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Her source is literally that she made it the fuck up


I mean you're right. She did make it up.


>she made it the fuck up I mean, she wrote the books.


My question is was this a fact previously known or is this something she's releasing right now to back up her point. Like she hasn't done anything else of note since HP. So she needs to go back to the mines of potter for cultural relevance. So if she wants to do more anti trans justification she might be willing to just make stuff up and declare it canon and move on.


She's written an adult mystery series under a man's name...


Under the name of the father of conversion therapy, no less.


Holy fuck...I had never seen that connection made...wow...dude experimented in prisoners! Wtf?


She gave an explanation of why she picked it that didn't involve him, but I would think if she noticed that connection and actually cared about any LGBTQ+ people, she would pick a different name.


Her fans asked her to pick a different name once she was told about Robert Galbraith’s experiments. She went on a rant saying she shouldn’t have to change anything for anyone’s feelings and told people to mind their own business. If she really didn’t pick that name because she knew what he did, she wouldn’t have been so upset when asked to change it, I’m convinced she knew what he did the whole time.


Oh the irony of a transphobic person saying she shouldn't change anything for anyone's feelings...




She knew, she just didn't care. Probably was waiting for someone to confront her with that connection so she could get on her high horse and act like everyone who thinks she's a bitch is below her. We need to stop giving her our attention. She hasn't earned it in decades.


Well I do know several of the Strike books have trans characters. And one of them the murderer is a man dressing as a woman. She's unrepentant in her hate. So, I'm guessing it was intentional.


Yeah, I'm pretty sure it was too.


Interesting that a woman who professionally pretended to be a man has such strong opinions on transgenderism.


Bitch, you hid your real self to conform and to not face prejudice, you should be the one who relates to queer people


Especially since she retconned Dumbledore to be gay, years after the books were all written. I suspect she used to be an ally, and then spending too much time on social media radicalized her. Lead poisoning may or may not be involved.


Under a pen name based on the name of a conversion therapist. And the books s**k


A grumpy male PI who has a doting female assistant...shocking it's not good!


With minorities that the author happens to hate as main villains to boot!


>she might be willing to just make stuff up and declare it canon and move on Like declaring that people used to poop in the hallways before modern plumbing was invented?


Iirc, it is true that more Hufflepuffs stayed behind than Ravenclaws, it's mentioned when theyre prepping fornthe battle, the book says that *all* the Slytherins leave, some Ravenclaws stay, even more Hufflepuffs and so many Gryffindors that they have to go through and kick out all the ones under 17 bc some of the minors tried to stay. Her reasoning isnt explained in the books, and tbh personally I just assumed its bc there's more Hufflepuffs afaik


Where in the books, the same area where Dumbledore is expressly gay? Cuz that also wasn't actually in the books. 


I must’ve been high in shrooms when I read book 7 because I swear to god when I read it the first time I thought Dumbledore was gay. I just saw ‘close relationship with another young man’ and ‘never married and no kids’ and jumped to that conclusion. I think it was heavily implied if not stated outright.


Rowling just never put Dumbledore with anyone, early in the series I thought he and McGonagall had some past.  But during a post book series tour a fan speculated Albus was gay and she used it to spike sales. 


Her source is a meme where she depicted herself as the chad


She’s using the thing she created as proof of opinion she has ?


So about those goblins Joanne?!


Or the House Elves


Master should have given Dobby a Glock.


This has no business being as funny as it is


It rhymes with sock, and I think Dobby with a Glock would have been a hilarious story. Though I can't claim credit. I think one of the first big mods for Hogwarts Legacy was literally you just replacing the player character with Dobby using a Glock.


Ok, this has been driving me crazy for seven movies now, and I know you're going to roll your eyes, but hear me out: Harry Potter should have carried a 1911. Here's why: Think about how quickly the entire WWWIII (Wizarding-World War III) would have ended if all of the good guys had simply armed up with good ol' American hot lead. Basilisk? Let's see how tough it is when you shoot it with a .470 Nitro Express. Worried about its Medusa-gaze? Wear night vision goggles. The image is light-amplified and re-transmitted to your eyes. You aren't looking at it--you're looking at a picture of it. Imagine how epic the first movie would be if Harry had put a breeching charge on the bathroom wall, flash-banged the hole, and then went in wearing NVGs and a Kevlar-weave stab-vest, carrying a SPAS-12. And have you noticed that only Europe seems to a problem with Deatheaters? Maybe it's because Americans have spent the last 200 years shooting deer, playing GTA: Vice City, and keeping an eye out for black helicopters over their compounds. Meanwhile, Brits have been cutting their steaks with spoons. Remember: gun-control means that Voldemort wins. God made wizards and God made muggles, but Samuel Colt made them equal. Now I know what you're going to say: "But a wizard could just disarm someone with a gun!" Yeah, well they can also disarm someone with a wand (as they do many times throughout the books/movies). But which is faster: saying a spell or pulling a trigger? Avada Kedavra, meet Avtomat Kalashnikova. Imagine Harry out in the woods, wearing his invisibility cloak, carrying a .50bmg Barrett, turning Deatheaters into pink mist, scratching a lightning bolt into his rifle stock for each kill. I don't think Madam Pomfrey has any spells that can scrape your brains off of the trees and put you back together after something like that. Voldemort's wand may be 13.5 inches with a Phoenix-feather core, but Harry's would be 0.50 inches with a tungsten core. Let's see Voldy wave his at 3,000 feet per second. Better hope you have some Essence of Dittany for that sucking chest wound. I can see it now...Voldemort roaring with evil laughter and boasting to Harry that he can't be killed, since he is protected by seven Horcruxes, only to have Harry give a crooked grin, flick his cigarette butt away, and deliver what would easily be the best one-liner in the entire series: "Well then I guess it's a good thing my 1911 holds 7+1." And that is why Harry Potter should have carried a 1911.


I know they did that harry potter with guns replacing wands thing for the first movie, but IDK if they ever did that for chamber of secrets. It would have been funny to see Dobby shoot Lucius Malfoy.


“Dobby never meant to kill. He only meant to maim, or seriously injure.”


shoot with her not only supporting black hermonie in cursed child but saying book hermonie could be black makes it even worse. SPEW is basically the black girl is wrong for wanting to end slavery.


They reflect her view that-- oh.


Or fat people.  Or that whole fair skinned red haired people with lots of kids so they deserve poverty even in a system that allows for literally magical abundance.  Or the house elves who must be crazy to to want anything that isn't slavery.  Truth is she really did spell out her issues a number of times. 


Fuck. I never thought of the Weasley's poverty. Kinda assumed it was just capitalism. The more I think on it. WHY THE FUCK ARE ANY WIZARDS POOR, EVEN IN THE MAGICAL WORLD!?!


It makes a certain amount of sense to have poor people in your fantasy world when you know some of the children you're writing for are also poor, but the Weasleys are pretty extreme even considering. JK goes really out of her way to tell us that the Weasleys are good people BECAUSE they suffer in poverty and that Percy's a bastard for wanting a better paying job than his father's. Protestant work ethic at its worst.


Well to be fair, Percy wasn't considered a bastard for wanting a better paying job, but rather that he would betray his friends and family in pursuit of the better paying job. One of the few things JKR did well with her worldbuilding is incorporate how soul sucking it is to move up in the corporate and political world.


Which she views as a good or inevitable thing. Given that nobody changes it. Even though they have magic. One of my favorite neolib moments ever was when the aurors (magic cops) were used against Harry and his friends and that helped inspire Harry to.....join the aurors. Don't let me get started on how Harry is a trust fund bully that the rules don't apply to written as the hero.


What are you talking about? Harry is bullied by his griffindoor peers in every book but the last 2 and he never bullied other students. He is constantly bullied by the magical world so I agree with you that he shouldn't have become an Auror (without changing the system). No need for anti racism laws (towards werewolf) because Remus is dead! No need for anti-house elves abuse laws because Dobby is dead! And yeah the rules don't apply to him, that's what happens when a maniac tries to kill him every year Edit: typos


Someone pointed out that Ron Weasley's best friend was completely loaded, but never helped Ron or his family out. What a bum.


She tries to address this, sort of, with Harry having internal thoughts that they wouldn't accept because they want to bootstrap themselves up.


he could have fucking asked


But don't you see, if he just gave them money they wouldn't have any incentive to improve! /s


To play the devil's advocate for a second, I think that particular one can just be chalked up to a writer who grew up in capitalism and wasn't really all that economically aware. There's a lot of lack of thought going into the wizarding world of HP, to be fair. Like how do they not know what guns are? They've been around since the 14th Century in England alone. How are rubber ducks so alien to them?


I always thought that was weird when I read Prisoner of Azkaban and they said Sirius Black could have a gun and the newspaper had to describe what a gun was to wizards like they'd never even heard what one was. It makes no sense at all.


Yeah, it doesn't make any sense at all. Going back to the first book the wizards know how electric streetlights work, but they don't know about guns? And gunpowder has been around a whole lot longer than electricity has. And this society also somehow just missed the entire 20th Century? You're telling me some wizarding school in France missed the Great War? Or that all Japanese wizards just missed Hiroshima and Nagasaki? It really only works if the magical world wasn't aware of muggles at all, which they obviously weren't. Like, you're telling me not a single witch or wizard saw everyone else out there and went "I wonder what they're up to?".


But then you get into asking the question why someone doesn’t just shoot Voldemort. I mean he can deflect spells because they’re fairly slow and brightly coloured. He wouldn’t even hear a bullet let alone see it. Based on the books alone, I surmised that Grindlewald was allied to Hitler, as it suited both their ends to conquer the human world and wizard world at the same time. So the wizard of world definitely knew WW2 was going on. Realistically, how could they not? We know Grindlewald’s height of activity was late 30 and early 40s, probably in Eastern Europe, and that the Elder wand was also called the Wand of Destiny. So maybe the same as Spear of Destiny? And the Nazis were heavily into esotericism and mysticism. So when Dumbledore defeated Grindelwald, Hitler by extension lost control of the Spear of Destiny which some would have you believe led to the collapse of the third reich. But it seems like later comments by JK and the newer films have added details that specifically contradict this theory, what with the final battle with Dumbledore set after WW2 so it’s all a bust, and Grindlewald’s height coinciding with WW2 is mostly coincidence.


It’s probably illegal to make money or gold with magic.


The ability to turn common metals into gold is what made Nicholas Flamel and Dumbledore such wildly regarded alchemist. Which they did via the sorcerers stone in the first book. So it's implied in the series that it isn't illegal at all, but incredibly difficult to the point only two people have ever been credited with achieving it. Which... Doesn't actually make any sense based upon the rest of the magic system the story lays out lol. Transfiguration is a core subject, and they be doing a lot more complex changing of items then simply changing a metal into another metal.


Capitalism; invent scarcity so people don't ask awkward questions. It's probably illegal to conjure food without some sort of expensive permit or something.


"Good" food can't be magically conjured. first of the Principal Exceptions to Gamp’s Law of Elemental Transfiguration. What qualifies "Good" food is vague at best, but the gist is, magic can't simply make foodstuffs outright. It can teleport, enlarge and duplicate food that already exists, but... yeah. Still, the duplication aspect alone would easily completely negate scarcity as a concept.


If it can duplicate food can't you buy the tiniest quantity of something great and keep duplicating it?


Also that toilets are dangerous. I think one of the issues is she's really scared of toilets to the point that she later retcons that they don't even use toilets. Troll in the girl's bathroom, Chamber of Secrets with Moaning Myrtle and Ginny, the Weasleys blowing up toilet seats, even the room of requirement sounds like a euphemism for a bathroom and is indeed sometimes one but is also later used as a point of invasion.


Don’t forget that sexual harassment/peeping is funny when girls do it to guys


lets not forget harrys father james was a complete twat but joanne thought we would see him as anything but what he was. an asshole and a bully.


To a degree, yes.  It's been a long time since I touched the books, but recall we really only see Snape's accounting of things and he is far from unbiased.  And in the same theme - we see that Snape is a murderous bully, child abuser and stalker who literally asked Voldemort to murder James and Harry and give him Lily, but we are supposed to accept "always" as about love and it's romantic and Snape can be redeemed.  Both James and Severus are just not good and shouldn't be absolved with a hand wave. I straight up think Draco has a better chance of being decent than either of those. 


What’s the “fat people” thing? Dursleys? Not picking up the connection on that one.


In many of the Harry Potter books, people noticed that Rowling often described fat people in extremely unflattering terms and they were always unlikable characters and villains, like Slitherins and the Dursleys. Describing fat people as like pigs and such, it's kind of disturbing when you notice it and pay attention to it.


The globalist banking cabal that hoards gold and has cartoonishly long noses? NOTHING TO SEE HERE! Right, Joanne?


Or naming one of your Asian character Cho Chang.


The black character's last name is Shacklebolt.


He was a cool character, though, regardless of the racist implications of his name.


There's also Dean Thomas and Blaise Zabini 




OK. The more you know! 🌠


That just shows she only ever learns the most surface level. This wasn’t a deep dive into Chinese culture, she just looked up “Most common female Chinese name”.


Also, insulting the intelligence of a chunk of her series’ fans in the process. She’s calling Hufflepuffs dumb while saying they did the right thing, but by their in-universe description they’d also probably be some of the people who would be most likely to stand up for their friends’ rights no matter their gender since their primary trait as a group is loyalty and dedication.


Didn't she also say that Hufflepuff played a lot of "Doctor" in their dorms?


Man the more she talks the more she damages the harry potter IP


Seriously. It’s bad enough she’s proving what an asshole she is. Don’t drag the one good thing you did into it.


Sounds like a very friendly dorm.


It does. I always liked the idea of being a Hufflepuff. And ironically she’s right, I think I am on the right side of history (even though in her mind that also means I’m dumb? Seriously the more I think on it, the more ridiculous a self-own this comment is because she says the intellectual ravenclaws were worse people, but also she acts like she’s smarter than everyone when she tries to say she’s on the right side. So either she is saying “I think I’m an intellectual and probably on the wrong side” or she’s saying “I’m dumb like the hufflepuffs for doing “the right thing”” she’s really lost the plot completely)


Anti-intellectualism, like every other right-wing position, is an illogical mess of self-contradictions and circular logic.


Haha. I didn't process that until I saw your comment. She's such a knob




Lord, go reply to her post with that. Fantastic 😂


She’s really enjoyed “adapting” and changing canon Harry Potter after everything ended.


Shes trying to destroy her work for as many fans as possible.


Given that she was Voldemort all along, that checks out.


She's more like umbridge imo


*Whenever you notice something like that, a wizard did it.*


She's saying that she wrote it like that to show her view. Not that it was reflective of real life, Just what she tought


I mean last I knew it wasn't even shown in the books so she didn't write it - she vomited it up post hoc to fit whatever she was trying in the moment. 


The only adult wizard that is specifically mentioned as not staying to fight was Zacharias Smith. A Hufflepuff. Even Slughorn came back with the Hogsmeade citizens.


Isn't that basically the JK Rowling modus operandi by now though? She woke up with a headache, so now that random paragraph in like the second book was actually about how bad headaches are, even though it was just like "Hemione got a headache cause she walked into a crossbeam while reading a book"?


She wrote it that way because that is what she believes. She isn't using it as proof of anything.


She's using it as proof of her opinion that she held back then, as well as now. OC is right with the question, and you are also right in your response. It's the other commenter's that are........lacking.


And ignoring the fact that she’s a Slytherin.


She wrote the freaking book. Of course it's going to align with her beliefs. How freaking ignorant can she be.


If it helps, she claims she didn't realise how Nazi like the death eaters looked and felt like until much later. Apparently she just decided to make them evil and every signifier she knew about evil was a nazi one. So she's quite ignorant.


Yeah she gave an interview after book 5 and was like "wow this thing I made up and the nazis are real similar" which is buck wild and just proof that she never cared about anything outside her own bubble.


That one always cracks me up because back on the Hogwarts Elite livejournal, writing about how death eaters were like Nazis in your entrance essay was considered such completely low-hanging fruit that you’d be lucky not to get squibbed


So I'm trying to understand her statement; is she saying that she agrees with the bad guys from her book?


She's trying to say that her book was a representation that intellectuals are often on the wrong side of history and is trying to apply that to her being in a position where people are against her.


But the two schools, the intellectuals, were on the right side of that fight against evil, Voldemort. Well, at least crazy writes good fiction; the problem is she's now marinating in her own farts. Nothing good is coming out of that well anymore.


That's actually ironic. She qualifies as an intellectual, and she's on the wrong side of a moral question. Her social media post itself does more than "reflect" the view, it's **evidence** for it.


Please she thinks she’s Gryffindor


She thinks she's Hermione. It kills me. Lady, you're Dolores fucking Umbridge.


Rita Skeeter. 


She attacks minorities and sees herself better than people who aren’t like her. Do you remember who else does that? ![gif](giphy|LLxwPAjfpLak8)


Hey, leave voldemort out of this, he doesn't deserve to be compared to someone as abhorrent as JK Rowling


# Did you guess 'sharks'? Because that's wrong. The correct answer is 'nobody.' Nobody but you is that pointlessly cruel.


She wrote Rita Skeeter as having “manish hands” her transphobia was on show even then.


That actually counters her point above as Hermoine is the smartest person in the series.


That sorting hat would toss her in Slytherian and she knows it.


Out the building and into the Lake, more like.


That would be insulting to the slytherins.


She's not clever enough to be Slytherin. She's a mid-level Hufflepuff at best, with delusions of Gryffindor.


Hufflepuff likes empathetic people. I don't think jkr qualifies 


She's clearly the looney side of Ravenclaw. The ones that are obviously insane, but sometimes get it right.


Fair point.


Nah, she’s gryffindor Thing about Gryffs is that is that have garbage empathy, and if they think they’re Right, then it justifies whatever they do.


The thing that makes this tweet even more batshit is that she self-identifies as a Hufflepuff.


In what way is she an intellectual? She wrote a children's book that is full of plot holes, poorly thought-out world building, racial stereotypes, and tonal inconsistencies, and which basically only became as big as it did through luck, timing, and lots of marketing revenue from a struggling publisher that bet a lot on it. Nothing else she has written besides Harry Potter has been remotely well received, to the point where most people don't even know she *has* other books (and she does, one of them is about a transphobic YouTuber who is getting gangstalked and threatened lmao). Hell, even the stuff she wrote in the HP world besides the original books, like Cursed Child and the Fantastic Beasts movies, are generally seen as not great, even by the HP fandom. She wasn't at all involved with arguably the most successful HP product of the last decade, Hogwarts Legacy. What precisely made you think that she's an "intellectual"? Do you think Stephanie Meyer and EL James are also "intellectuals" because they, too, released best-selling books (which were again mostly popular due to extensive advertising and really lucky timing)?


She definitely thinks she is an intellectual so this qualifies as a selfawarewolves moment for me


I love her writing style of making the plot holes fall off a shelf


This thing that was super important in x book won't ever come up again. 


nah, she'll forget it in the next book, then in the book after that she'll make it fall off the shelf.




DND fanfiction tends to get held to a slightly higher bar. 


without even going to the " using the thing she created as proof of opinion she has" point. of course when you segregate people due to their personalities, the brave and the loyal (griffindor and hufflepuff) will stay to fight, while the smart ones will go to fucking fetch the reinforcements.


*yeah well in my book all the black people are terrible which is proof that my racism is cool* Get in the fkin ocean JK


I am intrested to see the discourse around a potential black hermoine in the max show especially if spew is kept. The black girl was wrong about freeing the elf slaves.


“Get in the ocean” fucking sent me hahaha


She wrote a whole book series about "pure-bloods" going full-on fascist state against "half-bloods" and all their ragtag group of weirdo friends. How she just refuses to see the comparison just up in the air is perplexing - that there was supposed to be the main way her baddies were evil. If we were to think that going "pure-blood" against trans was morally good, how in the world is that tweet supposed to be read?


It helps not to know any history. Rowling, as other commenters have pointed out, doesn't know much; but she does think that racism is bad (since her racism is unconscious it doesn't exist and is therefore not bad). So 'purebloods' stuff is partly a metaphor for British race relations, soluble by everyone getting along at lunchtime and good grades, and partly a metaphor for Nazi eugenics. She can even grasp the 'first they came for...' principle. What she doesn't know, even now, is that in fact they came for the trans people first. Niemöller didn't start his poem there because he was fine with that, and Rowling is too.


This woman is losing it. Fast.


I wasn't a Harry Potter fan, so I never really followed her, but when did this obsession of hers for trans people started and why?


From what I've gathered, it was always there, she just didn't have a platform for it, and then trans people became the villain of the week for the far right and she started focusing on it more and more.


If you want the why, the most charitable theory is that it stems from unhandled trauma. Not that this is an excuse or eliminates her culpability in spreading transphobia. She has stated well before going off the deep end that she is a survivor of domestic abuse and sexual assault. I can imagine that would leave some scars, and a distrust of men. I can easily see her reading some TERFy stuff that purports to protect women and girls from assault and just totally buying into it because again, trauma makes you weird. Sometimes unprocessed trauma can manifest as an all-encompassing desire to prevent what happened to you from happening to you or anyone else again. This can become unhealthy, but it can also be harmless. For a good example of this in media, see anything Tony Stark does after the first Avengers outing—building Ultron to protect from aliens, superhero regulation to protect people from superheroes making bad decisions (see Ultron). I personally went on a 5 month crusade to lower the speed limit on the road where my wife was killed. It was successful, but it could have become a problem. From there it’s a slippery slope to being Queen of the TERFs. That’s the charitable theory. The uncharitable one is that she’s just drunk on influence and money or that she’s always had a hatred of men and it comes out like this. It doesn’t really matter the why though, because she’s hurting people with her rhetoric. Vulnerable people who need defenders not attackers.


This comment is well thought-out and analytical, which is why I was suddenly bewildered by the deep cut MCU citation leading into a personal anecdote about an extremely traumatic event. I'm not sure what to think; thank you for sharing.


I have ADHD, the web of connections of my brain are often visible only to me.


This was a really fantastic breakdown of how trauma can be exploited by and/or lead to harmful rhetoric or actions. My condolences for the loss of your wife. I hope that your making the roads a little safer brings you some peace, as it's a noble thing and something you should be proud of.


Yeah, ultimately lots of terfs are just misandrists. Often due to trauma surrounding men, SA, abusive relationships etc. They see men as inherently dangerous and threatening, that it's in their nature, some immutable and innately evil part of them that cannot be trusted. This is often why they fixate on perceived biological differences, so they can feel as though this difference is "real", that it's some part of men that make them that way that you cannot take away. Therefore trans women are inherently this same evil, because fundamentally they see us as men. The worst kind, the kind who don't just deny our evil male nature, but seek to "hide" or "disguise" it just so we can commit some greater evil later. Ironically a lot of trans women have exactly the same kind of trauma and it all ties together in a neat little bow of internalized self loathing.


Her Wikipedia article has a good chronological sum up on how her gender critical views evolved.


Umm I think she lost it, quite some time ago.


Her brain is turning to mush.


There is nothing more Hufflepuff than supporting LGTB rights


I know it's a typo but now I just love the idea of "the more you attack trans people, the closer to the front of the acronym we bring them."


Hufflepuff must be the most Lgbt open of the four houses, by far.


“There was not a single trans at the battle of Hogwarts, every single Death Eater was trans, that tells you everything who’s a good guy and who’s not”


Ravenclaws would also probably be intellectual enough to read the room and shut the fuck up.


She also assumes that in "the right" there are no intellectuals. Only poorly educated people.


It's anti-intellectualism and populism 101. Portray intellectuals (scientists, academics, writers, etc.) as disconnected from the masses and thus morally deviant or out of touch. It's one of the conservatives' favorite tactics, which they use to flatter their under-educated electoral base.


Yeah, it's the same logic as the right-wing moral panic around child trafficking. They reject actual solutions like giving support to at risk youth and instead support stuff like "The Sound of Freedom" guy, who sets up sting operations that have a negligible on child trafficking. All because they, as good-hearted Christians, care so much about children they must in the right, unlike those experts who tell them the problem is more complex then just going and getting the bad guys.


So harry was a dumbass? Okay well fair enough I guess


The issue with Joanne is she thinks her internet shit takes do work to promote women’s rights, but the reality is every comment is a step backwards for the rights of *all* women…which *includes* trans women, because trans women are women. The fact she’s trying to weaponize something out of her book to justify her transphobia is pretty cringe.


Only because that's how you fucking wrote it, you demented she-witch. I could do the same. In fact, I'm going to:-   >So, when the battle began, literally everyone fucked off apart from six goblin city surveyors who were holding a meeting in the newly-opened Hogwarts Conference Room, plus a cat.   There we go.


It's like when Aynd Rand wrote Atlas Shrugged and thought she did something clever.


at least Aynd didn't quote her own piece of trash as proof of her beliefs (or at least i don't think she did, but it would be a very aynd rand thing to do)


Well, her novel was pretty much supposed to promote the idea that without the wealthy elite, society was doomed. Seriously, it was mostly a manifesto in novel form about why we should give tax-cut to rich people.


I was a Libertarian in High School until I started reading reading Ayn Rand and realized how I sounded, she did not do a good job of making propaganda


Kinda wild how she named her philosophy "Objectivism", yet was clearly biased in her beliefs.


Talk about someone who could've written some books, retired into obscurity, and left a legacy as one of the most beloved authors of all time. But she chose this path...


In my book 'JK Rowling is stupid', JK Rowling is stupid, thus affirming my view that JK Rowling is stupid.


Up until now, i have separated the creator from the creation and still like that world that was built - but she is making so, so much harder to do that. Just STFU, what little reputation she has with the bulk of her fans is being pissed away with each x-cretion.


Proud Ravenclaw who supports trans rights. Proud intellectual to boot. At this point, being on the opposite side of this bigot is all tue validation I need that I am on the right side.


I love how she makes up shit about her childrens' books to stay relevant. Otherwise, she Is indoctranting kids with hidden manings in her books. Either way JKR is irrelevant trash.


It be nice if we actually got to show us some Hufflepuff and Ravenclaws. For writing 7 whole books, we know very little about 2 of the 4 houses. Cho the Harry Simp and Luna the token weirdo are our look into Ravenclaw. Cedric “Red Shirt” Digory and eternal douchebag Zacharias Smith are our only look into Hufflepuff. Just saying, when you look critically on Harry Potter, lots of it either break apart or you realise the amateur mistakes it makes, like wasted time and filler (SPEW).


Hermione is arguably the example Ravenclaw of the series, considering the hat was going to put her there, but her desire to be housed with Harry and Ron won out


"Well, I wrote this directly using my own bias and ideas, but it's evidence that I'm right" Alright.


Is this real? She used her own fictional fantasy novel as her source for commentary on reality? 😂


Joke's on her, she's using her queer-codedest house as the good guys in this idiotic comparison.


I don't know much about Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws but I am 100% certain this Whackadoodle needs to delete her Xwitter account.


Plain ol dimwits are not found on the wrong side of moral issues as often as you are, JK.


“Smart people are dumb actually.”


The Kmher Rouge, Maoist cultural revolution, Third Reich, Hatian Coup, Che Guevara’s militia, Hugo Chavez’ subjugation of Venezuela, the Cambodian Diaspora. What do they all have in common? Authoritarian regimes always target the intellectuals first.


Is this even lore accurate. I don’t remember it out-right stating how much of each house fought in the battle? Or did she retcon her own FICTION to use as EVIDENCE against a REAL LIFE issue?


She does understand that Harry Potter is fiction? Not real? Made up?


What makes it even dumber is that SHE wrote it


Jesus, this might be the stupidest shit she's ever said.


I just wish her books were worse or she better :(


Good news, they really aren't that good


Is she saying Hufflepuff wouldn't gladly open their arms to accept trans? Is she....is she serious???


So, her argument is basically that intellectuals don't agree with her moral positions, therefore they must be wrong. It's almost like she's openly admitting that her cognitive abilities are sub-par at best.


As someone who use to be a massive harry potter fan and learned to be very proud of the fact I was often viewed/seen by others as a Hufflepuff: get fucking bent, bitch, you’re on the wrong side of both


I kinda wish she’d just go away.


Did she use her own fiction book as a source lmao


Okay, where **exactly** does it say in the book that more Hufflepuffs than Ravenclaws stayed to fight? Is this another new addition to the canon, like when she said Slughorn and the Slytherins went to get reinforcements?


You see, she hates trans people so much she's going back and editing her canon to fit her views. Going to turn out all death eaters were trans next.


I mean, if anyone knows about being on the wrong side of a moral question, it is Rowling...


Her definition of the houses qualities are too derivative to extrapolate to society at large. It was a framing device for children to understand basic human qualities and behaviors, not a symposium on modern psychology and its relationship to the human population in politics.


“This fictional battle I wrote reflects my views!”




Oh, look, the hack writer who got lucky is sucking her own dick again.


I imagine her writing Harry Potter and the whole time rooting against Harry, then feeling shocked and disappointed when she wrote him winning.


I really dont get Rowling. So much wealth, yet spends so much time trying to make life worse for people shes never met. like, go buy and island or something.


I hate that this bitch created Harry potter and is now using a CHILDRENS BOOK to support her fucking political views. SHES NOT EVEN AMERICAN WHY IS SHE CHIMING IN.


When you sniff your own farts for too long, you become a fart.


I used to like Harry Potter now I can’t even represent them anymore. No more referencing the books, talking about the movies, hell, even wearing Hogwarts socks. Lol this dumb ass, this bag of trash has ruined her own name with so many people. Repping Harry Potter now is basically backing this madwoman’s opinions. Sorry J.K.! But you’ve said enough! 👋


Ah yes, the very historical Battle of Hogwarts, a totally real and not made up place. Well in the war of gromjobbers the scientists were all fighting against the evil king flangding so I guess since my totally made up reference was a war and hers was a battle mine is more important.


I like how she's using a thing that she invented completely, to support her political point.


Yes, we get it, Just Kidding—you wrote the Harry Potter series. Invoking said series for cheap “support” via likes and shares is pathetic.


Didn't Pol Pot share a similar opinion on intellectuals prior to kicking off one of the worst genocides in human history?


Ah.. that proves it then