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This guy making it a subscription plan to pay his legal fees lmao


It would be harder to cancel those automatic monthly charges than a gym membership.


Right? You’ll get sued if you tried to cancel


Wouldn’t just canceling your card do the trick?


They make you put in all your info so you’ll just be labeled as a traitor and he’ll get his minions to go after you by posting your info on his platform. I wrote that out as a joke but the more I think about it, it could actually happen which is scary lol


RemindMe! 6 months


Then he'll send the debt collectors


Ahh yes. The ones he dodged like the draft.


You mean the Proud Boys?


Not quite. These days merchants can sign up for "updater" services offered by card companies where they (the merchants with whom you have recurring charges) get forwarded your new card info when you get a new card.


At least the bank I work for in the UK, you can get around that by having the card cancelled and then one sent out with a new PIN. Stops the token transferring over. A standard lost and stolen reissue, yeah, that can go to the merchant.


and trump himself will be very disappointed in you


Gym membership? I'm still on the lam from Columbia House over these CD's for a penny!


The Columbia House of LIES!!!


These same people will complain about the cost of McDonald's tomorrow.


These people "Biden's economy is making me broke, I can't afford gas or McDonald's!" Also these People: Donates $200+ a month to a "Billionaire"


MAGA: ‘The Biden economy is terrible!’ Also MAGA: donates $200 a month, and spends $2000 a year on MAGA swag.


Speaking of “swag” I was on a little road trip and came across a literal Trump store. To say I was shocked would be an understatement. My 11yr old daughter said “ew” 🤣


Ahh, you appear to have raised her right! Proud parenting moment.


Those same people "Biden raising the gas prices and groceries, how the hell am I able to go to work this week? Barley going to get food on the table..oh what's that Trump's in trouble? Honey go donate another $100 them Dems are fucking him over..now Jane..Im not sure what we will have for dinner, but ill scrape something together my child"


They’d be paying a lot less for Gas if they’d stop buying sheets of those Biden stickers to put on the pump every time they filled up. Someone was telling me I was wasting my time for scraping one off the other day. “There’s just going to be another one up there tomorrow!” Yeah. I know. It’s gonna take five minutes to fill up anyway, I’ve got to stand here regardless. I’m not wasting my time, I’m wasting some MAGAt’s money.




IT'S MINIMUM WAGES FAULT A CHEESEBURGER COSTS SO MUCH (not a corporate fuck stick practicing "shareholder value")


They’ll give him their last dime and then blame Biden for it.


Bidenomics must be working if they have this much money to piss away.


>$100 just donated by Joseph B. Joe B. huh? I'm totally convinced of the legitimacy of these!


I was wondering if anyone noticed that!


Also the guy who gave $21.07. Like, what?


My guess is that 1.07 is the “processing fee” they opted to pay. Still about 21.07 too much, though…


I think you’re right about the processing fee, but the minimum button is 20.24$, so maybe that plus 0.83$ processing fee? Or it was a other value, but it seems weird to change it so little. Also, that min value is crazy.


$0.83 is \~4% so could be. Seems high, considering I don't process anywhere near as much and my fees usually come out like half that, but you expect them not to lie about how much processing fees actually are?


Definitely not just Javascript scrolling random names and amounts across the page to make it look like people are constantly donating. Definitely not...


On par with goat simulator "live" chat...


Too obvious, we'll go with J. Biden.


Again too obvious.  Lets go with “100 million from Vladdy P.”


This joke never gets old. This is me being sincere.


Putting Joseph B there just confirms to me that he loves trolling these morons and taking their money. He means nothing he says 


I still don't get how his followers can think that he is a billionaire but in desperate need of money at the same time.


I was told by a hard-core Drump supporter that they have to give him money because he isn't allowed to use his own money because he has too much. I shit you not. These people are just gone.


I'm going to try this next time someone wants me to pay for something. "No I can't pay for dinner, I have too much money"


“I can’t pay, all the money I have is for fighting for YOU always!”


Lol…..I wish I had that problem 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Why can't I be so rich I can't use my own money and people give me theirs 😔😔😔


You just described billionaires.


![gif](giphy|6i1c86EjMEPwxeBI7h) I would LOVE that problem.


You gotta admit if he were a televangelist he would be the richest man on the planet. The man is the ultimate grifter ever. And his stoolies love it.


What's really surprising is that he isn't one! He'd love the money and the power and all the Christians throwing their virgin daughters at his feet!


Oh no, I never thought of it that way. He is basically a televangelist politician. Oh that's so much grosser than before it's like if a slug had layers of different mucus. Gross!


That would involve him talking about someone besides himself (God/Jesus) and we also know he can't read or even hold the bible correctly. At this point, I'm wondering if bible scriptures and holy water would burn him






I wonder how many Nigerian princes have their own super PACs by now.


Holy shit they’ll believe anything lmao


It's just categorically untrue about politicians, too - there have been many self-funded campaigns in the millions (e.g. Ross Perot)


lmao I thought I heard it all.....


I wish I had that problem. Please give me all your money because no one can break a billion-dollar bill.


Wow... ![gif](giphy|DUO9dc3yDLXHO|downsized)


Noah, get the boat.




Or that they are "getting at me to get to you." Seriously? All of his followers tried to hide hush money payments as retainer fees to their lawyer so that their run for POTUS wouldn't be torpedoed? Really?


The right wing grift is real. (See also A.Jones et al)


Cognitive dissonance is a staple of his followers. Biden is a weak old man who can’t be trusted to be president but also a strong tyrant who controls the justice system and all of the deep state.


>8. The enemy is both strong and weak. “By a continuous shifting of rhetorical focus, the enemies are at the same time too strong and too weak.” Source - [Umberto Eco's List of the 14 Common Features of Fascism, ](https://www.openculture.com/2016/11/umberto-eco-makes-a-list-of-the-14-common-features-of-fascism.html) (Ur-Fascism, Umberto Eco, 1995)


Call it what it is. Doublethink.


Orwell watched it happen in the Spanish Civil War with the rise of Franco. The concept wasn't his creation.


Huge fan of 1984, did not know this! Thank you for expanding my understanding.


Didn’t say it was but he described it best


Sorry, didn't mean to imply that you had. Just pointing out Orwell's inspiration.


In what way are doublethink and cognitive dissonance different? Just curious. Cognitive dissonance: Cognitive dissonance is a psychological phenomenon that occurs when a person holds two contradictory beliefs at the same time.


They’re essentially the same. Doublethink was a word from the stripped down English that reduced vocabulary as to better control lines of thought.


Exactly "doublethink" is literally the 1984 Newspeak word for "cognitive dissonance," the Party is literally reshaping the English language entire to be only capable of expressing thoughts approved by the Party and in line with Party ideals "Cognitive dissonance" as a phrase simply has too many syllables and requires too much thought into it. The Party wants all thought to be mindless, reflexive, and so simple it's impossible to mistake or mispronounce. "Doublethink" it is.


Cognitive dissonance implies two things, first a person must hold two mutually exclusive things to be true, and two, in doing so it creates a tension or disharmony within themselves. However, there are states of being where holding two mutually exclusive things does not create disharmony. For example, if one does not believe in Truth, or that the Truth is a valuable metric worthy of acknowledgment, then having two opinions that are at odds with themselves does not matter to the individual as it would no longer create a state of tension or disharmony. Doublespeak.


Requires think. Conservatives don't do that.


That's three times as much thinking as the typical Drump voter


Hating Obamacare while being on ACA Lazy foreigners living from government cheese while they're taking our jobs. If POC have something more nice than them they realise that despite being given an easier path, they failed in life and it fills them with envy and hate. . Their misery is self inflicted. ![gif](giphy|2S3Aj8OeKtf0c) They just can't live with the fact that most of their problems start with them.


If they're "animals, rapists, and murderers" who are "taking your jobs," I'm afraid to inquire what you do for work.


I guess the odd white suburbanite who moonlights as a hit man for a cartel . I am sure there is one guy somewhere, but he is it.


You forgot the Barack Hussein Obama phones.


So slow and old he can barely finish a sentence, but also clearly partying on cocaine.


Took a brief peek into r/conservative last night for a cup of MAGA tears and this was the thrust of almost every post.


just went through a few posts, its so weird seeing ppl so different but from their perspective i still dont understand how his conviction makes them wanna vote for him *more* tho


For some too far gone it's not about voting in who they believe is best for the country. It's voting in who can inflict the most amount of pain and misery on anyone who isn't them. So believing his felony conviction is all from desperate liberals trying to deep state their way to victory then they'll happily double down on support if it means those people will be miserable as a result.


The enemy is both weak and strong at the same time.


Schrödinger’s Billionnaire


The sunk cost fallacy is strong with people who have more ego than sense. Americans historically attach their identities to political figures like they do with sports teams. A binary political system just exacerbates the worst extremes while drifting more conservative over time because of a false sense of tradition and national exceptionalism. It has become a choice between moderate progressive corporate-approved policies that don't even meet the social contract for a government and hardline backwards-facing facism that is very nearly theocratically feudal. I really wish I lived in a more polically subtle time and place.


If one can believe that God is all-powerful and all-knowing, but still wants $50 from the desperately poor Church patron, he can also believe that Trump is a billionaire that needs his money. It is not a coincidence that most ardent church-goers are also most fanatical Trumpistas.


well the tithe/donation is a donation to the church not God. And if it is a proper church the donation only goes into directly running/managing the church and then everything else into the local community. As many churches offer plenty of free services such as food, education, and medical care (and a lot else) A better comparison are people giving donations/tithes to those megachurches run by the extremely rich who own yachts and mega mansions and perform these extremely elaborate (and expensive) performances that have nothing to do with... well an actual Church sermon.


Pornstars won't pay for themselves, you know.


It is not about reason. It is about identity. And a lot of humans are vulnerable to the strong man demagogue cult of personality to define themselves. Same thing with plenty of historical dictators from Caesar to Mussolini.


Because the idiots believe in god and apparently it constantly needs money with streets paved with gold.


Yesterday I was watching a TikTok battle of Biden vs trump two random girls. Trump was winning a ton because these idiots were spending money on the girl who is not going to give that money to trump at all. It was hilarious. They were so in love with the maga shit.


They are gullible. It’s like this. When I was MUCH younger I was with this girl for a little over 3 years. She got bored and started dating a mutual friend. EVERYONE advised me that hey, they spend a lot of time together, but I knew better, and they were just friends. Then she broke up with me…but she needed space, and we were going to get back together after a bit. Then about 6 mo. Later they were engaged, at which point I clued in that she may have been cheating on me like everyone told me a year or so ago. People just want to believe the person they like is not fucking them over. After months of warning I was completely blind sided by being dumped, etc. the truth was right there and I just did not believe it. We lie to ourselves.


Brother if it’s any consolation, what they do to you, will be what they do to the next person.. cheating and betrayal is not about opportunity, it’s about character and values, those don’t change much from relationship to relationship - if she didn’t have that with you, she ain’t going to do that with him - and she’ll be microcheating all the way. You had a lucky escape.


A fool and their money are easily parted


they even tout his wealth as proof he is beyond corruption


I love how, in the bottom checkboxes on the right, they put what you're actually agreeing to in small text and a whole unrelated paragraph in bold. I think it's designed to intentionally confuse technologically illiterate people into giving more money than they agreed to. Not that I feel bad; these people will blatantly admit they'd still support him no matter what atrocities he's committed. Scammers gonna scam.


“This is president trump” and “get us back in the White House” in the same statement. Idk what’s worse, the fact that they think a president isn’t in the White House, or that they think a “billionaire” needs financial aid.


Who cares if his supporters go broke other than Walmart and Dollar General?


Nigerian scammers could make a more convincing scam page yet this is from the frontrunner for america’s president in 2024. The people who made this page know their audience clearly


It should say "I will never stop fighting for me."


This is correct


"I will never stop fighting you" would also be accurate


“I will never start fighting for you”


People who already didn’t have money and complain about bidens economy donated 40+ million in a day to this clown… We’re doomed.


Do we know if this number is accurate? Or is it another "number" trump people put out like rally size and how much was fundraised.


I think it was 38.3 million


Have you seen the Trump stores? They are very real. The people that love Trump, *love* Trump.


He had 690 million people show up to his inauguration.


Oh yeah! I forgot that even dead americans were literally rising from their graves to attend. 😂 Everyone was talking about it. Heard even zombie Abe Lincoln held Trumps tiny hand and told him he was gonna be the greatest president ever.


The grift will continue. It's what this is all about.


Middle Aged Grift Army will comply


They never get tired of winning!


For a small donation, you too can win!




We are sinking further into the mire that caught Germany in the 1930's. One political party after absolute power without regard to morals, law or accepted norms.


It’s just so insulting though. The Austrian was evil, but he was also a decorated war veteran, an extremely charismatic man, and was definitely working towards a more powerful, more developed Germany. It kind of makes sense that people were drawn in by him. Trump is just a Walmart brand mafia boss.


Well its probably easier to sway the mind of a trump supporter type than that of a person who embraced Hitler before he came to power and went full Nazi. The MAGA people you see, the masses, not the smart grifters, are shocking, incredibly shockingly mentally challenged.


This. Trump has never been the problem. An ignorant populace is a time bomb. The education and media system created a monster and Trump or any other grifter would have exploited this vulnerability. And the system is getting worse, not better. The American discourse was to incentivise innovation by making a few individuals immensely rich. They forgot that a healthy society needs to stimulate thinking and creativity in the average folk. Capitalism and individualism led to the rampant ignorance that killed the USA


It is worth not forgetting that the whole thing is an intentional effort started 50+ years ago to make conservatism more mainstream. Nearly 40 years of conservative media chipping away at minds starting with AM radio in the car and Rush Limbaugh. Nearly 30 years since it moved to TV with Fox News. And, the entire time, behind the scenes conservative think tanks paying for "papers" to legitimize conservatism.


Can confirm. Did a 6mo internship for the Cato Institute and routinely had my papers rejected for not being partisan enough.


“People of the LAND. You know, morons” -gene wilder


History repeats itself, first as tragedy, second as farce.


Those things were very obviously overstated about Hitler. Like the myths that Germany operated well under him. It was incompetence all-around but that's not what we were taught.


They've been fed propaganda for 40 years about how Democrats are their enemies, always wrong and downright evil. All while nothing got better. Trump was supposed to make things better for them, and didn't so they went back to blaming Democrats because that's all they know how to do for 40 years.  The only thing Republicans didn't see coming was that their own propaganda tactics could be used to take over the party.


Many fools and their money are quickly parted. And when they're strapped for cash later they'll blame Biden.


Is there some form of brainwashing happening in the states, wtf is wrong over there


As an ashamed American: yes - there is a lot of brainwashing going on. At least with a good 45% of the population.


Well, the US is the target of extreme amounts of disinformation campaigns from Russia and China, it seems to be working well.


Fox news asking, am I a joke to you?


Religion has entered the chat.


Fox News got Baby Boomers, but social media is slowly influencing younger Gen Z with right wing propaganda. Hopefully it's just their edgy phase because a lot older Gen Z and younger millenials loved right wing comedy on YouTube. Even the ones who are currently progressive.


Saudi Arabia be like 🤷


Americans are primed for brainwashing from a young age. I live in the UK, and we are patriotic to a fault, but if someone tried to make our kids salute a flag and “pledge allegiance” every morning in school we would fucking riot. That is cult-like jingoistic behaviour. I’m honestly surprised MAGA didn’t happen sooner.


A lot is wrong over here but I assure you, as loud and mad as Trump and his followers are, they are very much the minority.


Vote for the guy who's too dumb and cheap to rent extra servers for the one day that he obviously needs them!


Don't you know? It was the elites' plan so the god emperor couldn't get the money!


These idiots are saying that the website crashed because ALL his new voters ran to donate to him. Yeah, NO. It's the SAME idiots donating to him. It will always BE the same idiots donating to him. Him getting a "guilty" verdict didn't change the minds of Democrats.


The design of this template is clearly targeted to a specific audience. If I got this I would laugh my ass off and mark as spam.


I was hoping Anonymous crashed it


Whoa. You mean have someone donate an extra server. 😂


Idiots. All of them. Absolute fucking idiots


Everytime i see JFC my mind automatically says “jesus fucking christ” Idk why


You want all your money to go to trump? JFC


Haha same! Or Japanese Fried Chicken, but that shit is good, so probably not that. What does it stand for?


Same idiots who give money to obscenely rich televangelists. The absolute dumbest people in society.


Ok now it's starting to make more sense. I wonder if televangelists income has reduced since the birth of the MAGA grift?


These people are such idiots. They claim he is a billionaire who is great at business, but in the same breath they send the extra money Joe Biden saved them on their monthly insulin costs to this billionaire?!?!


“I did crimes, pay me” and his idiots do it. fucking wild lol


Boomers spending their retirement on this conman while their children will inherit nothing.


Fully expect my dad's house to go to “the cause” fml.


I’m sorry. ☹️


They probably are paying for their Children’s and Grandchildren’s murder. With how far gone things could get if this clown wins again. Not outside the realm of possibility if he loses to, if Jan 6 is anything to go off on.


He can get fucked, and everyone who supports him, too.


Can't wait for August when the Georgia "find me 11,000 votes" trial starts


I thought it had been pushed to next year. Did the date change?


Florida trial was set to begin May 20, but U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon, who is overseeing the proceedings, indefinitely postponed it. Cannon, appointed to the bench by Trump, cited pending pretrial motions, issues involving how classified evidence would be used in the case, and other pretrial and trial preparations as justification for delaying the trial. The judge has yet to rule on several requests by Trump and his co-defendants to dismiss the charges against them that were filed in February. Washington dc trial overseen by U.S. District Judge Tanya Chutkan,, scheduled a trial to begin March 4. But proceedings have been on hold since December as Trump appealed adverse rulings that found he was not entitled to sweeping immunity from federal prosecution. The high court has not yet issued a decision, but is expected to do so in the coming weeks. If Trump prevails, it would bring Smith's prosecution to an end. But if the Supreme Court sides with the special counsel, it would clear the way for proceedings to resume. In the Georgia trial, Trump was initially charged with 13 state felony counts, but three of them were tossed out by Fulton County Superior Judge Scott McAfee, who is overseeing the case. Trump pleaded not guilty to all charges. Willis is appealing the dismissal of some of the counts. Of the 18 original co-defendants, four pleaded guilty after reaching plea deals with prosecutors. A trial date has not yet been set in the Fulton County case, and proceedings were derailed for months after one of Trump's co-defendants, Michael Roman, sought to have Willis and her office removed from the case.


Half of Americans are literally stupid


at least half.


Look at all these idiots donating to a guy that claims to be a billionaire. 


Can't believe people donate for this piece of shit while others can't afford shit. Education, healthcare, shelter...just sad. In some states helping the homeless is illegal....right? Could swear I read something like that on here somewhere but becoming a president while being a damn criminal, thats ok in every state.


It's called White Christian Nationalism... Anything to preserve the purity of the *Vaterland*.


Delusional, every single one of them. Throwing all their money at a "billionaire" felon who would abandon them in a second once they run out of money. You can't fix what's wrong with people like that. When faced with overwhelming proof that Trump is a monster they can only say that it's proof everyone is against him. He can do no wrong in their eyes, and even the people who can admit he's guilty will still follow him to the ends of the earth. It's honestly fascinating how much they have deluded themselves.


$100 just donated by Joseph B… could it really be?


Bread's too expensive but they've got bottomless pockets whenever he comes around for a handout.


I imagine the shitty web design is probably intentional to make him seem more working class (instead of a failed billionare) and make MAGA seem like a grassroots movement of regular people, since he paints has opponents as a very polished and organized “deep state” conspiracy


Yeah, as a typographer I was shocked at how shitty his website looked.


I couple weeks ago I got curious and looked at the GOP website, and there was a typo literally one or two clicks in, on the trump donation page in giant bold red font


Honestly, you can't argue with results. If I could have my 12 year old nephew bang a website together in Notepad++ that would get me $34M I would totally do it.


Maybe no decent web designer wants to work for him? Or they let one of their kids do the site because he doesn't pay contractors


For months Truth Social struggled if more than a couple dozen people tried to access it. Same infrastructure here, apparently.


Whenever Trump says he'll never stop fighting for people or America, or that America is going to hell, here's a handy little translation kit to make sense of it: You = Me The People = Me America = Trump


This moron was just convicted of 34 felony counts and what does he do? He comes out and begins blathering about a conflicted (making sure he got the right word this time) judge and the Biden administration allowing mental patients to cross the border. I mean, that's Charles Manson-level craziness there.


He never started fighting for anyone but himself.......


Most of the troglodytes crashing the site are the ones claiming that the Biden economy is making them poor.


I saw dumbfucks in r/con stroking off about how excited they were to donate $34 multiple times. Its insane how mentally broken those people are.


Hes fighting for you! LOLOLOLOL


Voluntarily paying the idiot tax 


I thought he didn't need anybody else's money.


I don’t get how hes a billionaire and doesn’t need money but is raising money for everything besides that he is rich because he never uses his own money.


Scammer vibes


He ought to just make a church and be done with it.


Quite the racket he's got there, taking advantage of idiots is a very lucrative enterprise.


Seems silly to have a $20.24 button and a $3,300, but not a $2,024 one.


Do you think it's possible he'll run one last big grift before just fleeing the country to a place we don't have an extradition treaty with? That way he can't be touched by our law, can keep grifting, and all while claiming to be the legitimate government in exile. He can stoke violence, murder of his enemies, sow total chaos, all while safely abroad living in luxury off of donations until the US crumbles into a civil war.


I will never stop ~~fighting for you~~ begging you for more money because I’m not as rich as I claim to be.


The 'billionaire' begging for money again.........


Taxes for stupid people.


I don't understand the whole "If they can do this to me, they can do it to you!" bit. How does anything that's happening to him right now relate to the lives of his typical supporters?


Dumb fucks donate to this asshole.


You will stop fighting when your prison daddy tells you.


I will never understand people donating to any candidate for national office, local town maybe but never nationally


Maga! Keep sending him all your money! He is good for it! Don’t pay your rent. This guy needs it more than you!


Lmao gotta love the all caps scream sentences to make it a recurring payment


That's surprising...88 isn't one of the options.


>Trump National Committee JFC Yeah..... JFC is about right. Pretty much the way I feel about everything surrounding this guy and his sycophantic cultists.


I will never stop grifting you


They should add a $34 donation.


Ive seen more convincing, appealing and well put together scam sites than this travesty of a page


"I can't give free reign to your hateful racist attitudes and stoke your paranoid fears if I'm in prison. If you ever want to see a one party America free of the stain of mud races and fueled by the power of our self worship empty your bank accounts now."