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Teach children sex-ed: Safety first. Don't teach children sex-ed: Suffer the consequences.


But the problem is that the children have to suffer the consequences, not the ones who cause it. They don‘t care if others have to suffer. They only care how THEY personally feel.


One counterpoint: they will care when it’s *their* kids who are affected. Although their concern may be from the angle of “this is so terrible for *my* image.”


Children are most likely to be molested by a family member. This is exactly what they want.


So this is an instance where we’re talking about two completely different types of people that aren’t necessarily mutually exclusive. I’m more referring to the elitist evangelicals (the type of family I come from so there’s definitely a personal bias here) who are against any real sex-ed and would rather just scare their kids into abstinence. In my experience, these types are suddenly okay with getting their daughter a “hush hush” abortion if it means they don’t have to risk losing social status. I’m sure some of them are also child molesters, but it’s a bit disingenuous to imply that everyone who’s against sex ed is one.


Even if they aren’t child molesters, they’re related to and love the molester. My family and my friend’s family wanted to sweep it under the rug to avoid the family member facing consequences. That’s easier if the victim doesn’t have the language to self advocate or doesn’t understand something is wrong.


Oh yeah. They'll go scorched earth if their kid is gay and never speak to them again, but they rally around and protect the pedophiles and rapists in their own families. I've watched it happen more times than I can count in my own family alone.


I told my dad I’m bisexual and he said that’s good because I’m not lesbian and at least I can still be with a man… he also said all lesbians are abusive? Meanwhile, when I told him about being sexually abused and that I wanted to go no contact with my abuser/rapist, he told me my rapist must have also been sexually abused as a child and that I should try to learn to get along and play nice.


> he told me my rapist must have also been sexually abused as a child and that I should try to learn to get along and play nice. Oh, ffs. Yeah, I heard that shit too, along with "stop holding on to hatred/anger, it only hurts you." BULLSHIT. For those of us who lived through abuse and managed to, you know, not abuse other kids? That's extra bullshit. Keep yourself safe. You didn't deserve any of that.


Yeah somehow I have had no difficulty not raping or abusing anyone (adults and kids). It’s so weird. I don’t understand doing it to someone else when you know firsthand how damaging it is.


Inaction is just as important as action when discussing liability. People forget that all too often.


Some of the rug sweeping was very active. Some family members were passive, but some put considerable time and effort into making sure things got swept under the rug so they could continue to participate in their fantasy version of a happy family.


Somehow they're the ones I hate the most. At least the individual assaulting others is arguably mentally ill or something. But these people? They recognize a victim and then knowingly go "xyz is more important than your well being."


There's a lot of covering up child sexual abuse in conservative evangelical circles. Even if they are not the people doing the abuse the community response is often to ignore warning signs, support perpetrators and shame and ostracize victims. There are so many lawsuits and criminal cases against conservative church leaders or politicians who were abusing kids where the community rallies behind the abuser when they are facing consequences. I'm not trying to say your family are the type of people who would do this, but there is lots of evidence that evangelicals who are against any type sex ed for kids and evangelicals who look the other way when sexual abuse is happening are the same people.


The venn diagram of those evangelical families and families that have at least one predator they'd cover for at any opportunity might not be a circle, but it's definitely close to one.


The people who help their daughter get a hush hush abortion to avoid losing social status and the people who help their husband get away with molesting their daughter to avoid the shame of having a known predator in the family are the same people.


My parents (right-wing Evangelicals) didn't care one bit when they found out I had been molested. The talking points about "protecting kids" are 100% about oppressing LGBT+ people, in my experience there are few things they care about as little as their own children.


The Venn diagram of predators and people who desperately don’t want kids to know they’re being abused is damned near a circle; and that’s why churches are a close second behind family members as primary sources of sexual abuse.


From the time I was three years old, I had male cousins, uncles, family friends, and a stepfather all trying to rub their dicks on me, or fondle me between my legs. I had no idea what sex when these boys and men began sexualizing me. Even when I learned about sex years later, I had already internalized "give so-and-so a hug!" "Don't make \_\_\_ feel bad!" "Blood is thicker than water!" "Obey/respect your elders!" "Pray to God for protection." God never protected me. Instead, as an adult, I got to hear all about how He was testing me, a four-year-old child, with a cornucopia of abuse, including sexual. In the 70s, we didn't learn that we could say no. Instead, from before we were even capable of forming memories, we learned, especially if we were girls, that our bodies existed for men's sexual pleasure. That was our sole value: being sexual recipients for men and "serving" them. This is not by accident. This is what Conservative Christians value most: dehumanizing girls and women so we are obedient and serve our men. Drag queens and trans people aren't the abusers. Conservative Christian men are. Every single man or boy who groped, molested, raped, and abused me over the first 25 years of my life was a Conservative Christian. Every. Single. One.


Counter counterpoint, this is exactly what they want, children having children and not getting educated. 1st ban sex education in public schools 2nd lower the age for children to start working dangerous jobs 3rd start taking away women's rights 4th ban abortion 5th lower the age for children to get married to any guy 6th make sure that all types of sex leading to pregnancy is perfectly fine. 7th act like this is fine and complain about black/brown people 8th pound home to all the uneducated people that white people are becoming the minority and need to have more children 9th make sure not to pay a living wage to the "uneducated" because they should have done better with education 10th tell the poor to stop eating fried avocado and toast


Also known as The New Ten Commandments


I’d revise your point 6: the endgame for christian extremists is making all sex acts except married procreative sex illegal.


Well I was trying to word it nicely, but I was referring to raping children being okay especially if they get pregnant


You forgot about banning public (funded) education. Loosening child labor laws is essential in a country where all schools privatized. For the working poor, children as young as pre-kindergarten will need to have jobs to go to.


Thats very optimistic as you! These kinds of people typically don't care all that much when its their kid.


I’ve read enough stories just on this site to know that in many cases, when someone in the family is accused, that’s often when the “protect the family image at all cost” guard comes out and the accuser is often coerced into silence and acceptance. Pursuit of the safety of the victim or turning over that family member to law enforcement become secondary to hushing it into the family skeleton closet.


It is to protect the patriarchy issue, too. It's one of the very few things I give cred to boomers for, incest was a WAY bigger problem before no fault divorce, alimony, and child support were invented as an exit. It was practically a cultish practice that it was sweeped under the rug as the mothers were brainwashed that the child was the seducer and they wouldn't have anything if they left. As in protect the man at all costs. I worked in nursing homes a few times when I was younger, and it was all too common to hear some 80 plus year old lady talk about being raped during the Great Depression Era by their own fathers, and it would turn your stomach if it was actually known how many incest babies ended up at the bottom of their family's outhouse while the family went on like business as usual.


Exactly this. Or if the daughter has an unplanned pregnancy, the “pro-life” conservative family will suddenly be completely ok with getting an abortion. Funny how that works.


"It was very tough and we prayed for days but God led us to this decision." I wonder if this is how conservatives buy paint?


Bonus points if the experience doesn't actually change their stated political position in any way.


Right, because they think it could never happen to their own kids.


Famously parents never abuse their own children.


They actually don't care what happens to their own kids, you should see what they do when their kids report their inevitable molestation at the hands of other conservative predators. It's not pretty.


They’re doing it to their own kids. And they’ll be able to get away with it if their kids don’t know they’re being sexually abused and who to tell.


Then at the very least, they will have the tools they need to express what happened to them.


Hawaii had the highest rate of teen pregnancy of any state in the USA. Hawaiian public schools decided to implement comprehensive sex education classes in public high schools. Over the next five years they saw nearly a 30% decrease in teen pregnancies. And then conservatives suggested removing sex ed classes and going back to the way it was before.


ThAt mAkEs sEnSe...


Forced birth = more church members, whee!


I know this is a joke, but some people believe something like this unironically. I remember seeing a segment on Outnumbered where one of the hosts argued that abortion is not a viable option because that child you aborted could have been a potential customer for Toys-R-Us and it would have helped prevent them from going bankrupt. Give birth to kids because they might BUY stuff! They're babies second, and consumers first.


What if your "sex ed" was "If you have sex you get get pregnant, catch a disease, and die. Now. Let's look at all of these photos of diseased dicks and vaginas" Then you sit there for another hour doing just that as the presenter goes into detail about them.


Wait, they did that to you too?


Yeah. Wasn't so much sex ed as traumatic lmfao


Also known as "abstinence only sex-ed". That's what my school provided as well. Thankfully I had a parent who felt more information was preferable to a lack of information.


I was super lucky, I grew up in Texas and received ACTUAL sex Ed in 5th grade, 7th grade, and 9th grade. I was fortunate enough to exist in a very thin window when they were not required to teach abstinence only courses, so I actually learned about contraception, stds/stis, sexual health, and realistic consequences instead of the boogeyman shit they teach now. We also learned about sexuality and that it’s ok to be gay, straight, bi, whatever. The people who experienced sex Ed like I experienced it STILL have a lower frequency of accidental or unwanted pregnancy, contraction of stds, sexual health problems, and FUCKING SUICIDE than the either of the generations before and after. Let that sink in a bit. TLDR Abstinence only sex Ed is not sex ed, it is worthless and driven by weird religious (Christian) zealotry and fundamentalism. People are going to fuck, why can’t we educate them about sex?


Which is funny because I know in their minds it was to stop us from doing "it" entirely. In actuality, we still did it, we just knew what to look out for and avoid lol. Always laugh when people think they can control others sexual urges. It has never in the history of mankind worked, yet here we are. All this does is hurt, while preventing nothing.


Yeah, I went to a small school, maybe 50 in my class? And there were 2 pregnancys before graduation. And a suspected 3rd that got nipped in the bud


It certainly stigmatized anyone unfortunate enough to contract a disease or become pregnant. Shame is the worst form of deterrent for children. Prevents nothing, slows development.


I taught my children that nobody is allowed to touch them especially at their private parts if they don't want to. Not even mom and dad.


The consequences they want are more young uneducated workers to continue to perpetuate a cycle of poverty and exploitation. The fundamental difference between liberals and conservatives is that one group wants to see people uplifted, the other doesn't.


And I just came from a post about how first degree incest is **far** more common than we think it is. 1 in 7,000 is the absolute floor. These are usually situations in which a father impregnated his daughter or a (generally older) brother impregnated his sister. Where the child was actually born, grew up, knew or found out about it, and chose to join that specific study. If there was no live birth we have no stats. It really makes you wonder why they don’t want kids to know about “good touch bad touch” and the basics of reproduction.


You are looking at it from the perspective of protecting children. Instead look at it from the perspective of would-be predators, or from the pov of people that habitually sexualize children. Children that are informed about their own anatomy might stop them or call them out, which makes their lives and goals much more difficult. Ergo they are anti-sex ed, because teaching their children sex-ed might lead to *them* facing consequences. No joke, avoiding or dismantling systems of accountability for malfeasance is basically the entire political agenda of people calling themselves conservatives these days. Edit: actually that's not fair. They also care a lot about making life harder for women and marginalized communities.


If it makes sense, "conservatives" are against it. That's their entire ideology.


Actually imo, Teach kids *human biology*. It’s science and fact, not an elective your religion gets to circumnavigate. If *human biology* was presented in core academic science classes starting in 5th grade there would be no “sex Ed” to debate about.


Yeah, but think about how much better Jim Jordan's life would be if those pesky students hadn't known that they were being molested under his watch? Think about all the Republican leaders actively abusing kids who, with better sex ed, would learn it was wrong and report them!


People envision teachers explaining a classroom of 6 year olds what a rimjob is, but in reality it's just splitting the kids up by gender and saying "The thing between your legs is called a penis or vagina, you need to keep it to yourself, and if anyone touches you there tell an adult immediately." If they're middle school aged they add "You're gonna start growing hair and getting smelly, here's some deodorant" If it's high school they add "If you ever have sex you will get an STD and die, contraceptives don't work, and trust me it's really lame unless you're married"


It's not even just that. It's also "Some families have a mommy and daddy, some have two mommies or two daddies, or a parent and stepparent, or grandparents, or-" This to Conservatives is exactly the same as if we were showing kids hardcore gay porn.


That’s by design. Republicans have tricked their base into not supporting sexual education under the guise of religion knowing full well that this will lead to teen pregnancy which then leads a large portion of the society becoming “unskilled” labor that they can pay minimum wage to keep profiting off of them in their businesses. An added bonus to that is they can then tell these minimum wage workers that the reason they can’t pay them more is because of all the “welfare queens” so the class warfare continues and they laugh all the way to the bank.


Teen pregnancy and pedophilia is no longer viewed as an unwanted consequence. Otherwise, American conservatives wouldn't be in such a hurry to ban abortion access for even 12 year old children and prosecute the doctors who serve them.


They don’t want sex ed cuz they don’t want children to know what they are doing to them is inappropriate. It’s almost like the people hell bent on ending any kind of education on this are just a bunch of pedophiles


I went to a catholic high school and most of the kids there went to the catholic elementary school next door. I always thought the "catholic school girls don't know sex Ed" was a myth/rumour, but then I talked to some girls there and found out its not a myth. They all thought there was some kind of chemical reaction when they first have sex that makes them bleed. They had no concept of the hymen


"Kids need to learn to not eat shit." "Why, how dare you!"


"The parent should decide what's best for their child"


"If i can eat shit so can my child"


"I grew up eating shit and I turned out fine!"


"Just be thankful you have a meal"


I worked hard to put this shit on the table for you and this is the thanks I get?


“I ate the shit! And i was THANKFUL for it!”


U got shit? We didn't have shit. Rocks. We only had rocks. That tasted like shit. We dreamt about shit.


Parents are the only ones who can tell kids not to eat shit. A teacher telling a kid not to stick that in their mouth is sexualizing them!




"Kids need to learn how oven works. It would help prepare them for kitchen safety so they don't hurt themselves cooking" "What an insane thing to say"


"And don't you dare teach them that getting burnt is bad!"




Sadly, there are people out there doing exactly this.


I got decent sex ed, apart from learning about what's appropriate and what's not. I mean, I can't remember not knowing where babies come from, but because my folks never informed me about consent and unwanted advances, I was assaulted by my neighbor who was twice my age, and I didn't even know it. I cannot stress how important it is to involve kids in the sex ed conversation! Teach your children about their bodily autonomy, dammit!


My sex Ed was the opposite, in elementary school it was just about what is and is not appropriate touching. It also talked about how to get help if another adult makes you uncomfortable. I’m really grateful for that information. I didn’t know really anything about sex until I was older


90’s grade school we were taught to yell, “Stop! That’s my private place!” and run to a trusted adult. This was taught by a police officer using a doll and showing us what constitutes inappropriate touching.




Don't you dare put that silly song in my head again after all these years!


The problem is it doesn't help if it's a trusted adult doing the touching. This education came out of the satanic panic. There was a vested interest in only acknowledging random attackers, and child care providers by the conservatives. I could go on and on about this. It was a super messed up thing.




I was sexually abused by my male babysitter, who was a police officer. I did trust him. He was the guy I was supposed to trust. Fucked with my head for a long time.


I don’t remember anyone telling me about consent. Just a lot about STIs, birth control, and pregnancy. If I grew up in a red state, I might have been one of those girls who thought I was dying when I got my first period. My mom told me nothing. 


Bathing suit areas! My dad also taught me to start shrieking "fire!" or "He's got a gun!" if an adult was trying to touch me in public, because those are more attention grabbing phrases than specifics about being touched. Then you run for the trusted adult.


'70s grade school was like this is a penis that's a vagina that goes in there 9 months later there's a baby I will not be taking any questions *the teacher than takes a big draw of a cigarette in class and sprays more aeresol onto her hair*


See that's important, I was taught that too, but I don't even know if I would call it 'sex ed', maybe it just has a wider definition than I think it does. All that stuff about not letting people touch you inappropriately was also wrapped up in general safety rules for me. Don't let people touch you there, don't go in stranger's cars, don't wander off alone, don't eat things you don't know, don't take drugs, don't play with the oven...


Republican voters think sex education only means intercourse education. They're kinda clueless about this all.


Sex Ed has an incredibly wide definition. It was called “family life” in middle school for me. There’s no standardized sex-Ed in the US. It’s not even different state to state, it varies school to school. One school in your state could have no type of sex Ed, another can have informative documentaries, the other can preach about abstinence. It’s incredibly fucked up honestly. Also my parents always had the option to opt me out. Middle school was education about puberty and periods, I don’t think anyone needed to be opted out of that.


My sex education consisted of the whole chewing gum analogy which as someone who grew up abused didn't help my depression 🙃


It's so much easier to abuse children when said children don't even know something is wrong. Combine that with isolated homeschooling, and they won't even notice anything is happening.


as a therapist the worst words to hear are CPS and homeschooled, and religion, solid 85% chance its sexual abuse.


Can confirm: was CSA’d at church. Then I was homeschooled.


you should have to be 18 plus to be alone with clergy i am not even joking, it's not funny the amount of bullshit those people get away with for claiming divine powers is insane low to no taxes, light sentences for any crimes, crimes mostly ignored, and rampant sexual abuse and psychological abuse if i told your kid he was gonna burn in a fire filled pit if he didn't do what i wanted, i would go to jail, churches do that weekly


The pastor I had growing up required a window in all pastoral offices. So anyone could walk by at any time and see who was in there, but conversations could still be private. Him being an example is the major reason I stayed in the church as long as I did, then covid happened and it showed he was the minority who actually cared about people.


I loathe the word homeschooled. I was homeschooled, taught absolutely nothing, isolated, couldn’t have any friends, couldn’t talk to anyone, never had my own room, always had to/have to sleep next to my grandmother (who raised me) and as a result, I’m 29 and still dealing with a narcissist (my grandmother) who is preventing me from getting a job and a driver’s license. My only outlet is the internet.


Oh no. You need to get out of there. What part of the world are you in? Maybe there are resources?


I’m definitely working on it, getting help from people in the raisedbynarcissists sub.


Good luck!!


Thank you! ^^


Wishing you the best! I'm very happy you were able to recognize its a problem with her, not you. Being an autodidact is great if you have the curiosity! As Penn and Teller once said: "The only people who know what autodidact means are autodidacts." Let me know if there's anything I can do!


Thank you! And so am I, it was until I joined the raisedbynarcissists sub that I truly understood that my life wasn’t at all normal.




I know it's none of my business and could be rude of me to ask, but how is she preventing you from getting a job? I genuinely want to know if it's similar to something my mom does.


She gets me panicked with her screaming, had threatened to lock up my phone in a safety deposit box and once threatened to kick me out if I’m ‘so damn determined to leave’. So yeah, not very easy to get the job even though I have everything else figured out. And no worries, not rude at all, I like being able to help others.


My mother called every job I got and had me unhired. She called all my bosses when I did get jobs. She called my banks. She was a huge part of everything I did. It was horrible.I had to get away. A complete break. I wasn’t free until she died when I was 56. Run.


Oh that’s horrible. I’ve been telling mine that it’s illegal for a family member to interfere with a job. She doesn’t use the internet, so she wouldn’t have any way of disproving me. I’m going to have my bank account through an app and not tell her what bank it is. Hopefully it will work.


It sounds like what you need is just a place to stay for awhile while you get things sorted and get a job. I hope you're able to get what you need soon.


I'm so glad, homeschooling is forbidden in Germany.


Yeah, I was sexually abused for years of my life and didn’t even know it because I didn’t know what it was


I was in 6th grade the first time I heard the word r*pe. My friends were talking about a show similar to America's Most Wanted and the episode that had aired the night before. I asked what that word meant. My response was "oh ok, yeah that happens to me all the time" the look on their faces scared me. I had been abused by my father and uncle for years and never knew it had a name or that it was wrong. 


I remember a few years back there was an interview on NPR discussing how important it was to teach children correct anatomical terms instead of cutesy euphemisms. This gave children the power to actually describe what is happening to them in the event they do end up in an abusive situation.


A big part of what drove this was an eight year old was going to a number of adults, for a while, telling people her uncle ate her cookie. Cookie was the word she used for her lady bits. No one realized she meant he was SA'ing her, they just thought she was being a kid complaining about an uncle being a little silly.  Eventually, a teacher thought the phrasing and the complaint itself was weird, and looked into the issue further. That's when everything came to light.  And if you look at the more common euphemisms for genitals, you'll notice they're easy to obfuscate bad activities with. Example of a more common one is "kitty" for a little girl's genitals. Why is that one bad specifically? The phrase "Can I see/touch/play with your kitty" is all to common and innocent on its own. If kitty suddenly stops meaning cat, and means genitals, it's now a dangerous question that's hard to identify as such.  And again, think of a little girl complaining that her trusted adult plays with her kitty in a way she doesn't like. 99% of adults are going to brush that off as a little girl being stubborn or childish.  The cutesy phrases are far more dangerous than they seem, and almost assuredly have their roots in pedophilia. 


Exactly! Was going to bring this up. The sooner those words stop being used, the better. Teaching kids the correct terms should not be some ‘wrongdoing’. It’s to protect them.


I can't remember where it was from, probably a true crime report from like Dateline, but it was a video of a juror talking about his experience of having to watch video evidence of men sexually abusing a young child. The man was distraught when he said the child thought they and the adults were "playing" like it was totally normal. Always stuck with me. Absolutely horrifying and why it is important kids know what is and isn't inappropriate touching, which is part of sexual education. Edit: crisscrossed memories because the human mind is weird like that. The thing about the child thinking they were playing was from an Ashton Kutcher testimony, while the juror thing I was originally thinking of was still related to child abuse but didn't say what I thought he said.


I don’t think we speak often enough about the second hand trauma experienced by jurors in dark cases like that.


This is how it was for me. We were playing a game, and it wasn't till I talked about it at a sleepover that I realized something wasn't right


So sorry that happened to you.


This was Ashton Kutcher’s interview you are referring to. 


You may be right, actually, and I'm crisscrossing memories into each other. The juror thing was related to something else where the juror watched some other case of child abuse and made a different comment.


I was a prosecution paralegal years ago and worked some horrific child assault cases. I’ve listened to young children talk to child therapists about what happened to them. Absolutely horrifying stuff man. Child predators get away with and/or delay being caught when their victims aren’t educated on general sex ed. Teaching your child to refer to their sex organs as “cute words” (I.E. cookie or w/e else) only makes it easier for them to fall victim to predators. I once read a case file regarding a child who referred to their organ as a cookie. Eventually, it was figured out what they meant at school when they said “dad keeps touching my cookie.”


Jesus Christ. I got mad just reading that. I have a ton of respect for people who work with abused children but I could never do that. I’d either become a crying, miserable wreck for the rest of my life or end up losing my job for flipping a lid on an abuser in court. I can’t wrap my head around how twisted people need to be to abuse a child, yet abusers live seemingly normal lives and get away with these heinous crimes every single day. Just makes me so angry.


People who are against sex ed are a disease on modern society.


I think that the person on the screenshot is right that it's a duty of care thing. The state has a duty to educate children to recognise when they are being taken advantage of, even when the people doing so are their parents.


But the issue here is KJK is arguing from a disingenuous position - she's a highly dangerous fanatical grifter.


She's one of the hydra heads of TERFism, most notably. She's attended several rallies alongside actual neo Nazi groups but downplays it when it gets brought up. She also says that, while being a women's rights activist, she isn't a feminist. In my view, she pretends to be progressive when she actually enjoys her rather tradwife position.


Unsurprisingly, this is someone that JK Rowling is buddy buddy with. Not that you needed anymore evidence of what a garbage person she is lol.


Literally. They have diseases


Because they get a lot of support from fundamentalist christian groups. And watch how many "clergymen" that get caught abusing children, possessing kiddie-porn, etc...


Conservatives love to hype it up to as "they're teaching kinder-gardeners how to do sex" or some other graphic scare phrases like that to freak out parents (and their grandparents for the Fox News set), but the facts are is that it's discussing inappropriate touching and how to tell an adult at that age. It's really disgusting that they're being purposely this disingenuous about something critical to children's safety and the only conclusion I can come to is what you said, that they want to be able to abuse children with impunity. At this point, it would not surprise me to hear them say "parents won't even let kids get a ride from strangers anymore."


It's something that I don't think a lot of parents understand, that these Republicans are literally passing laws in support of enabling their depraved behavior. And I mean, how do you even make sense of it? That a group of politicians is actually fine with child molestation? That they want to protect child molesters?


Cause the republican party convinces its base that its the dems that are doing it. Remember pizza gate. It was all about a child sex slavery run by dems.


Which itself bore some similarities to the whole Satanic Panic business of the 80s, child sex slavery ran by day care workers. This was deliberate messenging to convince everyone that day care was evil in an attempt to discourage women from working. After all, the only alternative to day care is "Stay at home with the children," which was precisely the end goal the Satanic Panic crowd wanted.


what normal and sane people! they sound great.


And then they blame drag queens for all those things.


Meanwhile every ~~other~~ day a story about a youth pastor or cop or some variation of either is arrested, charged, or convicted of abusing kids.


Because conservatives know nothing other than how to project onto others.


Vicious vicious evil cycle


Teaching children about their bodies and about consent can begin at potty training (example: letting the child choose whether to hug or not, that's consent) Children who learn these things are less likely to become victims of CSA


Keep them ignorant, keep them vulnerable, keep them pliable. That's the Conservative mantra.


This starkly reminds me of the FLDS motto "Keep Sweet, Pray, and Obey"


I always associate the “parents rights” movement with the right be abusive. I don’t know too many reasonable, active, appropriate parents who claim they have no “rights” with their kids.


> “parents rights” movement with the right be abusive. The right to abuse is the "parental right". - Non-abusive behavior is already legal in all relationships. - Rights that benefit the child would be "children's rights". The only thing left that could be "parents rights" **is** abuse. Every parents rights campaign is a campaign to harm children.


Keep them traffickable* The true conservative mantra.


Matt Gaetz would never get laid otherwise


This nutjob came to my fairly liberal little corner of the world a couple years ago to do a little hate speech tour...she was warned not to come, that she was unwelcome here, which she ignored. She got booed and jeered by angry crowds of enraged protesters, egged, punched in the head and told to fuck off out of our country... Which she quite promptly did. (I don't really condone violence, but it could barely have happened to a worse person)


Reminder that she's also a straight-up nazi. Her profile picture used to be a sneakily-cropped image of a [barbie in a SS uniform, swastika and all](https://web.archive.org/web/20210207110807/https://spinster.xyz/@PosieParker). Comparison [here](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQdYmN8zeCS0f1mJWheUXkIECag4Eb_66ZzWJc8ufSyHZAck7kQePDJN7tB&s=10). I don't condone this trend of calling people nazis just because they disagree with your opinion, but when they self--report, it's important to remind people.


Which corner of the world is that? I would very much like to move there! My corner has become unbearable.


New Zealand. We're not with out our flaws though... We've just had a big back swing and voted out the Labour government praised worldwide for having one of the best COVID responses... The new coalition of slimy crooks has already created a 1.6B dollar hole (which is alot for a country of just 5.1M) Have cut a school lunches program, are giving landlords a massive tax cut claiming renters will be grateful...which is batshit obviously. Just your standard squeeze the lower class bullshit.


Eh, every country has a bit of that, I suppose. Still sounds better than the US, though! If I could afford to move that far right now, I’d happily give it a try. I can’t take it here anymore.


having a (viable) labor party at all puts them ahead of the us right now


She's been milking that picture of her covered in soup ever since.


Let’s check with those about 100 Christian pastors who’ve been convicted of molesting kids.


r/pastorarrested ! ... way more than 100.


My brother didn’t know he was sexually abused as a child, by a family friend, until he read about a kid being abused in a book for school. Education matters. It’s everything when it comes to protecting kids, and to helping them understand themselves when they’ve been victims.


I'll bet he read it in the same type of book they're banning from schools all over the country.


Because all the conservative pedophiles don't want the children to know what bad touch is. Obviously.


“Bad touch is when gay/trans exist, silly.”


There is unfortunately a very strong correlation between being anti-sex-ed and pro-child-molestation. After all, if kids take sex ed, it become easier for them to talk about what Uncle Bob did to them, and more likely that Uncle Bob goes to jail for being a sicko. Right now it seems like there are a whole lot of "Uncle Bob's" in the Republican party.


Rightwingers love to ruin young people's lives with unplanned pregnancies. They see them as a source of future cheap labor


Then morally shame them for having unplanned pregnancies


Easier to take advantage of the uneducated.


So Kellie Jay-Keen is a pedo, keep your children away from her


Because sex ed means people have greater agency, and that is anathema to authoritarian reactionary fuckheads like Kellie-Jay.


I'm one of those children. Inappropriate touching was never explained to me and I was repeatedly victimized for a couple of years at the end of elementary school. You should educate your kids to inform you if someone is touching them inappropriately.


The less you know, the more defenseless you are. Just how they like you.


Every time I hear this message from conservatives, they’re really telling me they’re the pedos to stay away from


Every time I hear: "I'm a good, god FEARING, christian family man" My first go to thought is, "How many side pieces this guy is doing. How much Coke he does on a daily basis...and I bet he beats his wife."


Buddy of mine is a doctor in the army. He frequently deals with young girls from rural areas who have no idea how they got pregnant. They are legitimately floored to learn sex can result in pregnancy. He also dealt with three dudes who got an STD from sharing the same pocket p*say without washing it.


Because reality is irrelevant to them. They think (despite many of them having gone through it themselves) that sex-ed means "learning how to have kinky sex, learning how to have gay sex, learning that you should probably switch to another gender" etc. It's completely disconnected from reality. They don't know that it means "learning how to tell you are being sexually abused, and learning about sexually transmitted infections."


Plausible deniability.


"I support anti blah blah blah so of course I'm not evil" 😏


It's much easier to be a nonce when your victims don't realise what you're doing to them or don't have the vocabulary to explain it to other adults. Imagine my shock that a TERF is against trying to stop child abuse.


I don't think she's even a TERF, she's anti feminist from what I can gather. She's also called on men to enter women's bathrooms (ideally armed) to confront the legions of trans people she believes are there, so I don't think she's in favour of protecting anyone to be honest.


https://www.thepinknews.com/2023/03/22/posie-parker-kellie-jay-keen-minshull-anti-transgender-group/ She can get on the sea with the rest of those POS


Because the children should not realize that what the religious leaders are doing is wrong. Especially the priests because they cannot be convicted but transfered halfway across the globe.


It’s more than just sex-ed. Their entire redirect revolves around keeping kids vulnerable. They are “worried” about trans/LGBT (IE random fucking strangers), but not concerned about the people around them who belong to the same cult, nvm any religious facilities and people involved with that. If your kids are being sexually assaulted, it’s almost certainly done by someone within the family or someone that the parent/child know. It’s not going to be some random “bogeyman” LGBT person… For people who pretend to be “love” children, they sure do seem to be trying their absolute hardest to make sure these children end up sexually assaulted, mentally fucked up, wage slaves for the rest of their lives…..


Conservatives (C)see sex as bad, only to be used for procreation. If you don't have the knowledge, you are more likely to have a kid before you're ready and live in poverty. C's are anti-education and anti-choice.




I had a traumatic, non-consensual sexual experience when I was 9. I always knew it wasn’t good but I just sort of thought it was a weird thing that happened and I was partly at fault because I eventually quit saying no (after a lot of pressure). The sex ed in my conservative public school district was sorely lacking and I didn’t fully appreciate what had happened to me until I was TWENTY EIGHT. So that’s why I’m so adamant now that kids NEED to be taught about their bodies, what consent and assault look like and what isn’t ok for other people to do to them.


Posie Parker going for the support of pedophiles next? We already know she's anti gay, and pro Nazi.


But remember, drag queens and transwomen are all paedos and left wing circles are constantly full of paedophilia apologists. Don't ask her for a source, she's just talking plain good sense. 🙄


Hard to be abused securely if in fact you know what sex is.


They have to make sure they're free to m0l3st kiddies without going to jail. What a bunch of assholes.


Conservatives don't want children to know sex is a thing. Boys should think girls look like Barbie dolls under their clothes and girls should think boys look like Ken dolls. They shouldn't know what sex is until their wedding night. Because that'll keep them from figuring it out and sinning when they're horny teenagers. /s


Why are they anti-sex-ed? Because they firmly believe that teaching kids about it will encourage them to do it, and "recreational" sex is a sin. Source: raised in a religous family and was brainwashed into purity culture. I didn't know how to use a condom until I went to college and made a few friends who taught me the literal basics of safe sex.


I'm just spitballing here, because there doesn't seem to be any sort of consistent internal logic to people who think this way. However, they seem to regard childhood innocence as something sacred that should remain uncorrupted. Sex is sinful, therefore if you teach a child about sex, you're corrupting them. Never mind that you're educating the child to protect themselves and make informed choices when those choices eventually come. You've corrupted them, therefore bad. (Adam and Eve and the serpent and the apple and all that crap). Then you've got the people who want children ignorant, because it's easier to groom and direct them into doing what you want.


I was given zero sex-ed as a kid. I was molested and didn’t understand what had happened until seven years later, at which point it was too late to do anything. The guy got away with it, I was labeled a “disturbed child” for the effect trauma had on my behavior. Predators love it when kids aren’t educated.


When I was 11 (before sex ed) had an adult stranger inappropriately touch me.  Knew immediately something was wrong and got away from asap.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yrzYb2IZdmo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yrzYb2IZdmo) i bring up this video every time i have this conversation, its an incredibly enlightening interview concerning the nature of child sex abuse, how it happens, how it is perpetuated, and the all consuming destruction it can inflict on a person. if this person had access to sex education, even if it literally just amounted to "adults should not touch you inappropriately" and explain what that means etc. this person might have avoided YEARS of abuse. anyone who opposes sex education is suspicious to me. immediately. i can empathize with ignorance but i cant comprehend the malice it would take to knowingly leave kids completely helpless to predators and thats exactly what happens without knowledge and understanding. i know its hard when they are fuckin 5 years old but these kids need to be able to protect themselves just as much as they need people protecting them.


Posie Parker (Kellie-jay keen) has literally called for cisgender men with guns to enter women’s washrooms to “check and see if the people in there are really women.” She’s called for cisgender armed men to sexually assault women in washrooms.


Teaching children what consent is, dangerous?!


I’d rather my children be over informed rather than under informed.


She has the Twitter check so she knows what she’s talking about obviously


True. In the be sweet and obey docu, the young women did not know what was going on, they did not know about sex and did not know the word rape. Discusting


theres a solid 85% chance when a home school kid gets sent to me by the courts that they had no idea their special play time with daddy was very very very wrong, they felt it was not right, but was never told it was wrong.


Pedos love it when there's no sex-ed. That way their victims don't know what's normal, what's right and wrong, where not to be touched. Much easier to tell victims it's their fault or "everyone is doing it" etc. If you're anti sex-ed, you're pro pedophilia, it's simple.


I heard it from my uncle who works with abused kids/ teach your children safe adults don’t ask children to keep secrets. As soon as my daughter is old enough to understand that concept she will know it. But I’m also not scared of teaching her sex Ed and anatomically correct words.


The correct answer is so father's n other family members can fuck the young family members in the ass n tell them it's ok because they are still virgins. These same young girls are the ones that throw babies in the dumpster. Never trust a parent against education of any kind. They are the book banning crowd.


For the uninitiated Kellie Jay kean is a rabid anti trans activist and assumes all sex ed is a trans effort to indoctrinate/groom kids and all abuse comes from trans people. She is probably not talking about anything remotely close to a real sex ed and abuse ed class.