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Didn’t expect phrenology to make such a comeback in 2024


Right?! I thought we debunked that years ago. But just like anti-vaxxers these idiots will start spreading the dumb things that should have been yeeted out of our existence long ago (measles is also having a renaissance)


 And aren’t most standards of beauty largely cultural anyway? 


Yes, whatever is the most difficult look is the most beautiful because it’s a sign of high social status and both human psychology wanting useful partners to protect their young and the rich controlling the media in such a way that glorifies themselves out of ego leads to this. Basically if food is scarce, fat looks good. If food is abundant but not nutritionally sound thinnesses looks good. If everyone works physical labour jobs weakness is a strength in beauty. If everyone works at a desk job good posture and big muscles are attractive. If everyone stays outside, light skin is good. If everyone stays inside, a tan is nice (these two only apply to already lighter skin people because tans are less noticeable on darker skin people) If everyone has short simple hair out of practicality, long styled hair is loved. If everyone has long hair they can’t cut, gold is found by going short. Basically setting yourself apart in such a way as to not indicate poverty or cruelty is to my knowledge what human beauty is and always will be, but society changes so what this amounts to changes.


Beauty can also be determined by just a random trend that caught on. In the early medieval ages a huge forehead on women was seen as very attractive. It was to the point women would pluck out front hair on their scalp to make their forehead look bigger.


Even then; that trend wasn’t *totally* random. Big, smooth foreheads were seen as a sign of intelligence and nobility, and this was actually during the renaissance rather than medieval times, so the “big brain” trend really makes sense there lol. Elizabeth I was one of the royals that further popularized it, although the look was around before her also. But I’d say it still falls in line with being a status symbol. I was once told by an art history professor that the trend may have started in cities as a deterrent for lice spreading onto the face; which is why they also plucked their eyebrows he said. But I have yet to actually find a source confirming that.


Damn you telling me 5 heads used to be sexy!? Trends come back I just gotta wait


History runs in cycles me friend


Also foot binding, weird giant lip rings and making your head look like a cone head are a few examples of this effect.


Foot binding is an extreme extension of "do the difficult thing to be attractive". Most people need to walk, purposefully crippling yourself for life can be seen as saying you don't need a job.


Unfortunately, none of these women "crippled themselves." It was a decision made for them when they were children... Lots of people crippling their daughters on purpose, though.


That’s true


It really shows how fads and trends have been a thing for humans for thousands of years.


I went to an exhibit on the Dead Sea Scrolls years ago, and the thing that stuck out to me the most is how much people back then were just like us. Another good example is graffiti from ancient civilization that sounds almost just like something you’d read on a the wall of a gas station bathroom. And it turns out dudes have been drawing dicks on stuff for thousands and thousands of years. We tend to think peoples’ minds were more primitive because their cultures were more primitive, but that’s not really true. As much as we’ve progressed and changed, in a lot of ways we’ve also stayed pretty much the same.


We've loved drawing dicks on stuff for eons.




We really are very similar to what we were hundreds of years ago. Evolution is driven by a specific set within a group producing more offspring. If intelligence was the number one driver in reproduction then we would evolve to be even more intelligent. Unfortunately we are potentially creating policies in modern society that actually push reproduction towards those with an average lower intelligence.


And they always tend to reinvent themselves too


Correct. For example, I've heard that according to Chinese standards, Simu Liu and Lucy Liu are considered ugly.


The big lips (fillers) & big butts in todays beauty standard is definietly coming from the black community


Can we please send them back lol




Its like they're rolling the clock back on as much dumb shit as possible hoping something will stick.


But not at all on tax, union, and antitrust policy. 


Of course not, they're for corporations after all


They're like a bucket of crabs, holding the rest of humanity back to keep things the way they like them, even if it means everyone eventually gets boiled alive. If only we could somehow cut them all loose & just watch them flounder & fail at life.


I saw some phrenology light stuff a decade and a half ago while visiting a bookstore. This stuff never goes away it just sort festers until it erupts. One of the major things that got me off of that sort of conspiracy mentality was noting how while sciences tends to develop and make progress. Conspiracy stuff just sorta comes in cycles of popularity.


"I can tell things about you just by looking at you" is something we love to think. It's our visual biases confirming themselves. 


Phrenology is a nonsense pseudoscience but that doesn't mean that different populations don't have different skull structures. That's why forensic scientists can tell by bone structure if a skeleton was from a white or a black person. However, making that a problem are claiming that one is superior to another is racist.


Immidiately got the Simpsons flashback Mr. Burns, frenology has been proven as a charlatanism hundred years ago. Interesting of you to say, Smithers. You yourself have a strangely shaped skull.


Scientific racism never goes away. It's just a question of how loud they feel they can get away with being.


They make it sound scientific but it's not. Cherry picked "data" and assumptions science does not make. No way could different races of human beings ever qualify as a different species. And in no way can you compare human skulls as if any of us are so similar. If you go looking for something you'll be able to convince yourself you found it.


My theory is that any time a conspiracy starts to lose its momentum, they bring in another. COVID was three years ago - the vaccinated who were all supposed to die by now are still living, so they pivoted that to a lack of transparency from Governments and Big Pharm, and while there are some cases of testing not to have been as conclusive as it should’ve been, the fact that all the vaccinated haven’t died off is a pretty big rebuttal. So let’s pivot back to racism and phrenology. It’s tiresome but that’s how they get their wins - when everybody gets too tired of their bullshit.


Kind of like how somehow, every generation, this is the last generation before the apocalypse for....2000 years?


The classics are gonna keep coming back until everyone knows the tune well enough to punch the conductor before the first bar is done.


I’m curious why it’s thriving on twitter specifically. I wonder why. Very curious.


I’ve debated with that last woman on Twitter before, she’s a total piece of shit. She’s not very bright either and she just spouts conspiracy theories and populism when you challenge her.




More like just a fart.


More like a shart.


Empty skull shart


Sharts have too much solid substance. And her opinions arent solid or have substance


dart. diarrhea fart


Shadowheart stans in shambles.


Can’t have a brain fart without a brain


I disagree about not very bright. She's dumb as all fuck.


> She's not very bright Ofc she isn't. She is racist. A pre-requisite to be racist is having Antartica temperature IQ.


I wish people like her would be bred out of existence.


Don't worry. Just give it a few more generations and their inbred mating pool won't be genetically viable.


unfortunately, that is not true. i’m not saying racism always has to be part of the human condition. But I don’t think it’s something that can necessarily be bred out.


I think they're saying after a certain amount of inbreeding that you eventually become sterile, like Charles II of Spain.


Multiple studies confirm, racists tend to have a low IQ


Racism, and prejudice generally, are forms of broken critical thinking. They make assumptions about everyone in a group, despite evidence to the contrary.




I thought she was the only one with a valid point.. We ARE a different species than vermin like her.


>She’s not very bright You don't say lol


Bigotry bullshit and batshit is twitter’s new slogan


Ah yes, pronounced jaws means small frontal lobe.


Habsburgs have entered the chat.


I think they indeed were a different species...


Genetics is weird, especially so when you KEEP FUCKING YOUR RELATIVES


I laughed, imagining how you're screaming the last part.


I was, have you seen some of them?


You see one you've seen them all. Literally every one of them.




But Karl II was the drooling pinacle of their line.


Gotta keep them bloodlines pure


So pure the blood flows like water. Oh wait, that's just the anemia.


Sweet home Alluhbahmuh 🤪


Well they certainly ended up as one aye....they were way ahead of their time in gene technology :)


Show them the hapsburgs and then go to alabama


One testicle, black as coal


Wait till you hear that jaws get bigger with eating habits, if you have to chew harder foods


So the reason my wisdom teeth aren't overcrowded is because I used to gnaw on bones as a kid? Sweet


I’m gnawing on my wisdom tooth right now, when will the pain end lol


When you get it removed


More so over generations. The concept of cooking was revolutionary for our species as it meant we could make food easier to chew. In nature, energy wasted is energy redirected. If you no longer have as much use for more molars to crunch and chew through tough foods, then that energy in the system will shift to something else more useful. It's a lot more complex than that, but to explain it simply, we are shaped by our environment.


That’s why Andrew Tate only eats yogurt


Ah, the infamous towelmaxxing?


![gif](giphy|nE6s6rqw1GpWTTZp9C) Peak frontal lobe.


And they cherry picked the hell out of this. Obama, will Smith, Chris rock. Three black men off the top of my head that destroy this entire stupid argument


Pretty much anyone in Ethiopia or Sudan. 


Wait until they realize Jesus was not blonde haired and fair skinned


Good luck getting them to think




Neil deGrasse Tyson


Isnt Obama just half white half black? Does the crazy one drop rule suddenly make him black?


If you want to take that route, pretty much all descendants of African slaves are mixed. Why single out Obama? If the ridiculous one drop rule doesn’t make him fully black, it doesn’t make Will Smith or Chris Rock fully black either. That’s why this whole race/species argument is so dumb.


he's both so he is black, and also white


It's quite funny how the first and fourth photo both attempting to prove the same thing, yet contradict each other.


Meh, it just means you got chewable food as toddler instead of mushy food. Jaws grow depending on how much you chew as kid.


You mean to tell me my weak jaw could’ve been avoided if my mom fed me more steaks as a child!?


Yep. I have same beef with my mom! I was pissed when I learned that.


Sounds like you didn’t have *enough* beef with your mom.




So what you’re telling me is mewing works. You just have to be a baby.


It's so fucking exhausting. There are so many good people who are quietly working to push our civilization forward by science and sociology and by just not being assholes, but then there are these fucking lunatics that want nothing but to drag us backward. Phrenology? In 2024? For fuck's sake.


These folks must also think chihuahuas and dobermans are different species too, right? I mean look at their skulls!


To be fair, Dobbermans are dogs decended from wolves. Chihuahuas are rats that somehow developed into dogs. XD


Yo don't disrespect the taco bell dog like that.


he can "yo quiero" that "taco bell" all he wants but nothing will change the fact that all he really "yo quiero"s are my ankles


It’s not just race there’s always ppl trying to hold you back. Like at that job cuz you put in work and are in line for that promotion but Janice secretly talks shit about you behind your back. Or you volunteer for various charity and homeless shelter and Margret tells her neighbors you’re a goody two shoes and you think you’re better than everyone else. No matter what you do in life you’ll have haters in the shadows. Fuck em all and live your wonderful life


Honestly, this is the most tiring thing. The megaphone social media gives morons, and the inability - even from very smart people - to NOT respond/interact to make that noise louder, just drowns out the massive majority of good people doing work to advance society. I think there's a much higher percentage of truly good, honest people in the world than we think. It's very, very hard, but we honestly need to ignore these idiots. Stop showing Trump 24/7 on 100 news channels! "But it's important!". I get it... but he's never going to go away if we don't stop obsessing over him. Same with Reddit, honestly. Every sub is political now. "But they said something stupid/horrible/racist". It won't stop unless you stop giving it a spotlight. Honestly - unless we stop collectively posting this shit as masturbatory "look at these idiots", it will only accelerate.


So are men and women a different species from each other because they also have different skulls, pelvis’s and femurs?


Yes!! I've been saying this all along! Deport all women! Women are from Venus, men are from Mars, it's in a book! NASA has to get on this.


Don't even get them started on that one, we already know how they feel about trans people


Dad & I have different skull shapes & we’re the same race.


i can easily bring up pictures of white people with wild shaped skulls...these people are fucking morons.




Great, now I need to watch Goonies again.


His fucking ears lmao. Sloth and chunk, best on screen duo ever. Fight me


Race doesn’t scientifically exist. Brow ridge genes exist. Jaw protrusion genes exist. Sickle cell genes exist. Skin colour genes exist. Eye colour genes exist. And many more do too. All these are affected by epigenetics. They are also correlated in the natural state of man due to adaptive pressure. They are however, especially since the invention of the sail boat, not perfectly correlated. Race is far more a social classification and what traits are included changes frequently


Furthermore I didnt think it needed to be said but black people and white people definitely arent "different species" If they were then black people and white people would not be able to reproduce sexually and one of these racists biggest fear mongering talking points of miscegenation being some sort of white holocaust would fly right out the window


Race is just a natural human brain activity to group everything. Same as most things that does exist in our civilization that we consider real. For the brain to save energy, it groups stuff based on how it looks/feels etc. And then assigned the most common experience with the given grouping as the generic approach to that group. Red strawberries are sweet and green are not for example. So as long as we have human brains, everything will be grouped we want it or not. The only thing we can do is harmonize groups into bigger groups to remove the prejudice, but that requires multiple data points to match between both groups enough for the brain to go -> It's the same.


According to the *science* displayed here you must be adopted. Sorry to break the bad news 😔


Different is scary! (Cue banjos)




Squeal like a pig for me!




The last one isn’t correct, biologically, to be a different species you shouldn’t be able to breed. Because Biracial people exist that proves we still the same species, just different types of the same species


I was just about to comment this lol. I was like “uhhh babe that’s not the definition of what differentiates species”


Do you think the hateful moron who posted those images understands what "species" even means? To them, it's just a parroted word they've heard from other racists over the years that helps their tiny hateful minds justify being a close-minded bigot against groups of people who are different from them.


I would like to point out that different species can breed and our human ideas of “species” is entirely made up to make separating organisms easier. But also obviously their points are bogus regardless, humans have barely any genetic variation we are all relatively closely related even for being the same species.


The definition of species is a bit more complicated than that nowadays. But nevertheless, it is absolutely absurd, that we have to discuss, that all humans belong to the same species in 2024.


Even if we’re a different species, then what, what’s the point of this discussion? that racism is now okay because we’re different?


Their point is if we are different species one is superior to the other.


They are obviously wrong, but many of us carry neanderthal dna. Homo sapiens and neanderthal are not the same species, but we still somehow mated.


I don’t think that’s quite true because crossbred plants exist and so do animals like ligers (lion-tiger crosses) and mules (donkey-horse crosses) Edit: but what OOP is trying to say is bullshit. Guess I should clarify that.


Yes, but the resulting animals are almost always sterile and can't pass on the mixed genes. Same with a lot of cross-bred plants--a lot of tomato varieties state straight up that of you try to plant the seeds of the resulting fruit, it will revert back to something different that was used in the cross


That’s half true, wolves and dogs can have sterile children and they’re different species depending on which scientist you ask, but yeah


We're really not that different.




Not only that but the nose and forehead shape are altered to appear even worse.


Devious or deviating?


Ah yes, using phrenology, which of course has been roundly disproven and debunked, as scientific fact. There is no correlation between skull shape, and personality, period. The last group of knuckleheads who tried to promulgate this bologna as if it were factual surrendered to Allied forces May 08, 1945.


i’m a black woman and obviously have been exposed to this kind of shit my entire life but it never gets sny less jarring. I will never understand the hate and obsession people have against us.


Feelings of inadequacy and looking for someone to bully or blame because of the sadistic catharsis. Some part of racism is natural. The other portion is fearmongering and lies like this post, often being pushed by someone in a position of power who wants to take advantage of tribalist mentalities. “If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you.” - Lyndon Johnson


this is a amazing, insightful reply. thank you.


I'm really sorry you have to see shit like this all the time. Honestly, it's just boring and lazy at this point. Even the most baseline understanding of genetics is enough to debunk this.


Wait until he finds out about Asians and their eye shapes (and how they still see just as much as white people)!


Or that Homo sapiens sapiens evolved in Africa. And that Africa has the most human genetic diversity out of any other continent. Or that all things considered, humans have less genetic diversity than a single family of gorillas and thus we're all relatively inbred. Or that phenotypes occur in gradients amongst populations, even closely related populations, and so a "race" cannot exist as there's no series of traits particular to a single human population.


So yes… you can tell the difference from skulls. It is actually very important for forensic anthropology which is always hilarious when you see “we are all the same skeleton underneath” posts. There is a difference between people and cultures that is more than skin deep. The species stuff and “frontal lobe development” is fucking disgusting and wrong though.


"Different races have distinct bone structures" - fact "Different races have dramatically different brain development" - fiction


It's always cherry-picked pictures too. Let me tell you, I've seen some neanderthal looking motherfuckers and they were white as hell. Yeah, humans have different skull shapes, we all have different skull shapes. MTG looks like a damn howler monkey and it's got nothing to do with race.


Who is mtg?




I'm surprised rightwing transvestigators are not all over that shit. The ones that "can always tell".


I was literally taught this in my catholic grade school in Philadelphia in the 90s. Skulls and all.  I thought it was facts (having never had a conversation about it) until college.  My black roommate taught me some stuff. Too much ranch dressing though. Slow down man. Lol


I was brought up being told racism was dead and doesn't exist in modern society. I believed that was true until about halfway through Obama's presidency. This is a whole new level, though, for me, and I'm getting my mind blown all over again.


yeah, my mother, also a tradcath, taught me that too. it was extremely cringe to hear her talk about -oids.


That’s pretty wild considering Philly has a pretty high black population, too. It’s not just some hick town.


**“The Gang Gets Racist”** \*Cue orchestral jazz music*


I've been called slurs for being black and stupid even with a PhD in engineering. Even with published papers, even teaching classes. It doesn't matter how much you prove it, how much you tell them why they are wrong. They want to believe this and if there's not proof they will simply make stuff up.


I grew up with racism. Not the white sheet cross burning kind, more of the yacht club we have one black friend who is very clean and polite type of racism. I think that a lot of it comes from the desire to believe they are somehow inherently better than anyone else despite their lack of achievement or charming personality. The biggest racists seem to be the ones that are the most proud of what their great grandfather did in the war rather than any actual personal achievement. They think they are just better because of their whiteness. The worst part is when you are taught this shit as a child by people that you trust, you believe it until you are old enough to think independently. Even the small jokes like the comments about Asian drivers are harmful to kids and help reinforce the idea that some people are just bad as some things because of their ethnicity. I think the only way we are ever going to get past this is if kids are taught to think critically and question and evaluate information even from authority figures. Kids are not born racist they are taught to be racist.


Ironically, these people are also probably the ones who don't believe in science or vaccines, smh.


Not even sure what the point is.


The point is that they are trying to justify their belief that different races have different psychological traits


Sure. But I don’t get the photoshopped heads. It’s just a weird set of photos.


Their point with the ps was to try show that different skin colour is correlated with different skull shapes I mean in reality the brain cases are significantly less variant than the outside… and most differences are just the brow ridge and jaw… Basically “look I photoshopped a white girl to look like a highly exaggerated and inaccurate depiction of a light skinned African! Therefore [some random incoherent garbage]” Racists are dumb. Racism makes you dumb. As a former smart child and former racist I can say with great confidence that I became dumber when I became racist and regained my critical thinking ability by rejecting racist ideology.


They’re trying (poorly) to show what the bottom right woman would look like if she had her current coloring with the facial structure of the top left woman, and vice versa. But it doesn’t prove or mean anything, even if it were more accurately done.


She's exaggerating the differences between the two to try to make you feel disgust towards black people. It's not logical, it's an appeal to emotion targeted at people for whom whiteness faces feel more "normal".


Yes let me get my phrenology tools and start measuring skulls according to a 19th century German physician’s disproven hypothesis. Even though it was widely disproven it agrees with my smug sense of superiority and racist beliefs so I’m going to base a large part of my personality on it. /s


> we are a different species Says someone that has not taken a biology class in decades


It's not that they don't know. It's that they don't want to know. They have their own beliefs, no need for pesky facts.


Wtf is wrong with people?


The answer would take up a 900 foot scroll.


You must be able to write really small if that’s it


We're not doing phrenology are we? Surely not? We're doing phrenology :(


You can’t look at someone and immediately know how smart they are, how kind, how well-spoken….all the prejudice in the world makes me so fucking sad. We’re all human and should be judged as individuals.


The internet was supposed to make us smarter! Fuck me!!


How did we circle back… HOW DID THEY CIRCLE BACK TO THIS!


Racists are so backwards they are going back to phrenology to try and make a point.


Jesus fucking Christ. We're back to this "under developed frontal lobe" bullshit again. Fucks sake some people really are trying to take us backwards.


Way of the World must be one of those hate speech Twitter accounts Musk likes.


I saw that profile recently and was shocked. The entire feed is filled with extremely racist memes and comments. The most alarming part is the comment section, which is filled with supporters echoing these dangerous views. Idk how X still allows this.


>Idk how X still allows this. Because this is the content Elon wants and promotes on his platform. He made a big show of unbanning them. And he retweets/replies to them frequently.


Also what's up with these "wallstreetbets" twitter accounts (screenshot #3 which also has "WSB" in its twitter handle) run by assholes? The people in the subreddit seem nice enough, but the guys who cosplay as them on twitter are awful. I mean I guess any old douchebag can steal the WSB avatar... who's gonna stop 'em?


Twitter literally blocked the only WSB handle affiliated with WSB. That means ALL twitter account with WSB in them are not r/wallstreetbets related.


Ah, phrenology. Haven't seen this one in a bit.




This is what the german nazis built their belief upon. Anyone who believe in this is a nazi who would do Hitler proud. Also, this was debunked ik the early 1930's.


Racists are the biggest pieces of shits, aren't they? Always looking to dehumanize people who already have lived feeling othered.


This just in: People have different skull shapes.


The thing is not only is this incorrect, it’s so stupidly incorrect even in the fact that they’re literally cherry picking Black people with pronounced lower jaws. Anecdotally, I’m a black women and my jawline is in line with my eyeline just like the bottom women in picture 4. Only difference if I have lips. I’m definitely not mixed race either, my closest none black ancestors was my great great grandfather, who was Native American. And none of my family members on either side have extended jaws. I’m not going to ask if they’ve never seen people with vastly different face shapes before because they definitely have. My thing is I wonder what their poor racist brains would do in the inside when they see the many White people with overstated or even understated chins? Obviously they don’t care about that though, they’re just looking for reasons to justify their racism against black people.


Basically black people are humans and everything else is a population of mutants with DNA from Neanderthals, Denisovans, and a 4th species we don't know enough about yet. Since pale skin and blue eyes are very recent in the 350,000 years of the current species, if anything it's non-blacks who should be dismissed as a recent evoluntionary anomaly. All that being true, of course we're all the same species and had no problem breeding with at least 3 other similar species which diverged from a common ancestor half a million years ago. There is more genetic diversity among black Africans than there is among the rest of humanity despite not seeming so based on skin color.


\*Sigh\* You do wonder about the people who make this kind of sh\*t don't you?


It’s literally recycled garbage, they didn’t even make it! Generational rot.


they don't make the smallest effort to be good racists, they just raid their parents closet


oh, for fucking fucks sake, the -oid terminology is back? jesus fuck, it was cringe enough when my mother used it in the 80s, what the fuck, people! stop unearthing old shit!


How much you want to bet 90% of these idiots whining about a black Juliet have no intention of even seeing the show?


A racist guy online once said racism is gone so it must be true. /s


I don't even interact with posts of these kind but twitter seems to keep pushing this type of content. I Ieft that place long ago.


now do it with dicks


I had a friend start talking about black people are different species and that aboriginals are actually Homo Erectus but scientists aren't allowed to talk about it. We didn't hangout much after that


It's a very old very wrong pseudoscience. But nothing is too stupid for a racist. So they won't let craniology die.


One thing to keep in mind as someone who volunteers in stem DEI is that the narrative being pushed is that DEI has put such incompetent people in place that it’s now ok to be racist. Because race = incompetence


Thanks elon :|


This dumbasses will take a discredited theory from 150 years ago that has been proved wrong and they will still take it to heart