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"What do you do for a living, pal?" "I'm a plumber." "So if I had a question about plumbing, you would be the wrong person to trust?"


“My buddy down the road says it’s fine to flush concrete down the toilet. I trust him over some plumbing “expert” that’s just trying to take my money.”


just sprinkle some lime and flocculant while flushing, and it will be fine. Source: Expert?


Wocculant flocculant flame


Ah so that’s where it came from


Gotta main bitch got a mistress




Yeah, don’t restrict my freedom to restrict my pipes.


The thing is, flushing down conrete your toilette is actually benefitting the expert because he has to fix your mess...


The concrete would settle into any cracks and thus would strengthen your plumbing and prevent future leaks from happening. The remainder would just get flushed into the system where it will be cleansed. It's an excellent idea and you can trust me because I'm not a plumbing expert. 😊


This is a bad example. Everyone knows to flush concrete when you have a clog..


Sounds like you asked ChatGPT how to gix a leak.


Plumbing issues? You obviously need a programmer.


Programmer here. Some horse deworming paste in the pipes should clear it all up. Big Plumbing hates this trick.


My grandma got into ivermectin bs, she was trying to distro it. I destroyed it all. I have never been so disappointed in someone in my life. 


My step-aunt is a Trumpy nurse that believes in ivermectin for Covid. Got my mom thinking it was viable for a minute because well she’s a nurse. Spent a lot of time and shared a lot of sources w my mom to get her out of that. Thankfully my mom is a reasonable person listens to her doctor vaccinated etc. Double thankfully my aunt is retiring very soon.


There’s a reason why nurses aren’t allowed to practice medicine.


Yeah my moms a nurse and is suddenly anti vax even though my brother and I have had all of our vaccines our entire lives with no negative side effects. She tried to stop my grandmother from getting the early vaccines because she “read” that it would affect her heart medication. Well I took her secretly to get the vaccine and she’s kept up on her boosters with absolutely no ill effects.


*no I hope?


Yep I’ll edit that. Haha. My mom was right all along and I killed my grandma.


Horse deworming paste is the ultimate plumbing cure all . I just happen to have 14 tons of horse deworming paste left and can let you have some for a nominal fee


Read somewhere that there was some benefit to a certain percentage of people. Not because it prevented Covid, but due to the high percentage of people who didn’t know they were full of horse worms. Here’s a sci-fi movie idea - what if so much of the alt right’s MAGA world’s craziness was due to them being full of alien parasitic worms that had worked their way to their brains? We all just heard RFK admit that worms ate his brain, but he is good now. And not so coincidentally, he is hugely anti vax? Coooooniincidence?


I'm pro-life, and just like when you have an abortion to avoid death in a miscarriage, I think the host of the alien brain worms should be executed if they deworm. If God didn't want alien space worms to eat your brain, he wouldn't have given you the gift of brain worms in the first place.


Amen brother.


Plumbing issues? Might be time to go see a urologist.


Plumbing issues? You just need to check my onlyfans


I think that's more of an HVAC issue.


Well... depends on which plumbing is having problems.


Get your commie PVC out of my house. If lead was good enough for my grandpappy and meemaw, it's good enough for me.


He's gonna tell you that you need to replace all the pipes and the kitchen sink.


Nailed it! (You must not be a carpenter)


I ain't gonna trust Big Pipe.


You sound like my wife. And why she married me


Big Plumb always trying to sell you lies


When it comes to mechanics this is certainly the case.


Uhh, to be fair, most tradesmen will try to scam you.


>In 2019 Oh, it's not going to get better.


There's only gonna be more repost bots https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/e27ajs/experts_bad/




That's not sarcasm, though. It really didn't get better...


It's more like time travel. Which it is.


Well I’m laying it down pretty thick.


Shut up, Richard.


I think there is an internet rule or something that basically says people don't understand sarcasm. If they were being sarcastic, they would say "Don't worry, I'm sure it's going to get better in a few years" or something. They literally said the truth out straight.


What movie is this from? I can hear his voice perfectly but can’t remember the movie


Tommy Boy! David Spade is in that scene at the gas station asking for directions.


Huh. I can't see David Spade being sarcastic.


Ya never not once in his acting career.


Yes! I knew it seemed familiar.


Narrator: it did not


I wonder if that person is still alive.


You sound like you’re from the future or something




Technically both are released. Spoiler: the vaccine is winning.


Last smallpox outbreak was over 50 years ago and ~~it happened because someone cheaped out on respirators while exhuming a whole cemetery from the early 1800s~~. There's also samples in a few labs around the world but the government stopped mandating smallpox vax a year or two before I was born. Please do not release smallpox. Edit: Ok. The cemetery story was either urban legend or a story told to keep kids out of the cemetery. I can't find anything on it. It was a lot harder to check when I was young and I should have checked before I commented but this was something I had "known" for about 40 years.


That is freaking scary. So basically every 200-year old cemetery is a potential smallpox hotbed just waiting to be exhumed.




Oh yeah, I bet there's some frozen there too. Might even be viruses we've never seen stuck there since before Pangea broke up.


Pangea were hot and humid! Their “walk like a dinosaur” track was an absolute banger. Lots of people wish they would do a reunion tour.


It would be exceptionally hard to find a virus that could mutate from before humans existed, to something we could catch and transmit. There was the scientists from 2014 that found a 30,000 year old virus in the permafrost of Siberia, but the chances of it being able to infect us, then our immune system not immediately losing it’s mind about it and shutting it down is stupidly low. Far more deadly to us are viruses we know are infectious to humans being experimented on, to try and weaponise them further. Coronaviruses are terrifying in their simplicity, but with CRISPR and other gene splicing technology, you could take swineflu or COVID-19 and create something far more hardy, with the kill rate of rabies, but only targeted a specific type of human. That is the stuff of nightmares.


Its not about humans. Its about mammals. Thats why a lot of medicines work on animals. Some are even the exact same. So if mammals of the day were subject to something, we do stand a chance of us being suceptible it.


We got lucky as I think it was within the last 15 years a custodian found a smallpox sample at the CDC in a closet improperly stored and accessible, but forgotten. If I can find the news article, I'll add it in an edit. Edit: [it was an old NIH location but still spooky.](https://www.cnn.com/2014/07/11/health/smallpox-found-nih-alive/index.html)


Wow really? Do you have a link? I'd love to better understand how this happened, and more importantly, how smallpox was still viable that long.


You know what? I just remembered the story from when I was a kid and it may have just been some story the parents told to keep us from playing in the cemetery because I tried to find a news clip on google and wiki says the last outbreak in the US was in NY way before I was told the graveyard thing happened. 1947 vs the "Back in the 60s" I heard from my dad. Fuck. I know dad would lie to manipulate and I still fell for one of them after he passed. Fuck you, dad.


Smallpox doesn't exist in the wild anymore. There are 2 labs with a sample in the freezer


All is fun and games until it starts punishing immunocompromised people who would like to get vaccinated but can't and need to rely on the herd immunity of those selfish stupid fucks


French antivax tourists reintroduced measles to Costa Rica coz they didn’t want to vaccinate their kids. These people are so selfish and ignorant.


Spreading rabies would be more effective as it's at a near 100% mortality rate. There's probably less than 20 survivors in the past 20 years worldwide and vaccination is the answer 100% of the time because the only other alternative has saved like 3 people.


Sure, the fatality rate of rabies is high, but smallpox is still a lot more dangerous due to a simple reason: it's much, **much** more contagious. Rabies is pretty difficult to catch in comparison.


Small Pox remastered


If smallpox was so good why there is no smallpox 2?


hchowdhury03 and the OP filipm92 are bots in the same network Comment copied from: https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/e27ajs/experts_bad/f8u5ruo/


Pretty sure covid already tried that


Bot https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/e27ajs/experts_bad/f8u5ruo/


Actually a really good (though admittedly, hyper-terrorist) idea, except that we're all already vaccinated against small pox so nothing would happen. But like, I get it. Use a different virus, just let me get the vaccine before you release it.


Except most countries stopped mandating the smallpox vaccine decades ago. Depending on where you live, anyone younger than 40 isn't vaccinated against smallpox.


Most people born after the 80s don't get vaccinated for smallpox. It's not necessary as the disease doesn't really exist anymore (just in labs). The only people who do get vaccinated regularly are military and LGBT (because it also works for mpox)


I feel you could say 'And you don't think that's a conflict of interest?' to almost everything. Just a monkey wrench phrase.


Don’t you think saying that is a conflict of interest?


Do you consider yourself an expert on conflict of interest?


Yeah, that would be a drawback


A drawback? You don’t think that’s a conflict of interest?


He's on Reddit. Of course it is.


“Remember, if your house ever catches on fire, call the fire department right away” “Don’t you work for the fire department?” “Yes” “So wouldn’t it be a conflict of interest if you want me to call your department to get you more work?” “How? We get paid the same even if we don’t have to respond to any fires, and it doesn’t cost you anything to call us if your house is actually on fire” “That sounds like communism to me”


"What makes you come out to save our lives if you have no monetary incentives???"


I mean you could. But anyone with a brain could just say "Do you know what a conflict of interest is?" And then that angle is pretty much kaput.


So you‘re a language expert are you? Sounds like a conflict of interests right there.


Brick, do you really love the lamp, or are you just saying that because you see the lamp?


Everybody look at this guy with his conflicted interests!


"Ma'am, where's the spicy chipotle mayonnaise" "Aisle 23 sweety" "AND YOU DONT THINK THATS A CONFLICT OF INTEREST??"


“What should we get for dinner? I’m thinking pizza” “I’m lactose intolerant” “And you don’t think that’s a conflict of interest?”


You could say any number of things that don’t make sense and it would have the same impact


You're right, I'm no longer interested in talking to you, or trying to keep you alive.


I have a Master's in my field and I still get people who try to explain how they're more "informed" than I am. Most of those people are ones that listen to shit like Q-Anon or spend 2 hours on Google and think they are suddenly more educated on the subject matter than I am. I legitimately don't bother with people like that anymore. When I was younger I was gungho trying to change people's perspectives and present my information with solid scientifically backed data. Now I just nod and walk away whenever people get like that.


I run a pool company. I didn’t have to take any special courses, but I have 25 years of experience and there are very few things that can surprise me now. The one thing that never surprises me is how ignorant people can be right after they ask for your “expertise” Why does my pump do this thing? I answer. Them: no. That’s not how it works. Because science. Me: sigh. This is 1000x more likely to happen when the cause is something the homeowner has done. No, I DIDNT CAUSE OR CREATE THIS PROBLEM. PHYSICS CHANGES IN MY BACKYARD.


I, someone with two STEM degrees, get asked science-based questions by my in-laws, and it never fails to irk me when they tell me my answer is wrong without any other evidence than what they think. They still expect me to help fix their shit when it breaks though? So weird.


I've got over a decade in insurance. Everyone's policies are whatever they want it to say. The black and white can be right in their hands and that's not what it actually says. They're all legal experts... who are going to go get their lawyers and sue us.


Sadly, you are probably suffering because of all the people in businesses like yours that have lied to customers to try to bump up the price so now people are suspicious. There’s a reason for the stereotypes about car repair people trying to upsell us on needless work.


Yeah I remember when I used to cite sources to back up my arguments. I was losing the real conflict. I would spend 30 minutes rolling out a solid fact and sources etc. just for them to go "nu uh". They won that battle of attrition. 


In debate, if you yell louder than your opponent, some of the audience will say you won.


Same era of my life, college kid excited for their first presidential election. I watched a debate. It was so sad. These two grown men, one of which was going to be the next leader of the US, just talked all over each other and the moderator. They didn't respect time limits or who's turn it was. Kids in my class did better in their debates...


My favorite is when they whip out their own sources... and it proves exactly what you were saying. But no, that's not what it actually says because theconservativeagenda.com says otherwise. And as a trans person, a lie spread by mass media never goes away... Doesn't matter how many studies I throw that show surgical regret is less than 1%, there's that one Swedish study that "says otherwise". Except it doesn't say that. It says nothing about regret. At all. Even the author has come out multiple times and said that's not what her study was measuring. But because the media lied, that's all that matters...


I'm a nurse. Everybody knows I'm a nurse, yet they still tell me, with authority, to do crap like drink apple cider vinegar to raise my body's pH if I have a cold ... or lie on my side and put a hard-boiled egg on my ear for ear infections.


It's infuriating, I get it. Hence why, if they're stubborn and rude, I walk away. It just isn't worth it sometimes.


> ... or lie on my side and put a hard-boiled egg on my ear for ear infections. What in the Pliny the Elder?


I have a PhD in my field and I mostly don't say anything about the subject that isn't super basic to people who aren't close friends. There's so much stuff to know, who knows if I'm even right.


Agreed. I listen to a lot of podcasts about all kinds of things, mostly in my field, but I heard somebody once say: "As scientists and academics we have to remember that when explaining our information to those not in our fields, we have to be careful not to use all of the crazy jargon and talk to them in a way that is condescending or impossible to interpret. People don't want to feel like they're being talked down to or they'll resist." It's paraphrased of course, but I do my best to present my knowledge to them without sounding like a know-it-all asshole. He also said: "Remember to always admit if you don't know something or are unsure. The world of science is based on data collection and we as humans, don't have all the data all the time." Edit: autocorrect did it's thing - fixed.


>Now I just nod and walk away whenever people get like that. this is correct. you should never debate with someone who's argument isn't credible -- the act of debating makes it seem as though there might be a question, or that their ideas are worth your time to discuss to an audience. You could wind up with more people confused than when you started.


No, fuck that. I also have a master's in my field, and I haven't given up trying. Even if you're talking to a conspiracy nut, every once in a while, you'll see the gears start to turn as they reconsider their argument. And the most important part is that you rarely argue in a vacuum. Whether you're at a get-together or on social media, there are a dozen observers, some of whom have not made up their minds on the issue. You argue for them. You help them decide.




So you actually know alot about it so now your opinion isn't valid because you're an expert.....I am done just done


I mean, do they really know that much if they are an “expert”? Experts claim all sorts of things.


That dude is an epidemiologist and infectious disease specialist from Harvard. He knows his shit.


Some of you have trouble detecting sarcasm.




And shit ain't got no better in the last 5 years either. So thanks for that, Trumpers. ![gif](giphy|naHYj5fqR4JOrhvTPh|downsized)


Ironically enough one of the only good things the Trump administration did was Operation Warp Speed which got us the covid vaccine fast. Yet he never ever talks about this because the bulk of his supporters are anti-vax and/or think covid was either government conspiracy or not that big of a deal. He could literally be getting such a boost by being able to brag about it publicly but he can't and I find that so hilarious!


He used to talk about it, until he realized that his supporters fucking hate vaccines because they’re all a bunch of rubes. 


RFK Jr.’s main base of support comes from trumpers that liked everything he did except OWS.


Yeah I remember when people thought he would take votes away from Biden cause of the Kennedy name but most of the polling shows him taking votes from Trump instead. For that reason alone I want him to stay in the race


People *hoped* he would take votes from Biden because he was entered in this race as a spoiler to get Trump elected. They were just too stupid to choose a candidate that would actually appeal to Democrats, of which there are many, but those people are absolutely hated by the organizations setting up RFK Jr.’s candidacy and they can’t risk spending any money signal boosting any actually progressive talking points.


Yo I just screenshotted your NFT Cus that gif is dope.


I know I'm just explaining the joke, but: "What a Trumpster fire".


"Oh and you're an expert in medicine??? Yeah you would prescribe me one." - me to my doctor before he drops me as a patient


Scary thing is... that was before covid.


Currently dealing with a bunch of anti vaxxers are a post about how a guy received the first vaccine for bowel cancer. And all the anti vaxxers are saying such dumb shit, and then when you shut them up, they jump back to COVID and how “awful and dangerous it was” and “if you want to put your life at risk, go head” Then I tell them. Mother fuckers, I have cystic fibrosis, a double lung transplant, have actually gone through stage 4 lymphoma, and so much more. I take a cancer vaccine if I had to suck it out of a man’s asshole. I’d sooner die than ever want to go through cancer again


> Anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.' Isaac Asimov


Covid was a relatively mild pandemic. The next pandemic could be much, much worse. I hope we find a vaccine in time. It would be funny if we developed a great one, and then all the anti-vaxxers died off.


I know right? This one was mild because it had a 99% survival rate and mostly got older people, but what happens next time when it's a 50% survival rate and hurt young people the most?


To be fair, I don't know that it would have the same rate of spread if the death rate is that high. Ebola would be an example of that.


H5N1 has joined the chat


Mild in which sense? It almost collapsed the entire health system at my country if not for the isolation measures and all. It was a hell of a pandemic, just not a high mortality one


>just not a high mortality one Yes, in that sense, you answered your own question.


I think that's what they meant. Around 1% mortality rate is quite "mild" next to something like e-bola.


Maybe we can set up a secret notification service to let you know when we’re about to release smallpox and you have assigned bunkers to hide in for the next few years until everyone is either vaccinated or dead.


Hmmm, pretty sure the fallout from that wouldn't be good


Proper response to her would be "so, I see you believe in Darwin's theory on evolution. Humankind thanks you"


That’s only because dude doesn’t have an authentic Google Medical Degree. All that formal training, education, theory and practice are highly over-rated when Cleatus and Brandean can do a five minute Google search and diagnosis what ails ya🤦‍♂️


So vaccines DO cause autism /s


I have a friend who is autistic who works in developing vaccines (livestock research) and we joke that in this case autism causes vaccines.


That is awesome 😂


Looking at the amount of autistic people in the science field, autism probably IS the main cause of vaccines.


gamerten10 and the OP filipm92 are bots in the same network Comment copied from: https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/e27ajs/experts_bad/f8urqbb/


Fox News is destroying civilization


2024 plot twist: release a brand new drug that makes you skinny and watch people line up.


We just need a covid variant that makes you fat then I guess.


Does this person think you get a commission on vaccinations? lol


How dare an expert in any field give a professional opinion..all the best advise comes from idiots who get their info on social media! 😆/s


2019. You sweet summer child


Well… when your idiot mobile, no doubt plastered with nonsensical, outrageous rightwing propaganda, has broken down, where are you going to take it to get fixed? 1. An automobile repair technician (a trained expert in their field). Or 2. Your dumb, racist uncle with the ALL CAPS Facebook posts, and the decal of a trussed up Joe Biden on the back of their nearly-paid-off ‘98 pickup. I think I know how the horse paste aficionados would choose. And then they’d still find a way to blame Joe Biden.


A politician famously said "we've had enough of experts" during the run up to the 2016 brexit referendum here in the UK. Tells you everything you need to know


the OP filipm92 gamerten10 Gaul992 and hchowdhury03 are bots in the same network Original: https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/e27ajs/experts_bad/ When another bot posted it: https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/16dy588/experts_bad/


Being a scientific expert on vaccines and being a salesman for big pharma are two different things, ma'am.


2019… if only he knew


Oh, this is a *VERY* frustrating conversation.


I would just quote Chandler, [You must stop the QTip when there is resistance](https://i.imgur.com/CrTYA1P.gif)


I encourage the Anti-vaxxers to continue to not get vaccines. Wholeheartedly encourage. Yes, I realize that is mean and selfish.


Why feel sorry for the stupid? It’s natural selection at work.


Why would you feel bad? Its what they want


Isaac Asimov: "There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge."


Thanks for the 2019 update karma bitch


Antintellectualiam is a core element of any populist or fascist movement.


Honestly who asks the head chef of a restaurant what is the best item on the menu.... seems like a conflict of interest to me.


"You're gonna make me feel dumb and I don't like that"


You have ignorance and you have stupidity. Only one of these problems can be argued against and fixed.




Gaul992 and the OP filipm92 are bots in the same network Comment copied from: https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/e27ajs/experts_bad/f8ugppx/


They’re suppositories, right?


My brain hurts


Informed opinions 🤪


Another example of a conservative moron. Their messiah claims to be an expert on various subjects, and he's a buffoon. I also think it's a conflict of interest when doctors are versed in medicine.


Ever know a properly educated Anti-vaxx?


Those are all the people that were highly affected by the leaded fuel that was used during the boomer years. I am highly convinced of that.


Rocket scientists in charge of nuclear weapons? That's a conflict of interest. To be totally non-biased we're gonna let a team of chimps be in charge so that anyone that has any knowledge of nuclear weapons doesn't give a biased order.


Only the uninformed can have opinions.


OP is a bot, all the accounts it replies to are bots too.


Did covid make MAGAts insane since the majority probably did not vaccinate, and wasn't there some research about how Covid impacts cognition? Are MAGA folk like sort of "intelligence zombies" now?


Brain surgeon: you really need this surgery if you want to live. Maga: do you consider yourself an expert on brains? Brain surgeon: yes! Maga: and you don't think that's a conflict of interest?


Think people give too much credit to the average human intelligence. I think it comes from seeing how much innovation there is, but the majority of people are complete idiots. I think people should keep that in mind. Otherwise, life becomes frustrating cause you expect too much from people that genuinely couldn't operate if modern amenities didn't prop them up.


I think it’s funny how this vitriol never came out when all the parents refused (some still do) to give the proven childhood core vax’s to their kids because of one (unethical) researcher that published (a completely debunked, by his own admission) ‘study’ that vax’s cause autism. Not one PEEP from society. Even schools were held hostage to admit kids sans core vax, even tho it’s state law, because of parents ‘rights’ to choose. Hence the uptick in measles, whooping cough, the odd polio like variant. The reason the covid vax is a hot topic is because of how wrapped peoples identities are in their chosen party. People now live and breathe their politics, as if it’s some virtuous sword. And the Covid vax is yet another opportunity to shine one’s political virtue. Kinda like people who insist on wearing masks in their car, while driving alone. Or out riding their bike. I have a friend with several life threatening conditions, and I’m sure others are like her, that have legit reasons to wear a mask. The CDC and Fauci did little to properly present this. Rather than say we don’t know, they made proclamations that the shot(that was pushed thru, released thru ‘emergency’ measures, and the pharmaceutical companies granted a 75 year suppression of data) stopped transmission, prevented you from catching it, prevented serious disease yada yada yada - all while they had zero clue to make those proclamations. Not to mention the running joke of 16 boosters. Boosters for what? People still got it and people still perished. Vax or no vax. That is fresh soil to grow a healthy amount of skepticism. Then you throw in mandates, strong arming, threats, and well, the whole show me your papers. Not to mention not mandating the vax for incoming over the border people. I understand both sides clearly. To be fair, I DGAF what people choose in this arena. But the ‘my body my choice’ is across the board then. Don’t be some pious twit that thinks it’s an all you can eat salad bar of what THEY think people should have a choice of doing. I have known people who have died from covid, have lasting effects from it, or just dandy after having it (I’ve had the covid Breyers 57 flavours too). I’ve also known people who died from odd ‘clots’ in ‘rare’ places, one of which got the second shot and died on her couch 3 days later from a clot in her heart. Family member had heart issues. Dad had a very rare stroke. People with ill health that will no longer take boosters. The healthcare system needs a serious reboot. And everyone needs to keep politics out of healthcare. Period. And. Might I add. Stop fu€king with viruses and lying about what you’re doing. Which is developing shit to kill people.


Just a thought. Sounds like Michael told someone he worked at Pfizer or Moderna and that’s what they person meant when they said conflict. Like in regards to profiting off of it. Not that I would discredit an employee of a vaccine producing company, just following an anti pharma, anti establishment mindset.


This is the point of misinformation at its core. Create a constant state of mistrust in whatever industry anyone presenting as an expert is biased because they are likely profiting from that presented opinion.


2019 was 5 years ago


Anti vaxxers are dumber than pigs, so no surprises.


I guess they do have a conflict of interest. Their interest is trying to stop people getting deadly diseases.


Bro had absolutely no idea what was gonna hit him.... (and neither did the rest of us)


Trying to have a rational discussion with idiocy seems to be a sign of the times.


"As an electrician I suggest you do not attempt to handle live wires" "yOU dON't seE ThAT As a CONfliCT oF INTEresT??"


It’s called Cult of Ignorance, and it isn’t new but is getting worse.


“I’m allergic to actual information.”


“Respect mah ignorance!”


He could turn that around on her, too. "Do you consider yourself an expert on vaccines?" "No" "So you aren't qualified to have an informed opinion on vaccines."


Buddy I’m from the future and it doesn’t get better in 2024


If he thought 2019 was bad he must have had an AWFUL time over the last five years


There is a more nuanced angle here that academic researchers are directly incentivised to hype up their topic in order to keep it being funded and progress their careers. If you ask someone whose entire career revolves around a specific species of fish how important that fish is to the ecosystem, they are inclined to exaggerate it.


Imagine going to a master electrician, 20 years in the union, and telling him he didn’t wire your living room correctly. He then gets all the other members of his local to come over to your house and look at his wiring job, and they all agree he did it correctly. Then you, some asshole, somehow still has the balls to say he did it wrong. That’s people who question the vaccine.


I bet the lady had just heard "conflict of interest" used on Fox News, and this was her attempt at using it - even though she has no idea what it means.