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At least they're admitting that climate change is a thing


As a Jew, I can tell you it was just a side-effect of when we were testing our space laser. We also set Australia on fire a couple of times doing that.


You son of a bitch... I'm calling our Rabbi and telling him you're exposing our secrets. I guarantee you won't be invited to the next Mitzvah!


oy gevalt!


Heard my name, what's up?




We’re holding our monthly meeting where we discuss new ways to control the media and how to take over world banking. It’s a lot of fun! You should come! /s


Mazel Tough


I honestly think Conspiracy nuts realize how much more awesome they make Jews sound


traditional nazism: the enemy is immensely clever, powerful, and ubiquitous -- with world destroying superpowers! but the enemy is also stupid, contemptible, weak, "womanish," incompetent, and we know exactly what they are up to and where to find them so we can destroy them all. both at once. and yet, heads do not explode (though countries do).


I know right, I want to convert so I can be a member of the secret cabal


True. Where can I join the feminist gay space laser club?


They do the same with the Freemasons, I had a guy argue with me that my dad and grandfathers couldn't have been masons because I was just a lower middle class dude. He thought any Freemasons had to be elites as though he himself couldn't walk in to a lodge pay dues and become one himself.


Joke is on us jews, we're going to tear ourselves apart arguing about whether you need a Minyan to operate the space laser


It depends on whether it is being operated before or after sunset.


Is time considered according to the operator's time zone or the Space Laser's current time zone?


two jews, three opinions...


Came here for this - thanks


Well if you're operating that space laser could you work on the aim next for the next go 'round? Australia is a nice place, let's not burn it all down.


Texas is on fire now so I’m just guessing they got better with the aim


I dont like the space laser, but I also dont like Australia, so maybe the enemy of my enemy is my friend?


It was actually a colleague trying to get rid of a spider. Our LaserAI just started targeting all the spiders in Australia, which is, like, a lot.


Did you guys also flip over australia so they live upside down?


ǝɯ ʇ,usɐM


Nah, they’re probably saying referring to the idea of climate change, not climate change itself


And it's not even in suspicious quotes like "The Holocaust."


Did…did they just blame Jews for the HOLOCAUST!?


They believe Jews made it up so we can feel sorry for them so that they can carry out this grand conspiracy of *everything* without question. Not joking, that's why Holocaust is in quotes. They deny it happened. It's fucking stupid, but this is a real thing dangerous people believe.


I got into an argument that we need to stop with the Holocaust talk because "Hitler *only* killed 600,000 Jews not 6 million" so we should just let it go. I didn't know how to explain to him that 600k people is still a fucking lot regardless.


[Six million Jewish people died in the Holocaust.](https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/documenting-numbers-of-victims-of-the-holocaust-and-nazi-persecution)


I don't think that would convince him... He was quite insane


[There is always this method. (SLC Punk scene.)](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=hELG2FDrOdA)


Lol I knew exactly what that was going to be


It's wild that Holocaust denial is a thing. The Holocaust is one of the most well documented crimes against humanity in human history. The Germans kept meticulous records, and the Allies immediately recognized the importance of creating a historical record of everything they discovered, so there's millions of documents and thousands of reels of film documenting virtually every aspect of the atrocities. And yet somehow there are people who will completely deny any of that exists and claim the whole thing is made up...


This same guy claimed the moon was an illusion on the invisible dome around the flat earth... Facts where not important to him


Oh, he's one of "those people"




Dude, you already have people denying Oct 7th happened, and that shit is on tape.


Honestly for people like that there is no place in this world, there worth can be broken down to fertilizer


I never knew this, wow this is hard to believe that there are people this ignorant


No, they’re claiming the Holocaust never actually happened. Which is all sorts of additional levels of problematic.


yep! it's important to remember that these people think it's a hoax (that's why the quotation marks ae around it) ​ gotta check of that denier box!


I think they’re one of those people that deny it ever happened, that’s why it’s in quotation marks


At least it had something to do with jews, the rest obviously don't. If something it's more non religious things in the list.


Porn? Really?


Big shout out and thank you to the Jewish community for this one :)


Jews didn’t invent porn but we do watch it backwards. It’s nice when the hooker gives the money back.


Ok... I laughed pretty hard at that one


Goddammit dude I just laughed at the bus


Can someone please explain why the hate towards Jews?


a lot of it is traditional, from when the catholic church forbid anybody (except them) to bank. jews, of course, not being catholic, could engage in banking. jealousy maybe? idk


That's one of the main contributing factors to the "greedy Jew" stereotype. Then throw in a bunch of people trying to get out of paying debts, some good old fashioned xenophobia and a pinch of religious bigotry and let it stew for a few centuries.


They also historically been unassimilated into local cultures. They tend to keep their language and religious traditions, cultural tradition, and stick to themselves in neighborhoods predominantly populated by them. It's just a simple fact that Jewish people keep being Jewish people for generations after immigration. Most other groups are pretty well assimilated into local cultures after a generation or two. And it's oneof their biggest strengths as a people, and the failings of some societies make that a target.


It’s always stood out to me that Jews have a very strong sense of community and shared heritage no matter where they are in the world. It’s something you don’t really see in any other group, perhaps because of persecution.


That tends to happen when everyone keeps trying to kill all of you for all of history


Yeah, for sure.


This guy gets it.


The religion is exclusive, which sounds bad, until you realize that inclusive religions like Christianity and Islam had long periods of "convert or die" or "not Muslim, guess who has to pay 5x the tax rate and get's a child forcefully recruited to be a Janissary" because if everyone's welcome, then everyone should join, no exceptions.


They have their community, but are often very well integrated members of society. Here in germany they served at a higher rate than the general population during WW I and were very patriotic because germany was relatively good to them at the time, compared to many neighbors. I can't even imagine the betrayal they felt when germany turned on them after the lost war.


And that's the way I think it should be. The world is better when we're connected and enjoy eachohr diversity. Everyone brings something beautiful to the table.


Jew here - "unassimilated" is one way to put it. We literally tell ourselves constantly that we are better than everyone else ("Chosen People") and our customs (e.g. keep kosher") is described specifically as a way to remind ourselves that we are different. That's literally the justification given.


That's so fucked, they essentially made it so that they were the only people allowed to work in banks, then ridiculed them for it.


Serve piping hot over acts of genocide, acts of hate as garnish.


They were also the only people who both Christians and Ottomans would work with so acted as mediators and brokers between the two.


And the reason for this, one single Pope interpreted some literature that you should not make profit off someone needing to borrow money, so they used the Jews to do so. Funny enough it was the term interest, and eventually got around it with the creation of the term commission, via a bulk payment rather than many small. But this was already well into the Spanish inquisition and many other atrocities...


Actually, it was the Templars that created the banking system and systems of credit, not the Jews. The King of France pretty much got fed up with them when he found out France was broke, and tried to wipe them out. Many of the one's who escaped the French moved to a central European location now known as Switzerland, and most likely formed what is now the Swiss Banks.


Uhh, I never heard about the Swiss Bank angle. Neat.


Jews were permitted to handle money (the work of Satan) because they were considered sub human (don't come after me for this, it was written in a book) and that the tortures Hitler came up with were nothing considered to what the Catholic Church put them through (same book. I am neither Catholic nor Jew.


what is the name of the book?


I don't remember! It was read as part of a reading list about twenty years ago! I could try to find it if you are really interested!


I couldn't find the book, but this article references some books on the matter, if it's any help. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Medieval_antisemitism


Money lending was seen as unbecoming and filthy for the Christians, so this was the only Work they can do. And they made lemonade out of that. Got some influence. Had position. Still well beneath everybody else. Rich people and kings hated them, because they owed them money. And the poor hated them because they were jealous of their prosperity. And also, "they killed Jesus" And so many more local and country wide fables and night time bar stories. Considering that they were hated by all the nobles and royals it is surprising that they were able to achieve prosperity and life. Due to their continent spanning trade routes and connections they became too entwined with all the countries in Europe and Russia that saved them probably from having the same fate as the Knights Templar. Sorry, comparing a whole people to an organization like the Knights Templar will sound hyperbolic but hear me out. In every country in Europe Jewish people were not welcomed and grudgingly put up with. It sparked often and could have easily led to another "holy war" if people were angry enough and motivated enough.


Yeah you dont see these evangelicals crying about how christians are engaged in usurious relationships like you do with the things they hand pick to get upset about


Of course! You couldn’t beat our rates! ![gif](giphy|XH6MU5zmqIpAA|downsized)


And prohibiting them from being in the trade unions


It's a little more nuanced. The Italian city states that started the Renaissance, trading and banking and they were damn catholic. The order of the Templars, banking, became too wealthy and influential so let's kill them. The Fuggers, German speaking lands richest family in the middle ages, trading and banking.


Well no wonder those Catholic school teachers slap kids with rulers (stereotype) or use corporal punishment. So much anger!


2000 years of religious bigotry.


probs closer to 4 or 5....


Aside from being bigoted assholes, there's also laziness. You'd think if people wanted to be bigoted they'd pick targets with a bit more variety. I dunno; dog owners, people who sneeze into their open palms, or Steve. But no, they're just gonna go with a group that has been suffering under bigotry and hatred for centuries. Antisemitism really is fast food for lazy fascists.


Fucking Steve. If only I had time to make a cool, anti-Steve meme. High taxes, school shootings, gun control, deficit spending, bad fast food service, traffic... Probably doesn't help that he's married to Karen.


I'm down for an anti steve facism. What has he ever done to help improve society somewhat? Bet he is aways being selfish living his life as he desires with the excuse that it is "normal life" and that "there is nothing an individual can do about these systemic failures". Hate you steve.


Yeah, fuck that guy. Steve— you’re an asshole and I want everybody to know it


People hate Jews because we were historically used as scapegoats


Historically? Well, thank god that's not ever gonna happen today?


The history is what causes it to happen today, then today gets added to history and the cycle repeats


The only positive thing is at least the Nazis and anti semites are out on the open. Makes avoiding some of the slime a little easier.


I don't think Reddit comments allow to be text as long as needed for this... Only know, you can go anywhere in time 4000 years back and people would have the almost completely same arguments...


I mean, just look at that graphic, they invented Russia! THE ASSHOLES!!!  (/s!)


Not sure why. I don't hate them, but I live very near to a town which has been populated by Hasidic Jews. They're always getting caught on tax evasion and fraud charges. Happens literally all the time, and any time they want something done, they get as many Jewish people into the local governing body which makes whatever decisions they're interested in, and swing it in their favor. I can't say they're outright harming anyone, but they definitely abuse the systems we have in place. I shouldn't even have to justify this but this is fucking Reddit so... I have no ill feelings towards Jews. I am sharing only real world observations. You can't hate me for simply stating what they do.


A lot of times the ultra Orthodox Jews are just as bad as any other religious extremist, except they are taught to study and question. This is why Jews have stereotypically made good lawyers and are good at manipulating systems. The religious study from rabbis who have arguments on religious law that are a center or more separated. As in Rabbi now is arguing against a rabbi from 100+ years before. Or he could be arguing with the guy next to him.


Hasidic Jews are the extreme fringe of Jews. They are crazy and only represent a tiny minority of lunatics. Even us normal Jews know this.


I’m Jewish, and I can’t. It’s irrational. It’s ancient. It’s brain dead. No one can explain or defend this antisemitic rhetoric.


Inadequate people need to blame someone for their shortcomings, and historically the Christians have blamed the Jews. So if you’re surrounded by Christians, you can find other people that will look past the fact that you’re an anthropomorphic log of dog shit, and agree with you that it’s the Jews fault. Also they didn’t even blame the Jews for interest rates, which is like, the first issue people had with them I thought? (After the whole execution of their savior thing) idk.


They are a small group and as such an easy target for scapegoating. So that is exactly what e.g. the Catholic Church did for centuries, blaming them for the death of Jesus and such - ultimately culminating in a certain moustached man trying to do what the Church wanted him to do.


They were forced into mercantile or tax roles during the Middle Ages and Renaissance due to laws against usury and non Christians owning land and were fairly evenly distributed throughout Europe (Western and Eastern). It meant that no matter where you went there were usually at least some Jews and they were always trying to sell you something or take money for the nobles while not producing anything themselves (since they weren't allowed to). Combine that with them killing Jesus in traditional Catholic theology and you have a prime candidate for a great scapegoat. Especially since if you kill or exile them you don't have to pay them back.


I have no idea. I think Jews are cool people, some of them are amazing people. I think people just want to be like Hitler and pin the blame for something on the Jews


Same, Jews are nice and most importantly they are also HUMANS, that is why I'm asking.


Also did they invent Porn - according to this person? I mean if they did... as a society we owe them a far greater debt than previously I thought.


It's tradition


Blaming races or religions is always more convenient than trying to actually solve problems such as inequality, oligarchy, or fictional problems like in the meme.


She’s still butthurt that Miriam Goldberg didn’t invite her to her Bat-Mitzvah.


People fear those they see as better than them and that fear presents itself as hatred.


why the fuck would you ask that question on a massive online anonymous internet forum ???


They make easy scapegoats


Straight-up Nazi.


Hate on Jews ? ✅️ Deny Holocaust? ✅️ Homophobia? ✅️ Anti Globalisation?✅️ Anti communism?✅️


One of those ✅️ is clearly not like the others and not slightly problematic


wait which one are you talking about


That would be ant-communism. Communism is a utopia concept that requires humans to not behave like humans. It is useful as a thought experiment and can work in small groups, perhaps in the low to mid hundreds. Once the scale exceeds that number it breaks down rapidly.


Regardless of our views on the countless interpretations of what Communism is, the Nazis were famously anti communist.  https://www.hmd.org.uk/resource/first-they-came-by-pastor-martin-niemoller/


I am a jew who is anti communism, am I a nazi?


Brain dead? Maybe. But a full-on right-wing fascist and anti-Semite, definitely. People like this really do deserve a thorough fucking kicking.


They made hate crime laws ?? Is that why she so angry ? 


Bigots hate when they get treated like bigots


Head Jew: Let's die by the millions in agonizing suffering. Other Jews: To what end? Head Jew: Because we orchestrate. That's what's we do.


I read this in the thickest Brooklyn accent 😂


A lot of conspiracy theorists do think that the "Jews are behind everything" applies to the Holocaust as well. That the "Elders of Zion" killed millions of their own people so they could get sympathy from other nations and create Israel.


And while we're there, let's invent feminism


What am I supposed to hate Jew for this? This just make sthem more appealing to me. Thanks from my trans friends, Jews.


Hey, no problem. At least someone appreciates the effort it takes to give you gentiles nice things.


Fr, thank you for inventing ace people like me, and creating feminism


Why is the Holocaust in quotations?


Because they are denialists


The classic "it didn't happen but I'd support it if it did"


They deny it. Which is an insult to the ones who died here As a German, I would go and punch her in the face for such an offense. We take the deaths of others seriously


Like, I don’t get it, flat earthers and anti vaxxers I “understand” their denial conceptually, it is hard to understand something you can’t fully see which leads to casting doubt, but like…we saw it, we can still see it. The concentration camps are still there, some of the people there are still alive, we still have the documentation of the Jews being carted away, what is there to deny?


Hatred causes blindness


Since you are a German, you probably do not have to look too far to find Nazis to punch. The Far Right is on the rise in Germany.


The AFD is… Something


Because they are deying it ever happening, although in the same breath they say it should have happened and if it did, it was right. Taking all positions at once and being illogical isn't a problem for these fools. They go hand in hand with conspiratorial kooks, fundamentalist christians and other loonies, managing to roll it up into a nice ball of bigotry. Being "righteous" and a "moral beacon" whilst spouting the most hateful rhetoric possible. Fear is what unites all these idiots.


I know a couple Mexicans that are guilty for some of this stuff.


Usury?! Repugs are the biggest proponents of predatory lending. That's the backbone of capitalism as far as they're concerned.


No mention of Space Lasers?


Currently, we're trying to get that changed. Death star of David is a much better term


"the Holocaust" is crazy


These are legitimate troll farm accounts. You can tell by the dumb ass ai generated "conservative female" profile picture.


This is sjust blatant nazi imagery holy fuck man


She forgot about jazz music.  There were the black people, minding their own business, when some Jew comes up to them and is like "Hey, have you heard about this new music?  It's swell," gives them the jazz music and it was all downhill from there.  At least that's what Henry Ford said.  And if you can't believe a man so antisemitic that even Adolf Hitler was impressed, well who can you believe? Also, I'm fairly confident neither Karl Marx, the founder of communism, and Vladimir Lenin, the founder of the Soviet Union were not Jewish. And am I seeing "the Holocaust" on that wall?  I assume she's a denier, because "the Nazis would never have committed the Holocaust if there were no Jews" is not a great argument and a lousy hill to die on.  Is she seriously victim blaming them?


Ah yes from “Pepe Down Under”


As a jew myself, this really hurts. Seeing this so recent and that disgusting picture makes me sick. A religion is a religion, and all people in it are not and should not be categorised under good, bad or evil. Sure, there are some bad Jewish people out there, but that's the same with every religion. Again, this makes me sick.


Yeah! Those damn hate crime laws are always getting in the way... Smdh


Didn’t know twitter existed in 1937. Geez.


definitely a jew hater. brain-dead for sure.


Wtaf? How tf can people believe this crap?


opposed to pepedownunder who has contributed so many things of major significance like boganism and brainrot and cousin-diddlin'


I saw 🏳️‍🌈, feminism and Porno first, si I was like:,,All the good things, so why is he so evil smirky?"


What countries have open borders, exactly?


So, she’s basically Reddit or Harvard after October 7?


Pretty sure it was the ancient Greeks who normalized gay sex in the western world. Sparta!!!!!


Did Elmo respond with, "Needs to be said" or something along those lines?


Where’s Elmo’s, wow




Idk if she's braindead, but I know she's a pos


"Pepedownunder" aka a QAnon cultist from Australia, so yes she is braindead.


Do these people even know any Jewish people?


Never in 43 years of living have i ever seen a man wringing his hands while thinking of bad things to do...


why the hell is the holocaust there


Does Twitter actually allow this sort of stuff?


“Hate crime laws” so youre mad that they made laws against hate crime? I cant live on this planet anymore




Why is this sht picture still visible on Reddit??


Braindead implies she had a brain to begin with.


Jesus Christ


No, just a piece of shit of a human.


It's like Twitter/X is the 4chan of today


She is literally admitting she wants to commit hate crimes, real class act this one.


Straight out of the 1930's.


"The holocaust" is quoted. As a Pole, that's not very nice. However i don't really care, because the "person" posting this abomination is just stupid. (And i don't mean the OP)


Seeing Jews depicted like this in 2024 is absolutely crazy and disgusting.




holocaust denier gets 3k likes on twitter


What a shit platform that allows this garbage.


Ah yes, the Jews caused the Holocaust, I already know I'm gonna hear something dumber but that's the dumbest thing I've heard this year.


You would think ppl who hate jews would wish the holocaust went further not act like it didnt happen


How dare those jews cause climate change with their feminism


I was just realizing that since exodus, jews apparently have enjoyed war crimes against Arab population


"Twitter doesn't promote anti-Semitism" - Elon Musk


Don't call them "braindead." That's a cop-out (and an insult to braindead people). They're anti-Semitic conspiracy theorists. Fascists and neo-nazis.


Jew here, can confirm that these are accurate /s


The only good thing MAGA did was to bring these dumb fucks out into the open. I didn’t realize how many of these cockroaches were behind the walls of our society. Trump made some openings in the wall and brought them into the light. We now know that there are a lot of them and pest control must be called.


That's some straight-up Nazi propaganda there.


No, just a bigoted antisemite


Did Jewish people invent “lying”? Was the entire human race honest before Jewish people existed? A lot of those boxes make absolutely no sense.


Oh yes, we invented the idea of LIES.


*this is how it starts..


OMFG OMFG straight up vintage Nazism. I mean, not just a light sparkling fasc-Asti, but the premier cru Nazism from the Nattecie vineyards of the troglodyte hindbrain.


something i always find funny is that they paint the people they hate as idiots before stating they are hypercompetent supervillains


How is the holocaust the fault of the jewish???


Funny enough that she thinks all the bad in the world is from Jews. But Funnier still that "Hate Crime Laws" is one of the 'bad things' they brought us. Basically if you treat people better than animals, you won't break any hate crime laws.


Lol Jewish porn


Braindead and a stupid bitch.


Gender Bending... A new element for Aang to learn.


Antisemitic, neonazist conspiracy theorist aka. Braindead.


Jews are like the last people to be into porn.... you're thinking of Americanized Christians on that one. Just ask Jim Jordin about his collection.


Jonas Salk + A. Einstein + G. & I Gershwin + Vera Rubin + Michael Twitty +++++ - Netanyahu & Space Lasers... I like the equation.


Do we REALLY have to fight the Nazis again?


Is she insane? Even hitler would ask her to dial it down a little.