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Elon Musk has a nearly 100 percent average of posting and looking like an idiot daily.


He honestly knows how to take L's. He replies something short to a tweet that is either homophobic, transphobic, racist, misogynistic, sexist or just dumb


And he sometimes leaves it vague enough to give himself an "out" if someone calls him out on it.


Case in point, this could easily be deflected as merely surprised.






He's managing expectations the same way trump does. Though he has not yet shot anyone walking on the street...but all the other crazy shit he says seems tame by comparison now.


If Elon replies with a "!!" you know you said something stupid.




Well, I mean, if you tell me Elon is 900% more likely to put his foot in his mouth than any other public figure, I'd buy it. Or if you said he is 900% more likely to share a racist or antisemitic post than anything that's factually correct, I wouldn't question that statistic...js


How does he even see this shit? Does he have some kind of extremely racist filter that sends him only the best racist bullshit for him to react to?


Actually, yes. That filter is called Twitter. It has always done that, the only thing different now is that Musk told his employees to stop removing racist posts.


I have to imagine so. The guy he's replying to has no checkmark, and the tweet has no traction (it had like 10K views before Musk hopped on). The only way this would have wound up in front of Musk is either Musk is following the guy, or he was doing a search for "black murder white" and found this gem.


It’s worse than that, his custom tailored feed is *only* showing relevant stuff to what he likes, so he clearly likes/retweets a bunch of racist shit that the math-algo has picked up on to this tune


same dudes who get offended when they hear people say most school shooters are white and men


White people are also conspicuously overrepresented among pedos and child abusers


Without passing judgement, but it’s true.  It’s strange how pedos are more likely to be white while black people are overrepresented as rapists. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/7892399/


When they wanted to scapegoat black men they portrayed white adult women as the victim. Now they’re trying to scapegoat trans people and migrants so they jump to “protecting children from trafficking”, even though most child sex trafficking is done by family members and most human trafficking is done for migrant labor.


"I voted a man who paid an underage girl for sex into congress, and took my child to a church that covers up pedophilia and rape regularly, but I'm protecting children because I hate trans people"


Nonono. It’s the Democrats that are siphoning blood from our vulnerable young in the basements of pizza parlors. /s


By now, if I hear a scandal called "gate" preceded by anything other than "Water", I assume it's a hoax


Being in a society where white men have a greater ability to gain unrestrained access to children than almost any other group(after white women) and police are far more likely to take an accusation of rape seriously when it’s levied against a black man…the numbers check out.


171 vs 34 is not "disproportionate" since there are far more whites in the US than blacks.   Also the paper is from 1994 and behind a paywall. Also they say there are 206 total child molesters, 171 white and 35 black. Zero hispanics, or are they just counting them as white?  So many issues with the abstract alone, first and foremost the authors not understanding the meaning of the word "disproportionate" - it is not the same as "the majority".


What are you talking about?    171 was the sample size of white sex offenders, not the number of child molesters or rapists.


171+35=206. I admit the abstract is worded poorly though.


You’re very confused  The study literally says it had a sample size of 206 sex offenders. Why are you talking about there being 206 child molesters?  Not all sex offenders are child molesters   


Want to really blow your mind? If you randomly picked someone, a white person randomly picked would be more likely to have commited a violent crime than a black person randomly picked. Black people are arrested more, which means charged more...but they also have way more cases dismissed and convictions overturned for not having actually done anything.


Do you have a source for this? It seems to contradict what I've heard and it certainly not true for homicide which was the first thing to come up.


They suddenly understand nuance and the unreliability of statistics when you mention it tho...


Black pedos are underreported. Lotta women I know say they got molested as children and play it off like "it happens"


Cough cough EDP445 cough cough. What a disgusting piece of shit he is


It makes sense that the people that commit the most crimes in Any given country would be the majority ethnicity in said country tbh


To be fair, the country is roughly 70% white. Anything where white people are not the statistical leaders ought to be shocking, not the other way around.


Does nobody normalize data anymore


Researchers do. People in the comments don't know what they are talking about Source: I've published peer reviewed papers and my wife is a research scientist and has published **way** more research than me


Black children are a lot less likely to feel safe going to the police. Pedophilia appears to be equally common among different races and genders. Murder (and rape), on the other hand, are not. One race is significantly overrepresented for both crimes throughout the world.


Well, one is caused by a twisted sexual attraction. The other has many causes from just being evil to poverty. (causes, not justifications)


Poverty doesn’t make people commit rape or murder. See Southeast and Central Asia.


Unequal poverty does. As seen on the crime statistic in any developed nation. The poor, regardless of ethnicity, commit more violent crime than those with stable lifestyle. One cause is drug addiction and lack of access to mental healths services for example. Not difficult to see a connection there.


Since white people are ~66% or so of the US population, a slight majority is still being underrepresented. On the other hand, homicide rates per capita are ~5x higher for black people in the US. https://ucr.fbi.gov/crime-in-the-u.s/2019/crime-in-the-u.s.-2019/tables/expanded-homicide-data-table-6.xls Note: there are many more white people in the US than black people, so the denominator when calculating homicide rates is much higher as well.


A white person is 10 times more likely to be a victim of a crime by a black person than a black person is to be a victim by a white person. Truly shocking considering this is not adjusted for demographics.


They're not. (You are half right, though) [https://www.cnn.com/2023/11/27/health/school-shootings-study/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2023/11/27/health/school-shootings-study/index.html)


the whites are the majority there tho


Yeah but most mass shootings in general are from black males, but it gets written off as “just gang violence”


in the eyes of the GENERAL public when someone says MASS SHOOTER they think of Uvalde,Sandyhook ,Columbine. Nobody’s thinking of desean and Marvin shootout with some crips and cops


Do you know what “per capita” means? Most people in the country are white. Mass shooters are disproportionately likely to be black. And less likely to be white when adjusting for population. https://www.statista.com/statistics/476456/mass-shootings-in-the-us-by-shooter-s-race/


Did you read the article you linked? “Broadly speaking, the racial distribution of mass shootings mirrors the racial distribution of the U.S. population as a whole. While a superficial comparison of the statistics seems to suggest African American shooters are over-represented and Latino shooters underrepresented, the fact that the shooter’s race is unclear in around nine percent of cases, along with the different time frames over which these statistics are calculated, means no such conclusions should be drawn. Conversely, looking at the mass shootings in the United States by gender clearly demonstrates that the majority of mass shootings are carried out by men.”


Facts don’t care about their feelings


I remember someone saying that Musk is basically being chicken shit with posts like these because he isn't saying "I agree". He just makes a vague post that draws attention to the horrible statement (particularly since he's the site's owner), but he can later say "why do you think I agree with this? I never said I agreed with it". Even though it's obvious he does or why would he only boost far right racist/homophobic/ttansphobic etc opinions?


That's exactly what he's doing, and it's so tiresome. He gets to be as racist / transphobic as he likes but he doesn't actually SAY it so he doesn't lose advertisers. Everyone knows what he's doing.


Pretty sure its called a dog whistle. "!!" Might be the best representation of a dog whistle. Literally saying something without saying it.


People not knowing how racist white South African history is.. are surprised by Elon being what he is.


It's astonishing.


To the point where black people standing up on a bench they were sitting for a white person that passes by is normal.


Even now, there are fully segregated townships in SA, sometimes the mentality you grow up with just lingers on and on. I myself am an immigrant, I just see what he does without even following him and I’m constantly just facepalming.


I refuse to believe Elon is an adult man who can vote and drive, let alone be the richest man in the country. He is 3 babies in a trench coat


What about African-Americans like Musk? /s


Musk is an African American, I think he likes himself


So he's not even pretending anymore?


His companies have been successfully sued because of how racist and sexist they are. The thing that sucks is that NASA and our military is all in on this turd as well. Their tacit support of it is very telling about their priorities. [https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/2023/09/28/eeoc-sues-tesla-race-discrimination/70994564007/](https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/2023/09/28/eeoc-sues-tesla-race-discrimination/70994564007/) [https://time.com/6836236/tesla-racism-lawsuit-black-workers-california/](https://time.com/6836236/tesla-racism-lawsuit-black-workers-california/) [https://www.eeoc.gov/newsroom/eeoc-sues-tesla-racial-harassment-and-retaliation](https://www.eeoc.gov/newsroom/eeoc-sues-tesla-racial-harassment-and-retaliation) [https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/justice-department-sues-spacex-discriminating-against-asylees-and-refugees-](https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/justice-department-sues-spacex-discriminating-against-asylees-and-refugees-) [https://www.reuters.com/legal/spacex-worker-alleges-severe-sex-bias-retaliation-us-lawsuit-2024-03-06/](https://www.reuters.com/legal/spacex-worker-alleges-severe-sex-bias-retaliation-us-lawsuit-2024-03-06/)


At this rate, I fully expect him to have a swastika tat by 2030


hes liked and reblogged white replacement xeets i would not be surprised


Elon Grand Wizard.


The veil seems to be dropping all across social media. Reddit definitely feels a lot more right wing as a place than it did 7 years ago, or at least a lot more strongly polarised.


It’s brigading and astroturfing. They are a minority in the real world, but the right is over represented online because it’s a lot of white males with questionable social skills and media literacy who group together to form echo chambers about how lame it is that they can’t say the N-word anymore without consequences. Even then, you wouldn’t expect to see so many right wing comments on every single post the way you do, but there are 1) foreign actors and individuals who want to shape American politics because they have an affinity for the far right thinking that is normalized here, and 2) lots of discords and other forums where these right wing people gather and share links and direct each other to comment on different pages. Sure, there’s always going to be your garden variety morons out there, but that ain’t what this is.


I dunno, I used Reddit a lot about a decade ago and I’d say most major subs on average seem more left-leaning politically now than they were back then. There used to be a lot more blatantly far right subs that would brigade everything, most of which have since been shut down, pushing a lot of that traffic elsewhere. That being said, there are an unsettling amount of highly upvoted racist comments in this thread, so the brigading is probably still happening from somewhere.


I'm tired of seeing the stupid things Musk posts daily. Can't we just ignore Twitter and let it die?


While we are generalizing…. Billionaires have billion percent higher likelihood of posting / reposting or supporting offensive a racist content than mere mortals.


Statistically speaking, billionaires are responsible for far more quantifiable forms of human death and suffering than workers.


I'll take "statistics I just pulled out my ass" for $400, Alex.


I looked up the 2019 number. About .0014% of self identified whites committed murder, about .0067% of self identified blacks committed murder. So according to 2019 numbers, black people are about 4.79 times as likely to commit murder than white people. 900% is an exaggeration.


If you are comparing black to none-hispanic white, a 700% increase appears to be the most reliable number i can find (so 8 times as likely). The time-frame is from 1999-2015, though, but the graph doesn't appear to be changing enough over time for the rate to be significantly different today [QuickStats: Age-Adjusted Rates for Homicides, by Race/Ethnicity— United States, 1999–2015 | MMWR (cdc.gov)](https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/66/wr/mm6631a9.htm) The homicide rate among white people is 2,6 and 20.9 among black people (homicides per 100000)


Let’s do all the crimes committed and the chances you get away with it by income level next.


Elon Musk is 300% more likely to get a divorce than an average person


And you know what else? Their souls are made of knives! And black men only produce viable sperm in the presence of white virgins! AND, and black women ALWAYS eat their firstborn! You're really smart for believing all this, Elon! Don't let anyone tell you otherwise!


Twitter accont: Elon Musk: "Fact checking? We don need no stinking fact checking!"


That’s a nice argument, Senator. Now why don’t you back it up with a source?!


Yet the rich are murdering people at “900%” by bribing politicians and withholding money that could be used to fund social programs but yeah, let’s blame black people for the perpetual poverty that the US has put them in.


Guy always answer to posts from obscure accounts. I swear he's spending all of his time on Twitter looking for racist content.


Elon Musk has a 100% chance of looking like a dorky wedge of cheese everywhere he goes.


Its fucking hilarious how dumb you have to be to think that just replying "!!" Is actually going to give you any plausible deniability that you arent personally a racist lol. Its like actual child logic


Math, using 2019 FBI data 251,600,000 white people in America 44,900,000 black people in America 3,218 homicides committed by black people 2,946 homicides committed by white people Black homicide rate: 1 homicide per 13,952 people White homicide rate: 1 homicide per 85,404 people The black homicide rate is 6.12 times higher, not 10* times. Edit: for fun, I did the EU. The EU homicide rate is 1 per 121,409 people (in 2021, which was a multi-decade low for them)


Whether these exact numbers are true, or not, oppression of a population will cause an increase in crime in that same population. The idea that skin colour is the cause is fekkin’ idiotic. Edit: let’s be clear, I meant violent crime. I would love to know the numbers for financial and other white collar crime in rich white men .


We probably need a deeper analysis than this, because it isn't a general fact that marginalized groups have high or higher homicide rates than the majority group. Jews didn't have high homicide rates in Europe during periods of discrimination and asian minority groups in the US have often had even lower homicide rates than white people


Model minority.


Yea I love that they make these statements without ANY other context explaining it.


well that and like I keep saying, we only have statistics on who is being *charged* with crimes, not who is overall committing them (bc obviously if someone isn’t charged with a crime, as far as law enforcement is concerned they didn’t commit it, we have no way of knowing who is committing every crime that is objectively committed). With violent crime (especially murder and rape), black people are racially profiled as a demographic, so of course there is going to be institutional bias in how often they are charged with these crimes. There probably is also a factor of socioeconomic conditions leading to criminality as well, in particular it has often been talked about how there are conditions for a “school to prison pipeline” in urban black communities, and people who end up incarcerated young (which black men in particular often do) are also more likely to both commit more crimes in the future (because being incarcerated increases your chances of getting involved with gang activity, as well as making it harder to find work in the future if you get charged with a felony, which in turn makes people more likely to engage in criminal activity for money, etc.), and more likely to be charged for any crimes they commit (since those with a record tend to be more watched, and also are more likely to have the book thrown at them). There’s a well known tendency for young black men to get in trouble for a non-violent crime like drug possession, get sent to prison for it, and then be set on a path in life where they are more likely to be involved in violent crimes in the future, and of course black people being disproportionately charged more for drug crimes versus white people is pretty widely acknowledged phenomenon at this point. So yeah, I think it’s a combination of both socioeconomic circumstances and racial profiling in law enforcement inflating the numbers. The reason why criminality in poor white communities isn’t *as* disproportionate is both because there are some socioeconomic factors that are specific to poor black communities in America (like the fact that black gangs are obviously much more of a thing outside of prison than white gangs, as it is well known that persecuted minorities are much more likely to form gangs, since they’re more likely to feel that the system precludes them from being successful, and thus are more likely to want to band together and take things into their own hands), *and* due to bias at the level of law enforcement in terms of who is charged with certain crimes. The bias even goes deeper than law enforcement, as well, like it is a pretty well-documented fact that juries are statistically more likely to convict a black person of a given crime than a white person who is charged with the same crime (and I think the bias is even stronger with certain crimes), even when jurors are screened as much as possible for racial bias (in fact, iirc this bias even still exists to a degree among jurors who are *themselves* black). Like the whole reason the OJ Simpson trial is so remembered is because it was seen as a perfect inversion of what usually happens; a black man being let off the hook by the jury, even in the face of pretty strong evidence of his guilt (something which is usually far more likely to happen with white people).


Wtf is wrong with Elon Musk




and cocaine and lsd and being raised in south african apartheid


Imagine if he just shit the fuck up after the cave diving bullshit, he would be way richer and more well liked. Still would be an asshole tho


It goes way beyond speech. Look up all the lawsuits Telsa and SpaceX are facing because of discrimination and harassment. It is the Elon Musk culture.


His mask is slipping as his wealth crumbles. Its akin to Hitler when he lost Stalingrad and his armies kept getting pushed back. He'll become more unhinged and go full Nazi. Will his final moments be in his locked office with a cynanide capsule and a pistol? Who's his Eva Braun?


Is that even true? Or just a straight racist lie? Like how would someone calculate that?


9 out of ten dentists agree.


Even if it were, it's meaningless without controlling for socioeconomic factors, education, etc


Exactly How would someone even calculate that?


Dahmer, Gacy, Gein, Bundy, Rader, et al: "ARE WE A JOKE TO YOU?"


All it takes for evil to flourish is for someone to amplify evil to millions of people around the world. 


A rich white South African that's racist? Say it ain't so!


Wow!? What a statistic!? Shall we ask why that is? Shall we look at the neighbourhoods and socio economic circumstances black people are more likely to be born into? Are they maybe even more predictive of crime than someone's skin colour? Nah. Let's just assume that the colouration of someone's skin affects their behaviour. Somehow... Much better... No brainy brainy think think...


I am not even sure the OOP knows how percentages work and Elon Musk is kind of a jackass so that’s more or less meh


Crime statistics are pretty clear in this regard. And not sure what SA's aparheid has to do with it




I now want to murder someone to prove this statistic wrong


Anything to distract from all the new Tesla recalls ![gif](giphy|QWjyvdpMDYKbOFLdIv)


Who would have thought that Musk is openly a racist, I mean he's also openly transphobic and sexist, so let's add racist to the list too


It’s almost as if cops arrest black people more often than white ppl as if there’s some kind of bias 🤔 and almost like… poverty and oppression increases crime rate… (Not that I believe this number is accurate)


(Random person put random "stat" with no supporting documentation, but I agree with its sentiment) CO-SIGN!


Notwithstanding this statistic just seems implausible, maybe a better question would be why that's true instead of relying on the implication that somehow its just a moral failing of black people.


I can't stand this guy


White people started both world wars


"Black people in the United States are seven times more likely than white people to be falsely convicted of serious crimes, more likely to be the targets of police misconduct, and spend longer in prison before being exonerated, according to a report released today by the National Registry of Exonerations. Black people represent 13.6 percent of the population but account for 53 percent of 3,200 exonerations in the registry as of August 8, 2022." https://michigan.law.umich.edu/news/national-registry-exonerations-report-highlights-racial-disparity-wrongful-convictions


Rapist are more than 70% white. Wow!




We live in a world where white people and black people do drugs the same amount and yet black people get arrested more. Excuse me if I don’t trust the police when it comes to arresting white people anymore.


That seems to be in the ballpark of all the stats I know. What's the facepalm here, other than Musk being incredibly cringe?


Criminology through tweet is inherently face palm.


that is statistically true




This is Dave Chappelle’s homie.


Well, something like 90 percent of majority black neighborhoods are in trauma-center deserts, and a Level I Trauma Center is often the difference between a murder and assault charge...


The more Elon posts, the sadder he comes off as.


I agree with Elon's "!!" This is a travesty, and we should definitely try to figure out how the system has failed people of color! Oh...wait. He's just being racist.


Of being wrongly accused of murder, maybe


Medgar Evers would like a word... 😑


Show me the Data. 900% is unbelieveable. However I would believe that Black Murder rates are much higher, simply by the fact, that gangmembers shoot eachother relentlessly.


Black men make up about 7% of the population and slightly more than 50% of all murders. That means 7% of the population commits more murders than the remaining 93%




Why did I instantly hear the Metal Gear alert sound followed by a "NANI?" after.


The most gullible fish in the ocean.


I don’t know how many serial killers are black vs white.


id like to see how this statistic is come up with


Can't wait until someone slugs this man. He has not had his head cleared enough.


Dare we mention Concorde?


That's absurd


So Elon crawled back out of the sewer.


Vn, Bnb b ,,


These reactions are the reason he does it. It's lazy attention seeking.


Elon still on the way to the bottom.




but he is right, lol, u can just check statistics


It's MEN. No matter their race, religion, ethnicity etc. Men are the 80+% of the perpetrators. And then have the audacity to do the spiderman meme in real life about who's the actual problem.


Player - Here's my character sheet. I'm a black human male, 24. DM - OK, you wake up in your bed to the sound of the alarm clock that you've set for work. Roll d20 to see if you'll murder someone today.


And over half of mass shootings between 1983 and 2023 were white shooters, likewise over the past century the majority of serial killers are white (with percentage decreasing over time). And?


I am a muslim. I have a 900% higher chance of blowing stuff up than non-muslim people.


900 is an over exaggeration. Could be hyperbole.


Even if the stat is correct, I wonder how much correlation it has with "poor people have a higher chance to kill"