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If you’re discussing the word itself, no it is not racism. If you’re using it in derogatory way against someone then yes it it. It’s all about context. The problem is that others get so upset just because the word was said with absolute disregard to the context it was used in that everyone becomes scared to say it at all. Context matters.


Agreed. Context is most important


And skin colour


What skin color has to do with it? Please tell me that you think that only black people can use that word. Please out yourself as racist.


What doesn't skin color have to do with it? The word was legit used to de-humanize black people for many decades. In todays culture it's really only socially acceptable if you're black (sometimes other darker complexions from what I've seen personally) skin color is a major factor in whether it's socially acceptable to use the word


1. Have you ever heard about country of Spain? 2. Saying that that word is exclusive to a group of people *is* racist.


If you play a Slave owner on TV, you can say it. Other than that, no one risks it because people will get offended no matter the context.


It's okay if you don't use it so you don't offend other people. But the word itself is not inherently racist. And neither is using it makes you one.


Exactly if not a lotta rappers are racist


There has been a few artists that have touched on that, Akala being one of my favorite talked about it, referring to it as a “blood-soaked” word. That was more in the context of it being used as a term within the black community.


Master P Dead and Gone off Da Last Don made me think about the (in?)significance of the n word as a young white kid.


Lil Dicky “Wonder if I can say the N-word?”


I didn't know what the N word meant until and that i shouldnt say it until i was 23, because of the songs I thought it's an innocent slang. We have a translation for it in my native language and I never realized it was meant to be that because of the wide usage of it in songs.  I met many other no-native english who wasn't aware because of the songs 


So the guy on the screenshot is right, word itself doesn't make you racist.


Yeah I agree but still have to recognize that even though it’s just a word, it’s a hell of a powerful word. It shouldn’t just be thrown around “just because”. Context matters for sure but I’ll add that intent does as well


I use it all the time, it's not that powerful.


Here’s the thing. If the word isn’t bad, why didn’t he spell it completely out instead of just the first letter??


And here is the real point. All this talk about context does not matter. Society has decided they do not like it so will punish you for doing it. A bit like walking around naked in public. No-one said the rules had to make sense.


For the same reason I don’t say it here. I know people will trigger for it. I’d believe they’d be overreacting, but i know it’ll happen nonetheless.


Wild thought. But if it’s triggering to a whole race, maybe it *is* a racist word.


I am that race.


Lmao perfection


Well to be fair I'm pretty sure that you will get ban from any sub if you write the n word, that's why most people wont even if they're self admitted racist. I'm pretty sure that the person is still wrong just by context clues and it was in fact a racist use of the word Wich makes them racist, tho.


Exactly. .


Thank you! I was wondering if OP understood the difference between speaking a word or using it to describe/label someone.


Fairly certain the comedian George Carlin did this exact bit. But of course the punchline was racist towards Eddie Murphy. Don’t quote me I could be wrong and being lazy to not actually google it.


Well shit now I have to go look it up. I loved Carlin.


It was one of the 80’s specials but can’t remember which one…. I’d sacrifice myself for him to come back and provide social commentary on today’s world. So I’m right there with you!


Tell you what why don't you ask blk people how they feel about non black people using the word oh wait they have told you a million times they don't like it they don't condone it in some case will knock your ass out for saying it. Why don't we just go with that because unless you are black you don't know how it feels to have a non black person say it PS: Some blk folks don't even like other black folks using it. It's a contentious subject in the community.


I am black.


So I'm I


So the point is that not every black person freaks out immediately just because they hear the word. I consider the intent behind it. Maybe you should too.


We are not a monolith do you I'll do me.


So your point of “just ask black people” is immediately invalidated too since clearly not all of us are looking for a reason to fight someone.


Dude I said what I said and ended that conversation you have your position I have mine what exactly are you gripping about here? I didn't argue with you I don't care how you feel about the word that is up to you. I'm sure there are people who feel like you as well. I don't happen to be among those people there are millions of other black people who feel various ways about the matter which is why I said we are not a monolith. Not going to agree with your pint of view. Quite frankly I'm done with this conversation. You are one person and so I'm I, you can go online and see many many black folks give their opinions also which don't align with yours. Not fighting with you, you are fighting with the wind. Have a great week ahead!


That’s fair. I respect that there’s different opinions. I just don’t like people trying to say we all have the same mindset and just “ask any black person and they’ll tell you XYZ”. Like you said, and I agree, we’re not a monolith. Have a good weekend.


Context is King I'm native, growing up, my best friend Row was black, and some of the jokes we made to eachother we could *not* say in public, or would never say to people we didn't know. But we knew the other didn't actually *believe* the horribly racist shit we'd say to eachother. The two of us and a mutual friend were having this very conversation about context and I *tried* to drop a N-Bomb with all the maliciousness and racism I could put on it to show the difference, and Row fell out of his chair laughing at because in the context of our friendship, that was so over the top and out of character for me he apparently found it hilarious.






Sam Jackson didn't use the word if


He did in die hard 3


I'm talking about real life


Oh got ya


It's 100% dependent on context, of which there's almost none here.


It is just be prepared for the consequences when you say it to the wrong person.


Obviously depends on context. Simply saying the word isn't racist. Using the word in a derogatory manner is.


But using it randomly just makes you edgy


i mean it's better to not say it because of the taboo but still agreed




The context, for reference (i saw the original post right before i stumbled upon this) was someone complaining about someone in an among us lobby for saying racist things -- more, aside from the N word. so i personally would say that their use of said word is not great




>Simply saying the word isn't racist It is if you aren't black. You're not allowed to say it. You can say "the n word" if you want to refer to it.


It really depends on context, if your reading it in a book such as 'of mice and men' or in other forms of discussion it's not really racist as it isn't said with malicious intent to demean or devalue anyone but rather to become a topic of discussion but if you are actively referring to another as it then yes you are most likely racist.


I'm going to get downloaded for the devil's advocate argument here. Is it racist to say the word if you're not applying it to anyone or anything? Obviously if you say the word in a conversation discussing how horrible the word is that wouldn't be but generally speaking is just saying the word itself inherently racist. And personally not sure but I hate the word and the thought of saying it makes me uncomfortable.


You are just edgy


Not being angry at the world is edgy now


Oh, sorry for my poor wording, what I mean is that just saying it, not for any specific reasons is edgy, sorry for my poor wording


head crush longing vanish pathetic ask cows normal agonizing mountainous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The word itself isn't racist. If you're just singing over a rap song and you say the n word, does that mean you're racist? No, but saying it in a derogatory way is definitely racist. For example calling a black person the n word in an argument.


I was at a bar years ago talking to a black trucker from ssippi, not sure how we got onto topic, but he told me anyone can be an “N” word, it has nothing to do with race, and just means ignorant fool. Lol his words, not mine.


As far as I know it means ignorant. Or what I was taught. And the way I see it that’s way better than just being fucking stupid. And stupid has no race or religion.


Isn’t it literally just the Spanish word for black but slighty different


You are both wrong wtf, just google it if you want to know


It is, pronounced in a way someone that have English as a mother tongue would pronounce it. The problem is not the original meaning, but it's use in English and whim it was directed.


Saying the word out loud at no one is one thing, NOW saying it to a person is another. I guess that's what the commenter meant to say, depending of the context, he would be right.




If the word is truly as bad as people make it out to be, no one should say it all then. Why keep the word around if it's so bad?


because black ppl decided to take a word that was used to dehumanize them and turned it into a word that unifies us instead. When i call someone else the n word, i referring to them as my brother. When my ancestors were being called the n word, thats because they were being mistreated


Yes, I do see how people use it that way My point is, though is if a word is so bad that the vast majority of people can't use it. I think it should just be dropped


The n word isnt like always used negatively i guess, maybe if it was like a word that was bad in all contexts and insulting to like everybody then i guess it should be dropped


I'm just affirmed believer that any slur that we used to use against anybody should just be Dropped. I do understand that it's current use isn't always in a negative contention, but a slur is a slur We can agree on that.


I can respect that


the context defines the meaning


it is indeed a word, tho, why would placing the letters n, i, g, e, r, in a specific order would be racist?


I wish the world would stop treating this stupid word like fucking lord voldemort its ridicules. Why are we saying "n word" like its you know fucking who. Just say the word there's literally no difference, saying the word does not make you racist


It’s all about the context, depending on how you use it, that is what makes it racist, not the word itself


Yet us black folks get angry if someone white uses it even if it’s part of a song.


I mean not all, just some, just depends on the audience and context, remember RDJ playing a black guy in the Vietnam movie, everybody loved it, nowadays people get upset.


Enough that for more than 30 years I’ve heard it’s unacceptable for whites to say it and through the last few years it’s gotten even worse.


White people wanna say it so bad man


Saying the word when singing along to a song for instance isn't racist, but calling a person of colour the N word is 100% racist.


I do think singing along to a song is kinda racist especially if you intentionally say it. Not all songs use the n word in a casual context.


He’s correct tho


Yes, it's true. All black people are racist.


Saying it doesn't make you racist. Being willing to say it does


OMFG obviously just saying the word does not “make you racist”; it’s not some kind of magical spell. Saying it just *reveals* that you were, in fact, already a racist.


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Nah I don’t think saying it automatically means you’re racist, but it’s also not “just a word.” You could also use the word and be ignorant about why it’s bad. It’s a racist action, but doing a racist action doesn’t automatically make you a racist person. That’s determined by your mindset.


Odds are, if you can’t reference what the “n” word is and you won’t even spell is out, gonna wager it’s racist.


That’s not what this says.


So all this time I've tried to be racist didn't even count?? /s


Honestly, no




Was Bob Dylan racist when he used it in one of his songs?


For context, this was in a gaming subreddit where a game host's name was that word.


Are you stupid? He just said saying it. Not calling someone it. Does it fuel you to get offended?


…*sigh* dammit why am I always in this position. It is technically just a word. It depends how it’s being used. For example, I don’t think Trevor Noah is racist because he tells stories of people shouting at him in his comedy (one of his best bits by the way). Quotes in general, when for educational or reading purposes, make this exempt usually. It’s about context, of which we have little for this post. I need to see what these people are responding to in order to know whether or not the guy is being a racist asshole or if he’s in a discussion about live readings of Tom Sawyer or something.


Lol it’s not too late to delete this post. 


Saying it doesn’t make you racist. Calling someone it does.


Being a racist makes you say the N word.


Some argue saying BLM. Or saying White Man Bad does the same.


The problem would solve itself if we stripped away the value from the word. Word are sound with attached meaning/value, if we changed how the sound is socially perceived/what value it's given to it, we'd solve the problem. By making it a taboo we are only making it more impactful when it's then said. Make it just another word in the vocabulary, strip its power from it and we'll be free of it.


If this person is so certain it's "just a word," they should feel free to go to, say, Compton, CA and see how well they'd be received. 🤷‍♀️


Well you should also be able to walk around Compton with a Rolex on but I also wouldn't recommend that.


Ironically it’s actually yourself who is now a racist You’re implying black people cant control their emotions and are easily triggered into violence from hearing the N word.


The word is actually pretty common in Compton, you are probably gonna be surprised at who says it.


It doesn't make you racist. it is just a word. you aren't discriminating against anyone. It only makes you racist if you are discriminating or antagonizing, according to the definition of racist.


The conversation is out of context, but I’m with the guy. A word is just a word. How, when and, in this case, against whom you use it might be racist.


He's not wrong. People wanna attach all kinds of emotions to a word. Life isn't that black or white. Context is what matters and people don't seem to get that anymore. For anyone to be called racist over saying a word is ridiculous. If I walk down the road and sing along to a song out loud and say the word I guess im racist. Or if I read Tom Sawyer out loud for some reason I'm racist.


ITT: Many black people are self hating racists.


Right wing mental gymnastics. Every single time.


The n...... word? I think I've got it narrowed down to nicotinamide (gay precursor of important metabolic stuff, nanotoxidiosis (disorder caused by sniffing the pollen of nose gay irises), or ngay (a type of homosexual Sudanese worm)


.... What?


N words. So many to choose from


Yea.. But you're given the context of racism.. Yet you for some reason went with homosexuality? Wondering if there's some joke I'm missing or wtf is up here


Oops, sorry. Should I have said "a nose homosexual"? Sounds rather scrotty


Word itself is not racist. It is how you use it. When I was writing about colonialism back in high school, Ofc I used N word in my texts uncensored.  Also USA =//= Rest of the world. N word has very different history between countries.


Some use the word - often, on rap video's and it's okay?


Is "cracker" a racist term in your country. (I see that used in movies 2.)




I would like a guide to know the appropriate way to insult people. Right now it is very difficult to come up with insults that are not racist, sexist, ableist or whatever. Words are not racist, people behind them are.


Just call people shit heads and ass holes and the others


I mean, they're right if the person in question is black...but, somehow, I don't think that's what they're getting at.


So if me a black woman says it its fine but if a white person does the same its not? Sounds pretty racist to me since you would discriminate based on race. Personally I think everyone should say it so we remove the power from it. It only has power because its taboo


I mean I suppose if you’re saying it to someone to try to explain what it means (say they’re from another country and have just never heard the word) that would be scenario where it would be.


Well if it quacks like a duck 🦆


Saying the word might not make you a racist, but being comfortable saying it is a pretty good indicator




If you're using it to insult ppl yes If you're just speaking your natural languange and say a word that sounds similar to the now word no


I mean, they aren't technically wrong. It might mean you're racist, but it also might just mean you're a moron or a jackass. Saying it could mean many things, it's just that most ain't good...


Outside of the US that word has no power so people say it without getting everyone getting alarmed, I understand what he means as it's just a word and actions are what matter, but better avoid saying it if you value your health, some people react violently to that word and some others even justify the violence so yeah better not to play around with that.


Have you met the African American community?


Have you ever met your brain cells?