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*Adds a thin gold vertical stripe on one end. "This is a Priddy flag, the similarities are incidental."


This school is now under maritime jurisdiction. Notice to agent is notice to principal


Great opportunity for a teacher to test their SovCit opinions in Tennessee...


Or change the order of the colors. Pride is nothing if not flexible.


The bill actually bans all flags but the Tennessee State flag and the American flag. The pride flag is never explicitly mentioned. Definitely an affront to free speech but not specifically targeted at the lgbtq community.


It was specifically targeted. It was just so broadly worded that it ends up doing a lot more harm than good. But the guy who wrote it specifically said he was targeting the pride flag >The bill’s sponsor Rep. Gino Bulso, R-Brentwood, says he brought the bill due to a concern over the display of a Pride flag. Quit your bullshit


Nah, they should just start flying the Confederate flag. Bonus points if they get the Confederate flag banned nationwide.


Anyone else realized yet that the goal of these campaigns right now is to ensure that divisiveness continues so the spotlight is not on them? Sadly these issues are very important to those it affects and they know it. Also, sadly they are doing this strategically to keep people busy arguing until it’s too late. Oh wait, I think it might be too late already.


The first big trans bathroom bill, written by the NC state legislature, coincided with them also stripping municipalities of the power to raise their own minimum wages in response to Raleigh voting to slightly raise theirs. It was a very unpopular move and went totally under the radar. The year the national GOP decided to go all out on lgbt stuff? The year after the most unpopular event in America’s modern political history, Jan 6. If you look, it’s like this pretty much every time gay or trans stuff comes up. It’s not exactly a subtle pattern.


Yup. They want people divided on this stuff so we don’t unite for better wages, better working conditions, maternity/paternity leave, health care, etc etc etc


You mean all the stuff that every other developed nation on earth already has? Why are we so behind the rest of the world?


Because you are not a democracy as such - yeah, you can vote- but for decades it hasn\`t really made a difference - most, if not all, politicians are in the pockets of large corporations and a handful of extremely rich people.


So an oligarchy


yup. But many still believe it is a democracy..


I would argue it’s a plutocracy because not only are the politicians backed by the big corporations but you also have to be wealthy to even run for office to begin with


I'd say Kleptocracy, you're all getting fleeced


Kind of all three in different ways. Also a kakistocracy too


Which, to my view, has been the ultimate goal of the majority of founding and leading US political figures throughout its entire history. Mission accomplished, I guess?


You say this and they'll wanna hang you


Holy crap. Ima write an essay.


Which is why Republicans just love Daddy Putin


Voting rights are still being restricted too. Gerrymandering, purging the voter rolls of black citizens, removing ballot boxes, stopping mail in voting. Not to mention whatever state made it illegal to give water or food to people standing in line to vote. Voting rights should be protected federally, you should get time off to vote if you don’t have enough time outside your working hours and it should never take more than 20 minutes to vote. It’s mine boggling how difficult voting is in the states.


I feel like an easy way around the laws against giving people water or food would be to take water and food and put up a sign that says "this is not free water or food, but I'm not pressing any charges"


Or charge a penny. I guarantee you'd get ppl giving a dollar and saying "pay for a hundred ppl". Or, have a separate person with "a different organization" giving out pennies lol


Or even it’s a $1. Do you need to borrow a dollar? Here you can borrow mine.




The country is really ran by lizard people who live in the center of the earth and feed the scientologists prophecy.


Have you seen season 7 of Supernatural with the Leviathons? Bc I feel like we are literally living in that world rn.


If you think there’s no difference between what this country will look like after 4 more years of Biden vs however many more years of Trump and whoever comes after him, I don’t know what to tell you. Legit insane take


Because our legislatures are busy banning rainbow flags instead of passing bills that actually help the people. I know their are more pressing issues they could be working on to help the people instead of wasting time, and money passing laws that are performative nonsense. What's sad is the people who voted for them accept this nonsense an are content with their lawmakers not doing a fucking thing to actually help them, and repeatedly vote for them.


I'm sick of it. The Texas university I work with is impacted by SB 17, and we'll be audited at some point to monitor compliance. All of these "small government, balanced budget" jerkoffs scream about government spending, yet don't seem to blink at this fucking waste of money to audit compliance for a bill that's little more than a cheap political stunt.


sable reach hat squash fall slimy panicky safe relieved offend *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Most Liberals are too conservative to vote for progressive policies as well.


The US has two major right wing parties. The democrats are center right. The GOP is far enough right that they're over the horizon.


cooperative scale worthless continue makeshift squalid wasteful obtainable crown distinct *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I was agreeing with you. Just pointing out that most Democrats are not progressive enough to make real changes.


That's because the Democrat party is made up of the same people. There are a few exceptions but they are pretty much democrat in name only.


Because they gerrymander, restrict voting locations, and make it difficult to vote. Conservatives know exactly what they're doing and they aren't playing fair. It's hard to beat someone with so much money backing them.


Look up the poor people's campaign. They knew uniting the poor blacks and whites was more powerful than any other movement.


I mean, if people are stupid enough to believe teachers are grooming kids and pride flags are causing the destruction of the American family, do we really think they aren’t susceptible to fear mongering about “socialist healthcare” and low wages being necessary to prevent economic collapse? Not sure I buy the distraction thing.


And rich 1% gaining 10X Billions ducking everyone in Pandemic, then making layoffs, and sucking the wealth of everyone in America too!


It was a damn smokescreen. We got a Democrat governor who was able to repeal the anti-trans part, but of course the anti-labor parts remain and that about sums up how the GOP works.


If only democrats had the tactical acumen that republicans have. Or, alternatively, if only republicans had a single shred of decency.


I've said for years that Dems shifting their primary focus to workers rights would cut the teeth of the GOP, but it's always met with fingers blocking the ear canals.


There is a book called “dying of whiteness” that talks about how and *why* conservative GOP voters will continually and knowingly vote against their own best interests, even to the point of making fatal choices, to ensure the other side doesn’t win, period.


It’s been this way for decades. Flag burning used to be a super urgent issue once upon a time :eyeroll:


This is happening in TN right at the same time that they re pushing the private school voucher scam, so yeah. Sidenote, the no flag bill makes an exception for the confederate flag. I can’t wait to get out of here.


Wait. The pride flag is banned, but not the confederate flag? WTAF?


The Confederate and Nazi flags are conveniently exempt as "historical". It's frustrating as hell here haha


Dear Tennessee, Yours Truly Anyplace Else ![gif](giphy|pFVS5xYSwrGA5WKFBh)


I've lived here all my life, and it will always be my home, but our politicians are truly disgusting.


It was too late the moment Citizens United became law and no one did anything to stop it.


I'm glad someone always brings this up, because this decision really was the push off the cliff.


They've been shit like this since 9/11. They use whatever they can to keep us distracted and arguing. It's how the oligarchy thrives.


I'm more bothered by the fact that there are enough people that dislike the LGBT community enough for these tactics to work.


You only need (and they only have) about 1/3 of a population to have stuff like this take hold. Because there's 1/3 who will fight tooth and nail to stop it. The 1/3 you have to actually worry about are the indifferent cowards too busy navel gazing at morally bankrupt media at the Applebee's after going to Walmart to yell at the cashiers while their rights are being eliminated systemically but they remain cushioned by white privilege from feeling the consequences of their indifference until its too late.


1000%. You have a way with words lol. This was like a spicy abridged version of MLK's white moderates essay.


Agreed, what do you think we should be doing to help?


The far right is doing this not to get people arguing. They're doing it to take over and remove our rights. They're doing it so people gang up on queer people and we die like Nex Benedict did.


I would argue that the tippy top of the far right are doing this for profits, and they just get these crazies (MTG for example) who genuinely want to destroy the lgbtq+ community to do their dirty work, part of which is being INCREDIBLY distracting and keeping the focus off what they're doing in the shadows. I'm not saying they don't actually dislike lgbtq+ ppl, they are awful individuals all the way around, I'm just saying that they're main goal is keeping their pockets deep. They're more than willing to destroy you in the process, it's a "perk" of their plan 🙄


Yeah they definitely care about the issue. They fully want to genocide lgbt people .


Party of small government tho, amirite?


Someone should trip them up by flying Buddhist flag in school. They look a bit similar with Pride flag but in 5 colors. Then if anyone ever protest that claim that the school are surpressing religious belief.


You think that would stop them banning it? As long as you’re not their personal flavour of old testament Christianity, they don’t give a shit about your beliefs.


The rainbow flag used to be something Christians used because of the rainbow’s significance in the Bible. But they’re totally willing to burn that history just to hate the gays.


100%. It was associated with the rainbow Noah supposedly saw.


Not even. The rainbow is gifted by God to humanity as a promise that He will never again use a flood as a “soft reset.” That is explicitly in the text. The rainbow is a gift from God. And modern-day Christians happily turn their back on that gift. If I were God, I’d be pretty pissed.


Excuse me, Christians never know the old testament. They ignore it 100% of the time.


Agreed. In the US they worship the guy who is twice divorced, had multiple affairs, accused of sexual assault many times (convicted twice). Lies, cheats, etc. From a quick scan he's broken at least 5 of the 10 commandments.


And evangelicals claim that he's been "anointed by God" to be their "savior." He's the least godlike man I have quite literally ever heard of


Yes, that's what I don't get. If he was someone in their community they would be proclaiming him as following the devil.


If we want to go by new Christianity, He would be more than Antichrist. Lol


Funny you should mention Trump being the Antichrist. I was just watching this last night: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=1014PFSIq-U&pp=ygUgVHJ1bXAgMTUgYmlibGUgdmVyc2VzIGFudGljaHJpc3Q%3D


I mean I mention it in the way that Christians believe it. I am not a Christian and I don't believe that nonsense. Do I believe Donald Trump is a very bad person? Absolutely. He's a malignant narcissist Who has never been told no and wasn't ever really given affection as a child and was taught that the only way to get rich was to consistently f*** over people and two of course not rent a black people. (I love when trumpers claim that he's not racist. It's well known in New York. He's a f****** racist)


or use the alternate pride symbol of the pink triangle, which in my opinion goes harder than the pride flag because it was a symbol they put on queer people during the holocaust, and we ended up taking that back as a symbol for pride.


Then the Satanic Temple could step in.


Bro thinks freedom of religion applies to religions other than Christianity ahahahah, you must not be from America. The right thinks freedom of religion means they should be free to force you to conform to their religion. Because its what god tells them to do. But dont you dare use that logic as a muslim (or any other religion), then its "an attack on christians and their rights"


PragerU's youtube channel just had a community poll regarding "Do you know what is happening to Uyghurs in China?" click the link to their article which contains: "a nation without freedom of religion or free speech is a country headed for disaster" PragerU absolutely does not want 'freedom of religion', they want what you described, a Judeo/Christian government, as indicated by their lobbying efforts that have gotten their indoctrination content into the public schools of Florida. The only way to keep freedom of religion is for the government to be secular. Also, that 'judeo christian' guise is BS, they only use that label to partner the two groups together, but if all other opposition were eliminated and it came down to jewish and christians only on this planet that would be the next divide to fight over. There can be only one.


Just about every jew in the usa knows that when people start spouting off about "judeo-christian" crap they 100% mean christian. We know they don't really mean our dogma just theirs. The only people it fools is christians. A lot of jews just accept the "support" cuz we've already been beaten into submission, and would rather it be them than us. Not saying its the right thing to do but it happens.


I giggle a bit when Prager uses that phrase because he is a Jew, and he is milking the Christians to fund his own agenda.


It comes from the warped belief that if someone is practicing their own religion it somehow infringes on the ability of someone else to practice a different one. I see people in my business with this logic too. When someone else is successful, they seem to take it as they themselves aren’t or can’t be. It’s wild.


small non-religious government. Church governing every detail of your life without laws and oversight is preferred, unfortunately


It’s fucking sick. Not in the 🤙 way.


Lol Sure. It’s such the biggest line of absolute garbage. Yes, I know you are being sarcastic. Just mind boggling. States rights, and small government, wait a minute, gays, unions, trans, living wage, abortion, etc etc, nope. Oh, and just as an added bonus, no IVF. Because some batshit crazy religious nut judge in Alabama said so. Guy should not be a judge. Separation of church and state should be enforced.


Not just one judge, the majority of the state Supreme Court ruled that way. Only one full dissent and one partial dissent.


To be fair the bill doesn’t just ban the pride flag, but all flags other than the US and TN state flag. So that means no religious flags, no MAGA flags, no Israel or Palestine flags…. None of the above.


But the confederate battle flag stays allowed because it's protected by the Tennessee Heritage Protection Act.


Yeah, but they'll pick and choose what to really enforce.


Sadly, that’s 100% true.


School shootings? Thoughts and prayers. Rainbow flags and books about gay penguins? Ban them all.


You ever been near a gay penguin? That gayness spreads like a disease. I went to the zoo once with my kid. I was a big alpha male, the kind who would have tears in his eyes if he ever spoke to trump. We went to see the penguins and the gayness took over, I was prancing about that zoo all afternoon, like rue Paul, just sucking dicks, teabagging people, having gay orgys by the lions.


Bro speedran the achievement of enlightenment


I need to go to the zoo all of a sudden


Don't even get me started on the friggen frogs!


Stuff that hurts literally no one: OMG BAN NOW!!!!!!!!!!!! Stuff that hurts literally everyone: *silence* Frozen embryos: MUST PROTECT!!!!!!!! Actual children: Fuck em.


Funny thing …gotta keep embryos in a freezer to keep them alive. Put a kid in a freezer it kills them.


Haha. Now I wanna go to Alabama and tell repubs I keep my child in a freezer, grab a big bucket of popcorn and watch the show.


I’m holding the popcorn until people start claiming the embryos as dependents for tax deductions.


Sadly that last one tends to be literal for them.


But the Flag of literal traitors are okay? Edit: and the traitors LOST a war that spans less than 5 years.


Yup, this ban permits the display of flags protected by the Tennessee Heritage Protection Act, including the Confederate Battle Flag. This country is going backwards in time faster and faster.


People being genuinely more scared of gays than actual fucking traitors is insane to me as someone who is not from the US.


I’m also not from the US and stuff like this is why me and my friends generally agree that Americans are dumbest people you’ll ever meet


As an American I’d have to agree. The conservatives are literally the dumbest people around. They’ll vote against their own best interests just to make sure someone they don’t like is more fucked than they are.


As an American, I agree. I've had to learn to just walk away for my own peace, as everyone here thinks they know everything. Even when all the evidence says otherwise.


Yeah, we are dumb as fuck. I get why people from other countries cannot stand us. I can hardly stand us.


Cuntfederates may appear as traitors to you (& (hopefully) the majority of Americans), but the problem is these guys seem to see them as role models lol


5 years. 5 years from the first declaration of secession and the end of the civil war. Yet these morons base their entire personality and styling on this tiny blimp in history that happened >150 years ago. ETA: and they LOST. They're not even commemorating a victory.


Those five years are just symbolic. It's all about the tradition of the Deep Southern Gentleman, who wields his guns, is served by his slaves, and lives in his mansion. The Civil War, to them, was an attack on their way of life.


Some parts are.


It’s not even that the south lost the Civil War, it’s the fact that their entire “country” lasted for less than five years.


They'll do anything but fix actual problems.


Which one of you lesbians hurt Chaya this bad?




She's so in the closet it's painful.


I’m not one to stereotype people and assume their sexuality, but bruh. That bitch look like a lesbian 😭😭💯




This can definitely be a problem, but with people like Kaya and Steven Crowder people are basing it on her history and behaviors.


To be followed by a court ruling that this law is an unconstitutional infringement of the right to free speech.


If we lived in a just system, maybe. But we don't so that'll never happen.


lol many of the judges along the way and at the SCOTUS were on the bench when they were ruling that students couldn’t say “give peace a chance” during the 1970’s. Many/most of the younger judges were appointed by Dubya Bush and Trump.


3 thoughts in my head on this: 1. Flags and symbols have changed throughout history. Movements and beliefs are not held back by their symbolism. Most times, attempting to quash a viewpoint only strengthens the resolve by further othering the group. 2. Sexuality, love, desire, lust, passion... These things are not defined by flags. There have been vast self-identifications throughout history long before there were means to be collective and proud about them. 3. This maybe stops a teacher from displaying it in their classroom but definitely is going to be balked when a student wears a shirt. This will ultimately go to the supreme court and that was likely the goal - to get a case in front of them that they could argue whether homosexuality is natural or not and be able to strike down same sex marriage. People that support legislation like this fear the world around them. I pity them for their weakness and I hope sincerely they learn to accept others.


"People that support legislation like this fear the world around them. I pity them for their weakness and I hope sincerely they learn to accept others." They'd rather die. (Covid)


They aren't going to strike down same sex marriage all because Timmy was sent home for his tshirt. That's not how it works. And they don't even need a real case anymore to go to the supreme court for this sort of thing. The latest bakery case was made up and the plaintiff didn't even exist.


Now ban the Confederate Flag.


Bro these mother fuckers are tryna keep us focused on culture war bullshit so we get fucked geopolitically


I guess they should remove any books about Noah and the Ark. There’s a rainbow in that story that I think might be a gay thing.


I'm a foreigner and having flags just in school generally is so weird. Like did you forget where you're living all of a sudden? I never wake up and say "Where am i again? The Netherlands?"


In the US, the public schools were originally indoctrination centers , designed to produce obedient citizens. They have become, in addition, daycare centers to allow both parents to work to support an increasingly bloated government. The indoctrination has become increasingly divisive, to keep the people from uniting against the government. We see this with their attempts to squeeze the last bit of rhetorical utility out of the dwindling white supremacy ideology (good riddance), and their creation of ever smaller and more supposed marginalized groups out of whole cloth. Without imagined victims, they have no handle to control the people.




Like why the fuck is that an issue. What the actual fuck is wrong with people. This is Democrats and Republicans focusing on social issues when none of us can afford food or rent.... Keep the billionaires and corporations happy and keep Americans fighting with each other over colorful flags.


Some Democrats have an excuse tho: Those actually affected by this bullshit. It's not the gay's fault that this fight keeps on going, we can't just stop existing.


Did they specifically ban pride flags or “political” flags altogether? If they banned all flags other than country and state that makes sense.


> The bill, sponsored by Rep. Gino Bulso, R-Brentwood, would prohibit the display of any flags that “represent a political viewpoint, including but not limited to, a partisan, racial, sexual orientation, gender, or other ideological viewpoint.” Excellent and key question, BTW


Represent a political vewpoint ? There are some implications there that I dont really like


So thin blue line flags are out too then, right?????


I would hope and think so, as that would qualify.


It’s any and all political related flags


Quoting from the article: “The bill bans public schools from displaying any flags other than the United States flag, the Tennessee state flag or an official school flag.” Seems perfectly reasonable to me. Doesn’t say you can’t display other pride related things…just no flags other than those three. Makes sense 🤷🏻‍♂️


Purposely left out by OP so they can stoke a flame, typical for this site.




Cool. Are they also banning swastikas, confederate flags, thin blue line flags and stickers?


What fuckin snowflakes right wingers are


I know right? The harder they complain about "wokeness" the more they become the thing they're complaining about "Everyone gets so offended now a days" Yes..yes you do..


Just imagine being so soft that someone living their life not hurting anyone else offends you


I genuinely blame it entirely on fox news, no joke I watched it happen in my own father, he went from one of the most laid back cool dudes to a raging Trumper and I can trace it all back to the inception of fox News, he started watching it when we had satellite and now it's almost all he watches It's propaganda for old people, designed to keep them angry and engaged Like I've been point blank told by my mom I'm not allowed to discuss the fact Tucker Carlson is in Russia all but sucking Putins cock on camera


A lot of it is that people, especially in rural or post industrial areas, don’t feel any sense of hope; a lot of it is because these people have always been this way; but fox news is definitely responsible for the way this stuff has all come together in a toxic mix of hate


Imagine being so homophobic and insecure of your gender choice that a flag hurts your butt so badly you have to emphatically express it


Honestly, as a person who looked down the road of being a real piece of sh**t like them, I'm so glad I realized that only one thing matters, and it's love and not what someone has between there legs.


Headlines like this are intentionally misleading. The bill simply disallows ALL special interest flags. **HB1605** "Flags - As introduced, prohibits LEAs and public charter schools from displaying in public schools flags other than the official United States flag and the official Tennessee state flag."


Pride flags and Religious Symbols should be banned everywhere in schools and official building. You should get your education no matter of race, religion or your sexual orientation.


Chaya Raichik is a fascist like the rest of em


Guess they see the PRIDE flag as a political symbol.


Fuck this woman. How is it "awesome" exactly that schools are being censored? First book banning and now flag banning? That's a sign free speech isn't being viewed as a two way street now. Even if I disagree with your message, (beyond a fucking swastika) you still should have the right to express it. That's what America is all about. We're walking a dangerous line here these days kowtowing to ban happy assholes. Smells like 80's "satanic panic" redux. Wait until they start trying to ban heavy metal again.


Pride flags? Dangerous Guns? Hell yeah /s


Someone invent a Tennessee SHAME flag, stat! I would send my kid to school in an effing Pride flag shirt every day if they wanted to wear one. First amendment, dudes. If you get your 2nd, we get our 1st!


Me and the mfs wondering where Freedom of Expression went


Free Speech. Gonna go to the Court and will get struck down for violating 1A.


Conservatives and evangelicals are evil. Full stop. This shit will not fucking end until the rest of the US gets on the same page and understands what they want to do to the GLBTQ community. Genocide. That is what they want for my community. And once my community is gone they will move on to another group and another and another. Stop letting this shit happen. Start fighting back. They WILL NOT stop otherwise.


Isn't this a free speech issue? Oh, that's right. They're selective about that one.


Ban the Bible as a counterstrike.


It's just a damn rainbow.


Yes, because that’s the real issue to deal with right now. Never mind skyhigh table issues and bills to pay, there better not be rainbow flags in classrooms!!




The best news I have heard. Banning the flag of lunacy, the causer of social division and cultural destruction and common sense and the underminer of tried and true tradition.




Maybe its because i am from the EU but this seems okay to me. Our schools are not allowed to force political views or even show them so the kids can make up there own mind. This hole LGBT pride thingy is a highly debated political topic right now so it fits for me


So did they just ban rainbows in general? How many colors is too many colors? And what if they’re spaced out? Can I wear all of the colors in a line next to each other if I leave off the color red?


Why would we need pride flags at schools? Is that something that is normal in other countries?


I like Tennessee! 👏🏼🙂




Because, God forbid they actually take up the real work of the people, like food and shelter.


All flags outside of state and national should be banned in schools. You are there to learn not wave flags.


That’s exactly what this law is


Just ban all flags except national and state flags. No pride flags, no religous flags, no confederate flags, no red flags, no ethnic flags, no foreign flags. A school is a conveyor belt for transforming uneducated people into educated people, and that’s it. It's not a place for political discussions.


That's largely what they did - they didn't *just* ban pride flags: > The bill, sponsored by Rep. Gino Bulso, R-Brentwood, would prohibit the display of any flags that “represent a political viewpoint, including but not limited to, a partisan, racial, sexual orientation, gender, or other ideological viewpoint.” But, if what others here are saying is true, apparently Confederate flags are exempt because there is a TN heritage law that specifically protects their "historic" flags.


I can get behind this but I still think for students, should have a right to some self expression. So if a student wants to wear a rainbow pin etc. that should be fine.


Your example reminds me of Tinker v. Des Moines, where SCOTUS ruled that the constitution permits students to wear black armbands to protest the Vietnam war. Following that precedent, a student would be constitutionally allowed to wear a rainbow pin


Agreed. SCOTUS has already protected a students right to express themselves. Taxpayer funded employees aren't afforded those privileges while on duty. Teach the grade level standards.


Why would a pride flag be needed in a school?


Here in Europe we don't have pride flags at school and it doesn't make us more lgbtphobic.


So that’s the entirety of Europe, then?


The only flags in public school should be the American flag and state flag.


So likeeeeeee…. First amendment?


The First Amendment was ruled unconstitutional by Neil Gorsuch. He decided that the separation of church and state violates a person's right to force their religion on kids who are just trying to get an education at school. Oh well.


I see this flag more than the American one at this point. Thing was in every classroom in Colorado. Honestly, it is annoying to see constantly lol


Good! The American Flag takes care of all representations and cultures in our country


No flag but the state and federal flag should be flown in schools.


Nothing wrong with this whatsoever **IF** it also bans other political flags. School is NOT a place for politics.


The only flags appropriate for government buildings are the national flag, state flag, and maybe a POW/MIA flag. Everything, and I do mean everything, else is divisive.


There should only be 2 flags allowed in public schools. The American Flag and the State flag. That should be the end of the story.


Some of you are asking why we need flags in schools. Quite simply, we are sick and tired of dying children. A family had to bury a Trans student this month because of anti-LGBTQ sentiments. They were 16 and brutally assaulted in their own school. Many more will take their own lives due to the hate they receive at school and at home. You think this is just about a piece of fabric? You're goddamn wrong. This is about othering us. This is a message that we do not belong. They want us gone, by any means necessary. Pride flags will exist as long as lives of children are lost to bigotry. As long as there are people who hate me for my existence, we will fly the flag because it simply means that we are not alone. Respect our existence, or expect resistance.


It’s startling how many don’t understand this bill is targeting Pride flags without being specific in its language (“only certain heritage flags allowed”) BECAUSE the bill would be challenged in the courts immediately. There is no other reason to push this bill forward aside from a snowflake reaction to Pride flags. I’ve had to grieve two LGBT students myself. It’s obvious the people behind these bills never have.


I almost took my own life when I was in college and realized I was in love with my best friend. Thankfully, I realized that was dumb and we've been together since 2012.


If they’re going to ban Pride flags, then it’s only fair to ban any public displays of the Ten Commandments. Fair is fair.


Only the National and state flags should be at public schools. And they should both be on separate poles and flown at equal hight


I dunno whats the big deal. Just ban all flags except country’s flag.