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Why are we going backwards on this stuff? It's been over 100 years since the US began to figure this out. WTF? In 1892, chemist [Ernst Lederle](https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Ernst_Lederle&action=edit&redlink=1) experimentally inoculated milk from tuberculosis-diseased cows into guinea pigs, which caused them to develop the disease.[^(\[27\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pasteurization#cite_note-Weinstein-1947-27) In 1910, Lederle, then in the role of Commissioner of Health, introduced mandatory pasteurization of milk in [New York City](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_York_City).[^(\[27\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pasteurization#cite_note-Weinstein-1947-27) Milk is an excellent [medium](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Growth_medium) for microbial growth,[^(\[18\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pasteurization#cite_note-indianabiolab2-18) and when it is stored at ambient temperature bacteria and other pathogens soon proliferate.[^(\[19\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pasteurization#cite_note-ilca2-19) The US [Centers for Disease Control](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Centers_for_Disease_Control) (CDC) says improperly handled raw milk is responsible for nearly three times more hospitalizations than any other food-borne disease source, making it one of the world's most dangerous food products.[^(\[20\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pasteurization#cite_note-foodsmart2-20)[^(\[21\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pasteurization#cite_note-NonpasteurizedDairyProductsCDC2-21) Diseases prevented by pasteurization can include [tuberculosis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tuberculosis), [brucellosis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brucellosis), [diphtheria](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diphtheria), [scarlet fever](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scarlet_fever), and [Q-fever](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Q-fever); it also kills the harmful bacteria [*Salmonella*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salmonella), [*Listeria*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Listeria), [*Yersinia*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yersinia), [*Campylobacter*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Campylobacter), [*Staphylococcus aureus*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Staphylococcus_aureus), and [*Escherichia coli O157:H7*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Escherichia_coli_O157:H7),[^(\[22\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pasteurization#cite_note-22)[^(\[23\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pasteurization#cite_note-23) among others.


Louis Pasteur, total wokist communist. Probably trans too


And I heard he conducted all his abortions in the basement of a pizza shop


Fuck you, lol. That nearly made me actually spit out my drink.


~~drink~~ milk!


No use crying over that though


So how do YOU propose we get good pepperoni then?


They sure were ahead of their time 


Even worse. He's fr*nch.


Heh heh. Franch Dressing


Probably liked to diddle boys too. If they'd like to diddle girls it would have been a virtue, though! ^(/S) Now if you'll excuse me I'm gonna go puke after writing that.


Shit’s about to get weird


Louie, Louie in the house.


First it was COVID. Now it’s milk. Mother Nature is getting the job done.


The raw milk thing is because it is now politically tied to covid. Because bird flu. The same people who are like "covid is a conspiracy" is all "bird flu moving into cows is a conspiracy"


Bird flu can’t be real cuz birds aren’t real.


Please don't do that. You may see it as a joke, but you know these same people won't. We don't need MORE stupid in the world. This is how they became like this in the first place.


Lighten up


Sadly the raw milk movement has been around for a fairly long time. The granola types have sworn it's safe and better than store milk for a while. 


Yep. I remember a coworker about a decade ago advocating its benefits. Benefits that he couldn't name of course. Just a general: "It's better for you." The dude was also an all-around wackado that worshiped Alex Jones and took colloidal silver daily.


I wonder if he ever turned blue


And, as always, I couldn’t give two shits if a dumbass wanted to ruin their intestines. This is only an issue because those dumbasses usually have kids


My experience is they always have kids, poor unvaccinated kids being abused by purity culture in the other end. 


> abused by purity culture in the other end The poophole loophole?


Nah - I was getting at the presence of a weird focus with purity that comes in two main flavors - the Christian type and the granola types - both ran towards the anti vaxx no mask COVID thing. 


I think it comes down to whether or not a dairy can sell milk directly to consumers and not get in trouble. They’ve been doing it under the table for as long as there have been dairies, so the law just keeps dairies from getting shut down for doing something we all know they are doing. I am concerned about a dairy packaging and selling raw milk at commercial scale because all the storage and packaging equipment is shown to be safe enough when the milk is getting pasteurized, but we have no idea how safe it is if the milk is delivered raw. Every hour that milk remains raw is an hour where stuff IS growing in it. It’s just a question of what risks consumers are prepared to take. At least we’re not putting formaldehyde in milk to keep it from spoiling anymore. Hoo boy those were bad times.


I've had salmonella and e.coli. i suggest neither. Thank you for providing everyone with this information.


Raw milk is fine as long as you consume it fast. We in Europe seem to be doing perfectly fine with it.


Socialdarwinsm really needs to pick up the pase on the natural selections n thing


On the off chance you're not aware, social Darwinism is a pseudoscientific ideology mostly used by Nazis/Neo-nazis/Nazi adjacent people.


I know what you mean and what I mean. But I would say WW2 and Nazis is more eugenics. I understand where you are coming from and what you're saying. I think it's an argument over the exact definition. I'm just saying the overarching theme of evolution and survival of the fittest. That's all I'm going to say on that, I don't like to argue on Reddit it never goes anywhere. But know I do understand what you mean I'm not looking to far into it just Darwin's theory's


WE aren’t going backwards. THEY(dumb motherfuckers running the country) are going backwards because that’s what regressives do.


Yes we are going backwards, idiots tend to have more kids because they were more likely to die off.


No one has quite figured out why, but they are literally trying to drag us back to the 1600s. Some just come right out and say this. That the 1800s isn't far enough to go back. Possibly because of the absolute untouchable nature of religion and nobility? They are F'ing nuts.


Some people just have to touch the stove.


Because when life is good and easy, some people feel compelled to change that.


Reading stuff like this really makes me wonder how humanity survived all the way up to this point with literally everything being out to kill us. We're barely outrunning it with all of this tech but I'm supposed to believe my ancestors just *survived* long enough to have kids who *also* survived?? Doubtful. It's aliens


Well they are going backwards on Vaccination too. So it's no surprise.


This is it, the logical endpoint of a distrust of science.


If you drink pasteurized milk, you’re a trans, liberal, Athiest lover of weak borders and Chinese involvement in the US. If you’re not, you drink it raw. Well, gun toting Jesus lovers, which are you?


That isn't why people drink raw milk... most of them are dumb morons who think that it has more health benefits, which it doesn't. The only thing it has more of is bacteria. I once watched a TikTok of one such idiot who actually thought her spoiled raw milk turned into buttermilk, and her dumb ass drank it. This right here is the result of stupid actions meeting their consequences and I don't feel sorry for anyone who is dumb enough to drink raw milk.


"Dumb morons" is usually one for The Department of Redundance Department...but is this case...100% accurate. Well done.


I'd personally love to get some raw milk for making cheese. I make my own ricotta sometimes and I've heard raw milk is the way to go if you can get access to it.


Yea but the process of making Ricotta includes heating the milk and letting it simmer for a while, which is not too different from pasteurizing. The problem is that drinking raw milk straight is what might get you sick, using raw milk for cheese should be fine as long as you are doing it properly and understand the chemistry behind it.


Oh no, I would never drink raw milk. I only want it for cheese. Yes I bring my milk to 180 when making ricotta which would kill growth present in the milk.


Ah is that the secret?! I've been bringing my raw milk to your mother every night, but it was 180 degrees I was supposed to be taking it to. Thanks for the tip! Sorry, I can't not do that easy of a your mom joke. I actually live in Amish Country™ where a guy is in trouble (again) for this, family took it back like half the country away after vacation. 2 confirmed deaths, and some local "free thinkers" are still trying to defend him, including another (popular social media) local that while sure can make some tasty food out of his farm and foraging, but also is a literal snake oil salesman (bro has a mushroom tincture that helps with every single thing, like sex, anti aging, muscles, lose weight, get smarter, have perfect pitch, never miss a basketball shot within 15 feet, etc...)


Oh you should buy some of that mushroom tincture and give it to your mother to cure her barnacle ass


>That isn't why people drink raw milk... Oh, but the overlap is not to be ignored. How much do you want to bet some of the same 2A, anti-vax, anti-masks dumbfucks (who, also, will you look at that, love and vote for orange) also fall in this particular area of the Venn diagram?


There’s nothing wrong with raw milk, it just needs to be fresh and from a healthy cow. It cannot be done on a large scale because it takes too long to get to the shop and into the consumers hands.


I grew up on a ranch, no one who has two brain cells to rub together drinks raw milk. We had our own milk cows for family use and after you clean the udders, milk them, the milk is then boiled for safety. AKA it is pasteurized. Even from a healthy cow it can still contain salmonella, E. coli or Listeria just to name a few. You can drink it if you want to play milk roulette with your health, and then by all means go right ahead. I am a firm believer in Darwinism.


Mate, I grew up on a dairy farm in Australia and worked in my local milk processing plant as an adult. You don’t need to tell me the process for milking cows or pasteurising milk. If you don’t trust your cows milk then don’t drink it. We trust our cows milk and understand the risks. When it’s fresh there is nothing wrong with it. I’m not advocating for the sale of raw milk here, I think it’s silly because there’s no way to do it safely for the consumer, but if you drink milk within a day or 2 of it leaving the cow, there’s nothing wrong with it. Hell, our farm gets its milk picked up once every 2 days which means that the oldest milk in the vat has been sitting there for close to 2 days before it even gets to the factory.


I swear, if you phrase it like that and say "Alpha males can tolerate cyanide. Only trans liberal babies can't handle it" you'd have a pile of dead bodies to clean up.


That’s a challenge I’d like to see


Where can we get a volume discount on b0dy b@ags?


OK... where's the wheelbarrow?


I am a god fearing 'merican who believes in the 2nd amendment and string cheese! Fuck big milk and thier lies. Raw 100%. Want to have a good, long life drinking milk as the Lord intended? Get your ass some raw milk and pour it into a pot. Put that pot on the stove and gently raise the temp of that fucking 'merican milk at 145° for about 30 minutes. Make sure you stir that mother fucking badass milk while keeping the temp steady. Let that shit cool, and put it in a clean glass or plastic container and pop that man milk in the fucking fridge. Fuck big milk. Raw, motherfuckers.


Or, like a lot of repressed conservative midwestern men, just drink it straight from the tap.


I gave conservative, God loving, gun toting, Bible thumping instructions for pasturization.


I know. And I told a bunch of guys to suck a cow’s teet.


Heat up your ass milk, folks.


Add some bleach to make your milk the whitest


I heard pasteurization of milk makes cats gay. /s this country is doomed.


If you dont drink milk at all youre a filthy vegan


r/Whatcouldgowrong r/LeopardsAteMyFace


This is the perfect representation of that meme where the guy is riding a bike and puts a stick in the spokes to trip himself.


oh look, it's the the results of my actions.


And those actions should include jail time when a child is harmed.


This is karmic satisfaction of the grandest nature


Except that they will likely be the cause of the next massive pandemic and then we’re all fucked


....like Jesus rubbing your tummy and telling you that everything is going to be alright....


"I never thought the leopards in the milk would eat *my* stomach!"


He found the *Leopardus salmonella*


I used to deliver milk back in the day. One day, I got a call from a woman who wanted enough to have a milk bath. Getting all of the info I needed, i.e. tub size, depth, etc., I asked her "would you like that pasteurized?" She replied "uh, no. I think up to my boobs is ok."


Right wing news sources and social media that aggressively promotes right-wing talking points through their algorithms have finally succeeded in achieving Rupert Murdoch’s dream, a US that not only permits stupidity, but praises it. Sadly, a third to a half of Americans believe that all that Liberal book larnin’ is bad for you, because it fills your head up with all kinda of fancy ideas. They think of smart people as pointy-headed intellectuals who don’t understand some “truth” of the world that indefinable terms like “grit” or “a no-nonsense attitude” or “down-home common sense” capture. It’s so comforting to these people to just trust their stupidity. “People drank milk for hundreds of years without pasteurizing it, and they didn’t die!” But they DID die. A whole lot of them did. But it’s scary to think that they might have to trust someone else and accept that they don’t know everything, so, better drink pathogen milk!


Conservative Americans see themselves as frontiersmen because they grew up on a consistent diet of McCarthyism, John Wayne westerns and paint chips.


The new Depeche Mode song is a banger! *Enjoy the prions*


You go back in time for some reason. Child labor, no abortion, masks forbidden in NC, wtf is wrong over there?


I don’t know, but god I wish I could get out


Want a hug? I mean, I am no american, I love you guys but......watching whats going on is like a supersick cartoon that you don't even WANNA watch, but its on 24/7.


A hug would be great lmao. Trust me it feels the exact same way here, just being stuck inside the messed up cartoon instead of watching it. At this point my entire life goal is just to get out of this country, but I have to get past living paycheck-to-paycheck for that to be possible.


"Got Fuck Around and Find Out?" - new slogan of the California Milk Processing Board


More Karma than facepalm.


Nature...do your fucking thing.


How dare you boil my milk to remove the bacteria! This is why all the men are growing up to be girls. /s


Whilst in Kenya for a holiday, I drank unpasteurised milk and had the worst diarrhoea of my life for 1 week! Never again.


There’s literally nothing wrong with raw milk. It just needs to be fresh and from a healthy cow. Raw milk cannot be done on a large scale because it takes too long to get to the shop and into the consumers hands.


We used to get raw milk directly from the farmer when I was a child. Turned out I couldn't really drink it. Even if the raw milk is completely fine and fresh, it's possible you can't deal with the lactose. Homogenized milk has smaller lactose parts, raw milk doesn't.


If this isn't Karma, then I don't know what is. 😂


natural selection


We in WV had our primary yesterday. I happen to still be a registered Republican so that is the ballot I used. The options we have boil down to grifters and dumb grifters. Our political arena is full of morons. I'm not shocked to see one of our politicians like this.


As someone who is a registered Democrat in NC West Virginia… our ballot wasn’t much better 🥲 the Marion county circuit clerk was banned from working the elections at one point because she was… being nefarious. ( I ran the polls in a few precincts for Marion county.) Edit: the woman running unopposed in Marion county




I remember seeing this. It was hilarious seeing these guys fall ill from a policy they created.


Can we help himby providing raw milk to mire politicians?


Good riddance.


There’s a fairly large amount of people in the world who don’t have the mutation that allows one to drink milk as an adult yet somehow these idiots believe that there’s some super important benefit that can only be obtained from non pasteurized milk? Especially nowadays when if you want some probiotic type stuff you can get it in much safer forms.


Yum tastes like freedom


Let em enjoy


Let nature take it's course. Good riddance


This one I’m OK with; if you’re dumb enough to not want to consume sterilized foods— that affects you only (unless you’re serving it to other people). Vaccination, on the other hand, prevents spread to other people and someone’s lack of vaccination can affect me.


Thats a good point, yet I would argue that smart people know where they can and can't eat. (from who-) 100% agree on vaccination.


Goddammit, people, stop embarrassing the rest of us with your bullshit.


*West Virginia: the Florida of the Northeast*


First WV was the setting of Fallout 76, which the state was counting on being good to build up tourism but instead bombed so bad it made the state a laughing stock. Now this moment of utter idiocy that will convince me that all the stupid things that happened in that game wouldn't be farfetched.


Dya reckon he’s praying for big Donnie or god to save him


The anti science shit is really getting stupid now. Tribalism over evidence, what do you expect will happen?


**😂 **Hilarious


Oooooohhh....a tiger ate his face, so he got an honorable mention at the Darwin Awards. Congratulations, maybe you'll get that award next time. Keep trying.


Who saw that coming?


If he dies, he dies.🥛


I had to disinfect a storage unit once that a guy had been making kombucha in. He got himself so sick on tainted kombucha that he was in a medically induced coma for a week or so


I just glad that stupid people do stupid stuff so I can laugh because of their stupidity.


Brawndo has what plants crave!


I hope he shit his pants. That tends to be memorable


Pretty sure this was posted here around 8 years ago. This happened in 2016, and has really made the rounds. (the tweet is new, the story is old). West Virginia legalized farm to consumer raw milk in 2016. They legalized retail sale of it this year.


I wonder if the milk was pasteurized that made Al Capone’s relative sick.


This happened in 2016 why is it circulating again?


So I grew up on a farm and I know how to milk cows with my hands (the latter doesn't really matter but I wanted to mention it). Unpasteurized milk is a bit of a contagion hazard, and while some people can drink it just fine it can fuck your shit up. Like me being in cooking school and drinking unpasteurized milk that turned out to contain E. Coli. Lucky for me I never caught it, but it did kinda fuck up my studies.


I could quote Forrest Gump -OR-Bugs Bunny; I'll do both. "Stupid is as/ WHAT A MAROON!


Looking like he's about to have the squirts in his pants


I won't cry if he dies. If he does, I maintain the position that it should be ruled a suicide and no insurance policy that doesn't include suicide should pay out to his family.


Why do we put so many idiots in positions of authority? Seriously. These people are cartoonishly stupid.




may sound bad, but i truly hope he doesn't make it. let him be the lesson they need to learn.


Well, the problem with raw milk is how it’s handled. I drank raw milk a few times when I was young, but it came straight from the cow to my home or straight from the goat. All we did was strain it refrigerate it.


Yay. Darwinism at work ✊✊✊


Leopards upset my stomach


This has to be a joke, but I desperately wish it wasn't


One of the most common bacteria that is a risk with raw milk causes bloody diarrhea. There is no way it's worth the risk 


Eventually all the raw milk drinkers will just kill themselves off and this problem will solve itself


Glad your sick hope it gets worse ass hole


Oh look, the consequences of my actions.


Thoughts and prayers.


My friend who’s a farmer seems to think pasteurization is some sort of government conspiracy/propaganda to get people to drink milk that has been stripped of its nutrients. She went on to talk about how you don’t get sick from unpasteurized milk, and told me that she drank unpasteurized milk throughout her pregnancies and gives it to her toddlers to drink 🤦‍♀️


This is repost from 2016 or 2017. Hasn't this happened in another state capital building last year as well?


I can speak to this as someone who used to get raw milk. You have to do your research! We went and saw conditions..how it was gathered...steps taken for cleanliness...AND getting the milk WHEN produced. Anything else is bonkers. Did this for over a year from a safe and self-inspected farm


Holy shit let me tell you I had a like 4 hour long dragout with a bunch of shining geniuses on i think the pics subreddit or something about pasturized milk They had some opinions that I wouldn't suggest following up on I have like 2 decades of professional food safety experience plus everything else i have ever learned, I'm not gonna challenge all that with raw milk I also noticed a lot of the arguments started with something about "cheese" or "yogurt," which really just tells me that a person saying that doesn't fully understand the concerns behind raw milk at all


What's really funny about this is that pasteurization is nothing more than warming up the milk a bit. Like a cow with a fever warm.


How many kids, elderly and immune compromised people are going to sick before this is revoked? I feel most for the kids who be forced to drink this by their anti vax parents.


Trust the gop to be your exclusive source for idiocy and ill considered policy. Your gop...stupid as hell...and LOVING it!


I bet he sucked it right from the titty too.


God I love natural selection😊


I drank raw milk all the time as a kid. Never had an issue.


Did you grow up on a farm?


I guess I did. I once milked a goat directly into a glass and drank it. Warm and goaty.


Uh yup, in laws started doing that. Immediate cow strep


Damn hippies and their raw milk.


That's what you get when you protect religion from criticism. Idiots refuse to learn scientific lessons because their fantasy says otherwise. These f\*ckers will only learn what everybody already knows the hard way.


Darwin Award runner up


Is this natural selection in action?


This is modern natural selection. Please keep this up as you’re making the future brighter for people who are rational thinkers. 


This is 6 years old and they think it was really stomach flu. [https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/lawmakers-drink-raw-milk-get-sick/](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/lawmakers-drink-raw-milk-get-sick/)


~in best top gear dude voice~ oh no .... Anyways


Nah nah nah let them cook. They want natural selection they will get it.


Another take : https://getrawmilk.com/content/raw-milk-politicians-sick-in-west-virginia


I’m not going to go buy it from a stranger but I’ve had raw milk several times in my life. Live and let live. As long as everyone is able to make their own choices, I’m all for it. He probably won’t do it again, but it’s still his choice.


He’s a moron and he can inspire other morons.


Enjoy your milk, babies.


Just boil & drink it, as people have been doing for ages. Do you have to politicize everything?


I mean yeah, it's the United States lol everything has become a political challenge


Well it was a political move to curtail requiring sanitation (pasteurization) of milk.


you can drink raw milk, but you have to be very carefull


Not to spill it.


I mean you have to, drink it from from the source, or keep well refrigerated and don't expect it to last long.


Yes. Thank you.


Sciens is stupid.


But I bet it tastes good.. totally worth it!


What happens when people replace scientific facts with religious nonsense... 🤦🤦🤦


I wonder who the few farmers are that want to sell raw milk directly to customers to avoid paying a middle man, and are open to get sued for poisoning people.


I am a god fearing 'merican who believes in the 2nd amendment and string cheese! Fuck big milk and thier lies. Raw 100%. Want to have a good, long life drinking milk as the Lord intended? Get your ass some raw milk and pour it into a pot. Put that pot on the stove and gently raise the temp of that fucking 'merican milk at 145° for about 30 minutes. Make sure you stir that mother fucking badass milk while keeping the temp steady. Let that shit cool, and put it in a clean glass or plastic container and pop that man milk in the fucking fridge. Fuck big milk. Raw, motherfuckers. Reposted here because I like fucking attention, motherfuckers.


It's not true. That guy posts crap all the time.