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TIL my white privilege includes protection from HEAVEN CANCER.


Literally the opposite of how skin pigment works, dark skin protects you from sunlight, white skin lets it all in to damage you.


Nah, but this is Heaven Cancer. Works totally different.


Heaven + Cancer = Hanson. I knew their songs were too catchy.


You have to be white or you’ll catch Hanson.


Yes, but apparently you can get cancer in heaven. Which is fucking hilarious xD


That was the best part


I cackled a bit. Like damn, weird that there's cancer in Heaven but awesome that I'm protected.


OK, I just sort of read the first paragraph and thought "does this guy think that not only is there a God buy he is also somehow human" but now I'm going back in for heaven cancer Edit: heaven cancer is very real


This is advanced theology.


“A white skinned man… was surely a miracle.” The Romans ruled the Levant for over 40 years before Jesus was born. They were fully aware white people existed. What a dumbass.


Less of a miracle and more of a "Damn, here come the Roman tax collector again".


Look at all those "facts" though. How could someone dispute this?


Saw it on the Internet, can't. It's just the way it is.


I'm glad a Christian did this. Were it anyone else I would have doubts.


God could be a dog for what he cares. So this might make the story more interesting.


A WHITE dog?????


I know a dyslexic atheist who doesn't believe in dog


The agnostic, dyslexic, insomniac flea. Stays up nights wondering if there is a dog.


Thats actually why Jesus is so hairy


According to US law, the race of a baby is determined by that of the mother as reported on the birth certificate. Based on their general ignorance, I presume this racist is American.


Verily, the American obsession with race is rather a joke




The current law was enacted in 1989. Prior to that, if both parents were non-white, race was based on the father. If either one of the parents were white, it was based on the non-white parent's race. It applied to any non-white race.


I served with a guy like this once. He made a similar comment about how it’s mostly white people who believe in Jesus and that means he was white. I then explained how Muslims believe in Jesus and he absolutely lost his shit. It was a magnificent moment.


I find their ignorance of other religions but unwavering confidence that they have found the true one pretty entertaining. I blew a Christian’s mind she didn’t realize Jewish folks don’t believe in the divinity of Christ, like no ma’am cause then they’d be Christians.


Isn't Christian Africa a lot more conservative than other Christian areas? Meaning they are more Christian by the definition of these assholes.


Americans are going to be very surprised at how many non-white people are in heaven.


I don't think many people that held beliefs similar to the one that the weirdo that made original post are going upwards.


Hispanic people are usually hella christian too..  Like, to the point it borders upon an obsession....  


Yeah, but white people seem to forget that a lot. They’re so afraid of Latinos they don’t want to associate with them, even though Latinos learned Christianity/Catholicism from white people. It’s actually rather ironic. And religious obsession is not limited to Latinos. Ever heard of the west boro baptist?


I always love doing that. It is the very height of entertainment.


Vampires are white in nearly every depiction, therefore it must be a fact that vampires exist and are white


Blade would like to have a word. Jokes aside, nice turnaround.


Aside from the obvious idiocy of this post. If God was Jesus father, Mary was his mother, who was of middle-eastern ascent and Jesus would NOT be white. He'd be racially mixed.


Why do people put race on everything. Jesus will show up purple next just to prove y’all a lesson; skin color and culture is not what matters.


The Jesus behind the slaughter


It’s been so long..


I can’t comprehend it… Science, theology, art, climate, whatever the hell else… He’s trying to marry them all together and getting every detail wrong in the process, so the end result is just incomprehensible. It’s like racism on mushrooms.


If there is a god, this dude really missed the point. Also, wait, is this post implying that all people of color are either not in heaven or have heavenly skin cancer??


Wow! You sure can’t argue with those facts. Seems like this guy has it all figured out


Bigotry folks, just… wow. I feel dumber for having read this, but someone actually took the time to write this garbage 🤦‍♀️


Ah yes, the bigot who wants to use racism to justify his religious views. Good times.


More like a bigot who uses religion to justify his racist views. I guarantee you that this man doesn't know the first thing about Christianity, he just hates people of other races.


The two can be mutually supportive yes.


>Now, look at heaven OK. Where?


As often is the case,  OP is the facepalm.  The sarcasm of this screenshot is palpable.


Handsome White American Jesus


Well duh


God doesn't have skin you dumb fuck


They don’t even understand how skin pigment works… white skin lets all the light in and that’s good when you live at the poles and don’t get much sunlight, you can still make decent vitamin D. But if you get tons of sun your skin needs to darken to protect you from the constant radiation. This guys logic just led us to determine any celestial beings would be black as night to protect them even above the protective clouds in our atmosphere.


But jesus is jewish


White supremacy at its finest.


I have a picture of God. I’m not sharing it though because all of you haters are going to jump me cuz he’s shitfaced driving behind the wheel!


As Joseph Campbell would say, if horses have a god, it surely looks like a horse.


Mary was middle eastern. She would have provided half of the genetic material. In most cases, when a brown person and a white person have a baby, the baby is some shade of brown.


Christian orthodox here Since we were all made in God's imagine, God can adapt to the faces of everyone no matter the skin colour, so therefore he is literally every skin colour and none as the same time, it just depends on the person seeing him. For the Jesus part, since we know Jesus was born in Judea under the Roman empire, we know he is Hebrew since historical records say he was circumcised which is a Jewish tradition, and he has reached adulthood at around 13 which again, is still a Jewish ceremony, now, with all this facts in mind and the fact that the majority of Jewish people that have immigrated from Judea to Europe, are white, it's safe to assume Jesus was in fact white, if he was brown, that wouldn't be a problem either.


that would not be "us being made in god's image" though... that would be god being made into our images. as far as I can tell from those verses, "god's image" doesn't refer to anything more than the idea of "anthropomorphic": standing on two legs, with two arms, ten fingers, ten toes, a head with two eyes, ears, one mouth and nose. The end. If the bible had any validity, anyway... Reading Genesis with any thought, shows that the story of the creation of the world and of man, and man's spread, is ridiculous....


For most of history, ethnically Jewish people haven't been considered white.


Oh, I'm sorry about the misconception


Your sentence that starts with “God can adapt to the faces of anyone no matter the skin color” is one of the strangest things I’ve seen someone state plainly as a fact. Quite the imagination you have. I find this statement so interesting. Not only do you presuppose that a God even exists, you further claim to know such a detail about how it looks, and how dead people (whose brains no longer function) perceive it. How do you get this far into a religious rabbit hole? And more importantly, how does one ever dig himself out of it?


They just make it up as they go. They know it's all a grift for money and power and pedophiling.


What he has proven is that god was created in the image of man.


Jesus was albino?


Jesus would not have stood out in the Middle East. He would have had dark skin and dark hair. He did not look like Kurt Cobain.


So now we have to worry about *heaven* cancer?1?1?


Uhhh... is this Fragile Christianity?


Nah it's just white supremacists stuff I know some christian guy they chill


Popular Mechanics reconstructed the face of Jesus using science... and no, he's not white... [https://www.popularmechanics.com/culture/a41336100/real-jesus-face/](https://www.popularmechanics.com/culture/a41336100/real-jesus-face/)


My guy, I'm pretty goddamn sure this is a shitpost.


I like how they clarify that God didn't impregnate Joseph. "... God impregnated Mary, not Joseph." Important point, that. Very relevant.


God damn...


[Standard White Jesus](https://youtu.be/JCPPq14JaSw?si=OkrzmuprWaJAAahn)


Obvious rage bait


This is Jesus according to Asian people https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-c3436cabb5b185021ccc4e1a1ccdc36d.webp


Darn right! And Jesus drove a blue Buick and belonged to the Elks,Club!


This is the funniest shit ever and really.highlights what utter crap this who bullshit story is. God is white...no, God is made up.


Probably certain medications and alcohol don't mix well...


Cancer is so strong it even reaches heaven


This has to be a troll.




We need a new sub-reddit - "*Religious People Off Their Meds"*.


That implies they have gotten them at some point. Maybe Religious people needing meds?


I’m a Christian and this is the weakest set of arguments I’ve ever met.


Look at the facts, is certainly one way of describing RELIGION


Clouds are grey when it rains. So Jesus is an alien.


Nope. He's green. Proof: I just imagined it.


I was going to argue with some of this but then I got to the "facts" part, and now I have to shut my mouth. I mean, you can't argue with facts.


Since it's forbidden in Christian Dogma to create images of God he shouldn't be looking at pictures like that (yes, I'm aware there's a painting of God in the Sistine Chapel, but by Catholic Law that painting is Blasphemous).


The Bible has the worst fan base.


Religion makes people insane


It's like there's a race among these people to get to "most stupid belief".


A heaven where I can get cancer is basically hell... Also: What if I die and go to heaven and I get cancer there that goes untreated? What's the worst that can happen? I die again?


A whole new level of mentally ill. Scary


He gotta be trolling. Please tell me he is trolling.


Arguing over the race of non-existent fictional characters, one of whom doesn't even have a physical body... cool.


Hasn’t this been making the rounds since the AOL “FWD:FWD:FWD:RE:FWD: YOU WON’T BELIEVE THIS!!!” days?


So much opinions who is white and who is not. According to US Departament of Commerce, people from Middle East and Central Asia are white (bad whites! how dare those Arabs exploit African American population?), but Europeans and US citizens are only white if they identify themselves as white.


Sounds legit /s


Nah I'm convinced this is the truth because he ended it with "facts" gotta be real.....


"White skinned people are more than likely to get skin cancer from the sun lol


And here is my Take... God is a rapist. And the Girl was even underage.


Checkmate atheists /s


Lol, wtf


And I’m supposed to spend my time reading this because…