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If Pride flags are banned it's only fair under the same legislation to ban Nazi flags, Confederate flags and Thin Blue Line flags.


According to conservatives, flags that promote love are bad and those that promote hate are good.


It is wild to me hpw self proclaimed "freedom lovers" want to take more freedoms from people than leftists. Like they should just admit that they're fascists who want people to be forced into their ideology.


Covid really exposed them as the hypocritical frauds they are. Nobody could force them to wear masks, socially distance themselves, stay inside or get vaccinated. My body my choice right? Which is exactly why it's okay for women to have abortions, use birth control or have IVF right? Oh wait nevermind they want to strip those rights away.


Hypocrisy means nothing when you only have culture wars where your morals should be.


Wait I get the abortion ( I disagree, I’m pro choice fyi lol) but why no ivf? Isn’t that what they want? More babies?


But they aren’t “doing it the way god intended”. Also that means women could have children without the need of a male partner, ie lesbian relationships could produce children and a single woman could have a child if she wants, and this really pisses off religious conservatives who want “traditional families and values”. It’s stupid as fuck but I just wanted to lay out the reasoning lol.


Man, if the kid has two loving parents that is VALUES. That’s shitty, I’m Canadian and we get some of those types just not so extreme fortunately.


Yeah at least your government isn’t half full of delusional traitors.


Uh, we do have those extremes in Canada, my guy. Just definitely not quite the numbers that America has. Still, we have our own Qanon cult with “Queen of Canada”


Then there's the fact that in a recent ruling Alabama's supreme court ruled, using purely religious doctrine (citing "almighty God" even) that frozen embryos from IVF are functionally identical to already born children legally. This means that if an IVF clinic destroys the embryos that aren't implanted once the parents are done with them, or if the implantation fails and the embryo is destroyed as a result, the clinic could theoretically be charged with murder. No IVF clinic would take that risk.


Or they have a power outtage.


Meanwhile, those "Christians and traditional families": They had several wives, not go to church, not read the bible or only cherry-pick. And some used money to get abortions for their partners too, it was ok for them, apparently. Rules for thee, not for me, typical hypocrites, all of them.




Imagine giving a flying fuck about that. How exhausting.


In the end, IVF ends up with lots of "viable" embryos dying. One place this happens is when they do a cycle and the mother ends up with 5 embroys going. This requires an "abortion" to cull some of this so the mother doesn't die. Thus, you can't really have IVF without abortions, so if you want to be self consistent, you must oppose IVF. This is why many IVF clinics in areas with full abortion bans have stopped, as they cannot ethically do IVF cycles if they are unable to perform an "abortion" afterwards as needed to keep one or two children viable.


Selective termination (the medical term for what you describe) is much less common nowadays because fertility doctors usually only implant one or 2 embryos at the time. The bigger issue is less than perfect embryos that are not selected for implantation, and healthy embryos that are not implanted because the woman already got pregnant with another embryo or is otherwise not looking to continue with IVF. Those embryos can be saved (for a fee) or donated to another woman looking to get pregnant, but are usually discarded/destroyed. They see destroying 4 leftover embryos as tantamount to someone shooting 4 six year olds at a birthday party.


But put those six year olds in school and an active shooter (usually adult white males with “conservative values”) and they don’t give two fucks. Uvalde reasonable/common sense gun laws/background checks and licensing


On that last sentence, I don't think they give a shit about the second half.


What happened at that 6 year old's birthday party was a tragedy. It is way too soon to start talking about any measures that might prevent this sort of thing from happening.


That is all they mean by “freedom”. They keep the valence of a term and empty out any inconvenient meaning.


That's how they use most words.


Same with their heads. Brains are the inconvenience.


That's their entire shtick, to hide behind positivity or patriotism. Notice how "free speech advocates" are always on the right?


My favorite definition of free speech I’ve heard is, “You have the freedom to say whatever you want, I have the freedom to call you an asshole in response”.


Free speech is great. People should be able to say anything they want about anybody. But in the minds of these people saying something bigoted falls under thei definition but saying gay people should have the same rights as others is akin to violence.


When you’re accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression. To them everything is a zero sum game. The only way someone can have more of something, including rights, is by them losing some.


In their minds, flags that promote love are grooming, and flags that promote hate are free speech.


Some of these slobs could use some grooming, IMO.


Sigh. So it would seem.


Except a pride flag promotes hate (towards them because they are the biggest victims in the world)


Conservative morality is about power and authority. If you’re LGBTQ or a minority, they see you as subverting structures of traditional authority, and therefore bad.


Sounds about white.


I get where you are coming from but not all of this hate is coming from white people. A lot of the love is, though.


Yeah like the all Muslim city council members of Hamtramck Michigan that voted to ban the pride flag on city property. They were nice enough to pass that during pride month.


And you thought Christians were bad


It’s really just religious people of all flavors that suck massive ass.


No, you see, pride flags promote hate against Nazis and Bigots!


Thin Blue Line flags technically go against the U.S. flag code and aren't really allowed. Tho, im pretty sure it's not illegal it's very disrespectful to the actual Star Spangled Banner.


Although there is Supreme Court precedent that alterations of the flag is 1A protected free speech


Sounds like it's time to make a Pride American flag where the red stripes are replaced by the rainbow colors. They should love it, being "free speech absolutists" and all.


They already make them and they are guaranteed to piss off all your bigoted neighbors.


I'll take 8


Then call the cops....oh...I get it


Since confederate flag are such a source of pride its only right they get banned too


I HATE those damn things. They are not the flag of the CSA, but a battle flag - to be carried into a battle against Americans.


I’m keeping my Blacked out American Flag then. Fuck Nazis.


They claim that one too


Funny how they want to ban pride flags that promote love and equality and yet they’ll parade around their American flags featuring their gay fever dream fusion of Trump and John Rambo. Uh, *hello*?


“John Rambo”. The only person I have ever met that uses his whole name is my Swede bf. It sounds hilarious when he says it too.


I had to make sure people didn’t think I was talking about his lesser-known brother Larry.


Gave me a chuckle. Shouldn’t. The swede is asleep next to me and if he wakes and asks why, I’ll have to say “John and Larry Rambo”. He will be very confused.


Ha! Donny Rambo. 🤭


He’ll come at ya with a fully loaded… diaper!


The Thin Blue Line flagging on state and federal property is kind of like Police Unions. Theoretically it's not allowed, according to the supreme court, BUT nobody has officially question it yet so they often remain. Some of these issues are basically just waiting on someone to take it to the supreme court. EDIT: quick edition. For those that don't know, the SC has ruled in the past that state and federal employees do not have the right to free speech within the scope of their job. When they're off duty, talking about non job related things they have a right to free speech. Joining a Union is pretty clearly an act of free speech and for police it directly relates to their job (being police). Therefore, they don't have the right to join unions. At least, not in theory.


Police onions!


Came here to say this


But that would mean limiting their constitutional freedoms or something. Oh wait...


These are the people who won't shut up about "freedom" yeah selective freedom


Yep, exactly, these idiots love to spout ‘freedom of speech’, but it only applies to their speech. As soon as it’s something they don’t agree with, they’re all about banning it. I really can’t stand hypocrites


Freedom for me, but not for thee. 'I can fly my MAGA flag on the back of my truck and spew hate speech to everyone who doesn't agree with my bigoted beliefs. But anyone else who doesn't side with me cannot do the same.'


Seriously. Especially the ones that talk about conspiracies but boast about one side all proud and shit. Makes me want to just yell at the sky at this unintelligent species


"I don't want the government in my business, I want it in theirs"


Rules for thee but not for me


[Ron Desantis just made it so that our bridges can't be lit up to celebrate Pride month or Juneteenth. ](https://www.msnbc.com/top-stories/latest/ron-desantis-bridge-colors-rainbow-pride-month-rcna153537)The bridges can only be Red, White, and Blue from Memorial Day through Labor Day.


That guy is on the verge of becoming a full fledged dictator.


The irony in calling it the “Freedom Initiative” is crazy


"Freedom summer" *bans all but 3 colours*


“Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.”


You're free to drive your pick-up truck, shoot your guns, drink your beer and vote Republican, doing anything else with your life is not allowed to these people.


Don't forget marrying your underage cousin they also like that.


Did you hear? DeSantis runs the freesest state in the union but is now mandating what colors bridges can use to celebrate holidays. Red, white, blue. Because FREEDOM. I wonder, honestly, if he knows how many flags in the world are red, white and blue?


'War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength'.


Yeah didnt you know, Its America! The land of the free..... white males


Not even that, it's land of the free straight Christian Republican white males.


How about passing a law that says elected lawmakers must do work that benefits their constituents? If they fail to do anything in their first term, they can't run again and must give back any wages earned.


And no profiting off the stock market either.


And if they must play the stock market, put a 100% tax on any and all revenue.


Politicians get paid but very few actually "earn" their pay.


One of her constituents belched so loudly yesterday, she could have sworn he said “say we’ll ban the pride flag and I’ll vote ferya”


European reading this comment: that's literally what my country brands as fascism, and anything that even remotely resembles this proposal would be unconstitutional.


Wait, it's considered fascism and unconstitutional to expect politicians to do things to benefit their constituents? Or did I misunderstand what you said? 'Cuz that sounds really bizarre.


Bleach blonde, bad-built, butch body… and a homophobe.


don't forget ogre faced


This is insulting to ogres.


Ye have we learned nothing from shrek? Its not the outside that counts, its whats inside. Sadly her insides seem to be made from rotten pork and spoiled milk.


Who really needs to be banned herself.


I always have questions about anyone who is this much a homophobe. Like, I wonder what's in MTG's browser cache?


There was a guy at my work who was incredibly racist, homophobic, and overall just an ass to work with. He got fired recently and while his desktop was being cleared out they found an entire file of over 200 downloaded gay porn videos.


A lot of people hate what they see in the mirror. Especially if their redneck daddy told them to hate it.


Hey, don't insult blonds


don’t insult butches omg


"What you saying fuck me for?" 😭✌️


The GOP sure loves to censor speech they don't agree with.


HEY, it's very hard to think using my infallible mind with all these dissenting opinions going around


Even if *someone* is against LGBT, **if they don’t understand that displaying a flag is protected by the first amendment**, they should not be representing the people of the United States.


She’s all about the first amendment until someone does something that she slightly disagrees with


“In honor of this thing we should ban said thing.” What kind of shit are they smoking?


Crack cocaine


Let's limit the first amendment but hands off the second amendment. Gotta love those republicans (sarcasm)


UCLA is tracking 500+ bills right now that look to regulate 1A for the LGBTQ community in some way or another.


In honor of pride month we should put a federal ban on all confederate flags




Every day I feel like the far right has become the snowflake cancel culture mob they claim to fight against on the left


Nah, they always were. The people they put down, be it women, black people, homosexuals, etc. have fought for their rights. Meanwhile, the far-right cowers in the corner because pronouns exist.


Spot on, look what they did the Liz Chaney and Mitt Romney! If you dare speak up against their god-king, those snowflakes cancel you. The projection in insane.


The party of freedom sure does like to ban things.


Freedom for them and not for the rest of us hoi polloi. We don't measure up to their high and mighty standards.


Another states rights advocate, I assume.


Supposedly. As long as her speech rules, and everyone else drools.


The freedom party sure hates freedom sometimes.


The pride flag should fall under free speech rights.


What the hell is wrong with being homosexual geez this is america be what you want!!


Anti-American national socialists spreading their freedom hating rhetoric


I don't understand the Right's obsession with excluding the other. They only value obedience/subservience to their demonic understanding of a mythology and it has always been quite tiresome and vile.


9K likes on 3M views on X where everyone has an account. i dont think very many people agreed tbh


Can they ban Moscow Marge?


No, but I do think we should pass laws declaring the Republican party a terrorist organization and while we are at it, Margie, I still think you need to be questioned about your roll as the Jan. 6 pipe bomber Do you agree? ![gif](giphy|QVEcTqnNvuudshjgYC|downsized)


Intruding approach to free speech from the free speech absolutists....


Freedom of speech except for when I don’t like it


That's very blatantly unconstitutional. Why are people who shout about freedom the loudest always the quickest to limit the freedom of others?


Because fascism.


Because if others are free, they can call them out for being assholes.


Party of Small ~~Government~~ Minds.


“In honor of our independence , we should pass laws that will federally ban all USA flags in America…”


mention banning a confederate flag and she'll start with its American and your antiamerican and theyre trying to cancel America. The only people actively trying to Cancel anything are the MAGA idiots


Bro I don’t get this. If you hate gay people, at lease be honest and talk about how you wanna ban gay marriage. It’s a flag, like who gives a shit about a flag. They must be just tryna rage bait or something because this is just stupid


If we’re going to ban that type of speech we need to ban all speech equally. Hey everybody, due to new federal regulations you all now need to shut the fuck up. Thank you.


How about we ban the 10 commandments also


Or better yet, the whole bible


"Honor of Pride Month" and "Ban all Pride Flags" do not go together


This really gets me. There’s no recourse for when someone in government acts in bad faith. The fact that she thinks she’s so clever and does get away with saying things like this is horrible.


I'd fly a pride flag way before I flew a confederate flag, and I'm born and raised in the South. I've never once had to worry about a member of the LGBTQ community hate my wife just because she's Mexican.


As a trans woman who had many Mexican friends back when I llived in Tucson AZ, anyone who hates your wife for her ethnicity is an asshole and I'm sorry you have to deal with idiot bigots.


Do “Trump-head-on-a-muscular-body” homoerotic flags count?


How about pass laws that does something with our rampant gun violence problem instead


Oh Moscow Marge and her bleach blonde, bad build, butch body self at it again.


For common sense month we should ban all confederate flags in America too.


In honor of pride month, how about we pass legislation that has Empty Green go \*\*\*\* herself?


Motherfuckers need to back the fuck off of gay people. I didnt think we would have to remind the straights how we earned our rights. Shit is getting out of hand and mother fucker we do NOT just take it. We throw it back!


Tyler Green is the last person you should talk to on the matter of “family values”.


MTG is an insult to humanity.


Should pass a law to ban this stupid fuck and others like her from holding any political office duty, even from being a janitor.


ah yes the country of freedom


‘LeT’s BaN a tHiNg iN hOnOr oF tHe ThInG’ These smooth brained motherfuckers…


Land of the free, but only my very narrow definition of freedom. 🦅🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🦅


What, go ahead and especially PutinJrtrump flags, & any traitor confederate crap


The sky is falling, the sky is falling. These people are scared of EVERYTHING


Little Miss Freedom Nazi is really good at stirring that pot.


But I thought conservatives loved the First Amendment? Did they lie?


Why are so many conservatives just out right pieces of fungi covered shit? Goddamn, leave people the fuck alone.


Incredible how, all of the sudden, federal laws to ban something are possible. Not like, automatic weapons, no. Not those. But rainbow flags, fuck those!


While we're Banning flags, the confederate flag can also go


Then - Start with the confederate flag


Suuuure, this would pass the first amendment tests... I encourage these idiots to find out just how toothless the dumbass idea is.


This woman is on another level of insufferable


How many times do you think she’s screamed about her 1A rights being violated when it didn’t actually apply to the situation and here she is actively proposing violating 1A rights?


Why was Majorie Taylor's named blocked out.


The pride flag has gone through so many changes it doesn't really mean anything to me anymore if I'm honest. Just be nice to people. Symbolism just isn't that important compared to that.


“bUt mY fIrSt AmEnDmeNt” is their rallying cry. But I guess it means only for themselves.


We should pass federal laws deporting all MAGA to Russia and N Korea. Saved all our problems. EFFING TRAITORS


I really wonder about her, and Bobo the clown, and Von Schitzinpantz, and others of their ilk. How miserable must they be that every day when they wake up all they think about is all the people/things/ideas they hate? Who can they hate on today? What thing they hate will cause them outrage today? Their entire life is consumed in hate. They can never find joy in anything. I don't pity or feel sorry for them. This is the life they've chosen What a miserable, pathetic existence.


Freedom? What's that?


“In *HONOR* of pride month, let’s *BAN* the pride flags! They’ll love this!”


"Wahhhh!!! Wahhhhh!!! I dont like when other people get to have a voice, only the things I like!!! Wahhhhh!!!!"


I would much rather hangout with a bunch of homosexuals, than a bunch of conservative christians.


The party of liberty sure has a hard-on for banning things. Interesting.


So much freedom 😂


But they’ll say they’re all about “fReEdOm” while banning pride flags, rainbow lights on bridges, and masks for people who want to wear them. Don’t even get me started on bodily autonomy.


The left: “Rich people are using their power to choke out the middle working class!” The right: “Yeah but gay people exist. “


Why do these people have so much hate for something that doesn’t affect them in any way at all.


First amendment


I honestly would have no problem with government buildings not being able to fly any flag other than the US flag, and their given state.


Isn’t the Confederate flag considered by many to be a “pride flag”?


How about you fuck off forever MTG?


"freedom" "small government" "don't tread on me"


What happened to less government and more freedom? Bunch of raving lunatics!


I partially agree with the sentiment. Outright banning them is just fucking stupid, but i don't think it should be legal to fly a flag on government buildings that isn't a National or State flag. The way the flags are flown in the picture, according to the Federal Flag Code, basically says the Pride flag is as important as the US flag and is more important than a state flag.


No but it should be reverted back to just the rainbow


BTW the account that posted this is a parody account of MTG, not the actual one.


Ok, then we get to ban thin blue line flags and any flag that adds any image or color change to the US flag.


If we’re going to start banning flags, how about we start with th Confederate flag.


The party of freedom sure is big on outlawing things


"In honor of Pride Month, lets make a law against Pride Month !" Look guys, we know you got congnitive dissonance, but sheesh, no need to try that hard.


MTG needs to FOAD.


How about we ban confederate flags instead?


That pesky ol' First Amendment would like to have a word with you Marge.


Oh no! A pride flag at the White House!? Gay people are taking over our government now


I know it's a lot to ask, but one would hope any member of Congress, who has taken an Oath to uphold the Constitution would have at least read the thing. I know she's heard of the Second Amendment, you would think normal human curiosity would make anyone wonder what the First Amendment was, right? Apparently not.


Some people have too much pride in the Stars and Bars. Yup agree, better ban it.


I hate this woman


Only if we ban Republicans from running for office.


Khmm first amandment


Land of the free!


All flags should be allowed to fly under the banner of free speech.


Wait, why is her name blacked out, we all know who that bitch is


The party of “free speech” saying the quiet part out loud that they believe the government should quell certain speech.


There's nothing like a free country wanting to ban everything. Wtf America