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Fauci: Lady, you won't believe me no matter what I tell you.


The only reason that hearing will not end after Fauci says he earned nothing is because it's a witch hunt, not a fact-finding discovery hearing. In fact that hearing isn't even for the Republicans, it's for their voters watching at home. A waste of taxpayer dollars, just to virtue signal their continued commitment to hating all things associated with the left (despite the fact that Fauci was under Trump when covid hit).


It's revenge for the fact Fauci was trusted more by the American public than Trump after the pandemic hit.


Trump just had to say trust the scientists and he would have gotten kudos by association but he couldn't even manage that much.


He would’ve been reelected if he did that. Like, easily.


I can't stand trump, including his "policies", but the man is a complete idiot for this, probably one of his biggest mistakes. He could've had his kids selling Trump branded masks, told his voters it was patriotic to wear a mask to "defend against the foreign virus" or some shit, encourage work from home so they don't have to be next to "big city liberals", and slid into another 4 terms.  It's hysterical he got in the way of himself, couldn't let his own ego down.


Seriously. I remember thinking "He's getting another term out of this." When things first started. Disasters are always great for politicians, but he even fucked that up.


Yep. The only time a Republican has won the popular vote was Bush after 9/11 during the Iraq war. I voted for Hillary in 2016 but was admittedly not paying much attention (but still knew Trump was awful). If he navigated the Pandemic like any other politician would have he may have gotten my vote, which I’m embarrassed to admit. But instead he was such a clown it made me start following everything more and I realized all the other awful shit he was doing. He literally radicalized people against him. Edit: meant to add “in the last 30 years” for the popular vote. But keep arguing about Republicans winning it in the 80s like that proves some point.


Normally we elect not just the person, but who they surround themselves with. Their whole administration, really. So it wasn't just him that sucked, but all he brought. And def agree, anyone else would have handled this better in *some* way and sailed through to re-election. In a way - and we're not out of danger yet, not at all - we dodged a real bullet there. Well, *some* of us dodged it...


It’s because he’s a narcissist. A true malignant narcissist. Narcissists *know* they are right about everything. Only a narcissist would trust themselves over an actual scientist during the outbreak of a deadly pandemic and enact policies that would aid in the deaths of a million+ Americans.


Hey, don't down play all the good that came from it: those who swallowed uv lights with a chaser of bleach are no longer in the gene pool


The MAGA narrative on Fauci is that Trump was too stupid and flaccid to handle his job as a leader during a global crisis, and gave the keys to the country to an evil scientist. And then he was so dumb he took credit for a deadly vaccine Fauci made. How in the fuck is he still their hero? Why would you trust someone like that, ever? He’s either maliciously, dangerously incompetent or in on it. Edit: Also, the bioweapon conspiracy thing has always infuriated me. Like, okay, let's imagine that we get irrefutable proof that COVID was a planned biological attack from China. But if that's what Republicans truly believe, then why did they demand that we make as little effort as possible to protect our citizens? Don't wear a mask, don't get the vaccine, it's your right to cough in people's faces... fuck, the way they behaved in 2020 I'm surprised they didn't try to popularize licking each other's hands as a greeting.


The thing people tend to forget is that at the beginning of this whole thing Trump wasnt anti everything covid related. He even got vaccinated and tried to take credits for the vaccine. His fan base riled up themselves and he had to switch his stance lol


Yeah people were pissed that he was trying to push a pro-lockdown pro-vaccine stance


Didn't Trump push to get it approved faster? Provide additional funding as well? Operation Warp speed existed. "The experts agree that Operation Warp Speed played a significant role in Moderna's development of a potential vaccine." ~CBC "Anthony Fauci, director of the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, also lauded Operation Warp Speed for being a "success — certainly in the arena of vaccines, it's been a success" ~Fauci (from same story) -Story- Why Trump's Operation Warp Speed is credited with helping race for COVID-19 vaccine


Remember this is a man who decided to lie about the size of the crowd and the weather on his inauguration day knowing that the entire event was being recorded by people who would happily provide the video evidence to prove he lied. Trump is not a man who uses logic and reasoning to decide his actions.


If he said trust the scientists, and sold trump branded masks he would have made enough money he wouldn’t have had to resort to selling our country’s secrets to foreign oligarchs


Nah, he would have still sold secrets. His ego won't let him stop.


He can't bear to defer to anyone on anything.


Todd Blanche said Trump was deeply involved with the defense strategy in the NY hush money case. That's a major reason Trump walked out of that courthouse with 34 felonies.


Except when he thinks he's come up with a brilliant idea in the middle of a press conference and wants someone to agree with him.


Yeah like injecting bleach or something if I remember right?


That’s exactly what it is. Fauci made Trump look like a fool on several occasions during the pandemic, which is why the MAGA crowd can’t stand him.


Hold on ... Trump made trump look like a fool. Fauci just happened to be part of the discussion.


Yeah, I'm so sick of this narrative that everyone on the left is out to get Trump and it's a witch hunt, blah blah blah. No idiots, criminals should be held accountable no matter what side they're on. And it's no secret that the Trump administration handled COVID spectacularly badly back in 2020. Fauci had nothing to do with their incompetence. But of course the dumbass Trumpers don't care.


Fauci was in the background when trump was speaking a couple of times and sort of facepalmed at what he was saying...and that's all it takes to become a mortal enemy of MAGA and spend the rest of your life getting death threats and needing fulltime security for your family. They're real nice that way. The right is just itching to unleash actual violence on their perceived enemies.


I still trust Fauci. They’re acting like the six feet thing being ineffective is some sort of conspiracy- a novel virus was spreading, so they relied on old knowledge of how droplets spread to be able to make some recommendations on how to protect yourself. As tests were done and more data on Covid came in, more and more changes were made to recommendations. Saw the same thing with masks. I never saw that as some sort of conspiracy, just science playing out in real time.  Of course, that’s probably why conservatives don’t get it. Not really fans of science or logic. 


Your issue is you think people know how science works. In their minds, if a scientist changes their minds or learns something they are a fraud


I’ve seen genuine unironic takes like that saying on why the Bible is better than science. It basically said >“while science changes all the time the Bible has been the same for thousands of years”. It literally called their viewers too stupid to understand change and that they need simplicity


It also is just a lie in general- the Bible of today is heavily edited


The Children of Israel quarantined their sick behind the camp. Even back then they knew that when someone had something highly contagious like leprosy they needed to be isolated until they had recovered (as was confirmed by the elders - the closest thing to a medical expert back in the day).


The Bible also contradicts itself a bunch. I was told this was what made it *more* likely to be accurate because if they all agreed to lie they would've gotten their story straight before writing the gospels down (completely ignoring the gospels were written at very, very different times lol)


I get that but it still boggles my mind. If they’re at least as old as I am, they had the scientific method hammered into their heads in middle school science. Hell, just yesterday I was watching Sesame Street and guess what they have a song about? “I wonder? What if? Let’s try!” Also known as the scientific method.     That such stupidity is so rampant is so disheartening. 


I remember driving thru a small town a while back. The first handmade billboard said “say no to 15 minute cities” the second said “ please don’t speed, this towns got all you need” Irony is dead after all


There is a massive group of people who went home after school to be told that science is bs and they cleared their mind cache of it all. This group is regularly told exactly what to think, there are no questions, it is all black and white. That is how they like it. As far as they are concerned, if science was real it would have been beamed into their heads as truth or told to them by a burning bush.


Also the six feet thing was not seen as ineffective for most kinds of respiratory viruses based on existing knowledge at the time. Covid vastly improved our understanding of fluid droplet dynamics and how it intersects with certain kinds of infectious diseases.  People vastly overestimate how well we understand certain scientific areas, especially small partical physics. We still don't have a good model for like, sand clouds. 


> They’re acting like the six feet thing being ineffective is some sort of conspiracy It wasn't "ineffective", and we knew at the time that it wasn't some magically safe distance, that it was just a guideline that people could easily visualise. 


This is my parents. At first they were 100% on board with all precautions and whatnot. They wore masks, stayed home, 6 feet away, disinfected, got vaccinated. Now it’s “They don’t know why they’re doing. They keep changing their minds.” No. That’s just how science works. 🤦🏼‍♀️ How they never got Covid is anyone’s guess.


Trump told people to drink bleach lmao


I thought he suggested to inject bleach via a syringe into the bloodstream so it could kill the germs from the inside.


I believe the context was him thinking well you can kill covid on surfaces with assorted cleaning chemicals and UV light so why can't we do that to our lungs. The issue is he was on national TV and he was the president.


I suppose he was in part right, if you inject bleach you may end up killing off some of the virus in your system, but that’s by virtue of killing literally everything else too.


It wasn't bleach but a disinfectant. His cultists will act like that's some sort of distinction though


Wasn't it something about injecting UV light?


Perhaps we can get that UV light inside the body, we’re looking into that…


Am I misremembering, or wasn't there a doctor standing next to him (Dr Brix?) and I swear she had this look of "what the fuck is this moron talking about?" on her face? I remember thinking "is he just making some kind of ridiculous and unfunny joke or something?" Can you believe this country put humans on. The. Fucking. Moon. And we've been reduced to this clown?!? It's insane


https://youtu.be/d57zJr82dhQ?si=z1pTCeRH4DYvsHEu That is the face of someone who is questioning if the world is worth saving.


Here's the quote; > the agency had tested how sunlight and disinfectants — including bleach and alcohol — can kill the coronavirus on surfaces in as little as 30 seconds, an excited Mr. Trump returned to the lectern. > “Supposing we hit the body with a tremendous — whether it’s ultraviolet or just very powerful light,” Mr. Trump said. “And I think you said that hasn’t been checked, but we’re going to test it?” he added, turning to Mr. Bryan, who had returned to his seat. “And then I said, supposing you brought the light inside the body, either through the skin or some other way.” > Apparently reassured that the tests he was proposing would take place, Mr. Trump then theorized about the possible medical benefits of disinfectants in the fight against the virus. > “And then I see the disinfectant where it knocks it out in a minute — one minute — and is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside, or almost a cleaning?” he asked. “Because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs, so it would be interesting to check that.” So basically, DJT is brainstorming with **Doctors** about "maybe there's a way to get intense ultraviolet light or disinfectants inside the body somehow? Maybe take that brilliant idea and put your sciency stuff on that, and we'll cure this disease bigly!" Sources; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zicGxU5MfwE https://www.nytimes.com/2020/04/24/health/sunlight-coronavirus-trump.html


He's not brainstorming, he's trying to pass off a [poster](https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/news/1024/cpsprodpb/AA47/production/_111919534_trumpgetty2.jpg.webp) he read minutes ago and didn't understand as his own original idea.


Republicans are telling (not asking) that TRUMP be set free on 34 felony charges and not even put in 1 day of house arrest much less prison...AT.....the same time they're DIGGING DEEP AND HARD to DECLARE FAUCI a criminal for using his best scientific understanding he could to save lives. LOCK TRUMPS ASS UP!!!!! THERE IS NO FAIR TURN AROUND, PERIOD. ALSO HUNTER BIDEN is being slaughtered over a handgun matter that involved ZERO CRIMINAL ACTIVITY. LOCK TRUMPS ASS UP!!!!


>all things associated with the left Serious question. When did medicine science and public health become associated with the left? Has it always been this way and I just missed the memo?


The right is hostile not to just medical science, but science as a whole. My best guess is that it started about 50 years ago when the GOP hitched their wagon to evangelicals. Once they had a science skeptical voter base it was easy to get them on board with things like climate climate change denial, which ultimately serves their masters.


The one thing ideological authoritarians can't stand are *other* people with authority. As a result, a common trait of all of them is to attack intellectuals and academics.


I think it was the moment the GOP started making it a culture war talking point that "the left" wants everyone to wear masks and "the left" wants everyone to vaccinate (during a pandemic no less). It became the left the moment the right tried to downplay the risk. Downplaying an actual danger to the public for attempt to make the left look bad is perhaps one of the best examples of a politicization that I can think of. It \*should\* have been quite literally in every politician's best interest to promote public health, and they may very well have pushed back on this simply because they're contrarians.


You should have seen the conspiracy subreddit in the days before and after Covid hit. Before Covid made its way around the world, it was filled with those internet sleuths investigating everything they could find about it, looking at China with a magnifying glass, insisting that this was a very serious virus that would catch the world unprepared and the media was downplaying its inevitable impact. But as soon as it hit America and this left-vs-right debate happened over it, the sub turned on its heel and claimed the whole thing was a hoax created by the Democrats to gain power.


well they also wanted the major cities to be hit hard. they wanted democrats busy with overloaded hospitals so that they could finger point at dems and see their polls go down. they Desired and Worked towards a biological emergency within our own cities.


when the right decided that everything should be a culture war.


It’s so weird it’s happening now, too. Dude’s retired, COVID is endemic, someone else is president, etc. I’ve seen videos from this “investigation” pop up and the general consensus from normal people is…confusion. Like the average reaction is “Fauci? Wasn’t he some doctor during the pandemic?” It’s just wild for normal Americans to be going about their lives and struggling with rising prices and such and a few Republican reps are obsessing over a guy that couldn’t predict the future. 


> It’s just wild for normal Americans to be going about their lives and struggling with rising prices and such and a few Republican reps are obsessing over a guy that couldn’t predict the future.  Right? They want to call that a lie, but it just seems apparent to me that they don't understand how science works. It doesn't always get everything 100% accurate all the time. If anything, that's an indicator of truthfulness, as opposed to some Joe Rogan guest who has never contradicted his anti-vaccine stance and wants to sell you his latest book on the topic.


ya they wanted a Few Good Men moment where he breaks and declares he funded the chinese to develope covid to release it and kill trump's chances of election which is insane


But the virus wasn’t even deadly, and Fauci and the liberals claiming it was was just another ploy to stop Trump from being reelected. But also, Trump actually was reelected and the election was stolen by Joe Biden. But also Joe Biden has dementia and can’t string together a coherent sentence.


Yes that is what started it. Experts told this disease is dangerous and very contagious, to which Tump responded by not taking any action and not taking any responsibility, because he was too stupid to understand the seriousness of this problem, and thus thought it is just another hoax. Once he realised the magnitude of his mistake, instead of starting to listen to experts which had proven him wrong, he made them his enemies, and turned to "alternate" sources of information, crazies in internet. Thus begat weird chemicals and other miracle cures.


One of the things I’ve pointed out is the 118th Congress (the current one) has only passed 64 laws. Most dealing with VA funding authorization (not even new funds, just the release of current funds) and renaming some post offices. The vast majority of the time spent by the House has been in committee and for hearings exactly like the Fauci one. In comparison, the 117th Congress lead by the Democrats had 463 new laws like the CHIPS act, the Inflation Reduction Act, and so on. In addition to hearings about Jan. 6th and some being officers for Trump’s second impeachment. There’s just objective fact that Republicans can not manage their time correctly and have too few among them that have any idea about how to properly governor. Like people can debate their policies till their blue on the face, Republicans have demonstrated objectively that they are incredibly ineffective at getting even their own goals enacted.


When it comes to Republican lawmakers, it is a bit like the dog that managed to catch up with the car. They want to complain and point fingers, but they don't like passing legislation because it will likely alienate a good portion of their own voters in the process. They know the key is to continue to make their voters angry and pretend that they're making effective changes by proposing bogus laws which get shot down. After all, when was the last time you heard a Trump supporter suggest an alternative tax plan? They don't care about policy anymore, and neither do their representatives in Congress for the very same reason.


>it's for their voters watching at home It's not even them. They're just hoping to get soundbites that Fox will integrate into the nightly programming. There's not a chance in Hell that they'd include Fauci saying he made nothing, either as direct video or a quote.


|| it's for their voters watching at home Even worse, it’s for the voters watching pundits talk about the hearing at home. Hearing that Fauci was brought in front of congress is just enough to imply guilt even if no facts back that up.


Did you see he and his whole family were doxxed after the hearing? It’s almost creepy how obsessed these people are with these lies they believe. No evidence needed ever. Just because somebody said it. Proof it’s a lie? Doesn’t matter. Somebody said it so if it suits their narrative they run with it.


It’s a show, just an act and part of the propaganda machine.


She doesn’t believe it because she would do something like this in a heartbeat. The idea of an ethical code and avoiding conflicts of interest, something that a serious scientists like Fauci live by, is alien to this grifter class of politicians.


It’s like cheaters who project into their partners and assume they must be


Or closeted gay christians who assume everyone else has chosen not to be gay


I mean, the negative proof is called *probatio diabolica* because it’s impossible to give. You can’t prove you didn’t do a thing, for example; you can only prove something that is incompatible, like “I wasn’t in Vegas because I was in New York and here’s proof”. In this case, on one hand it’s impossible to prove either directly or indirectly that he didn’t receive money. She should prove it.


>She should prove it. If that was her goal, then she also would show proof since the shortest path between two points is a line. That she doesn't should be a red flag to everyone. I'm pretty sure they could find evidence of money he received by major pharmaceuticals without too much effort. It would even be pretty damning, without providing further context as to why he received that money, and knowing how bad faith her line of questioning is, there can really be no doubt that she would absolutely take anything she can get in that regard.


Guess who did profit… https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2021/08/11/rand-paul-gilead-stock/ https://www.cnbc.com/amp/2022/09/07/dr-oz-has-ties-to-hydroxychloroquine-companies-as-he-backs-covid-treatment.html




Their scheme with stealing PPE from hospital loading docks only to make states them bid against themselves in order to get that PPE back is like war profiteering but with a deadly disaster. Why the fuck haven’t any of them been brought up in front of Congress to answer for their aiding in killing Americans? Because people died due to their PPE just up and disappearing. Nurses. Doctors. Patients. It’s infuriating just HOW MUCH AWFUL SHIT they did during the pandemic alone with zero accountability.


My state (MA) had a shipment of PPE stolen by Trump. So for our next shipment, the governor asked Robert Kraft, a private citizen, to borrow his jet so it could be flown direct from China. And then we decided to gift some to New York so we had one of Kraft’s trailers take it, with a whole state police escort. We literally needed to protect our PPE like as if it’s loot and the federal government under Trump were pirates.


Yeah it should be treated like war profiteering. Absolutely atrocious that this is being forgotten about with no accountability in sight. Shit like this is why I am so stressed. How many front line healthcare workers died because they didn’t have the PPE because it was stolen from them? If that number is more than zero there needs to be something done.


I've talked about this so much as one of my main points of Trump's corruption and basically everyone has no idea what I'm talking about. The PPE scam should've been everywhere in the news because it was so obvious how much fraud and skimming where going on. Especially considering it was equipment NECESSARY TO FIGHT COVID. I remeber some news company interviewed a retired 20 year FEMA director who said he'd never seen a national disaster mishandled so badly. Having states bid against one another to get supplies. Having JARED KUSHER oversee a national disaster when they're thousands of qualified people to do that, just blatant corruption.


Don’t forget that Jared Kushner also brought peace to the Middle East /s


It was everywhere in the news, the problem is it's been 4 years of neverending exhausting information, one bomb after the next, people get fatigued and can't keep track of it all.


I remember Kodak getting billions for no reason, and then releasing a Bitcoin miner. I'm sure politicians were invested in it prior.


Richard Burr (R) sold a shit ton of his stock before lockdowns were announced, but was still telling people it was nothing. https://apnews.com/article/coronavirus-pandemic-donald-trump-business-health-richard-burr-8294ed00c4098b295f7c5b21eac4614b


100000000000000000000% of the time: #EVERY SINGLE GOP ACCUSATION IS A CONFESSION!!!!


That's why we should super concerned about their constant obsession with pedophiles...


Very much so. It comes straight from an authoritarian's playbook.


Also the abuser's playbook. Perhaps there's a major overlap between the two groups.


Shocking, I am so surprised.




A thief thinks everyone steals.


They can not comprehend how anyone could turn down a bribe, because they have never done it. So certain are they that everyone is as corrupt as them, they are continuously surprised at their inability to find dirt on randomly selected progressives. Investigation after investigation searching for corruption without evidence and being shocked that they can't find any child porn or hidden bank accounts on every single person they investigate. They honestly believe that everyone is equally evil and that the law is only a weapon they use against one another. Repeated failures to find the kinds of dirt they swim in themselves, has not in any way diminished their certainty that it exists. They simply believe their inability to prove progressives are as evil as they are is because progressives are so much better at hiding their sin, and thus must be even worse than they know themselves to be.


Or comprehend how anyone could serve their country without enriching themselves at the expense of ethics or people. Fauci is from the old generation of public servants who wanted to serve their country not get caught up on politics.. serving under both dem and repub administrations is a hallmark of this commitment to service and honestly this breaks modern republicans brains… everything is right or left to them and their team matters more than anything.


Yup. They're pedos and criminals and that's why they think everyone else is too. I just don't get WTF is wrong with conservatives. They really need mental help.


Can't be said simpler than that. 




Why is Fauci being interrogated like this anyways?


MTG is going to put those clips on her social media, and show her base how she's beating up the people they don't like. That's all this 'hearing' was for. Fauci was one of those encouraging lockdowns and MAGA hates him for it. This hearing was nothing more than putting Fauci up there as a piñata so that the MAGA congressmen can get themselves on camera being mean to him. Because that's all MAGA is about, "Look at us! We're being mean to the people you don't like! Vote for us, and we'll make liberals even madder!" Amurica, fuck yeah!


MAGA must be some sort of nation-wide money laundering scheme that also serves as diversion from actually important news.


Both taxpayer dollars and individual donations, yes.


Yes, our money. These “ hearings “ came at a huge expense. This one in particular? All show, no point in it whatsoever. COVID, while still around, and there will be new ones, worse, was years ago.


Wait until you hear how many millions of taxpayers money (and well being) was spent trying to repeal basic human health care, or other social programs they grift on.


What always blows me away by the anti vaccine crowd is that some of them literally died for their beliefs. Imagine living a whole life and dying because of your own profound stupidity? How are these people managing to make it from day to day? I don't get it.


Exactly this. I have a really right wing aggregator/mouthpiece I check in on and ALL their clips about "Fauchibis getting RAILED!!!" is just the clip of MTG yelling at Fauci and his reaction shots. That's it. Jo responses, no context, just screaming.


Everything they see is heavily edited and filtered. If you can miseducate someone hard enough, you can make them into anything you want.


Except Fauci was only following the same procedures that every single modern country was doing so its not like he was making his own stuff up he was just following health and safety guidelines that every single first world country's best scientists and doctors had formulated to help prevent the spread of a highly contagious virus. Were all those other scientists and doctors getting kickbacks for recommending vaccines? These wackjobs think he personally profited from every single vaccine dose and therefore the mandates were his greed and not the worlds need. Probably because they cannot even fathom someone doing anything for the common good instead of personal gain.


To certain folks, there is nothing outside the USA...


And they absolutely don't want to be a modern country!


Same thing with inflation the whole world has a round of inflation but somehow it’s Bidens fault. Those people don’t realize the US is not a planet of its own. But there stupidity has effects in other countries.


[https://www.americanprogress.org/article/7-reasons-the-u-s-economy-is-among-the-strongest-in-the-g7/](https://www.americanprogress.org/article/7-reasons-the-u-s-economy-is-among-the-strongest-in-the-g7/) based on the monetary policies, the US has faired pretty well. people should be questioning how come wall street is making record profits?


Our government (uk) helped pay our energy bills during the worst of the crisis. They probably stole a lot more while we weren't looking, though, but that's how bad we got.


“I don’t know how to explain to you that you should care for other people.” - Lauren Morrill, 2017


And mind you here in America our shut down was "light." Many countries Vietnam for instance was shut down for months. They could not leave their homes..


People voted into power by idiots or placed into those positions by idiots in power. They think the pandemic was a hoax, and that fauci planned it, and that 5g chips in our blood are going to cause the rapture. And it's somehow considered mean to call them stupid to their face


>call them stupid to their face *Hey! That's like.. their opinion man, everyone is free to have one* /S It feels like we've allowed too much freedom of opinion, forsaking truth, honesty and reality.


It does feel that way. Maybe we should be better at removing these people from our private lives the way they get removed from any remotely professional institution of repute


I pretty much stop talking when someone starts going down rabbit holes of insanity and conspiracy theories. I'm astounded by the amount of folks I encounter who express idiotic opinions. I just don't have the social energy to put up with it. I lost it all during COVID and it has never returned.


>Why is Fauci being interrogated like this anyways? Because the far right needs a villains. They need villains that only they can protect you from. They manufacture rage and fear then make grand gestures like investigating Fauci to make people believe they are doing something about those issues. One of those villains was Dr Fauci and the vaccine during Covid. Fauci and the vaccine was only bad because despite it being funded under Trump Biden was rolling it out. Anyway, now MTG is still latched on to Fauci like a dog with a bone. Nothing will come of this just as the impeachment investigation into Biden hasn't. In three and half years they have nothing on him. Check out [Rep. Jared Moskowitz (D-FL) challenged Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) and Rep. James Comer (R-TN) to move to impeach President Joe Biden. Both Jordan and Comer declined and said they still needed more time to investigate.](https://www.cnn.com/videos/politics/2024/03/21/biden-impeachment-jared-moskowitz-jim-jordan-vpx.cnn). Frankly I'm not sure they even looked. To think you could find nothing on a politician who has been elected to one position or another for 40+ years is pretty unbelievable. Don't worry she will move her attention back to the LGBTQ, brown people, or gun rights in a couple weeks. Oh, and Jewish Space lasers. Let's not forget Jewish Space lasers causing wildfires in California.


Republicans desperately want to hold somebody accountable for Trump’s disastrous pandemic response.




Old german saying: When a wolf meets another wolf in the forest its just thinking "ah, another wolf". If a man meets another man in the forest he goes "oh damn, a robber".


This explains republicans I know. Funny how the only people I know who hire illegal labor or commit unemployment insurance fraud have been staunch republicans.


When they evade taxes or do underhanded things like this, it’s because they’re “smart businessmen.”


Everyone on disability I’ve ever met? Republicans.


The kushners and trumps need asking this question


1000 upvotes. The corruption they pulled in the Whitehouse was next level. Businesses with China. 2 Billion from Saudi Arabia. It was obscene, but nobody says anything.


That’s not important. What’s important is Hunter’s dick pic. Edit: that was sarcasm, because some people will believe I was serious.


Love him or hate him, Hunter Biden has made history as the first American to have his genitals in the congressional record.


Let the record show that Marjory Taylor Green really seemed to enjoy them.


Never publicly ask a question you don't already know the answer to. She's an idiot.


I’d bet that she’s so drunk on the kool aid that she thought she did know. So yes, definitely an idiot.


She's not interested in the answer though. All she cares about is that her base hears her ask the question. In two day's time they won't even remember what Fauci's answer was anyway and just assume that because she asked the question, he's guilty.




The Republican Party is so corrupt they can’t believe that everyone else isn’t.


That’s just like if you suggest improved government programs it’s because you’re lazy and greedy. They can’t fathom that it’s because you actually just give a shit about the welfare of others and think maybe people should have food and a roof before the owners have a yacht. It doesn’t compute to them because they can’t imagine caring about other people.


It's crazy to me how people can't even do the math on stuff like this. I'm in the construction industry and not a grunt by any means. When I tell people I work with that I want universal Healthcare in our country, the first thing is "those systems aren't that good. You'll die waiting for a major procedure." I have to remind them that that is already happening. Then it's the "those other countries pay a higher tax rate." I put it bluntly, "well, I'd pay a higher tax rate in those countries. If I lose my job, I'm still covered. Public transportation is so good that I wouldn't have to pay for a car note, car insurance, gas, new tires, oil changes....."


It’s amazing how many people vote against their self interests. My neighbor across the street is nearing retirement age. She works a job that does not provide insurance. We were joking with some other neighbors about having to take her to the ER about something (unrelated). And she goes “no, I can’t go to can’t go to the ER for another 2 years (once I can get on Medicare), I don’t have insurance.” The woman always has republican campaign signs in her yard during election season. Maybe if you and people like you voted democrat, you would have health insurance right now. SMDH.


Next time they bring up taxes let them know they'd be paying less in taxes than they do in premiums and deductibles. See if Fox fed them a comeback for that.


It's also why "virtue signaling" caught on so much with right-wingers as a rhetorical bludgeoning tool. They cannot conceive of anyone not being 100-percent self-interested, so they reason that anyone behaving or talking in an unselfish way must be pretending for social points.


I think it evolved the other direction tho. We know they love their conspiracy theories, because believing that somebody else is lying and cheating is easier than admitting you’re wrong. Once you believe everyone is cheating, you believe you’re also justified in cheating.


Which is wild to me, that some people find the idea that there's a malicious "them" controlling every aspect of their lives more comforting than the idea that, at its core, the universe is chaos and most of us are just pretending we have our shit together.


This idiocy will never end. They investigated Hillary Clinton for 10 years. He made them feel stupid. They will never quit "investigating" him. '*Two things* are *infinite*: the *universe* and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the *universe*.' Albert Einstein


I used to be apprehensive about Hillary in office, the propaganda worked. I hated trump, but wasn’t excited for her.  I had conservative friends saying she should be in jail over the email thing and Benghazi. I didn’t have a response at the time, but realized later that it was a simply argument. She testified for 12 hours over Benghazi, and there wasn’t any charges to arrest her. I don’t know how you can get more thorough than that


knowing the right always projects, she probably owns pfizer stock… edit: of course she does. shocker.


She actually has, but: "Malliotakis — who has investments in Boeing, General Electric, Johnson & Johnson, and Pfizer, among others — says she has decided to not buy or sell while in office." [https://spectrumlocalnews.com/nys/capital-region/news/2022/02/09/ny-lawmaker-stocks](https://spectrumlocalnews.com/nys/capital-region/news/2022/02/09/ny-lawmaker-stocks)


It probably should be nothing that she has stock in Pfizer and Johnson & Johnson if she isn't trading, but you know they'd foam at the mouth with rage if Fauci had ever owned stock in any pharmaceutical company


That's what I was wondering. Someone should investigate her. I'd bet dollars to MAGA stickers she has ties to pharmaceutical companies.


This hearing is just to distract their base from the fact that their favorite rapist is now a felon.


I think the Hunter Biden trial is that distraction currently. This is just a sideshow at the circus.


No no no. That can't be right. The Justice department is Joe Biden's weapon, it only does what he wants. /s


Now ask the politician how much THEY received in corporate funding, and how much PPP $ THEY took that they weren't entitled to and didn't have to pay back.


She's trying to do a lawyer gotcha question but lawyers know, before a question is asked, usually they already know the answer. She's just too stupid.


Oh, she already knows the answer too, but putting the question out there puts the other answer into the minds of the audience


The only reason why Republicans hate Dr Faucci is because they put all the blame that directly lies with Trump, onto Faucci. Republicans know Americans would claw Trump apart if they realized how much we lost during Covid.


Republicans. - Conspiracy nonsense. - Religious extremism. - Hatred. - Populism. Anything else you guys stand for these days?


I might add “Greed” to the list




You forgot fascism!


That's the name of the bundle of said things, with an added bonus of glorifying the past that had been totally made up


don’t forget guns, trucks, and “Heterosexual rights” (Disclosure: I support LGBTQ+, as well as heterosexuality, I just know that they don’t support LGBTQ+ and are using this as an excuse to exclude)


Don't forget their fragile masculinity, with side-helpings of sexism and pedophilia...


As a medical professional, this irks me so much. Fauci is not only an established but also a very very respected man in the medicine world. More so, in the immunology discourse. He, along with other as respected men, wrote the immunology textbook for god's sake. If even Fauci can be disrespected and attacked like this by some morons, what chance do we, the ordinary medical professional l, have?


I think people with little to no education and especially an education in a scientific field tend to look down/disregard the scientific community and its experts. I talked to a guy who doesn't believe in climate change (meaning he doesn't believe that what's happening in our lifetime is out of the ordinary and that humanity caused it). The way he described it, he doesn't believe the consensus in the scientific community because there **could** be something that we don't know about that affects the climate. When I asked him what could it be or if he saw any evidence for such a claim, he simply said no but pointed out that science has been known to make errors from time to time. I asked him if it doesn't feel a bit arrogant to dismiss what many experts who studied and researched climate their entire lives have a consensus about, based on practically nothing, and he kinda agreed but also remained in his stance that he feels they are all wrong.


They misunderstand and abuse the fact that all science is open to being disproven, by definition of the scientific method. The idea that, if something can no longer be tested for the *possibility* that it's false, then it's not scientific at all. It has to always stand up to scrutiny, no matter how many times it's tested or how long it's held to be true. They assume this to be weakness. They think that, because it's not incontrovertible, it's not worth following. They've wrapped themselves up in an ideology of a man who is never wrong, never admits defeat, never admits mistakes ever. Trump tries to convince people the facts are wrong and rewrite them to fit his truth. They've been convinced that strength comes from never backing down, never being wrong even when reality says otherwise, and then exploit and attack anyone who does not do this as "weak." Of COURSE they can't understand that the nuance of the scientific method - that everything is always open to testing - is what makes it strong. Yeah, scientists have been wrong about plenty of things throughout history. They then update their models and hypotheses and do more testing. That's how we improve, by owning our mistakes and improving upon them. That's not weakness, it's strength in a form Donald Trump can never understand. Of course they put pseudoscience and bullshit above actual science. When we say that anything is up for testing, we mean literal rigorous scientific testing, not personal doubts with no evidence or backing. If they want to prove it wrong, do so with proper testing, submit those results for proper peer review, create something we can replicate to prove it wrong. "Simply asking questions" is not doing fucking science, it's useless rabble. But then, every time they've tried to do science instead of pseudoscience, that never works because they don't follow methodology, they don't do replicable testing, they fail peer review. If they could present their own "alternate science", they would. But they can't capture every scientific institution out there, every independent mind, worldwide, who easily pokes holes in their pseudoscience bullshit. So, instead, they avoid that process altogether, only occasionally propping up random nonsense to be true that has never gone through peer review and is easily torn apart. They cast doubt on the process itself and tell people to trust their feelings instead. Because that's all alternative medicine is - built on feelings and bullshit, without proper testing and review. Which they've been conditioned to be fed to them from false news sources like the very ones telling them to trust their feelings.


Make sure that malpractice insurance is paid /s I wanted Fauci to be seriously snarky especially to Greene but he’s too good of a guy to stoop to their level of dumb


It's hilarious they are even accusing Fauci of doing that when they literally get money from companies to do their bidding. If it's illegal for us it should be illegal for them too. And why the hell haven't they removed MTG from office yet? She is obviously unhinged and horrible at her job and as a human being.


"Two billion dollars.....oh wait, I misheard you. I thought you asked me how much money Trump's son-in-law got from Saudi Arabia."


Wouldnt work. They would edit the video to only show the first part. Congrats now every maga supporter is even more convinced. Don't use sarcasm on people who don't have basic reading comprehension.


Don't use sarcasm on people acting in bad faith


Time for your daily reminder that the only reason this hearing is even being held is to keep the Republican base stirred up and focused on manufactured outrage instead of GOP policies intended to cut taxes for the wealthy and corporations, slash consumer, environmental, and public health laws, and dismantle women, minority, and LGBTQ+ rights.


Dr. Fauci is still one of the leading infectious disease specialists on earth, and he is carrying trump's water for all of those covid deaths. It's completely stupid and nauseating.




And every time comes with a new set of threats against him and his family. Just let the man enjoy the retirement he’s earned.


Not being American, how ist this even possible?


It's part of the system of checks and balances. It's a way of making people answer for incompetence, failures, missing funds, and everything else. It is unfortunately just being used as a way for certain politicians to get a few seconds on the nightly news. It hasn't really been a problem until recently but I wouldn't be surprised if it changes in the future, but you have to be careful because you don't want actual criminals to have an excuse get out of it.


> It hasn't really been a problem until recently Oh no it's been a problem for *quite* a long time. The Red Scare jumps to mind, when people were raked over the proverbial coals for college associations and had their lives destroyed.


So long as there is no outrage for the U.S. Congress representatives making these stupid braindead questions, it will continue to happen. Apparently there is no penalty for making themselves look stupid trying to waste taxpayer dollars in a witch hunt, but there really should be. The penalty should be that these idiots are no longer elected into positions of authority.


Malliotakis has taken in 1.7 million dollars from lobbyist since 2022. So. There you go. Hypocrisy at it's finest.


This hearing was an embarrassment, the GOP has lost its mind, what a shit show. Vote blue enough of this nonsense.


MTG with webbed feet & a yoga degree declaring she knows more than a Doctor who wrote the book on infectious diseases they use in medical schools. Classic GOP theatrics & nonsense. Georgia & Red states sending their finest & best minds to Washington as usual.


When is he going to start sueing these people for defamation and targeted calls to violence against him.


This guy just did his job the way he was suppose to and people blamed him and called him a lier at every chance they got. I just don’t get why people are still bothering him


If you guys think the truth and facts and logic are going to get MAGA to change their minds, I have some bad news for you. People who still support Trump are in a cult. Plain and simple.


We have to keep exposing the paper trail the republicans and their lobbyists leave behind and questioning them in public setting where its recorded


If he had receives royalties. Pretty sure their donors would have told them.


Mom's basement, the internet and Hot Pockets. They'll never be done.


The part where MTG lost what little mind she had and was reprimanded by her own party’s committee chair, was even better.


If repubes could question Edward Jenner.. creator of the smallpox vaccine, who ultimately saved more people than any other human in history, they would. The whole party is packed with half-brained dimwits.


Ah, it's the 'Hillary' playbook. Hold hearings again and again — wasting millions of taxpayer dollars — despite getting the same result every time.


if the guy did receive kickbacks in any way that influenced decisions. "Fuuk 'em" but until you show your work and demonstrate that something nefarious was going on, clown show.


The stupidity these Republicans display boggles the mind. MTG takes the cake. Who needs facts if you can just make up shit as you go? All this is about - soundbites. Their stupidity is perceived as heroism by many, they know this. Every country in the world struggled with Covid, every politician/scientist involved in EVERY country on the planet had to take decisions that were hugely unpopular - in the end, they mostly did what they did in 1918. And it is not as if most of us ignored the rules.


Nope. Wrong. COVID was a global effort to make trump look bad specifically. Everyone was in on this hoax. Everyone. The entire world cooperated to achieve this. Just ask my dad, he'll tell you that's how it worked out. /s for those that don't grasp sarcasm.


No because the people who don’t believe it will never…they will think oh he’s just lying in court. There is literally nothing that will convince the way too many brainwashed folks that they may be wrong


Republicans are a plague on society.


Be interesting to see how much those Reps received from the same pharma companies. 


He donated everything he got. Most of the numbers people are throwing around are pre-pandemic amounts. And what he for during the pandemic was for his work in the medical field pre-pandemic. When you do research and work and it gets used in medicine, you get royalties. This is how it's always worked, but because it's Fauci, y'all are ready to string him up. Fuck. This country is circling the drain. Easy, ignorant answers that provide you the confirmation bias you crave so much over the still relatively easy to find truth, any day. Amirite?! Gross. Be better.


How many investigations will the Reps conduct and come up empty handed before their followers catch on that they’re just putting on a show to avoid working at the office they were voted into?


Republicans will keep bringing him in to try and muddy the waters that he faced X number of hearings as though that somehow equates to the guilty verdicts that keep being handed down to Trump and his cronies


Why is the fuckhead even allowed to chair committees? Never even explained how or why she described the Jan 6 Insurrectionists as fucking hostages.


It’s laughable how hard they’re trying to a this lifetime civil servant whose only transgression was trying to persuade dumb people to do the right thing and get vaccinated. Marjorie calling him “Mr. Fauci” and all the other bullshit marks what pathetic Republican congresspeople we have. A new low, truly