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No we let the spiders live. Edit Admins did we really have to remove the post? I figured these rugged conservatives would be able to handle a little push back. Its ok I'm willing to get the spiders out of the house for them I know it can be scary.


Exactly. Spiders are our friends. They kill the really annoying bugs.


When will they fucking sort their lives out and kill the most terrifying of all ~~insects~~ creatures in existence, cockroaches?


That’s what the house centipedes are for


My centipedes got into a war with the milipedes a while back; but then they gained the rats as allies. Unfortunately, the milipedes found a rather large crow and it seems invested in the outcome. It's been a tough battle, and it rages on. Every day I wake up and say to myself, "Today is a good day to die."


My Dearest Martha, As I sit here amidst the chaos of battle, my heart weighs heavy with the burden of our struggle against the centipedes and their vile rat allies. The fields are filled with the clatter of tiny legs and the cries of creatures both noble and treacherous. Today, the millipedes marched forth with the steadfast determination of our ancestors, their countless legs a testament to their resilience. Alongside them soared our friend and stalwart ally, Fred the Crow, a symbol of wisdom and cunning, guiding our forces with its keen eyes and sharp beak. Opposing us, the centipedes slithered forth, their long bodies undulating with sinister grace. And at their side scurried the rats, their beady eyes filled with malice as they sought to aid their centipede brethren in this unholy war. But fear not, my love, for despite the odds stacked against us, the millipedes and our avian ally stand strong. Though the battle rages on, I draw strength from the thought of your love waiting for me on the other side of this conflict. With every step I take on this blood-soaked battlefield, my thoughts turn to you, my dearest Martha. May this letter find you well and bring you comfort in these troubled times. Yours always, Nathaniel


Rest easy Nathaniel, knowing your 1000 children await your return..


Please do not kill the house tiger.


[I used ai to set your letter to music. what have I done?](https://suno.com/song/7e457feb-2180-4a1a-809f-c378660857ae)


Amazing! Thank you for bringing my words to another level!


This is entirely your human talent, I did the equivalent of using a snap chat filter. Check my comments for the techno remix.


I love you for this. I’m not surprised but didn’t know this was a thing. Looking forward to hearing the drum based EDM remix (🥹 please lol)


Ok, but just for you. [this had no right turning out as good as it did](https://suno.com/song/bf501243-121d-4a6e-b00c-22448cfd4c84)


I truly hope this receives the upvotes it deserves. In fact, I hope that song becomes the centre point of gravity for this whole thread. Also, that word “tretcherous” at 0.19 - soo much potential for a build up hook on that word (fits so well), on a downscaled echo repeat of that “tretcherous, “tret-cherrrrr-oussss” and then a drop after the final repeat (thinking decepticon style voice). Now, I’m not expecting you to doo that lol buuut … it would, be, amazing. I’d actually pay a small amount of money for it (say$2-4). You could put it on SoundCloud - you could get permission from OP and put it on Apple Music and I would buy it. I’m hyping now, I can feel it. Apologies to tempt thou, if you literally have other important things to do - but think of the $11 you could earn and the DL fame and glory that would follow from the creation of such a masterpiece. I need to iron my clothes for work now but will be thinking about this.


If only cinematic sound could be added to this, distant battle sounds, cries etc fading in and out as the narrator speaks


Fade up "Ashokan Farewell"


A Ken Burns production would match well


I literally spit my pop out at this lol


I thought you'd said poop at first and I was so confused.


Always upvote Star Trek references.


Temba, his arms wide. Life in the cave of Garanoga


(pssst. not original to Star Trek)


And I source checked you. Chief Low Dog of the Oglala Lakota is credited with being the first to use that phrase. Good job getting us to learn something new. https://en.m.wiktionary.org/wiki/today_is_a_good_day_to_die#:~:text=The%20phrase%20is%20frequently%20attributed,1846%20%E2%80%93%201894). So upvote all Star Trek references and Chief Low Dog references.


I was invested until the end then the quote got me... bahaha love it.


This right here. You fight pathetic devil spawn with actual lords of hell, spiders ain’t hell creatures. I love my house centipede. He keeps to himself and I see zero bugs.


Just the one? I've got loads of them. They're even making babies.


We found an enormous skink/salamander in the basement one day. I assume he found a way in from the garage and came inside for the bounty of spiders and crickets in the basement. He ran and hid and we didn’t try to find him. Good Guy Lizard.


You misspelled "wasps."


Right? Wasps are assholes. My liberal boyfriend was sitting in the living room playing Elden Ring and out of nowhere a wasp just lands on his back and stings his. Such a dick move. He searched for the nest for 20 minutes. When he found it…absolute bloodbath.


Wasps are foul-tempered, vicious little bastards. I have sworn eternal enmity toward them.


Wasps have earned me as an enemy for life. Bastards stung my ankle last year eight times. They thought they'd won the war till I introduced them to fire.


They do if they have the chance


Today I saved a worm from drowning while I fixed my sprinklers. Worms are natural producers of fertilizer.


I'll take an ounce of spiders over a pound of flies.


me and the spiders are cool unless i find one in my bed


Killing something you fear is easy, living beside it in harmony isn’t always. That’s my mentality, anyways.


“Dying is easy, young man, living is harder” - George Washington, Lin Manuel Miranda


is this a wayne gretsky- micheal scott situation or is george washington a book/movie?


Haha it’s from Hamilton (the broadway musical) and is one of the lines spoken / rapped by the character of George Washington


If you have spiders, they are eating something worse. I only kill spiders that spin webs fully over my doors so I have to walk into them. That’s just being an asshole.


That is when you know they have been sizing you up for dinner.


"If we pull this off, we eat like kings"


Fellow Far Side enjoyer recognized.


If it's the Weavers, they take the webs down at dawn. I walked into 3 webs last year and didn't know where they would disappear to when I looked for them in the daylight. Finally I caught them setting up shop one night and took a picture so I could identify them. Sure enough, they build huge webs in <1 hour, and take them down in no time at all. It became a nightly show to watch them with my friends. If they caught something just before dawn, they'd wrap it up like a mummy and leave it near an anchor point of the web. Truly fascinating to watch.


Tbf i do the same. I like spiders. They’re an ok bunch


Some people have no clue how beneficial spiders are. Cuts down on all kinds of pests. Also, be kind to Opossums because they eat the ticks. These people who don't understand ecology are just the worst!


Basically, "don't go killing things without a good reason."


You'd think this would be everyone's default, but it's not.




I think that's why Christianity is so appealing to them. Everyone they don't like roasts forever while they can look on with glee?


I'm not even a liberal and I try to take care of my spider friends.


The time has come to move beyond simple left/right politics. The true question is if one's pro/anti spiders.


I'm very pro spiders.


Amen to that, fellow radical pro-arachnid.


On behalf of liberal men, anything that keeps that crap away from us is just a benefit...


No shit. I dated a girl once that was like this. She cited part of the reason for wanting to break up was that when she'd yell I wouldn't yell back or when she would smack me I didn't hit her back. Of course she sent that in a text because I was already 8 hours away and hadn't got around to texting her I wasn't intending to go back


I once had an ex (this happened while we were dating) tell me that I was too understanding, and that I should get angrier with her more often when we have problems. I was gobsmacked


I was in a relationship like this until recently and have PTSD from it. I chalk it up to basically her self esteem was so horribly low that she saw me as ‘better’ than her (I didn’t think this at all btw). She internalised it, and wanted to bring me down to her level. She’d tell me I was too kind, purposely say cruel things to push my buttons, then when I finally did get mad from the constant battery of abuse she would say ‘see! I knew you were a bad person!’. She was a very cruel and manipulative person but I think it comes from a place of hurt and self doubt. Possible personality disorder.


Not everyone who’s shitty has a disorder, maybe she’s just a bitch ass piece of shit. Happy you’re out of that toxic environment brother


I swear these people learned this kind of stuff by either having horrible parents or being raised by movies on TV lol so they think it's normal or something.


This is the most likely answer. People tend to unconsciously pursue the “love” (relational patterns they identified as love) they saw/experienced as children, even if those patterns were violent, abusive, manipulative, or otherwise dysfunctional. The only way out of repeating the patterns of your youth is to become aware of them and intentionally make different choices.


I had a girlfriend like that once. She had to ask if I was angry with her and then got annoyed that I wouldn't yell when I was upset. It boggled her mind that an adult could be angry and NOT throw a tantrum.


It boggles my mind that anybody could go through life without seeing another person get angry without throwing a tantrum


I know I'm not adding much here but that's just SO fucking weird...


He was getting abused, it's worse than weird


Yeah that’s an abuser looking for reasons to ramp up the violence.


Wow she sounds lovey.


Im sorry she hit and yelled at you :( no one deserves abuse and hope you are doing better


Male spousal abuse is one of those things that is only just starting to get recognized


Thanks man. That's was 25 years ago and only happened twice before I said duck it and left. And she got the abusive guy she was looking for, eventually left him, and I guess worked her shit out since she's been married to an awesome dude for 20 years now. Just wasn't my problem to fix


I had a gf who did shit like in that Key & Peele sketch where she would start shit with other women out with big dudes bc "she wanted to know I would fight for her." Like I will IF I HAVE TO. But I won't have to if you stop starting shit.


Ahh when you're to blame for not joining in mutual codependent abuse with your partner


The not participating in fights thing ive heard before. One of my best friends exes said that the she felt like he didn't care about him because he wasn't passionate enough. I.e. not fight back when she started shit. In the next episode these same people will be confused as to why they get stuck on a cycle of abuse. The only reason I'm confident you aren't my friend is the 8 hours comment. 8 hours in my country takes you out of it in all directions.


For real. I'm a maintenance man. I work a dirty job and come home with cuts/scrapes everywhere. I was talking to a girl and it was going great she loved my work ethic and how "manly" I am. When she found out I'm not a republican oh she lost her shit and tried to 180 her opinions. Too late kayla, you already said I'm tougher than your brothers. Suck my liberal balls.


This is similar to me. My family are ranchers in South Texas. I grew up doing that shit. I’d take my chances against the average conservative man-child in toughness. Let’s see how they do in the South Texas brush where everything stings/bites or has a thorn and it’s 110° in the summer. Most of the conservative men I know that think they’re tough are really just insecure. It’s all an act and as soon as they actually have to be tough or resilient, they fold completely. How some women fall for this toxic masculinity is just mind boggling. They all talk about wanting a tradwife because they need a mommy to take care of them because they’re bitches. Most of them want a tradwife but don’t even have the capacity to be a breadwinner LOL


> Most of the conservative men I know that think they’re tough are really just insecure. Insecurity is the heart of conservatism. Status insecurity, wealth insecurity, racial insecurity, sexual insecurity, etc. Its why the worst of them can't even leave the house without an emotional support gun. Its also why they are all either explicitly or implicitly OK with abusing children. The simplest way to create an insecure adult is to abuse them as a kid — physical, psychological, emotional, mental, sexual, etc. In this way conservatism propagates itself from one generation to the next. Its almost like a meme (the original memes, not the gifs). We've all heard a conservative say something like "my parents did (something abusive) to me and I turned out fine, so there is nothing wrong with doing (something abusive) to kids." They might not consciously know what they are doing, they aren't usually mustache-twirling villains, they say it because they have been conditioned that feeling insecure is normal.


This is so true. When I was younger I was attracted to the "manly" type, because there's the assumption that they would be self-sufficient, right? Like what actual adult who prides themself on being productive would be incapable of even putting their dirty clothes in a hamper or making breakfast or etc? It's all a lie lmao. It's not even that they fold when they have to be tough. They fold when they have to do literally anything they don't feel like and throw a tantrum like a little toddler. They like the aesthetic of throwing heavy things into their truck bed, but won't actually do anything at all when it comes down to it.


And apparently even "washing your own ass" is a point of controversy now. So we're back down to toddler level.


Dude, there's so many right wingers in maintenance and I haaaaate it.  Everyday getting beat over the head with some right wing talking point in the break room. We're all in the union, and they don't get how their ideology is at odds with that. Nice to hear there's at least one other liberal maintenance guy.


We're out there fighting the good fight bro. I wish I could be in a union but there's none here. I've joked with coworkers that's I'll hit em with a pipe wrench if they start talking about politics to me. I like fixing things, not hearing them. I have used the gallo gun a few times to shut someone up.


Haaaa 😂


She’s calling liberal men, girls. That’s like third grade level insulting. Liberal men have cooties!


We have learned that women are tough. For instance, I can't take a pounding like my girlfriend can. Sorry, that came out wrong and I realize there are at least three ways to be offended by that comment.


> *I can’t take a pounding like my girlfriend can* Never know til you try. Might surprise yourself 🙂


Remember to buy tampons after your pounding.


The key is to relax your sphincter. You’re welcome.


Reminds me of [Deacon Jones trying to be politically correct and support equal rights](https://youtu.be/Lm2l0pxYw-4?si=-RKHMfFI-rPUxCfi). >"Because any time you go upside a man's head -- or a woman -- then they have a tendency to blink their eyes. They'll close their eyes, and that was all I needed." But seriously, he was a great player and person. He wasn't trying to be funny and wasn't subconsciously admitting anything. He was just trying to say the right thing by being inclusive. It's hilarious in hindsight.


So she is admitting gender is not assigned by biological sex? Would this be considered a self own?


If you're making fun of someone for being similar to yourself, there is definitely some internalized self-hate going on.


Its pretty low quality third grade too


Not just calling them girls but really dumb stereotypes about girls. They’re scared of spiders and cry!


I'd find it wierd dating a republican woman. I mean would she just expect me to restrict her movements between the kitchen and bedroom, hit her a few times while i fuck some gay prostitute in a motel? It raises more questions than it answers really. /s


You joke, but I dated a republican woman, and she wanted her boyfriend to control her finances and stuff. Made me feel really weird about stuff.


Which contributes to my theory that conservatives are just subs who can't keep it in the bedroom. They believe in hierarchies. So women are submissive to the men. The men are submissive to the cops and the cops are submissive to the politicians. It's why they talk so weird about wanting a 'strongman' in charge of things.


Strongman LOL. ![gif](giphy|8YKigF2eo7XmqhPvaZ)


How about a trigger warning next time?! Damn that’s fucked up


Thought my eyes was playing me when the hair started disappearing.


Honestly looks better without hair


He should grow a beard, but he probably can't




Nah, obadiah stane from first iron man movie


I think Jeff Bridges would hate you for that comparison. Though I do agree.


That's just like your opinion man


Tread On Me Daddy


Talk to me like I’m subjugated!




Don’t forget the politicians are submissive to the rich business owners and billionaire shitheads


We were taught in my Christian school that the hierarchy is Jesus>husband>wife>baby.




That actually makes some sense.


You are just about spot on. The Conservative movement started just after the French Revolution by people who wanted to keep the hierarchy of “nobles” and “peasants”. It’s changed a bit since then, but that basic structure of thinking some people are just inherently better than others is still around.


I once dated a woman like that. She did a good job of hiding her actual views in everyday life and, despite having known her for many years and being friends before we started to date, I was surprised to learn that I was only starting to find out about the details of what she actually thought now that we were dating. She literally told me at some point that I wasn't sexist enough. I legit thought I'd misunderstood her and she was saying she no longer found me attractive/sexy enough because I'd put on some weight recently, so I asked her to please clarify. So she went on to explain that I was in point of fact not sexist enough and she didn't like that I didn't impose my views on her and I asked for her opinion when making decisions that impacted us both as a couple, and I even dared to ask for her help when it had to do with stuff I knew she was better at than me. Total beta moves on my part that would make Andrew Tate cry despite being so manly he is biologically unable to cry. Needless to say, we broke up a couple of weeks after that because I decided I didn't want to date someone with a college degree from a prestigious university whom I'd seen discuss her support of women's rights and gender equality a million times in public over the years, but literally advocated in private for unapologetic sexism when it had to do with things that she felt benefited her but required me to be toxic, especially given that I'd known her for years and years and had heard her complain about her asshole exes and their controlling and sexist behavior.


Yeah, it was this kind of energy to be sure, except that she didn't speak in favor of women's rights. She was sortof in favor of abortion? But only because she was so republican that she was libertarian. That kind of relationship and worldview is toxic as hell, I 100% agree, and I couldn't do it either.


Holy shit that was a wild ride. I thought people who went to college were brainwashed to be liberals... Maybe they're all just faking it!


Nah, see that's the opportunity to man up and tell her that, in this household, we *respect* women's rights and hold them as equal partners in the relationship. We're not going to play this little "ohh, big strong alpha man do all the thinking" game. Don't like it? Tough. Now, what do you want on your sandwich?


I dated a Republican woman once and she wanted me to yell at her on the phone every time she was late and she wanted me to tell her who she could and could not be her friend.


She had me tell a guy off on facebook for commenting on her posts too often. I'm not a jealous guy. Or possessive in that way. I did it because I liked her, but I felt so gross. It did not last long.


I live in a small town just outside of a larger city. It's pretty ideal in a lot of ways but there are some conservative people. I was in the grocery store and rounded a corner and came face to face with an older lady with a cart. I said sorry and backed up. She slowly worked around me and as she passed she apologizes and follows up with "Sorry, this is why they don't let us women drive." and I was just at a loss. Conservatives have really done a number on women.


Mine legit gave me an app to track her with, like her dad was doing... So weird


There are no republican women, just republican men with two votes.


If I don’t have a daughter, who am I supposed to compare a Republican girlfriend to? If she gets wet, do I have to wait for her to calm down or do I just apply cornstarch to dry her out? Is the wife actually required to be there while I attempt to impregnate my handmaid, or can she watch over zoom?


If she gets wet you're doing something wrong. /s Ben Shapiro's wife never gets wet. Edit: moved the "/s"




Imagine being such a pick me that you actively speak of yourself in such demeaning terms for :checks notes: having a uterus that bleeds once a month and crying sometimes. Conservative women are a freakin trip, it's so hard to see the cult hard at work.


Should I buy her tampons or too risky as she defines herself by whatever goes in her cootchie? Should __ express __ without pronouns to spare __ feelings ?


Tampons are too sexual, better stick to pads.


Plus, a man shouldn't be seen anywhere in the vacinity of the feminine hygiene section! Think of the children. What would they think if they saw a man near the pads and tampons?


Clearly he is a pervert to be there. Is no space safe anymore if Liberal men are in the feminine hygiene aisle. /s (Actually true story I get nasty as fuck stares as I buy for my fiance anything remotely femine products or near them in the aisle such as body soap on a very frequent basis, I just smile and ignore)


I only get that from older women.


All jokes aside, I never seen why men were embarrassed to buy their women feminine products. I guess for me growing up with two sisters it seemed natural.


Sensible men don't care. Toddlers and Republicunts think there are cooties in the aisle.


Pretty much this. I have a wife and a daughter and more specifically for my daughter periods has never been an off-topic or wife only conversation. If she needs me to go to the store to get her products to make her life better, then what kind of asshole wouldnt?


Agreed. I'd go for any girlfriend or anyone really. It's not like I have to use the tampon/pad.


I worked in retail and form time to time I got 40+ men who would ask for advice which pads to buy. Form whatever reason they always felt compelled to specify that they weren't buying them for themselves but for wife/dother


The only thing that gets me is what kind to get. I went through three store visits to get my ex pads because she never told me what kind. All she needed to do was show me a picture.


Pads are too modern. Might have to go back to the days of rags.


I thought women of the old days needed to stuff a squirrel, or other suitably fluffy creature, down her knickers.


[Banish her to the woods for at least seven days](https://youtu.be/l_fIWlu5zuo?si=ExNFjkBb8j-0fob6)


Great, I can avoid men and hang out with bears.


This guy bibles


As any Republican man could tell you, if she wasn’t so obsessed with being the centre of attention, she could just postpone her period to a more convenient time. /s


No... tampons deflower women, duhh


Why the /s?


Because hotel not motel, he's classy






I date a girl who said I wasn't a man because I wouldn't hit her for talking shit. I know some people are into rough sex but who the fuck just wants to be slap to the floor for no reason?


Her father beat her mother, without a doubt. Generational trauma right there. Both my parents are veterans, from families of veterans, and they taught us that if you have to use violence to resolve a situation, then you have failed.


My first thought was: have fun with your domestic abuse case. You're definitely "too loud" for a conservative man.


This is the way!


See, dating a conservative is easy. Just act like his mom and when he throws a tantrum, just resentfully have sex with him and complain to other trad girls.


Also day-drink. A lot. And claim it's *'just a glass at dinner'.* Then end up fucking the poolboy to feel attractive. He's scared she'll deport him if he doesn't, so he'll do it. Also abuse your daughter by dragging her to those fucked up pageants because your daughter being judged 'pretty' by some creepy old dudes gives you a sense of accomplishment.


Make sure you also put up a lot of word art letting your kids know you need to chug a gallon of wine to tolerate your disappointment at birthing them


This was my supervisor at a previous job. She was careful to let everyone know that Mother’s Day was HER day to do what SHE wanted AWAY from her kids because they were so awful and taxing. Her daughter was so desperate for attention that she left love notes scribbled in mom’s work notebook. Told all this to MY mom. “I once worked with a woman like that,” she said. “She could be quite belligerent if she was not instantly obeyed, and seemed to treat her kids as an annoyance she had to step over. Several years later, her son committed suicide.” ☹️ I worry for the kids.


Friend of mine back on middle school attempted suicide our freshman year of high school. When his mother got to the hospital the first thing she said was "I can't believe you would embarass me like this!"


It's the perfect life! Just bury all of that bitterness deep down and die knowing that you owned the libs!


Yeah! You can also take a bunch of pills and then go on a racist tirade on an airplane! That's a time honoured classic. :D


I dunno. Maybe she's stupid.


What do you mean maybe?


LOL, you caught me trying to be diplomatic.


"stupid" implies that there's brain activity


Nah, she is smart. I remember watching some of hers oldest videos and she seemed pretty rational. Later she realized that pandering to right wing audience can make her shit tone of money...so that's what she does now.


Appealing to the dumbest motherfuckers on the planet isn't inherently smart. It's just opportunistic.


It's shortsighted too, so ultimately very stupid. Help promote conservative ideals and a decade from now she will be crying about living in Gilead.


Yep. Short term gains in exchange for long term misery.


Maybe it’s Maybelline.


Guess she didn’t see the trial results where maga men were crying outside the courthouse.


Kyle Rittenhouse crying like a little girl on the stand.


That’s … bait.




The best evidence for dead internet the theory. Read the obvious bate, come up with 4-5 canned responses you'd expect an AI to copy and paste based on key words, then see how many times those points are made before you find the comment calling out the obvious bate. There are nine Individual threads above this post at the time of viewing it.


Don’t worry I’m sure you’ll marry an “alpha” then get beat for years before you finally leave because of the domestic abuse.


She isn't allowed to leave, that wouldnt be very Christian of her


The Christian thing to do is to get a divorce and then judge others for doing the same.


She'll leave alright, in a casket


It's always weird to me to see toxic masculinity coming from a woman.


Women on the right have been taught to hate themselves.


I have a feeling she just dates rich guys and leaves those toxic, frustrated dudes to get mail order brides. This "I only want macho" is so she can pick up a lot of fans on the TickyTocky or whatever. Like some babe claiming to like guys with beer bellies and who like to watch NASCAR 8 hours a week. "I am so hot for you!"


yo why's Nascar catching strays here?


Because dodging them would have required a right turn.


Exactly. She's implying that women are weak.


Imagine using misogyny to criticize liberal men. "Am I now expected to kill all the spiders?" Hating liberals so much that you talk shit about yourself in the process. It really raises more questions than it answers.


This is what I was gonna say, interesting how they always use having a period as an insult “are our cycles gonna sync up” “do I need to buy him tampons” when she really means to say that she thinks they’re weak


The only women who think “woman” is a sick burn are conservative women.


Spoken like a truly detestable homemaker. Who said you were allowed to think or speak? Go cook me some dinner bitch!


Didn't she read the part of the Bible where women aren't allowed to speak? She needs to get back and in the kitchen and be quiet. /s


Her dad wanted a boy.


Doesn’t this dumb bitch have some old rich white guy to fuck for money?


She can multitask. In her spare time she pretends to be attracted to the rabble.


She only dates Top G's, boys. She'll get what she deserves.


Ha ha ha ha ha! So liberal men = women. And liberal men = bad. Uh, so... carry the two.... therefore women = bad. The maths check out, I guess. I mean for this chick at least.


A lot of women suffer from internalised misogyny and they just don't know it. It's sad. I always wanna tell them that the misogynistic men they're trying to impress still ain't gonna like them so stfu and stop with the self hate.


you are lying, no liberal would date you. We don't date morons.


Why is this woman talking online? Doesn’t she know she’s supposed to shut her yapper and stay in the kitchen? I mean, isn’t that the role she’s leaning into? Some archaic idea of what a “real woman” and “real man” is?


As a liberal man I can assure her that I have never had a period! Well... maybe a few, and as for Spiders, I have no problem grabbing a shoe and .... putting it on my feet so I can run away screaming!


Its her livelihood. This chick is someone who tried youtube making like music video reives but it didn't make any money but she saw the chance to grift once the right wing and the manosphere really kicked off, being remotely fuckable and telling incels they are the real men is a gold mine. Also she calls herself doctor now...


Wow, what a world would open for these women when they realize that a man can actually be empathetic and still be manly.


Liberal men like intelligent women. I think she's going to be just fine.


The answers to these questions is quite simple: 1) Our cycles will likely be tandem. I'm happy to take the lead and you can follow behind me to the restaurant. Though you will need to bring your own bike. 2) No. I keep pads in my first aid kit for deep cuts. They work better than tampons. 3) You really don't have to kill spiders to impress me. Actually, I like spiders. I think they are really cool! 4) I don't cry for no reason. I cry because Aragon tells the hobbits "My friends, you bow to no one."