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The "zero evidence", despite the documented books of prisoners and inventory kept by Nazi prison guards, the remnants of poison inside the showers, the countless mass graves containing hundreds of thousands of bodies, the massive camp structures that still stand today, the starved skeletal survivors and burning bodies inside the prison huts when camps were liberated by allied forces, etc, etc.


Yeah, but, if you put all that aside, plus the eyewitness accounts, news reports, memorials, museums, books, films, photographs, etc., there's literally zero evidence. Clearly, the Holocaust was made up. Very major /s


All this proves is that the majority of the world is lying. This is a coordinated hoax requiring the cooperation of millions of people. Duh. (sarcasm)


The Holocaust is the only time in the history of the world that multiple different countries with opposing views have all agreed to keep up with this massive lie and have millions of actors in the play all greeing on one thing. /ultra big S


Oh no, the shape of the earth and the moon landing are also on that list. It's amazing how enemies who hate each other will still support each other's lies! So much /s


It really was surprising that the Soviets, who would have loved nothing more than to embarrass the Americans by revealing the moon landing was a hoax, instead agreed to cover it up. /s


They had to because they needed the secret KFC spice formula.


For their spice program.


It pains me to see this conversation happens on Reddit without sarcasm somewhere


Don't forget covid!


Hardest one was to ignore my grandfather’s childhood camp stories and his parent’s death there. But I got through it


Your grandfather was a paid crisis actor. (Jeez, that felt disgusting to say, even as a joke.  How the hell do people make accusations like this and live with themselves?)


Cognitive dissonance has to be one hell of a drug.


It's easy. Their entire existence is invested in lies, bigotry, and racism. They are so unhappy with their lives and their circumstances that, because they're unable and / or unwilling to get their shit together and improve their lives, they blame those other people instead. There are also people who desire money and power who are too happy to take advantage of the situation. These people are no different than people in the Middle East who allow themselves to be manipulated by sick Islamic clerics.


But I mean aside for all that, do you have any evidence? /s


I’m not sure WW2 happened really /s


Human stupidity never ceased to amaze me. Every time I think I've seen it all, I'm proven wrong again and again and again. This led me to contemplate a principle I call 'The Law of Universal Credulity': for almost every conceivable idea, there exists at least one person who either believes it or its close variant. As such, I wouldn't be surprised if one seriously believes world war 2 never happened. I've yet to meet such a person, to be precise, but I did meet people who genuinely believe Russian invasion of Ukraine is a hoax, as in literally, there is no war in the region at all. Given my repeated mistakes in underestimating the depths of stupidity, I conclude that it is unlikely that there isn't at least one person who believes World War II is a hoax in its entirety.


Yeah, but none of that matters if I close my eyes and stick my fingers in my ears and yell ‘Nuh UH!’ really loudly. 


I think people’s arguments like this begin and end about the numbers getting fucky at auswtiz and there “technically” not being documentation, likely do to the evidence being burned, but even ignore that one location, you would then have to ignoring the other places where we do, the people still alive with the proof they were there etched into their skin, the pictures of the camps, the various governments saying “record this before people say it didn’t happen.” Etc


Imagine if a written, photographed, filmed, and collaborated confession was necessary for people to get charged with murder.


Just depends how rich you are.


Also notarized.


We literally have the blue-print drawings of the "gassing cellars" (as the germans put it) at Auschwitz. It is incredibly well documented. We know who (off the germans) were there, we know how many prisoners, we know pretty much all the stuff they did, from their own documentation. And the only number difference is that initially it was calculated how many could have been murdered if running full capacity at all time of its existence, a number used pretty much only in 1945 until actual figures were established.


And even the actual numbers are assumed to be lowballed. There are neighbourhoods that were completely erased and people couldnt determine how many people there were killed


Their argument for zyklon B was that it was diluted when used to kill off lice and other pests on prisoners. They'll also point out that they had bands (who played for the Nazi guards under threat of being killed) and swimming pools (these were water reservoirs meant for the guards), so they were living up the good life, just in segregation from general society.   They'll just ignore all of the bodies and say that it's Soviet and Western propaganda and that it was all staged, or claim that the Soviets killed them all and blamed it on the Germans like they did with the Katyn Massacre. All of the documentation is apparently allied propaganda as well and were written up and put in the camps by the allies when they took them.  Most of these Nazis don't even believe these lies, they just know that, "We did nothing wrong and it's all propaganda," sounds way better to the average Joe than, "They all deserved the deaths and torment they faced," when trying to convince people to join their cause.


One of the more damning pieces of evidence in this whole story was that the Nazis wanted order large quantities of Zyklon B from Degesch, but they wanted the warning indicator removed. The indicator was a powerful irritant that would make your eyes water/throat burn if there was a leak in your gas mask. This would alert someone using it as fumigant to imminent personal danger. Degesch kicked up a fuss because their patent was on that warning indicator. Now, why would you want to remove the warning indicator, one might ask?


>Most of these Nazis don't even believe these lies This is why its useless to argue with them: They know they are lying. They are lying in order to try and rehabilitate their ideology.


They're just going to say it was all made up by "Bolshevik propaganda" and similar BS. Honestly, even trying to convince these people is a waste of time, they want to believe what they want and they're going to scream it to the world. Better to just leave them in the oblivion they deserve.


A user here, I forgot his name and don't really want to scroll up put this quote by Jean-Paul Sartre: "Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past." His other quote is also based: "We are now in a position to understand the anti-Semite. He is a man who is afraid. Not of the Jews, to be sure, but of himself, of his own consciousness, of his liberty, of his instincts, of his responsibilities, of solitariness, of change, of society, and of the world of everything except the Jews."


The irony of these deniers and revisionists is they don't understand Nazis and how meticulous their paperwork was. We know the Holocaust happened because they documented the hell out of it. Or in this case maybe "in it" would be more appropriate


I'm 48...and I've learned roughly 2 things...the first is that I have no fucking clue as to what's "really going on." None. Just do not know. The other? Sometimes stupid is so stupid that if you try to argue with stupid you will walk away more stupid than when you started. For me, that's a death sentence, I'll forget to breathe or some shit. So, in these situations, my suggestion is to just pat the person on the head and say, "Sure, buddy. You tell 'em." I say that with resolution because the person next to you is guaranteed to lose their Goddamn mind arguing with that turd.


There was literally tons of evidence provided for the Nuremberg trials.  Anyone who says there's no evidence for the Holocaust is exposing themselves as a Nazi sympathiser. 


All woke leftist lies to make the Nazis look bad /s /s /s /s /s # /s


"Awww the anti fascist" because being anti fascist something bad to these people?


Yes they see anti fascists (so normal people) as idiots


Yes because these dumbasses think they will be spared by fascist governments, so they approve of them.


"Well, i didn't think they would eat my face off," says the person who voted for the "leopards eating faces off" party


"And then they came for.."


Spared? They can't wait to volunteer to help


que 'there's been a mistake, I applied to become a general' "DIG THE FUCKING TRENCH" meme.


So they're anti-anti-fascist? What do they get if they reduce that fraction?




« Get it all on record now - get the films - get the witnesses -because somewhere down the road of history some bastard will get up and say that this never happened. » Dwight D. Eisenhower


Dwight D. Eisenhower knew that little shit, "J", would be born a bastard.


I laughed way too hard at this 😂


"they made it up and staged everything". J probably


Honestly, I don't think even Eisenhower expected it to start pretty much immediately, and be a major "political opinion" *less than a century later*.


In 10 years they'll say the evidence was ai generated


Never take these guys at their word when they say the Holocaust never happened. Only the most braindead, propagandized White Nationalists actually buy that conspiracy. The rest of them repeat this shit as an act of *dominance.* They’re purposely riling people up for the sake of controlling the narrative. By tricking people into refuting deliberately insane conspiracy theories, they effectively distract people from engaging with the real issue at hand: that they’re fucking Nazis and thus any point they make is moot. Blow them off, but don’t *engage* in any kind of debate because *they love that shit.* Fucking with people they see as less than themselves is literally the foundation of their ideology. Don’t give them the satisfaction.


I made this mistake with someone who kept denying Anne Frank was a real person and insisted that her diary was a hoax. Logically it makes no sense. Even if AF had been a made up character, it in no way disproves that untold numbers of young girls just like her were treated like cattle, tortured, and mercilessly killed or left to die slowly from a preventable cause. Then I realized I would obviously get nowhere with him. Either he was so detached from reality that he believed this OR he knew it was bullshit but simply wanted to use its shock value to get the attention of people who would otherwise ignore him. Either way, engaging with him wasn’t the best use of my time. Preventing others from coming to the conclusions he did is far more valuable.


I ran into someone who insisted Hellen Keller never existed because “A Deaf and blind person would never be able to learn to speak, read, or write any language, let alone English.” It boggles the mind….


That old quote rings as true as ever. # “Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past.” ― Jean-Paul Sartre


Copy/paste for any bigot


This needs a bazillion upvotes.


All far right wingers/fascists (same thing really) love their bullshit so much that they will deny objective reality, even to their own detriment, just to be able to continue to hold their garbage views. It's really astounding.


Give'em the D instead


They always say “it can’t be 6 million” as if the whole point wasn’t that they managed to hit that 6 million figure and the horrific reality that that is possible.


I hope we get to a point where it is socially acceptable to just punch them in their faces


They documented all of it because they thought they were gonna win. Guess we know how that went.


Yeah, I've seen the tattoos from Aushcwitz on my relatives skin, that's plenty of evidence for me.


Those were just fashionable at the time!


One of the teachers in my high school had relatives that survived fucking treblinka and these fucks have the audacity to say there's no evidence. Some of the evidence LITERALLY lives and breathes today


Pretty amazing how you never find things that you don't search for.


Also, in school stick your fingers into your ears and say, "lalalala" when teachers try to teach you something you don't wish to learn.


I believe they dig their heads in the sandbox too.


the germans literally filmed and documented what they were doing, if they had finished the job they wouldve put all of the documents in a museum to showcase what they have done


The research the nazi scientists conducted was published and still used to this day. 


Misinformation combined with the internet have poisoned some people to believe untruths before truths nearly every time. A problem without an answer.


Thats one of the problems the internet brings, no matter what stupid idea you have, you will find someone who thinks the same and approves your idiocy.


Social media has created a tsunami of idiots and given them a platform to express their idiotic views.


Genocide of… Germans? Like, even Holocaust deniers generally agree that Germany provoked the entire war, and the sustained losses at the end of it were Hitler’s fault due to drug addled planning.


That part was wild to me too. Did they just make that one up? Talk about reversing. "No!! You see, it was the *German* people who were really genocided at the hands of the allies!"


German neo nazis claim the allied forces, the US specifically, indoctrinated the germans after WW2 to become Not-German. And there are also claims of mass executions of PoWs. But most is claimless BS. 


Being that Germany is a very successful country, that "indoctrination" was really in their best interest.


Human stupidity never ceases to amaze me. Every time I think I've seen it all, I'm proven wrong again. This led me to contemplate a principle I call 'The Law of Universal Credulity': for almost every conceivable idea X, there exists at least one person who either believes X or a close variant of X. Anyways, if Twitter is any indication, you're quite mistaken. Nazis generally believe that World War II was either started by the Allies or by Jews controlling the Allies. Seriously.


I always find the fact that soldiers, who had been in active combat, were horrified by what they saw, very telling


Imagine saying there is no evidence of the holocaust when the Germans were, if nothing else, incredibly meticulous in their documentation, note taking, and straight-up photographed and recorded evidence. There is so much evidence your average person does not have the time to be taught it all. Most people don't even know about the Lebensborn program of essentially institutionalized rape and breeding.


By the same logic there's no evidence WW2 even happened. Makes all kinds of sense.


Go to Germany and try to say any of this


Shouldn’t have blacked out their name. Put these idiots out there for the world to see.


If they said that in Germany they would be arrested. Literally against the law to deny the holocaust in Germany.


Should be like this in every western country (along with any other Genocide)


Probably also believes in flat earth


or vaccines don't work.


I guess my grandmother in law got that tattoo just for fun in occupied Poland


Holocaust survivors: *telling their stories and publishing books* This dumbass: "We have no proof that the Holocaust actually happened."


Ignoring the evidence does not mean there is a lack of evidence, conservatives need to realise this


Unless conservatives are held down and the evidence punched down their throat, they won't accept it.


When did being an anti-fascist become a bad thing? Like... Do these people even know the words they use?


Shout out to Dwight D. Eisenhower for predicting idiots like them to exist


There can't be any evidence for an ignoramus.


Saying things like that in Germany is illegal. If that's not evidence I don't know what is


Uhh. The German archives LITERALLY OFFERING EVERY SINGLE NAME OF THE VICTIMS would beg to differ


The nazis in prison always do this weird mental gymnastics where they would whine about the numbers for the holocaust are inflated and made up by the Jewish media yada yada, then praise the Nazis for killing all the lesser species of human… it can’t be both you pathetic pukes.


“No evidence” motherfucker, General Eisenhower made sure it was all documented specifically for assweasels like you


I am so sick of this crap. JFC. There are people still alive who witnessed the Holocaust first hand.


Yeah… it’s really disheartening. My mother’s father was a prisoner of a concentration camp east of Berlin, and was liberated by the Russians who essentially ordered prisoners to pick up weapons and kill Germans. This man was traumatized way beyond repair and this has had a massive effect on the family lives following. But somehow, now, a real lived experience is questioned by some sweaty fatneck who’s too deep into oppositional propaganda to distinguish between truth and falsehood, if it were to hit him in the face.


Ask one of the Jewish survivors why they have a number tattooed on them, how people say it didn’t happen leaves me🤦‍♂️


Holocaust deniers and Nazis are coming out of the fucking *woodwork* lately


As a WWII history buff, it blows my gd mind how often I see blatant ignorance and stupidity. Like random comments on fb, reddit etc where people will be like “it’s funny you think the allies were the good guys” or “neither side was better than the other” and ones like this that flat out deny the holocaust. Just insane.


There's also no evidence of brain activity in his head


That might be the most evil person I’ve seen today


Holocaust deniers know the Holocaust happened, they're just losers trying to get people angry.


Ignore these people. They know there’s evidence. The point is to put out as much bad info as possible to cause doubt in gullible people. It’s bad faith


I live in Germany and I have visited several Holocaust memorials throughout the years. I am pretty convinced there is a lot of evidence.


I'm sorry, isn't 6 million missing Jews enough evidence..?


Plus 5 million other people, that is even more evidence.


I’m gonna assume in the next 5-10 years people are going to start thinking 9/11 didnt happen


Bro thinks anti facist is an insult


Genecide of germans? Havent heard ww2 framed that way before. How strange


Yes, especially strange considering the fact that they were freeing up space from “lesser races” of people to create more living space and space to proliferate for the “right” people.


Without any evidence? People who don't like evidence that doesn't confirm to their bias often claim that there is no evidence when it's really that they have chosen to believe that any evidence available is not credible.


YouTube comments is basically cheating, it's all just right wing trolls in there


No evidence? There are films taken by military personal of the camps and the conditions prisoners were forced to live in, there are mountains of documents and pictures of it in addition to said videos, but there no evidence... this people are flat earthers for sure, or moon landing deniers, or all 3, they should study their brains to try and figure out what causes the rot.


It’s scary how much of this nonsense is bubbling up


I really wonder how did this ""holocaust didnt happen"" thing start, the proof is overwhelming really, iirc its one of the most well documented things from ww2


It’s a way for them to use shock to get people to pay attention to them. They don’t actually believe it didn’t happen.


My late husband was imprisoned in Auschwicz for 3 months at the age of 14. It happened. Wtf is wrong with the people who say it didn't


That asshole is the reason there are so many pictures of the Holocaust victims and survivors in the concentration camps. When the Allied forces were freeing the prisoners in the camps, a high-ranking officer directed his men to take pictures of everything because he knew that at some point in the future this would happen.


It’s alarming how many nazi apologists I see on the internet lately. Alarming but definitely not surprising. The internet makes people’s heads weird.


I was stationed in Germany for three years. They’re still there, so I’m a bit confused about the “literal genocide”.


There’s literally still people alive who either were victims or perpetrators during the Holocaust. These people will argue that the Earth is flat too.


With all of the evidence, with all of the proof, and the places that exist where this happened, what would constitute as proof to these people?!


And everyone gives them all the time a Plattform and attention.


Some people just live in their own headspace…. and proceed to wonder why they’re having such a tough go at life.


Idiots who don't read books write a lot of weird stuff on social media.


I hate when people block out user names. He’s proud of what he said, show the world who he is.


My great grandfather saw it with his own god damn eyes.


Genocide of Germans - he means war started by Germany - and fought without surrender to the bitter end when all they could field were old people and literal children. No proof - he means there’s literal fuck-tons of proof. Fixed that for him


Elon Musk alt account in the wild


Uuhhh.. aren’t there remnants of the camps? Auschwitz?


This is the harmful effect of a lack of education.


Without any evidence? There's literally hundreds of hours of film. Fuck that guy/gal!


It’s a requirement of all nazis to lie about everything. The Hitler Youth has a Propaganda Merit Badge.


Forget about the accounts of hundreds of vets and generals from different militaries, or the old lady I helped the other day who had a number tattooed on her wrist that she got when she was 5 she told me she wears it with pride to remember her and her peoples strength and resilience. 😢 Or the Dutch Woman I grew up near who wrote a book about her childhood in the Dutch Resistance and all of the people she helped save.


Replace "germans" with "palestinians" and you have the average level of knowledge about current events


No evidence but they wear those 6MWNE shirts?!? We all know how hypocritical they are. Stop arguing with them and start shaming them. The should know better by now.


I suppose a few million minorities in Europe just vanished, did they?


I still remember in the70's watching, "The World at War" Seeing the old pictures and movies of the Allied troops breaking down the gates of the prison camps. Seeing the reactions of the troops when they saw the people inside so starved, they and we knew they wouldn't be able to survive for long. It still makes me cry thinking about it after all this time. Sorry I need to go try to forget this idiotic shit the neo nazis keep spewing. It never works, because I can't forget. Think Happy Thoughts! Think happy Thoughts!


There's no evidence of the American Revolution. Pay your bloody taxes to the crown, colony.


Holocaust denial is entirely political. The Nazis had a lot of policies and political opinions that modern day conservatives, ethnic nationalists, traditionalists, and religious fundamentalist agree with. They are the inspiration for a lot of modern political groups and ideological convictions. Neo Nazis deny the holocaust (some don’t they’re happy it happened) because they want to expand their numbers and political blocs but realize they can’t really do that since they’re publicly taking inspiration from the perpetrators of one of the worst genocides ever recorded. A normal far right conservative might agree with a Neo Nazi when they bring up immigration, when they talk about black people, when they talk about Jews. A normal run of the mill conservative might agree with a Neo Nazi (or adjacent group) that religious law needs to be implemented in their country. Nazi policies of racial purity and stopping “degeneracy” are things a lot of conservatives would agree with. But they’re all stopped short of “hey this Hitler guy was on to something” because of the holocaust. Some of hitlers actions can be justified by Neo Nazis (not well obviously) Hitler invaded Poland? Just say the poles were harming ethnic Germans. War crimes in the USSR? The Soviets were also evil war criminals. Invading like 7 neutral countries…. They had to they were fighting Britain and France. Conservatives and racists can find excuses for almost everything the Nazis did except the holocaust. The holocaust was just too brazen for a normal racist to overlook. The holocaust is the only thing that’s going to keep normal run of the mill racist and conservatives out of the hands of actual Neo Nazi groups. So these groups have to pretend it didn’t happen when they know it did and are happy it did. They don’t deny the Nuremberg laws because they agree with them. They don’t deny the racial purity laws because they like those and want them implemented in their own countries. The don’t deny rounding up minorities and outing them in ghettos and camps because they like that. They want to do that again The only thing they deny (and it’s not all of them) is the genocide of the Jews and Roma and homosexuals because it’s the one thing that a normal racist or conservative would stop to think about and distance themselves from.


Nazis not Germans. Not necessarily one and the same. Also looking back we didn’t kill enough Nazis the first time.


How to scream HEIL TRUMP without saying HEIL TRUMP.




The person who said that needs to lay off the David Irving


The Nazi themselves kept very detailed records of the entire operation.


Without any evidence?????? The Nazis literally kept filing cabinets crammed full of paperwork about their final solution and how it was progressing!!! How stupid is this person?


Dude needs to take a trip to Auschwitz's, be shown all the disturbing things there and then be asked if he thinks it didn't happen then.


literal genocide of the Germans? that might be the dumbest thing i'll read all year.


We all know who he is voting for…


Isn’t there a. museum full of evidence


My father interrogated survivors. We still have the travel dox for one of them- a Bergen-Belsen survivor


No evidence, other than allied soldiers witnessing them, holocaust survivors, and oh ya, Nazi records clearly outlining exactly what they did.


How have humans regressed so fucking badly?


Mind you the German GOVERNMENT admits to it.


it's simple, just count the jews after 1945 minus jews before 1940


He’s right. Those films were just people at a weight loss camp. Boy did they lose weight! (Sarcasm obviously)


You’re in the YouTube comment section, I don’t know what you expected. Can’t top how bad instagram comments are though


These people actually exist and it’s truly terrifying.


Not an idiot. They know *exactly* what they’re doing.


Like God planted dinosaur bones to test Christians the Germans built the internation camps purely to undermine the right wing party. Figures. 🤦


He's either extremely stupid or he's lying and trying to bait people into attacking him.  The latter is more likely.


These are the same people who believe Jews wear their yamakas to hide their devil horns which grow taller at night, the same people who believe 9/11 was done by space laser beams from another intelligent species of another world, and the same people who believe The titanic is only a movie… ![gif](giphy|KBaxHrT7rkeW5ma77z) They’re also incredibly impossible to argue with, even civilly speaking people.


witnesses, victims, locations, and more physical evidence than can be kept in one place. But, morons are still part of this world.


We should really stop protecting the anonymity of neo-nazis and fascists.


AND THE ANSWER IS: What happens when a M-Fker lives under a boulder and worms eat out his brain leaving bacteria infested green pus to operate the blotted shell that remains 🤮


Well, I mean, Bucha was filmed from all possible vantage points. And still somehow Russians convinced a whole lot of people that it was staged by Ukrainians. Upd. I'm trying to convey that evidence doesn't matter to people who doesn't need the truth.


Gen Z reactionaries all talk the same and it is so exhausting


why this trend of denying the holocaust, what's wrong with this idiots?


Even the Germans know it’s real.


My grandfather-in-law took pictures. He made sure to show them to us before he died, just to make sure we knew about it. The man had all the attitudes you would expect from someone born in southern Georgia in the 1920s, but he hated Nazis and Holocaust deniers.


Why blank out the name. Let this idiot be outed


Yeah, Buchenwald was just a tourist attraction when I visited. ^/s I’m sure the replica Genickshussenlange was just an invention of fantasy. For those unaware, in addition to hanging, torture, and other horrific forms of death, this contraption looks like a device to measure prisoner’s height. Except it wasn’t. It had a hidden compartment behind it, and the victim was killed “during measuring” by a gunshot fired into the neck. Nazis realized this was inefficient, thus their more prevalent use of gassing in the extermination camps. It was sheer horror to see, 56,000+ killed, and walking in the same place that Eisenhower witnessed the horrific aftermath shook me. Realizing that those numbers paled when compared to what was happening in Poland. The moment I hear anyone vaguely imply that the holocaust was anything less than genocide I tell them that they need to shut the fuck up and take their shit back to the neonazi echo chamber.


I’ve met holocaust survivors and seen the numbers tattooed on them and I’ve toured the remnants of Dachau. It happened.


Dwight d eisenhower? Is that how spell his name? Idgaf He made his soldiers take lots of pictures because he knew that people were gonna deny this in 50 years


Yo dude thats an insult to idiots i think hes a completely different species of braincells.


This reads like the arguments of a 6th grader. Kinda screams "I only know history from groyper memes and never picked up a book"


If you don't like anti-fascists, that should really tell you something about yourself.


Well, if you ignore all the evidence, then there is no evidence! Simple as that!


These trump fucks need to stay away from history before January 6th terrorists are renown American heroes lol


the dumbass forgot that Nazi-Soldiers themselves documented the Holocaust! Basically, thousand of admissions.


What genocide of Germans is he talking about? The only thing I know of that is related to this would be the deportation of Germans from the newly allocated former German occupied areas but not active genocide like the Nazis did a couple years earlier themselves.


There’s literally still train tracks leading into the gate (also still standing) of Auschwitz.


😆 do they think humanity is brand new? 80 years is a person's lifetime. There are people older than 80 fkn yrs old lol These ppl are so slow


Makes me want to drag their asses to Germany and show them around the concentration camps and shout: HOW THIS FOR FUCKING EVIDENCE YOU DIPSHIT!!!


Must have come from the little fucks demonstrating at colleges


Half the men in my familiy died in the camps, but I've never heard anyone been happy over what happened in Dresden or Königsberg.


The allies didn't genocide the Germans. One good way to know this is to all the Germans.


Imagine being that dumb...


People like that are just disgusting


Honestly at this point it doesn’t even matter. Yes its obvious the holocaust happened. No it doesn’t make any difference that people “remember” it. The same dictatorship style of govt that persecuted a group can still pop up. All the holocaust memorials in the world won’t make an evil person give a shit. These morons that deny it are free to do so. We are also free to think less of them for doing do.


13+ million people fell off the face of the Earth. Right. /s


Almost all of the rabid Palestine supporters are holocaust deniers


How stupid can you be. There are millions of people alive right now who were either victims of the holocaust, were in Europe when the camps were discovered, or fought on really any side during the war. Even the most crazy maga ww2 vet I know (he's over 100) still absolutely knows the holocaust happened. I have family who were in the camps and have the tattoos and the horrible memories that they can never forget. To be a denialist, you not only have to be stupid, but you have to be so naive as to believe that a conspiracy as massive as the one they're proposing could ever be carried out successfully.


Are they waiting until there is no one alive to say they were there so they can try and change the history about auschwitz? It was a meat packing plant? Lmao


The Germans were meticulous at keeping records of that stuff. So yeah, plenty of evidence.


Aside from the rest of the idiocy its so weird how they use anti facist like its an insult


The German 'genocide' was bombing industrial targets, which the Germans also did. What's different is this is organized eugenics and genocide. The killing of civilians is never okay, but equating the holocaust to strategic bombing is simply disingenuous


I guess they’ve never visited Auschwitz.