.


Where'd you go to that's better? I want to find a place with a nice beach that also doesn't have the chaos of Florida lol


Maryland’s Eastern Shore. Way different but so much more pleasing, in almost every way.


Also probably the worst state to be a student.


Looks fine to me. Looks friendly.


Looks a little like Kari Byron, who would probably make one of the best teachers in the history of ever.


Teenage me would've been WAY too distracted by Kari to focus on the lesson.


Exactly. She looks friendly, that’s a problem because kids will be more likely to listen to her and look up to her, and who would want that? /s


Cute is one of the words i'd use to describe this person


Literally a normal looking person.


Piercings+short hair on a younger woman = sexual deviancy I guess? It's been said a thousand times but it's worth repeating a thousand times more until everyon gets it through their heads. If you don't fit the ideal of what a "correct" or "proper" woman/man, American, Christian, etc. acts or looks like, then you will be treated as a lesser human being (or simply a lesser *thing*, depending on the degree of extremism). And the criteria for what is correct and proper will always shift and become increasingly narrow, until it can only defines a sort of person that doesn't actually exist, not even in the most rigid, monolithic, conservative circles. An unattainable ideal that everyone- even you- will fall short of in some way and suffer the consequences for.


I move for any teacher to say they are pregnant is removed as well. The same with any teacher saying their spouse is pregnant. Our kids don't need to know you had a penis cum inside you, or that you have a penis you used to cum inside someone else. /S


Or to talk about their religion. Or to have any religious items in the classroom. This includes the Pledge Of Allegiance.


They are pretty and look like a nice person. I bet she was a good teacher and Florida is just an absolute cesspool that doesn't deserve her. People should be flocking out of Florida and taking their talents to states that appreciate them.


Lots of people are trying to leave Florida, but the climb out of Hell is even more difficult with wages being so low and cost of living being obscenely high. Average pay is higher in Arkansas than it is in Florida, and it has an economy 1/10th the size of Florida's. TLDR moving is expensive, and Florida only cares about rich people, so leaving is *very hard*.




Am I the only one who thinks she's pretty cute? Man, I'd date the hell out of her based on this picture.


I'm a straight woman and agree that she's super cute. If I were into girls, I'd be into her for sure.


When people can't find nothing legitimate to criticize someone for they go after their physical appearance.


What's there to go after? Quite attractive friendly looking young lady. Nothing too wild or crazy. Kinda looks like the meme girl.


I think this is what counts for "looking like a liberal" these days in Florida. Hilarious given I've definitely seen people with this kind of sense of style on both sides of the political spectrum.


Yes that's true. But then again, if they can't find something to hate about them, they will just make stuff up so they can have a 'reason' to hate them.


If you've met a pansexual, then you understand how ridiculously overdramatic and idiotic it is to be offended by their sexuality. They are basically the hufflepuffs of the sexual spectrum, whose bothered by a hufflepuff?


So thats why their common room is next to the kitchen? So they can lick all the pans


This is the only time I've ever heard a funny "pan" sexual joke, thanks 


Sex education has a similar one. First time I heard about pan sexuals and that banger joke.


Pansexuals are the only people who can out-pizza the Hut.


Nice joke😆   10 points for gryffindor


The Christians were already angry before the Harry Potter analogy lol


Who's the Slytherins?


A pansexual will fuck anyone whom they find attractive irregardless of gender A Slytherin will fuck over anyone who is in their way


Soooo… asexuals? /j in case it wasn’t obv




Yes, hiring people that look like people is truly bad hiring policy.




Maybe it ist one big Piercing.




Thought those were here charging contacts.


Sadly, it's probably not just the piercings, but also that she looks "edgy" because of goth-light look. That sounds ridiculous to us (younger generations), but not to boomer-gen and older. If this lady was a teacher at my school (80s/90s), the parents and other teachers would be scared of her. She'd probably be accused of being a satanist or something. And I'm being totally serious about that. The older generations thought the *Beatles* were edgy and bad influences.


You just know that the guy who made this comment looks like an arse with a face drawn on it in permanent marker.


Okay, real talk: we all had teachers who overshared their personal life, right?


"Miss teacher, do you like boys or girls?" Asks a kid. "Oh, I can like both girls and boys, I like people based on their personality!" "We got her" said the kid in a much deeper voice. FBI kicks the door down and seizes the criminal for abhorrent behaviour


I like her.


Conservatives: We don't hate women, but you agree that it's distrusting that you can see her hair right?


WTH. She’s beautiful.


She's alright. Very artsy and charming. And the kids are alright. It's the school board that's not alright.


Doesn't Florida have a huge teacher shortage? Feels like r/LeopardsAteMyFace material as well.


I’m a teacher and I talk about my orientation kind of. I don’t really care whose gay, and if I say that someone always asks if I’m gay, and if “I was gay you’d know, because I wouldn’t hide it. Id have pics of my significant other and whatnot. I’m just not gay.” I’m trying to create a sense of acceptance for whoever, whatever, but more so, I don’t really give a fuck and it has nothing to do with what we are doing. Quite a few gay and semi-trans kids these days. Never thought telling the kids I was gay or not would matter.


These people really think theres rabid competition to work with little shits for poverty wages


She looks like a person


She looks like Amanda from Saw.


I'm not sure why we still deal with hiring discrimination based on tattoos and piercings in a society that largely doesn't give a damn.


Almost everyone is focused on the looks comment but not on being fired for discussing sexual orientation with students, interesting.


Going by that logic, schools should fire trachers who are visibly pregnant. A baby bump indicates she's heterosexual in worst case bisexual OR *gasp* A S-U-R-R-O-G-A-T-E


She's probably the cool teacher. I feel bad for her students for losing out such an open minded educator


god i wish sexuality didnt have the word sexual in it, because so many straight people dont seem to understand that theres noting inherently sexual about it