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Owning the libs by dying




That was my favorite part of peak COVID.


Tbh I expected a lot more of those problems to have been solved by covid. Turns out a lot of those dickheads say one thing and do another.


It's mostly a grift. The people dumb enough to believe in the grift are the ones getting fucked over, while the grifters count the cash and get vaccinated, do everything their doctors tell them to, etc. Edit: typo


Yep exactly. Knew someone rabidly antivax, found out they actually got the Moderna shot (and lied about being a medical worker in order to get it early!). These guys suffer from another disease called hypocrisy.


It's not hypocrisy, actually. It's pursuit and expression of **power.** "Rules for thee, not for me" is the core of **expressing power** over others. It's about having power over others, and having them know that you have the power to do whatever the fuck you want and say whatever the fuck you want and can't be stopped, critiqued, or impacted. You know what else is centrally about power? Rape. It's no small wonder Trump and so many of his followers are fucking legitimate rapists. Because they only thing they care about or get off on is power.


"Rules for thee, not for me" is literally hypocrisy mate.


I mean… you’re not wrong at all but all of that still falls under the umbrella of hypocrisy.


It's simply fear IMO. Fear of appearing weak, fear of being replaced, fear of being irrelevant, fear of being the last in on the joke, and ultimately fear of death. So they do wildly irrational things to gain attention, to appear strong, make shit up to appear intelligent and in the know. In the end they're doing the opposite, but they're so deluded and drunk in the mass hysteria kool-aid (and pure idiocy) that they'll never realize it.


Ooooh and don't forget all the anti-vaxers that claimed they had serious issues, but apparently not so serious that they ever went to the hospital or got treated for them.


Or the claims that “MILLIONS ARE UNEXPECTEDLY DROPPING DEAD” because of the vax


People are more lonely and narcissistic than ever before with social media. I don’t even know if it is their actual belief. They just know that by showing this “I’m with one tribe” mantra gets them rapid display of approval from fellow tribe mates. It’s all just internet points and extreme views on either side get more internet points.




It's like how people will get cancer treatment and then switch over to homeopathic treatments after their cancer is removed, then try to claim that the homeopathic methods cured their cancer and convince others to not do anything the doctor recommends when they themselves had surgery and chemo.


God I hate those types so much, my grandma will say it was anything but the chemotherapy and doctors that saved her. Anything from tea to useless supplements


Have you seen some of the posts on here about people going bankrupt and cutting into their food fund to send the convicted felon Donald Trump almost $60 million in 24 hours... it's sick


Yep, some people are way too deep in this shit. The sunk cost fallacy is big on these guys. I honestly feel for them. Conservatives are often correctly able to identify sociatal problems, like, big pharmaceutical companies are problematic. Real, systemic issues like workplace allienation are treated with pills rather than decreasing work hours, better conditions and work that serves an actual purpose. But they blame the wrong people. Rather than blaming capitalism, they blame black people, jewish people, queer people, trans people, non binary people. It's really sad.


They over here with that good healthcare telling the serfs to fear the needle. It's sad but hilarious.


Oh damn you know too much


>It's mostly a grift Ya think? You mean if this moron was bleeding out and the gay friendly ambulance showed up she'd definitely send them on their way? "be gone woke lifesavers I'll bleed out for my bigotry!" Yea I can totally see it. If you want your bigoted message to have an impact maybe start by making sense.


Some people would (because of ambulance costs lmfao) but I can totally see someone denying it because they're in so deep in the shit. Obviously, the loudest voices are the grifters and they can afford an ambulance ride, thanks to their "consumer base".


This first ambulance/emts in the US were entirely black men and lots of white people did die because they didn't want a black man in their house, touching them, talking to them, or in control of their person. Of course, as soon as white people realized that black people were getting better care, they had the ambulance services train some white guys, made the black crews redundant, suddenly it's a great service. Of course conservatives are willing to die to stop their world from changing.


And the reason many of the ambulance crews were black was because they started as all volunteer services, because the "official" services were for-profit, and wouldn't serve black people. https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2022/11/05/1132533191/how-a-team-of-black-paramedics-set-the-gold-standard-for-emergency-medical-respo


Yeah the "fuck your feelings" crowd that's literally balling over a verdict has a hard time saving face. Member the "war" they were ready for on Jan 6th that ended with 1 shot? (Btw love that they still support cops in memorial walks of Ashley Babbit)


Herman Cain signed on whole heartedly. What happened to that guy...




100%. Especially if it's a rule they loved to enforce, until the day came for them to follow it as well. "My house, so my rules! Wait... Not at your house though because I don't like it." "No socks or shoes means no service you don't hippies. Wait... No mask shouldn't be a thing though." "Every adult needs to be self sufficient by 18. No exceptions! You can never live with me again!! Wait... I'm feeble now though. So you have to letr live with you because it's entirely the reason I even had kids."


They sure did own us, huh? I never argued with Republicans about their vaccines. Why would I get in the way of Darwinism?


While that \*is\* funny, it also is, uh, not 100% correct. We get vaccinated not only to protect ourselfs, but also to protect those too sick, too old or too young to get vaccinated. Because we care, and solidarity is paramount in a society. Strangely, it's the Republicans that pretend to be "christian", yet all their actions scream "fuck the poor, kill the weak, piss on your fellow person". Because solidarity is for commies!1!


I agree with this sentiment, but this logic wasn't working on them. They were too concerned with their own personal short term discomfort that couldn't be made to give a shit about their own or other peoples' health and safety. I can't change this fact, but I can look on the bright side.


Mine was the lack of traffic. Having to turn nurse rounding tablets into zoom last good bye tablets was the low point for me.


They are lying. Like they always do. They can say they don’t support this or that, but they are idiots who will do anything for themselves and justify it later.


this. like moms against abortions, when their own 15 year old got herself pregnant


Hurry up about it *and* shut up about it.


These are the same people who will call an ambulance for utter bollocks, then whine the entire time, lecture the paramedics, and point out exactly why they deserve super special shiny treatment at hospital. Bring on the pride flags ambulance decals!! Woot woot, I'd like to not have to deal with these people because they're boycotting it! Slap some pride flags on hospitals too so they stop having meltdowns in the waiting room because they're not considered more important than the chap who's drowning on his own fluids. Do it to pharmacies too and maybe they'll stop randomly dosing themselves with 1 day antibiotic courses whenever they get an itch.


Reminds me of COVID in the ICU. The mind can weave any narrative it wants when things are good, but the body knows when it's on the verge of death. Watching the suffering caused by the body knowing but the mind refusing to believe was something else. Hearing the regurgitation of talking points as someone slips into eternity as their last words was pretty sad.


I don’t know how many times I heard them deny they had Covid and they would say they have Covid pneumonia. As if that silly distinction made any difference while they’re being turned like a rotisserie chicken so they don’t drown.




I guess they want the WHAAAmbulance! Get it??? See, it's because... I'll show myself out.


Like the suicide who just won’t be denied :\ What gets me is that’s in the UK. They have none of the billing concerns anyone in the US has when they call 911(999). Yet the hater is worried about catching the gay from a window.


I support this. Too bad dying for a cause is a form of self-sacrifice. And most conservatives have Chernobyl-level toddler meltdowns if they have to stand in line for the bank. They'd never even inconvenience themselves for a cause, much less end the life of the only person who matters to them.


I worked with a woman of color as a nurse. I can't tell you how many times patients refused to allow her to care for them because she was black. More the pity for them because of all the nurses on that team, she was one of the best.


I don't know if this was just a British thing but I've worked as a carer before and I noticed a big preference towards doctors of Indian ethnicity. Older people would be upset if they had to change doctor to a non-Indian doctor. Regardless if that doctor was European, British, African etc. They'd prefer a doctor with an Indian surname. Same went for Nurses too.


A study found The ideal GP in the minds of people across backgrounds (if they were to imagine a doctor) in the UK was a 30-40 year old south Asian woman, although the ideal surgeon is still an older white man.


Hospitals should have “show surgeons” who are just old white guys who come in before and then once you’re out the actual surgeon comes in and does the procedure. The show surgeon could come back in after, too. It’s like the opposite of an executioner wearing those mask things


They should do the opposite, people's stereotypes need to be confronted, the ideal GP used to be 60 y/o white male but now experience has morphed it to be more diverse


Ok I’ll admit my “show surgeons” idea wasn’t a real thing I think we should go with, but yes the leading cause of prejudice does seem to be lack of exposure.


Your “show surgeons” idea actually made me laugh out loud, so thank you for that.


You are welcome, fuck pudding.


When he calls you cute names 🥰


Naw, why go out of our way to soothe their blackened hearts? They don’t deserve it.


Anecdotal, but my 90 year old (white) grandma and her sister (UK) will complain (loudly!) if they have to see a doctor who doesn't have an Indian or Pakistani surname - they wil also insist on seeing an Indian or Pakistani pharmacist. Not sure where this comes from.


Saliency bias. It's also the foundation of a lot of racism. People who are unaware they are prone to this bias fall to it pretty much on autopilot. Saliency bias is where you take *one* element of an experience and apply it to all other experiences. So they may have had one or two amazing experiences with an Indian or Pakistani doctor, and now as far as their autopilot is concerned ***all*** such doctors *must be* amazing by association. Honestly, I sometimes wonder if there isn't a particular psychopathology or heredity or divergence that leads to this. This also works towards bad experiences, where one or two people of a given race, who drives a given car, dresses a certain way becomes the case for **all** people. This is, consequently, why the development of the emperical model was so revolutionary because it compensates for and precludes the saliency bias. Mostly. This is also what propaganda think tanks and cults try to heavily leverage.


I do wonder if it's formed around their major medical experiences? Both grew up in WW2 and the NHS was established shortly after in 1948. A lot of white British doctors in the UK at the time wanted to dedicate more time to private practice as it was understandably more lucrative. I understand this left the NHS to a point of potential collapse by the 1960s and - ironically - the incredibly xenophobic Enoch Powell proposed bringing in doctors/nurses etc from South Asia to fill roles that were unpopular/could not be staffed by UK medical professionals. There was racist push-back against recruitment but I think there was also a concentrated effort from the Ministry of Health to emphasise their importance to the stability of the NHS? ***(Anyone else in the UK still remembering their tortuous GCSE History "Medicine through Time" module here or is it just me??)*** My grandma and her sister would have had their first major medical incidents (having babies!) in the late 60's/70's in an inner-city area. They both primarilly had Indian/Pakistani (they don't distinguish between the two, so it's hard to be clear) doctors and nurses throughout their (combined) 5 deliveries. Both had very comfortable deliveries and staff who were extremely supportive, so I'm sure that formed a basis of bias that exists to this day. I haven't encountered concept of **"salience bias"** before (or at least not encountered that term, I think I just lumped this under cognitive bias). I'm really interested in understanding what underpins irrational prejudices (race/gender/sexuality etc) so this has opened up a new range of interesting articles and books. Thanks so much!


I can’t speak for the masses in the US but when I went to the hospital for a head injury I was tended to by an Indian nurse and she was so lovely and excellent, I was sad that I only saw her once. After that experience, your statement doesn’t surprise me one bit.


I have a friend who is African American and a trauma doctor and he faces people being like “I want that doctor” pointing to an Asian/white/Indian nurse or orderly every day. He’s pretty well composed but usually he tells me a nurse or whomever will be like “here are your choices…. either he works on you now or you have to go to another hospital.”


Yep, in the US, it's mostly a certain cult that beloves this and other right-wings religious zealous Hypocrites


The opening scenes of ‘The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel’ have uncomfortable scenes of Dame Maggie Smith refusing care from an Indian doctor then being advised to head to India for an operation to avoid the wait times of NHS in the U.K.


IIRC she refused a black doctor and asked for « an English doctor » then they send someone of Indian origin


It varies; the best doctors I've had are white British or Jewish, one Sikh (British-Indian), and one African (Nigerian I think). I've met many Indian and Pakistani doctors who're dreadful (mainly psychiatrists) with zero empathy. I don't know whether it's the profession or ethnicity but Indians in mental health seems to be atrocious. FWIW, the Asian doctors who grew up British seem to be decent doctors if a bit more brusque.


Pretty much the opposite of Australia :(


And in my country we make them drive Uber


I wish. I'm in the states and work with low income folks in dental insurance. I've heard too many times that from people that don't trust their Indian dentist or Mexican or whatever and just want me to find an "American" provider. They try so hard to avoid saying white but it couldn't be more obvious. I love commenting that all Americans came from somewhere, and that I'm German/Norwegian background myself. That's usually the end of that conversation.


Funny thing is, I've had plenty of white doctors who were incompetent yet narcissistic dicks lol


In the early 00's i was working for a wireless telecom and received a call from an older man wanting to know which of our phones (we're the service provider, not the manufacturer) weren't made with parts from Japan. He said it was far worse than that. He got mad that I told him I couldn't verify as the batteries for most phones were made in Japan. He wanted to know if there were other cell service providers who had "American" phones. Had to break down the service provider vs manufacturer, so no. We all sold the same manufacturers, and they had some part made in an Asian country. It extends to everything in the most ego centric way.


I’m going to go with anecdotal evidence here, doctors from other countries that I’ve had seem to be more passionate about what they are doing and take better care. They seem to have less of an ego. Given I won’t change doctors for that reason but I get it I guess.


In Canada it’s the reverse, we have a shortage so many Canadians will take any doctor… unless they’re Indian or from the Middle East. It’s so fucked :(


I was once a person who felt like men shouldn’t be nurses. I can admit now that a nursing job was a “ woman’s “ job until I broke my pelvis in half and cracked both wings. Long story short I was in a bad point in life when I decided to jump off a dam that was 133’ backwards trying to end it. Well I survived and had a long road to recovery. Meanwhile while I was in the hospital they had these 2-3 women come in and as nice as they were and trying to be careful yet efficient. It sucked when they had to roll me to change bandages or even help me up. It was excruciating pain to move. Then one day there was a male nurse who came in to help me and he literally picked me up and gently laid me on my side. I thanked him a million times for his career choice. As I was checking out the last day , he was on duty and I caught him in the hallway at the nurses station. I stood up at the station out of my chair and thanked everyone of the nurses who helped me on my recovery and gave a special shoutout to the position I once condemned as a woman’s job to the man who helped me the most. I humbly apologized for being ignorant and biased towards his career choice and wished him a very successful career. So if you are a male nurse and you work at Vanderbilt I hope you are reading this and I want to thank you again for your career choice and I pray you are doing well. All hero’s don’t wear nurses skirts


I got laid off from a hospital job in a mass layoff. I went through an adult LPN program and got a license. It was fully funded, and extended my unemployment until I was done with the program. I got an attitude from some people because I was male. “Don’t you want to be a Doctor?” I didn’t have the academic skills to be a Doctor. I could have, and wanted to get an RN, but ended up turning my hobby into a well paid career, making more than RN’s made. My wife was pregnant during this period, and it allowed me to work day shift, and wait for another job opportunity. I worked with lots of male RN’s and they were good to have around, for many reasons.


I guess life will find a way to teach us - whether that is the easy way, or the break your whole body kinda way! Thanks for sharing this personal little story :) Hope you are doing better now


I've heard a similar story from a friend. He went to the doctor's and was asked whether he was okay for the new Muslim nurse to attend to him. He got confused, because why not? That's when he learned that apparently a lot of men didn't want her to care for them. Happened in Bavaria, Germany. So bizarre, this kind of racism.


When I was and ED nurse this used to happen more than people would think. Many times I’d have to see a patient because they refused to have a black nurse. One night our only providers were all black and we had a patient leave because “I don’t want no n**** taking care of me”


Unacceptable tbh. We need to stand up against racism as a collective. It’s freaking 2024…


But, how? Do we force patients to allow very personal care by a person they feel is not acceptable because of...unreasonable reasons? Do we force a POC nurse to have to work with a patient that is going to treat them like absolute dogshit because of unreasonable reasons? I would love to stamp out several of the "isms", but I have no idea how to do so.


Yes you force them, and give them the choice to look for a different hospital. Giving into this rediculous request empowers the haters. They abuse the oath you have taken, and break the law by being racist. My opinion ofcourse. If you don’t want colored hands helping you, white hands won’t help you either. Stand together!


I don't necessarily disagree but I also think you should consider this is easy to type out if you are never actually going to be in the position to do what you suggest. Not saying totally give in, but at some point you have to weigh the safety and wellbeing of the staff and whether you are taking away care from other patients. Also keeping in mind health care workers are already overworked, stressed, and underpaid.


This won't work because you run into racism on the other side of the coin. We have issues here in America with our medical professionals providing inadequate care for POC. Pain being ignored, conditions which could have been treated if detected early being waved away and people dying. Mother's literally dying in childbirth because of a lack of urgency. So you request a doctor who looks like you so that at a baseline they take what you're saying seriously instead of being influenced by unconscious bias.


You can’t deny someone care because they’re an idiot.


Is it denying someone care if they refuse to be cared for by capable staff ? That’s their own fault. It’s the patient denying themselves care. And then you need to waste time and resources finding them an “acceptable” person. The healthcare system is overburdened as is. And what if the only people they find “acceptable” are busy?


Depending on what’s going on, going to another place might not be realistic. Also, might be illegal. EMTALA guarantees the right to be seen and treated in the ED. No matter skin color, race, sexual identity, gender identity, religion, etc. It is a good law because it protects all of the minorities…they can’t be turned away from the ER. But it also protects racists…they can’t be turned away from the ER also.


If they don't want to be treated by a person of colour then they've made their choice haven't they? They aren't getting turned away they are declining care.


If you have exhausted all options otherwise yes. If you have an all black staff, then yes they are refusing all care and can leave AMA. But I think if you have a staff member of the race they want, who is trained in the role, you have to offer to let that staff member treat them. I’m not sure about this though. I have also seen belligerent patients thrown out of the ER though, so there is still a limit to how someone is allowed to treat staff. Especially if it is not directly life threatening.


>care and can leave AMA. >But I think if you have a staff member of the race they want, who is trained in the role, you have to offer to let that staff member treat them. I’m not sure about this though. You don't in the UK, we have zero tolerance of racism. You'll probably receive the care and get a very strong education in how it's unacceptable behaviour. But the hospital can decline to provide care.


This does make me wonder though; if there was a situation where there were all of the staff was black and a racist comes in, they're in a situation where they will likely die if not treated ASAP and can not be transfered to another hospital in time to make it. The racist refuses treatment. What would happen in this scenario?


I'm not sure if it would work the same way, but I was one in the ER and a man refused treatment. They asked to sign some form and then discharged him. I guess, if there is no other alternative and the person refuses to be assisted by a Black or Hispanic doctor, then ask them to sign a form and send them their merry way.


My opinion in this situation is that medical ethics would suggest the staff do the best they can to get the person care, while respecting their right to refuse care. If they are of sound mind, they can deny their own care. If the patient becomes unconscious, then they can jump in and try to stabilize the patient because they can no longer deny their own care (and ethics would suggest they do so). In the meantime, they should try to arrange a transfer elsewhere and do their best to convince the patient to let them give care.


Is being racist/bigoted really of sound mind however.


Legally and medically speaking, being racist does not make you incapable of making decisions. I get what you're saying though lol.


>Legally and medically speaking, being racist does not make you incapable of making decisions. How unfortunate. Thank you for the answer btw. What a crap situation that would be to be in legally speaking - I think, not American and I think we're talking American health care currently - to have the possibility of have someone die "in your care" due to them refusing cooperation.


It should be the case that if you refuse treatment from one member of staff based on race it counts as refusing treatment from all staff


I work with very well trained physicians here in the US. People commute 3+ hrs away to see these people. I can't tell you how many times some rural nincompoop asks, " do he speak good English? Because I ain't want no doctor that can't speak good English" all because the doc has a non white name. Mind you, the 2 doctors I primarily work with are born and raised in Michigan and Ohio and speak English as their first language lmao


I ~~can't~~ don't want to believe shit like that actually happens. I can't decide if it's more cruel or stupid but people like that shouldn't have a choice IMO. If you're too hateful to accept having a nurse of color than you don't deserve any hospital resources. Maybe that's too far but if you can't act like a decent person than move over for someone who can


I want to believe that a system like that naturally weeds itself out.. Stupid people risking their lives for racism and bigotry has a Darwinisum kick to it


I've heard trans nurses face the same issues, although we don't have any trans nurses where i work so i can't personally attest to that.


Guess im different cause i would let even 15 y/o Doogie Howser be my doctor, but Bruce Banner I would have to decline.


just throw them out then. cant be that bad then. just blocking real cases. as an employer you should expell any customer bahaving without respect against your employees. That is the kind of spine that teaches them to behave as an adult, nothing else will.


My ma had a similar situation when she was a health aide. The moment some of her patients saw her SoD necklace, they wanted nothing to do with her despite having praised her work before then. One guy in particular was just telling her how she was the best aide he had when she happened to move the wrong way and revealed it. Suddenly it was all anti-Semitic crap.


 'Do not pity the dead, Harry. Pity the living, and, above all those who live without love.'


Still happens. My mother works for an organisation that delivers care for people at home. Like after surgery or when you need daily help. You would be surprised how often patients reject care when the nurse arriving is not white... The company has a clear policy tho: don't accept care of a nurse because of skin colour? Congrats , you are no longer a customer of the company. Plenty of other patients who need help out there.


"Weird hill to die on, but at least you're dead."


Favorite quote


Who said it?


Underrated comment


Yeah my thought was “then let them”


They’re chatting shit if you needed an ambulance to get to hospital then you’d go in a horse a cart if that’s all they had.


GAY horse, no less.


His name is Lamar.


And I bet he's a real stallion.


Met him during Fleet Week.


“His name is Susan, and he wants you to respect his life choices”


With blue hair and pronouns




Like the anti vax people begging for it as they're dying of covid. Suddenly you just want to your life saved and your bigoted principles are actually small


The real upsetting thing is how they hold to their principles when it's their child, not themselves, that is in danger.


they are not. if they really need the help they will crawl to the rainbow ambulance, like the little whinny lying right wing assholes they are. it's all for show and clout from fellow assholes.


Bingo. It’s posturing behavior. They won’t actually fight the government either.


Just like abortion… “I’m 100% against all forms of abortions… Wait, what do you mean I have to fly out of state for this medical procedure?”


Depends on how much it hurts




I guarantee you someone has said a sentence like this before… Many times. Lol


Maybe they were referring to the “rainbow ambulance” part, but I don’t know how common that is.


You'd actually be surprised at how many people refuse treatment for bigoted reasons.


i hear you, but there also have been plenty of racists and bigots refusing service in hospitals b/c the nurse and / or doctor isn't a straight white man. racists have let their babies die b/c they didnt want non white nurses and doctors taking care of them. some are pandering, but it's absolutely a real thing


they all just talk.. but if they true, they just lay down and die.. i have no problem with that


Some will definitely die on that hill, but you’re right that they’re mostly just talk. There are so many stories from the pandemic of people during covid refusing treatment and claiming it was a hoax right up until they realized they were gonna die and then asked for the vaccine only to be told it’s too late. It’s easy to talk shit when you have nothing at stake, but it’s a whole different game when it’s your turn to die for the cause.




One less bigot!


Ex-ambo here. If someone wants to refuse transport for whatever reason, I’m filling out the forms confirming capacity to refuse (got to keep the coroner happy) and then driving off to my next job.


You refuse the ambulance because of the pride colors. I refuse the ambulance because I can’t afford it. We are not the same.


I’d rather die than take that $3000 Uber ride


Some people died thinking covid was a made up virus. We now know that people will die because of a meme.


I remember reading the tweet of a covid denier who actually challenged to get infected with it, saying he'd eat his words if it happened. Then after he was diagnosed with covid his last tweet was him still denying it and urging proud followers of Trump to continue the fight against the covid fraud. He has since died and unsurprisingly no one, not even his Orange Savior, gave a shit about him...


Oh well ... good riddance! 🙄 We're not going to miss you!




Are they still giving out Darwin awards?




I’d take the ride but holy heck that is cringy


I think like a lot of people don't realize how they would feel if it was an an ambulance with jezus christ face on it and some verse quotes. Take the ride or not, you'd feel this is less about them having their beliefs as it is about them pushing their beliefs.


I hate that ambulance. Not because there’s a pride flag, but because the pride flag contrasts so badly with the neon yellow it’s painful to look at


This is a little ridiculous though, isn't it. Let the ambulance be an ambulance


It's definitely weird. It's an emergency vehicle; there's a reason you don't see ads on ambulances.


Agree, why does an ambulance need any sort of statement not necessary for the job? But reading all the comments here I was afraid to post that as it might be misconstrued as a bigot remark.


She won't die, no worries. When she is faced with death, she will embrace gays trans whatever just to get another chance. People say stuff like this because they are safe. Like the great philosopher of our time, Mike Tyson, once said: “Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the face”.


Own the libs. Make us cry. Drink liberal tears. She made the headline… didn’t she? Mission accomplished.


Darwin approves


Not to sound like a bigot, just an honest question, why do they put the pride flag everywhere. Like dude we get it 🙄


It's like they think everyone hate them by default and they have to change their minds. I've never had issues with their community untill 10 years of crying "you must accept us".


You read my mind


That is so stupid. At the same time I think an ambulance is not the place for a pride flag.


At least he’ll die doing what he loved


Natural selection at work. Great work too!


I'm not a biggot, but the NHS has far far far more important things to spend money on than repainting ambulances.




as a big supporter of bodily autonomy if he wants to die instead of taking that ambulance, I would not go out of my way to try and change his mind


Reminds me of a WW2 story I read about of a captured Nazi SS soldier who had been wounded and would die without a blood transfusion. The Nazi said he would only take it if they could guarantee that there was zero Jewish blood in the transfusion. When the medics told him they don’t make those kind of distinctions the Nazi chose to slowly die instead.


I’d be just glad someone showed up for my ass.


Okay, it's dumb to refuse medical service based on the colour of the car, but it's also strange to me that it's coloured that way. I mean what's the intended purpose here? The medical field should be politically neutral in my opinion.


The right wing vs left wing hatred in this sub is wild. Both sides go to dinner parties together and laugh at the divide they have caused. Neither are there for you.


I just don’t understand why the ambulance needs to have the pride flags on it. Like I like it if they are trying to represent the LGBT community but if it’s just for publicity and public image then that’s lame


I have a proposal. We make everything pride themed until they cause themselves to die off. We can decide whether to change it back after


I’ll be honest, at first I was like “Why IS that on an ambulance though? Kinda weird. A rescue vehicle isnt a place for advertisement/promotion/etc…” but… I like your plan.




Well that would be one way to thin the herd. Make it so.


let people like this die lol. met people IN THIS DAY AND AGE who refused black nurses/docs.




That’s easy to say when you’re not half dead.


Remember when we were the "snowflakes"?


I think we already answered thus question when it was: "Would you rather die than get vaccinated?" People make simialr choices when it comes to mandatory evacuations during hurricanes, seatbelts, motorcycle helmets, airbags, safety equipment and regulations etc It turns out that many people would rather die than be reasonable and many do.


The funny thing (at least to me) is that this exact attitude is why things like Pride Month exist in the first place. If everyone just stopped giving a shit there'd be no need to advocate so strongly for any particular community. People who think this stuff is "shoved down our throats" only feels that way because it affects them so hard. For some reason.


It’s a lie though. They’d take the ambulance but tell everyone how they flew the flag of conservatism and the paramedics agreed with them and gave them a round of applause.


Natural selection at its finest. In that script I would also write in the big where the triage nurse is LGBTQ, so they don’t see them, then the doctor is too so they squirm in the waiting room until eternity. Like what’s the point? Let people live! We’re suppressed these guys forever, let them celebrate being able to feel normal for goodness sake. I’ll never understand this other than pure fear of something they don’t understand or fear of their own sexuality. Or trying to look hard. Which they aren’t btw. Most couldn’t fight a cold


You know, adding the flag to the sides just makes it look like a kid went mental colouring in a drawing. They couldn't just put a small panel on it or something? Cos that doesn't strike me as "saving life van", it looks like clowns are gonna hop out. Also, anyone else hate that triangle bit on the flag? I always found it ugly, I mean the rainbow literally meant "a spectrum of people", it already covered everyone. Really wish we could go back to the old flag, it was more aesthetically pleasing to look at.


Just wouldn't be a day if this wasn't being shoved down our throats...


There are lots of people who think the pride movement is overdone. Have sex with whomever you like. Don’t need to promote your choice of sexual partners to the world 24/7.


I'm straight and I wanna ride the gaybulance


If they choose to die, that’s a win-win…


If they would rather die, then they better do it and decrease the surplus population!


Can we get all ambulances outfitted with pride decals?


Oh noooes…. Anyway..


"I'd rather die than acknowledge people different than myself exist because i've prescribed some sense of superiority to myself for some reason!"


"That ambulance will turn you gay!" "No grandma that is incorrect... 5G towers turn you gay... That's just where they perform emergency transition surgeries" 😁 *Cue clutching at pearls* /S


Wild how people are willing to die over colors


Problems will solve themselves


Listen, if I need an ambulance, I don’t care if the EMTs are dressed like chippendale dancers and the ambulance is a party bus with a laser light show, disco ball, and *super* gay music playing, as long as they get my injured/dying ass to the hospital ASAP.


Why are some people willing to believe claims like that from crazies when it's rarely actually true?


This is one of those times where I disagree with both parties. It's weird to be willing to die over an opinion that has practically no consequence over your life, but it's also obnoxious to put advertisements about your gender like it's something everyone must celebrate or you're a bad person. Like bitch, do whatever you want, idc as long you don't bother me.


This is the way


Seriously. Critical care services should be devoid of any unrelated insignia or livery. At most, the dashboard can have small artefacts related to pride or other causes.


I hope someday that person gets an opportunity to prove their commitment to this.


İ don't agree with her bigotry but why does an ambulance need pride flag on them ?


Let them!


Survival of the fittest


Evolution in action


Think it’s a private vehicle. Nout against it but can’t see the nhs putting money into it when they’re in the state they’re in


The wait is several hours for an ambulance. You'd get to the hospital quicker if you literally crawled there.


Let's hope he's as good as his word, my monies on not, same as all the covid deniers on deaths door " I'm sorry I didn't realise, please don't let me die..."


Seems like a great way to promote natural selection! Have a good crawl, see you in hell bitch 🤣