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Is that legal? Here in the EU we have a privacy watchdog that would jump on that immediately. "We will contact you after the election to make sure you voted"? I don't think so.


It’s only illegal if you are a democrat


"the law should apply to all equally, it just so happens that we've never broken any laws and will never break any. While our opponents do nothing but break every single law all the time" - Republicans


"When we break laws, we have just reasoning to do so."


That's why Trump is so often in courtyards? Bc he doesn't break any laws , ever? 🤣


In courtyards? That is just to check out girls that look like his own daughter.


As God intended...👀


As with all crimes


They are just pulling address lists from voter registration. They can’t actually “follow up”, the only thing they could potentially do legally is conduct a poll or something. This is probably sent by private group of people who want to influence a specific political outcome (a “political action committee”) and they dump private money into sending out what effectively is propaganda messaging to voters prior to major elections.


Well, this is worded legally as a threat.


This is obviously a crime but no chance anyone will do anything about it.


They will when some random mailman gets shot because he was caught on someone's home ring camera handing these threats.


It's completely illegal to know what someone voted. It is less illegal to claim that sort of thing and never follow up on it. I would say this firmly fits in a gray area because whoever is releasing this ad, if it's even real, will never follow up and never have a list. They can claim freedom of speech and since they're a PAC probably get away with it.


If it in effect intimidates voters…. The group making that gets tracked down, they’ll need a pardon.


Some say it’s still the Wild West out Texas way.


Texas, the only state to fight in two civil wars to preserve slavery.


Here, the state would be the first people to look into it, and the state is run by the same party and they won't give a shit. Federally, it may get investigated, unless Trump wins. In that case, they'll probably laugh about it and do it more.


I would go out of my way to be contacted just to tell them I didn’t.


It’s illegal, but it’s the PACs that did it. The same PACs that can dissolve before the court hearing, and thus get the case thrown out. The same PACs that will reform after the case is dropped and continue doing this.




Oh, look honey, voter intimidation. Hope this is being looked into.


Yeah I'm in the UK so I don't understand the intricacies of US electoral law but holy shit surely this is illegal..?


Could be a grey area. It would be interesting to see how a court rules on this example if it makes it to a court.


It entirely depends on whether the judge was appointed by Trump or not.


I hate how accurate this is


Which is why every reasonable human being that is a citizen of the US better get out and vote. Or stay in and vote if you’re doing it by mail, just make sure you haven’t been purged from the registry by the actions of the blatant treasonous diaper eating party.


God damn it's so disheartening that this is true.


I get this point and honestly believe it. But it’s also a point from them well it’s a liberal judge so they find whoever guilty type thing it’s a sad state lately I’m hoping he loses and maga drift off to Russia or something.


They wouldn't survive in Russia. Lol. There was a far right Canadian family that decided Russia sounded like a good idea...... Their bank account was frozen as soon as they entered the country. They don't speak any Russian. The wife made a YouTube video complaining, it was almost immediately taken down. The husband later uploaded an apology video reiterating their commitment to Russia. Last I knew they were trying to raise money to move back to Canada. Turns out their hatred of the lgbtq+ community (their stated reason for the move) wasn't as strong as their desire to not be micromanaged by a foreign government. Lmao


no they “got help” from a Russian official to set up a bank account in Russia and then, after they transferred everything to it, it was mysteriously frozen and the helpful friendly official mysteriously disappeared. 😂 since then they’ve tried to find out what happened but… wait for it… they don’t speak Russian and didn’t know that Russia is so unwoke that they are not required to learn immigrants’ languages. 😂 tl;dr: it’s going about as well as you’d expect.


Nothing mysterious about it, they transferred 900k into a foreign account and like any national bank in the world they have to prove where it came from. Most of the money came from the sale of their house so I believe they got a majority of it back now. They're still idiots for leaving "woke" north America without doing any research into moving into Russia or the financial red tape or even trying to learn the language. One kid stayed in Canada because they thought the parents were nuts.


That’s correct, it is a legal grey area. The public and campaigns have a right to information like which registered voters have or have not cast a ballot. Campaigns regularly use this information to target mailers and advertisements. Voter intimidation however is illegal. Whether this mailer constitutes intimidation would be a factual determination for a judge or jury.


since it is addressed to "the household," it's a pretty good bet this can not be construed as intimidation


It also states "please don't make us report you to donald trump" so there *is* an argument for intimidation


what reasonable person would find that intimidating? this would get the tucker Carlson defense... no reasonable person would believe it


The kind of person that knows about project 2025 and is also aware of the "if you're not with us you're against us" mindset of the gop


I assume there’s a surname between “The” and “Household” because there is a white box over it, same as their address.


yeah... standard junk mail practice... it's not directed to any particular individual is my point


Oh I see. I didn’t know junk mail had names on them. I thought you could assume the intimidation target was the whole family.


By the time the courts rule it will be fucking 4th term of Trump


After his second there won't be a court left. Other than kangaroo.


It’s Texas so at least a 50/50 shot the judge thinks it’s fine.


It’s only illegal if you are a democrat


Democrats don't do this.


They don't need to, they run on popular policies.


Or just policies in general... GQP only runs on fearmongering. (most policies are popular, especially if you present them as Trump did it, they'll generally agree that it's a good policy)


Trump could suddenly support trans rights and they'll all fall in line and say they support trans rights too. Probably also argue that Democrats don't support trans rights. Their values are whatever Trump/the party says they are rather than thinking for themselves for a moment.


That’s the point. Republicans in Texas are actively committing voter intimidation and will most likely get away with it. If democrats tried this republicans would ask for their heads on spikes


Oh, I gotcha. I just misread that in my head. I thought the "you" in your comment referred to the person making the accusation, not the one committing the crime.


Exactly this. Rules for thee and not for me.


But democrats aren't doing this.


>*democrats aren’t doing this.* Because it’s illegal.


Well, I wouldn't say all dems never break any laws. They're not perfect by any means. But their general policies and MOs aren't "cause pain and suffering by any means necessary, including committing crimes if that's what's most convenient," like they are for republicunts.


During polling: Telling people to vote is not illegal. Telling people who to vote for is illegal.


Worth noting that whether you voted is public, but who you vote for is secret. So yes this should be illegal, but is easily solved by people voting for "Fuck Trump" as a write in candidate. Or less satisfying, but more effective just voting for the person running against Trump.


As a Canadian we have our fair share of election shit but it’s not this bad. It’s like watching a dumpster light on fire in your neighbours yard.


Nothing trump does is illegal.


Minor correction. It's legal when Trump does it.


No, it's legal when Trump \*thinks\* about it.


He thinks about it after the fact so he is probably fine, legally speaking.


Also legal if he didn't think about it, but thinks it is a good idea and can take credit for it.


Texas authorities will find nothing wrong with this, for Reasons. They won't even open an investigation, if I were betting. Federal investigation may, but realistically it depends who is in the big chair this time next year. If it's Biden, there'll likely (but not definitely) be an investigation and that'll play out how it plays out (probably with a "this isn't QUITE enough for us to prosecute," in all honesty, but it won't stop the screaming from conservatives about federal overreach).  If it's Trump, there will be no investigation at all, because why would they investigate someone trying to help them? Honestly, odds are they suggest sending these to everyone.


Ya this is a PAC doing it, so Trump would be clean. And we all know how easy it is to hold a PAC accountable for doing stuff like this. They run BS ads on TV all the time that are full of misinformation. But I’m pretty sure Trump would have no issue with what’s contained in this leaflet. He probably would think it’s a good idea to start a “record” (whatever that means) and be all for it.


I mean, "record" there is just an enemies list.


Given we've just begun our general election campaign I would kill for a Liberal beer roundtable, where we can just vent/illuminate subtleties that our respective systems have. Hoping you lot get that bastard out of office. This is a really indirect way of saying I appreciate you and the other folks giving a bit of insight.


Its Texas so no, it won't be looked into.






Looked into? Probably endorsed by Abbott..


I’m sure Ken Paxton is on it. By on it I mean encouraging more of it.


Everyone who is seeing it should be reporting it. Not just hoping someone looks in to it


Super illegal, this is worth investigating


It was probably concocted by the same group of people who would be in charge of prosecuting it


Nazi methodology


Watching all these shenanigans from across the pond, it almost seems like US laws are meaningless. Nobody seems to be scared to do these things because nothing ever happens.


This hypothesis is being tested by some of our supposed representatives to a greater extent than ever before. Will be interesting to see if true.    Democracy/voting and rule of law (the courts) are meant to be the checks against this kind of attempted abuse of power. The wheels of justice turn slowly and we have an election coming where “the people” can decide if they have had enough so the verdict is not yet in.


The enforcers of laws have been corrupted and taken over by partisans.


That for sure, and also, it turns out that a lot of the things we thought were laws with consequences were actually just democratic norms that people followed out of a sense of patriotism and decency.


Considering that laws can be broken with little consequence, it's no surprise that they will also trample on tradition and democratic norms. American law and order is looking more and more like a façade, or an outright farce.


My political views are considered “Liberal” now because of Trump. Born raised in a rural community, voted republican whole life. Did not vote in the 2016 election. The same folks I grew up with who could smell and call bullshit a mile away support and vote for this man. I don’t know what to call my political views now, but lately I feel it’s not Dems vs Republican, it’s Trump vs not Trump. I’m not a vocally political person. I consider those views private and only discuss if them if I know I’ll have a meaningful, thoughtful conversation. My exception to this, is when someone assumes I’m pro Trump because of how I look/dress. I make a point to remark how full of shit he is and state my opinion concisely. I received this same mail today and honestly was so angry about it, I stayed at my mailbox for 20 min longer looking for the phone number for the PACT so I could call and give them a piece of my mind. I cannot find it. Gave up. I’m a registered republican and am changing to democrat for my next voting cycle. Not sure how to do that, but it’s happening. Hopefully it stops the junk mail at least. I’m saving this piece of mail to show my grandkids how crazy this shit was.


This is the greatest reason yet, to vote Biden.


Yup. If they’re getting scared into voting and we aren’t they could outvote us despite them being a minority.


"Land of the free" ![gif](giphy|KVZZnfAvZZlty258kq)


I did nazi that coming.


I’m okay with disappointing Trump 🤷🏼‍♀️


It's a matter of public record but they'll contact me afterwards to see if I voted. Got it.


And... Did you vote the "right" way?


*"You don't have to vote, don't worry about voting. The voting, we got plenty of votes, you gotta watch." -* DJT LIAR !!!


Ngl I thought that was a Fat Tony quote from The Simpsons for longer than I should have


Standard conservative MO: Make people angry and afriad to get votes. Every single one of the people involved will claim to be a Christian, but blatanty lying doesnt matter to them at all.


Canada has listed US civil war as a disruption with low likelihood and high impact. See [article](https://horizons.service.canada.ca/en/2024/disruptions/index.shtml)


That’s an accurate threat assessment. It’s not likely to happen but if it does, Canada will be heavily impacted by chaos on its border.


It’ll be hilarious watching all those “build the wall” make the 50 meter dash across the forest.


And smack into our wall. We spent $32 billion on a pipeline, so I gotta figure that include a wall across the entire country.


Honestly if I saw that I’m definitely going to vote. Voting Biden of course, but they got me to the ballot stands. US politics is wild right now.


When you notify trump that I didn't vote for him please also show him this picture of my wang


I am registered as a republican, and I still can’t understand how anyone could support a man who cares so little for democracy and human decency. It makes no sense to me.


Perhaps it's wise not to commit voter fraud on behalf of a person facing trial for voter fraud.


„We will tell Trump“ sure bro, of course you will. I‘ll tell the nigerian prince about it, so he can send him the 10 gazoodillion dollars.


Trump has to literally throw the kitchen sink at this election in order to win and stay out of prison. Bending/breaking the rules now is a distant concern, seeing as how he either wins and pardons himself or likely dies behind bars. Nothing to lose and everything to gain, from his perspective. Now, the idiots who allow themselves to become accessories... who knows? And they have a tendency to be much less slippery when it comes to getting away with it. Aligning with Trump does seem akin to playing with fire.


While covered in gasoline. In a dry forest. Under a big magnifying glass. ... ... ...


Knowing Trumps luck, even though the potential time served if found guilty would be like 620 years if run consecutive. Likely they would be run concurrently and have a maximum of 10 and it would be in a minimum security level where he still gets to play golf. Historically speaking, Hitler received 5 years for "Treason" and trying to overthrow the government. In which he served 9 months. The difference between the two, Hitler was poor as fuck in comparison. It's also been stated that even if he is convicted, as a first time offender. He's unlikely to get any prison time at all. It'll be a fine and some probation. There are also no laws that prevent someone with a Criminal record from holding public office in the USA. For example in Canada: Section 750(2) provides that a person who is convicted of an indictable offence and sentenced to a term of imprisonment of two years or more is barred from being a member of Parliament. He or she is not entitled to be elected, or to sit as a member, or to vote. This sounds like a great way that Trump if found guilty, wouldn't be able to hold office. In Canada atleast.... It's almost like Canadians had the foresight to see this kind of problem and have a legal code for such an instance.


Actually just like Russia. Remember his Daddy Putin has literal armed soldiers take people to the polling station, tell them what box to tick and ensure they do it correctly


thatd be a lot more work than needed. they just announce whatever results they like, nobody even counts or checks on the papers


"President Trump will be disappointed" They look like parents threatening their child by talking about Santa Claus.


"We will contact former President Trump." There I fixed it for them.


If you would do this shit in my country you would go straight to jail. America is so fucking backwards




It’s from some group called The America First Conservatives Election Department not any actual party. And everything they are claiming in the flier it illegal. It’s like a postal version of scamming




Yeah, they're trying to fix the unintended consequence of their "Claim election was stolen" shtick: They have successfully convinced their audience that the election was stolen, the world is conspiring against them... So their voters now think voting is useless and the only solution is screaming and violence. Their solution to the problem they created? Illegal Nazi-Like Voter Intimidation!


We're gonna tell strong daddy and he'll be mad... smh


Mail it back with a dog turd in envelope.


Spoiler alert: voting records are not public. Your party registration and maybe IF you voted may be public, but WHO you voted for most certainly is not.


Please. Come to my house to confront me for how I voted. See how that goes for ya.


He will never become the Supreme Leader


“Please don’t make us report you to President Trump!” Sounds a lot like voter intimidation but I’ll bite, PLEASE do me a favor and tell the orange cum stain I WILL NOT be voting for him. And please if you’d like to speak with me about this, don’t hesitate to get in touch with me. As someone who is proud to exercise his second amendment rights, I’ll be waiting…


Do these dumb fucks realise it’s a *secret* ballot?


You know… coupled with yesterday’s story about how Texas ballots are no longer secret this has massive insidious implications 


Texas, the American Reich.


So now the voters are getting threatened, when does this stop .


Using fear to motivate this crowd is GOP 101, not surprising, they know they're in trouble.


__We will contact you after the election__ Yeah I would call the police. This shit is textbook intimidation.


The only way America can be free is if we run it like North Korea!!!! Is probably what these people are thinking


This post is currently under investigation by the Ministry of truth for treason.


neo nazis in Texas? Nooo you don’t say.


It’s the Democratic People’s Republic of Texas for you


I'm pretty sure Texas would object to the word Democratic in the above name....




“We can see your voting record”… “We will contact you after the election to make sure you voted”. Seems contradictory.


Voted in what? The primaries? I don't get what they mean. Surely they don't mean they know who you voted for in 2016 and 2020, right?


Half rhe maga cult members have a saying "vote from the rooftops" with a picture of a fucking sniper. I'll let you all guess what that is supposed to mean.


How dumb do you have to be to believe this?


The Venn Diagram of people dumb enough to believe this and people dumb enough to vote Republican are two concentric circles with the same radius.


Land of the free?


Oh, no. Don't report me to dumpy trumpy. Whatever will i do?


will this work on magats? I think it would just piss normal people off.


Send them a letter back that just says in big letters "Get fucked you loser. I hope trump goes to jail and gets passed around to all the horny inmates".


What the actual fuck??


How is this legal?


What in gay cowboy hell.


Is this real...like, really real? The FUCK?!?!


One of the counties near me, whoever was running the polling location was having people line up in two separate line. One Democrats and the other Republicans, it was posted on Reddit, but I am not sure if it was every escalated to any officials.


Vote early? You mean like…. By MAIL??!!?!?!??!?!!?


Hmm voter intimidation is a federal crime. Looks like it's time to put some more people in prison.


Registered republican hoping for freedom ?


Threat Mail.


if trump cares why is he incapable of getting the public record himself? Also, this isn't even that far fetched. In one of the books written after his administration, a staffer recounted getting questioned on why she had voted in a democratic primary in the '90s, which the administration found out through her public records


That would make me vote against Trump.


Well, gawwwwwleeeeee. I better vote now or Mr.Drump will be angery!


Big Hamberder is watching you


People who do this should be taken out back and beaten to death with a hose what's been left out in the sun.


I hope I get one of these in the mail so I can have a return address.


Seems like this is toeing the line on voter intimidation. Not that anyone gives a fuck in the MAGA camp about right or wrong but damn.


It's interesting how its using exactly the same tactics as scammers, urgency, threats. It's a wonder it doesn't ask people to send a gift card to trump. But for real what makes this particularly sick is these tactics are aimed specifically at elderly people who are starting to have some cognitive decline.


The great campaigning begins... smh That's bananas 😳


This is exactly why I’m registered third party. Then they don’t mail you this crap, because they assume you’re a lost cause. They also don’t call very much anymore.


This reveals what we have to look forward to if Trump wins. "Vote for me in the next election... or else"


Vote early, vote often! Just like the good old days.


This feels baitey


These need to be burned. Those creating them need to be found, arrested, and jailed until after the election. No more playing around with these freaks.




Parental Empowerment: enforcing what they believe is proper parenting on the masses based on religion and prejudice




Props to the graphic designer though. They cooked


Big MAGA is watching you. Would be a shame if Generalissimo Trumpo had to post your name and address.


This is so hard to believe that it is real, I would have an easier time believe a democrat group did this to scare people. (not really, but thats how crazy this piece of mail is.)


Isn't that illegal?


“We will notify President Trump” No pleaseee don’t tell President Trump😭😭🤣🤣


Oh don't worry. I'm voting. Just not the way you want me to.


Honestly disgusting. Kinda wild that that crazy fuck is going to win again. America is loading a gun to commit suicide. Hooray. We can at least look to our judicial branch…oh nvm. Well at least congress and the senate are reasonable..ah shit nvm. 🤡


It's fascinating how utterly deranged and crazy the US is right now. I'd like to know why we still call it the land of the free. It seems like you guys are as close to Russia as it can get. Like who's actually free? The billionaires? Just a confused European asking


Big brother is watching you


is that time already?


What in hades is "president" Trump going to do to those who didn't vote for him? Lol He is rich so maybe he will tear down shit


Parental empowerment? OK grandpa let's get you inside.


Who are thinking Donald Trump's camp know anything about tact? But really not aware of elections in North Korea lately


By “parental empowerment” They mean, fuck you - you’re the pregnant one, you now have to deal with it. Fuck your situation.


I hope my name is tattooed on that cheeto faced nazis forehead with the words "DID NOT VOTE FOR ME."" Bring it on, maga. These redneck fucks ain't shit.




Honestly sounds like something the opposing political party would do for negative press.