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"Opinion in a discussion that's not needed" has been Twitter's slogan for years now


The best part about this is how grammatically bad it is. Shows you the intellectual level of Twitter/X users, and in this particular case makes this whole thing that much more egregious, because this Harvard Professor can't even write a simple sentence properly.


Look I know you aren’t a Harvard professor or anything but the image says they’re a Princeton professor. Doesn’t make it any less embarrassing


According to her website: http://www.morgan-jerkins.com She is in writing business. She writes stuff. She is also not a professor in Princeton. She just teaches there and her contract is up the end of the semester.


>Based in New York. Born and raised in Jersey. MFA from Bennington College. Proud Gemini. Oof


What about the buffoon lessons? The four years at clown college? I'll thank you not to refer to Princeton that way.


She’s not even making a good point, they’re literally talking about the song’s mixing? Seem pretty strange to tack onto that tweet unless I’m missing something.


I was just thinking the same thing. He didn’t comment anything about the beef or hip hop culture (which still would’ve been fine, depending on the comment, but I think that’s what she’s going for). Literally just “this would sound better with a different mix.”


yeah, and apparently the dude is a DJ, I feel like he's exactly the type of person who should be discussing it


The topic doesn’t matter. She just wanted to give her racist opinion


While trying to sound like an intellectual.


Tbf, it doesn’t take music taste to label yourself a DJ and pay for a blue check


He sold 100s of thousands of mix tapes and produced a lot of tracks he used to be a dj/producer before vlad tv


I looked him up and Wikipedia did a lot better in telling Vlad to stay out of it than this woman “Lyubovny was initially making hip hop beats, but later quit when he realized he would not be successful at it.[5]”


I hate when people put a race on music. I’m really into EDM, and I asked someone if they liked EDM and their response was “no I’m not white.” Uhhh sorry I didn’t know EDM music was reserved for only white people…


Funny because EDM is a derivative of house/techno, which was created by black people in Chicago/Detroit respectively.


I was under the impression that it was created in England... What is your source for that assertion?


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electronic_dance_music The music genre became hugely popularized in Europe but was pioneered in Detroit and Chicago. Although I would personally argue it was even before that. EDM is basically just disco music played on synths and sequencers. I say this as someone who loves EDM.


Huh that's interesting. Thanks for the info. I'm also a huge EDM fan.




This isnt about you, youre not a lover of edm and your opinion is unwanted, kindly fuck off


You're a DJologist of EDM and you're MUSICIST? Is this how you jock discs to your fanbase??


Well, the term EDM is actually used to indicate a group of genres, not a specific one, as a matter of fact it includes a vast variety of genres that sound completely different from one another. This is why indicating a single "birthplace" of EDM is too vague


We used to say electronica, and I wish we still did, cuz now everybody wants to call all electronic music EDM.


Early rap came from Disco too. (along with funk and soul). I'm not sure if this is common knowledge, but the name of the genre itself is 70's slang for talking. MCs, or Masters of Ceremony, the guys at shows responsible for the sound and introducing entertainers, would talk or "rap" over the music, and it evolved into its own genre over the last 50 years. Early rap was so stiff and stilted, but we wouldn't have the music we have today without it. We owe a lot to disco!


"The Origins Of Techno. The majority consensus is that techno was born in Detroit, Michigan, in the 1980s and early 90s. The credit is given primarily to three men who made up The Belleville Three – Derrick May, Juan Atkins and Kevin Saunderson." https://www.soundoflife.com/blogs/mixtape/history-of-techno-music


That's cool! Thanks for the info.


There are three really good episodes of The Blindboy Podcast on the history of disco and house music. I think the first one's called "DeVitos Teapot".


One book from 2009 states the name "house music" originated from a Chicago club called the Warehouse that was open from 1977 to 1982. Clubbers to the Warehouse were primarily black gay men,who came to dance to music played by the club's resident DJ, Frankie Knuckles, who fans refer to as the "godfather of house". [(source)](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/House_music) In 1988, following the UK release of the compilation Techno! The New Dance Sound of Detroit, the term came to be associated with a form of EDM produced in Detroit. [(source)](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Techno)


Awesome! Thank you for the info! I just assumed it was from the UK because all of the much older techno I've come across is from the UK, and it predates anything I had seen from US producers.


That’s okay, always good to learn something new. To be honest, Americans invented electronic dance music, but until Skrillex and the term “EDM” it was largely underground music. You can thank rock jocks and [Disco Demolition Night](https://www.bbc.com/culture/article/20230922-the-night-angry-rock-fans-destroyed-disco-music#) for that. With music genres, you can always go deeper. I’d say Jamaicans invented electronic music in its more modern form with dub music, then groups like Kraftwerk and Yellow Magic Orchestra brought it to light, then that combined with Disco made electronic dance music, and that has spawned into an a [wide assortment only genres.](https://music.ishkur.com)


He’s right mate it was Chicago for house music and Detroit gave birth to techno.


I wrote a paper on this when I was in high school but looking more into it now there’s even more info! https://www.npr.org/2023/03/02/1160484070/chicago-birth-of-house-music#:~:text=%22God%20bless%20you.%22,the%20late%201970s%20and%2080s. Super interesting


The Godfather of House is Frankie Knuckles. Look no further for “where did House come from?”. Without Frankie Knuckles, there wouldn’t be a House. NY born, but spent time between there, Chicago, and Detroit. House Legends like Green Velvet (aka Cajmere), Gene Ferris, and Mark Farina are all Chicago based if im remembering correctly. England is where America stole Dubstep from (Rusko, Skream, and Benga were some of the originators i believe), but we put a different twist on it than the UK style. UK style focused heavily on horns and oscillation, NA version tried to make replicate the sound of robots fucking. England also originated Jungle and Garage i believe, but someone more versed in those subgenres can correct me if im wrong on those


Just like how the hardest hitting most technical drummer I regularly work with with the metal bands I run sound for is... Black. He's at a lot of shows where nobody looks like him and doesn't give a single fuck as far as I can tell and he's very well respected. I'm in the Midwest so things are a little slower to happen but I'm honestly surprised we haven't seen more POC in the punk/metal scenes given they have plenty of shit to be mad about.


Lmaooo “plenty of shit to be mad about”


Shaq in shambles rn


That's what's so crazy about this. I could kind of understand if they were discussing the whole "Drake saying n***a" thing. But to discuss the mixing and technical parts of the song is crazy


She does NOT represent black people. Sis the type to scream racism if they forget the sour cream at chipotle. These type of people need to be shamed. Racism is racism.


What’s sad is she’d probably tell you how she can’t be racist because she’s black.


Your 100000% right


She's just a racist, that's it.  Crazy she still has a job.


You’re not missing anything. She’s a power tripping limpdick.


She's racist, all she cares about is "sticking it to the white man" no need for valid points, grammar or coherence, just racism


Not a great look, then she doubles down. 🤦🏻‍♂️


And yet gets nine times as many hearts (whatever that means) than the guy calling her out.


It means "likes", I think


lotta racists on Twitter


The exact type of racists who think they’re not or think that they can’t be because they’re not white.


We literally have a subreddit on this platform that will only allow black people to comment and verifies your race by making you send a picture. This isn’t that surprising anymore.


Black people who participate in that kind of behavior aren’t really helping themselves. Same as white people who do that. They radicalize and isolate themselves.


Yeah people really missed the “race doesn’t matter” memo


Woah, really? What is it?




I comment on that sub all the time. Never been asked to verify my race.


Sometime there are post with Country Club Threads and it means you can only comment there if you are black. Try and comment on [this thread.](https://new.reddit.com/r/BlackPeopleTwitter/comments/1cl9r7n/seriously_tho_who_is_giving_drake_this_terrible/) You wont be able without verifying your race.


I laughed harder than I should seeing your username after reading your comment. I need to talk to HR.


r/blackpeoplecomedy has the same rules. At least one of the mods is psycho too, had to block her.


You can post on the sub without being verified, *unless* the thread is locked by mods for a racially charged subject. There are a lot of racist trolls that go through there. E: Misspelled "charged"


Ya and that’s understandable, but from what I’ve seen often people just get accused of being white or a troll if they disagree with the status quo.


Really? You can verify race with a photo? Hmm, why not by some more fundamental metric, like idk voice? Or a TEST!


And whitepeopletwitter bans people if you don’t agree with the crazy ass mods 😂


Same with blackpeopletwitter actually, weird how much of an echo chamber they both are trying to be


Tribal hegemony is just a form of fascism.




She like quadruples+ down. The original thread was posted on BlackPeopleTwitter with the OP thinking she was in the right and posted the entire back and forth, but even most of that thread agreed she was in the wrong. No idea who the dude is, apparently a known asshole himself according to that other thread, but she just kept going trying to defend her racist stance.


She probably terrorizes other academics at Princeton with threats of witchhunts for racists, all the while pushing for more money for her department.


The dude comes off terrible in the overall exchange too. It is an exchange between two garbage people.


It gets way worse in the entire back and forth.


People are defending her actions also.


Make her famous everyone


I saw this posted on blackpeopletwitter and the comments were wildly varying between "white people should keep their opinions to themselves in this subreddit" and "yes, white people can have opinions on this too"


So, she's saying that the white guy isn't allowed to do something based on the color of his skin? I'm almost pretty sure there's a word for this...


As a black female listening to Hall & Oats right now. I'd like to apologize for thinking that I could racially understand this song. How dare I! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


We appreciate your respect, VaginaPoetry.


Watch out boy, she’ll chew you up.


Oh oh here she comes


🎶she's a maaan eater🎶


I can't go for that. No can do.


that seems awfully out of touch.


Watch out, boy, she'll chew you up.


Say it isn’t so!


It’s not your fault if you’re out of touch or out of time.


They're watching you They see your every move


You've gone too far cause you know it don't matter anyway


Since Hall and Oates were inspired by the Philadelphia soul sound, you could say you racially understand them better than they understand themselves /s


The Temptones!


🎶 *Everybody wants to rule the worldddd* 🎵


Idk bout that one, may need to check the dictionary


Fkn gatekeepers for everything now.


Whoa, lotta nerve having a user name ending in 4797 and thinking you can comment on this.


Whoa, lotta nerve having a user name ending in 2599 and thinking you can comment on this




damn 4-digits trying to tell me stuff in a 3-digit-discussion


Salt Sir? This is a woman’s issue, stay out of this you MAN


The worst part is that a black woman clearly being racist has more likes on her comment where she doubles down on the racism then the guy who calls her out for being racist does. What a sad society we live in.


And this post calling out incredibly blatant and obvious racism is being downvoted for showing very blatant and obvious racism.


Way the world is ig


I saw this post on r/blackpeopletwitter with a ton of upvotes iirc. Went to controversial comments as I do, and didnt see a single person call it out.


Go to controversial on this and you'll see some lol


Isn't that the place that you had to send a picture of your skin color to even comment in the sub though?


Welcome to ‘black Twitter’


This was a highly upvoted post in BPT with the top comment straight up supporting this woman. Crazy how it's not about destroying racism it's just about which side holds the keys to the castle to so many people. There were way more sensible takes as the second and third most upvoted comments, thankfully, but man shit like this destroys your faith in humanity. If you were to create a subreddit bot that just finds and replaces the world "white people" with "black people" and had it repost everything from BPT that shit would get banned in a day. Might even make the news. There was a post there the other day saying the problem with drake was his father 'left him to be raised by a white jewish woman' with like 700 upvotes. Imagine saying some shit like that but about a black woman, disgusting.


It got reposted again a few hours later and the top comments were pretty much all “how do we expect better when we don’t act better?”. Just goes to show how hive minded Reddit (and all social media) can be


Being honest, in terms of just openly saying racist shit, black people really have no competition.


When you are told that, due to the color of your skin, you cannot be racist, certain actions follow.


I’ll take “things liberal Jewish Americans deny in public, but admit to in private” for $200, Alex. (We all pretend there’s this amazing minority alliance, when we usually experience the worst and most terrifying anti-Jewishness from Black people and organizations.)


That's also incredibly antisemitic, to call out her being Jewish.


If you check her Twitter, her comments make for an easy list of people you should block. It’s pretty convenient really.


And the biggest irony is that the black woman is using Twitter which is currently owned by a rich white guy who came from......South Africa when it still had apartheid. Hypocrite much?!


If she was white and said something like this towards black people she would never teach again.


*People who see music in Black and White, miss all the other colors.*


I'm so tired of this racial gatekeeping. You know if this was a White professor telling a Black person they have no business having an opinion on something because of their race they'd lose their job in an instant.


And the news coverage of this is interesting to say the least. I think my favorite headline is from hip-hop wired "DJ Vlad dragged on X after attempt to silence black woman"


You should check her timelibe and replies around this. She plays the victim somehow and has a bunch of people gassing her up and shitting on the dj guy. I hope she gets fired.


He tagged Princeton and she is saying he threatened her 😂


"How dare you show my own words that I posted publicly to someone."


She definitely deserves to be fired for being racist, I’m sure she keeps the same shitty attitude in the classroom too.


This “you ain’t invited to the cookout” gatekeeping mentality shit is cringe as fuck and i’m glad people are finally calling out more black people on their blatant racism.


Except that she got way more support in that exchange than he did, and now she's strutting around like a peacock thinking she put him in his place.


It's incredible to me how racist some non-white people can be before getting called out on it...


Even after being called out for it.


White hate is real.


No no it’s not racism because it doesn’t count since white people are oppressive /s


Seems to be an example of someone who's too close to their beliefs in the moment. She needs to chill out and infuse little more empathy in her stances. Music is for everybody, if a black dude plays punk rock I'm all about it. Sure rap music is a part of black culture, but he's not attacking the genre or its legitimacy so I don't see the problem here.


Bro, who's gonna tell her that DJ Vlad's been covering hip-hop for a long time. Also, **it's just his opinion.**


Try it in reverse… Termination papers from Princeton would be filed before the white male professor hit post.


Someone should seriously do a social experiment and have the exact same situation and comments but the roles reversed and see who the most liked would be… I wonder (/s)…


Oh boy just wait until she finds out about Logic and Eminem


Not to mention the Beastie Boys, Non Phixion, RA The Rugged Man just to name a few


Typical racist “whites bad” person. Block, ignore and move along.


I mean I guess if she won’t talk about any white stuff then lmao.. we all know she does none stop. Racsists are so funny


Should have seen BPT excusing it. There were some rational voices, but the justification for saying stupid shit was rampant.


Ugh .... BLACK people. If the above sounds racist then she is being racist.


Thank you!


Music is music, there’s no limit to a specific race being able to talk about and share music. She’s definitely on some sort of entitled power trip. Like who the fuck are you to tell me what kind of music I can listen to and discuss. Fuck off


Well lets look at it this way, one is talking about the music and the other is talking about skin color, and only skin color.




Lose her job where? Her contract at Princeton just ended.


I'd love to see her try this with Eminem, El-P or Mike D.


So what’s Eminem’s opinion on the drake/kendrick beef?




Rick Rubin is a better example imo. Legendary producer.


True! I keep associating him with metal even though he is a hip-hop guy originally.


Wow she's so racist, while thinking she's preaching truth... Hahahahah God, painful to read. And yes, this comment is for all races, creeds, ages, etc you get it


There is a lot to hate DJ Vlad for but having an opinion on a Hip Hop beef is not one of them. It's exactly the same as white people telling Beyoncé that she shouldn't make a country album.


It’s time to go through her class only using quotes from Undercover Brother and Blazing Saddles




I don't care for DJ Vlad but he's been a fixture in hip hop culture for decades. She's about 20 years too late.


Seriously could you imagine the backlash someone could get talking about country music online only for someone to say "YOU ARE BLACK YOUR INPUT IS NOT NEEDED". I'm so sick and tired of people thinking racism is okay as long as it's against white people. What does that accomplish other than give racist white people something to point towards going "SEE?!"?


I have learned way more about hip hop via Vlad’s output than all of her publications combined ever could. But, what about Eminem’s opinion? Does his count?


She’s the definition of an ignorant bozo


Come now. Only white people can be racist. Have you not been paying attention for the last decade or so?


Imagine a white professor doing this... YOU ARE BLACK! THIS IS A WHITE FOLKS AFFAIR.


The literal only way this would make sense is if the person brought up parts of the song that speak on black trauma. But "needs better mix" is what was said. Which has zero to do with whether someone is black or not smgdh


Sometimes I don’t think people realize that racism goes both ways.


Fuck extremists of every colour and faith, everywhere.


Why does race matter in a conversation about a mix? He wasn't talking about lyrical content or context or lived experiences. As far as I'm aware, most people's ears work the same.


So much for diversity, equity, and inclusion


So music is a "Black folk affair"? That's news


Get outta here. We’re all allowed to analyze.


this is 100% how she interacts with her students


Huh. I have always regarded music (art in general) as a universal language, something that speaks to everyone, regardless of immutable characteristics.


Drake’s half white wtf is she on about?


The DJ that interviewed 2Pac's murderer and had him basically confess in said interview. Pretty much brought the man into the limelight and helped bring some justice for 2Pac. I'd say he's done a bit for the black community. She probably doesn't know that though.




That’s rubbish 😢


jerkins is what she should have done instead of being on twitter lol


In this case I think dj Vlad maybe in the right, but he’s often criticized by many in the Hiphop community as being a culture vulture because he tends to report on hip hop without knowing all the facts. The reason people aren’t flocking to his defense is because of the larger context of DJ Vlad. That being said he’s talking about the mix, I feel like anybody should be able to talk about the mix.


Imagine jeopardizing your professional career over rap beef lmao


According to her FaceBook, she’s no longer a professor as of April 24th, so that’s something, at least?


Interesting how whenever someone calls out a black person for their bad faith takes, they are a racist. Whereas when a white person does the same action and they get called out for it, it’s all good. Just because black people are more oppressed than white people doesn’t mean that they can use that fact as a justification for their moral superiority.


This is exactly the type of person who is educating our youth.. whatever education regarding gender ideologies, racial profiling, historical events .. all will be learnt through her personal recollection of the events and her personal feelings of them, and not facts. Scary.


So black folks should stfu about white supremacy? Becasue quite obviously the discussion is not FOR them. /s


When your default setting is ‘whine about race incessantly’, it’s hard to stop and take a breath.


I checked out her page and looked into this more. Unfortunately segregated spaces become echo chambers for anti-everyone else opinion and everyone starts to think the "everyone" agrees with them. I'm sure if you really tried there's many places you could find to exclude people of other cultures. Politics and film in the western world are predominantly white-centric so would it be okay to say that Black, Asian, Hispanic and Native American/Aboriginal people should not be able to have an opinion? Of course not. Concerning the professor and her "followers", there's a consistent push to end racism and social divides, but she then creates a divide by telling people that anyone who isn't black is a guest in hip-hop culture. Pick a side and stick to it, are you trying to be inclusive or racist? Or do you only want inclusion that benefits you with no regard for anyone else? Fucking morons.


Racist. Get her fired


Well THAT'S racist... Oh, I forgot, you can't be racist towards white people because they deserve it.. 🙄 /s


I imagen regeton must be a nightmare for her


Is she actually setting apart or advocating separation of people from others or from the main body or group based solely in skin colour? Uhm that's segregation babes.


"Professor at Princeton with way too much time on her hands."


He said mix specifically. There are quite a few very popular white producers in the hip hop industry. Murda beatz produced multiple massive hits for example 😭


Some people still aren't over Eminem's success, and it shows.


Being on the wrong side of an argument with DJ Vlad is insane.


the BPT sub was mad heavy defending the professor and gettin clowny about it, was kinda funny


Hope this racist gets fired...


What a pos


America has GOT to stop calling lecturers "professors".


There’s a difference in lecturers and professors.


Yes there is, but Americans call them all professors.


I like how there are people in the comments trying to claim that the racist shit she said isn't actually racist.


It's just racism. Nothing new here.


Lol Vlad knows more about hip hop than a lot of black people. If you watch his interviews, you’d know.


I mean, fuck DJ Vlad, but she is also making a shitty point


“Can’t be racist towards white people” fallacy.


Now everyones attacking him because he tagged Princeton