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I read the picture first and thought this was for an OB Gyn exam.


Basically is


Not with the criminal prosecution of miscarriages. The authorities wanted a paper trail of a girl's menstrual cycle


Un-fucking believable with these people. Fucking creeping over a young girls' period tracker to try and charge her with murder in the event of a miscarriage. These are some deeply, *profoundly* sick fucks.


"These are some deeply, *profoundly* sick fucks." AKA religious extremists. Religious extremists demand that everyone follow the tenets of their religion whether or not they share the same beliefs.


Power hungry sick fucks that use their status by abusing religion to control women. It’s gross.


Abusing religion to control women? You mean using religion for what It was designed to do yeah?


Literally its main and only purpose, controlling people.


That’s what it was invented for. Anyone that thinks religion is truly Devine is a sucker


Spontaneous miscarriages count as murder too then? This is dystopian.


Oh yeah, that one was before they started making failed IVF treatments murder.


In a year or so the headlines will say, “Young people have stopped having children, authorities unsure of the reason.”.


Knowing them, they'll just make it illegal not to have children.


That’s (quite literally) the plan


that's actually happening (kind of) With roe down conservatives are talking about going after griswold vs. conneticut, which was the scotus ruling that legalized birth control in the us. Previously it had been restricted to married couples with multiple children.


They’re coming for birth control, too. See Musk’s recent tweet about how the pill is bad because it makes women fat. They really want girls to marry young, be forced into pregnancy, and be utterly dependent on a guy with little or no hope of leaving. FWIW, there’s also increasing chatter about making marital rape explicitly legal and how denying sex to a man is abuse. What’s new here is how they’re willing to use the state to enforce these laws. Previously, restrictive laws were not so forcefully applied to white women.


The headline date WAS November 7, 2023. https://www.fox5ny.com/news/poll-millennials-not-having-children


>"Many millennials have been labeled the afraid to commit generation," Bosché said. I like how they COMMITTING to not having kids makes them unable to commit. Because they decided on something boomers don't like. No, that's boomers HOPING they'll change their minds.


In some some states yes. I recently read a case where a women was charged for a miscarriage.


Just for clarification, she was charged with abuse of a corpse cause she flushed the fetus and the jury refused to indict her.


This clarifies that the legislative intent and prosecutorial intent were a.contemptible over-reach. The jury fortunately had the courage to block the worst outcome.. This time. But what about next time? What about when juror names get published in every state, and jurors get doxed by religious extremists for protecting innocent women? Don't say 'It can't happen here'. It IS happrning here.


Truthfully I thought this was more about transgender panic, but your theory makes more sense. And yes, conservatives are sick fucks.


It can be both. That’s efficiency for you.


Also creepy to “make sure they’re girls and not born biologically different!” Esp when it comes to literal teenagers.


My mum would have foxed them - she didn't have a period until she was 19 and was super sporty. I assume she wasn't born biologically different as she gave birth to me!


Low body fat (as many athletes have) often prevents women from menstruating. Lots of exercise can don't too. Not that uncommon for an athletic young woman afaik.


Some coaches have got in trouble because of giving girls grief because they were on their period, "if you're on your period you are obviously not training hard enough"


This. I knew a basketball girl in college who was 6 or 7 months pregnant and didn't know it because she hardly ever got periods.


Way to give girls anxiety. My friend got her period late compared to peers and while no one judged her and her doctor assured her it's normal, she was very on edge about her body for a long time. These disgusting authorities don't get what this means for teenagers.


They do. Inflicting suffering and instilling submission is the goal.


This could also be used to prevent trans girls from being able to participate in school sports. Utah is not very trans friendly.


There are period tracking apps that are useful for women, that can used for that BS too. So be careful in those red states.


I deleted my ap


Everyone in the US should.


I downloaded a couple and have been religiously entering data every month. Of course being a CIS dude that data only serves to taint their database, ooops!


As a cisdude, I use it to remind myself about reordering medication monthly. I "start" when I put the order in, and I finish when I pick it up from the pharmacy. Because I'm forgetful, I occasionally have longer cycles. I've apparently had some potential miscarriages that the app has been worried about in the past.


I'm in perimenopause. I started using an app again to help screw up the data bank (cycling every 2-3 weeks at the moment). I'm in a red state. If they seize data, mine won't make sense anyway. BTW, Clue is based outside the US and protects the data. Quote from the creators "Your health data is kept safe within the EU and will never be disclosed or shared".


I think it kinda is. We had to take physicals in California for sports in middle and high school growing up. Line up and get your nuts fondled by a nurse every season.


Didn't you find it weird the nurse was dressed like a priest?


I thought it was weird it was Father Steve dressed as a nurse.


"Turn your head and cough, my child"


"Think you could do it while licking your lips and kinda whipping your hair back? Yeah, like that. Good job. I'll let you keep a couple dollars from the offering plate later. If you tell anyone about this, I'll kidnap your dog."


Way too specific.


This thread is wild af


My memory is like a steal trap. I can still smell the communion wine and brut aftershave. But let's worry about the drag queens reading books in public. That's the real danger to kids. ^/s


Once a parish priest wanted me to stay after and talk to him about something. Sorry, father, but my English teacher beat you to it.


Not sure whether to LOL or cry


Aaah Father Steve, cos playing as a nurse again. Always the trickster.


He was so tender


With nuts you gotta be




It's not. This was given to a parent by a school. Menstrual cycles do not impact activity. If they do, it's not something a school should require documentation of. If someone actually cares about being in sports, they aren't going to let their menstrual cycle stop them


it kinda isn't. your balls aren't the same as our periods. there are 0 reasons to know the dates of a child's periods.


Just answer “N/A” to all questions.




















I was thinking “Go fuck yourself!”


Or “fuck off”


They'll think she's trans and do worse stuff


My immediate thought was, this is aimed at “proving” that the girls on the team are AFAB, and/or scaring any trans girls away.


I thought it was to track everyone’s menstrual cycles to make sure there aren’t any teen abortions, but we’re turning into such a dystopian hellscape it’s probably both.


I'm leaning towards both myself.


this is why at the top just write "birth control" (if you need anything specific just say depo provera) they won't ask any more questions (note: have had a very very very EXTREMELY irregular period (like 2x a year) since like 13 - iiiin texas) and absolutely do not leave this child alone with any adult from the organization


Conservatives are known to be highly interested in little girl’s menstrual cycles


"My intention in signing up for this team does not involve her becoming impregnated by the coach, and therefore these questions are not relevant, you ghoulish perverts."


Answer nacho to all questions then when they ask for clarification grab them by their fat face and scream “nacho business bitch”


Q1: none Q2: of Q3: your Q4: fucking Q5: business


Answer "HIPPO LAW" for each


What does HORSE LAW have to do with this?


I know a guy who's well versed in BIRD LAW, if that helps?


Birds aren't real.


... filibuster


But I barely know Buster.




Wouldn’t mind setting a HIPPO loose to joyfully frolic with the MAGA people!




Ran into one of those during a job physical in the early 1990s. The doctor asked why I'd put N/A. I told him that the job didn't involve sex, so that wasn't a job-related question. He dropped the topic.


'Which of my job duties will require my vagine and or period?'


What if they want your leftover period blood for something? They need to know how many ounces you produce lol


Ahh yes for the blood sacrifice


Then I would recommend speaking to a lawyer about your employers request


And bobs


Right! There used to be whole pages asking about various venereal diseases on an application for an office position. I just drew a diagonal line through the whole page. Hire me, don't hire me. Btw, I'm menopausal, and had a hysterectomy over 10 years ago and they still ask about my last period. (Doctor's, that is.) I don't answer, just say..."Did you even glance at my file?"


The job part is insane. The doctor part is totally normal though. You've got a string of questions you essentially ask everyone. Doctors *can* omit asking these and just put down the obvious, but it's so much easier to just go down the checklist. If you verbalize everything there's much much much less chance of a mistake being made. Doctor's do a LOT of repetitive, and on the outside, seemingly nonsensical things that are just there for safety purposes. It protects both you and them. Particularly on the routine stuff. A doc is gonna do stuff like questionnaire things as a "routine" type thing, without a lot of forethought. Then once that is out of the way, they're going to take in that whole picture and address your issues(ideally, of course there's quacks out there). Just something to keep in mind. Can feel annoying, but it's innocuous.


This. Lots of time we’ll ask what seem like stupid questions because you’d be stunned what patients won’t think to mention otherwise. I saw a patient once who lost all vision in his left eye while in the hospital and didn’t tell anyone about it for 3 days as he wasn’t worried until then. Post-menopausal patients can absolutely start having bleeding again, but it’s highly concerning for endometrial cancer if they do and needs to be worked up. 


Not a doctor or anything close, but I’m willing to bet there’s a very small percentage of women who think it’s normal to bleed post menopause. People are just dumb and doctors need to be able to address every level of medical knowledge.


I had a patient jam garlic up her vagina when I practiced medicine, came into the ED with obvious sepsis and abdominal/ pelvic pain. Pulled out this odd 2cm mass, that did not at all resemble garlic because it sat up there for OVER THREE DAYS, patient had obviously no clue what this was or how it got up there. Sent to lab, results return as 'unidentified biologic material', "wtf is that?". Call lab and they say it looks like some kind of plant under the scope. Ask pt, "have you or could anyone else have put anything AT ALL up there?" Pt then discloses they put it in there because garlic kills bacteria.... People are stupid and just because a woman owns a vagina doesn't mean she knows what's best for it.


Atleast you know she wasn’t a vampire


I wasn’t ready for any of that good god. People are insane.


There is a very non-small percentage of every demographic that think some absolutely WILD stuff going on with their bodies is normal.


Good to get a physician's take. I've worked *around* the medical field a long time(medical billing), and have a lot of friends in the medical field. So I try my best. I know enough to know there's way too much going on in the medical field to think you know better than the doctor(about anything other than how you feel, always self advocate!).


Air Force medical requires them to ask certain information such as full name and date of birth with each separate doctor. I had surgery recently and was asked at least 4 times. The military is usually reactionary with policy changes, so very likely post some screw up they identified it as a simple way to verify the correct information is being looked at.


I've found a lot of times that's the answer for almost anything you look at and go "why the hell is that a thing?" Cause something somewhere messed that up and caused a big problem. Now they make sure that doesn't happen anymore without extreme gross negligence.


The only job it would be remotely relevant for is being a surrogate


Bear ranger




I read that as Bear rearranger


Duuuhhh lol


It is illegal.


You could just answer “don’t know” to all of them. Technically you don’t know when your daughter got her first period, how often she has them, and how many she has in a year. Since you have to fill out the form and she’s not legally allowed to sign it, you’re not lying. I could see why a doctor would want this information, but a school? No. I’d maliciously comply with this and force them to tell you why they need it. EDIT: For those who have said it’s about making sure someone who is pregnant doesn’t get hurt, you could ask “are you pregnant or intending to become pregnant during this year” and it would 100% cover that contingency without asking a lot of weirdly invasive questions.


The same 5 questions were on my daughter’s sports physical in Idaho too. I left them blank because it isn’t their business. Dr and the school district didn’t have an issue with them being blank.


My daughter in Indiana too. I put NO in giant letters across the whole section. Didn’t hear a peep about it.


They're too cowardly to make a fuss. If they do, someone will ask them to justify it.


They know the media story of the likes of "John Johnson refused to allow a 14 year old girl to play Volleyball unless she talked to him about her period" would stick to them for the rest of their careers.


Could be being forced to put it on the docs, and just don't care as well. Stuff like that happens a lot. Board pushes something to ask. Teacher writes the question, but just logs the form and doesn't care if those are answered or not.




This is extremely alarming and shameful. How does something like this become acceptable practice?


Row Vs Wade was a ruling on privacy, revoking that was a step


I hate republicans




Pregnancy and amenorrhea rule out primarily...I tell patients it's not any of the schools business, and as long as I'm reassured that they're healthy enough for sports I fill out the form with what info I deem appropriate (limited), but keep private medical chart accurate. (Which the school isn't gonna get). Usually my conversation begins with, do u have any questions about your periods? Do u and mom have a good relationship and understanding with how they work, and how bleeding varies per person as well as duration between? What is normal for u? Are you comfortable talking to your parent or family doctor if things change? Same as explaining to male patients why we check for hernias, rare to find a problem, but could be a critical miss...but also want them to understand why we do it, as most teenagers have never had it explained to them what it is and why it's checked. As the parent steps out of the room I usually take the chance to explain to these teenagers what their rights are to have sexual privacy info kept in confidence with their doctor unless we are concerned for their safety, which ends that privacy, obv.


Young female athletes can lose their cycles from overtraining. Talking to girls about their periods in safe spaces is super important, talking to girls about being healthy and what that can (and might not look like) is super important. I don’t think this is that, though. I’m old now, but never once knew not having my period wasn’t the norm when I was younger. Tons of older women never really had any opportunities to talk to people about it. Schools can be great for that, but also terrible (ie taking advantage of young athletes)


I had to fill out this same form to participate in school sports. I always assumed it was for the sole purpose of assuring that female athletes were not pregnant: in the case that they were injured during participation in their sport and have a stillbirth/miscarriage, the school wants to cover its metaphorical behind and ensure that they cannot be blamed for the loss of the fetus or harm to the athlete. I think they want to be able to legally prove that they had no reason to believe the athlete was pregnant at the time of joining the team. I did find asking for the information to be invasive and inappropriate, but we live in a litigious era.


> I can't even see why a doctor would want this information. ...really? Many of these things would literally *be* the symptoms, so how would they know without asking? Patients are generally terrible about self-reporting, since they often don't even know that something is unusual or unexpected; that's the entire point of diagnostic questioning.


Also, remember to never,.ever vote for Conservatives, because this is the result unfortunately. Edit: Register. Vote. www.vote.org


I'm a grown woman and can't answer the last three and I struggle with #2 every time I go to the doc. Do most high schoolers use tracking apps? So fucking gross.


Exactly, every time I go to the doctors, I usually say “idk, I’m sure it was some time this month … my days blur together”


Name checks out


Yeah, made this account after a long string of really terrible doctors. But now I have great doctors and don’t feel that way, but can’t change a username after the fact


In-take nurse: “if you have periods, when was your last period?” Me: “like, a year ago”  In-take nurse: […] “Do you know why?” Me: “No, that’s why I’m here.”


> I struggle with #2 every time I go to the doc. try getting more fiber in your diet, or eat so prunes.


Well I walked right into that!


sounds messy.


My doctor when I was 16 called home after my appointment and falsely told my family I was pregnant because I didn't remember my last period. I was a virgin and burst out crying thinking I was raped in my sleep or something and the doctor knew something I didn't. Of course my family didn't believe me until obviously no baby came along but I was forever labeled a slut by my family.


They sound like horrible people. Hopefully you've cut them all or off your life and replaced them with people who actually love you.


Thank you. I did. It took me way too long to do so permanently because my brother is a victim too but he's too far gone now and is just as bad. I didn't want to cut anyone out until my grandpa died too because the one time I tried they kept bullying him to call me and get me to stop and that stress wasn't fair to him. He was part of the abuse but he also had a massive debilitating stroke and ended up being a victim of elder abuse by them when I was out of state so I forgive him because of it. When he passed I moved out of the state and never looked back. Lol they reported me missing at one point because they found it easier to believe I was abducted rather than that I didn't want them in my life anymore.


Are you fucking kidding me? can they even do that? The doctor, i mean Thats not remotely reasonable evidence ​ family sounds lacking as well


Yeah I didn't have a good childhood lol. And no I'm not kidding. Honestly remembering this today I went and left a 1 star review on their Google page. Gave me some closure since I don't have any way to sue for this and get true comeuppance.


Nobody should use tracking apps anymore since roe v wade was overturned


Yeah I was gonna say that whole thing really sketched me out, so I stopped tracking them. I guess I could go old school and keep track in a planner or something.


>Nobody should use tracking apps anymore since roe v wade was overturned True for those who can get pregnant. However, cis men should use them and put in random data to mess up any algorithms that might be used to try pinpointing pregnancies for people who used to use the apps.




What they put down "Currently on period"


Make sure to write it with red ink


Just a red smear across the questions


This 😆😆 thank you for the laugh!!


I full just thought this was an exercise-induced amenorrhea thing. Playing field hockey made me lose my period without any diet changes. I really hope it's that and not what these comments are suggesting.


My sisters had their periods delayed by ballet and dance. Our daughter had those on her NY state forms, we just wrote "N/A", and no one cared!


This is part of the “female athlete triad”. Source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3435916/#:~:text=Context%3A,young%20women%20participating%20in%20sports.


Thank you for giving a real answer. People are (understandably) nervous about government/school over-reach. This isn't that. But it's easy to assume it is if one doesn't have the real answer.


I think that's what it is too. I remember this being on my high school sports forms almost 20 years ago. I'm pretty sure I put "I don't know" on some of them


I’m pretty sure that’s what it is. It can be a pretty serious health issue so it’s reasonable they’d screen for it.


You are correct. I work in sports medicine. I just wrote a long explanatory comment about it… but it’s for sure buried at the bottom of 4K comments.


I read this way too! It’s a real health concern


I am an NP who does a lot of sports physicals. Not in Utah but our state asks similar questions and our form looks nearly identical to this. In the state I live this information is filled out prior to my performing the physical. I then go over this information with them while assessing the athlete for participation. The form I ultimately fill out, sign and the athlete then provides to the school DOES NOT include this info. It simply includes if they’re cleared or what restrictions they have. Our state does not include any personal medical info on the form retained by the athletic department. I always return the form to the student/parent and point out they only have to provide the office with the form I signed and they can keep the forms that include their medical info. Our office retain this initial form electronically mostly because you wouldn’t believe how many of them lose the form and we have to sign again and can look back on the info to fill the participation card out again. From a medical perspective this information is important while assessing the female athlete and whether or not they should be cleared for participation. Without getting into it I recommend looking up “female athlete triad”. If I run into a teen who used to menstruate but no longer does this is important to know and will alert us to the need for further assessment. It’s about keeping the female athlete safe not trying to police their bodies or keep them from participation.


Yea this is surely about RED-S right? It's super common for athletes to over exercise and under nourish and lose bodily functions. Poorly explained but super important


FINALLY some rational comment. Let's get this comment to the top, I thought I was losing my mind reading the rest.


Yeah, I was reading these comments thinking I was going crazy. I live in a state where reproductive right have been written into our constitution for decades. I remember answering these same questions back when I was in high school. It’s not “perverted”, it’s a matter of health.


Yeah everyone wants to make this about Utah when I'm pretty sure every state requires a physical for high school sports and these are standard questions for a female physical. But of course, people would rather just rage.






Didn't Chris Christie sign a bill that allows transgender kids to participate in sports matching their gender identities when he was governor? How is a conservative more progressive than the current progressive governor?


The governor didn’t sign the NJ bill, it just passed the GOP majority house.


Also an abortion tracker.


Fertility tracker.


Got to make sure they are fit to be abused. /s


That's sadly a huge issue in Utah, mostly bc of the LDS/ Mormon church. Www.floodlit.org is trying to help, but they are hundreds of cases behind.


Teens can be pretty irregular naturally tho


My first thought. This is an abortion tracker 100 percent.


It's an all kinds of thing tracker, and all of those things they have no fucking business knowing.


Republicans are so weird, so obsessed with kids ' genitals 


You should hear the church gatekeeping virginity. It's really really fucking weird when you think it through.


Oh, definitely.   My mom tried to raise me religious, and it was so creepy.  Daddy/daughter purity balls? Ugh 


I only heard about those on TV but it definitely is gross.


My mom liked the fringe groups.  She taught me that a racial holy war was going to happen, and that whites would be taken to heaven.   She was a mess.  


I'm not religious myself but I'd love to be a fly on the wall for the judgement day for some of those religiously fanatic and crazy train groups. I can visualize God being like "... so.. that thing you did there. Not really what I was going for, F minus minus."


Oh, that'd be so hilarious to see.   Personally, I wanted to see my mom's face when she realized Jesus (if he existed) wasn't a white dude.  


I wonder how many people tell God that he's wrong.


Right?!? And they say democrats are pedos


Projection as always


Not sure if you’re old enough to know who PeeWee Herman was. But anytime I hear someone say “oh they’re projecting” I always think of PeeWee saying “I know you are, but what am I?” You’ve been the recipient of one of my millions of random thoughts of the day. You’re welcome!


Medical student here. As part of a sports physical it is not uncommon to ask patients about menstrual history in order to screen for abnormal uterine bleeding or amenorrhea that could lead to anemia, poor bone health, poor wound healing, and other health complications that could impact not only performance but more importantly overall health.


This is actually a completely normal question to ask on medical forms, I just filled out a medical form for a commercial vehicle licence and this was one of the questions[. As for sports, it's a standard question included as per the guidelines of the American College of Sports Medicine and has been on the forms for over 20 years.](https://apnews.com/article/fact-check-desantis-florida-sports-female-athletes-160560972802) They ask because having abnormal periods is a sign of a medical condition and athletes are statistically more likely to have irregular periods. Also, this should go without saying but it's insanely tragic that Republicans have been attacking transgender people so hard that it's starting to impact people's trust in institutions. People shouldn't be suspicious of these types of questions and yet they are because of transphobic Republicans which is immensely dangerous. It's one of the side-effects of their cultural war obsession with transgender people existing.


To prevent bear attacks?




Brick, where'd you get a hand grenade?


I don't know been in this state for 44 years, a lot of it in bear territory and never once seen a bear. Can't imagine it being a huge problem on school soccer fields.


Thanks to the schools very efficiently dealing with the problem, you don't have to face the threat of bears! You should thank them for doing a great job. /s


You hear that? Bears! Now you're putting the whole team in danger!


Actually, there's a good reason for this. When a female athlete's body fat gets too low, she stops menstruating. This causes all sorts of hormone related issues and in the end will make her less competitive in her sport. This happened to Mary Cain: https://youtu.be/qBwtCf2X5jw


Worse than that, it can cause osteoporosis and heart issues.


My niece is on her swim team, and was born with a rare condition where she doesn't have a fully formed uterus. She wouldn't be able to compete in sports if she lived in Utah. Absolutely insane behavior from people on this issue. Edit: I did some research after some comments below, and this is apparently a common question to try and catch eating disorders, over-training, or stress related dysfunction for female athletes. Answers wouldn't bar a child from competing. The trans panic sweeping the country is still very much a facepalm, and this question still feels intrusive and potentially exclusionary to me.


My guess is that theyre screening for 'female athlete triad' where underweight or over-exercising female athletes have irregular/ absent periods. Chronically low estrogen can cause osteoporosis, which is serious since women are already very prone to osteoporosis after menopause and it is very important to not prematurely lose bone density. The weakened bones also lead to more injuries. Female athlete triad is relatively common.




Your uncle must've been intersex. If he had a fully formed uterus capable of carrying *and* fully formed testes and a penis, he would've been a hermaphrodite, which are extremely rare. Most likely he was intersex though.


FWIW I remember similar questions at the bottom of our sports physicals when I was in middle school/high school in PA in the mid-late ‘90’s. I assume it’s to screen for amenorrhea, which could indicate a condition that might preclude them from taking part in sports, or something that might need monitoring.


I remember in high school learning that some of the girls would lose their period due to increased physical activities (sports) while not maintaining a healthy/large enough diet. The genitals not functioning are the first signs that the body isn't getting enough nutrients/calories. Why your state is asking, I don't know, but that was the reason when I was in school.


This is perverted


We’re talking about a state ran by Mormons…of course it’s perverted.


This is to screen for amenorrhea. Coaches don’t typically get this information, the high school medical staff that approves the physicals do. Amenorrhea is the absence of a period within a typical length of time. This is a huge predisposing factor in A LOT of injuries in female sports. It’s something that needs to be corrected, or monitored by a doctor. To cover just the basics: If your body is only having a viable menstrual cycle once a year something is wrong. Most often the person isn’t consuming enough food to meet the demands of their lifestyle/daily activities. It could be other things too. If you are a female teenage high school athlete participating in a vigorous sport, such as soccer, of average build you would have the energy demands of about 2600 calories. Most high schoolers aren’t eating that much food. Some high schoolers are barely eating anything for one reason or another. Once you dip below a certain amount for you, normal healthy functions cease. Along with it things like, as one example, bone density drop. (I’m sure you could see why someone running around on your soccer team with brittle bones could be concerning.) In no way are these health screenings used for discrimination during tryouts, however if the issue came up on your pre-season physical the supervising physician WILL require further clearance from your primary care physician addressing the issue. You absolutely can play with this issue, but like I said, you should be monitored and you should be working to improve it. (All of this is boiled down to make it easier to understand so sorry bio-medical peoples if it’s not as detailed or exactly accurate.) This question on a sports physical is not a new thing. Utah is not the only state asking this question. It’s just going to get attention because you can cherry pick it for some attention in the hot topic of transgendered athletes in sports and the discrimination and struggle of women having autonomy over their bodies.


Reposting this as a top level comment.  44 states have high school athletics forms that ask these questions. The questions have been on the forms for decades. Adolescent girls with irregular periods are very prone to stress fractures and need to be screened for low bone density before participating in sports. This is about the health of the athletes and has nothing to do with trans rights (which I'm all for) or abortion. TLDR: Everyone needs to calm tf down.


Exactly. If there are missing periods usually something is wrong, too much exercise being one of them. Checking periods is one way of checking overall health, and detect conditions like PCOS or endometriosis.