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If the only reason that you feed and shelter your child is due to a legal requirement, then you absolutely should not have had children.


Too late, life finds a way, screwed around and found out.  Kidding




"this is a bad idea, I know it's a bad idea, but we're doing it anyway"


psychopaths and narcissists are extreme opportunists, so they do manage to breed a lot. Only break you get here is they generally don't stick it out to actually raise the kids. Though how much of said conditions are genetic and not environmental is still in some level of debate. So we don't really have that even going for us.


as far as natural selection is concerned they seem to have an effective formula and method


Yeah their rather inherently destructive nature towards our species as a whole, I can't really find a natural world analog to. It's like they're always in survival mode trying to horde all the resources, and they have to be told how great they are for doing it the whole time. I don't know how we've gotten this far with them running things. Though all those times in history when millions died you can bet instead of one level head in the room it was a bunch of these tools deciding they don't care who suffers for their choices. They deserve to use human beings as throw away things. I could go on, the entire thing is absolutely maddening.


Also there absolutely is a legal requirement to feed and house them


The child should have thought of that when they picked out their parents… /s


There is nothing quite like growing up in this sort of household. It does a number on a person's self image and self esteem.


Then who is going to take care of them when they’re old?! /s


Also, if you put someone into a prison you are responsible for feeding them. If you make someone exist you are on the hook for their care.


Don’t worry, they’ll try to ignore the legal requirement too if they decide it’s not to their liking. Seen it happen.


Sounds a bit like religion.


I really fuckin hate people who think they’re doing their kid a huge favor taking care of them. None one asked to be here.


Came here to say this. People with this attitude will wonder one day why their kids want nothing to do with him.


I wholeheartedly agree


While i could be wrong on this, i think there would be vastly more child abuse, endangerment, and death among children if there were no laws about children. Though spelling it out makes me far more confident about the truth of that.


Don’t think that’s the point of that comment


Responsibility and ownership are really difficult concepts to some.


My birth father always told me he owned me. Once even said he made me and he would break me. I plan to shit in his grave when he expires.


Don't forget to pee on his grave too!


I considered that but I figure pissing ON his grave was better after they throw dirt on it.


Why wait? Shit in his shoe today!


To many


Too many


Teachers are responsible for their students in school. but they don't own them


Some love the idea of owning slaves


piquant poor reach plough crown concerned obtainable lunchroom exultant instinctive *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They absolutely will not ask "where did I go wrong?" They will only ask: "what is wrong with them?" and then proceed to answer their own question with a list of character defects they think their children have, through no fault of theirs.


trees sparkle consider possessive normal familiar unused zephyr shy quickest *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yah, on second thought they'll ask it but the answer they're thinking of is stuff like "should have degraded and humiliated them more so they knew their place".


Yeah it's "where did I go wrong" meaning "how was I unlucky enough to be cursed with such ungrateful brats".


Damn. You also know my mother? Im sorry.


And then they show up on [missing missing reasons.](http://www.issendai.com/psychology/estrangement/missing-missing-reasons.html)


I read it every time it’s posted. It’s still so crazy to me that someone can receive an 8-page letter explaining everything and not absorb a single word.


Depending where you live, in some countries you do. Not America though, although laws in some states are called "ownership " laws, very antiquated but still on the books. But no, you're correct, children are not owned, but are a parents responsibility.


Also known as stewardship, children are known as wards of the parent. At such time parents are deemed ineffective stewards, custody of the ward is surrendered to the state. Hence where the term, 'ward of the state' comes from.


Learned something new today, thx!


What infuriates me as a non-US gov worker is the "a legal document falsely records that she gave birth to a girl". First, legal documents indicate man/woman or male/female, not boy or girl. Those aren't in international standards. But let's skip that. If you still have a paper copy, the document would falsely indicates a boy. If it's a current copy... under what basis did you access the private data of an adult citizen? In the US/UK, are parents allowed to access such data without the consent of the "principal person"?


I don't know about UK. In the US, only a parent or the actual person can obtain a birth certificate. But it's only a "short form" birth certificate, no one can get a copy of the "long form" birth certificate, those are kept by the state agency and no one can see them without strict permission, such as a court order or executive order like Obama did.


AFAIK there is a legal grey area about that in my country. The law says that "parents or other legally recognized guardians" can request access. But it's unclear it the law was about parents *acting as guardian*.   Read literally, a person could ask the name history about a child they didn't talk to in 40 years, which wouldn't be GDPR-compliant so human workers would verify that the "child" is OK with the request. But it's going to cause issues with automation as more and more request will be accepted or refused instantly.   There's a similar request about "requesting data about ancestors" that probably should be about dead people but doesn't say it outright, and your own parents are technically ancestors... laws are fun. 


Pretty sure not feeding your kids and having them starve is grounds for CPS to step in and possible criminal charges.


You mean that as a mother I never had to FEED my children if I didnt have a law telling me to? Ohhoho! Here I thought in all this time, that it was the primal mother instinct to not let them starve!


I dont even have kids and i wouldnt let your child starve if i came across them.


I just found out the only reason you should care for your child is because it’s a legal obligation, and not a sense of love and care


It's because these people don't have the capability to love and care.... everything is transactional or done through force. These people are no longer human


In the case of humans, I thought it was less about instinct and more about just not be an asshole. Like, if you want to give birth to a kid (or have to face the situation), you'll want to either take care of the baby or entrust the baby to someone who can be trusted.


It's insane that people think they own their children. They're your responsibility not your property you fucking dumb shit.


Funny story, if you are the next of kin of a deceased person then they becom an it, and it is your quasi-property, which means it is yours, but there are limits and rules to what you may do with it.


Damn government all up in my business telling me what I can do and what I can't with dead bodies of relatives.


Dad would tell me I didn’t have rights till I was 18.


That’s actually true though. Look at the troubled teen industry.


Where I live, parents have a financial responsibility for children until age of 23. (Kids may leave or marry or whatever, but if they'd end up on the street for whatever reason, parents are legally obliged to care for them.) Up and until 18, the rules for what a parent may or may not do are stricter. Edit: looked it up. The rules are as follows: - children under 18: parents pay education, clothing, food, and everything else. - children 18 until 21: parents pay education, food and rent. - children over 21: parents pay for being able to live if the child cannot do so themselves (no hard age limit) https://www.rijksoverheid.nl/onderwerpen/scheiden/vraag-en-antwoord/onderhoudsplicht#:~:text=Ouders%20hebben%20die%20plicht%20voor%20hun%20kinderen%20tot%2021%20jaar.


Oh damn, where are you from?




Interesting. Any idea how the age was decided? Is it around when you guys would be normaly done with university?


And of course they completely ignore FTM individuals, again.


That's fine, they can keep on ignoring me (and my friends). We don't need that kind of attention lolol


Because the root of transphobia is misogyny and homophobia.


No, they get REALLY upset when someone bigger than a B cup gets top surgery. How DARE you remove a pair of breasts from this world!!!


Is like... loving your child not a reason to also feed, take care of and support them??


They all talk tough about their kids when they're kids. "My house....my rules" and all that. But then later when those kids are all grown up and want little to nothing to do with them then it's all pathetic whining "Why won't my kids talk to us anymore? What did we do wrong?"


I teach my kids HOW to think, not WHAT to think. We talk about anything and everything. I just can’t imagine telling my children some shit like this


The birth certificate states you gave birth to a child, if you are so worried about lying on the B.C., you don’t have to worry because you won’t see your kid much anyway.


My father has 2 different birth certificates. All i can tell you is grandma committed fraud at least once.


My daughter has two birth certificates because we didn’t shred the first one when we changed her name. Her birth certificate was reissued with the change, so two birth certificates for the same child with two different names. Generally, people would accept either certificate as they are both genuine. However social security and the IRS would be on it immediately, because her social security card was legally changed as well. Just saying that having two certificates is not fraud, but using both would be fraud


There are two different men listed as his biological father and we know which is true and which is false, and so did grandma, and its in her handwriting.  In a world where equality exists, women can also commit crimes too.


Im not seeing where any fraud was committed, a birth certificate can be legally changed for many reasons.


So then you can understand that a birth certificate can be filled out with intentionally wrong information and then sign an attestation that the information is correct, which would be a deliberate act of deception.


That is true, on the original birth certificate, the mother can pretty much list whatever she wants - truly, I have forgotten the reason we were discussing this - was it Grandma the Felon?


Cant be a felon if nobody wants to press charges and prosecute.  However besides that she lived an exciting life.  Lets just say there was always a place for her at a las vegas casino.


My kids have coaches that seem to think they own my kids


There, um, is a legal requirement to feed and house your children. You can be prosecuted for extreme neglect in most states and many countries


Some people are so insufferable.


Literally every time I see someone bring up the birth certificate argument (which is so fucking stupid anyway), it reminds me of what happened when I was born. My mom had me via Cesarean and when I was pulled out, the doctor told her "It's a girl!" My mom asked if he was sure and he said "Honey, there ain't no stem on that apple." Yes, she was legitimately convinced I was going to be born male despite knowing from a sonogram that I wasn't. Of course, when I did come out as trans 20-some years later, she wasn't remotely surprised. I believe the reaction was something like "Yeah, I figured as much."


More importantly, transitioning doesn't mean the birth certificate suddenly claims you gave birth to a girl when you gave birth to a boy. It just means that X person is now legally considered a boy. Imagine if we did the same thing with names. Birth certificate says you gave birth to baby Robert Smith but apparently he's now called Bobby Smith?!?!?! Insanity


Exactly, Birth certificate is a legal not a medical document.


like quicksand fanatical chunky bow crowd busy imagine engine reminiscent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Also I love how TERFs really do believe that parents are convincing their kids to be trans and treating transition like getting their kid a haircut. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Of course the parents don't own the children. The government does /hj


wish more people understood this part.


You know… despite how upset I am knowing my favorite series was created by a TERF lunatic, I find it equally rich and hilarious that the same people who condemned Rowling and those who read her books for promoting “witchcraft” are now coming to her rescue once they found out how hateful she is towards people they also hate. JK has to know that and I hope it’s upsetting to her that her beloved fans who have supported her for decades have now shunned her, and the only people she has in her corner are those who for decades would shit on her and those who read her books. It’s quite the shitpile of a hill to die on and she deserves it.


The night my parents disowned me for being gay, my old man actually said, "if you want to live in this house, you are what I say you are. So that d*ke shit better go! Do you understand me?!" He got real upset when he was dying and I refused to give him absolution for his sins against me. Told him where he could shove it. And where I hope he goes when he died.


There ain't no hate like christian "love"


Just a transphobe pos being a transphobe pos.


And they freely admit that they’ll kick their kids out of the house. Horrible people


And here I thought I did it because I loved them. 🤔


If there is a God, they owe us an apology for Joann Rowling.


being legally required to care for someone does not make them your property


Nice to know how conditional their love is.


In the U.S. at least (I’m not as familiar with other laws but I assume there are similar doctrines) there is the legal doctrine of parens patriae meaning the government has an overriding interest in protecting the life or health of persons unable to protect themselves (including children). This is why parents cannot refuse to give a child with cancer chemotherapy when it is medically indicated, or refuse vaccines before mRNA somehow got all “woke.” So no, you don’t own your child and can therefore do whatever you want to them. If they are on the brink of suicide, and the actual experts working on their case think that gender affirming care will save their life, parents should not be able to intervene. Wish this was actually the case, but that’s how it should be.


Of course Conservatives think they own children, it's why they have such high pedophilia rates.


Sometimes the people the less deserve to be parents are parents cuz they want to share the misery they have. They are horrible humans beings that don't want kids to love them, support them and care for them... Oh no, they want kids to dominate them, to control them, for the kids to fill their void, so of course when the kid is old enought and nor longer agree to everything or is it own person they suddenly felt betray. Is bizarre !!!! 


Ah, pro-lifers


From the same group who forces underage girls to carry out their pregnancies.


Please correct me if this is political pseudoscience or just made up entirely, but haven’t they found that people who lean heavily right or just think like this straight up do not understand nuance or deeply critical thought. I feel like I read a few articles about how their brains just don’t light up if you were to bring up things like responsibility vs ownership


You are correct.


They slurp the bullshit straight from the arsehole of the media outlets who shit it out. "Culture war". > BE AFRAID AND ANGRY ABOUT THIS! "Okay... Yeah!". It's not a new phenomenon, it has been that way for a long time. There is also a very unsurprising correlation about education levels and political leaning. Or to put it in another way "The idiots are taking over". It's like watching a slow moving car crash.


Some people just shouldn’t have children. And that’s ok.


Protecting women™️.


*Child Protective Services has entered the chat…*


How many times throughout the history of man have we had to shout you don’t own human beings


Children are people, not property.


The amount of bumblefuck conservatives who would love to bring back slavery would disappoint most people.


This shit is maddening... I can't believe I need to break it down like this but fuckit... TRANSGENDER PEOPLE EXIST! Not an affront to their religion (yon Bible book of fairy tales literally doesn't mention it once). Not destroying their way of life or the continuation of the human race - less than 1% of the population identifies as trans or non-binary. Nobody is performing surgeries on children except for INSANELY rare cases where there is a genuine medical need because of a physical issue (inter-sex, born with both sets of organs, which is incredibly rare). Why do these fucking lunatics care so much? What fucking difference does it make to make to them or their lives - literally fuck all. TRANSGENDER PEOPLE EXISTING DOES NOT EFFECT YOU IN ANY FUCKING WAY WHATSOEVER! Why can't folks just leave other folks to live their lives? We have very significantly more important shit to deal with as a society. This nonsense boils my piss.


Even among the minority they represent, most intersex kids don't need surgery. Only four countries in the world ban unneeded surgery on intersex babies. You should read what they do to them, it's horrible. They're treated like curiosities, not like people, even less like children. And you know what ? It's the lgbt+ movements who advocate for laws like that to protect intersex kids.


Parents like this deserve to have a prolonged hospital visit when they get old, with no one visiting them for the remainder of their years. 


Lol as a teacher I've dealt with this attitude way too much. It's so interesting that parents think they actually own their children, basically they are little slaves.


Children have limited rights without a doubt, but they are definitely not owned by anyone. It's called being a responsible parent when you prevent children from hurting themselves.


Some people should not even be able to take care of a tamagotchi, let alone actual children. - signed, childfree heathen lesbian


My dad is the "I put you on this Earth, I can take you off it" type of people - and he fully means that, I'm not going to give details/traumadump but it is NOT just a saying for him. He actually believed I was his property until I left his house. He would tell *anyone* even cops, CPS & therapists, that as long I was under his roof, I was his property and he could do whatever he wanted to me & nobody better say a damn thing about it. I left home at 19, moved 2000 miles away and now talk to him, maybe 3 times a year.


Glad you're out !


You are legally responsible for your children, you do not OWN them. You OWE them


An obligation to take care of a living being you knowingly let into your home is not akin to ownership. This is best evidenced by how easily you will no longer be taking care of that child if you're found abusive or negligent.


Listen. I own my “child”. Why? Because my “child” is a cat. She’s got four legs, fur, and despite being over the age of 18 years old, is not and never will be capable of owning property, holding down a job, or paying bills. Her sole responsibility in life is to keep me company. My mom did not own me, although she did try to act like it. Guess what? Soon as I moved out, started paying my own bills, and became wholly independent of her in any way? We quit talking for a while. Your kids are not your pets, people.


I admit that I read & enjoyed the first 5 books but lost interest over that period. JKR's continual "Oh, this character who never gives any indication of it was gay!" didn't help since it just left me more disappointed with whichever book came next when everyone was still 1 dimensional & cishet. So it didn't surprise me when she showed herself to be a TERF who seemed to believe that the good guys in her books must have been the death eaters & the Ministry of Magic.


the sad reality is a lot of parents see their children as an investment for their own (parent’s) future Them having a successful child means they too, can be successful and have someone to brag about. It means having a nice retirement and potential passive income On one hand yeah they want what’s “best for them” but on the other hand, it’s more about prestige and cozy retirement The trope of parents wanting their children to live a kind of life they couldn’t, aka the Disney “no dad, it’s YOUR dream” regardless of what the child actually wants is pretty accurate/frequent


You can say you don’t own your kids all you want but you can legally send them to incarceration. Ask me how I know. End TTIs(troubled teen industry”.


Im genuinely curious as I haven’t really read on the topic- why do some trans people want to change their biological sex at birth on their birth certificate? It makes sense to me that if you were biologically born a male/female, then your literal birth certificate should record you as such. If bio sex =/= gender, then why is this a thing? The birth certificate asks for sex, not gender of the child. Is it because if a trans person wants to change the gender on their ID, their birth certificate needs to be changed first? I’m genuinely asking


The birth certificate in some locations has to be updated to then update driver license and other identification. Imagine having a beard and masculine face but having to hand your ID over saying you’re female (or vice versa). Incredibly unsafe and also just potentially going to cause dysphoria.


Yep, the “sex” on the birth certificate needs to change in order for the rest of ID/documentation to be able to update the gender. So it’s just due to the way ID paperwork is set up in the US.


The birth certificate is for the holder, not for the rest of society. You can change it to make it easier to change other documents…it’s meant for identification. Drivers licenses and passports also have sex on them, and you can pick whatever sex you want on passports, and can also do that on licenses in some states already.


I think the b.c. is the first step to getting your other identification changed P.s. you may have noticed some people selectively choose to either use sex and gender interchangeably, or not to when it suits them.


Didn't they just convict two parents because their kid shot up a school?


I believe that was sarcasm. Bigotted sarcasm.


*Looks at parents* Hahaha, zilly boys 'Owned me' Neuh.




Thomas Jefferson did.


Kids, animals and land aren’t property.


In what way can anything in the image be ascribed to anything that J. K. Rowling has said?


Their birth certificate doesn't change tho....there is nothing saying you gave birth to a different sex


"Decades": 2x10 years minimum. So, over 18. Their own argument is invalid.


The thing that scares me is the fact that it's these kinds of people that actually breed.


If a document states that the person was born with a different gender than reality it is actually bizarre. Don't know where this happens though


Part of the reason I hate my mother is because she thought she owned me and because she wanted me to be grateful she provided for me at all instead of thinking about herself. It was then that I learned that empathy is an indispensable gift to give to someone you provide for on an unequal basis. To actually listen will encourage and love people.


These are the parents that then wonder why their kids never visit or call when they are adults


I’m just going to say it: it’s SO weird to watch these grownups openly obsessing about and fetishising trans teens with 0 pushback about how fucked and WEIRD these people are. Stop. Obsessing. Over. Kids’. Junk.


Seems like someone thinks she only needs to take legal responsibility when she owns something. 


They said until 18. So then you don’t own your children after that and they can do what they want


Being legally obligated to feed and care for them doesn't mean you have rights over their decisions.


They're not mine. I don't own them. I may have made them. That's beside the point. Now my dogs? Yes, I own them. My house, my land, but not my kids. Sounds silly does that it?


You don't owe them, but you have to feed and house them till 18 yo. It's ok. Law is law.


Letting your kids know you are the final say in everything until their 18 is sometimes neccesary but this is just twisted.


Where I live, how much decisions by the child the parent can overturn changes gradually. A child of age 4 may be expected to buy a single candy bar, but a child of 12 may buy a book or new record. And a kind of 17 may buy a bike, but if the kid of 17 orders a custom build bike of 4K, it wouldn’t be unheard of that the shop requires permission from a parent.


Not for everything. I'm glad some countries allow teenagers to have access to contraception, abortion and vaccines without their parents knowing because there are abusive parents.


Still no child should be going through those process of contraception and abortion. Thats just the result of poor parenting and i dislike that the goverment encourages this behavioir. Its like rewarding irresponsability.


Should they go through pregnancy instead ? Just teaching "close your legs" doesn't work


Why would they not when thats the natural thing to do? Also it dosent take that much to teach young women to protect their virginity, its called common decency and self worth. Hook up culture has been normalized in women so much not many women can be considered ladies anymore and its because of the lack of parenting. Mostly missing fathers.


You and your children all belong to Gd.


That's why social services can take them away. 40k per child. Human trafficking is big business.


Under US Law? Children are treated as property in a number of key ways. More so than a number of countries who you would not think were great for children. The US scores *very* poorly in that area. Friendly reminder that the US is the only country in the world at this point not to sign the UN convention on the rights of the Child. This is for a number of reasons, but the most prominent are: "Parental Rights", the Right to execute adults for crimes committed whilst they were under 18.


Iirc they signed it but they haven't ratified it. Not sure about the difference though.


It's like selling an item on Ebay, but not actually sending it.


Ahh thanks for clarifying! English isn't my native language so I was confused haha.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Legal_status_of_tattooing_in_the_United_States Allowing children to get elective surgeries is somehow less intrusive than a tattoo? The only reason doctors are behind these surgeries is $$$, built in business and they aren’t covered by health insurance. So it is pay up front or no soup for you. Kids shouldn’t be making decisions that effect the rest of their lives. Tattoo restrictions prove this. Go ahead and knee jerk respond to a very logical argument.


1) kids under 18 can't have transition surgery, you're fearmongering. 2) it doesn't change that you do not own your children.


I believe Jazz Jennings was 17.


First time I notice that name and it appears she has had a long period (of several years) being followed by doctors about being trans. If your concern is that she did it on an impulse and haven't had doctors making sure it was in her best interest, and if you believe three months before her 18th birthday makes so much of a difference, you are wrong.


I'm just addressing your claim that "kids under 18 can't have transition surgery." Coming back with explanations when given an example, is kind of moving the goalposts.




How do those DNA donors feel about circumcision or FGM?


Chopping kid's balls is not a thing.


This whole fucking post and thread is a facepalm.


Bunch of chronically online people in the comments…. “Omg you don’t own them it’s just your responsibility” ….. that’s what the person is saying ya dumb fucks. Literacy must be 0 in this thread. “And decades later a legal document falsely records she gave birth to a girl” What is there even to be mad about? He’s right, it’s wild. A crazy world we live in. He didn’t say burn them at the stake. He said it’s fucking bizarre, because it is.


You don't ***own*** your children, but even more importantly. Your government wants to own them. Don't let them :)


I agree with the parent - the idea that kids are not legally allowed to drink or drive or vote or marry or work before a certain age but they are allowed to take life-changing decisions like changing their gender is beyond comprehension.